. .'Vrf- 4 " - - ( - F-HrtkteJj. frA.wMWf, wiff It- " : EB ANON EXPRESS. VOL. III. LEBANON, OREGON; FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25,. 1889. NO. 33. THE HOCIlCTy NOTIOKS, LEBANON LOD0.K. WO. 44, A. F. A A. M.: MU I tli.lr nw hill In MmoiiIo Hloolt, on Saturday unun n"n ....,, ..... - ., , Hut- imujr .TIVI1HK Of .Mil wiw, at iwn rimnw ii ni Mala tmt: tlilllng arathmii oonllnlly InvlUid .tu.,d J.J. OIIAltLTON. 11. U. ill. HONOR tonOK NO. U. A. O. V, W., Llnim, uracnn; nun nny nm hhi nv hhipwi yn lufi iu in. noDui. . n. wmuu. m. n RELIttlOUB NOTICES. l M. K. OIIUMVH. Walton Hklnwnrth. nator Services Mob Run day at II a, u. aud 7 r. M, Huutlny School at 10 A. a. eaiiu eumiay, f hknrytkrian miUKcii, . 0. W, Olbnny, pastor Bnrvlees each Rtinday t 11 A. u. Hsuday Boliool 10 A. M. Hervlwn each snunay muni. CUMIKH1,ND niKHH YTKKI AN CHURCH. J. R. Klrkpatrlnk, jiator-rvlci the 2nd aud 4U) Sunday, ai u a. n. ana i r. m. nuuuay Hehmtl ea'h Hamlav at Hi A. M. DR. C. H. DUCKETT, DENTIST. Oflice over C. C. Hackolman's store I.EHAXON, OBK(OX. K. WEATHERFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW Oflloe over Flint National Hunk. ALBANY .... ORKUO DR. J. M. TAYLOR, DEN T I rr , L. H. MONTANYE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND ' INOTAUY 1UUL1C A LB A XV, OREWOS. Will practice In all Cou.rU of the State, W. R. BILYEU. . Attorney at Law, ALBANY. OKKUOI. J a, K. BLACK St) M. OKU, W. WRIUHT. BLACKBURN & WRICHT, Attorneys at Law. Will practice In all the Court of the fitate. trompi atumuoii given w an o""""" trusted to our uare. Oflice Odd Fellow's Temple, Albany, Or. O. P. COSHOW & SONS, II 12 A. JL 15 H W A. T K AND INSUKANCE AGENTS, KUOWAIMY1I.K. OKKtiOM. Collection made, conveyancing and all No urlal work Qone on anon nonce. SPECIAL NOTICE. 1331. W. C. NlSGiUN, Graduate of the Royal College, of London, England, also of the Bollevue Medical College, rpiIE DOCTOK HAS 8PKNT A LIFETIME x tor .tuny and pi-actloe. aim muses a apeo laity of ohroulo diaeaaee, removes oatioera, sorafuloua enlanrumonts. tuition and wen. without pain or the knife. He alto make a peolalty or uealiiieiit wun neoinoiiy. itaa praotloed In the Oernian, Frenoh and Knglish hospital. Call promptly attended day or night. Ilia motto good ht. Ills motto is,. "good Will to All." tlloeand reeidenoe, r'erry street between Third and Fourth. Albany, Oregon J, L. UOWAN, J. B. H ALSTON, BANK OF LEBANON, LEBANON, OREGON. Transacts a General BaHliiiEBnsincss AtCOiaiT KKKT HI HJK4.T TO Exohange iold on New York, San Kranclaco, Portland and Albniiy, Oregon- .ColleotioiiB made on fuvorable terms. J, )tjrKR8. K. HHKU'OM. SCIO LAND CO. SCIO, OREGON. Buy and Hail Land, AND Insure Property, NOTARY PUBLIC. Any Information in regard to the cheap r Land in the garden of Oregon furnished How' a Wom an "tells' a sYory. Fanny Man from Kalamaao Wta Bad No Change. "Oh, Lll, I have the fun-nl-eit story to tell ron; you'll just die. Mr. Datoa you know Mr. Duteit well, he li Just too oute for any thing. He called lost night, and he and pa got to telling itorine. I laughed till I wai Just tired, and yyu must hear this story?" "Do tell me, Jul; I'm dead to bear a good story." i "Well-Oh, it was too rich, LiL Of course I can't tell it like Mr. Bates he's so awfully clevor-but I'll" I "Do go on." "Well, Mr. Bates said but my, you ought to have seen his face. He can just draw his face down and his eyes" "Oh, pshuwl Jul, let's have the story." "Well, then now don't you make ma laugh there was a man out In Illinois no, now was It lllinoiat Why, dear me lot's see yea, It must have been Illinois, for Kala mazoo is the place" "Why, Jul, Kalamazoo Is in Ohio." "Oh, bow stupid; of course it is. Well, it doesn't matter anyway what state it was. Well, this mun from Kalamazoo now, was it a mun? Yes, it muHt have been a man, for Mr. HuUm told about how be got his cards- lot's see, was It cards or poker chipsf Now that is funny 1 can't remember. Well, any way, this man from Kalamazoo was on train going to -going to Oh, dear, how 1 got things mixed to On Osh Oh, yea, Osh koab; that's it. VV ell, be was going to Osh- kofth ou a train when another man stepped up and said and said now, what did that man sayf I'm certain this one was a man, aud be said something to the man from Kal anutzoo what on earth was Itf" "Novor mind, Jul; go ou with the story." "Of coume It really doesn't matter what the man said; but, anyway, those two men played and played and played. Then the man from now, lot me be sure yes, it was the man on the train; he was let me see; didn't Mr. liates say be was a senator? Yes, I'm sure he was a senator from Ohio." "Never mind, Jul; what's that got to do with the story r "Now, Lll, you put me out." "I don't, either; but 1 do want to bear tht end." "Well, the senator and the man from Kal amazoo played and played, till dually now, bow was that I Oh, yes; the senator bet on the game, and the other man said he said oh, Hcott, how provoking I Well, anyway, the man from Kalamazoo had no change for yes, I believe it was a hundred dollar bill, and and" "Do go on, Jul" "Why, oh, yes well, anyway, LiL it ii not quite as Mr. Bates told it I said tbs Kalamazoo man had no change, didnt IP Yes, yes, and the other manf" "WelL he oh, yea, now I remember welL M baa" Washington fast, Appreciative. (The young lady has just finished playing a election from "Faust") Old Lady-How nioel I always did like "Home, Sweet Home." Young Lady (with a start) "Home. Sweet Home!" Old Lady Yes; Min plays it I can al ways tell it when she croons her hands. Harper's Bazar. He Was Mistaken. A man with fire in his eyes and his fists doubled up was prancing around on Monroe avenue yesterday when a policeman hailed him withi "Are you looking fcr anybody in particu lar r I should remark that I was. I'm going to smash a fellow's head the minute I find him!" "What torr "He called me a crank, and I don't take that from anybody." "I suppose you know the definition of the terral" "You bet I dol It moans a fellow who will walk into a saloon where five or six of his friends are and drink alone. I have never done it in my life, and I'll allow no man to impeach my honor." The ofllcer explained the term as generally understood, aud the man replied: "Is that possiblol Well, then, I won't smash him. I must post up on some of these things before 1 get into trouble." Detroit Free Press. So Artless. He stood in a doorway on Woodward ave nue the other rainy day with an umbrella in his hand and ho suomed to bo waiting for an opportunity. Oue soon camo tripping along. She had no umbrella, and ho stenpod out. raised bis own aud bugan: "Excuse nie, but" "Oh, certainly," she lauchinelv oxclaimod. "You nro very, vory kind. 1 shall ahvavs re member it. Good-by." And she took the umbrella from his erasD and tripped away without ever once looking back, aud he returned to the shelter of the doorway to exclaim i "There goes a 15 umbrella and here stands an idiot who has been sold for a ceut." Do- MEDICAL PROGRESS. Aa Explanation ef th Marvelous Pro cms ef Nkln Grafting. When large areas of akin are de stroyed, as happens in the case of severe burns or extensive Injuries, it li sometimes months before the sur face is again covered with epidermis. Repair may have gone on till the sur face Is on a level with the surrounding parts, and all that remains is for the skin to creep in from the edges; but this process, especially in persons weakened by long confinement in bed, Is very slow, and the constant dis charge of matter from the open sur face causes irritation, as well as weak ness. It has been known for many years tat a flap of skin might be lifted from its place and made to adhere In an ad joining spot, provided its connection with the surrounding skin were not cut off. But now we can go farther than this. In 1860 a French physician discovered that small bits of sound skin might be snipped off and applied to the surface of the sore, and that under certain conditions they would adhere and form new centers from which the process of healing might go on. In order to have a graft "take" well. tne Bunace 01 tne uicer must be in a suitable condition. If it is rough, or discharges too freely, or projects too far above the surrounding level, there is danger that the small bits of skin will fall off. The process is as follows: The surj face of the ulcer, as well as that of the sound skin from which the grafts are to be taken, having been carefully cleansed with carbolic acid, or other solution that serves the same purpose, the bit of skin is picked up in a small pair of forceps or on the point of a needle, and is snipped off - with a pair of sharp scissors or a small knife. Only the superficial layer of skin is taken, and if this is properly done there is no bleeding. The bit of skin, which is generally not larger than the head of a pin, li then placed firmly upon the ulcer, with the cut side down, and preferably about a quarter of an inch from the free border. A line of grafts may be placed at equal distances completely across the denuded surface, and thus a bridge of skin is Boon formed, for the grafts spread and unite, and thus con vert the original ulcer into two smaller ones. By a similar process these two parts may be again divided, and the process continued till the whole sur face is covered. In a few instances larger portions of skin have been made to grow to the ulcerated surface, but in general the smaller bite cause repair to go on as rapidly, and are more easily applied and cared for. Youth s Companion. TOWED BY A TARPON. How Two Men and a Heavy Boat Ware Carried Along by a FLU. The other rod lay between me and my boatman, under his supervision. I was reeling in my line after a short abortive cast when suddenly Fierce made an exclamation, and I turned to see his line running out rapidly, so rapidly in fact that the handle of the reel knocked a piece out of his fore finger. He reached me the rod, and just after 1 had seized it, taking care to exert no pressure, a large silvery mass leaped out of the water straight into the water and fell back again. "A tarpon, and a big fellow," cried Pierce. In considering any statement as to the height a fish jumps out of water, it is important to know whether the narrator has included the length of the fish in making up his figures. That ia to say, if a fish is six feet long and jumps from its native element so that the tip of its tall is two feet clear of the surface, good story-tellers will claim that it has jumped eight feet out of water. Others will take oath to only two. It is sufficient to state that the tarpon in question jumped either two feet or eight, according to the in dividual preferonoe of the reader. At that time he had taken out with veloci ty about fifty yards of line; the leap terminated his first rush, and I had an opportunity to rool in about a fourth of the amount before he started off again. Meantime my man hud hauled up the anchor and we were iu process of being towed by the bJ0' fish, whose frantic efforts to escape were making the reel revolve at a famous rate. From long expertbnoe with sul mon, I knew enough to keep the point of my rod as high as possible consist ent with the heavy strain, and the mo- uienv nie cusu uiimmsnoa in lnuinmt v I clapped my finger on to the leather drag and resisted stoutly, reeling in very men oi line tnat I could recover. But before long ho was off once more In mad career, and out of water vi ciously shaking his head in determined efforts to spit out the hook. His fail ure to do this after a series of endeav ors showed that he had swallowed the bait, and that my chief concern now should bo as to the strength of my tfeclcl. bcrlbner a Magazine. Better Than a Safety Vault Highwayman (halting lady in car riage) Stop, Madam! Your money or your life! Lady My money is in mv Docket sir, and as neither you nor I can find it Inside of ten minutes, and there is a large party of brethren tourists com- Ing up the hl.l, I would advise you to let rne pass. . Highwayman Thanks, madam, your advice is worth heeding. Good-day. Burlington Free Press. CHOOSING A CALLING. i i tie Mont Monxtntona Earthly Quastlea That I. Ret Kefor. a Boy, Twenty years ago Thomas Scott of Pennsy'vania, one of the shrewdest of railway men, spent a few days in country village. An active, bright- faced boy in the house where he board. ed attracted his notice. He asked the school-master what was the ca pacity of the lad. "He,ls dull," was the reply. "Thick. beaded and incapable, though willing enough to learn. His father wishes to make a chemist of h m, but he can not master the first principles of the science." Mr. Scott, watching the lad. observed that in the affairs of daily life his judg ment was clear and just and his ob servation keen. lie showed, too. singular faculty, for managing his school fellows. The boy's parents were induced to take him from school, and Mr. Scott gave him work in the yard of a rali way. Now," he said, "you have no longer to deal with books, but with things and men. Make your own way. I believe you can do it" It was the first time the boy had been told that he was not wholly a dolt He proved to be energetic, intelligent and enthusiastic in his work. There was a certain firmness and cordiality in his tnaaner which gave him control over his associates. He was soon sent out upon the road in charge of a gang of men. A few years later, when Mr. fccott came that way again, the young roan was superintendent of a division. He afterward rose steadily to the front rank in bis profession. A boy is too apt to be influenced in the choice of his life-work by some ac cident or petty motive. His father and grandfather have been successful physicians, or manufacturers, or butch ers, and it seems natural and right for him to follow in their footsteps. Or his intimate friend at college is going to study law, and he must do the same. Sometimes a pious father and mother cherish a fond hope that the boy will devote his life to preaching the gospel, and, rather than disappoint them, he does it, with no fitness or real zeal for the work. In each case the lad's life is a failure for the want of n little deliberation and a careful examination of his natural abilities. Among the readers of the Compan ion there are tens of thousands of boys who must soon make choice of their profession or trade, one of the most mo mentous earthly questions which will be set before them. Don't be in a hurry, boy a Do not et an accident decide for you. Do not choose an occupation beoause it is more 'genteel" than others. It Is the man who gives charaoter and dignity to his occupation, as to his clothes. Do not think, booause you are rated dull at school, that there is no honor able place for you in the world. There are talents and powers which do not deal with books. God sends no man into the world without providing an oc cupation for him in which he may earn respect You have yours. But take care that the work is that for which the tool is fitted. The more fact that the work seems pleasant and attractive to you does not prove that it is fitted to your faculties. You may be ambitious, but you can not climb a lad der without feet and hands. Learn the strength of your feet and hands, and the right ladder, and then trust only in God and toayourself to make your way up it Youth's Companion. , Matter, of Importance. , They were in the conservatory at an 3 rear ing party, and there, amid the perfume of the roses and posies, be bad fervently de clared his passion, ' ' "Mr. Sampson, George," she responded, with womanly tenderness, "my heart ha been wholly yours for month and now," she went on, shyly taking bis arm, "you may take me in to supper; I heard it announced when you first began those words of love which have so blissfully changed all ths colors of my life." Harper's Bazar. Blood Will Tell, Phyllis (sotto voce) Why dont you ac knowledge bis courtly salutation, Dorothy! Is it because his father was in soapf Dorothy (in whispered warmth) Yes, my family traditions are against cultivating such an acquaintance. . Phyllis (soothingly) Pardon me, dearest, I did not mean to wound you. But were all your ancestors trampsf Munsey's Weekly. HISTORY DONE OVER. A Newly Discovered Anecdote of Qaeea Elliabetk. The March wind was swirling and sough ing drearily as Sir Walter Raleigh ascended the steps to the palace and inquired of the Grand Duke of the Vestibule if her majesty was at borne. That individual, turning to the Goldstick in Waiting, repeated the ques tion to him,, and he in turn interrogated the First Lady of the Front Staircase, who promptly communicated Sir Walter's request tor information to the proper authorities, the result being that the courtier was utformed that her majesty was in and would be pleased to have him call again next week. This Sir Walter, concealing his discomfiture, pro ceeded to do, remarking to the queen when next be met her that she had treated him in a very wintry manner the last time he called. , "No. my dear Sir Walter," replied her majesty; "the treatment souorded you was not wintry; it was summary." "Hal" smiled the courtier. "You were feeling coolly that morning." "Wrong again, Sir Walter," was her ma jesty's quick retort "I was not coolly dis posed. Indeed 1 was much less Raw-ly dis posed than usual" "Were I your enemy, madame," quoth the courtier, "I should inform your majesty that the jest was good when first twas uttered by the third assistant game keeper on my great-great-grandfather's estates, some two hun dred years ago, but as one of your majosty's devoted slaves 1 remember what is due your highness, and observe, 'Hal haf Thy wit well nigh drives me to the verge of lu nacy. Again your majesty will permit me to observe, 'Hal haf" "Laugh away, my dear Sir Walter." re- plied the' queen, somewhat piqued; "but do not laugh too hard. Men have been known to laugh their heads off." This story is interesting as showing Eliza beth's extraordinary ability in the art of re partee. Harper's Magazine. It Is All Right, "I think I drotiDed a letter Into tha mall the other day without stamping it," said a man at iae postomce as ne callea lor the calel uers. "If vou did it has gone to the dead letter office." "Has, ebt You must have known that it was a mistake." ( "Yes." "And you outrht to have held it for in quiry!" "VV e have our rules." "And thev ara miirhtr Imnn.lonf. rnlna Is. j 0 j - - , me tell you I The postofllce department needs nveroauung, ana l u neip to see it done!" The next dav the man returned, thia tim with a smile on his face, aud said: You remember I was SDeakinor about an unstamped letter I" "Yes." "I was much put out" "Yes." "Well. I want to annlnrHA That laMn was directed to an acauaintance. In it I ra.ll- td him a liar and a horse thief. La.st niirht I found out that I was mistaken. H hasn't got the letter and won't get it, and so won't know BJlvthill'7 about It Th nratnffia Aa. partment is all right Rules are all right rn i i, i tt . . w i ore uu rigub uave a cigar ana press On to promotion and increased salarv." De troit Free Press. Famlly"ioYalty. A Stevens avenue voumr lodv was mnrh coined and shocked as she walked dnwiv street yesterday to see her young brotc sit- ungasmae me prostrate Doay or another boy, and raining down blows uixn his strug gling victim. "Johnny I" she almost screamed, "whatav. you doing! Come here this minute. Aren't you ashamed of yourself, fiirhtinz this wav in the street?" The boy reluctantlv arose from his vnn. quished antagonist and faced his indignant sister. Theu he exoloined; "Well, I don't care. He said von waant good looking. I dou't think you are either, but it ain't none o' his funeral So I licked him. " Mi f yoaDolis Journal J