-1 ANON '1 VOL. III. . LEBANON, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1889. NO. 31. EXPRESS BOOIKTY NOTIOiflB. LE II ANON LODflK. W. 44, A. t. A. Mj MKi at Ui.lr new Iwll In Miwonlo liloak, on Hsttuday U.rb.lo,.th.luU,,m.iH()N W M LEBANON IPOR, NO. 47, I. O O Msstti Hat. urtl eiln of .Mil waxlt, t Oilil follow Hull, M.ln itiHti fUitliK t.r.thri.11 oimllally lnltl lu lt.i,rt. J. J. UHAlUl'ON, H (. BONOH LOIH1B NO. M, A. O. W. W lbnon, Ormiim; MiU vnry Brut iid third Tlnifwlar tagTlu III. month. IT. H. 11OH0OK. M.W. ' RBXiI01QD3 NOTICES. U.K. CHUHCH. Walton Bklpworth, pwitor-Hervloes each Sun day at 11 a. h. mid 7 v. n. Sunday School at 10 a. M. eauli Sunday. PRRHHVTKBIAH CUUBOII. G. W. Ollmnv, pastor Hrvl',es each Sunday at 11 a. m. Bunday School 10 a, M. Bervlces each Huuday nlKlit. CUMBBBI.AND PREHHYTKHIAH CllimCH. J. R. Klrkpatrlrk, pastorHorvlees the nd and 4th Btuidays at 11 a. m. and 7 r. u. Bunday HnhiHil eei'h HmihIhv at ID . M. DR. C. H. DUCKETT. DENTIST. Office over C. C. ' Hackelman's store. LKHAXON. ORKUON. K. WEATHER FORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflloo ovor First National flunk. A Ml ANY DR. J. M. TAYLOR, x is iv rr i h rr , I.KHA. OKKUOX. L. H. MONTANYE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND ALItAXY, OKK4OSl. Will prnrtlce In all Court of the 'State. W. R. BILYEU. Attorney at Law, AI.HAXY. OHttUON. . R. X. BLAUBBUBB. "BO, W. WBIIUIT. BLACKBURN & WRICHT, Attorneys at Law. Will practice In all the Court of the Slate. Prompt munition given to all business en trusts! to our care. Onlce Odd Fellow's Temple. Albany. Or. O. P. COSHOW & SONS, HEAL 12 STAT 13 AND INSURANCE AGENTS, UHOWNMYII.K. OHKliOSI. Collection made, conveyancing and all No tiirlitl work done ou sliurl uollue. SPECIAL NOTICE. Oil. AY- 3. XVKULJN, Graduate of the Royal College, of London, England also of the Bollevue Injedloul College. , rpHE DOCTOR HAS 81'KNT A LIFETIME 1 - of study and practice, and make a speo ialty of cuionle iIIhuiwok, removes cancers, orofulou enlai'KmuenlH, tumors and wens without pain or Hie knlfo. lie also inakrM a .PMialty of Uentiiieut with rluutrlnity. lias pUoliceil In the German. Krenoh and Knxlish cospltals. Culls promptly attemli'd day or night, ills motlo la. "good Will to All." Ollloeand remdenue, Ferry street, between Third and Fourth, Albuny, Oregon. J. L, COWAN. J, M. KAUTION. BANK OF LEBANON, LEBANON, OREGON. Tfausacts a General Banking Bnsiness ACCOISITM KF.PT HMUKCT TO 4IIKCU. ' KmhanK sold on Now York, San Francisco, Portland and Albany, Oregon. Colleotions mude on (uvoruble terms. J. MVKKB. K. HIIKI.VON. SCIO LAND CO. SCIO, OREGON. Buy and Bii Laiid, XOA.IV MOIVISY '.- ',.'-'' ' AND Insure Property. NOTARY PUBLIC. Any information in regard to the cheap et Land in the garden of Oregon f urniahed DEVIV WORSRlPEffS. Strange Religion at Certain 'Comma titles In Wester. Asia. According to HerrGuBtav Fauli, who recently mode a journey from Tabriz to Lake Van, the Nestorlan Christians trrace with the name of devil-worshipers A , number of communities scattered through Russian -and Turkish Armenia tnd In the Valley of the Tigris down to Mosul Near Mosul, In the outspurs of Kurdistan, lies Ba-Hasani, the holy city of the Jeslds or devil-worshipers, and containing the temple and taauBO leum of their Sheik Adl, and not far thence the village of Bashiyka, ths residence of their civil and religious head. According to tradition, their faith had its origin in certain apostate members of Armenian Church, and their name is variously derived from Jesu or Jesid, one of their chiefs, and from the town Jezd. Their faith has probably, however, a much earlier ori gin, derived from the influence of all those religions successfully holding sway in those regions, from Zoroastri- anism to islam. They address prayers to the sun at his rising and kiss the place first touched by his beams. At certain festivals they warm the fingers of their right hand at the holy taper, then draw them over their right eyebrows and kiss them. The Supreme Being they name Allah, and reverence the founder of Islam' as a prophet, while they reverence Christ as a groat ange;l naming Him Ben Isai Nurani (Jesus, Son of the Light), who one day will come to rule the world. They desire to live in good understand' Ing with Shai tan (Satan P), the devil, And so great is their respect for him that they do not presume to pronounce his name, but call him "Melek-laup, and pay honor to him symbolically as alight-giver (Lucifer), and in the figure of a bird. Our Thursday is their bab bath. They fast forty days in the spring, but are not over strict In the observance) of such fast, preferring rather to do it by proxy. One member of the family fasting will do for all the others as well as himself. Children are immediately after birth baptised with the water of the holy spring at the grave of the Sheik Adi. To this end that water is fetched to places very remote from the holy well by mendicant monks(Kawall,) all belonging to one single family. Th3 Jeslds have a horror of the color of blue (flame of sulphurP), and es chew all attire of that hue. They have the reputation of being strictly honest and moral. They show great respect to women, so that a woman may ac quire the priestly dignity. Polygamy is allowed only with tribal chiefs. Ths common roan may have but one wife, for whom he has often to pay the mother a rather high price. Priests and Kawal may not marry out of their caste. A widow dresses in white, and etiquette requires of her even to strew dust on her head and smear her face with clay. Corpses are first washed and then buried with the face toward the Polar star. In the killing of anl mals all the blood is drained off by cutting through the artery of the neck, as with the Jews and Mohammedans. They cling with great tenacity to their faith, but refuse the adoption of any proselytes into their ranks. Fhiladd phia Horth American. THE RUSSIAN CAPITAL. The City Csar Peter Built on the Deadly Marshes of the Neva. There was a sublime ruthlessness about the Czar Peter which reminds us at evory step of the operation of the forces of nature. What recked he how many of 40,000 serfs, whom he impressed every year to build his city, perished in the marsh P As little as the earthquake which engulfs a city 01 the typhoon wlilch desolates a province, lie was an elemental force embodied in human form and what a forcel No one can properly appreciate the colos sal energy of the man until he has had some acquaintance with the unconquer able inertia of the poople whom 'Peter sot hlmsolf to force into step with na tions hundreds of years in advance of Muscovy. Even to this day his coun trymen have not quite made up their minds whether he was a fiend or an archangel, antichrist, or a a new Ava tar. But surely In all history there are few more pathotloally tragic spectacles than this tremendous battle with ftud giants on the part of this modern I'hor, a strugglo constantly re newed by his ..unconquerable , will, but constantly thwarted by that stu pidity against which the gods them selves contend In vain. I suppose Mr. Auboron Herbert would sue ia the story of Peter's herolo attempt to Knout a uubioii into rolorm a toumx object lesson as to the fatuity of all ifforts to force the pace of nature. But Peter himself, with his fiery energy iod unoonquerable will, was at least us fundamental a piece of nature ai the sluggishness and superstition with which he waged so sore a war. It is true he failed in much, and many things have not turned out as he hoped. Even St. Petersburg is now admitted to occupy by no means the 'most desirable site on the Russian sea board. The mortality among the levies whose labor built the city was great, but the number who perish by the ua healthiness of the site year after year, even to this day, is still more appall ing. The death rate of St. Petersburg Is nearly double that of London, and, even if all allowance is made for the difference of sanitary science, the mor tality due to the Bite selected by Peter can hardly be less than 10 per 1,000 per annum. As the population of the capital is 930,000, this is equivalent to an annual hecatomb of 9,300 victims sacrificed to the manes of the Despot- Reformer. Contemporary Eevieto. THE BOWSER FAMILY. Mr. B. Buys a Doe, and Mrs. B. Tells AU About the I' KlJ Urate. Ever since our marriage Mr. Bow ser has been looking after a house dog, and a good share of our troubles have arisen over this fact On a hun dred different occasions I have asked him what we wanted of a dog. and on a hundred different occasions he has raised his voice and replied: 'What do we want of a dog? Did you ever see a family which amounted to shucks which didn't keep a dog? Nature gave us the dog to protect us to be a sort of companion. There are people who can strike terror to a dog's heart by one look, but I am not one of those, Mrs. Bowser no, thank Heaven!" "Can't you protect us, Mr. Bowser?" "Certainly I can and do, but sup pose I am off my guard Borne night and a burglar enters our house P" "And burglars the dogPV "That's it! Sneer at the poor dumb brute because Nature made him a dog! Under the circumstances I have stated we should probably owe our lives to the faithful guardian." lie brought home a dog. it was a dog with a certificate of character from his last owner. He was guaran teed to be vigilant, trut, tidy, kind, and to have a special hankering after the life-blood of house-breakers. He carried Mb head to the left as if trying to see his left hind foot, and there was a suspicious squint in his eyes. He had been badly knocked about from all appearances, but the boys who brought him explained that this was the result of tackling an elephant and coming off seoond best The beast growled at me and snapped at the baby as Mr. Bowser brought him in, and when I protested against tbe in vasion I was answered with: "No wonder he growls! A dog knows an enemy on Burnt, lie feels that you'd like to murder him, and he properly resents it . Come here, liambo." That night the dog had the run of the lower part of tb house. We had no sooner got to beti than he began to howl. Mr. Bowser threatened him from the head of the stairs, and then he barked at intervals of five. minutes for an hour. Mr. liowser silenced him after awhile, and I was just getting asleep when I hoard the boost gurgling and growling and worrying some thing. I wanted Mr. Bowser to go down stairs, but he utterly refused, saying: "He has probably got hold of a burglar, and I don't want to be ap pealed to to call him off. Just go to sleep and let Hambo alone. We haven't boon as safe for years." Next morning the beast bit the cook in the leg as she went down, and the minute the door was opened he lit out for parts unknown. We soon dis covered what ho had been worrying. It was Mr. Bowser's new winter over coat, and it was reduced to a roll of strings and tatters. You' brought him home!" I ex claimed as I pointed to the ruins. "I did, ehP" said Mr. Bowser, as he surveyed the heap. "And you lay right there and knew what he was at and never said a word." 'You said he was chewing up a burglar." "Then I was talking in my sleep, and you knew it! Mrs. Bowser, you don't get a now dud for a year!" lho next flog was a hound. The owier told Mr. Bowser that he was a (rood deer dog, and ten dollurs chanced IlilliUB UU IflUB OCCUUUb "But what good is a deer dog?' I asked, when Mr. Bowser explained this fact "To run deer, of course." "But where are the deer?" "That's just like you! You expect to look out of the back door and see a dozen! I propose to go where the deer are. Did you ever see a kinder face on a dog?". "He looks very simple-minded. " "Does he! Well, don't you' fool yourself. You may owe your life to him yet He's better than forty bur glar-alarms.'1 The canine deserved credit for one thing. He slept soundly on the parlor sofa all night On the second after noon he got out and a little terrier weighing eleven ounces ran him three times around the house and finally drove him into a barrel partly filled with plaster. "Did I buy him for a fighter!" shouted Mr. Bowser, as I related the occurrence. "He run, of course. I bought him for a runner." He whistled for Archimedes, as he had named him, and the animal came creeping in and hid under the lounge. When routed out of that he mode a dive for Mr. Bowser's feet just in time to trip him up and let him down with a jar that made the roof shake. The scared brute then jumped into the crib and lay down on baby's head, from which position he was lifted to be flung over the alley fence. "Is that the way they run deer?" I asked Mr. Bowser. "Whose fault is it?" ho demanded. "You had that dog terrified as soon as he struck the house. It was his mor tal fear of you which mode him act so. If you don't have something awful happen to you I'll miss my guess." It wasn't a week before he came home with another canine. The beast was under-sized, out at the elbows and down-hearted. When I asked what he was good for, Mr. Bowser replied: "If you knew any thing about dogs you could see at a glance. He's a rat terrier." "Does he terrify rats?" "Does he? In one week there won't be a rat on this whole square!" "Wouldn't it be as well 'to stand ths rats as the dog?" mars you, exactly! Anat's specimen of your mercy! It's a wonder to me that such murderous feelings as you carry in your heart don't meet with fitting punishment" The terrier didn't do any thing re markable for the first three days ex cept to fill up and sleep. On the fourth day, as we were eating dinner, we heard a row in the back yard, and at we got to the door we saw the terrier penned up in a corner of the yard, tall down and eves rolling, nd a small rat was keeping him there and having lots of fun. The rodent skipped at sight of us and the dog crawled under the barn. I laughed till I fell down, but Mr. Bowser was very 6tern and digni fied. After he hod pulled the terrier out and flung him over the fence h came back to me and said: "Are you satisfied nowP" "That the dog is a ratter?" "No, ma'am! Satisfied that you have once more, out of pure malice toward a helpless animal, driven him from home to a life of misery! It's a wonder to me that you don't murder our child!" Detroit Free Pewi. k uaa oeen recommended as a means of relief from sorrow by a writer, who mentions a woman whose sorrows seemed piled mountain high through the loss by death within a few months of her husband and child and of property as well. Trained to no work as a girl she seemed helpless. But her little garden demanded atten tion and her very losses compelled her to work with her hands. Here, too, the soothing balm of pure air, ex ercise and occupation worked its mar vels in recovering health, contentment and a spirit of self-helpfulness. An Ubio girl, nineteen years n age, has become baldheaded. A Californian named John Fess- ler has a quartz mine that has paid him $30,000 in two years. He does his own work, and his only mill is a hand mortar. The oldest Admiral in England is Sir Provo Wallace, aged ninety-eight, lie was in the fight in 1812. between the Shannon and the Chesapeake, but he never commanded a steam vessel. Colored women in New York City have organized "The Woman's Chari ty and Industrial Club" for the help of their sisters, and have leased a four-story house as a "home for friend less colored girls. ". . THE RUSSIAN CAPITAL. ' St. Petersburg's Extraordinary Ride-Walks and Capricious Climate. One of the most extraordinary things about St Petersburg is the unevenness of the sidewalks. It must surely be accounted for by a reaction against the prevailing flatness of Russia. Even in leading thoroughfares the sidewalks, instead of being made, as with us, as level as possible, abound in the most treacherous ups and downs. How drunken men survive a walk through the streets is to me an unsolved mystery. In Middlesborough it used to be profanely said that the Quakers, who had laid out the town, purposely elevated the sidewalk a couple of feet above the roadway in some of the streets in order to break the necks of drunkards. Possibly a , similar benevolent motive prompted the construction of the trottoirs of the Russian capital People get used to any thing, and after a week in the city you become so accustomed to the sud den sb if tings of gradient as hardly to notice their existence. In the same way you become accustomed to the dvornik, who sit dozing outside the door of every public building or tenemented house. At first nothing seems more monstrous than the pres ence of this sheep-skin clad mortal at the door of your hotel, motionless and somnolent all through the night. 1ut after awhile you cease to notice him. He is supposed to be a substitute for police, and, as he survives the winter, he may be supposed not to feel the frosty nights of a Russian spring. The weather was extremely capricious during the early part of May. A bright warm sun in the morning might be followed with piercing winds, with sleet and snow in the afternoon. It was never safe to stir abroad without an overcoat Natives admonished me sol emnly, as if I had been manifestly bent on suicide, because I left mine at home whenever the sun shone. Every one wore a top-coat in St Petersburg till well into June. The ice in fTake La doga, I was told, was the great refrig erator of St Petersburg. It was not till past midsummer that summer could be said to have set in on the Neva. Never in any city have I seen so many men and women with faces swollen as if from toothache as in St Petersburg. Contemporary Review. THE USEFUL SKUNK. Why Farmers Make Mistake In Destroy ing; the Little Animal. The much despised skunk is a good entomologist, and the farmer and gardener make a great mistake in per secuting and destroying this humble little animal. The few eggs he pur loins from the farmer's hen yard very poorly compensate for the groat number of noxious insects he destroys. In May, he is sometimes seen about ' sundown, on some elevated spot, watching for the May beetle as he wheels his droning flight, and he saves him, too, not in the Bense spoken of in . the Immortal elegy, but between his teeth. He will sit an hour at a time gathering in the destructive beetlos. He is a persistent hunter, and in his nocturnal rambles moves along with nose close to the ground ; his sense of smell is so acute not an insect, not a larva, above ground or below, can es cape him; his eyes now glow with un- . usual brilliancy as he scans every leaf and branch for the hidden prey. About tobacco plantations his services are considered valuable. Several years ago tobacco was culti vated to some extent in the aliolnlng town of Brighton. The writer, wish ing to get some of the worms to rear moths from, called on a gentleman owning a plantation in the town, and made known his object. The reply ' was, "Take ail you can find; we want to get rid of them." In going through the rows I noticed many holes in the in the ground, five or six inches deep, but could not make out the object, as they did not seem to have any thing to do with the tobacco. I mentioned the fact to the gentleman, who smiled as he told me that it was done by skunks to obtain the tobacco worms that had left the plants and buried themselves to undergo their trans formations, but were forestalled by the keen-scented animal and made to serve as food. Vick's Magazine. uruest (at Mrs. De Fashion's mu- slcale) "Mercy! , What are all these wash boilers, and fiat irons, and things in the parlor for?" Mrs. Da Fashion (helplessly) "I had to get them. The leader of the orchestra came here at the last minute and re fused to play unless I furnished these things for the anvil chorus. He said he was bound to have one selection . -j ..v.--. , r-on varaation.- . " i