The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 01, 1889, Image 7

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    aouxtfr, sovemjjkr i, vm.
toywif'Krwf wttiwiti i.inffr',ff,',t;'mit
"toiwn Humor has It that thoro la ta
It oihr wddlitg In town soon,
ft In arlwg tho IIiho fur political
'itoh&m V begin ''kyfng tho wires" for
HXf oouiity oiwjttou.
VS havu hoard tiotWagof tho gravu
.vld 0lfl tiWfl. 1U prmslbla u
, ii'a Aie will uiai mor In thi diroo-
dlHA JettHtn U:.CivIUy, who tran fc
fWfcHl quite 111 lat woek, la much ton
.jTimx'l, and tho doctor thinks she Utut
ml,n n chimje fur Uo 1'Ottec.
T.B. Eontiiam and wife Ifrfl this weak
,M flnt PortUftd, w)ir the,? intend
Vp'diriitiiir Hio rrlirtor t iteoouut of ihn
tf.jor condition of Mr. Eostbam's
At n shooting scrape at Ynqalna hfet
Friday, tltA nmn who wus to do tho
tdionting hud his gun brokon nvor his
indA mid ws shot t throe limes with
a revolver. Nobody hutt, .
i'JatiM for a dozen brick buildings to
Invbiillt at Albany this earning tmm
tuui' huve been drawn up by different
imrties. Lolmuou should try to sears up
u few brinks next summer, also.
There was h theater, a halloweon
nrt.v and n Inoturo iu our town last
irght,but that's too mium for Lebanon
at one time. We always want to take
in everything that coiae along.
On hist Sunday Mrs. II. C. Klcppcr
received a dinpatch from her sister In
Teiinet"cc announcing the dcitb of her
mother. Her many friends extci.d
their symputhy in this hour of
timi. Win. Itcthcrford hus sold hl;i saloon
to Jamas Munm-y and Joel Mayer, of
thin piaeo. Both the new men left for
Portland yesterday, where we under
auiud they will lay In a new supply of
The exhibit of eercala, graesoK, etc ,
-nt ly Albany, Salem and other citit
t Mil waukee are now ou exhibition In
the Board of Trade's rooms at Chicago,
where they are attracting considerable
Vtsterday evening W. C. rotcroon
hf.raiHtfl hiH ankle very badly by
juinj)ltiover a fence, so he Naya, but
Ittit evi tiing ho was heard t give a
luueh more plauniblo theory of lliu a
irideut. Il careful, Walt.
Prof. M. V. Kork lectured at the
littiid hall last evuuing in the IntcreHtH
nf the Union Labor party. Ho is a
very able speaker, and prewnta bin
views In a forcible manner, and bis
theories are very plausible.
Mr. B. F. Ilodwcll leaves this morn
ing for I'ortland. He has been ollered
it position iu a railroad office with a
salary of not lens than fclOOO jht year.
He has the matter under coiiHldorutiou
and goes down to see about ft. .
On lat Saturday evening Rev. Geo.
W. Olboney went among our people
and solicitad aid for George Wiltshire,
wh has beeu having serious trouble
wltli si':knes among different meni'oers
of ills family this fall. Our merchants
contributed liberally.
The public schools at Newport Were
closed hv it wook on account of diph
theria, which in prevalent at that
place. Several deaths have been re
ported recently from this disea) and
it was ikemcd advisable to clone the
schowls to try and prm-ent the spread
yf this dangerous ailment
V. A. Hill and Fred and Hurt Rolfe
ho are charged with wrecking the
vorland train last August, whereby
?uck Miller, engineer, and Quint
Oul Urh-, flremrin were killed, wore In
tUcWl by tho graud
jhry Tumdav afternoon for murder In
tlryflrt"''? 'Vy;r Tfcey werehroeht
iyiTor : ,:. 'y'i.'-Af-y ''"f f!"''!
Uilt'. ' ' v-vi i-.w'-?'-. I'."
'pwiftHy vill ik in.; ..jonia-'-,t i'vr air.
fmAwrday afcVoOclbnrn In a box c;ir
tttrnnel Barney pllt open the head of
C. Dier with on ax, the result of a
quutrel. Barney disappeared. He is
boght to haw gone south. His fam
ily resides near 8oio, and areald to be
respectable people. is thought,
Will die. Barney la described as being
6 fet 6 inches tall, welhgs 125 pounds ;
small dark brown wuslaoliej very
white skin; dressed in dark coat and
vest, light pants and white hat.
JtEMoVAii Notice. Having remov
a my lire to my own building one
block eatofC. B. Montague's, whero
will be pleased to meet my customers
with the best quality of goods that
money will buy. E. Ooan.
It seems in if the rain had act In for
eanut. 1 j .
Goo. W. Hnfith, of Albany, ws in
town this week.
A great many Is attending drenlt
court at Albany this week.
, Mrs. U. C. MoClnro is at Hweol Homo
this week visiting relatives.
T't'TO has been qu!t a number of
our u'ltlKuus hi Albany attending court
this weok. '
Tr.' J. M. Taylor has bwn nppolntad
ttgspit for tho FldcHty Mufliml A)d A
ftoelalioii, of California.
jrw Is the tint to talk np tlte water
iTHeh question. Dan'tlet Uiia imtlter
drp until 'thoditfiii Is bultU
Vftz. Itecd, A. Ri Cyryus e.i3 fof,
nishjp wnt to Om;on Cfiy WomiBy
i'.ipw vp an their Uwber
K. Oofin's fwirUnre stwo fa In hli
(rwn huildinllr, hlook tst f Mont(f
Cue's store; where ho removed this
Om tn.wiunt of the HsHatisftictlAn
bn tlio part t strall puroiiasers, w
will withpww (jurprktesfocash buyers
f.r 1889. B. F. IViwiJ.
On next Sunday evening there will
Ik) a missionary concert at the First
Presbyterian cturch cnn4ucted by the
members of the Babbath school. All
are invited.
Rev. J. R. Kirkpatrlck returned
home from Texas last Friday. He
soeins to think now, more thaH ever,
that there is us place Uke the Willam
ette valley.
Next week we intend to sweep out
our office (that being tho an Baal time
time such tin occurrence), and are seri
ously debating the question in our
mind, of washing tho windows and
blenching the stone. In case such ho
occurrence takes place due notice will
be given aud our friends asked to cedl
ou us.
One of onr councilmen wan seen one
day this week busily engaged laying
boards over the holes iu the sidefalk.
2t looks bad to see these men patching
up ot her people's property to keep peo
ple trom explaining at that body.
An exchange has the following inter
esting newt item: "A girl farmer hi
Crook eouuty this year put up eight
tons of hay, which she cut with a pair
of shears, ft ho has for a neighbor a
young Hitui w ha sold a thousand bun
dles of shingles made with a pocket
Mr. T. B. Bugler, who was formerly
out of the proprietors of The jCxiitiiss,
is now in town visiting. lie is '"stick
ing type" at "present on the GrHnt
County .Vow, He ha many friiidfi
here w ho are glad to sec him baeS.
We know it is too soon, but never like
to be too late, so here, Tuni,lST accept
our congratulations.
Miss May Howard and I'rcf. Wll
liuniN, the great spirituaJista, gave a
performance at Union Hall hwt even
ing t a very appreciative and enthusi
astic audience. Although we do pot
believe In spiritualism, we confess that
Kiany, In fact all, of the manifestations
of spirit pou r were beyond our com
prehension. Eight cords of hard wood rV ealb by
M. 12. Hearn.
The best watches In the world at F.
M. French's, Albany.
G. W. Wheeler will pay utish for
sawlogs delivered at his mill.
C'orrcot railvoad time at F. M.
French's Jewelry store, Albany.
D. W. Odell, M. D., Physician and
Burgeon, Hodaville, Oregon.
First-clasa ork at McClure's iarber
Bring your butter and egge to C E.
Browiioll, Allnany, Oregtm.and get the
lil'ghest market price.
Cnin & Merales are prepared to fur
nish you with -doors and windows
cheajter than anyone else In Lebanon.
Thwnmsoii & Overninu of Albsuy
8i.;rt r,".;i In i U iheir line liae of 1. j.r-
Bedrock i)rlce, now jfoods and stan
dard hranda at bot h t he Mammoth and
One Prle Cash Stores of C. B. Monta
tague. A bargain In a fine Jersey cow, gen
tle in all particulars, with the best of
recommendations. For particnlars in
quire ef this office.
The largest stack of watohee and
clocks in Liun county, and the lowest
prices, at F. M. French's (the Corner
Jewelry Store), Albany.
Do not boy any eastern trash when
you can get those splendid Buckingham
& Hccht goods at Montague's Mam
moth store and also at hla One Price
Tlw si'w states, nil told, have liino
electoral vote less than Illinois. A
change In the electoral voto of Illinois
would have- more elTect on national
pollUcs tlian tljo admission of soveu
new states.
Tiioro is a large- amount of tho na
tives f Maine oh this ceaet and espec
ially in Orngon, but they Ijpve been so
Iwigawnj from the, old Pino Tree state
that they Ifavn In a mcsworo lost tho
Yftflkce snap aniversftlly p.'WHewed by
thi "down esslor."
Tlio finlcfit pnven print a lisrt of
nlorJcboMrrs ui Jho DryOulch Jtfinmn
Company, vUch is mi to b very
rich in pi w loiiA inetaJs.
Onr eschartjjes, wiys W ,.itori
fionoer, emphatically assert that tho
"bustle ,mut go." tnow of a
store whore the .bustle doparl long
sgo. In fact, thtwe nover wtis Any
bustle afeout it, mroply JjocausC the
nronrielor fltover spent dollar for
A Portland man went Intd a store
last Woek and put a lightud cigarette
on the edge of an aquariam. A gold
fish seized it and took a ptfff. For
several days tho poor thing lay at the
bottom of the tank and panted Hko a
tlrd dog. Its color changed to jet
block, and the owner of that cigarette
has sworn off fof keeps.
PJ Porter etalvs J C Elder; parti
tion. Continued.
(Jeo B Fletcher vs J S Cochrane and
an: to recover money. Continued.
Thos Jetlerson vs G S Montgomery;
to recover monfy. ionunuod.
J C Johnson vs H M Bertliick; to set
wiide did. Settlc3.
W V Yantls vs John Siuallraonf to
recover personal property. Continued.
T DitienhoflWr vs Perry Smith; to
recover money. Continued.
State vs Juiiics Bannon; Indictment.
Naomi Templeton ts Arthur DTem
pletou; partiliou. Ikj)ort f referee
eon firmed.
Martha Pierco vs Malltifia Hodgkin;
equitr. Continued.
fciCfBcnneitvaJ H Wigle; specific
performance. Continued.
L K Blain vs Vehjo Cox; to recover
money. Judgmei- by default and atr
tai hed property ordered sold.
Hiram Hmith kJT Martin; for or
der fr deed. Sheriff ordered to make
Ham May ct al vs Smith & Brlggsj
petition for order. Order allowed.
Mary Mendenhull vs Hiram Smith;
confirmation. Confirmed.
i W Cusick vs A O Kw, et al; con
firmation. Confirmed.
11 H Lollur vs Rutherford, et al;con
Urination. Sale confirmed.
Pauline Schnieer vs John Schmter;
divorce. Iujuaction to prevent f r ? of
proiierty grunted. Settled.
GeoJBranervs Gentry & P.utkor
ford; to recover money. Nonsuit at
motion of plaintiff.
J C Arnold vs Harsh A Gilchrest; de
fault, and decree granted.
ToplitE & Co vs Mary Cougill; to re
cover money. Default and judgment.
Garnishee to pay over money.
Chas A Parbush vs W E Montague;
to recover money. Judgment. Gar
nishee to pay money as confessed.
W P C South vs J S Courtney; dam
ages. Settled.
Geo Brauer vs Mary Cougill; to re
cover money. Default and judgment
Jane Morris vs Geo B Siinous; to re
cover money. Default, judgment.
Oregon vs Jan Coin: selling liquor
without license., DisniiwMd.
N V Goldsmith vs Mary Cougill; to
recover money. Default, judgment
and parnishee to pay money.
Scio vs Peter Bilyeu; review. Judg
ment reversed.
Lew Is Cox vs A N Reed; to recover
monov. Default, Judgment.
IS B Maple vs J F Maple, et al; to re
cover money. Default, judgmenL
Satne; to recover money. Default,
I v .Miner vs e r a u vj; uamages.
State vs W A Hill, Fred and 3rt
Rolfe; indictment, tnurdr Id tlw d
U ARampy, astigneo,,v8 W R Me
Daniel; to settle partnership. Contln-
K T'Titiia vs F B l t;eJ.; li)jmUu.
tftate vs W It -McDsiuis-l. Contimicd.
State vs J M Sehlosser; to keep the
peace. Defendant disehargiid.
K P Wait vs S P B R Co; to recover
wpersoual property. Settled.
John B Hughes ye T A'liewls, et al;
partition. Pefault and decree.
John Bli.ighes vs T A Levins; to
recover money. Judgment and attach
ed property ordered sold.
A F Bryan vs S P R R Co; damages;
Verdict for plaintiff for ?100.
Albert Piper va Adelphht Piper; di
vorce. Divoroo granted.
State va James Patterson,; larceny.
Plead guilty and seutcnoed to one
month in county jail. Democrat.
F. M. French, Jeweler, Albany, Ore.
HA8 ; WON for us tho reepect of tlio commwuity.
It has got to be an understood thirag that v-o don't cliango
our price, because va can't t;o lowerand wc won't gdbighei1.
Wc Tlx our price just on tlio i n n ide of. cost, alio wing us tho
fair profifewe need to liv, anl m:o don't budgo from that.
Why should Wo? . If we can't make soniathingwt waste fruno
in selling. -ut the Boi.nething wo make is always soinotfring
btrcr than the price made eWwhere.,
Vi t large trade. Folks xhn't lilcc to haggle. Iff 6, rclipto
know, at the word go, just what you have got to jy. ton
don't go away kickio j yourself at the thought thai if you had
hung on a littla longer fou rwight have got tlie $jadi for h
dollar rOSS;
One jufco please? everybody in tho Jong ran, and ltfavc.
90 doubt in the buyer's iwia4 aiout hia owu hrJncfia or
merchant's honesty.
Us frr6nd:, for over' mistomer k a friend, Buyers appreci
ate the facft that we could not make a fixed, rock-rooted price
unless we made it at figures that would meet any and all
If thej Make a lower price they lose money, and. that
makes it only a question of time when they shut up their
shop and leave the field to us. We aro hero to stay, and on
the one price plan to all.
Our sales of DRESS GOODS hate been unusually largo
and our stock is complete. We have a line of the celebrated
Broadhead goods now iu transit.
Our BOOT and SHOE stock h complete, and our un
precedented large sales go to provo that our customers appre
ciate a good thing when they see it. ' '
Bedrock price, new goods and stan
dard brands at both the Mammoth and
Ona Price Cash Stores of C. B. Monta
gue. Money T Luan.
Money to loan at a low rate rate of
lnterst, on good farm property in
Linn County, or on best city property
In Albany. Apply to Blackburn and
Wrifiht, Albany, Oregon.
Bail's Charry CySyrup
Is giving splendid satisfaction to the
trade and the sales are positively mar
velous, whieh can b accounted for in
no other way except that it is without
doubt the best In the market. Ask for
and be sure you get the genuine. Wc
keep it M. A. Miller, Druggist,
Cruson A Memoes M-ill furnish your
windows and doors cheap.
Mr. E. P. Lovejoy, a largo dealer In
general merchandise at Vv'ubaska, Ko-
vada, says: "I have tried 8t. Patrick's
Pills and can truthfully ssy they are''
the host I have ever taken or known
used." As a pleasant physic or tor dis
orders of the liver they will always give
perfect satisfaction. For sale by II. A.
The populni house of 0. W. Simp
son, of Albany, ha3 recently been re
modeled and fitted up in elegant style.
Farmers, mechanics and everybody
will find It to their interest to call and
examine his goods beforo going else
where in Albany.
If yu want to adorn your horae,
make your wife happy and, feel real
good yourself, Just go to Foitmiller A
Irving, f Albany, and mekt a selec
tion from their Ironcr ve stock ef fami
tur. All closes, etyloi and variety of
uttcs, orsepuriitc yieiv',
li hnf "in pr'-i B:0.
Ko troablo
Do not buy any eastern triwh when
you can get those splendid Bucklng-
rham & Hecht jrootf at Montague'
Mammoth stove and also fit his Oner
Price Cash 8tore.
One price and cash at the new oai?h
store, but everything sold cheap and
delivered to any part of the city.
Saa Montagues magnificent NEW
stock of Buckingham & Hecht's boota
and shoes manufactcd expressly lor
When y6u are tired of paying three
prices for jrroeeries take a rest and
trade with C. E. Brownell, Albany.
WhUe holding ooort in Coos county
last weok Judg Bean presided over
the ens? of John Oilman, an old gray
haired man aoensed of mnrderifig a
Mrs. Eatonhover and her little boy.
The Jury was out but twenty minutw
and brought in a verdict of murder in
the lirat degree ant' the nrderer won
sentenced to be hung on the 'lSlh of
December. His crime was one of the
most cold-blooded murders ever com
mitted. SATED.
When tho steamer Alaskan went
down off Cape BJanco last may, it was
snpposed that Charles Albert, one of
the crew, was drowned. When the
boats put out to sea Albert w.'is on
oi me imnecn who remained on
board and was cast in tho sea with
wreckage whea the vessel founder 1
Some of those in the boat3 rej(i.e.l
shore, but it was supposed all who re
mained on the vessel went down. lAre,,
Mooney, tho mother of Albert, now
residing in Oakland, mourned her .sun
as lout. For weeks she hoped for tid
ings from him, but finally gave up all
hope. Last Saturday evening &he ic.
ceivod a letter post-marked IIc:i;r
Kong, and in the handwriting of hi r
son. Ho sttd that after the atuumrr
went down he floatod on a pi c of
wreckage for seven days, sustaining
life on a can of peaches, with wl:i u
he bad provided binWelf. At length
when nearly dead Ire was picKtul rtp
by th bark Kittie, lumber laJen
from Portland to Hong Kong. After
a teaipcstuous voyage, ia
matata were nearly carried .iwkj,
arrive--' 5n JJ-bs V"-vt os. th' m
Awgtist, froji. v.iiiCi, "
his molher.
Young Albert stated that he had
worked before the mast on the voyags,
and Would return with tho vessel t
Portland, where he expectcdf to arrive
in January, wjien ho will return to
his homo in Oakland. Eugene
Baffalo Bill is coming home to van
for governor of Nebraska. He U n re
publican and a rustler with h n hair.
He will win. He has conferad more
distinction on his state than any oilier
Nebraska!!, and Nebraska txin't iro
back ou hfm.