Kernes roa publication. TThitio Btas Lahd Orrwm.J V (iwiw City, .. timber . la. 4 TOtlCK 18 MKHKBY QUKX THAT IS COM 1 S alienee with the psnVlKtant of the wl I Congress f Jane 3, 187 A, entitled "An art far the win of timber land in th Wales af ('Itformi, Oncon, Nevada and WaahisiKton Territory." MARTIN MATINON, cf Portland, eoanty of Mttlteonah, State o( Ore-p-on, ha this? tiled In this olilee hli itm iteinent No. 1611, for the asunthase of the n4 cf awtion 10, Ui township 12 south, reiure 3 east, ami wlil tmr proof to chow tint the laud souicht is more valuable (of It timber or stone than w agiieultural parenses, ana to establish hie clals to Haul land before the K'twir end Receiver of Uil office at laresoa Citv. Orefou, ou Taea dav. the ifsth dar of Nowntar, lew. fie ntmnu witnesses: L. A. rhiMmer, H, Vnrnn, A. C. Llateraiid JUhu bliaou, all of Leb anon. Linn county ureon. , Ant and all persona clalmlo adversely the above-deeeribed laoda are reo, aeateri to fill their claims In tme since on or betoreesld SKtn day 01 ISovember, 188, i. 1. AVV&UWX. Kerlater, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ITnitbr Btatbr Limd OrricaJ OmeoM City. oa., September 10, 1889. XTOTICK IH HKKKBY UlVEN THAT IN COM 1 1 pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June S. 1S78. entiled "An act for the Hie of timber land In the Htates of California, Oreron, Nevada and Washington Territory," . LOUIS A. HUOOKMEL, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Ore iron, ban this dsy filed In thia office his sworn statement No. 1510, tor the purchase of the nwtj of section 12, In lownahlp U! aouth, ranire i aait, and will offer proof to ahow that the laud aoutrht ia more valuable for lta timber or atone than for agricultural purpoaea, and toeatabllah hia claim to aald land before the Kcffiater and Keceiverof thia office at Ornron Citv, Or., on Taesday, the 36th day of November, 1889. He name aa witueaaea: A. C. Mater, V. Matt oq, H. Vroom and J. Simon, all of Lebanon, Linn county. Oregon. Any and all pernon flalmlnir adversely the above-deacribed landa are requented to file their c!aima iu thia ofllcoon or be fore aald 28th flay of November!. J. T. Al'PEHw)N. Rtf later. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Umtid (States Laud Ornc,f Oregon City, Ob., Heptember 11. 1889. I NOTICE 18 HKRKBY UI VKN THAT IN COM pliance with the proviaiona of the act of Congrow of June S, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber landa in the 8talea of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," JOHN II KA1.KS, of Alhlna, eouuty of Mtiltnoiimh, Slate of Ore ion, has this din'filrd iu this ottice hia aworn atatement No. l&W. for the rnireliaee of the n'4 of swfion 3"J, in towniibip 12 outh, ranire 1 eal, aud will offer proof to show that the land wuuht js more valuable for lta timber or alone than for atmcnltural i.iirpowi. and to establish hl claim tuaaid lauil before the Register and Keceiverof thia office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednea ' iy, tht 27th day of November. 189. He names aa witnenaea: J. H. Barney, E. Ad klii'n. Albina, Multnomah county; J. Kitchen. H.ifirwhileld, Aatorfa, Clatsop county, all of urein. Any and all persona claiming adveraelv the above-deaeribed landa are reuueted to nle their ciaima ir. thia office on or before aaid'iTth dav of November, im. 1. T. APl'E R.SON, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dnmr Statis Laud Offici,( Ormon City, Or., September II, im. XTOTICK 18 HKKKBY OIVEN THAT IN COM XI pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the Htates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." JAMKd 0. THUCKER, of Winlock, county of Lewis, Territory of Wash ington, baa this day flled in this office hia sworn statement No. I'M, for the purchase of lots 1 and 2 and s1-, of ne1 of section In township 11 south, range 1 eaat, aud will offer proof to (now tbat the land aougnt ia more valuable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural pur pose, and to establish his claim to aald land be fore the Register and Receiver of thia office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 29tb. day of November, IKtU. He names as witnesses: W. L. Lewis, of Win lock, Lewis county, Washington Territory: R. Archiba'd, Misi, Columbia county, Oregon: J. fctlrm, w. B. Marye, of Portland, Multnomah couutv. Oregon. , Any and all persona claiming adversely the jbove-deacribea landa are requested to tile their naima in linomce on or before saiaroo day 01 'ovember, IMS. J. T. A PPEKSON, Reglater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION., Cnitid States Lad 0rnc,J 0rK! City. Or., September 14,1889. NOTICE 18 HEREBY 01 VEX THAT IN COM pl lance with the provlsiona of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the tale of timber landa in the Btaiee of California, Oregon, Nevada aud Waablngton Territory," JAMEH H. CHALKER, of Portland, county of Multnomab, State of Ore gon, has thia day filed in this office hia aworn aiatement No. L'is9, for the parchaae of the is;, of section 14, in township 11 south, range 1 eaat, and will offer proof to show tbat the laud aought is more valuable for lta timber or alone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish hia claim to aald land before the Register aud Receiver of thisothce at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 2th day of November, 18X9. He names as witnesses: G. H. Joinings, J. Bkirm, J. Hanaen, of Portland, Maltnomah foamy; li. Archibald, Of Mlat, Columbia coanty, ail of Oregon. , Any and all persons claiming adversely the bove-desrrl bed landa are requested to file their claims In thia office on or before aald SSUb day of November, im. 1. T. A PPKRtSON, Reglater. r-sOTSCE FOR PUBLICATION. United Btats Laud Orricc.f Orboow Citv, Ob., Heptember H, 188t. ( VTOTICJt 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN C0M pllsnee.with the provisions of the act of Congress of Jane , 1878, entitled, "An act for the sale of timber landa in the Htates of California, Oregon, Nevada aud Waablngton Territory " WILLIAM L. OOODLETT, of Portland, county of Multnomah, elate of Ore gon, has this day filed In this office hia aworn KtAtement No. l.vm for Die purchase of the nw of section 24, In township 11 south, range 1 eaat, and wlil offer proof to abow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, snd to establish hia claim to aald land before the Register and Receiver of iota office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Fri day, the !Wtb day of November, 188SI. lie numes as witnessea; J-Hklrm, V. Julian, W. R. Marye, of Portland, Multnomah county, Oregon ; R. Archibald, of Mist, Columbia county, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the 'nve-described laud sre requeued to die their c -.huuh Iu thia ottice on or before aald '29th day of November, 1889. J. T. APPKll.iON, Reglater, KQTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Htates Land 0rnc, Omoon City, Or., Henleiiiber II, I88U. ( UTOTICB I HEREBY 01VKN THAT IN COM ' j. pliance wilh the provisions of the set of l onxresaof June 8, 1878, entitle "All set for tile mlc of timber lands in tbetttafces of Csllfornia, Oregon, Nevwla snd Washington Territory," t JOHKPH SKIKM, of Portland, county of Multnomah. State of Ore gon, hua this day filed in this office bis sworn atatcniriit No. Uifl, for the purcbaae ofthenef of m t'tion 124, In township II south, range 1 east and will offer proof to abow that the laud sought in more valuable for its limber or alone than for Tieulniritl purposes, pnd to eatablleli his claim aid Mud before the Register and Keceiverof oilii at Oregon city, Oregon, on Fri the 291 b day of November, 1889. V.niiMitaa witnesses: W. R. Marye, W, L. !i-lt, V. Julian, of Portland, Multnomah iniin;R, Archibald, Mist, Columbia - . mgou. j slid an persoua cimitjiiiik itoverst'iy iue i. -described lnl are rw nested to file their uk in tii In oltice on or before said !Sth dy of yemlrt-r, W J. T. APPKKHON, llegistor. POTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unitd States Land 0rric,j "'awna City, ok., berdi-mber 14, 1WW, j ": IH HKRKBY Ul VKN THAT IN COM- "'"ance with Ibe provisions of the act of '".s of juu 3, 1B78, entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands In the P-tates of Aellforuls, Oregon, NovesUand Waauinrtmi Territory," JONttPH HAN8KN, of Portland, enanty of Maltnomah, State of Ore tnn, has thtselay filed tn thia ofhee hi aworu statesaerrt Na IMS, for the purchase tuf the ae of section '24, in township 11 south, rasijre 1 east, and will ftr proof ur show that Ute laatd aought I more valuable tor tu timber or atone Uian for sutrleultural mirooaea.aml to establish hisolaim to aald laud before the Keiilsler and Heeelverof tills ofHoe at Oregon City, Ur., a Friday, we -am oay 01 jtovenioer, imw. Me names m wltueaaea: Joaenh Balrm. W. L. oodlett, W B. Isarve, of Portland, Wullnn anah county; 1C Archibald, of Mist, Columbia county, all ot Oregon. Any and all persona Claiming adversely the abnve-dmrrlbed sands are. reqaeated to lie their claims In thia office ou or before aald 29 th day of aovenieer, ltttw. x. T. AiTKKSOiN, KoKtster, NOflCEFOR PUBLICATION. Ubitks BTATta Lakih JDmrtf OaionH City, Or., Hentemher U, 188U. I VOTICK IH HKKKBY 01VKN THATJN COM ll pllanm with thai provlaiona of the aet of Congreaa of Juno 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the wle of timber landa In the state of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri tory," ROBERT ARCHIBALD. of Mlat, emmtvof Columbia, mate of Oregon, haa thia dav filed In thia office haa aworn a Ua le nient No. 1M1, (or the mirchaae of the IWV4 of aectlon H, in townalilp U aouth. range 1 eaat, and will offer proof to ahow that to land aought la more valuable for lta timber or atone than (or agricultural purpoaea, and Cneatabtiah hia claim to wid laud before the Reglater and Receiver of oimiaomee at uregon city, or,, on jrnaav, the 29th day of November, 181V. He name aa wltneaaea: J. Hanaen, W. L. Uoodlelt, V. Julian and J. Bkirm, all of Port land, Maltnomah county, Oregon. Any and all peraona claiming adversely the above described landa are reoueated to file their ciaima in tun omce on or before aald Tiia day nuiimni, iw, j. i. Arroiiwin, negiaier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- Land Ofi-icr at Ohkuon City. Ok.. I ISenteiiiher 2i IKS), t NOTICE 18 HKKKBY UIVKN THAT TIIK Collowinvnaitied settler haa flled notioe of hia intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aald oroof will be made be fore the County Jungo, orin hia absence, before the County Cleric of Ijun countv. at Albany. Oregon, on Monday. November 4. ISM), viz: eiamuel Nothiger. Iiomeatead entry No. .VMM, for the nwi of aectiou tj, townalilp 13 aouth of ranges eaat. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous renidemw upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Hudolph (Spring, John Spring, JacobBpriiigand John Tracbsel, all of Sweet Home, Linn county Oregon. J. T. APl'KnSON. lleglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OrricK at Okeoon City. Ob,, i Heiiteinber. SJ. ISW. I AT0TICE IS HEREBY UIVKN THAT TIIK A.V felloninir named settler haa fllul nillit his intention to make final proof in support of nis claim, auu mat said proof will be made be fore the County Judge, or in hisabaencv, before tne county Clerk of Linn county, at Albany, Oregon, on Slondfty, November I. 18l, via: 8. li. Nothiger, homestead entry No. 6o70, for the swj of section 8, in township 13, aouth d( range 2 eaat, He names the following witnesses to prove ma continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: itudolpr. hmlng, John Hpring, Jacob Spring and John Trachsel, all of Kweet iiuiuc, iuuj oounij, uregon. J. T. APl'KHSON. ltetcister, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orric at Oregon Citv. Or.. I Hentemher IX ism I XTOTICK IS HEREBY UIVKN THAT TIIK il following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot hi. claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Judge, or in his absence, before uieixiuniy tiers: or unn county, at Albany, Oregon, on Monday. November 4. leW, viz: John Hpring, homestead entry No. KA. for the sei of sectiou 14 township 13 south, of range 1 east. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: 8. K. Nothiger. Jacob raotniger, Hamuei Nothiger and Fred Nothiger, au 01 oweet itouie, unn county, uregon. J. T. APPKKHON, Reglater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States LAKuOrricz, Oheoon City, 0a. September 1. 1889, XTOTICK 18 HEREBY UIVKN THAT IS J.1 compliance wilh the provisions of the act 01 congress 01 jnue a, mvs, entitle. "an act for the sale of Umber lands iu the Htates of Califor nia. Oregon, Nevada and Washington, Terri tory," GEORGE H. JENNINGS. of Portland, eouuty of Multnomah, State of Ore gon, has this day filed in this office bis sworn statemeut No. 150, for the purchase of the iiw(,4 of sectiou No. 2, iu township No. 11 south, range No. 1 east, and will offer proof to show that the laud sought Is more valuable for its Umber or stone than for agricultural nuroosea. and to establish his claim to said laud before the Register aud Receiver of this office at Ore gon City, Oregon, ou Friday, the lath dav of November, 1889. tie names as witnesses: 1. Sklrm. W. I.. Oood- county: R. Archibald, of Mlat, Columbia county, an 01 ureguu. Any and all versons clalmiur adversely the above-described lauds are reo. nested to file their claims in this office ou or before said 2th day of November, 1889. J. T. APFER80N, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATlONT Unitbo States Land Orvica, ) Or ion n City, Ok, September iil, 1889. ( NOT1CK Id HKKKHY UIVKN THAT IN compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878. enUtled "An act for the sale of Umbel lands in the H tales of Califor nia, VregoL, Nevada, and WashlugUon Terri tory.' ELI HUME, of Seattle, county of King, Territory of Washington, has thu (lay flled in thisoflloe his sworu statement No. ltttt. for the purchase of the nwi of sectiou No. 14, in township No. 12 south, range No. I east, aud will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable fot its timber 01 stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the ttth day of liecember, 1HH9. He names ss witnesses: J. A. Drown. J. A, Reynolds, of Portland, Multnomah county. Oregon; J. C. Htoll W. J. Moon, of beattio, King county, Washington Territory, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this ortlce ou or before said 6th dav of lJecemher, 1889. J. T. A I'PKKSON. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unitki) States Land Orriofc, ) Orwjdn City, Hepiemlier'JI, 188U. f M0T1CK IH HKKKHY UIVKN THAT IN X v compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ol June 3. 1878, entitled "A n act for the sale of timber lauds in the Htates of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri tory." CHARLES J. HT0LL, of SeatUe, county of King, Territory of Wash ington, has this day filed in this oflioe bis sworn statement No. lilii, for the purchase of tho sej of section No. 10. in township No. 12 south, range No. 'I at, snd will offer proof to show that the laud sought U more valuable for it Umber or stone than for agricultural pur- i" "u ioeai.ttoiiB uu) ciHiiii to Saul iHiia before tiie Register and receiver of tiiis office at Oregon City Oregon, on Fricay, the 6th day of December, ISfeU Henaniesas wiUiesses: J. A. Drown, J. A. Reynold, of Portland, Miiltiiomuh county, Ornvon; W. J. Moon, Ell liiime, of Heattle, Kingcounty. W'asiiinutoii Territory. ' Any and all persons claiming advtrsely the atiove-describeil lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said tith day of December, 1889. i. T. APPKIW0N, tteglstor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unitbd Btatkm IjAND Orrtr, J Orisdk City, Oh., Heptemher 7th 1889. I XTOTICK 18 HKHKHY UIVKN THAT IN 1 1 eomplianoe with the provisions of the sot or 1 congress ot June s, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale Of Umber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory, CHIUST HKTTMAN. of Oregon City, county of Clackamas, Ptate of Oregou, haa this day tiled In this ortlce his sworn statement No, l.Vlo, for the purchase of of the net of section No. 8, In township No. IS south, range t eaat and will offer proof to show that thu land aought Is more valuable f" Its Umber or stone than (or agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before the lteiister and Receiver of thlsotttoe at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday the Uth day of November, 1889. He names as witnesses: J. Clausen, J. A. Brown, of Portland, Multnomah county, Ore gon; J. Moehuke, J. Haft, of Oregon City, Claokamas county. Oregon. Any and all parsons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this ortlce on or before said 86th day of November 1889. J. T. APPEH80N, Register. It I announced that the ton of Tippoo Tib htu arrived at Zanzibar iu order to act aa "peace-maker" between the Ger man! and the natives inhabiting the town and villages along the coast. X. S. IIL,LH13U11Y, JEWEUIV, BUOU'KNVIM.E. OKKUON Oregonian Railway Co. JLimitcdJ Line. C. M. BCOTT, Eecelver. To Take KltVet Jtaate 9, 1HNV. 1 O'CleM-k, p. m. Between Portland and Coburg 123Mllea. SOOa.m lv.l'ortland (Ni.Hac.Co).sr I 8:4f p.m 12:10 p. m Hllverton 12:10 a. m l:Up,n Veit8cio 10 IX) am 3 46 p.m Hpicer. VAla.m bM p.m Brownsville 7:42 a. in IM p.m a r... Cobura;.. Iv 6 XXI a. m 1ITWIEN rORTLANO AND AIKL1S.W HILSS. Foot of K Htreel, 7:10 am t:2 p.m Iv.PortlaudfP.A W. V.).ar Lafavette Bherldau Uallas Monmouth ar Alrlie lv :20p.m s.m 2:IH p.m 12:07 p.m 11:23 s.m 10:2a a. tn 12:1s p.m 2:11 p.m if p.m 16 p.m "Commutation tickets at two cents tier aille ou sals at Stations bavluR agents. - Connection at Mt. Ansel vrltn stages for aud from WUhoit Miners! HpriiiKs. Tickets for any .. oolut on tills line for sale at the United Carriage aud Hnxiraire Transfer Company's office, becoud aud Piue streets, aud P.W. V. Ky. CHAS. N. BCOTT. Receiver O. Ily, Co, (Ld. bine, roruana, ureirou. HXNItY W. GOUPAKO, BupL 0. Hy. Co. (Ld.) lAue, uunaee junction, General Offices. N. W. Corner First and Pine Hlreets. Portland. Orevon THE YAQUINA ROUTE. i! OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. 8r:r;a Dsrelcpxeit Zww's Steamsliip Line. aiS Mharter, SO lloarsi Imm Time Thau by any other Houto. Plrat-Clase Throne t PasKenger and Freight Line tfram Portland aud all polnu in the Willamette Valley to aud from ban Krauolaco, Cal. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. TIUK SCIIKOULE, (Except Sundays.) Lv Iftauy 1.-00 p.m. Lv (Wvaiila l :4p.m. Ar Taataa I S p.m. Lv Yao,ulua k:4.i a. in. Lv Corvallls 10 16 a.m. Ar Albany 11:10 a.m. 0. A C. trains oonuectat Albauy aud Corvallls. The above uaiaa connsctat Yaoaiua with the Osaaea DasralsDassat Company 's llue of Stram ships between Yequlua sud ban Francisco. 6AII.IN0 DATH8: SVSUMBKS. ' raoai s. r. I rm yaiiin Wlllaastte VaUsy Wfliaaasite Valley milamsHe VaJisy July U, Jaly 21, July 3L July 16, July Z August 6. This eenpaoy reserves tbe rlKlit to clmiiite aailiof dates wttlioul notice. fssssaarsrs from fortlsud and all Wlllsmettu valley pviau oast make close coiiuectlou with tns srsAas ef the Yaqtiiua route at AUiauv or Usrvairis, and if daatlned to Ban Ktai.uJsco isaal avraacs to arrive at lauulua lueeve- aluf berere Ua dale of sailing. Faauseasjer and Krl(cht Kates) Always the Lowest. For information apply to C. H. HA8WKLL. C. C. H00UB, Act'K Gen. r. A V. A(t. O. V. K, It. It. Co., Corvallls, Oregon. Osa'l FTt A Psss. Alt. Orssjea Psvel'pas'ut Co sua at oa werasry at. , baa iraaiMo, Cal. Remember the Oretron Pacific conular sum mer excursions to Yauuiua. Low rate tickets are now ou sale, (rood everv Wedneailrv snd Saturday from Albany, Corvallls aud Philo 111a th. NOKTH HOUND. Iiavs Corvallls Monday, Wednesday, Friday, ( a, m.; Jsav Albany l);iJ a. m. Arrive aaisui, Mouday, WedneadHv, Krlilay, 3 p.m,; leavatiMem, Tuesday, Thursday, Balur uay.lla. in. Arrive Portland, Tuesday, Thursday, Satur day, S:IW p. tu. SOUTH BOUND. Leave Portlaud, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8 a. m. Arrive Salem, Moudav, Wednesday, Friday, 7:iii p. m.; leave ealiis, Tuesday, Tharaday, bat arday,6a. m. Iav4 alhauy 1 :Ht) p, m. Arrive Oorvalils T'aesuay, Tbaraday, Saturday HUGH THE JTET7EST, Nobbiest and Largest Stock of CLOTH TO In the County, is now to be Seen on th u r;u f .. E.S LAI M..". : - Of Albany. Oregon. gST" When you want to "dress up," we would be glud to show you through and make the right price. . Merchant Tailoring a (specialty. Mr. E. A. Sciiekklek is an expert, and has charge of this departmnnt. We guarantee satisfaction. R.L I u Ul 1J (Successor to C. H. IUrmon.) BARBER & HAIRDRESSER LEBANON. OltKiiOS. CHAVIN0, HAIR Ct.TTINO AND SHAM- pooiiiK in the latest and beat si Tie. Hnecisl attention paid to dressing ladles' hair. Your patrouaxe respectfully solicited. E. J. M'CAUSTLAND, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Vranghtlnc and Illtae I'riata. Ofllce with Oregon Land Company, Albany. Sewerage System and Wstei Rupplies a spec ialty, luns lea subdivided. Alups made or copied on short notice C. T. COTTON, PKALKIt IN Groceries and Provisions, TOBACCO & CICARS, SMOKERS' ARTICLES, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, CONFECTIONERY Ittaeenaware and Ulanaiware, Lamps) and Ump Flsturea. I'AVf CAM1I fOK KUI.H, Main Ht JuaiiVM, Oregou. LEBANON 1 1 Meat Market. Ed Kellenberger, Propr. Frewhand Salted Beef and Pork MUTTON, PORK, SAUSACE, BOLOCNA , . ... and HAM. Bacon and Lard Always on Hand Main SUaet, Lebanon, Or. iTiX' ell! Tf any aMirer says he has the W. I.. lionrtas Slioes wiiltuut name and prloa stasmueil ua tbe bottom, put htm down as a fraud. W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE Heat In the world. Kxemlna his ft. (Ml OK.NI INK HAND-hf Wr l MHOE. 4.IH) lUMI SI.n Ml 1VKI.T hlM.. S3.AO I I'tiCICK AMI rAK.IIKIt li' Hill HOC 4.BO K XT It A VAI.CK. CALK tialOU. WIIKKINO-VI AN'N Ml OK. a).ooaud an. 7 hovm- m uikii. HOEs All uiade in hoosrea, lliittou aad Lass. W. L. DOUCLAS S3 SHOE L A DMf! t. . lleet Material. Ilest Hlvle. Rest Fitting. It awl kiI'I by your dealer, write W, L, JJUUULAH. HUOCKTON. MAS "F.xnnilne W. I,, liisrln Mil tMhoea far gentlemeni und Initleia." For Sale by C. C. Hackleman. J. M. Keene, D. D. S. Dental Parlors Office: Breyman Bros. Buildine, MAIiF.H.OItaUiON. Hours from 8 A, M. to 5 P. M. Land Company. F. ASHBY and CEO. DICKINSON, UKNKKAf, X1KNTS KOR Albany, Lynn Co., Oregon. Buying and Soiling. 16 Ami Jioinjc a Uoneral Itoul Kittata IIUHllH'nH. LAND SOLICITED FOR SALE. ASHBY &c iaCKINSON 1