f . ;l" ' ft I, "1 V.;. miiMm'miWTOwrnv'imroirT ' . ... i...iuuion'H, t1ipr id uo ! :!C tuuro !iiMuUBt Hum man. v o'y wiijio thing we attempt there ,! (fUi:i 'i:c;roo of ini pur (action v : a hir..U'r.; mTomplishrucut. Our . ii n no' MifliciMit to attain the .'(('(ion wo di'ire. "Man is ever i .. r-" i lu.-.Wn saul, and Oot! h v r i.iisin-jc viu tip ngiiin. Han is . V;; L'i) poiut of being over- n iuv.l Hod is always succoring !". i. lk-;-.';i;;mg him. jjntr till the , ;o;v tta1 grain; but be cannot t'-ie un the noxt day, not the . ; !) tviiiiot regulate the numhor ;nww -hioh may bo useful or in- 'is Jo cultivation. You mtvy pur-,- the moat efficacious and mast able . li via, cither in commerce, indus- y. ;w)liii:is. AVhen you have done -.uli:.r., there will altaya remain ''' if-': else to be done; there will 'u .;omc element lacking over ., ; wh you have no power, without h the circle caunot bo cloBod.or a r rt' xt result obtained.. Unbelief ac- ..nvL-ilges this, and calls it chance. 1 ciyum acknowledges it "and calls it ; r r.I.leaco. .V young gontleuiau from the his- ic hills of Juniper registered at the J.ihlen Rule last evening, andprocur- a bed in the dormitory. After ashing the hayseed from his flowing , .,-!:, loosening his "galluses," and : 'iiTwixu preparing 'or bed, he pro- vd-'il to blow out the electric light. .: ;tcr exjwmulng enough wind to till t-.-.r f,iils ti' u w'.iok' hrain-iul of politi . ;t aspirations without succeeding in ".:ef.-ing the glim," he seueu ins nat, yarned thing." This also failing to : . . . ' , . . . i i. c -night on to the fact that something tms wrong, as the other lodgers in the li.s-rnitory were having a good laugh his expense, and retired much tlis j;uiittcd. Poiuiletou 10. 0. Parents should be careful that their lildren do not contract colds during Me fall oi early winter mouths. Such . UN weaken the lungs and air passa making the child uiueh more like-'1 to contract other colds during the '.into. It is this miecewdon of colds tat causes catarrh and bronchitis nr :.,ives the way for consumption. Should cold be contracted, lose no time but ure it as quickly as possible. A fifty Unt tattle of Chamberlain's Cough ikmi dy will cure any cold in a few .ays and love the respiratory organs -trong and healthj. For sale by M. A.Miller. The mammoth furniture establish-trii.-nt of Fortmiller A Irving Is one of the bigqaat things in Albany. They will soon move into the large new Ma nio building wlwre they will be pieced to show their goods nnd give price that will simply defy all compe tition. If you go to Albany to buy a stove cull on 'J. W. Smith, who has thelarg tiest rtwk of stoves and tin ware and' wits chearer thau any one in Albany. When you desire a pleasant physic, try St. Patrick's Tiila. They can al .vaya be depended upon, and do not nauseate thc stomach nor gripe the lov,xU. lot tale by If. A. Miller. Lav down a method for everything and sticK to it inviolably. A little girl spent the afternoon with her grandmother. When sho came home her mother asKed : ';Have you been a good girl, dar?" "Not so very," towered '.he truthful little una, "but oil! I've had lofa of fun." 4t'IWlii.WPPM-JM.'WtJW''Jm"ll.IUa itmulMi nsiiAt uii.tiiikd imd hits thfl tsriH irTulatlif iJr.Jf fumot kt lf mtlfllwiillU, mif lUiutrind. UlvC lu 01 Wood tfnvi w tniit. l'BM"hd wvjklr. tvrA for ptxiuou t1if . I'nus ii yr. 'or niumli Irlol, fl. til W.N to, echunim. an linjuy, US. ARCHITECTS h BHIIDEBQ A FJilion of Scioatifla American. O mac. Rm trt!ji4okH Vii'-1 ;!. p.t f cou'-,Tif1 i?MsWwi .x t-';i;--i tiui;1.'T4rH. Ngft!v euiAvium iiHl fu;l fh'nii f.M tvK,fitita if' ttt wut tC h-j.-ii a .):jt4-x.llut.' nttfiiy. Vi It n ymt, iiM. f. XiH!t A WH I'L-njiiiSki, T?;ADE .MARKS. ' In tkVyttm nvnt It o? ft,'jiit:ri in t!w Pffc u.nf"tA nr';. aoa. fcf lot a.Mtlu :Tl.K5l!J' "'': fciU, B)Wh : V'.t'V. S & feO., t ftsIUftOM. In F'-'A ft P f?a w M-iTfc . H J ?K ji! P it vr '.'. t'LttiA t! '- -f w Ef- tr4. Co., wh" 5 Combinti the juice of the Blu Figs of California, to laxative and nutritious, with the medicintl virtue of plant known to be most beeftcial to flu human lyitem, forming the ONLY TER FECT ROICDY to et gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOWELS ASO TO CisanssntsSystsniEffsctually, 10 THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING BL.EEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Erry one i using it end all are dtlighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Mauu. faeturtd only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, Ea 1'aAMClaco, Cal. LomsriLM, Kr. Nw Vouk. K. Y. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lash Orricr at Or&io City. Onn tos. NXTICE L 1ht'!)v KiTcn tluitUiefnUowtiiK-niin-ed neuter fcu liU-d imthx' of Iutenii-.n to ntukc final pKx.i'iii srniiH.rtof!'tsc!aii!i. Hiid iht :u.l jiriot will ho timtli lvforo llu ojunty jmltM, or in hiftHltm-iiou hoforc tm- i-cnr.iy rh'.-lc of Linn rountT, at Alhany, firvsnn. n Mmiitny, Nov. 25, issa, v:iiivtiiiv!n!, tiomeMi'! nlr' No. 1'JOI, for (ho eU of sect I n 8, in l 13 of r 1 o. He names tlu followiiu wime-e ! provn till eoiitimwm r-iii!eni"e nrwn and cnltiviiiii n of Ntld land, vii: M. Kiitwr.-ild, O. Kiwtl!, S. I'd.rotl atd . M. Hiitfa, all of Ixbrtiion. ),i!r.r(uity.i)n-Ki:i. . J. 1. Al 'I'hllWJ, iveRi.ner. OYERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA KOUTIIF.RN PACIFIC COMPANY'S LINE. The ML Shasta Route. ' Tiae letiesn Alfcacy aai Saa Frair- cisco, 35 Honrs. California Expr Trains Run Dally BETWEEN PORTLAND AND ' SAN FRANCISCO. mii'TH. 4.D0 r. i..t.v....l'ortlmid.- ...Ar...li:fc a. . :lr. H.I.v.AlljBny I.v... i:t5 a. . J:4.r A. ....Ar p.'! ineit-o.,..l.v... i.o r. Lscal PitnKr Train Dally (xcpt Sunday) :QA. a. ...I.V... ..Portland.. .AIbany. ...Kiife!ie ...Ar... a:t- P. U. ...l.v...U::A. u. I.V... VM A. M. U:10r. JI....I.V... IM T.H....XT.... Lcal Passenger Train Dally (except Nanday) 6:i a. X....1.V.. IJanoa-.-...Ar. r. n. 650 A. M...Ar.....All)Bliy , I.V...Ii!:-W I". M, W) P. ..Lv..U;l)nnoil .Ar... i5 p. . J:7) l. ....Ar. Aibrniy....- .Lv... fcrJO p. St. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST BLEiiPING CAItS, For accommodation of Second-Close Passengers, Httaehed to Express Trains. The fl. P. Co's Kerry niAke connection wttli all the remlur trnltin on tiie i.ttl tide 6. v. frwui loot or K nret, Portland. Weet Side Division. UZTWKEN PORTLAND and CORVALLIS Mail Train Dally (Exsept Sunday). 7 :-a. m..l.T......l'orlLind.. Ar fi:ap. m. Z: p. m.Ar cmrulliii , Lv-JSiO . tn. At AIlianT itr.il ronuKlncciineCt with traliin of On-jon I'M-ffle R.illnul. Ixpreit Train Dally (Except Sunday. 4 p. n)..I.v....l...l'm1liK5 ..Arl:0(a. ui. ;) p. m....Ar McMiivllle I.T.:4-'i e.m. THROUGH TICKETS To All I'olntw SOUTH AND EASTJ1A CALIFQKM. Mr-Tor ftill Informatlwi rosardirc; rirt-js, map?, ete., "II on pompdojr' azwit nt Allnny. R. K'JlMlKii, E, V. K0HKR3, l!)iutfur Asst. 0. F. k Viu. Agtat, FORTMILLER "4 IBV1HG, ALBANY, - - OKEGON. Msunfactwjn of and Isaleiy Is all KJivJs Furniture, Import all First-CIs Goods I)irj!T FI!05I THE EAST. A coi!cto eloii-k of Wall Tufor, Dcco I'alicns and vriiulow fthadtu. TJ D B R T A K I 5r G A WJ-ICIALTY. MIS INTERESTS YOU ! X We invite' you to come and look through oui Mam moth Stock of Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc. PURE GOODS & Hides Furs and all kinds We Guarantee Fair Treatment to All. W. B. DONACA. Corner Brick Store, Main Street, Lebanon, Linn County, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofilqp nt Oregon City, Or., OetoLer ?, ISfcO. Totico lt heivby given that the fol a lowing named nettlef hns 11 led imtiivi uf h!n intintlon to make final nnvif in iiiniinrt nf hlii claim, and tlmt arid proof will be made lieforc the county juilfre or in nin aiwenee miuru the county clerk of Linn county, t Albany, Oregon, on Tuesday. Nov. !!), ismi vi-z: William .1. Oatti. liomeHteitd entrj' for the n of the nej ;f awe :i, tp i- s or r i v. Vf iiiiinci; the folUwin! witnesses to nrovo hi contiiHious rttfidencc uikiii nnit cultivation oi miiu jauci, viz: o r, Michael, W KHatup?, A Savage and K O-luii-ii nil of I.ch:ili0M. Linn eouiitv. Oregon. J. T. Appkiwon, ltegister. AT COST! To Make Rfcm for My Fall and Winter Stock of DRY GOODS, FDKKISIIISG GOODS, AUD KOTIOHs, I WILL CLOSP OUT MY Entire Stock of Boots & Shoes ASF COST. Now is the Tj mo to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. ' I Propose to Have THE Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. MAIL ORDERS Promptly atUitkd. W. F. READ, A It. W. V. rvrmviox. A.R- Cyrus & Co., ' INSURANCE AND l I ,t I I Nlrlln rV'll Wcl. Dealer In AH Kiwis of Agrisnltcrsl Implements, Famus IVlorriscsn Plows, AND JU'bangn, Orgoti. -X)!- FULL WEIGHTS of Country Produce taken in exchange for wis. NEW SENSATION AT SWAN BROS.' Tin and Stove Store. A CHEAP COUNTER OF ALL KINDS QF Household Goods. HOSE COODS FOR LESS MOSEY Than You Ever Saw. IF YOU WILL 02iL' CALL, You will be Astonished At the Rock-Bottom Prices. SWEET HOME Can and will sell goods aa clicap as the clicajiefit, and buy all kinds of country pro duce in exchange for poods at the highest market price. To bo convinced of this fact just CALL ON A. F. Hamilton, -UEAI.KK IX- DRY GOODS, Notions, Groceries, Hardware & GENERAL MERCHANDISE Pioneer Store, Sweet Hom, Oregon. Timber Land, Act June 3,1878. NOTICJE FOR PUBLICATION. United Htutwi LniKl OHUr. ) OMK') City, On-m, Autfiml 13, 1RW.) tiwi'royiminiioitndnciKii'oiiirn'wtoi Junes, 7h. i-hliili-il "An iu-t fur the cult of ll)nhr lnmU iu '.lie bliUcs of ('n!lfwnil, Or-koii, J;v;nlrt, Ami V. T.," H. ('. Branilniw,ofl'orlliiii(l,(.'ii tv nf MiiUniimiiii, Sunn el Owroii, hi"' In llilnollli- lilKinvorn HtnU-im-nt No. I'l'rjS, fur Ilia pnrcliiuw ofHi M K 1-1 of feel Ion Kn, v!l, In 'luivn hli No. 12 wiilli, ltwntfi' .No. 1 uat, uuil will otVr ;ro; f to Mum llmi tlielinii) f.itRlit l luori- vnlt.it iil: lor !!! tlvilwr or dtmn (luili for iit;rl.'iiliiiiul iiiiri-i-i'M. M'lil to oat hi;l fc i-'iuin lo mM IhiIiI ln-l'orr. f l;,iltvrK! Iviff f IIiIh ol'ftv nt Oreon Citv. Ort'-jou. on Kri.liij, i! Sth dy of t)i;v-;fil'r,B6Si. U- jisi ji-s: 0.1 v. Uo(':'.-'s: f W l'iT.clif!el. A J I'm. eV,), J (.MJiiM'i ll i.-il -i livitd, nil if Viu.vHxni'r, Vfu."hlH!fty Tt'iTll :tv. Anj'.iiiil .'ill nnoi;S cliiliatn.i ndvci'i'.ly the Aht ,-u-L.icv,tS. Iiui-JK iirn ivnu-ii.ril 10 IU their !lulHiiill,Uo!ltoAi tir IjfJuro wiiil i.'-'ii 3(y ifi J. T.Afiwac.'t, S'-'iilir. IS OUR MOTTO. o. jHXNimd, w. n.xr.-iiHtooM, J. C iur, JENNINGS & Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of Fir, Maple and Cedar LnaiSer. Mill located on Hamilton creek, thirteen miles Eutt of Lebanon. Prices at the Mill. Clear Fir, 11.00 Second Clear 9.00 Hough Lumber, . ll.oO Tripes of Cedar and Maple on application. Prlcoa at the Company's Yard at Lebanon. Clear Fir, $1.1.00 Second Gear 13.00 Hough Lumber 10.00 C. K. Hawkins. F. Fasuim.i.. Albany Furniture Co. Keep everything you want in the way of First-Class Furniture, Call and see their stock of goods. tiiK Jut ni'l vtnl lriri Plrt Htrf'ft, botrrcen Ferry and Wiwhinfrton. Timber Laud, Act Juno 3,1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. TnllHl Sin T-nnd oniee, ) Orrgun City, vnnwm, AiihoM III, INhO.j Nimcr. In lirreliy Riven tlmt In cninpllmiM trlrti lliw pmvUhiiudi Die ix-t of (.'onjtrcBi of Jnnnt liH, uniiiU-d uvl fur thy nnlo of tlmbor luiiil In tlieHtiiUofCntilnmin, I iivjoh, N'vndu, nii'l Wn.ihirixtni Terrtlnry." Allium i. U-der, oT Mm non, t'oiuil' of l.lnn, SUit- of Oregon, hn, iriU dur In lliliillico lils sworn nialeiuciit No. VMt, fix lhr. piuvhioe ill iho lil Vi l-t oftkMiilim Mo. h In TowiiMiip No. Mtwiitli, fmi;ij U ew-.t, nutt wilt irr proof IokIiow Unit thii l.iml wmidit In nuir vliii-i)i.' for li.'llniU-roi'stomi Umii for njirli-tilln-Ul nn;nffH, ;mv lo s!ul,lish hi elilltu 111 Willi l.vi'l ht.-lorc Hie RcixlHei- mill Recetv n ol' thin olllct- nt Orf i;ii dty, Orei!. oil TVcililemliiy, Uu Ctll fljiy of Woveirb.-r, tt-it. ll nui! .null tviiniT.'.-nr J Mayor, F II MorvWnit, A V lit: 11 1 :imljj 1. J rack, nil iti U-bnuou, Uau t-olliity, Wiv-f.i!. Aiy nml' ult jfrWMW cliililni? mlvemrly Ci MiuVe J.-)?JTil..(il l:iud m- n onw-li'il In fllif 1Iih4i c.li.m:ip cliboib. oouor I xfuia lmKI (!Ui rtay of Novulr, AW ft a, .J. T.Afi'Biiwst.lUlt ' i