The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 18, 1889, Image 1

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NO: 32.
LEBANON tOItflK. NO. 44, A. V k A. Mj Miwta
rttlwlr uw hall In MM..11I0 lll.wk, 011 Saturday
. ...ang.unorbofor. '"' 'H0N w, .
LKBANON I.ODOK, NO. 47. I. 0. O. K.: H Hat
unlay H.Iiik of cli , t Odd Fllw Hh II,
Min ulrrnt; vLIUug brethren mm lly Invited lo
uttaiiil. J. J. UUAKI.ION, N. U,
HONOR LonOK NO. 3. A. O. tr W, IIi.iii,
Or.,,: 11. vr,(lr.l .ml tMrj Thudy.n.
Ino ill th month. t- H. ""Hi MK.
H. R. ( HllHCII.
Walton Hklpwnrth. paittor-HervloiMi each Nil
day Hi 11 A. M, and 7 P. M. Bundiiy. school at 10
A. M. each Sunday.
0 W (lllmnv, tnwlor HorvUw each Pnnday
at U A. Himday Hcliool 1U A. H, Service,
each Sunday HlKlit.
J K. Klrkimtrlrk. pntor--Hervli!Mi the 2nd
Anil 4tli Holiday, mil, m. and 7 r. m, Knwlay
Hl'llOllI I'licll MinliV Hi in V M.
Oflloe over Flint National Hank.
t 13 iv rr 1 rr ,
Will I In Lebanon the first week of every
nionih. second week In Sclo; third in
Stuyton, mitl the fourth week In Jefferson
to perform all operation appertaining to
Dentistry in a skillful manner.
Will practice In all CurU of the State,
Attorney at Law,
II. R, K. Bl.Al KHI'HU.
Illlll, W. WHKIHT.
Attorneys at Law.
Will praotlce in ail the Court or the Htate.
Prompt attention given to all buHinew en
txuiited to our oare.
Offlee Odd Fellow' Temple, Albany, Or.
Collection, made conveyancing and all No
Urlol work done 00 ahort uoUce,
Graduate of the Royal College, of
London, England aleo of the Bellevue
Medical College.
X 'of atiidy and practice, aud make a peo
laity of chronic dliwaaea, remove canoer.
orofuloii enlargement, tumor, and wena
without pain or the knife, lie alno make a
peclilty of Ueatment with Huolrloltv. Ha
prMtkied in the German. Krenoit and KiikHbIi
liuapltal. (Jail promptly attended day or
night. HI motto is. "good Will to All."
Utile and roHirioiice, ferry street, between
Tiiird and Fourth, Albany, Oregon.
J. M. RAIjn-ON.
Transacts a General Banlcin Business
Exchange .old on New York, San Francisco,
Portland and Albany, Oregon.
Collection made 011 tavorablo tarmi.
Buy and fcieil Land,
Insure Property.
Any information in regard to the cheap
er Land In the garden of Oregon furnished
A of flermany.
A thrifty farmer lay at length upon hi dying
And culled to him hi boy and girl, and gently
to them auid:
You nr 10 young, I can but dread to loave
you all alone,
Hut the farm will keep you without need
when I am dead and iionn."
Tliflo kinHlng ilmm. he blu d thcra both,
and cloiod hi. weary eyon,
And nnvor opened tbcm airain on thl aide
Now Hum (he wm but twnnty-one, and
Oretetien anventeen)
Hold pretty Frida Fridolln ahrlned In nil
beurt a queen;
But the farm frrew only tblitlei, that choked
the tender wheat,
While Hunt, he ial -tlghing at pretty
Krlda'a feet.
Bhe gravely thonk hnr Rnlden bead, and to
bi. love .aid: "No."
While Iiit tuny little linger flushed the
nuedlo to and fro.
One evening little Gretohon at tlgblng at
tb door,
A-mouruIng lor the pretty thing that be
could buy no more.
She envied Frida Fridolln her ribbon freah
and nfw.
While hnr own flaxen ringlet were tied with
failed blue.
Up to the cot tage door there came, with weak
and faltering tread,
A woman, bent und gray and old, and tbu to
Gretcben aald:
You onvy Frida Fridolln her ribbon bright
anil new;
She buy. them with a fairy gift, like thl I
bring to you;"
And out from underneath her cloak the took
a rrvat white ball
Of woolen yarn: "You'll Dnd the rem when
you have knit It all;
And here' a apaile for Hani, who ha no
luck bowe'er he trie.
Yet in bn land, one pude' length deep, a
golden treasure He.
And then the fairy turned away, and eager
Gretcben flew
To Snd b"r needle and begin the task h
had to do ;
And Ham began before the dawn -earctln
tiirhl Rold;
From morn till noon, from noon till night, b
overturned the mold.
" Since It I dug, 1 11 ow the tned," he told;
"becauae I fear
The neighbor may (uipect that I've a treas
ure hidden here."
Bo all the day of lummer-tlme he worked
with all hi might,
And Gretcben' knitting-needle flew from
early mora 1 11 nlgbt;
And i the pile of (tocklngi grew the big ball
wore away.
And ihe told the (locking in the town and
bought the ribbom gay.
'Two. autumn when the ball of yarn wm
knitted ail away,
And Gretchen wept, for in ita heart no gleam
ing Jewel lay.
H The fairy told me f alie," ihe cried ; "the yara
I knit, and aee,
O! Hani, where I the treniure .he proml.ed
you and mef
That night Hana came In laughing, and erle J:
"My wbeat I .old,"
And out Into her lap he poured a chining
heap of gold.
And to her mind there came a light "O,
Han.! I underatiind;
Thl. It the gold the fairy gold you found it
In the laud)
" And. yei, there wa a Jewel In the ball of yarn
I've bought alt th'.. X can buy more, by thrift
and Industry."
And when to Frida Fridolln Hun took the
heart to go
And aak her love again, the (railed, and did
not tell htm "No."
I would not wed an Idle Kan," (he (aid, "tho'
I loved you."
And 10 to ail in napptneii the fairy worda
came true.
Abbe Kinne. In N. Y. Ledger.
An Afrioan 8 port Not Without an
Element of Danger.
Dut the ProflU More Than Counterbalance
the ferlls-How a Hlood-Tlilr.ty
Kneiny Vi Converted Iuto
a Devot.d N.rvant.
Four, days' march inland from
Quilou, which is on the east coast of
Africa and two hundred and fifty
nillos above Madagascar, we came
Into the elephant country and made a
permanont camp. My orders from
the Hamburg house were to secure at
lettHt five eluphanU alive and deliver
them on board ship at Quiloa. Our
party consisted of three white men
and forty-two natives, and we had
even horses and six teams of bul
locks. Amonjj the natives were sever
al fellows who had hunted the big
gAtne with white men, and who were
protty thoroughly posted as to the
creatures' habits. It would have been
almost as easy to shoot an elephant as
a buffalo, but to capture one alive and
get him down to the coast was a differ
ent matter.
We had our camp la a thick grove
about two miles from a forest through
which we knew elephants ranged, and
orders wore pi von against firing guns
or moving about more than was
necessary. An elephant will take the
alarm as quick as a door, and when
once frightened he may not cool down
for hours. After a 'couple of days
four or five of us made a scout to the
forest, and we, were delighted to find
evidence that it was a favorite resort.
Aiue iortji was & Bvrip about nine
rajles long and two miles wide, thrust
ing itself down into a great plain like
a tongue. About opposite our camp
It narrowed to a width of half a mile,
and further down cut short off, though
there wore groves scattered all over
the plain. j
We were rejoiced to find that this
strip of forest was a veritable highway
for the elephants passing back and
forth, while the foliage was their
choicest food. We spent two whole
days getting the lay of the forest for
levcral miles, and we finally selected
a particular spot to work on. It was
in tho narrowest portion of the strip,
and here we dug two pits and con
cealed them so nicely that the sharp
est native would have mistrusted
nothing. When all was ready we re
tired from the forest and posted a
native in the nearest grove to act as
sentinel for the remainder of the day,
This grove was about an acre in ex
tent, with the trees standing very
thick, and we were about moving off,
after instructing the natire, when we
heard a trumpet blast and a mighty
rush. The blast of a mad elephant In
his native wilds is a sound never to be
forgotten. Each one of us instantly
realized that we had come up
on an old "ropue." and that 'we
were In deadly peril. An elephant
who has become a crank and deserted
his troop or been driven away is more
dangerous than any othar living thing.
His sole thought is to destroy, and he
loses all sense of fear. Had we been
mounted we could have scattered and
outrun him, but we were all on foot,
and our only safety was in sticking to
the erovo. W hen we heard him com'
ing we dodged right and left and hur
ried deep into the grove. The old fel
low had the eyes of a lynx, and, wheel
ing from his first charge, he seemed
determined to hunt us all down. Each
one of us dodged on our own account,
thus distracting his attention, but he
finally pursued one of the natives so
closely that the man had to take to a
tree. He . didn t have his choice,
either, and was unfortunately driven
to shelter in a tree about as large
around as a man s body. He was
barely out of reach when the mad
brute arrived at the trunk. " I was in
a much larger tree about forty foet
away, and could plainly see the move
ments of the beast He was an old
bull, carrying a large pair of tusks,
and he was mad all over. He tried
hard to push the tree over, and though
he could not succeed, he shook the
native around so as to give him a bad
In order to call the brut off I fired
at him several times with a revolver.
Each bullet hit him, but cf course did
no damage. He, however, refused to
leave the tree, and after standing for a
moment in thought he putr his shoul
der against it, surged forward, and.
after swaying back and forth half a
dozen times, the tree broke short off
about ton feet from the ground. The
native was expecting it, and as the
top crashed through the trees he
caught at a limb and pulled himself
into a large tree. The elephant soon
became aware of his escape, and like
wise recognized the fact that all of us
were out of his reach, and, after
trumpeting his disappointment, he
slowly retired and gave us opportunity
to come down. We left the grove as
quietly as possible, and made haste
back to camp. We must move at once.
The "rogue" elephant does not travel
about much, aud his being in the
grove was a menace to us. Should he
discover our camp he would attack us
offhand We at once hitched up our
teams, struck our tents, and removed
to a grove four miles away. While
not entirely saie here, we might es
cape observation. On two sides of us
the approach was marshy, while on
the others it was rather broken. Next
day after our removal it rained,
and none of us left the grove.
On the morning of the second day,
just as we were i oiling out of our
blankets, a cry from half a dozen
natives alarmed the camp. As I rose
up aud saw them looking to the west,
I turned my eyes in that direction,
and beheld a sight which made my
hair stand on end. That "rogue"
elephant was on the plain about half
a mile away and making a bee line
for our camp. Ho was swinging his
trunk in an angry way, and his speed
was sotnothing terrific? Ihree or
four of us sprang to our rifles, but he
would have been among us before we
could have fired a shot had not an ac
cident happened. He charged at us
over the marshy ground, and two
hundred feet from the wagons the
ground i grew bo soft that he
sun it to nis Knees, floundered ahead a
few feet and then rolled over on his
left side. He was out of breath with
his run and his fall, and then was the
time to take him. As he lay there
roaring his dismay and anger, we got
out the ropes and chains and dashed
for his legs. We got nooses over both
hind legs and carried tho free ends to
the nearest tree, and then we had the
old fellow for sure. He was so mad
that he actually shed tears, and he
trumpeted until he tired his machine
out After we had him fast every
man cut a stick, and for two hours we
beat every part of tho beast we could
reach. Moreover, we walked on
him, kicked him, called him
names, and degraded him in every
possible way. This was by the advice
of the natives, who said It would soon
break his spirit and cause him to give
up. All day long the monster lay on
his side in the muck, boiling over with
rage, but helpless. He put in the
night there, too.and next morning his
spirit was broken. We cast the noose
free from one leg, got a pry under his
hip, and after an hour's hard work
put him on his feet and got him to
solid land. The fight had all been
taken out of him, and he would cower
whenever any one shook a club at him.
When the natives washed him up a
dozen great scars were revealed on his
shoulders and flank as proofs that he
was a fighter, and my head man, who
had lived in the elephant country all
his days, computed the beast's age at
one hundred and ten years.
No animal becomes docile and
tractable as quick as the elephant
He must first be conquered by fear,
and when once he gives in you have
only an occasional tantrum to look out
for. We kept right at our captive,
flogging and bulldozing and giving
him to understand that we were boss,
and at the end of three days he was
as humble as pie. We could make no
use of him as a hunter, as we had no
rig. and as none of the men had had
and experience in driving an elephant;
but we should have no trouble in get
ting him to the coast, and he was worth
several thousand dollars.
It 'was ten days after his capture
that one of our scouts brought word
that a troop of elephantshad appeared
lo the forest We had suspected this
by the uneasy movements of our cap
tive. It did not seem possible that he
could Bcent his kind four or five miles
away, but his actions went to prove
that such was the case. We had him
securely fastened by one hind leg, but
he did not try to break away. On the
contrary, he acted vexed and out of
sorts, and now and then uttered a
blast of defiance. It was easy to see
that he would have a hostile greeting
for any elephant that came our way.
The troop of elephants reported by
the scout numbered thirteen, and were
five or six miles above us. Mr. Will
iams, my assistant took a portion of
the men and made a detour so as to
strike in behind the troop and drive
them down, and five or six of us sta
tioned ourselves at the southern limit
of the forest It was hoped that in
driving the beasts back and forth
along the narrow neck at least one
of them might get a tumble into a
pit and it was with great anxiety
that we waited their coming. It
was about four o'clock in the
afternoon when we caught sight
of them. After they had crossed
the neck we closed up and sought to
drive them back, but they had become
frightened, and the job was too great
for us. They broke off to the right
and left the cover of the woods for
the open plain, and we felt some
anxiety as we saw that they held a
straight course for our camp. The
three of us who were mounted pur
sued at a gallop, and we were wit
nesses of a curious incident The
troop were headed for the grove in
which we had encamped, and were
aboat half a mile away, when our
captive "rogue" uttered three or four
shrill blasts and suddenly appeared in
sight, having broken the rope which
held him to a tree. He made straight
for the troop, challenging as he came,
and the beasts no sooner saw him
than they exhibited fear and con
fusion. They halted, turned to the
right and the left and were all mixed
up when the old chap came down upon
them like a landslide. The first one
he struck was a half-grown elephant,
and he knocked him flat on the grass
and rolled him over and over. Then I
he sailed in to clean out the shanty,
and the blows from his trunk could be
heard a mile away.
Such a cloud of dust was kicked up
that we soon lost aiffht of a.tnniaM
but in a few minutes the troop bolted
off at right angles und soon entered a
grove, and we drow near to find the
old "rogue" standing over the one he
had rolled over. He seemed to be
waiting for us to come up, and after a
little the native who had most to do
with him ventured close up.' I rode
off and got a rope, and this was made
fast to the captive's legs and he was
encouraged to get on his feet Then
tho old chap steered him straight for while we followed, holding to
the ropes. Once or twice tho kid
showed a disposition to bolt but the
big one gave him a resounding whack
with his trunk and curbed his am
bition. Wo made hfm fast to a tree,
and the "rogue" then tool: his old
place without a hint being given him
and was refastened.
It was next morning before we
could examine our pits, and then we
found another captive. A big bull
Jephant was lying on his side in one
of them, while the other had been
avoided. We got him out of the pit
by digging around him, and then using
a block and tackle to lift him to his
feet He had been three days without
food or drink when we got him out,
and his spirit was pretty well broken.
Our three captives were got down to
the coast without the least trouble,
and our luck in making three such
captures in the short space of twenty
days has never been equaled by
menagerie men in any kind. The old
"rogue" who set out to annihilate ua
brought all our good luck. N. Y. Sun.
One Can bow Send MnnucrlpU or Picture
by Electricity.
The fac-simile telegraph, by which
manuscript, maps or pictures may be
transmitted, is a species of the auto
matic methods already described, in
which the receiver is actuated syn
chronously with its transmitter. By
Lenoir's method a picture or map is
outlined with insulating ink upon the
cylindrical surface of a rotating drum,
which revolves under a point having a
slow movement along the axis of the
cylinder, and thus the conducting
point goes over the cylindrical sur
face in a spiral path. The electrlo
circuit will be broken by every ink
mark on the cylinder which is in this
path and thereby corresponding marks
are made in a spiral liae by an ink
marker upon a drum at the receiving
end. To produce these outlines it is
only necessary that the two drums be
rotated in unison. This system is of
little utility, there being no apparent
demand for fac-simile transmission,
particularly at so great an expense of
speed, for it will be seen that instead
of making a character of the alphabet
by a few separate pulses, as is done by
Morse, the number must be greatly
increased. Many dots become neces
sary to show the outlines of the more
complex characters. The pan tele
graph is an interesting type of the
fac-simile method. In this form the
movements of a pen in the writer's
hand produces corresponding move
ments of the pen at the distant station
and thereby a fac-simile record.
Scribner's Magazine.
AVtinttf to Bacndce,
As we route along the highway out of Qolds
boro the owner of the team pointed to a half
finished churcb building alongside the road
and said:
"The colored people have been building
that for the last ten years."
"One struck me in town last night for a
dollar to help finish some edifice, and this
must be the one," answered the colonel
"No doubt of it, and that may be the .one
Just coining out."
"So it is. Hold on, and let's see what be
has done with my dollar."
The man approached, bowing and smiling.
and the colonel saidr
"Is this where you are going to put that
dollar I gave you lost night?"
' Oh I Hul Den you ar'degem'len who
gin me de big dollar!"
"I am. U hut are you going to do with
"Ize already dun gone dun wid it, san. See
I'm shingles ober darn"
"Why, there isn't two bits worth In that
"Jist exactly two bits, san."
"And the rest of the money I"
"De rest jist settles my charges for brintr-
bV de shingles up, sab., an Ize obleeged to
walk home fur nothing. Detroit Free Press.
Dashley Queer thi'ugs people' discover
when they are living In boarding houses. At
dinner at my boarding house yesterday 1
stuck my fork into a piece of pie and brought
up a collar button that I lost a week ago.
Snaggs That's nothing. I lifted off the top
of my strawberry shortcake at my boarding
house yesterday, and what do you suppose
there was in itf" '
Dashley I give It up, A silk umbrella,
perhaps. ,
Snaggs No, sir; strawberries, j
Dashley (incredulously) Aw, what are you.
giving tuer Boston Beacon. f
i -