The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, November 01, 1889, Image 2

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    'ilckaDT? Express.
f ''ORWARD! who can not, si mils
- Kit, PL'trojjvmle out' step backward. It
U tuo Into in the tidy now, to talk of
past mtatakt's or recriminate ou Mm
fu'nlta of others, we hove the litlUR
pitat with which to do; and wu
mihst Inert the resiwasihlUtlvB of the
flood tide that is on us.
Our towu is buil. ling faster Uiaii the
moat sanguine expectations of the
greatest vnlhuslast ; notwithstanding
over fifty residences have been built In
the past six months, ytit every house I
occupied uud in some houses there are
more than one family ; nono but a
croaker or a pessimist will gninsay n
btlll brijhter future, Now the one
preat question to our mind is, lww to
jrlvw employment, regular and con
Ktuut, to the toiling masses who win
bread by the smack of their sweat.
Emigrants uud home seekers expect
some means of regular employment
our lands are rich and cheap enough,
and everything is here to please the
eye and charm the prosjMjetor, but a
prudent man looks to something more,
"where ftru the toilers to gather?" We
must build factories we must have
more power to do it with. "The gods
liuip them that help themselves," and
if we waut capitalists to help Lebanon,
then Lebanon must first help herself.
There in plenty of money and brains in
Le!aaou to bring in the ditch, the
question K have w the enterprse?
Kolf interest surely demand our united
a.itt earnest effort.
Thi ditch when completed, will add
from o;e to three hundred prr cent to
real estate, will 'give -employment to
numbers and thus increase the volume
f trade. Every dollar invested will
pay a large dividend to the share
holder,!and will be the basis of a pros
perity undreamed of. It will then be
to the iuterest of the capitalist to come
and invest, and they will gather here
"like the eaglea to the carcs."
We call upon one and all "without
regard to race or color or previous con
dition,' agitate this question in such
:i way that action, ACTION ! will take
tlie place of twatlling talk. If Albany
can take her power from here and make
money by se.ling the power, surely we f
can accomplish as much with the water
at our doors. Who will show their loy
uky to Lebanon and receive the plaud
its of a grateful public by taking the
lead in this matter?
We solicit sugg stlons, plans or wel
come any move towards the accom
plishment of this one great enterprise
for Lebanon. More anon.
When I think ef the towel, the old
fashion towel, that used to hang up by
the printing house door, I think that
nobody in these days jbf shoddy can
hammer out iron to Jear as it wore.
The tramps, who abused if, tho devil,
who used it, the com p., who got at it
when theso two were gone, the make
up and tiie fore-man, the editor, poor
man, each rubbed some grime of! while
they put a heap out. In, over and un
der, 'twas blacker than thunder, 'twas
harder than poverty, rougher than
sin; from Uie roller suspended, it was
never bended, flapped ou the wall like
a banner of tin. It grew thicker and
rougher aud harder and tougher,
and daily put on a fjtore inkier hue,
until ouo windy morning without any,
warning, fell to the floor and was brok
en in two. Curdette.
The constitution of Jnirth Dakota
provides that no foreigner shall vote
until two years after ho Las declared
hk intention Of Ucoitring a citizen,
mid the reading of ie declaration of
Independence with eae shall I41 a test
qf the qual ideation of the voter. This
Pi as It sUmild be. Tlni U no rtasfie!
Vijy the fore&ner slioukl
not learn
i:ething ot the government of his
Moptpd conntry before diking 41 hand
LlmseJf. Even tjie persfn born in tlie
Xj nited States must be here twenty-one
yew befotc ha can vote.
A clever New York vag has lately
I working a new scheme. He car
1 !os a crust of bread, and when lie sees
&Uncvolent lady he drops it sumfjptl
tlously aud picks It up ednspicuously,
taking a Wto and putting the rest in
his pocket. In this way he excites
compassion, ami kind-hearted ladies
force money upon him. Then he goes
0 some grogery aiid has a high old.
Tbompfow & Orernmn, the leading
hiiiuis.Hdejilers, Albany, Or.
The host Jo! woik in dmiv by the
A lover, says an exchange, declared
his passion to bl$ loved one in the fol
lowing huijrungo:
"Iiy the Intervention 6f the Invisible
hand ot Providence I have been pre
vented from precipitating myself tit
your foot, for the- entire absolution of
tins c'olleotaneoim calumny which has
beeit so shiaderously conglomerates
Upon the unblotted and lmophlst!cat-
1 face of my stalnlwa reputation, nnd
with which I have bora & mutlrthusly
clroumvallated that lapproheruled the
most mountainous, colossal and hercu
lean difficulties In perfectly disincar
cerating myself lrom the erUtiintua
machinations, in which I bail bopu 8t
unmercifully immured. Bat, 0 thou
superhuman fulr pue! dci not for a mo
ment Qoukl tlw moveless sUfblUty anJ
fathomless piytfundity f my lve, for
the monoculttftnutocrat of day ehali
cimse to eradiate -tho mnbmgeous De
cesses of the forest; th translucent
queen of nlghtshall oease to perambu
late the diltplianoas and stcllii'rotM
concavity of the cerulean heavens; Alio
horizonous rearing of heaven's artillery
shall cease to )llo- forth its terriflo
pwtl: the forky ' coruscations oY tho
skies shall discontinue to blaze forth
their sulphurous, Igneous fulgor from
the igniferons clouds before my low
shall be extinguished; and oh J angel of
my heart! could the manifestation of
the keenest pangs of conscience raise
me but a millionth part uf an inch into
thy fvor, f would at one begin to
pour forth such a flood of to, thut
were the world on lire, they would
drown the wrath of heuvenaiid quuch
the mighty rain."
wt rnoc?
Awake thou that clcst. There
fore let us not sleep a do others. A
live church is a thing of beauty and a
pleasure to the Lord. Eaoh mmbcr
ought to strive to make other better,
and be prepared for future usefulness :
By a new consecration.
By quitting your meanness and
By erecting a fcou'ly altar.
By forgiving all your enemies. '
By parting company with the dead.
By attending all social meetings.
By keeping your bump of self-esteem
wll poulticed.
By taking your churqh paper and
reading it oarefnlly.
By reading everything you can gel
on spiritual growth.
By eeesing in every way possible to
give a reason for the hojc that you
profess to have. Strive to grow in
Knowledge, m well as in grat e, for an
unread Christian is much line u
niuley calf in a herd of Texan steers.
Look well to the living if you have
a loved one parsed over before you;
do not spend all your strength and
energy on the departed, for they are
beyond your help, but reach a helping
hand to the living, poridhinjr; young of
this woild.
Know ye not that he that convert
ed a sinner from the wror of Uu way
shall gave a soul from death.Janies
Feek for tho Christ miud. He
"Out in the desert heard their cry,
Pick and helpless and ready to die
He left the saved to seat the lost. Oh
Christian! what hast thou given for
Uheni. F. II. Caldmb.
One day last wek a San Fmncisoo
paper reported twelve births In its birth
column, and a notable feature of the
report is that every anc was a girl.
.business location on west side of
Main street, In Lebauon, at a bargain,
for the uext few days w particulars
'-Inquire at this oflVce.
For any information regarding rates
or fair to Eastern cities and other hi
foudiat&n call on
M. E. Uexmk, Agt. . P. Co.,
Lebanon, Ot.
Wo pall tho attention of the farmors
to tho fact that we aro running our
chopper on Thursday, Friday and Sat
usday of each weelc. Our price ate
reasonable and work guaranteed.
Cuosti & Hyde.
Our goods reach us direct from the
manufactory and every pair of our
boot and shoes are folly warranted.
When you neod any toote or shoes look
over Montagues' Ifue stock before boy
Monta-gWs fal I stock is
now complete in ovory do
partrucut. The Mammoth
storo is 'filled with rs viwfoa
poods, adapted to tiii mw"
kii,a8 miiuoy will huy
DKESS 001).
Our all yko1 Aldino fluit
ings, n, full yard wiiio, whiah
we arv Belling at 50 ants per
yard, is without doubt the
best vaStio for tht money rer
offered to tjio ladiw. of Leba
non. Onr tok of Henrietta
clojths, a8hmerc8, tricU,
camoMiJiir foods, watorpmofs,
and advance styles of every
thing wearsble is simply im
mense lio ladies arc invit
ed to call and take a took
through the goods. They wore
bought at very low prk-es and
will bo sold correspondingly
Montague's stock of fancy
work materials, as zephyrs,
wools and yarns, embroidery
silks, in fact everything that
goes to make up a complete
l ine of material for fancy work
can be found at Montague's.
Our stock of boots and
shoes was made expresnly for
us and every pair we Bell ia
fully warranted. "When you
want anything in the foot wear
line look over Montaguo's
stock and get his prieeH. If
you want to get good goods at
living prices you wil necessa
rily buy yur boots srnd shoes
of Montague.
Montague is opening up the
largest and nest selected stock
of Men's, Boys' and Chil
dren's Clothing ever opened
at this place. YV e can ht any
one both in size and price.
Montague carries Oregon City
Clothing, California Cassi
mcre Clothing, Kaatern
Worsteds, rs well as a great
variety of serviceable, low
priced goods.
ThoOnePrico Cash Shire
will continue to deliver Grd
ceriee and General Merchan
dise to the citizens of this
place- and vicinity at a mere
nominal advanco over the
original cost.
Persons who owe mo MUST
I do not propoift to waste
much time in dunning. In
fact there are sorrte w ho imag
ine they should not be dunn
ed at all, but it take.s money
to do business. Do not be
surprised if yott find tho note
er account you may happen
to owe nfe in the hands of an
OlllCer lor Very J'roniiit
The lontr. wearr credit bus
iness is a thing of the past in
Sept. 20, 1889.
is : tii:
, . rem wtvn weak. . ..
This $ho U made of tho ftrst tanncrvs.lf, 'has oKl
bnd m1s, und ia the fin- ehoe ibr .3JtX) ever pi
JMa-n4tttr(tfl by
IjctelsbG5? 4 fi&u ' to.FrisiSgf;
4R) yon m& w mw
Druggist and
Pure Drugs, Medicines,
Points, Oils and Glass,
Fine Perfumer', Brushes & Combs
Prescriptions Accurately CompDundecl.
Main Street, Lobnnon, Orofjn.
Julius Gradwohl's
Golden Rule Baz
The leading Crockery and Fancy
Goods house of Albany, Oregon,
Roer Bros. Silverware,
French China and Crystalware,
Boys' Wagons, Baby and Doll Carriages
Fancy Goods and a
General Assortment of Crockery and Toyg.
He buy direct and cnrrlwi tho largont Htock In tlio Willimiott vll
Isl ca parte Fraacjis. Dior wlrd dontch gesprockca.P1S
Vekicles, Implements,
Light and Heavy Machines
Uail m. uentiemon, and wo w !l TAnk ts
Gentlemen, and wo
L'itJ HleM, lpd fflc, Orcfron Vllp, Orcffrm,
H?ptuU?r 2vitW.
Notice is irenr.MY ir'KN that in cum
DlliAiMi wlili Uie DrovlnlDU of the net of Con-
ffreuM f jituo J, IH7M. iitKM "un net fur tlio mlo
of timber UiirtH In tl tiiu-of CRllforiiU, Orevou,
Nuvuda ami WmhliiKtuji Territory,"
uoBKirr noiinKriKX,
ot Oreiron City, cniiiHy atSjMVnmM. fitnte of Ore
Kun hu thU any Alert Id t!f oflioo hLtHnorn "tiile-
incniArMou, rortnerwrcnium or tn no 1-4 of
M-rtiuii K, tit 12 8, K. 1 K, nj will olTc-r Lrwtf to
how tkut llio luiul noORht Ik more Tolimbliifor lu
timlwr or dtunu than for MrkuHiirnl iiiinioni.
awl to cdftlilUli hi claim mi laud hjufore tha
muwon, 00 inurwiny, inc 1.711 any 01 nee, iwf,
K hamuli at wHiii-hmw: i Klli'hrti, H il flnxlo
of Axtorla, ClaUwp county; J VT llMinp and I) H
id J
MitMl, or Mtunnon,
.inn county, all of Oi
dim clrimlur a1vn
An aud all
mm clrimliijr sdvomily tlio
mils are nueU4 to file their
plttlin to tlilH onlou mi or rx-rom nuiil r;th ilny of
J. T. Alil'BKttON, iitgm:.
6c HOLT,
r , , r
(lUijilncil, mid
fcwiilcrt In for U(HF.KJ TK FKKS. Our nD. is
or"lfli H10 U.S. Inhtitiifl. hjiiJ wo tfq h
I11 11 I'AivtitK IfiMiw limn w,i,.i ttumt romM" m
I I.. 1,1 "VMH. VVo fi l in I (Wli'ii
"'"l,y 'W f cliinmnuil iimliu HO GOJlitiA v is tntt-mm.
Kt cln-iilur, ailflw, Irrmn nn,l Tvfcuf .
iwliml rll.-Mw ). wn Mi9,f'i,Mi,ir, Viy if
111 f'yl if A'l fiTAlh h'J Ml