The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 22, 1889, Image 1

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.lOA in:
LEP.ANOW LnTKiK, KO. M. A. T t A. j
M thair mw hll In Mesnuls block, on HUiirdM
"uU ta,u ""'I wTasoN. W. M.
LEBANON I-ODfl", NO. T. I. O O .:
urLi ..4,1m of mob at (KM Mine H.U.
kUla MTMl, vteitlui entliiva ejmtljllf Inrltrd to J J. UHAKLToH, U.
HONOR tOPflf NO. 3s, A. O. J. W.. lehaiwe.
On-. n " third ThjwUr
lmVla tlx mouth. W. H. ROSOOg. at.
Walton Sklpworth. pastor-Services feeb Bnn
day at 11 A. u. and 7 r. M. Sunday School at 10
A. H. each BuuU.y.
0. W. Glhony, pastorService each Sunday
at 11 a. m. Seunay School 10 a. . Service
each fcnud.y nitM.
J. R. Klrkpetrlck, pastor-awvloe the 2nd
ud 4tb Sunday t 11 a. m. and 7 r. M. Sunday
School Mich Hands l 10 A.
Office over C. C. Hackelnaan'i store.
Office over rirst National Bank.
DE1VTI s rr ,
Will prat-tics in all CurU of the Stat.
Attorney at Law,
n. a. .
uto, w. waioat.
Attorneys at Law.
Will practice in all the Courts of the State.
Prompt attention given to all business en
trusted to our care.
Office Odd Follow' Temple, Albany. Or.
Collection made, wraveysnring and all So
UriAl work aonevii abort noiioe.
Graduate of the Royal College, of
London, Englan". also of the Boilevue
Medical College.
of study and practice, end makes a spc
laity cf chronic diwttwM, remove concert,
acrofulou eulartrnnieiit. tumur and wens
without pain or the knife, lie aim makes a
specialty of tieatmeul with tluutriclty. Ha
practiced in the Uermao, French and Kngli.h
LoapitaJs. Oils p-omptly alteudrd day or
nirht. HlimotioU "ko.M WiUtoAU."
Otllceand residunoe. Ferry street, between
Third ami Fourth. Albany, Oregon.
i, L. COWAN.
i. at. BaLBTOX.
Transacts a General Baniiii Easiness
E:liann told on New York. Ban Kranclnco.
Portland and Albany. OroKon.
Collections uiade ou (uvorable terms.
SCIO L ) T J 0.
- Buy and beil Land,
' AND '
insure rropeny,
t Lad la th'tardeu t Oregon furuinhed
iBtarcetlDg Machine te Be V4 la the
Furtheoantng Ceaaaa,
We bave on mora than one occasion
published a note on the complicated
electrical appliances which have been
manufactured to be used in taking the
forthcoming- census. We now gire a
brief description of the process:
The census collector will call with
his printed blank, and answers toques
tions will be written in the usual way.
These sheets will then be placed be
fore a person who operates a machine
which may be likened to a typewriter,
except that Instead of the usual ink
marks on paper, small round holes are
punched in a card. The cards, one for
each person,, are about six aad a half
Inches in lonyth by three inches in
width, and the particular position of
hole in a card indicates an answer to
some of the questions in the printed
As many as 250 items of informatlos.
can be punched out upon a card, al
though no one card would ever have
more than one-tenth part of the whole
number. For example, no one person
can be classed as both white and black,
American and foreign born, and if
foreign born he can only come from
one country. These cards, when
punched, are placed one at a time in a
sort of press, ard a lerer operated by
one hand is brought down, when a
series of pins are brought against the
card. Whenever a hole has ' been
punched in a card, the corresponding
pin passes through into a mercury cup
beneath, completing an electric circuit
These circuits, one for every hole, pass
out q a large number of counters
which operate electrically, and which
add upon their dials all items of the
same kind upon the same dials. For
instance, all White men are counted
upon a dial marked "white males;"
all business or professional people
upon dials which indicate their par
ticular business or profession. The
cards, as they leave the press, are all
sorted by means of an electrical sort
ing device, whereby they may be
sorted into groups of States. Modern
Light and Heat
The Latest Medical Views Concerning
Tubercular Itiaeasea.
Medical views cf consumption have
rtreatly changed within tho. last few
years, it was once regaroea as in
curable; it is now regarded as curable,
if the right treatment is begun early.
It was once regarded as specially
transmissible; so much so that children
of consumptive parents often looked on
themselves as doomed a feeling which
of itself did much to induce the
dreaded result Now the disease itself
is not believed to be transmitted, but
only a condition of special suscepti
bility to the disease, a susceptibity
which may be overcome or guarded
against by proper precautions.
Consumption was formerly looked
upon as incommunicable. It is now
believed to belong to the great class of
infectious diseases caused by microbes.
The discovery of the microbe the
tubwle bacilus was made by Koch in
1882, and has been confirmed by nu
merous original investigations con
ducted by other experts.
' Tests ou animals prove that this ml
crobecommunicates tubercular disease
when- introduced into their systems;
and that the result, fatal on otherwise,
depends mainly or wholly upon whether
kLe animals are closely confined amid
bad surroundings, or are allowed free
exercise in the open air.
As to the curability of the disease,
post-mortem examinations at the New
York hospitals constantly show that
large numbers of psrsons who have
once been consumptive have fully re
covered, and have died long afterward
of other diseases.
In consequence of these near views,
the question of prevention has become
ext remely important But to know how
to prevent consumption, we must know
bow it is jiropagated.
Typhoid fever, the seat of which is
in the walls of the intestines, is propa
gated mainly by the microbes in the dis
charges, which later find their way into
the intestines again through infected
drinking water.
Consumption, on the other hand, hav
ing its special seat in the lungs, is
mainly propagated by microbes con
tained in tbe expectorations.
The microbes are harmless so long
as they are in a fluid state, but when
allowed to dry, they are taken up in
tbe air us dust and inhaled.
This infected duct may lodge on the
walls of the room, and communicate
the disease to tenants of the house, it
has been scraped off with a sponge,
auu amuiais inoculated witn it have
become tuberculous; while animals
inoculated with scrapings from unin
fected rooms showed no signs of the
disease. ;
To prevent consumption, therefore
1. Observe all the conditions of vig
orous health. Most kinds of microbes
are powerless against high health.
2. Have all sick rooms thoroughly
ventilated. It requires many microbes
to infect Ventilation greatly reduces
the danger.
3. Let the expectorations be invari
ably received in spit-cups, and care
fully disinfected.
But consumption may be communi
cated by the milk of consumptive cows;
Therefore, let all milk be boiled. This
destroys the various kinds of microbes,
and should be made a permanent habit
as a guard against all infectious dis
eases. Youth's Companion,
taelr Various Forsns and the Difference
: la Their Contraction.
The expression electric brake is now
often beard and requires a word of ex
planation. There are various forms of
so-called electric brakes which are
practicable and even efficient working
Jevlces. In none of them, however,
ioes electricity furnish the. power by
which tbe brakA are applied; it merely
puts in operation some other power.
In one type of electric brake the active
braking force is taken from an axle of
sach car, A small friction drum is
made fast to the axle. Another friction
drum hung from the body of the car
swings near the axle. If, when the
Bar is in motion, these drums are
brought in contact, that one which
bangs from the car takes motion from
the other and may be made to wind a
chain on Its shaft Winding in this
chain pulls on the brake levers pre
cisely as if it had been wound on the
shaft of the handbrake.
The sole function of electricity in
this form of brake is to bring the friction-drums
together. In a, French
brake which has boen used experi
mentally for some years with much
success, an electric current controlled
by the engine-driver, energizes an
electro-magnet which forms part of the
swinging-frame in which the- loose
friction-pulley is carried. This electro
magnet being vitalized, 1b attracted
toward the axle, thus bringing the
friction-drums in contact In an Amer
ican brake lately exhibited on a long
freight train, a smaller electro-magnet
U used, but the same end is accom
plished by multiplying the power by
the intervention of a lever and wheel
The other type of so-called electric
brake is that in which the motive
power is compressed air. and the func
tion of the electric device is simply to
manipulate the valves under each car,
by which the air is let into the brake
cylinder or allowed to escape, thus
putting on or releasing the brakes. All
of these devices have this advantage,
that whatever the length of the train,
(he application of the brakes is simul
taneous on all the wheels, and stops
can be made from high speed with
little shock. Scribner's Magazine.
&epDslbllltlM or Bank Hauager to tbe
Public at Large,
There are times when it is well for
the managers of banking institutions to
realize their responsibilities toward the
public a well as to their stockholders.
It is parVcularly so when a general
scrutiny of vredits is going on and when
a wlde-spreAd feeling of uneasiness
prevails. The banks have it in their
power to force & general liquidation
upon tbe community at any time when
it may seem good to them to do so, but
in so doing they would themselves be
the first to suffer, for their only hope
of profit lies in the retention of cus
tomers who are doing a profitable busi
ness and. therefore, able to pay for the
use of money. The vast development
of commerce in the latter years of this
century has been largely due to an U.
telligent use of the credit system. If
every transaction was compelled to te
an actual transfer of cash from hatd
to hand, tbe condition of the civilize!
portion of tbe world would be pitiful
in the extreme. All the fine tool
which commerce now uses would b
reduced to worthless heaps of junk,
and the Inhabitants of tbe lirge cities
would be compelled to rush to tho
country for food, each family becom
ing a self-supporting atom in the mass
of humanity. Money is merely a meth
od for facilitating exchanges between
men and communities, and it must bs
employed according to certain well
known rules or it ceases to have any
value. The mere possession of wealth
without knowing hj?w to use it ren
ders any one an aosurd tiguro, and a
bank which has a million gold dollars
in its vaults without the managers to
direct Its scattering abroad in the shape
of loans, might just' as well bave its
safe full of pebbles. Loan the bank
must, and loan to the uttermost; tho
duty of the directors consists simply in
passing on the merits of individual
credits. A borrower who is conduct
ing an honorable and profitable busi
ness is not merely entitled to credit,
he must be encouraged in its legitimate
use if the community would prosper;
be must '.earn to extend it in every di
rection that is open to its products.
Providence Journal.
On of the Most Instructive Features of tho
Part Exposition.
Not the ' most showy, but certainly
one of the most interesting, features of
the present exhibition at Paris is the
Palais des Bols et Forets palace of
woods and forests a large building
with spacious salons, galleries and bal
conies, built entirely of wood, in un
dressed logs, sticks and fagots, yet none
the less very tastefully constructed,
and not withont considerable archi
tectural beauty. The walls and ceilings
are paneled with various sticks of the
wood, showing different colored barks
birch, beech, elm, pine, poplar, for
example, producing pretty artistic ef
fects. 1 Every kind of tree and shrub which
grows In France, or in any of her col
onies, is here conspicuously represent
ed. If a parent or teacher, desired to
give his children a few days of most
effective and pleasant instruction in
trees and woods, here is the ideal place.
For the entire structure appears to have
been arranged for the especial purpose
of giving lessons In tree-botany.
The columns, beams and posts are
each of a single log; and in every case
the common name of the tree, together
with its botapical name and the age of
the specimen, are given on a tag at
tached to it Moreover, there are spec
imens of the leaf, the flower, the seed,
cone, or nut easily accessible for ex
amination; and examples of all the
known parasites; insects and borers
which infest and live upon it
The different sizes to which the tree
attains, at different ages, are illustrated
by specimen sticks and logs. The forms
of the branches and twigs are shown by
numerous examples
Next follow the uses to which the
tree is put as timber, or in manufact
ures, and the grain and fiber of the
wood are exhibited, along with the
tools best adapted for working it
Products from the fiber and the wood
pulp, as seen in paper, or vegetable
silk, linen, 4ta, are exhibited; also the
extracts from tbe sap, the gums and
resins which naturally exude from the
tree, and the alkaloids which may be
prepared from them, for medical usea
Then follows the gnarls and excres
cences which sometimes grow abnor
mally, on each species of tree, and such
examples as have been found of petri
factions of the wood.
Finally they are given examples of
tbe kind of soil in which the tree
flourishes best, and the geological or
rock formation upon which it is found
In a word, the palace of woods might
very aptly be termed a palace for easy
and agreeable botanical Instruction.
Youth's Companion.
Tbe Trouble He Took to Keep III Vole
Sort and Sweet.
A useful example of the proper care
of the voice is to be found in a very
unexpected quarter. The Emperor
Nero, as is well known, believed him
self to be a great artist, a notion of
which those about him were not likely
to disabuse him. Ills dying words,
"Quails artifex pereol" show that he
had at least one feature of the artistic
temperament He sought fame by
many paths, in poetry, fiddling,
driving and other branches of the fine
arts to say nothing of his scientific ex
periments on the bodies of his nearest
relations. The Imperial virtuoso was
particularly vain of his voice,' which 1
can well imagine to have been soft and
sweot. qualities which often enough ac
company a cruel nature. He was propor
tionately careful of so precious a pos
session. His system is worth quoting.
In Hddition to his general measures as
attending to his liver, and abstaining
from such fruits and other foods as he
fancied to b injurious to bis voice, we
are told that at night he used to lie on
his back Willi a small plate of lead on
bis stomaciu. This was probably for
the purpose of checking the ten
dency to abdominal breathing, which
a tu iti t oau.y uetju roiCTTm ur a,
perfect way in respiration for t ', .
In ordor to spare his voice all t, "
essary fatigue he gave up haranfc
his troops and ceased even to adi
the Senate. As in later times t't
were keepers of the king's consciei
Nero gave his voice into the keepil
of a phonascus. He spoke only in tli
presence of this vocal director, whose
duty it was to warn him when his tones
became too loud or when he seemed to -be
in danger of straining his voice. To
tbe same functionary was intrusted the
formidable duty of ohscking the Em
peror's eloquence when it became too
impotuoua Thli he did,' by covering
the imperial orator's mouth with a nap
kin. t must have needed no small
measure of courage to apply . this ef
fectual method of "closure'' to the
arch-tyrant of history when intoxicated
with the exuberance of his own vocali
zationsContemporary Bevle w.
A Kingston woman Is the owner of a
pet cat which formed the habit of sleep
ing in a coal scuttle; One day some
one threw a piece of paper in the scut
tle, covering the cat from sight The
womin picked up the scuttle to throw
coal In the stove and dumped the cat on
the red coals. There was an unearthly
yowl, and a flaming body went flying
through the room. A pall of water ex
tinguished the fire, and saved the
Errors and Delnalona In Which Many Per
sona Are Believers.
' A very common error is to suppose
that birds sleep with the head beneath
the wing. No bird ever sleeps so; the
head is turned round and laid upon the
back, where it is often concealed by
. That dogs are kept in health by the
addition of brimstone to theii drinking
water. Seeing that stone brimstone is
utterly insoluble in water, I fail to
perceive what possible use it can be to
the dog.
That cows are fond of buttercups.
Cows, as well as horses, in grazing,
carefully avoid these plants, which,
like all the RanuncuUtca, are harsh,
astringent and somewhat poisonous.
That washing the 'ace in morning
dew improves the compiclon. Dew
Is distilled water; but being ver pure
water, it can not exercise any special
influence on the skin. I am unwilling,
however, to dispel this pleasing illusion,
and say: "By all means, young ladies,
wash your faces in the morning dew,
in full belief of its efficacy. To do so.
you must rise early and breathe the
pure morning air; this will benefit
your health and no doubt improve
your complexion at the same time."
This is undoubtedly the lesson intend
ed to be inculcated.
Thrtt a fire is extinguished by the
sun shining on it The effect in this
case is apparent, not real A fairly
good fire looks little better than a
heap of white ashes under the power
ful light of the sun's rays.
That there is economy in putting
fire-bricks or clay-balls into a fire.
Considering that whatever heat they .
give out is derived from the fire itself,
and that, belns: themselves utterly in
combustible, they contribute nothing
to the heat of the fire, there can be no
economy In their use. Our method of
using fuel Is, however, terribly waste
ful; a very large percentage of com
bustible matter, as well as hoat goes
up tbe flue and is wasted.
The pipes are burst by a sudden
thaw. The thaw merely finds out the
bursting that has already been effected
by the frost It is the expansion of
water when passing into the icy state
that bursts water-pipes of whatever
That the bones are brittle in frosty
weather. No doubt more bones are
broken in winter thun in summer, but
this is due to the slippery state of the
roads at that season, not to speak of
accidents on the ice, and not to any
abnormal condition of our bones.
That "thunderbolts" are tangible
realities that can be handled and pre
served as curiosities. Tho thunder
bolt is the flash of lightning, often no
doubt very destructive, but never ac
companied by any solid. The only
solid bodies that ever fall to the earth
from tho ky are nerolltes or bolides,
bodios coming from outer space and
having nothing to do wth thunder
storms. That mirror attract lightning and
should be covered or turned to the
wall during a thunderstorm. This is
a pure illusion arising from the faot
that mirror reflect the lightning flash
ami thin ii.ld to the terror and ap-
fare it ilim,'r of tho storm. London
ub' o Opinion. f '