PRES VOL. III. LEBANON, OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1881). NO. 30. E-LEBANON EX MOlitCTY NOT1CKS LEBANON LoWR, . 44. A. V a A. M i M.U l Umlr nr hull m MmoiiIo lllik. on itoturuaf "'" - U" "'i' TW w. M. LEBANON IIIMIR. NO, 47, 1 O. O. f.s U W unlay wAiiuf of wih w k. l .lil Mfc.a Hll. M.l. ulrwtli (Mllii 1'"V' atumd. j, j, tji Aictr?i, w w. HONOR LOTNIK NO M. A. II. W , LrUnrai. Inasla Ui. luunth. y.H. UoHWK M. V, . ' KEUaiOUS NOTICKS. M. K. till Kf H. Walton ftktpwprth, pastor rWvlpe rarh 8nn day Hi 11 . m. 1id 7 r. u. Sunday School at 10 A. M. 'rU tiiuday, niEfHYTtRU! CHI'IU H. O. W. GIlKinv, pimtor Sen-lce ich Sunday At U a. m. fuii'Iuy S-bol 10 a. . Uervlrc Mib Htinday night. l'HSW.ASB rEHVTIIlUll CHl'Rf H. J It. Klrkj.strlrk, ' pastor--Services the 2nd end 4lh 8nmlyat 11 .. . and 7 r.. huuday Krh'Hil f.i'h Xiinrliiv Bt 10 w K. WEATHER FORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offloe over Yni National Biiuk. Al.lltW .... OKKUOX DR. J. M. TAYLOR, V 111 in ULation the nrt ek of every ; month. KwHinrt Witt in Sri th-.rd i" Stay fin. and the fourth we in .J"ir.fn ! to perform all operallntu a)- ruining ' I leutiHtry in a ki!lfu manner. L. H. MONTANYE, ATTORNEY AT LAW 1M NOTARY PUHUC AMI t Y. OHElX, Will practice iu all Court of the State. W. R. BILYEU. Attorney at Law, AI.BIXY. OMF.UOV. d a. k. lui iint. .k, . mMT BLACKBURN & WRICHT, Attorneys at Law. Will practice la all the Court, of the Ktete. Prompt alu-miou given to all buxiuess en truHtod to our care. Cflloe Odd Fellow's Temple. Albany, Or. O. P. COSHOW & SONS, HEAL KSTAT15 AND i xs vn axc i: a a exts, Collection, made. nvpynHnr and all No Una! work done on abort notice. SPECIAL NOTICE. IIt. AV. C. NI2CJUK, Graduate of the Royal College, of London. Zngn. also of - the Bellevue Medical ColW-ge. 1MIK IHXTOH HAS PI'KNT A LIKKTIMK of iituity and practice, and makes a spec laity of chronic dimaaea, removes cancers, scrofulous eidarKi'Uixnu, tumor nod went without palo or the knife, Ho 1ho makes a specialty of tieelineut with lei-trinity, llae practiced in the German. French and English hospital. Cells promptly attended day or tiirlit. Jli tuottii is. "Koud Will to All." Olflne and reMidence, Kerry atreei, between Third and fourth, Altwuy, Uretfon. J, U COWAN. i. M. RAUITON. BANKOF LEBANON, LEBANON, OREGON. Transacts a General Banting Business AtCOlSiTI MKPT NIUJKCT TO CHKC'K. KxchanK 'old on New York. San Xmncleco, 1'ortUnd and Albany, Orcnon. CuHeclioua inadu on favorable terms. J. MYEK8. K. DIlKI.rON, SCIO LAND CO. SCIO, ORECON. Buy and beil Land, LOAN 3IONI3Y AND Insure Property. NOTARYJ?UBLIC. Any Information In regard to the cheap er Land la the garden of Oregon t uruluhed TWO DEADLY REPTILES. The Kalrelt Kite la Nura Deatli, and the Cobra' A 1 moat Sure. A friend of mlrm In Bengal. In tho military aorvice, who was a bachelor, ono day Invited a friend to dinner with him. The cook house was, as moat cook houses are in India, about fifty yard from the house. The friend ar rlvod and they talked. Dinner time came, but no request to come to din ner. Half an hour passed and my friend said: Well, I wonder what's th matter with the beastly cook. He'i quite late." They talked on until an hour had passed- Then my friend said: "Well, we'll just go out and see." And what do you think they aw? Why, above the door, with his head swine lag from side to side through the tran som and seesawing back and forth, was a Gigantic cobra. The cooks inside were very much afraid and would not venture out, of course. The guest raised a shotgun and killed the poi sonous cobra, though it was hard on the house. They thought themselves lucky, though, as may be supposed. Jiobody ever recovers from a bito of the kaireit, and it is rare that any body ever got over the bite of the cobra. A doctor in the army there had one that he had half tamed as a monstrous cu riosity. He was exhibiting it one day to some friends when it bit him on the finger. He was an expert and his rem edies were right at hand. lie instant ly applied them and got over it; but if he had had to walk up stairs even he would have been a dead man. Mind you, he was a doctor. One of my editorial associates on the rioneer, who belonged to the Natural ists1 Club in Allahabad, one day brought in a kaireit in a bottle, and was exhibiting it to the members. "It is dead," said he, and he thought it was, for it was all broken to pieces. All at once the headlwgan to wriggje and bounce around. It could bite the just as good as it could before. You may guess there was a scampering. That is a peculiarity of these snakes. When you think they are dead they are not That is another reosos via they are so much dreaded. The cobra of which I have spoken Is. as you may have read, famous for Its ability to charm whatever it comes in contact with, but I never dreamed of the powers of the cobra until I went to India. It raises itself about one-third of its length from the ground, and. distending its great hood, waves itself back and forth. Its hood whon epen looks as if the snake was cut length wise in the breast, a little like an open coat A Hide view of it gives a mottled appearance of the shape of an inverted pair of spectacles. It waves itself backward and forward, breathing and blowing in a mysterious way, and the eight is so awful you can't take your eyes off it Its little eyes gleam like two bulls of fire, and when it Btrlkes there is nothing but a blur, it goes so fast The cobra in India is the serpent of romance. Despite the fact that it is deadly, the natives hesitate to kil' it There are few places where this snake will naturally live that haven't got cobras, the natives are so superstitious about them. They vary in length from four to eight feet The king cobra, so called, is nothing but a big cobra. The famous snake charmers of India, of whom I have sewi many, exercise a curious art with them. They are able to put them to sleep with the weird mubic of their bagpipes. The cobra, when about to spring, looks like the devil incarnate. A strange thing in India Is that every thing in ths way of a serpent, a scorpion, tarantula or wild animal is the color of the background. It matches the soil whore it is found. You see a royal Bengal tiger fn Amer ica or England and you can tell it right off, but you see it there and someway its stripes do not stand out and it springs upon you unawares. The snakes of India are in Bengal and down south in Madras. These are the home of the snakes. North west India is sot very snakey. In some places there are so many snakes that it is simply a hell on earth. There are many other snakes thau the kinds I have told you of, and many ol them are poisonous, but those are the worst There are also contipedes five inches long, and poisonous lizards that drop their tails off and go right on, thinking thus to delude you, when you have scon them first and got the drop on them. !San Francisco Examiner. His Opinion Infallible. Dr. Bo'.us (at a consultation) Well, gentlemen, my opinion is that the pa tient can;uot live a week. ul. I'lmuuiicB, Dr. jmjuhIh, Ur. Oc ciput and Dr. l'ancroas coincide. Dr. Shingle (a roeent accession to the local medical talent) Gentlemen, I bog leave to differ. The patient will recover. His ailment is imaginary. There is nothing really the matter with him. Dr. Bolus (arrogantly) You cer tainly do not expect to convince us oi the correctness of your opinion, sir! Dr. Shingle No, sir, probably not Yet you will pardon me for saying that I was a pension agent for twenty years before I became a doctor, and Dr. Bolus (with deep conviction) Gentlemen, if he can't see any disease in the patient it isn't there! Dr. Sawbones. Dr. Squills. Dr. Oc ciput and Dr. Pancreas again coin cide. Cnicago T ribune. r rdriR. A KLEPTOMANIAC'S RUSE. How 8he Got a Valuable Ring at h I'rlca Sat by HarieIC "See that old lady at the other end of the store? Well, she is one of the most confirmed kleptomaniacs in New York. It is hardly possible that you would believe mo if I were to tell you her name. She belongs to one of the best families in Brooklyn and is well known in this city. Every one con nected with this store is cognizant of her failing and acts accordingly. Notwithstandingour precautions, how ever, a few months ago she managed to deceive us in a very ingenious way. She had been here several times and appeared to take a great fancy to a valuable diamond and ruby ring. One day she asked my employer what its price was and he told her that it was the best he had ia the store and waa worth 300. She laughed and offered to give f 2A0 for it. and on this being refused said: 'Well, will you let me have it at that price if I can steal it?' Certainly,' he replied, and nothing more was thought about the matter. "Several times after that she came here and had the proprietor take out the tray and exhibit the ring, on each occasion renewing her previous offer. "About two months ago the old lady showed a ring to my employer and asked what he thought it was worth. After examining the article critically be said that it was worth about $250. 'I have several,' he continued, 'much better than that which I will sell for that price.' "At this the old lady gave a cunning little laugh, and proceeded to count out 250 from her pocketbook. Some thing in the kleptomaniac's man net aroused his suspicions and hastening to the case he discovered that the 300 ring was missing. During one of her visits the old lady had managed to ab stract it from the trsy and insert in its place one of very Bmall value. To say that my employer was angry when h discovered how he had been duped but feebly expresses his emotions. lie was furious, and when he was reminded oi his promise to sell the ornament for (250 if the lady managed to steal It, he kept his word, but begged that the itory should not be told to any of his friends." Jewelers' Weekly. Jinks 4,1 called at your boarding house to-day and saw the table nearly set for dinner, and I must say things looked very neat I never saw a whiter table-cloth in my life." Blinks "No; she doesn't make her tea, coffee or soups strong enough to stain." A woman, considered to be half, witted, was being teased by her neigh bors on being an old maid. "How is it ye never got married?" asked one. "O, ye see," she replied, "if I had been as easily pleased wi' a man as your man's been wl' a wife, 1 micht haobeen marrit fifty times owre." Farmer Greene (from Way back) "I always was accounted remarkably long-headed in money matters, do you notice it, professor?" Phrenologist (who has had his pay in advance) "No I don't notice any such develop ments, but if your head only was as long as it is thick it would be a daisy." An Attron painter was at worn on a business block when he discovered a last year's bird's nest in a niche in the ornamental woodwork. There ww nothing attractive or particularly in teresting in the make-up of this nest as the painter glauced at it, but he thoughtlessly picked it up and began to tear it apart. His eyes nearly bulged from their sockets in his surprise as, among the bits of string and haj and other odds and ends, he behold a 10 bill. 'Tis the accounts of a side-dooi saloon that are kept up by a doublo entry system. Hotel Man, The most dictatorial man - times has to luiud the thv. LOVE IS LIGHT. "M eventide HihaU be light. My little girl, to brave by day, Grown timid at the shadow, fall; I tin not charm ber fears away; My rt'inoni have no force at all, She pleads, with all ber childish might, That the muy hare a light I calm ber fean. and stroke her hair; I tell her of the angel near Of God. whose love Is everywhere, And Christ, to whom each child is dear. She hears, but only clasps me tight, And begs me for a light. But wben I say It enn not be. And strive to make her understand Just wby, she makes another plea That 1 will stay and hold ber band, (she whUpers. as we kiss Rood-nlKht: "That's better than a light" And thus, content, she falls asleep. My clasp grows closer on her hand ; Mualng: God doth His wisdom keep Id obildisb lips. I understand That In that other, darker night, 'Tin love that makes it light. I, too, have shrunk In childish dread From that dumb darkness that doth creep And thicken round the dying-bed, And, fearful, felt I could not sleep Without a heht I understand, "Tis ll0'ht to bold Love's hand. E. O. t heverton, in S. S. Times. A ROMAN ANTIQUE. On of Julius I''a llorty Servants Dis covered In Xetr York. It was a warm day in summer, and I seated myself for a moment on one of the benches in Washington Square. A few minutes later an old, white haired negro came hobbling along with the aid of a stick, and seated himself at the other end of the bench, lifting his battered hat to me deferentially as he did so. I was both surprised and flattered at such a manifestation of politeness in New York, and remarked to the old man in a friendly tone: "A fine day, Uncle." "Yas. sun, it is a fine day, boss, sho' 'nuff. Dish year weathah min's me er de kin1 er weathah we uster hab in Home." "So you have lived in Rome, have you? I came from Rome myself." "Lawd, boss, you doan' look ne talk lack no Roman. Any body 'ud take yer ter be'n bawn en raise' in dis country." "Certainly I was," I replied. "I was 'born in Rome, New York." The old man made no rejoinder, and struck by his apparent great age, I asked: "How old are you, Uncle?" "Lawd, chile," he answered with a silent chuckle, which exposed his toothless gums, ' doan' know I done loi' track un it I wuz fifteen year ole w'en de wah broke out" "That's impossible," I replied; "that wouldn't make you over forty, and you can't be less than seventy-five." "I reckon l's 'bout nineteen hun d'ed," said the old man reflectively, after a short pause. "I useter be Mars Julius Ctesar's fav'rlte body-sarven', en I reckon you knows 'bout how long he't be'n dead. I wuz fifteen years olo w'en de las' wah wid Gaul broke out. I kin 'member de battle ob Alesla des ez well ez ef it wuz yistiday. De arrers wuz flying throo de aiah thick ez dies 'roun' a merlasses jug, de jav'lins wuz w'izzin', en I wuz lookin' on f urn de rare, w'en I seed a archer aim a arrer at Mars Julius. I grab' up a shiel', en rush inter de thick er de fight, en wuz des in time ter ketch Mm ez he fell fum his boss. I got a arrer throo my side ez I wuz totin' Mm off, en wuz laid up fer two or th'ee raont's atterwuds. W'en I got well, Mars Julius gun me a quartah, en w'en he died, he lef direc tions in his will for me ter begradu'lly 'mauclpated, so I 'ud be free w'en I wuz a hund'ed years ole. Ah, but d era wuz good ole times!" he added, with a sigh of regret "l's done spent de quartah Mars Julius gun me," he remarked, giving me a side-long look, "en I needs ernud der fer ter git some liniment fer my rheumatiz. Is yer got any small change 'bout yo' clo's, boss?" A vision of imperial Rome rose up before me, with all its glory and mag nificence and power. In a fit of ab straction I handed the old man a twenty dollar gold piece, and when I started from my reverie, he had disappeared behind a clump of shrubbery in the direction of Sixth avenue. Puck. . i "THE FORTY WINKS." Advantages to Ha Derived by Old People from an Afternoon Nap. Sleep is closely connected with the question of diet "Good sleeping" was a noticeable feature in the large ma jority of Dr. Humphrey's cases. Sound, refreshing sleep is of the utmost conse quence to the health of tho body, and no substitute can be found for it as a restorer of vital energy. Sleeplessness is, however, oft n a source of great rouble to elduV ly "people, and one which Is not easily relieved. Warcotio remedies are generally mischievous; their first effects may be pleasant, but the habit of depending upon them rapidly grows until they become indis pensable. When this stage has been reached, the sufferer is in a far worse plight than before. In all cases the endeavor should be made to discover whether the sleeplessness be due to any romovable cause, such a indi gestion, cold, want of exercise, and the like. In regard to sleeping in the day time, there is something to be said both for and against that practice. A nap of "forty winks" in the afternoon en ables many aged people to get through the rest of the day in comfort, whereas they feel tired and weak when deprived of this refreshment If they rest well at night there can be no objection to the afternoon nap, but if sleeplessness be complained of, the latter should be discontinued for a time. Most old people find that a reclining posture, with the feet and legs raised, is better than the horizontal position for the afternoon nap. Digestion proceeds with more ease than when the body is recumbent Dr. Robson Roose, in ForV nightly Review. SMC ACTED PRO,.rTLY. Rare Courage and Freneiice of Mind of sv French Girl. Some years ago four men. who were employed in cleaning a common sewer at a place called Noyon, in France, upon opening a (Train were so affected by the fetid vapors that they were un able to ascend. The lateness of the hour (it wai eleven o'clock at night) rendered it impossible to procure as sistance, and the delay must have proved fatal had not a young girl, a servant in the family, with courage and humanity that would have done honor to the most elevated station, at the haz ard of her own life, attempted their de liverance. This generous girl, who was only seventeen years of age, was at her own request let down several times to the poor men by a rope. She was so for tunate as to save two of them pretty easily, but in tying the third to the cord which was let down to her for the purpose, she found her breath failing, and was in great danger of suffocation. In this dreadful situation she had the presence of min i to tie herself by the . hair to the rope and was thus drawn up, almost expiring, with the poor man in whose behalf she had so humanely ex erted herself. 4 The instant she recovered she Insisted upon being let down again, but her ex ertions this time failud of suocesa. for the third unfortunate man was drawn ii n nmiil I hA rviprinrntinn lT tha Isiu- of Noyon, as a small token of their approbation, presented the , heroine with six hundred livres and conferred on her the civic crown, wilh a mcuvJ. engraved with the arms of the town, her name and a narrative of the action. Tin DuKe of Orleans also sent her five hundred livres and settled two hundred yearly on her for life. Philadelphia Statlnie3"6f sleep may not prove any thing of importance, but they are Interesting. According to statistic prepared in Russia, the need of sleep is greater in women than in men, the duration of sleep being longer and thq percentage of tired morning and even ing and of not tired being 3 to 2 and 2 to 3 respectively as compared to the men. Students sleep longer and are less tired than other men. The time needod to fall asleep is about the same in all three classes 20.8 minutes for the men, 17.1 minutes for students and 21.2 minutes for women. In each case; however, it takes longer for those who are frequent dreamers and light Bloop ers to fall asleep than persons of oppo site characteristics. A dainty little pudding is made of any stale spongo-cate, say about half a pound. Cut in slices and soak it in a little scalding milk; then beat up light ly, mixing in the juice and finely-grated rind of half a lemon or a teaspoonful of orange marmalade, a small piece of butter and an egg, welt beaten; two ouncos of sugar, if the lenjon is used; bake half an hour in a quick oven. Roughly-chopped prserved ginger or pineapple can be mod instead of the other fruit adding some of the sirup instead of suxrar. Too Much of This Nonsense, Sink (of the firm of Sink & Swim) Well Mr. Gilhooly, we don't need a man just now; but it you will work for the salary we have spoken about I will hire you on one condition. Gilhooly I accept Name it Sink That you wlllinot have v dally papers announce that yo" n ,w... , . t. ,1 - o irn,... ... .1 it "TO ' v " I