The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 01, 1889, Image 3

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    y V ,11,1 '..Ife rtl W.ll1 0',V.-'i,'i.
jiUflrmtoii; they tvUL'iUlj' Uko great
.rtesuni In linprewlu;; tion the grow
"r't tnlntto tlmt In J?w York there in
no ricroum! for hop, ond n market
iintAtlou, nntl tlmt coiiMqiiontly thy
wuinot umko rtn oiler for our hop hor
( hilv llKuro. mid In tho very next
krciitti thuy will tup you familiarly on
Hit' shoulder find Buy tlio icnt thing
,,yu cull do 1.1 to eormlgti yotr hops to
n nnl ahlp thorn to New York. They
Vault thnt Wew York's crop will not
more ohe.fniii'tU cholce,iliid
tbftt In fonw-tiueiH'ti tl.ive-fourtliH are
yrBfh tlmt will he thrown upon tho
Kgirkot tit My prior, and tlmt we run
to htUlng with mr houH until the N.
T. trwh in eniirtuincd; u hilo liortfto'foro
vhm 3. Y. hud mi In fur lor crop our
flops Wurs uhvjiys In csitra tfonnvml, I".)
muije tlu'y were eholoo. All K, Y. rt.t
ijwlkhv'M miy: Xo prosipcet of export ck
ltmiid. tinvf tiiWiig EnjrlUli markut
)j(.!i tiuiis, eho'u'j Ogon itid "Wu.iii
i.t,.'i 1 :.. it-e vwlh ther ml the
ftv !'' to '.!.'.' I'Md'i ie? uud
fmn t thnt, with no Uvntui. hI k!! for
X. V. hnjiti. The only infrMico to bi;
"irnwn in thut JST. Y. litis no hop of ut'
lirlontly eh1 quitlity to hear export
ing. The enormous German hop crop
of such exceptlnnnhlo quality which
tins dealers hove been so pleased t
keryi constantly before our eyes, sam
ples of which arrived In England some
time since and were offered Ht from 6
to 12 cents n lb 11 nil failed to hraw 0 bid
at any price, so It looks like t hnt hobby
had ridden to dentil. Taking all
things into consideration all must be
farced to arrive nttliofollowlngoonclu
sIoiih: 1st, that N. Y. has no hopsthiit
will bear r-xporllng. 2d, thut the (k-r-mnn
hops are not wanted In England.
Hucn Iwing tho facts, I'aeUlcs are the
only hops that will bear exporting.
Now as to the entire of the present
wmllthm of onr hop market: In the
tlrct place there are about nine thous
and bales of raeifle Cnnfct :on1rncted
by the brewers which go into Ininiedi
iU) consumption, and will t? dlstribu-
tcd so as to kep nil brewers oft' the.
market a lon ns possible. The doid
.rsaio making frnnllt efforts to eon
n and ship tholr heps to New York
(where they sr.y there iu no nmiket),
and doubtltfss will sucked !n many iu
tiUiiet's, as a majority of the hop grw
its are cmipnlieil to nele.;e In perhups
iKJ deys, having borrowed rnotiey to
pick with. My idea is that all who
consign will be disappointed, fjr whoa
thrlr hops are placed in tho Luiid.i wf
dealers they will be rhlpf.ert direct to
England, where they will r sold from
I'i to IttJ cents pr It), and perhaps nfter
severul months they will he reported
Mohl in New York at New York trtih
liop irietiH. !v nvdice to nil hep
j:rower, whose finMidal conlitions
will jirtLsilily permit, is to keep all
choice hpH lu their rtore rnnms, be
lieving confidentially that all choice
hops will be wonte during the swison
ut rem unerHtive prices.
Children Enjo
The pleHKttTit flitvor, grille action and
aoothiii!? eIeets of Syrup f Figs, M hen
In iiukI of a laxative :id if the father
ir mother be costive or bilious the
moMt gratifying results follow its use,
so thut it is the Is'st family remedy
kuou'ii and every family slmaldhavea
A Good Cough Syrup.
Ther Is nothtngparcntsshmild leso
sawful atout ss nelwtiiig a wu;gh syrup.
Uegg's (.Jherry Cough (Syrup costs no
more than theeheapand inferior non
tnlriK thrown upon riio market. The
lwt is none ioo gtHid. B mire mid get
Bcgg's Cnerry Cough Syrup, We kip
iiotl hand at all times. M, Miller,
bnigg 1st.
If any one wishes to huy hi of by the
ifuartcr, J will se.H it totheui for 4J- to
e per pound. We Will jmcfc beef at
jjf.ttfiViiulil rtflvs and lu tho very bast
(Winner. Ku.t!X:KKRrr.
A Tennessee htr gives this oceonni.
fit tl?e dinieultles tinder w!;lch he Is la
iWlngi "HotlsU thnt rrnr resdurs
VKpwL l oht lVere twd v wiii fr?B ft
Railroad, twenty miles troiu a rivet,
jrilUhms t ralles from th devil and
m!y S00 yarc( frei whirky uop,io
Sfi'lMitt noTtsy, li'wly',ud intertntiing
i'fijvr?" .
Tfcero is V.ttlo doubt, that the oldest
ff.Mv, of a whi to man in Oregon in the
me in Astoria, en which is ohinoled
n u rough rIa'u the name
vt Alexander' McTavisli. Hu wan
(jroivrwd in croflsiug tno CohiinbLi in
JeU-t, Tho df!Cease;l was 0110 of those
'rotoJ) hwrrtbors A tli, Jtudium Bay
Company, who led the van of civiluu
Aeyi in tho nortlnvoak
V!U,vni t-oro.rt totifo, "t it"'
Cori v:'p:;'.iie(it- one. 'K.ttil. ji-ViliU
tin.) 'people ,iiil forget this simriU'r re
sort (and ajs wluter resort, toe). Vin-
,terlo is lively, owing to the t-uu
weathvr. ,
Tlio mall comes dally bo every one
can get their mail very qulck.tho route I
liefng from Lwbanon via Ssxiavilie, ur
riving ut this place at 9 a. in., goes via
Santlam to Hweet Home, ba'k round
trip, arrives lit Waterloo ut 4 p. in., vfltt
Bodavllle to Lebanon. This trip daily
Our soliool Is progrwsUig 'nicely un
der tho able management of Mrs. V.
Kearn, thoro being thlrty-lwo pupils
enrolled. Tho school wus presented
vith a gloU, numeral fram&, dlctlou
ry, chair, eTaseia and pointers. Wf
wish Mafi. Kearn grwit success.
Tlio hottd of J.U. Gross cuught Arc
ou FrMny night, October ST, by a can
dle, Writ. (;Jrws lighting the cfcMo for
th om; of taking medleiiie. fi'i'
Utin wiihii chtsets the stand csught ou
tire, blazing and tpreadiug afl oyer the
window, and catching the ceiling
above, but wis put out vith hsu dif
nctli.y, Mr. J'rti.X tJloawia hivs rented th3
property belonging to )Jd linger, and
hus moved Into the sumo to take apart
In our thriving little town. Come onf,
come all! we welcome everybody.
Jlr. David Itico, who in tho past has
Iwcti living close to Lebanon, has
bought the property formerly belong
ing to William Carns, and lias moved
ed Into it.
Also Mr. F. P. Bod well has bought
the property of Jacob (Smith and mov
d into it, so you see Waterloo will
boom. That's the way to make a
Quite a ntiKibei of the young men
have been pjK-n(ting a portion of their
time in hunting, meeting with buccosh
with venison.
Mr. John Devhie sold his place to
Mr. M. Hurrls. John has moved to
Albany and Harris to Waterloo.
Mrs. A. Oisler returned from Albany
on Monday.
There Is still a crowd of campers
from above Brownsville at thin place.
The bridge id still to lie used.
Mrs. K. J), (iuger fell, oa Thursday,
and was somewhat injurvd, but she is
Mr. Thomas Kay, of Salera, and J.
K. Weutherford, of Albany, were In
the village Friday. .
As my pen is ab'.ut worn out, I will
dose for this time. Thinking a few
lines from this place of some intercKi,
I'll try again. JHhtlbtoe.
To Che Citizens of Linn County:
Beware of the fraud" of the country!
I have been taken in too often not to
speak of it. Don't let them fool you
in their esiitern goods until you s e the
home manufactured article. Every
mnn with reason knows that they can't
ship 0 us as cheap as we esn make It
nt home. For on example, tKc the
Common Benss Harbin Harrow. They
are made ut home; they are made of
the bent of material ; all hand made ;
und their eastern work is all made by
machinery. My work is warranted to
stand. If it doesn't, back and
I Mill make it. I huve the cheapest
and best harrow to be bir.ght in the
country. Jt is made in independent
sections, cither wood or iron. Show
me a harrow that you can buy from
the east for 4.fi0! You can't do it! I'll
fix you up a good harrow for that, and
don't yu forget" it. Blaeksmith'aig
aud woodwork done ob short notice.
Bed Frut Hhop, Lebanon, Oregon.
Syrup of rise,
Protlnued from th laxative nad ntifrl
tlousjulcV of California flge, combine
wtth tho nicdieltml vDrtieti (f phtnts
kijoirtt to be nvoit btmtiiil to the
htfuian system, nets geatly, 011 the kid
neys, llyei" and btnufls, tifWlua'ly
cleanaJng the iystem, dlspelUns' wdOia
atnl hestlachw, 4i?l etirlng JWhitUiJ
t'ouHtljiation. '
Vfly&t n FoH ttm
Vti p gotxl )ii'itlthy, peatfly sklir. Fw
arty-aware of the ahorVtiiH? U tskvs ftir
a dirderd liver to nu bloR'hes ou
the f;w, ud a dttrk grwrsy ek'lH. Qu
bottlo of C::gB' Blood PwScr aixJI
Blood Maker will lvstore this orgari to
it nuttiral and healthy state, and
oleniTse the IiIhn1 of all impurities It
is mHtftig with wonderful kuccoks.
Wo guirrautee every oUle,. M. A.
Miller, Druggist. -.
A foot race i nn Gornis KiUnrduy
afti'Mioon between' Lingdon and Cam
eron read Ited iu a victory for tke for-misr.
Tti! Ikc V,,:' ,mtt 'jVi) t'mtstiri;
!r t;lxo:i v,i",i,
Jt nt3 c iuK J imr la l)ln i.rtn.
Kill lie pretwi'led not lo kcur,
At ho lwM 1cr so close nd wurra,
A nil noflJy ralrt,
S(i)tii)Khcr hfnfl,
' "I 'i rattier hold tli form."
Hntfl n, "My love, do If t me le,
lo not axk me the ronton why,
For If you don't
I'll MiMy rntike
Anoilicr printer's pi.
Ei.i:n Max
Chlcftgo is "hustling" for the world1
fair. Her stocK suhscriptiotitf amount
to $7,000,000, and two per eeat is paid
in. All elasscs of budness men arc
reviving and pushing the subscrip
tion. Scouts have beeai sent thwnigh
the south and west to "cspture" eon-
gretinrru:i4. royinftin burtMUi ha5
been cfltai lilred at Washington. This
is 'all legitimate and erc-lilabltf. In
thitee dai it hi fenc-ully i;u!,'hust'.er"
who tl" re. I?vW Y--: i:
;pji('! too irta:i t.i--". k-r j;::-tvti
Uuxg-tv-r. Worhl.
A Hale Old Man.
A hale old man, Mr. Jas Wilssn of
Aliens Springs, III., who is over sixty
yars of age, says: "I have lu my time
tried a great many medicines, soma of
exc.-lleut quality, but never before did
T find an v that would so comnletclv do
fel that is claimed for it as Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. It is truly a wonderful med
cine." For sale by M. A. Miller.
All the grocorics you can carry for a
Dollar at Bkowjskll'b,
Albany, Or.
Fem-ile Bpsclalist. Has practiced 011
the Pacific Coast for the past twenty
five years. A life time devoted to the
study of female troubles, their causes
and cures. 1 have thousands of testi
monials of permanent cures from tho
best people on this coast. A positive
guarantee to permanently cure any case
of female weakness, no matter how
long standing or what the stage may
be. Charges, reasonable and within
the reach of all. For the benefit of tho
very poor of my sex who are suffering
from any of the great muliiiude of ail
ments that follow in the train of that
terrible disease known as female weak
ness, and who are not able to pay for
treatment, I will treat free of charge.
Consultation by mail, free, All corres
pondence strictly confidential. Medi
cines peeked, boxed Mid selit ty ex
press with charges pre-pai I for
"home" treatment, with specific direc
tions for use. If you ar sufTering from
nay female (rouble, periodically or con
stantly, Ad Ires,
OiAWiriA S. MuititAY, M. D.,
East Portland, Oregon
Curd of Tbinki.
Mr.. JSi:tob: Please announce
through thoeolumns of your paper my
heartfelt thanks to the kind people of
Lebanon for their liberality to nie'and
ray family pn last Haturday, and I as
sure them It will never be forgotten.
i IX). CHKBHIKi'. '
Itisttated on good authority that
tho prince of Wales has been Informed
by his physicians that he has Bright's
disease incurably fttstened upon him
There seems to lie no ground for imme
diate fear, Wut the chances are said to
be against his living through tho next
year. The reyal family is deeply dis
turbed over the question of succession.
The postmaster-general has designa
ted "Wash." as the abbreviation for
the new state. It probably did ut oc
cur t Mr. Waliamaker that "wash" is
very near akin to "scrub," and (lie
people f" Wash." may riao np und
call hiru auotlnr.
Oregon Ofy is to Uv another en
ferpfis. The, lstest addition to (ho
induais of ftfis thriving old tow is
,a $200,000 pafer mill, whicl is to be
C'oit)'n:ted on the wet &$ti of the
n'w or. Ea.'iteru cajii(VilS!its are to UiiM
nd irpcrnle the mi.l.
One r( 1C tBnldcst, &t4 tww that it- t
fjuiifd all the BcrYepus'sTblc, uttenipts
to ce from Ix-hisd the prfswi walls
was brotigKt W a halt at the stat! pwii
teuiiary oi; Friday noon lwit-, says tho
Journal. Tiia plot was a deeply laid
one and hattjt not Ween for one of the
convicts it would hate probably been A
sticcessl'ul one. At any rate it required
u considerable amount of nerve to un
dertake the job. Frank Watson, Win.
tlooluby and Jolm Dougherty were nt
the lwttom of it. They spi-nt about
two months tuimcjing. A peculiar
thing was that Goolaby's time expires
on Friday. A prisoner named Robin
son gave tho thing away.
0 0-
-0 &
i 1 in- 1 ' 1 --' i--!1-1 i ' "
Notice For Publication.
Land Office at Oregon City, Orepon,
K-ntctnlfr JT. Iff).
Viwinx nnhicd wttlcr ha filed notice of hi.
Intention to make linnl T'"'f 1 mirtx' of lii
rlai-.n, hiiiI tliat wild proof will 00 mmic boforc the
county judge or lu bin abfrnoe before the mumy
clerk of I.inn countv, m Alliany, On-on, 011 Krt
(ovy, Sov. K. 1M), vii: A:!!rt w Vail, homcstc!
n;r) So. i-TiS, for thene 1-1 of rec ij, tp lHor R
Hp nnincf. th follo'TinR wl!r.w to rove bis
(mitiimouii rcJiilfiii-o ii(xi: mi cultivation of si;!il
kml. vii: A Mrnior, V Krown, J Itrwwn mifl C
Williiaas, iU of Lebanon, Lliiuiwitity, (ireti'ti.
. I Ai'i'KKtiU.S, Ki)itcr.
Notice For Publication.
Lnud OfTlce at Oregon City. Chiron.
luwinR tinincd nctl'rr hn fllitl notice of liix
liitcuiioii to make timil rrKf In supirt of hin
cinir.i, nnfl tlmt aid proof will l.p rund.' before the
county jii'lRe or in his absence the county clerk of
I.inn cotint, nt AHwnv, Onsiron. on Momliiy,
Nov. 11. vir.: Wm. ftr1'hw, rmmertca'l en
try No. VJ19, for te eH of t'A otnc as. tp 12 B K 2
lie tiRmen the followinc wittier to proTC hi
eontinmil n-viflence upon and cuHivstion of vid
iiind, viz: J F MarjuiK, C T Mrc)tiiK, It F Newiwid
mid (' J Nirw'.anu, all of CmwforrtivHle, Mim
county, On'gou. J. T. Ari'EK.SON, Register.
"w5 smith a mmn
FlMt mlirj -
ulhmvl. la unllhrf Hi, irl
a arc -
Miixta r
in.l uU Ti-'. mud).
!, cut'tMjy liuictil " 1
lor nnrkm;wiliinoditO(k. Uurivaledfut
anf! lfilltr and ci!raoT. 1m
of ln sold t tulu nxl. Thjy mt unr
llWe iid lnirr.ju. Ih Suits & wimix Hu
voLvaw ilHmid pn tht bsrrcli nnn' ft(tani nld8tof pswntu, ad vecuar;
nirS Jiertect. lwMtin U'ln! thwiyuiid It
yodr d'i,i' cannot nupply you, n ordfr tent toad
flreK Iwio win rceelvo prompt ttaiiti"n. DoKCrip
(It 6iuu and prlcotvpon i)plk't'i:'ju.
esiinu & wessos,
bu iagfleld. 9Ioas
ivr Imi rlitt-l
ipBHrjiv mcts( vnarsnr
I:i1iifll!ilt(l3tvp8! ip nui
KMr'W3 ThnrWay,vd cntiB nii j
yftymitvt of tfe&wecX,gtrii4
hSst fluiittcr et tUo eiobo, cti
ftp M Otto cf pbllcatioa. It cont'
Uic jrtec4l ciUus of tbo werW td 4
ltttsuit t Uie bout, telcctcd ind ril'
BMWka literature, it lamlsUc tklAsft
iaraos lUbloflMkstid Tiiact
M"iotiWi w"1 B13 Wd1
to tortloaltuml and oeuatml wnwi aii
to'ln tey respact oflrirt-class loailly papj
ipvttilcp to jLp Interest oi orcty Ssaahsl
i&ft VB8OT8 A WESU)
Us ' Uv. motropolitdu dally. Jt ios. (fio
acifio Count, Either of thvtilsoro jitjfltvflt
jo wl poitpild an a proaUiM oif'iv
ip&t ol tho .IciJowlug (mtwaiytSQU prifM
ufih4oCibllt.lon; - -
.() o
11ns on hand a lnrgc stock of
Call And Secure Prices.
Ths Celebrated French Gurs,
Warnti.:cl ItADUPrW T L'C" r r.ti ,
toc.r- ni iiliUUIMHU r,.(
la Sou) on K
o J-ure any
fonntif iiervntM
ilisH, or nnv
.1 .l.l,.r i,l ih'
t:Mfnt!v9 or- J&$$T-
J5i?U1iS funti the. AFTER 1
JXiTsii.e uoof Stimulant, Tohiicco or O; into.
Srtlno iiU voutlidij iiniiswtioii. ovi-r Ultt
eiifc, Ac., nii'ii at l.o of Hiain I ohi;)', Wa!;ein J
nei, Ccftriny tlwirn I'm i us in tlm Hm k, Sci.iin iJ
S ook ii".a, H yitetUi. Ncrvotin 'rnftriiliiii Koiitnriu'
ui Kuiiia. lA'tirrliM. llUxiiioMi, tt't'iii
cry. bviiil Power njnl linpnieni y. whldi 1
eluelrd o'li'ii lcl to preimimiciil lic'iiih! I
fty. I'rlcB l.(H) u lox. boxun fur K'-W riui
innli ori leceint of price.
A W n IT I K N h V A K A STK V for over
order, lo refnnil tho money if u 1'enu
t niu Ik not rlloctM. Tlioii."iinds of ttin
(;:u oMaiii'lynnna. of hotli wm, pi.-rau
vured bv A'flisoDiTiSK. Circ' (ice ,
BOX '-7 . J'URTI.AXU, Oil
' fioldliyM.Aliller,
molo Aarentfor Ijelaiio, Or
Land Offifc at OjeirMi City, Orrnit
(inober 4, i
Notice is lioTeby K'ven thnt the folloivlnis-t
sMlcr bis tlidd native ol'liMnteiilioii to
iinul piuf in Hipi ort of hi cluini, And tin
And tb:u :'J
prwl wtuw-imwie ih-uiw use conn:,! iibi.o
I'.'j ii isi-iice u" nn t in eoutuv cieil; ol ui.ii
r.H iilisence Ixd'oni tlio eonwy clerk oi I jm on
tv. ut Alb-iny, tireKon, on rui'KiHv, cs,n. r a
Mk'J, B. Mic.imel, h-iiufiileBii ci.iry i:;i2,
taa nj ol'tlw mvl-lH'M ol'nvl-i nud ue! of
l-4f.scc2, tiiUfrlvr.
lio inline '.lie tollouing wilneiLs to priVsr
0i;tt inn. i iiviileiiee npoii nnd cnlliv.itioii ot'
ifin.l. vk W J (inits, W K tviviitfti. a S.n dw n.
OAoii, lUi' lA'Uuioti, Linn com ty. litwsni.
3, T. Al'l'KlON, U. f;is
... .(
Lrtiul Office at Oregon (Hty. Otcoij
, Ol-tolnT j. U
TJl.iii'v h !ieroiiy i!.ven that the I'
IN stwlor la tiled notice of hisintemliin k
ilatil proof lu Hipjiovt of liin vittiin, ait tlmt
jirool' will l liiude U'I'ore (lie comiiy judire i
his cvnej before the county clwfc of L'nn (
tv nt Aihutiv, own. on .M.oil;iy. Nov. W, ISf
j'um:'. 1'. lWwuinn. hoiin.t(id cn'ry ;o. .V.;4
tlio i-!', of vl-l td njif (dMv 1-1 of see
K oi" ' 1 e. 1
ifr' n.iim the folUiWiiist wi' to h
Miiitiimoii- re-'I'h'lK nion nr.H euliienliD-j
hind, vi II Is'uve. of Sell), Kijin Conuty
,niiio. ('.'lurk iiu.O W. Bmiih. of 11
cijWity, OfW. j
j.t. .ii'n:')v