The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 04, 1889, Image 7

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3. wS'r-'
:, nsvi t.i.i:.
FRIDAY, OCl'bBKll 4, JSS9.
:V" " ' I -ii-i iiii.ii hi, ni i I'li'niw.'W
A Hue rnin.
KIkuv to-morrow.
Circus slny ut Lebanon,' Saturday,
October 5.
Umbrellas and rubbers will soonle
Wi; have flxcrl up our nidcwnlk; how
about ycurti? All, now,
Quite (i number of our citizens have
Ix'i-M lo Portland uttendin-r the fair
this week.
The marshal Is having tho sidewalks
fticed up. You lift, wo know by ex
Mi. Enoch Riilgwny, we lenrn, has
nm i'lerl a position as chambermaid In
the new livery stable! !
M rK-llingcrniitl daughters, Misses
Kntle mid I'M', are viaiting frlend
and relatives ut thla place.
Ill- have heard thut the wind never
Mows hard In Oregon but It didn't
look that way last monday night.
Mr. Harrison Johnson and wife left
on Monday for the aoutheru portion of
Oregon to visit friend and relatives.
There la to bo a public Bale of forty
thoroughbred shorthorn cattle ut Ku
gene, Oregon, on Saturday, Oetober 12.
See bills.
A. (. William and Mr. Stringer left
thlr week for Prhievillo. They Intend
Hjieitiling the winter near there und
will probably take up n homestead.
Mr. Phil 3.1.1th did not tako charge
of the hotel Monday, as we announced
he would In our lat iswue. He la wait
ing on some papers to return to make
out a title.
It la now learned there nre now two
applicant for the Kan Hum Academy
who come well recommended, ho it is
expected school will commence there
U.-fort long.
All who have attended the North
Pacific Industrial Exposition unite in
aaytng it la far ahead of any previous
attempt of the kind they have ever
wen in Portland.
The First Presbyterian church gave
a aociiible Tuesday evening at the
reeidt'iice of Mr. T'avidsoii, which was
well attended. We did not learn the
total receipts of the evening.
W. W. Stalker has purchased a lot in
the Kiikpatrick addition, and we un
derstand, ititt'iids building this fall.
He Iiu8 giveu up tlte idea of going
across the mouutaliiH this year.
lie rtcrn thanks for Home fine honey
which was left ut our office one day
thU week with the compliments of
Mm. A. Compton, of Tillamook.
Mit. Ewtou: He wUh (o rttur
our thanks through your paper, for the
kind rvay i'l which we were treated by
A. Comptou and w ife while in Tilla
mook. Mms. O. U' Tavj.oii.
We called ujioti one of our business
firms w hich does not advertise, a few
days ago, to solicit an ad., and were
informed that the firm was getting nil
tho trudtt it wanted. What a blessing
ir to be contented.
We printed programmes for an enter
tainment of the Lebanon Sunday
schools, by the C. P. Sunday school,
which was very god, each participant
having performed well. J here
was u large audience in uttendnncc.
The Albany Daily Inmocrut of last
Friday was dated the iUth on oue side
and the 'Slh on the other when both
should have been tho 27th. The edi
tors must have got hold of a queer cal
ender. Druggists and Insurance agents
hlionM be careful what kind of calen
dars they give editors.
We received a hn;j poem this week
which was aimed to be written on hell.
We have read IJyrou, Shakespeare and
other eminent authors on this subject,
but this is the holiest poem we have
ever lead. We are not running a poe
try paper, but will pu blind at any time
short pieces und be glad to get them,
though we have no use for this one.
The writer may have tiie same by call
ing ut our ofliee.
On h.t Tuesday morning when we
reached our cilice the marshal was
waiting on us with the message that
v. c had to tix up our sidewalk. How
Ik cwr scraped up courage enough to
attack a ''print" shop with such words
as that h: ;u"ro than we can te!l, but as
he wast very easy with us we will be as
kind to kiiu. We have done wln'.t he
toid '.in to without making any kick,
:n have several others, but tlu.-re are
s"Vt-Vrtt more who have not, and as we
hke to be treated on an conalily with
. lixed.
IcL's have some more
.'rutiv.'dn.v, O.'lobcr
day at
Lebanon. .....'. ',
For (he im-ivu road Th TCm'KKSh;
v, lint is not in it is in the sunn cinent.
Potatoes nro now Belling for (iO cent.!.
They could scarcely bo given away lust
L I). Moyrr on Monday paid
Prownsville a visit, returning to Alba
ny r;n the following Tuesday.
Lebanon Is not "booming" but nhe is
growing steadily, surely and perma
nently. There is no better investment
than to stick a few dollars in Lebanon
real estate.
The theater w hich Is to play hero
next H'cdnemlay evening consists of
comedy Bketches, ewIsh lell ringing
etc. It promises to be the best that
ever struck our town and all should be
hurc and attend.
AH parties Interested in the art of
writing bhotild not fail to attend the
writing Hehool to he held in the public
school building ut this place beginning
Oct. 4 at 7 r. M. Parties wishing to
attend should add their names to our
list at I. It. P.orum's barber ahop or at
irfrs. Ilice's millinery store.
O. W. LaxkfoiU), Teacher.
A very appreciative audience greeted
the J. II. Oakes Company last evening.
There was much to Is? appreciated
about Their entertainment was full
of laughable parts, as well as Instru
mental music. Nearly everything pre
sent e J was encored, noinelimes repeat
edly, the best that can be accorded a
troup. They mude musisont of even
Klcighbolls, Hiid one genius did a Chi
ncse fiddle up in American style. The
crystal eh hues on the goblets of water
was a remarkably brilliant thing, and
the belli lnging was good. The enter
tainment as a whole was a decided
treat, and should the company return
to Albanp they will be iriveu a packed
house. Democrat.
This troup will he here on next Wed
nesday night.
F. M. French, Jeweler, Albuny, Ore.
D. W. Odell, M. D., Physician and
Burgeon, Sodavillv, Oregon.
First-class work ut McClurc's barber
The best job work is done Ly the
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to me will pleuse call and nettle
M. A. Miller.
When you are tired of paying three
prices for groceries take a rest and
trade with C. K. lirowm 11, Albany.
All the groceries you cun carry for a
Dollar at liicowjjKUK,
Albany, Or. j
Cruson & Mem-.ics arc prepared to fur
nish you witli doors and windows
cheaper than anyone else in Lebanon.
Thompson & Overman of Albany
invites the public to come Into their
store and look at their fine line of har
Thompson & Overman, - of Albany
have the largest stock of harness and
Raddles in the valley south of Port
land. lied rock prices, new goods and stan
dard brands at hoi lithe Mammoth and
One Price Cash Stores of C. U. Monta
tague. All parties knowing themselves
Indebted to Swan Pros, will confer a
favor by calling and settling, ns they
aiv in need of their money.
Do not buy any custom trash when
you can get those splendid Buckingham
& J lech t goods ut Montague's Mam
moth store and also at his One Price
Cash Store.
See Montagues magnificent NEW
stock of Buckingham & Hecht's boots
and shoos luanufueted expressly lor
We notice in A. It. Cyrus &Co's wiu
d)w a large squash raised by J. (I
Eaton hr Lebanon. It weigh 'J2 lbs
and measures 5 feet 4 inches.
Do not buy any eastern trash when
you can get those tplendid Bucking
ham k Heeht goods at Montegue's
Mammoth, store and alio ut his One
Price Crush Store.
Parcntu ahould be careful that their
children do net contract colds during
the fall or ( ttrly winter month;). Such
colds weaken tko lungs arid air passa
ges, making the child much more like
ly to contract other colds during the
wint'i-. His this succession of colds
that ciiiii.tes catarrh and bronchitis or
puws the way for consumption. Should
a cold he contracted, loso no time but
cure it ;i-s quickly ha possible. A fifty
" oi .onwuuiii-i i.ok;-i
Itcmcdy will ci-ie ny cold in a tw j h-ctura for the b.::ct:t of tlie City Li
days and have tho respiratory organa j brary, niedii:;;- with a very fiattcrhif
strong and LenUhy. For sale by J,i. J und s;itUli.ei;;ry iwp'itloii.
A-MiHer. T. !. V.
I ti t Cable on Monday left for Port
land tor.t.end the winter term of the
Kshoolcf ij ur:nae ul the Willamette
F. Hnncf-vkon Monday left tir tho
Lower Houu springs on the Santiam.
lie will return on Tuesday in compa
ny with his family, who have been In
tho mountains for the past two weeks.
Watches, jewchy and speclaclea at
Pilltdv.try'f .
0. P. Cowiiovv, Sr., J. M. Howe and
Win. Cochran during tho past week
returned from Salem.
.Tames Smith and children and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Wheeler on Tuesday
left for Prlncvllle.
W. T. Cochran en Wednesday left
for a trip across tho mountains.
Miss Love Reese on Wednesday left
for California, where bho will pass the
coming wluter visiting her uncle and
Mrs. A. A. McCully, who has been
visiting her brother, J. II. Waters, on
Wednesday returned home to Port
land. J.M. Waters and Dr. O. B. Ileeso on
Tuesday visitor! Albany.
Miss Maud Grover and Miss Martha
Acock, accompanied C. D. Orover and
wife on their return home to Pet a! li
ma, Cal., on Thursday. The young
ladies will pass the winter months in
New goods at Pillsbury's. Jewelry,
silverware and spectacles.
Mrs. David Corey, Mrs. George Shel
ly and Clarence Corej' arrived in town
from Harney valley on Tuesday last.
L. Morse, of Sweet Home, was in
town on Thursday.
A. Gilmore, of Junction City, was on
our streets on Thursday.
J. Brown, of the firm of Lunn Sc
Brown, Salem, and J. J. Brown, wife
and child, of Spokane Fulls, are visit
ing Granville Brown and family, of
South Brownsville.
W. T. Ellis was on Thursday ar
ranged before Recorder Waters,
charge, "disturbing the peace,"
Charge.HUstained, defendant fined 13
and costs.
On Thursday evening at about 11
o'clock, on the ground occupied by a
tent in which W. T. Ellis has been
conducting meetings, there took place
a disturbance? originating from a
drunken crowd, that in its nature was
anything but complimentary to our
generally moral end quiet town. A
general fusilado of pistol shots was
kept up for more than an hour, inter
spersed hy maniacal yells that would
put a drunken Piute Indian to shame.
The rojKs holding the tent in position
were cut and the canvas tabernach, fell
to the ground, seats were jibed around
in an indescribable mass, tho lamps
broken and riot teij-.ued supreme. It
1 1 reported that a number of the camp
ers upon the grounds were injured
from flying missiles or clubs in the
hands of the assailants, and renmrka-j
ble us it may seem, not a man is to be
found who admits being on the streets
ufter 0 i. M. on this evening.
Fred Hancock and family, who for
the past three weeks have been camp
ing ut the Lover Soda springs, on Fri
day returned home.
Dr. Frank Ballard and H. Y. Kirk
patrick, editor of Tjik Exhums, paid
our town a visit Wednesday. They
report Lebanon "on the boom" und all
O. JC.
From ft letter received by a lady of
this town it is learned that Mrs Albert
Masterson departed this life on Sept.
13, PiTJ, at Chico, California. Her
maiden name was Carrie Bowles, and
she was well and favorably known to
this community, where the greater
part of her girlhood days were spent,
und she leaves many friends lo mourn
her early demise.
Mrs. E. Croft returned home to Port
land via the O. & C. on Saturday.
Sherit Small mon, of Albany, was in
town Saturday attending to o.'lichil
business. -
Cofchow ifcJWaters, real estate agents
sohl on Friday !;;';, to William Dunn.
late of Illinois, nix lots In Hatisman's
addition, situated on Railroad Avenue.
Henry Eksue and funnily, of Cottage
Grove, Oregon, are visiting 11. M.,Mo.
ley und family.
fJ.Mrs. Jos-i'ph Hume and children on
Wednesday left for Puel sound to
visit relatives in Tuconia and Olynipiu,
Hv. A, Le Roy .returned from '..'or
va'.Us on Saturday,, at which ;;;u he
delivered to a vc:
aonvereu to a vcrv nirue nmiience
w ill
Sing a song oi thankfulness
And here's the reason why .
Several hundred Bargains
Are incur Business Pie.
When the pie is opened
Ycur family all bring,
And each will find a Bargain
As sure as anything.
It Will k Pie for You
To come to our store to do your trading. Mako it your bus
iness to come, for we shall make it our business to
First Buyers Get Finest Bargains, j
This is always the case. Whero all is pood something is'surcxV
to be exception ably desirable. The early buyer . ,-V
gets the biggest slice of pie. f
The Sugar on the Pie
Will be the low prices we make. We propose to swr
things to tho taste by making absolutely tho lew"'
prices at the start. You need not wa '
for lower prices they can't be v ;
lower. ""r
Make a list of what you want, jot it down, and bring it tr " ; :
our store. ' i .
Timber Land, Act Jnna 3, 1878.
United States Lakp Office,
Oregon City, Or., August 2nd 1489. J
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled
"An act for tho sale of timber lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and Washington Territory," Dun
can iShaw, of Seattle, County of Kinpr,
Washington Territory, has this day til
ed in this ofllec his sworn statement
No. 1.140, for the purchase of the 8. W.
of .Section No. 4, in Township No. 13
Houth, Knnse.No. 2Eat,and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuahla for it timber or Krone
than for agricultural purposes, imd to
establish his claims to said land before
the ltcglstor ami Receiver of this ofliee
at Oregon City,On?yn,on Tuesday, the
2'Jth day of October, 188'J.
lie names oh witness: A. Davis and
J. II . Mallery, of Winlock, Chehails
County, and A. S. Fcas and J. Stanley,
of .Seattle, King County, all of W. T.
Any and all jwrsons cluiming udver
selv theabove-descrilx-d lands are re
(jueHted to tile their claims in this office
on or before said 2'Jth dav of October,
J. T. AFPEUSON, Register.
United Suites Laud Olfico, Oruoi) City, Cny.w,
liliiince wi'li nie pn V!S.nis ol t.'te noi 01
gn'm of .lime H, 1.S7S. t'lititl-d "nn net lor tan .t!
i.-f timl.T liimlK in tlie stiilesif'ii'.firi;lu, Uivgou,
Sevuriii mill Wu.-Jihilim Toi-ritury,"
of Oregon f'itv, cmuily of ("uetiinin. uluio of Ore
(Jim )i tills iliiv liW'la tli's ofiiw Iilwonirt!ie
liiesi' Xe. W'.l, tor tlie i.'.ireh-e of Hie nc l-'l of
vello-i , ti l:!i-, l!.l K, r.n.l v. Ill odor vriMl'lo
show that Ihn litii-t )ii);lil w more vtiliuililefor it j
mid to en'.isli'.i-li liiseinim to mi't liinl liei'ore the
rcjiMereni' I'l-eeivev (;f1!iiM)(;iee nt )r".on City,
Onymi, on Tlmrciluy, Hie 1 fli duy of lies.. I-s.
lie iiiimes ie witueNfs: J Ktteh' ii, 11 11 llnx'ey,
of Astoria. Clelsop eou.ily; J W lli.-iioo unci 1) M
U'ila-l, of U'lm'loii, l.iim county, nil of tl'eirni'.
Any iiixl nil i-er-o.'is elaiu.iie; wlverwily the
aliove-clcv-crlbed Iiinil.s are reneMcd to lile llielr
el;iinis to tliN oflieB on or liet'oi'e ;iid l'JIli day uf
DeeeiuLei-, iHt-tf. J. T. Al'I'KUSON, I.ei,-ii(UT.
Notice For Publication.
Lnd Oflleo ut Oregon City, ():v(;on,
lowing ii:uned settler Ims f-lni notice of lii
inti'iition lo nmke liieil C'oof In .i)Ki't of liin
eliili. i. iieit tliui ''id nroof will be limdo hefoiv (hp
eonnly jiiduc or in iiis niiH'n"y 1 1m eonnty clerk of
l.iini (Sinitv, nt Al'-aiiv, ifrojroii, on Monday,
Nov. 11, IS.-;), vi,:: W:i'. Jli'itdslmw, romcstcud en
try No. 41C9. A the vlt of e.'i of.c SI. tji U H it 'J
He teirei t'l? follmvinir Unii'S's to irovo lil.
eoniiiiuiil n .'.(lene' nedi mxl'iviiiioo of mid
111.1, vi.-.: .1 K M.miulL (' T .Miirnllis, ll K Newlmid
und t; ,1 Ncwiiunl, nil o." t'-.-m (or.Uv i'le, l.iim
toiiniy, Ore;;oi:. J. T. AI't'HtS'.lX, l'.e;;!.iter.
Notice For Publl
J.iuiil CfBec ut Ofi.-oii
;-i.:.-t..-r -V, I.s'
K':T!''i; ,:s nrr.t.KiiVi ivkn t it v r i it:-: koi..
ix tw lii.t swiiicd :Hw Im l!l-'ii iiotico cf I i
ntrc.i"!1 (o nttil;.' !ili::I I 'v.if in. i;,i.;i."': '. t In
i. n ,;rl
'he; Hsit.I lnool' wl'l !:e na!f H'fim- the
. iHT In nti ,( In !! -)Mty
'1 (-Irt-'ltV, lit A'l-U'IV, Oo-l.'Dll. on !'i"i-
-. !, Vi,: Ai:-i v,,i. .cd
:.), l...r tiie IV.' 1-i !'..( '.-.', ii 1 ;j i,i K
'I:.' .-..I1..-.VI
; !i .t:ic.-
M'li.-i c; in""')
A I", 1" Mi''.
y: J..:L.ia;.-ii, J t
J. 1. .u
ui;d C
Timber and, Act June 3,1878 ?
United States Land Office, . -Oregon
City, Or. AUj. 3, 16
Notice is hereby given that iWct i
pliance with t!ie provisions otthef . .
of Congress of June 8, 1878, cnti;
"An act for the sale of timber land
the States of California, Oregon, N
da and Washington Territory," I "
Miller, of Lebanon, County of L
State of Oregon, has this day f, , .- ;.
this office hissworn HtatememA'y.i V
for tlie purchase of the N. PJ. of 1
tion No. 12, In Township No. 12 S(J;
Range No. 1 Kast, and will ofi'er pf . ' -to
show that tlie land sought is i. '
valuable for its timber or stone. ",
for agricultural purpo3Cflunnd-"
lish his clalnfto said landrk-,r
lUgister and receiver ofthis oil, '
Oregon City, Oregon, on Weuri;
tlie 80th day of October. 1880. i ' : - '
He names as witnesses: R. 5-'
W. IT. Reed, I. . Settle auaw ; '
Cyrus, nil of Lebanon, Linn C . .'
Any and all ptrsous claiming'
versely the jibove-described iantls ; .
re(ueutcd to file their claims in ti; ; .
oJIlce on or before said Both day
October, 189.
J. T. A rPERSON, Roister.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1 878. jV
t'nlterl Htuies I.Hiid OTiiec. )
OrcKoti City, On'icoii, Ain;iiM B, lSt:9 )
VTotieo i. liereliy piven tlmt In eoinjilinnee ii! -
i tl;e net of CoiiKrtvf of June ;l. ."'
I87S, entitled "All net for the hk of t'lott '.
liuidx in tlif St.-itej of CnUfornin, Oi(i;isWVeV'-' ''
mid Wiudiiopto'i ifrrilory," Alnert lulti.j " . . '.
utile. I 'i inn nl Kill),', Territory (if ll'(
im.-i Uds-iluy liied In this olnco Ills svo,.
inunt No. l;!7!t, forthe nirelui!-e of the S. ,
Heeiion No.vti. in Trnvtiiditp ko. 12 south. : , -."
auiyi, i'nd Hill citVei' iire.oftoslu.w that HI?, ' " '
Miutdil is inoru vitlimlile for Ub tinil erci sn.'i',. .-'.
for ii:-'neulinrul;,iiip()se, und toestnlili'li hiAiij ,.
to Mild lund before tlie HesriMer lind luei-ivu-;
thi.MU'tiee nt Oic;iin, t'itv Oregon, uuTuuii, '
Atli duy ol November, IBEO. -, '
II-.' nionen ah iihi-m-;w: N retcton, E. 11
wiilii:in, W. II. Vanw.irl find N, B. Alien, n-
Scuttle, KhiR ei.inity, Wat-hllit!lnn-Tuitoi'.. ' '
Any und nil imvu elinuiinir iuiVe,i el ' .
nbove-ilwi-rilKil iuii-Ik re t i-K'i..
e'ulinx in lliisotti.'eon or before wid 'til (! ol
November, lbi.0. J, T. Ai'l'bujON,
iLiiii l-
t;n!led States l.mid 0!':lec, V,
Orepm City, Orngon, Anijust n, I viM. .
N'i'tiee 1 hereby Riven tiint In fionmynt'i' -. wi:
the pri'A ii ion; oflhe net of Coii -biH,
entitled "Aniict lor the Mclu (, - ,v
in tie Stutcs nl' Ciiliforni'i. Orec. - j , ,,
WuMuti;ion 'v-i-ii,rv," KH-:Thor ' .., .' ,
lie. t'oniitv of ICiiiir, fi rriloiy v( r -,, '' .
thW duy lili-d In this oillee blMiV. ', ', ','.. ,' '. ...
I;M, for tls? i.uridiio1 nftlio Is'..
Xo. 2. In 'J'.'in.r. No. Vi t'Mif, ;.' . .. ,
eii-t, ni d ill olli-i' :-nhif tin-how' i- -.
fni:j.lU lliule Vlllllitlik' f(H itBtlllllke; .. , , V- .
for ii(.'rieiilli'.rul .i:i;io.-(. -. imi'i loe-f ebf.-' V ,
til mlid l,,;.d I -etoro lii' lU'Ki--!-'li uorl J.;-- ' ' '
this mile-' .'. (tw-.i t'iiy. Ui'yu-.i, c.u'iue'ii. -.
fib duy of .N(iveiiijier, 1; i' , .,:,-
Itc nrnno- y wimewt-s: A. llnl.'mi, Vi". V. '
vwi.'t. N. 1 i-ll'-MI .Hid .. ii. Alien, nil lA il .',
Kin): eniiii".', '.Vudnniriou 'i'unl-ii'y. ,
Any end nil jnr-ons ciiuniiii'i advi,' -
iibo'. e-i'i ! ''if : d i.-ueis ur;.iei,ik'sl('d In f? ; -
c.'niin.s in (Wmi1hv on or be.i;-. Mid H?
Miveiaber, . t;. 1. T. A ',
AS i :ie
In ll..!:i,
Money t i
i'ntcivst, on
loan at
t'.niTo I
LiiiU Count
Jillill l.'OUllty, 01' Oil !j l;i '-;tr tc(!!-I , J ;
in Aibimy. A'jipiy t Wac!tettrii iu ;
Wrijrjit, A!ha::y, OrvC-'i. ?' '