The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, October 04, 1889, Image 2

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!.!- stress,!
i"k:i)ay, ocroiimi 4, lsa.
1 1 i astonishing ltow rapiul Hows
i it!t( new vn'.-t'r:; imlustrioB that
c uv: in th hje of manufactories,
sf'.u'K puici mills, woolen mills,
! furnaces, boiler factories, rtc,
l:i:i)-iriIi o which nre being jilantoJ
io Ui cest. Factories iu the Wille.m-
.sc slier have w deckloJ mlvnntige
-r t)u-!H' in the tusl, as they wMi?m
-.v. r freeze uj iu winter, vhiietustern
..'( lies' freeze every winter, arid
s--.-.ieti,-nos for mouths tit a time stand
i lie. It h not so iu the "Willamette
Tiie governor of North Carolina
In v:. questioned m to the proposed
near-4 eiodus from that state, said that
he ht lieved that it would K beneficial
to ;he state for tlum to leave, the
B".nte would then till up with men from
the northern states that are kept away
on Recount of having to compete with
nejiTO Li!or, and the resources of the
t'.a'e, to be developed, were not nuch
m the negro liked. Its mountains
were full of ore, and it required white
men to develop these resources.
I Wt fret
Yitiu altout it.
Write about it.
Beautify the street.
Patronise the merchants.
He IriewllT with everylxly.
Advertise in your newspaper.
Elect good men to all the offices.
Don't grumble about hard times.
Avoid gossip about your neighbors.
Kiep your eidewalKs in good repair.
Sell all you can and buy allyoa can
Et home.
Do your traJinig with your home
If you are ric-h invest nothing; era
ploy Homebody to be a "rustler."
Ilenieiuber that every dollar invest
ed iu permanent improvement is w
much on interest,
Be courteous to strangers that come you ; so that they may go away
with 'k1 impressions.
Alw ays c 'neer on the men who go in
lor improvements, your portion of the
c?ts will be nothing only what is juit
fi.ul right. '
Don't Lick at uny proposed im
provement because it is not at your
( 'x:t door, or for Ictr your taxes will
r;u-e! 50 cents.
yevfcr condemn the local paper ca-
til it has inisuseJ you. If it has dealt
,.vs;:it?M.-, write to i: or go into the ',
tie? and tell the editor aV:t your
(Wi'il be is Wror. he will lod no
tint? in telling the public about it.
li.member that no man do-s so
much for your town us the local news-pr.;-r.
Every paj!r sent out is an
a ivt-rtisement of the btirice, the re
',::rees and enterprise of the place,
:m J the jieople get a better ilea of it
run the bial paper than from any
other source. lihineo Star-Vindicator.
1 n cleaning up the rubbish at the old
Party building one day this week a
a.h.'i weather-stained scrap of paper
was f und, on which was printed an
iiivltation to a Masonic bail i;i Itos
i.'g t'jirty-one years ago. It reads us
!' ::iw: "Masonic Dull. Your compa
ny is respectfully s diHied nt a ball, to
be pveo at the Masonic hall, Kose-lui-g,
(treroti, on Thursday evening, C
tAi'K-k, June fKth, IKS. Mamipers:
L. F.Mo;her, A. E. Ei-ers, Wiiiiam
liotchkisv James M. l'yle, Diehard
Uiitkin, Wsiiiam Muns, Kamuel Gor
don, James A. Od.'r, S. V. Chad wick,
Ms -tthew Xeaves, A. J. Durnett, Wil
!;".ih 2. M'irtiti. Floor iuanigej!i: 1
li. jCmg. T. L. Grain, . Jlobiiiwui.
W. II. Ellis, director of inusi." We
v.-h,,u like tr sr-e tho-e old jioneers ;
:ioh- nipping the 'Jight lautatie tjf.,:
Cherry Couj;h Syrup,
I- giving i-pieiidid to the
ie the
. ies are
hitively tM.'.r-t-nled
for fu
-l.-a, whle'i -hv, be nee
:'ihe- wsy eseept that It is vrithout
i-t i- st hi iiie loarket. Ask for
: bv y(l, jj.-f Ihv t:. ;!i;;ie.' V.'e
j.- i;. y Tl. A. filler, Ix v;hA.
A- "J.t-vy,:, v.-
i-.i j our
li"VS" TO H'l AlMli Wl.Il..
fay tu yoo ..
ewr "looi" in U -tineas luut'.i
Do not kick every one in your path.
Lenm to think and act for yourself.
Keep ahead rather than behind the
Don't slop to tell atones tiering bus
iness hours.
Have order, system, regularity and
Vi? your own brains rather than
those of others.
Do not meddle with business you
know nothing about. (
. A man of honor re?-octa his word
as he does his bond.
No man can get rich by silting
around stores and saloons.
If you have a place of business, be
found there when wanted.
Learn to say no. Xo necessity of
snapping it out dog fashion, but say it
firmly and respectfully.
Help others when you can, but
never give what you rim not afford
to simply because it is fashionable.
Sept 19, 1SS9.
Ekitob Lebanon ExruEss:
I will again eaten the quill and send
you a few lines regarding the prosper
ity of the mines iu Golden City. John
Austin, secretary of the hydraulic com
pany, in company with Rogers, of
leni, arrived here Saturday and stayed
over Sunday. From him I learned
tkat he had bought the charter of this
wagon road from Mr. Smith, of Meha
ma, ond will start men to work fixing
it up in first-rate shape. While here
he also bought of Hiram Giddpigs a
placer mine for which he paid fiVX).
lie will 1 back here Iu a few days
with engineers to commence ojera
tlous. While be is gone Mr. Jordnn it
left here n charge of some men, put
ting up a lioune, which will be auolher
improveuiont to our city.
E. O. Smith came in here last week
in company with Mr.Einher J.Cowcn,
esiK'rt, he was well jie:wed with the
mines. They have returned to Port
land, Ebdier goirg to San Francisco.
From what I could letru they will
start v ork in a fi-w dnys.
Campbell and Smith left for Portland
yesterday to be g'me two wwks.
The Golden City Mining company
is at work on the "G. U." ledge whieh
eliows a fine bidy of qusirtj. They are
at pif-sent running a cross cut, which
will fctrike the ledge about forty feet
down from where they first were nt
work. They have some very fine pec-
'( imetis showing gold, which they have
taken out of this ledge.
The Albany Jliniug company is nt
work on their ledge ami have at pa-went
tunneled GO This ledge shown
some very fine galena.
Campbell and .Smith have a tunnel
run on the Daek Bear, from which
they have got some very fiue specimens
of gold.
Wishing your paper nil the prosperi
ty in the world, I remain
Your humble
KEEXEY At Albany, Oregon, on
Friday, Sept. 27, 1 rHD, Edward K.
Keeney, cged years.
On last Fridsiy Edward E. Keeney
departed this life at bis sister's resi
dence iu Albany, and his remains were
interred at Brownsville on the Sunday
following. He was a young man of
promising abilities and fine standing
Imtli fimriLilv nr. (I rclirbiiifclr. TIt u.
formerly a student at the academy at i
this j-'a. e, having speut motof his lift?
in the school room preparing f. r hijrh
aims in life He lias many -warm
friends at this place ho extend to the
bereaved parents their heurtfelt sympa
thy. mi'.Tii or sixTixr.r's.
Mrs. Hiram Mell, of Malad, Idaho.
has irivvn birth to sixtuli'i. tlir.-t I.ovk i
and three jrirk All nre quite heart v I
end jriiIso to liye, uikI their w.ibt
nitogether is eighteen tounds, says ati
Since KM the British governnu-nt
lias paid in marine hi bh:ics more than
m'lW.W'OworlInc, and la now paying .
out over wmjm a year, n iij.s ,
..........1 i.-. c ,n..,. t....u' !
i rallwnv eu:itdy -of X4C,0ft0 a vesr f.r t
the estnblishmelit of a line of ti-a-.jit r
fnoi.i viuieouver li Jj.oiig i.ij:", to I
M-bii'H, the Canadiuti jgovcrinin-iit :. U
mur-:. Already thcra is a Br:t- i
1th Y.." ef k'j tin r.i from Iy;d..n to i
JI ;s;f .".;;! '.if way of the Siii.z .' ; .)! j
a v r:y t pi rt ri.i tl I' I
uivJ 1 it U u d IJIi1i
Montaguo's fall stock is
now cumplcic in every tie
)artment. The Mainniolh
store is Tilled with as choice
irooJs, ailaptitl to this mar
ket, as money will buy.
Our all wool AMine puit
ings, a fall yard wide, whieh
wo are selliiiir at 50 cents per
yard, Is without doubt the
Ie?t value for the money ever
offered to the ladies of 'Leba
non. Our stock of Henrietta
cloths, cashmeres, tricots,
camel hair goods, waterproofs,
and advance styles of cvery
thins; wearable is eimtJv im
rnense. Hie ladies are invit
ed to call and take a look
through the goods. They were
bought at very low prices and
will" be sold correspondingly
ilontame's stock of fancy
work materials, as zephyrs,
wools and yarns, embroidery
silks, in fact everything that
goes to make up a complete
line of material for fancy work
can bo found at Montague's.
Our stock of hoots and
shoes was made expressly for
us and every pair we sell is
fully warranted. When you
wantanything in" the foot wear
line look over Montague's
stock and get his price;?. If
you want to get good goods at
living prices you will necessa
rily buy your boots and shoes
of Montague.
Montague is owning up the
large-! and best selected stock
of Men's, Boys' and Chil
dren's Clothing ever opened
at this place. We can fit any
one boih in size and price.
Montague carries Oregon City
Clothing, California Cassi
mrre Clothing, Eastern
Worsteds, as well as a great
variety of serviceable, low
priced goods.
The One Price Cash Store
will continue to deliver Gro
ceries and General Merchan
dise to the citizens of this
place and vicinity at a mere
nominal advance over the
original COSt.
Persons who ewe me EUST
pay u? m.
I do not propose to waste
much timo m dunning. In
fact there are F"M0 Vrhoim?.g-
ine thev should not be dunn
ed at ail, but it takes money
to do business. J)o net bo
SUrprist-d if "OU fmd the note
or ftCCOUnt VOU may happen
tJ Jn(, f t?Jft )aTUls (1f m
Thy long, weary credit bus-
f mess is a titmg o; me past in
T r'
Wii HAVi;
& jcU. W
In Lebanon, and wish io announce to the citilfena cf Linn
County that we have taken a lease of our present
location for three years. Wo shall keep at
all times a select stock of
And Hope to Build up a LARGE TRAD
We respectfully ask an inspection of our goods and prices.
Our aim will be to give
Good Values ftr Money Mmi
We will duplicate Albany prices, in fact wo intend to stll our
goods at Portland prices, freight added. We come
to ?tav and ask vou, one and all, to call and
see us, visitors and purchaser.-!
alike are welcome. Our
latch string is now on the outer
wall. If you have Produce to ndl
bring it to us and we will give you the highest
market price for it. We come to Lebanon to do busincFs,
AndTfYotiWill SuNlnin
TJm We Will WoiH-ntYou mid Our
K;1vj -A.lik-.
Talk is cheap, but ltfliable (Jotd at Ueaponable
Prices talk louder and more to the point.
"A Child Can Buy as Cheap as a Man at Our store." Rerrswn-
ber tho Place,
Churchill & Monteith's Old Stand.
Druggist and Apothecary,
Pure Dkugs, Medicines,
Paints, Oils and Glass,
Fine Perfumciy, Bmslies & Combs
Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. '
Main Street, L.eljanoji, Orotron.
Julius GraiwoM'
Golden Rule Bazaar.
The leading Crockery and Fancy
Goods liouscof Albany, Oregon,
Roger Eros. Silverware,
French China and Crystalware,
Boys' Wagons, Baby and Doll Carriages
Fancy Goods and a
General Assortment of Crockery and Toys.
He bu.VH dlrt-ot and carries tt lart stm-k in the Willnmrttp vtilloy.
Ici on parle Frascais.
Vehicles, Implements,
ightand Heavy Machines
Call in, Gontlemen, and vc will Make Yo
Bier viri deatch gesprockfl.
n it
' receives au aiin.tial of