The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 25, 1889, Image 3

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    IVASiTEI) T.V'i'TKR.
Harriot Bencher fitowu'o ron, Rev
, Charloti 11, Btowet, ol Hartford, Conn.,
met with ' an experience tho oilier
vvvuiixg which completely wmplunHud
him, Hny tho Cicu;o Iloralil.
Ono (lay quite, recently ho dined
with Mm. J, W, Bourrtrniirt, propria
tr"H of the hotel Woodruff. Vising
Mm. Woodruff i.1 a cuto little iifice
nbont five yearn old. She in a regular
chatterbox and makes many bright
ronlitrks (hiring the dtiy. Fearing lent
tho child would itHtoninh tho preacher
' by some outlandish renmrlc, her aunt
vamed her to keep imini luring the
lit admonition was liHtcned to
with we-, and at tlio tuble tho little
ono scarcely dared look t Mr. Btowo,
not wishing to commit a mippoHed win.
Wltilo tho Horvant wh nlmcnl from
tlw room tho little girl noticed that
there wan no butter on her Biiin.ll pink
dixh. She didn't mind holding her
tongue, but to eat bread without but
ter that would never do. She look
u tuirvey of tho table and, lo and be
hold, the butter ilinh wnu directly in
front of tho preacher. Wistfully ahe
gwzod nt both for a few Hceoudn.
Never in her brief cristence did he
uppenr ho lenitive. Then, gathering
all her courage and clearing up her
throat, hIic vnid :
"l)eur pnrttor, woxi't you pleaao, for
ChriMt'H nuke, phhh the butter?"
Kcv. ?Jr. Htowe never received mich
a ahock. Ho leaned over in hid chair
to pii-fc up his unpkin, which, of
ourae, bad not fallen, lira. Hoard
man imiHt at that moment arrange a
window curtain, ojid other gueHts
were Hiiddenly troubled with a friendly
Little Mahln, Holf-HatiNfiud that she
had doiifj a proper caper, was the only
one at the table who could positively
prove lliut who was alive.
A dear friend of oiim who liven in
Honolulu Iium lately "got on" to the
term "iniwHbnek," which ra to have
origimitfd In Anurica, mid wiwhiug to
know Its full meaning and application
lie wrote the editor of the Iloppnor Ga
zette. For u ti 1110 we wore entirely
tisl, but a tramp printer happened
along bwt week and helped uh out on
the mibject. He said; "A moback,
my dear air, is u crH between a coyote
"and a cuyiue, with a large per cent f
the eityusc predominant in in bin
make-up. Ho liven, moved, and bus
bin living in nearly every town mid
city in the l. K. Ho kbrks ot every
public improvement, ralnes bin rent,
detenta tv boom, loves to hnvo othero
lwar.all tho tuxes, hates a hew cuter
print, dcapimn anything that mmickH
of progr;w, and won't help a paper
when lie can help It, even when it In to
Im own Intercut. There utv several
varieties of this nulmul, but none arc
worth much to a town, und are an a
drone to a bucy hive of bees, and like
the hidiiHtrlouH lnect of the bee family
the burliness man should avoid these
drones und patronize tlioiso who are an
advantage to the place In which they
Two yenis ago Max Young and wile,
of Upper Astoria, preempted 1)0 acres
of land on John Day's. They went
and lived on it for a year and a half
and then moved buck to Astoria. A
day or two r.go Mr. Young wan offered
for the property but refused It,
well knowing lie con Id get a better
prlto for It. Since then, soys the Ah
torlun, he has been offered $(i000 for n
atriji of .10 acres of this property, buthe
still refuses to sell it. This is not an
indication of a "boom" but an example
of how properly is appreciating in value
iu the neighborhood of Astoria.
A Good Cough Syrup.
There Is nothing parents should lie so
careful about as selecting a cough syrup.
Uegg's Cherry Cough yrup costs no
more than the clump and inferior rue-,
tium thrown upon the market. Tho
bit itf none too good. Be sure and gei
Begg'u Cherry Cough Syrup, We keep
it on hand at all times. M. A. Miller,
If any ono wishes to buy beef by thu
quarter, I will sell it to them for 4Je to
e per pound. We will puck beef ut
.lowuimUde rates and In the wry best
manlier. Ki. IvKi,M:xDi:iu.iiait.
A Tor nessee editor fjlves this account
uf thu dirtieulllca under which ht is la
boring: "How is It that our rwideM
expect us out ho re twelvu tniH from
luilroad, twenty miles from a river,
mlllUme of milts from the devil until
only 200 jar) from a wWltiky ajiop, to
get out c. my, Uvely amt intw(tlu;
Here are some that hav been tried
with noticeable good effect: ,
I. Do not Interrupt others In conver
nation unnecoHHarlly.
S. Ho unselfish.
8. Have courage- to speak the truth.
4. Do not bhirk.
f. If you have been to binme, do not
try to throw the blunio on Home one
else. "If oho had done ho and bo, it
wouldn't have huppenod."
(S. When you have used nn article put
It back In Its place ; especially if it is
one iiHcd'by the family in common.
7. remember that by your conduct
persons judge of your homo training
and homo influences.
8. lie careful to meet your homo en
gagements promptly.;
0. lie punctual at meals.
10. Whatever is worth doing at all Is
worth doing welt.
II. Hejp others.
12. Lt your friends feel that you ca.j
be depended upon to keep your word.
It will be a a comfort to them to have
some one to turn to la time of need,
and it will be u deep and lasting pleas
ure to you to know that they have con
fidenco in you.- Ladies' Home Jour
If the night of the 28th of this month,
October, happens to be oue of those
clear and ol om.s which Oregon is
frequently bliHd with at this time of
the year, star gazers, who keep their
eyes open, will witness a vision of rare
Iwuuty. The new moon for this month
will appear withe 241 h Inst., and make
her first quarter on the .31st. On the
8th there will be n con junction with
Jupiter, and tho New York Times of
the Glh Inst., in Its article on "The
rhiiiMts for October," says that "the
conjunction is extremely chc and the
picture of the star and crescent will be
one of rare beauty." The other eon-
junctions of the moon for the rest of
the month will be with Nept une on the
19th, with Mars on the 21st, with
Venus on tke 22d and on tho id with
Mercury. The watchers of the skies,
providing the weather is clar, can en
joy these celestial phenomenon frH! of
clung". It won't cost them a cent. If
they huveno telescopes, powerful field
or what Is letter, night glasses, will aid
them greatly in their observation.
West Hide.
Hevcral days ogo on tho northbound
loeul.traln, wdieh wax loaded with pas
sengers for the fair at Portland, some
hoodlums on board threw an empty
whisky bottle from the car into a gnng
of Chinuvuen near Oregon City. The
bottle struck ono of the Chinamen on
the head and in breaking cut a. fright
ful gush. The wounded Mongolian was
taken on board the train and the servi
ces of Dr. J. L. Hill, of Albany, and
another physician on the train were
called, who did nil they could to stop
the blood, but to no ayall, as the Chi
naman died from loss of blood on
reaching I'ortlnnd. Tike all'air was
hushed up as much as possible, but the
young men who threw the missilo
have been very uneosy slnco tho affair.
Some young men from Lino county
ore said to have been In the crowd.
The newspaper man whe penned the
following knew what he was talking
about, and as it is general in its appli
cation we give it space In our columns:
"Tho prosperity of a town is not grad
ed by tho wealth of its inhabltauts.bnt
the unlfoaniity with which they pull
together when any important under
taking is to lie accomplished. A man
with u thousand dollars ut his com
mand and a love for his town In his
heart can do more for the building up
and improving of it than the million
nire who locks ufr his capital mid snaps
his flnor ut home progress,"
Syrup of Figs,
Prodneed from the laxative nnd nnltrl
tious juice of California tig, eombined
with the niedloiiiaj virtues of plants
known to bo most benelldal to the
human system, acta gently, on the kid
neys, iyer and bowels, effectually
eleaiffltng the system, dispelling colds
and hoadaeheu, mul curing habitual
What a Fortune
Is a good healthy, pearly sklo. Few
are aware of the short time it takes for
a disordered liver to enmst? blotches oh
the face, and a dtrli greasy skin. One
bottle of Degg'u Blood Purifier and
Bipod Maker will restore tills organ to
its natural and Healthy state, and
oleuusc the blood of all impurities, It
Is meeting with wonderful success.
Wo gJinraiiteo every buttle. M. A,
Miller,. Driiggtofc.
Last Frldoy night as thesouth bound
overland train was approaching Junc
tion City it ran into on open switch,
causing another frightful wreck. The
engine nnd lx cars were ditched, and
and some of the cars were smashed up
in a terrible manner, and is said, by
those who saw tno accldent,that it was
a miracle how no one but tho fireman
whs hurt, lie had one of his legs
caught and crushed between the engine
nnd tender up nour his body. He was
taken to the hospital at Portland,
where ho died Monday. This makes
four wrecks to occur between Eugene
and Saleni in the last three months,
and in three instances the firemen were
fc'ulllvun, the bruiser, is said to have
already squandered the (0,000 won in
his fight with Kllrain, and to bo in
debt to hotel-keepers, wine men, cloth
iers and his sporting friends.
Democratic exchanges which arc al
ready nominating Sylvester Pennoycr
for Governor arc wasting time and
space, for he will not accept the honor
of again becoming their standard
bearer for that office even if thrust
upon him. He is rigidly opposed to
"second terms." Sunday Welcome.
A Hale Old Man.
A hale old man, Mr. Jas. Wilson of
Aliens Springs, III., who is over sixty
years otoge, says: "I have m my time
tried a great many medicines, some of
excellent quality, but never before did
I find any that would so completely do
nil that Is claimed for it as Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Itemedy. It is trnly a wonderful medi
cine." For sale by M. A. Miller.
All the groceries you can carry for a
Dollar at Bkownell's,
Albany, Or.
Female Bpecialist. Has practiced on
the Pacific Coast for the past twenty
five years. A life time devoted to the
study of female troubles, their causes
and cures. I have thousands of testi
monials of permanent cures from the
best people on this const. A positive
guarantee to permanently curt any case
of female weakness, no matter how
long standing or what the stago may
be. Charges reasonable and within
the reach of all. For the benefit of the
very poor of my sex who are suffering
from any of the great wuliiiude of ail
ments that follow in the train of that
terrible disease known as female weak
ness, and who are not able to pay for
treatment, I will treat free of charge.
Consultation by mail, free, All corres
pondence strictly confidential. Medi
cines packed, boxed and sent ty ex
press with charges pre-paU for
"home" treatment, with specific direc
tions for une. If you are sufl'eringfrom
any female trouble, juridically or con
stantly, Address,
Olvmpia S. Murray, M. D.,
East Portland, Oregon
Thompson & Overman, the leading
harness dealers, Albany, Or.
The best job work is done by tho
" rrteft, per Tfcar,
o .
riee, S6.00 fter Yo&is
as rsxsroip foS
rpat Bis r$AcBo ttewxy call
tf o liUi(louio clgiit-poflo iixr. It 1j
Med wrtty xinuUTiy, aai ooatoluo oU
tKo Uapertobt now J tao Jt. pUmaod
troia vory quartet ol the cb, eoBkrluW
Wj iuio of pabllcatloa. & e5til U
(wrath);! aty otf
tho vrtnelpul c!Hc4 o! tb Wort J aod a wud
maouat ot Uia boat ttiockd nud eilrfo;i)
geacrol literature, furnJn'jts tlio luttU
and raoct rtliablo tnauclul ncwe aid r-ift
kct qaotaHoci!, cud tliviiu s?ficJ (itntiac
to hortlnlttrttl and mrrkuliurol ttroi, t.w
la in every rt!ect a firs'.-olu (arally ynet,
AppenUue to tbo iutuvwt t ,veif unambw
ot Iko kousciiold
atvKM JliJCSB a
Is nnv rccttojoUtuu Catly. It ra
as Ualiii' UULKAWNU KEWArrft
tixi&v Cei. jytlyit Uf Mm abo. vH
we will mi tl paitjiiWaii jjnrerjiiuia T m-
lor liui cuuitUou; t ,
o o o o- o o-
Albany, Oregon.
O O 0 0 0 O
Notice For Publication.
Land Office at On-pm City, Orcsim,
Suutcialifr 'Si, IK?.
ViwlriK naintMl urttlrr ha filtU notice ol' tiln
Imcntl.m to make tinul pruof iu niKxirt of hii
rlntm, und that mll proof will be miuk' hcftirc the
county Imini" or In hi alwK iire tiefore th oo'.mtjr
cUrk of l.lim pounty, at Albany, Oregon, on Km
ilny. Nov. 1i, IHHS, vi: Anilrew Vnil, hoiiiertfad
entry So. 020u, for tiw ne 1-4 of w c 2J, tp U S of 11
He name; the followlnpr witnewca to yrore hijt
rontlmmux n-nitteiKW uimmi and cttlcirati'jii of mid
lmul, via: A Mnnor, I Brown, J Hrown anil C
W'UUanu, all of Lebanon, JJnn (f)iintv, Orecon.
. X. AWEKSON, Rigintcr.
Notice For Publication.
Land Oftlcc ot Oregon City, Or'tro:i,
, ptrmbcr 1HS3.
lowinj niiiiied wttlcr hii liktl notice, of
intention to make tiniil lmmf in ui)!xrt of iU
chiiui, aii'l tliut ail fnif win I mailf before th
cinuity Judiru or in hm altfenoe the county clerk of
Mini county, at Aioanv, trcon. on Monday,
Nov. 11, W9, via: Win. IlradKhnw, homut-tc ad en
try So. 4'J79, for thu (tit of "fi:C 2(1, tp 12 H R 2
wet. '
IK- name the followiiie wittiwa to Drove lila
rontimiul roidence itam and cultivation of miid
lmul, viz: J e ijiuis, J i. Marquis, v t ewiann
und C J Nuwlauu. all of Crawfordvillc, I.nm
county, Orexon. J. T. A1TEKSON, Kepister.
Ijind Office at Oregon City, Oregon.
OctokT i, im.
Notice i hereby xiren that the follnwIiiR-nacicd
AottliT hiui filed notice of hi.- intention to make
final proof in tmpjiort of his claim, and that sidd
proof will be made before the county judce or iu
ids absence before the county clerk ol l.iim coun
ty, at Al!any, Oregon, onTuewlny, Nov. Ill, 1SHH,
vix: .1. E. Michael, hoiaeitiead ei.try No. (:Zl, Un
the n'i (rfthe nwl-l.eM of nwl-4 and iitl-4 of iw
Hof'nccS, tpUaofrl w.
IlenamoHthefollowinKVitnewen to prove hin
contlnuouii aeildcBce tifion und cultiTation of hnid
land, Til W J Guttn, W K Savage. A ttavaxc "I'd E
Otborn, all of Lebanon, Linn '"tinty. OreKn.
J. T. AlTEKr-'OS, Ruifistcr.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon,
October i,
Notice i hereby riven thit thefnllowinsr-muncil
n'ttler has tiled notice of h intention to make
tinal proof in support of his claim, and tlmt aid
mmf win lie niaae rieiere mecoiimy jnnpc or in
ii iibM'nce iM'lore the eoiiuty clerk of I.iun coun
ty at Albany. Oregon, on Monday. Nov. 18. lXW.vii
JaiaeT. Donning. home.-iCKd entry o. yJ!, for
the Y of nwl-4 and of of t w 1-4 of use a, IJ) 11
a of r I e.
He name the foUowin to prow his
conlinuouH iwideuce hu and cultivation of said
laud, viz II Neve, of 8cio, l.iun county; A. Fitz
matu, C.Clark and W. timiili, of Lebanon, IJnn
county, Orcgtiu
J.T. APPER30X, Reglftcr.
Lakd OFFK'R AI ORI'IO.N ClTV. OH h1W!. )
IK'tober IT, las.
JOTICE is hereby plven that the follow'.ng-nain-a
ed settler hiu bid noti'te of his intention u
make linal yxrt'iit suinmrt of blselalm, and that
sntdursof vvTll lie made before the einnty JikIa',
ll lie made before the enmity JndA'.
Mire before I he county 'lork of Linn
or In his alwenre before l he onwnty 'lork of Linn
comity, at Albany. r'i,'on. on Tuwday, lieeiu her
17. less, vus: UeorBe b. (iiovcr; noiin'i-i ivn eniry
itt7, for the r.1 " n1-' 'J4 ui UWJ i w' ''c'4. t
kS4. tpl3fotrSe.
He names the foUovrlnir vit!u.'sses fo prove Ins
tontluuouM nuildenev upu and cultiriuion of said
land: R, Ztdlnor, O, Howes, J. Douacaaud J. (iilH
laud, U of Sweet Home. Lint coiintv, OreiH,
Flnt tmall
ftuil tke llrnt euotueoi il
mi'ttj. In calibres i.
an mid 41-ilkl Baule or
niirlM i id arttot model!,
treat yuHlliy wrouila nniiliiiiuoUiin mi.t euiolc. TJuriMilod (nr
anliik. rfmi'uhilttv itn4 Hcevrnev. Xo
(it.l diieeired by clwap maii4:aWi ijy iiKihtiiont
of t?n sold tor the geuunio Article. They ve nnro
liblft and daiitttwi'J. The Bmitb WKstios llr.
voi.vttt ma xuiiiiiied upu tli barteU Wih Uvm'a
iuiiij, m4 t!ijuadnteio( ra.rtiw, oud afe guaro
HUlevd pe'l'it. liwlut io bftvlnjt if
Vrtiur dealer oumiot supply yon, an order hBi't load
tlresn below w ill receii t , .Kiinot .iuoln. Deiiaii
CWalniwe and prUvaupou .Ucue.
0 o o o o 0
-O O O -O. 0 0
Has on hand a law stock of
Call And Secure Prices.
The Celebrated French Sure;
Ir Sold ox a
to euro any
form of iii'mnn
disease, or ntiy
diiioriier of t lie
IfOtlHrHttVA m-.
f nuns iti t'
"- x1- pi'x nil ill r
tXt'l'lvtlV Itafi nf KCi iiiiiTniira 'V,A.,..... i.i.lnm
ortliiongli youthful liidiwretiou, over induli'.
mee, .Ve., aiieh m Los oi Hraln Power, Wnkeliil
ye", Rearing down Pain in thu Duck, Seminal
ncakiirsi, llyWeriB.NemiiiNprohti'iitionNnctuni
al hinlssious. lueorrlnea. DizzinenM. Weak Mem
ory, Ixisnoi I'oiver tuid Iinmituiiev. wliieli if
eleeted often lead to ieinatuieold iit'eimd liunn
itv. Price box. A )iv i.,i i.-. on w .....
mall on receipt of p'ice
J RiVSTEE forerrv.V00
order, to refund tho money if u l'ci ioin iit
euro l not. ell'eeted. Tliiaiminda of teatimoiiialu
from old nod vniini. til luitl, mva. .ur,
cured by Aphiioditisk. Circtilur free, ddreaj
Sold by 31. A.Miller,
Hole Aift'iit for Leliunon, Or.
Talk nliout j'nur choice of tliinr??,
Vour cuunt' or your state.
But C'oiiiujoii Soiiso Harbin llarrowa
Will curry oil' tho cuke.
The teeth are sharp m needles,
The bars are nitule tho best
The Coninion Bense Htvrbin Harrow
Will beat Uie very best.
It was In the town of Lebanon
We hud it resurrection;
-The best of funnel's came to town
To get tiot her section.
I make them by the hundred;
We stack them on the floor;
If you want to see the wunplra
Just stop nt tke Ited Frit tlonr.
They're mnde of the bosc of iron
And of the bwt of steel,
That will neither rip partly
K or run dowfi at tt heel.
Lebanon, Oregon. '