VUXDAV, OCTOBER 25, 1R80. UCAL aw general' Jnvm uw ,ow Billing from the trees wjr fust. 8. A. jrir.kmoii left far Portland nn Vednwdiy. A grout ipimy hops sjivu In-cti honied to otttv!tlil Wfiitt. 'fho grtint Exposition. t Portland clou to-morrow night. There was quite n lively Mine In town in Tuesday, caused by Uw trial. A. R. Cyrus anJ wife loft for Twt hitjd Wodumdny'to sttoud tbo Exposi tion. A yet the directors f the iwiKk-Kiy have not nurtured n tmclk?r,so fur an wc know. Mn, S. W. Jllndinau Ih now In La Orswidu visiting hor daughter, Mrs. 8. K. Howd. We ore Sorry to my that Miss JcmIo MnCaulley I no better, but Ih still dan gerously HI. Normau Smith itrid Orv Thompson left Tuesday to attend the Exposition vl Portland. . Mr. 0; II. lUlston and little daugh ter, Jcsie, Hj)nt Sunduy In Albuny visiting frlouis. ' Mlw Fnnk (Ir'.gpi visited Portland nud the Expdtiou Saturday, return ing home Monday. lU'v. J. R. Klrkpatrlek will fill his ivgukir Mpptlntmont at the C. P. church nt tliis lacc Sunday. J. C. llilycu linn bin honse painted and flwd up in nice shupe, and made It ati attraction to tho town. Some of our boys would consider It a personal fnvor If th weather clerk would not let It rulu for a week or bo more, There are more of nr citizens at tending the Exposition this nwk than at any time previous wince the Exposi tion started. The limn who mind his own buvi ihsr i never mtt of work, nevt r out of money, never out on a strike and never out of his head. Ifr.ny oiw in or near town Iir a house to reiit thov will do well to drop in and let tm know.HB we have n chance ti rent n house nearly every d:iy. Wc see by tho Brownsville Times llmtW. T. Ellis hiiH left that place. Wonder what the editor of the Time will find to write about, since his friend hn left. On Wednesday nil of the old ntock of good tf Peebler & Buhl was boxd up and shipped away, nd thoHtoreis now vacant. We uuderNtniid there will be a new stock of goods put into it before long. Mr.Uen. M. Wheeler and wife nnd Mr. J. T. Britt and wife, of Portland, ro visiting friends here this week. The gentlemen are ngeuts for two vul uable hooks "Child's Life of Christ" and "Child's Bible." Mrs. Mellnrgue, of Brownsville, and her mother, Mrs. Moore, of Hacrnnien to, wiw in town this week. Mrs. Moore Is a sister of Mrs. Woodwnrd, who set tled In this place nt nn early day. Mrs. Moore was up to look ut iho old honia if her sister. One of the series of Monster Music Festivals taking place throughout the land this year, in celebration of .the twentieth anniversary of Boston's !rcnt Pence Jubilee, will he held in Exposition Music Hall, Portland.Nov. 4th and Glh, conducted in person by P. H. tlihnore, assisted by his finest band in the world. Here is the language of an exchange, hut we don't agree with it: "We ore having Just what wc need rain. Wa hr in Oregon Is as essential as brim stone in some other placet, so don't nhusp fho weather clerk over a few stermy duyn. The ami) fhf.t wild kick about Oregon weather ought to be sent where the rain never falls." (!eo. M. Wheeler and J. T. Britt, of Portland, are in the city cnnvussing for "Child's Life of Christ" and "Child's Bible," two neat nud Interesting vol umes, finely illustrated with wood en gravings, nnd written in the best lan guage. Mr. Wheeler is tv son of 0. W. Wheeler, of this place. Rev. Ciiboney, paator of the First Presbyterian church gives the following recomend tor the "Child's Bible:" It gives hie great plcnsuro to recom mend such a hook us tho "Child's Bible." Evory bonis where there arc t'hlldreu- sliouM have this valuable book upon tho center table. Oct. 21, 1881), Cilio. W. Giuonev, NEVS YTfiMS. Mors rainy jmlhcr. Mr. J. L. pwAn was In town a few days this week. J. W. Cusi3k,of Albany, was In tswn a few dayn this yseek. We are glad to state that Mr. Ruff Hiatt Is convalescent. ' W. C. Peterson and wife returned from Miclr bridal tour Tuesday, Mrs. Jeminaah Rafsttyr retnrnel home from her trip to Portland this week. Mr. Boyle is htrtldlng a honso on the lots war the planer M liieh he pui' chusi'd lost week. Mr. If estor Bland has moved Into his house in town tho ono occuf i! for merly by J. D. Walton. ait. 0. C. Ilackleman's llttlo boy.l Lnuor, hw been quite sick during the wekT but Is now some belter. Mr. J. D. Walton has movod Into his houw near the planer. Iti not quite flnluhod, but will be an ornament to the town when it is. Mr. Phil Biuith took charge of tho Ht. Charles hotel Tuesday, aHd is now getting it fixed up in first-cluHS style. J. Jlouk and family and 8. 8. Prln glo and wife on Tuesday morning sturted for Prlnevillo, where they wiM In the future reside Mr. W. W. Stalker will leave soon for Baker City, where ho will spend some time visiting, and go from there to Ftanklin, Idaho. There hns been considerable sidewalk fixed up this week, but there Is still some more which needs repairing, Come, now, Ret it fixed up and lcte make things look ns inviting as possi ble. A farewell party was given at the residence of J. J. (swan to Miss Maggie Honk by her many 3'oung friends nt this place, all of whom regret her de parture, and hope she may return to this place again. Mis"f5idin K dly left this morning for Portland, at which place she will :.pend u lew days, and then po to her home at Sprlngville, Utah Ty. Mies Hndie has made numy friends at this place w ho regret her departure very much. Jack Cook, a horse trainer of Albany, on Wednesday evening, while un hitching a young and spirited home of A. Ili.cklemtin, at. Albany, was kicked and 'ffiitnly injured, his skull being oia -kod uud his brains oozing from a frigktful gush behind his left tar. He cannot recover, although at last ac eountu he was still alive Mr. I). 1). Hhaw returned homo kst evening' from across the mountalus. lie reports having had a pretty tough time, having been in a runaway scrape which laid him up for two weeks, and several other accidents. Tbo survey ing outfit stop at twer t Home, where they will spend several weeks hunting lines of old surveys. F. M. French, Jeweler, Albany, Ore. Eight cords of hard wood for sale by M. E. Ileum. ' . Tho best watches in the world at F. M. French's, Albany. G. W. Wheeler will pay cash for sawlogs delivered at his mill. Correct railroad time at F. M. Fiench's Jewelry store, Albany. D. W. Odell, M. I)., Physician and Burgeon, Bodayllle, Oregon. First-class work at McClurt's barber shop. Bring your butter and eggs to C. E. Brownell, Albany, Oregon,aud get the highest market price. Cruson & Menziesare prepared to fur nish you with doors and windows cheaper than anyone else iu Lebanon. Thompson & Overman of Albany invites the public to come into their atorc and look at their fine line of har ness Thompson & Overman, of Albany have the largest stock of harness nud saddles iu the valley aouth of Port laud. Bedrock prices, new goods and stan dard brands at both the Mammoth and Ono Price Cash titores of C. B. Montn tague. A bargain in a line Jersey cow, gen tle in all particulars, with tho best of recommendations. For particulars m quire of this office. Tho largest stock of watches and clock In Linn county, and tho lowest prices, at F. M. French's (the Corner Jewelry Store), Albany. Do not buy any eastern trash When von can tret those spk'iid id Buckingham & llecht goods at Montague's Man moth store and alt) at his One Price Ctwih Btoa 0AWXUX FIKKO. On lnt Friday night Soma person at tempted to again set fire to the sawmifl of Jennings & Co. Whoever it was slipped aronndnnd crawled up a little ditch that runs undtT the Will, which Is used to wash away the sawdust, aurl started fire in the sawdust wth some, straw and shavings, but as a young man, Frank Jennings, was watshlog tho nilll, the fire was discovered and immediately jmt out, anil two shots fired at the Incendiary as he retreated from the mill. Jennings then called a yonug man who was close by.and they gsvo tho alaroi to a dancing party about three miles away, which causod considerable of a crowd to gather at the mill, and on investigation tho track of a man with only his wks on was found loading from the mill, ami was tracked to the door of N B. Fry, when Rail trace of It was lost. Other eviden ces of guilt pointed to Mr. Fry. A warrant was swwn out for him, and A. R. Cyrus served It oh Mm Tuesday. He was given a preliminary examina tion before Justice of the Peace p. An drews, of this place.' After hvariugthe evidence of botk sides, lie ordered Fry held over in f500 ismds to await the actin of the grand jury, but by some misnndenitandilig he wos turned loose without giving H. Why Is it that somo people seem toH think that the sole aim and object of a newspaper man's life is to boom his fellow men and live upon the ktowl odge that he is doing good in the world? An editor's space is his stock iu trad., it is worth so much and is generally sold for a very small percent of its actual value." A hanker makes a living by the use of his money. How would it look for any well-to-do busi ness man to run iuto the bank occas i nally and ask for a quarter? Curious feelings would promenade through the brain of the average man were one of his wealthy neighbors to come into bis store and ask fur a sack of flour na a personal favor. 1'et tlie average news paper mau takes pleasure in giving his patrons an occasional puff. It lswhen he is censured for not blowing up some man who says that money spent in ad vertising is money threwn away, that patience ceases to to be a virtue, and his habitual raserve and modesty fulls from him like chaff before the whirl wind an it Mere. Mr. Harvey .Scott has retired osten sibly from the editorship of the Orc goniaii for the purpose, it is generally supposed, of becoming a candidate for the United States Hcnate nest year against Henator Mitchell. Mr. Bcolt has fairly "earned" tho promotion. He hns abandoned tlie principles of a life time; In has "supported" candidates from president down to constable, whom he bad denounced as dishonest, incompetent and dangerous; ho has bowed his head and bent his journal istic course abjectly for a year and a half now to the dictates of the Simon- Dolph ring; hns forsaken honest and independent journalism ond become the sycophant servant and tool of every scheme of plunder and corruption; he has also made a great deal of nis-ncy. Why snould he not be Hcmitor. Pen dleton K. O. Electricity is not entirely tamed yet. It is the "sitting Bull" of forces, and no one is etirc of it when all think it iu the tamest and best trained condition. It has taken to cutting capers as a motor for street cars. Many recent runaways have occurred on eastern roads where it has substituted horsee. At Alleghe ny City, Pa., recently, a car containing forty passengers on an electric road de fied all attempts to conlrol it and ran off at a speed of fifty miles an hour. The fluid seemed to interfere with the brakes, which refused to work. When theendjof the road wasreached.thecar kept on, ran through a kouse aud began to dig a bole in the ground, and just laid there and kicked and snapped like an army mule ou a tear. Ex. The strange disappearance of several young girls between the ages of 17 and lSi-nthe past two weeks is creating i f.tite a sensation In Tacotua. No trace whatever has .been found of any of thorn, and iu each case they have dis appeared without taking any clothing except what they were wearing at the time. Kidnaping is suspected, as the girls are handsome aud lntelligent,and it is thought they were abducted for purposes of prostitution. One price and cash at the new store, but everything sold cheap and delivered to any part of the city. In London lately fourteen police men were put oil' duty in two days by bites, kicks, knweks and punches ad ministered at tho the hands, feet and teeth of the unruly eiiimig. o N E:P.RIG.B' I-I-A.B "T03V for ua tho. respect t)T the towijnnli It has got to be an understood tiling that we dort't change our price, because wo can't go lower and re won't go higher. 1 Wo fix our price just on the inside of cost, allowing ua the fair profit we need to live, and r& don't budge From that. Why should wet If we can't make something w waste time in eelling. But the something wo make k always something lower than the price rnado elsewhere. ONE PRICE HAS WON Us a largo trade. Folks don't like to haggle. It's a relief to know, at tho word go, just what you have got to pay. ' You don't go away kicking yourself at tho thought that if you had hung on a little longer you might have got the goods for a dollar less. . One price pleases everybody in the long run and leayi no doubt in tho buyer's mind about his own shrewdness or the merchant's honesty. ; - Us friends, for every custoaner is a friend. Buyers appreci ate the fact that wo could notmako a fixed, rock-rooted price unless we made it at figures that would meet any and all competition. If they make a lower price they lose money, and that makes it only a question of time when they shut up their shop and leave the field to us. We are here to stay, and on tho one price plan to all. Our gales of DRESS GOODS have beon unusually large and our stock is complete. We have a line of tho celebrated Broadhead goods now in transit. ' Our BOOT and SHOE stock is complete, and our un precedented large sales go to prove that our customers appre ciate a good thing when they see it. y Lebanoni Bedrock crices, new good9 and stan dard brands at both the Mammoth aud One Price Cash Stores of C. B. Mouta- ! gue. a ; Money T Loa. Money to loan at a low rate rate of interest, on good farm property In Linn County, or on best city property in Albany. Apply to Blackburn and "Wrkjht, Albany, Oregon. Baji's Ciiarr Cj3rj; Is giving splendid satisfaction to the trade aud the sales ere positively mar velous, which can be accounted for in no other way except that it is without doubt the best la the market. Ask for and be sure you get the genuine. We btoep it. M. A. Miller, Druggist. Cruson & Menzics will furnish your windows nnd doors cheap. Mr. E. P. Lovejoy, a large dealer in general merchandise at Wabuska, Ne vada, says: "I have tried St. Patrick's Pills and can truthfully say they are the best I have ever takeu or ktiown used." As a pleasant physic or for dis orders of the liver they will always give perfect satisfaction. or sale ty M. A. Miller. The populai house of O. W. Simp son, or Albany, nas recenuy oeen re modeled and fitted up in elegant style. Farmers, mechanics and everybody will find It to their interest to call aud examine his goods before going else where in Albany. If you want to adoru your home, make your wife happy and feel real good yourself, Just go to Fortmiller & Irving, of Albany, and make a selec tion from their immense stock of furnt ture. All classes, styles and variety of tsuitce. or separate pieces. No troublo to show come and see. Do not buy any eastern trash when you can get those splendid Bucking ham & llecht goods at Montague's Mammoth store and also at bis One Price Cash Store. They talk alxmt self-made men as if there were any other kind. No man who has ever amounted to a hill of beans in the affairs of this World was anything else but self-made. Some have better chances than others, that's all, but to be something or somebody depends upon the man himself. All the schooling in the world can't make a mau unless the boy has a high ambl- tiou to be a man. A teacher cannot give a boy brains. He must leain to think and act for himself, of ever re maiu' a knot on a log, C. C. HACKLEMAN, ' Oregon. pcblic school jfotks. Editor ExprEbs: Sir:- Itememberlng that you had a space reserved for Academy notes in your valuable paper lust year, and thinking that some from the public school would be acceptable, thought I would write some and try you. We nw have 130 scholars enrolled. The Professor took the suggestion of last week's Exprbts, and now forbid-j - 1 . ! 11. . A 1 . II me Bcnoiars going io uie ir.mi, anu uu think it is a good rule. Miss Fannie Griggs was absent Miyir day.os she had not returned ftwfQ'orti . land, and Miss Maud itaiston taught in her place on that day. We had five new acholars on Monday morning. Lust week four new desks and two new recitation benches were placed in Prof. Hickman's room. Some wer; also put in tho other room, but I don't know bow many. Ourroom is now ornamented with a new Webster's dictionary and stand. We now have a new clock. I lt!l you it Is a daisy. Misses Bellroie Kirkpatricl; and Adu Miller made the school a visit Friday. ' Call again, ladies. Next Friday we are to have so:iu ; choice speaking andrecitations stYon-; . test between two sides and I think it ' will Ue real good. Say, Mr. Editer, if you can get off, come around ;Vo u i!l treat you well. Ogirls,hov about parties and school? Which one do you think you j!1 take? We hear thre is some talk of pt'.Uwvft an addition to the school room, tut don't know whether the report is true or not, but think it would be u j. help, as it would give us more num. The party seemed not to h.nv r,v good effect on Bone of tho girls hrt Saturday night. Say, girls, who do you think will r.t to go with Charlie, since hl3 t. ( baa left again? ire all like the Professor, Mr, J-htk-man, very much, and think he is tho lhtiu" t.ittnltnt Miss Mamie Swan was ab&mt from school the first part of the week Oil uc count of the sickness of her mother. Well, I will stop for this thm, a. J .f you print this I will write ajjain.', I'.uh. See Montuguea magnificent stock of Buckingham & llecl.t's f'. and shoes manufacted express! A . ( him. 3' , When you are tired of paying tl ; prices' for groceries take a rest uu . trade with C. E. Brownell. Alb.ii-. ' '