l! jnttgUfftit lu opptwu;ii U U.trt of nil' r,U. IhmI LusdiKtM si'-n In tlio world. With .a few years I'X'ierwnco In ' fin'.tiii'r emull binsliifaa on n fo.v tii K:j .ml dollars capiul lie osemuos to know iiiur thuu thousand of men whoso hourly triuiaswtioiis Hggrejrat mora than hfa do in a year, and have yjjule millions by pursuing ft course tliat he says doesn't pay. If advertising doesn't pay, why 1b It that the most suceeniful merchants of every town, largo and small, are Uto lrges ndverttaew? If aiivertiBlUjj lloean't pay, who docs the most busi ness? If It doesn't pay to advertise, why do the heaviest buslntei firma lu the country apeud millions In- that way? Ia it because they want to do nate those millions U the newspaper uud magazine publishers, or. btcaune they don" know aa much ahoot busi ness us the Bix-fbr-a-dcilfar "btorekeup er"Jf a. country town, who says monpy ap nl Tor a lverti.!ng Is thrown away ii tSon...t d to tho inan to whom It la ruid? is lit h talk is plainly ridiculonf .;ni it required more than the aycrapfc .UitH.:;e to discus the proposition of whether advertising pay or not with Xhv. hind of a ninn. Ilia complacent Htflfountitiic is rwuinint' that he knows wore than the whole business world Is laughable, and reminds us of the man who proved that the world doesu't re vnlre by placinga pumpkin on a stump and watching it all night. TAKING THIH MCOICIXB. Time, was when the people of the t nst condemned our practice of ner vously nudging tha Chinese popula tion. .Now they are 0ing the mime thins with their Utile elbows. St. Louis has turned out in great paradei for the purpose of boycotting the Chl-iu-ae laundrymen. The Uwh of the pig tail Is being felt over there and it it )'ttMing to contemplate the it'uirruing ::" the easterners. It proves that they art) taking the medicine of experiouee, w iueh is a sure cure for their inability to?cc the beam In their own eye. Klamath caunty Star. Parents' should be careful that their children do not contract colds during t he lull or early winter months. Hueh t rills weaken the lungs and air pn--.-, making the child much more, like ly to contract other colds during the winter. It is this sueewwiou of colds that cauies catarrh ud bronchitis or paves the way for consumption. Hhouh a told ho contracted, lot! no time but cms it as quickly at pcsn.ible. A fifty cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Itsmtdy will cure any cold in a Hw days and leave the respiratory organs strong and healthy, ior sals by M. A. Miller. In a few weeks there will be a gener al ch!);je in the pontage stamps uatd in the United Bt&tca and the variety will suit even an evening rainbow. Here is a lust: Out cent, ultramarine bin ; four cent, chocolate ; five cent, l!jrht brown ; six cent, vermilion ; ten cent, melon green ; fifteen ceni, steel I lire ; thirty cent, black ; ninety cent, orange. The old two cent stamp will be cut down about one-fourth smaller, and be of nwtallie red or car mine color. The drawing for the two etprjr house in Pipes' addition, Albany, took place r.l the office of Uurkhart & Mai in at 8 o'elocklraturday evening, mmrenulted in Mr. G. W. fcjfuitb getting the house. On V7&lriday creuing Mr. 4mith g ive the otiwr purchasers in the Addi tion a bau'juet at the rit. Charles hotel, Which shows that he appreciates his fortuiftte'drav. The Pipe's addition ct the owner fviW. It couwd of tjnrty-two lot, which sold for ?l3d .ltocn, a rausonahle profit. 'Th mammoth furnitara estabKsl vieiit cf rortmliler & Irving la oim of tj Ugz&it tkings in AHa;iy. 'ThyJ w iii slnn nmvg Into the largo nw Ia f.'or,ia kulMing wlnre they will l ).U'.i:"4'1 shaw tlnlr gnods and give prkvs tbit will simply dsfy all conifi titiijn. If yU go U Albany to ly a ftove c.ili on i. W. j?uith, ho has tfcelarg-t-f i;nd rittjJk of stoves arid fin vnj'c find stli hcaj.!' than any one in A-hai'ir. When yon dstJrv a plews'ant physic, Ly HI. PaU-ick'a Pill& They can al v Lit ih'jD'ndbd iiioii,niid do not iiiucato ih ttoiuth nor grips the lii.u-h. Foialu by t. A. Miikr, Thostp"U h Ovciiuau', of Alsany it , tLihi'-i-U strtck of harnt'fMi and h;i.dli.s In the valley aotith of Port-I.;;.d. .SNA'' Combiwi Ui8 Julct of the !us Figs of California. o UxotW andatritioas with the tttedicind virtaei 6f phwt knew to be mt beneficial to ths homtnym, formlag the ONLY FER pCT REMEDY to aot gently yet EIDHET8, LOT AID BOOT m .iAT PURB ESLOOD, RCFrtBSHlNQ SLCZP. M&ALTH nia STWSMQTM ITttnrtlly follow, tttrj oa i ntlng ft nd U are dslighted with it. Ask your druggirt for SYRUP OF FIGS. Maajk fhcim-ed only t7 the CALIFORNIA Hfi SYRU? CO. S. Facc, Cu. teirwtts, K v. 51 w Vos, K. Y. KOTIt'E R)lt PUBLICATION. Lahb Ovricis at Oiiboow Crrv. Obkoos. October . 1SS9. J VTCTfC ,s "'rebv fiwn thttho followln?-niun. a efl wttler hv t!!c ti nottMi cf hi Intsatton to Dml;ti.l prmflnKtj.pt rtof hiKcUim. iii tbiit Mid pff ill ke ni'l! ltoro ih rounty hulsri', or li bin iili-vnre bofom the onnty t Icrk of Linn oMiri'y. t A lb.iiv. nn-iron, nn Moarty, Sot. as, 7ii: OIT Clay lord, lionMed entry Na 4801, for the rvH f i'i!w i. in if 13 of r 1 e. H iinr-im tti fuCowiiir wltn to pror hi eontin:ina rPMdence tiwn mvA i'ii!tlTntioa of iil land, Tit: M. Fitrnlil, O. Powjjl, H. PowIl nd . M. Uonis. all of U'biiion. J inn omnty, Oresr.n. J. T. APPKtiSO.V, Kefftuer. OYERLIHD TO CALIFORM VIA OUTlIER- PACIFIC COMPAJKY'S LINE. The Mt. Shasta Route. Tiza Betiws IfeiRj ail Saa Pna clsco, 3 Soirs. California txprtt Train Ran Daily BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO. fT!l. Nf'RTH. i:(i r. n J.r....'rtld.....Ar...lO:l.' a. m. S I r. K..l.T.....Aiiu!iy L,r. a. . 7:4 A. K...AI Wmi5ra:UCC..-i.v 7:W) f. M. Lacai gr Train Oallf laacat tunity) 1...1.T ..rlUa'... Vj-.U! r. .H....Lr.M..Al.my .... i:iT. n..,.Ar..t..Uv;vttt Ar... i.ih t.M. ...i...l,T...ll:XiA. u. i,T. .UA. n. Lacal Pauangar Train Dalty (aaeaat Hana) Tirrl.T....AlTiwiy..,.-....Ar-. 30 A. . :'i r. M....Ar ..lf i)iw.n ....Li.- b io a. m. I .'iO r. ,.l.T......AlU:iy.... Ar.- :ift a. x. 2i . M.-Ar.... Ufc:i !.-. fc: A. . A, ....I,v AltMtny..., Ar... 4:A r. N. S.J . t....A Lebanon I.t... a.W V. M. Pullman Duffet Sleepers. TOUIilWT SLEEPING CARS, For Mcninmodattan of Second-Oaiw pjwrif-iigei1, ttached to Axprxax Trains. Th S. P. Cv' Verry niAtrc connecli-m w!th a!l lite nmiW train mi tiio !Usl eiue biv. tcuw fwt of K rtt t, foruaitd. West 8ld Division. PORTLAND and C0RVALLL5 Mall Train Daily (Ipt Sunday). 7 9. n...LT ..lsrilnd.. Ar.20p. i. lio p. n Vr ...Corralliiw....... Lt1 i'A p. m. Al AlhtiTy and CorvlU3 coixiH'd with tntlu ot Exprs Train Dally (Ixeapt Bundny. KDbp. m....Ar..,....jk.Minmiijg- Lv r:44. m. THROUGH TICKETS to All JTolnt turf it fail WfarmalWn rcarliis mt. mtK etv, c) on iiitnaany'i aarent at AUumji Jt. Ki(.":Eji, t4. JUKitRS, Maftmk in. 6. K ftti. rst. jtsmum ft BBis, ibn!ifActwn nf i:A toxiem ki all Elii'l FURNIT tSTRE-. Import all Ftat-Ctes goods DIRECT JfHOM THE EAST. A omjlcte toik of Wall Pan, EWcp rtiong and Window iShudcM. IJ N D 13 R T A K I N O A SPECIALTY. We invite vou to Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc. PORE GOODS & Hides. Furs and all kinds ot Country Produce tsfen in rahftngc ibr troods. Wc Guarantee Fair Treatment to AIL W. B. DON ACA. Comer Brick Store, Main Street, Lebanon? Linn County, Or. KOTICR FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office nt Ore-ron City, Or., OctolerT, f t i.-.i.. r, ,t lowiuK named settler luw Hind tiotipa. of 11h Intention to mnko ilnul proof In miivtrt of hla clMim, mid tlmt Mid proof will be rnndo imfore the county Judg or In hi nteence h'fore tlic connty clerk nt Linn county, t Ailnviy, trern, on Tnwtnay, JNov. jo. vii: Wiidam J. VmlU, homewtead entry No. 6504. for the n J of the nc of sec 3, tp 12 B of r 1 w. 11 name the follwwinfr witucwM to prtvre 111 continuous residence npon and cultivation of wild lund, viz: J K Michatd, W E HaTnjry, A BavHptand II Oiiiorn, nil of Lebanon, Linn t-ounty, Oregon. J. T. Atpkkson, Ikgwter. AT COST1 To Mnko Htori for My Fall ani Winter Stock of DRY GOODS, FUMBEKG G05D3, AID R0TIC33, I WILL CLOBF Oirr MY Entire 8tw:k of Bots& Shoes JUT COST. NoW la tlic Tiaa j to SECURE REAL EATtGAlNS. I Propose to Have WE Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. r MAIL ORDERS Promptly sttrr.ul'4. W. F. READ, A & tH-ftws. W. C f trnrrtfjoM. A. R. Cyrus & Co., XJsTSURAKCJa -Aim-Real I&tate Agests, --DvaUT ift AH ritMlt tit' Agricultural Implements, lHC.,I.r?DI0 TIJ$ Famous Morrison Plovs, J'LAWO UirfUlOli? a:.i 'Piger Mowwa, 1 LetiMi0Jifc Oregon. a- - conic and look tliroudi our Mam- moth Stock of F$LL WEIGHTS HEW SENSATION AT SWAN BROS.' Tin and Stove Store. A CHEAP COUNTER OF ALL KINDS OP Household Goods. U0E3 GOODS FOR LESS EOIET Than You Ever Saw. IP YOU WILL ONLY CALIj, You wii! be Astonished At the Rock-Bottom Prices. SWEET HOME Can and will fltll goods a cheap a tho cheapest, and buy all fcindn of country pro duce in exchange for goods at tho highest market price. To be convinced of this fact juat CALL ON A. F. Hamilton, DRY GOOPS, Notions, Groceries,' Drug), Hardware & GENERAL MDF1CHAND1SE, Pioneer Store?; RxSiHt Home, Oregon. 'Kmiiui, Act June 3,k78, NOTICBrOU PUBI..ICATIOW. ! UntU'flttatMTjitn'1 Offcc. V ATnTrcfl rriT ffiven inai in nnmr;miirf wun J 1 liw prarl-lcin of tfir rf Con;riw nf .liinia, 1&T8, nttik-l "An '( for tli Mils of tlmh'i l.i-irif In the KlnfWf (Clllforiiliv, Ofwuii, 'erilii, ami W. T.," ft. C. ChindHHr.Afl'oriland.Onn. lynf Miillnnnmlj, Hlnlr of Orc&W, Imi lilt 4 III lm office hinimorn iiit'.'mct No. WW, for tlie piirfli.foft)i H KM of Hellion So. 2l,luTmvn hi No. 12 wmlh, JWikw No. 1 t'xt, nl III offlr pnx)f torhDw that the lain! oiwiit lo mora vnlim fcte for Its HmMT ot rtoim llvm U (rrlMtlfuml jiirpojrs, bti'I too'tiiblMi hk (rliilto to fiiirl latml , lcfum tliejlMsMet mt li' lver of Uila oldi at rnvxoii ft)'. On-ifon. on FrlOay, tlic 8Ul ij.ty of NMnlr.la8e. He )inic nr, viti)ec: W V! rrocriFto', A .1 fro. !,..!). ) UhMhi-II uiiU J Hwoet, oil ot Vtmeinver, Vuiil!ii(lo;i T'.Tillory. Aitvmirt nil ix-wri jliiimlnc ndvern-ly m ril"ov)-(li''r!ln"llitiicl.'nrcj rfomltid to lilt ihclf il.ilrtiK In thiM.'ioooTi or before ali Htb iUy of rxovcmber.lWHO. J, T. ArwnnoH, Ittglttur. v. IS OUR MOITO la tho olitiMt and airwt pnpnlur HnmiK am iMhanieul popar mblliih1 mil hna the InrtMl frcitutlnn of nr fpr or IT dim in Hi" wnrUl. nlljr lirntratt1. B( clam) of WinxI ICmrrnY Infa. I'niiH.hnd wmHIt. Konil lor iMclnwn CDf.t. l'twe f J n Tf Fonr MMintlia' frml, f U tf una cuni'i'uuijfuua. tci Liu:tj, m.V. ARCHITECTS Edition tf SohMtifto AmnrlOHR9 A grant fn RhIi tan mnlli) ilnr1 lth'rnp'iM plulan of cnantrr ami ole? rmrtun am or Enlbila bulldtnjrt. Ktirnoriiaa Aiirafiifii aad fnll plant and palfttonx trr th um Sthaafi'invmyiaO Imllillau. ITI-u ytmx, eia.aeur. MC'M.V a CO., ruiiutuiniiat Will nurtwtaVm- 4 mi ir ni- inir to Modi J A Co.. B ho h.in had orar ) Tiara' uarlanaa and (Mia aitil vr K0.UU uprlicntlofT for Amttinn Mil I ijiii aaicnu. Hwml fur KaaUUuvk. Cue pooOotK- (Ulctlr eonnUcntul. - TRADE MARKS. In M roar atari ! not rnultrd tn tha I'M ant OPtc. pplr l Mrwit A to, nmt pnxaf ttnmxIUta pmWUon. banilUiif Handbook. CWfT HMJIITH for brmk, eharla, attpa. fJUk, qulcaijr pruuril. AUilrtaa tIC KM aV CO., Palont rlollolfora.'T Omcs; IQ Buoadwat. & I C. 11 Hawkins. F. 1'ahi;i;i.i,. Albany Furniture Co. Keep everything you want In the way of First-Class Furniture. Call and t-eo their stock fif goods. Wffo our lwirt Vuri)l l ure J tint rcol ar-l fi um the x:ut.T. rjlrnt titret't, botvrcrm ferry ari. Wuhtiijtoii. limber Land, Act June 3,187.-- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION r'lilltitHtnltii Ijimi OffTte. ) OrcRon Clly, (IrtfRou, JMikw,! I'.t, I wriO.' Torir r. In liim'hy rrlvon ilu liiomiillahi'n wl It lln- iinn-HoiiB of tilt- wtof CoiiKi-eii Of .Uiliu-4. laii, cnlltlwl "An iwt I.T tlio null! f dmlMr imp null! vl itmiior iTfi;mt, Nvii'ri, iv.fl'. Uiwin r. I i'Mit, f lA'K in tH" BWlftofrnil.'orrilf, 'i Wahliii!iu Terriion'," Alii iioii.O unty ol l.lnn, Htnto 011,1 '.II r i ty 01 Mini, mhio oi jn ;nn. vni rry s.irv k'rt in thlHallii'P lil mvnrn tiifri:ii'iil Mo. VJCp ir llo -purrlufti of the fi W l-l oi xctlun N'j M i Tiiini'lilp No. 12 rmth, Riiiik L' I'tift, ih rill llk'd IVjr li' vfl';r ronf iohnw tbnt Uie lulM muk.'iI Ik Mi viuiuo'in ior iiKiioioer or iom!nm it r ,BriiDi:(K hi in- fni'Tr, linn ii. ruii'iiiu jii . I'.i.inn li. hN lilt lo'fnrr tli! Ri'dskT unit Rj-vrivur of ifciN u;t.N' At tifomin I'tlv nriinli m Vjlri..vi.iv lliu ml, JCWWr of Novomlipf, Immu. lip immt" wmnNcs' J .Tvnr, if I! H'-il,nim toil My, OroKOii. Any anil nil ptTnmi rliilpHng eilvpiref' iU. ItrrvB-tlitwlkit lmU art rw!iatc4 t lilt) Ui;,r', rliilmH In thinofdw on or ttforo mid 61b iWr Nwia'Mf, 189. J. T, Awjuoii, Koiiivtt't.' "" ' 1 T-fi NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, UHlK'riCB AT (rttax.'w rtTY. (I;i Ij, October ft, i& i NOTTCK In hensbv KtVhn tlint Hi lollop Ino-tiivltt-, cd witlcr ImMilcU utitttv of it fnli.utlotr t fiiml prnof In ruipixm cf tilj'c'lniii), ini'l tli( nlii proof will Ij( nimlt' bfi'tra tlio vomity Jb(Ihi or In lil abwadc before the comity clurk f l.lmf vunty, Hi. Albnny,rt-i(on, on 'IHw.-'tlay, Dfceiaar 17, WJ, viz: UfOTHH '. Wlover; b'.inwtcKil erllJ-p' I7, forth" i,i).; of riw, wJ4 of hwX of titfo tyT k'p III, IpKUol rSe, lie niiiie tho following vUmcws fo Wr Ui'i, eoiitlnmiKi rcih.'iice upon and culiivnflon of JIA Iftiul: (j, Zelliiw, W. Hovvp", J. ;miHeiui) J. ftttip Ui(id, ujl of Ku'wvt Uonift. Linn ooiuitv, Owjl,