The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 20, 1889, Image 2

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    TljcLebaijoij Express.
Be just before you are genoroiu.
A roan cannot powesa anything
better than a good woman, or worae
than a bad one.
What u that you nhould dwnys
seep mbtm you have given it to an
other? Your word.
Keop your temper in disputes. The
ritol hammer fashions the red-hot iron
into an j chape needed.
No one Knows the weight of anoth
er man'a burden, nor tastes the null
um of another man's tears.
There is not a heart but has its
momenta of longing, yearning for
something better, nobler, holier than
it knows now.
Those who befriend genius when it
is straggling for distinction, befriend
the world, and their names should be
held in rememberanre.
i.. XL., j JL ..LJL'i- -LJ . LLJ -.. -lit
Remember that self interest is more
licelr to warp your judgment than all
other cireumHtances combined, there
fore, Iook well to vourdutv when vour
interest is concerned.
That man who is afraid to mace an
enemy or afraid of his enemies when
they come ready made, as come they
will, is not made of quite the metal to
cut his way through the world.
A woman may more safely marry a
man whom she respects and esteems
than one she loves. A woman may
love a murderer, a race, a spendthrift,
a gambler, but she cannot respect and
esteem him.
There are thousands of acres of fine
fanning land laying idle in Linn
countv. Lands are now too valuable
to lay idle or be fenced in pastures. A
man can not mace money raising a
cow on five acres of hind that is worth
t"0 or f 100 and that if in cultivation
would sell for five times that amount
Those who attended the press associ
ation will remember the stand the edi
tor of the West Bide took against taking
article from other papers without
Saving proper credit, he being the only
person, excepting the president, who
would express his opinion on this
subject. Well, in the very next bwue
of the West Side an article appearet',
copied almost word for word from this
paper, which we had written the day
before leaving for Newport. The piece
was copied from that paper with credit
by the Yamhill Herald, but that is all
right; if Pentland can stand it we can,
for we are not making a kick. Oh, no;
we only wish" our older brother to keep
silence when one so much younger
should chance to eteal au article new
and then.
On last Wednesday afternoon, in
company with Mr. Singleton, we made
the public school a viit, first going to
the primary department, under the
able and efficient management of Mint
Fannie Griggs, who has bad charge of
it for the past two years, and has so
entangled herself in the hearts of the
' little one) that she has their utmost
respect and confidence. We were
present when the small reading class
recited, but owing to our awkwardness
and backwardness took no part in it
There have been already a'xty-six
scholars enrolled in this room six
more tlmn were enrolled during the
whole of last terra but Mia Fannie
has them arranged and clamed well,
and says she can manage them all
right. We then visited the next room
and were met very kindly by Prof.
Hickman. On our entry the English
Grammar class was reciting, after
which we had the pleasure to hear a
recitation in geography. The Profess
or does not confine bimsef to the book
by any means and is as well posted
peron we have ever met He has
some new charts, a new dtk and a
tivw glut, which is a fine one. Thirty-was
scholars have been enrolled in
thin mom. The vfaul on the whole
&; fjicnsd wiy '. preset,
' mjgxAlr,. ' ' rr.peruu year
now kedi'ck ttiK sim-tra.
As many are discussing the question
of reducing the surplus in the United
States treasury, from a political
standpoint, each partisan trying to
maKe his theory Bquare with public
interest, and each of which are com
mented upon by the press, approving
or condemning as suits their notion;
wo will offer a suggestion which may
le of some use to help solve the vexed
question. We think it will cut the
Uordian knot It is an equal distri
bution of the surplus among the
Btatee; say one-half of f 100,000 equal
ly to each state to be used as an edu
cational fund, the other half, f 50,000,
000, distributed to each state accord
ing to its representation in congress
for internal improvements. Inasmuch
as the surplus has been puid in by the
toiling millions this process would pay
it back to them in the way of reduced
taxes for educational puroscs on one
hand and build highways for their
benefit on the other.
Ijmn this basis Oregon would get
nearly $1,316,000 for schools, which,
added to her present school fund,
would support our common schools
without a direct tax upon the jn-ople
for that purjHwe, or greatly reduce it.
The Bhare Oregon would gmt from the
other half, 50,000,000, would help
build up and improve the state. We
offer the above as a fair way of minc
ing the surplus, and one wo have not
seen advanced by any of our states
men or tariff tinkers. What say you,
tax payer. Phundealcr.
as i.rtsTKiors iowi girl.
Miss Jennie Slack, aged 1C years,
residing in the blue grass region of
Iowa, has this season planted and cul
tivated thiity-fi vc acres of corn, besides
milking six cows night and morning
and helping in other work about the
farm and household. The corn is in
splendid condition for a big crop, and
the young lady who raised it is said to
be ne-looKing, intelligent and none
the worse for the hard work she has
done for her invalid father, who was
unable to pay a hired hand or do it
himself, tfuch girls make good help
meets for worthy and industrious
young men. Chicago Inter-Ocean.
A somewhat novel scheme has lieen
proposed by Clans Spreckles, the sugar
king. He has a plan for building an
addition to the White House out of
blocks of hardened sugar. 8pret-Kles
maintains that he is now able to pro
duce blocks of sugar whiter than mar
ble and harder. The material, he
asserts, will be less than one-half as
expensive as marble. Ho guarantees
it whiter and to hold color frfectly,
no matter in what kind of weather,
and warrants it to stand the wear of
time for an indefinite eriod. Fx.
A single page in a single.imue of the
Century taken for advertising purposes
cowts &(X; in Harper's, f400; iu other
prominent magazines, f&O to $100. A
yearly advertisement of one column iu
the Chicago Tribune costs J2G,000; in
the New York Tribune, ?--fi-'A for the
lowest, and $S9,9oO for the highest rates;
iu the New York Herald, fir
the lowest, and 1349,000 for the highest
priced column. These figures will
doubtless be of interest to those who
invest five or six dollars per month in
their local newspapers and flatter
themselves with the idea that they are
liberal advertisers.
Bag-g Cherry Cough Syrup.
Is giving splendid satisfaction to the
trade and the sales are positively mar
velous, which can be accounted for in
no other way except that it is without
doubt the lt in the market. Ask for
and be sure you get the genuine. We
keep it. It A. Miller, Druggist
To Dispel Colds,
Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the
system effectually, yet gently, when
costive or billious, or when the blood is
impure or sluggish, to permanently
cure habitual constipation, to awaken
the kidneys and liver to a healthy ac
tivity, without irritating or weakening
them, use Syrup of Figs.
Why la It
That oeonle linger along always com
plaining about that continual tired
feeling? One bottle of IJWjU
MAKER will eJit: r-i'-V remov,' this
feeling, ir!vr the til a go".d i p'fiis and
Montague's fall stock is
now complete in every de
partment. The Mammoth
store is filled with as choice
goods, adapted to this mar
ket, as money will buy.
Our all wool Aldine suit
ings, a full yard wide, which
we are celling at 50 cents per
yard, is without doubt the
best value for the money ever
offered to the ladies of Lebanon.
Our stock of Henrietta
cloths, cashmeres, tricots,
camel hair goods, waterproofs,
and advance shies of every
thing wearable is simply im
mense. The ladies are invit
ed to call and take a lwk
through the goods. They were
bought at very low prices and
will le sold correspondingly
Montague's stock of fancy
work materials, as zephyrs,
wools and yarns, embroidery
silks, in fact everything that
goes to make up a complete
line of material for fancy work
can be found at Montague's.
Our stock of boots and
shoes was made expressly for
us and even pair we sell is
fully warranted. When you
wantanything in the foot wear
line look over Montague's
stock and get his prices. If
you want to get good goods at
living prices you will necessa
rily buy your boots and shoes
of Montague.
Montague is opening up the
largest and best selected stock
of Men's, Boys' and Chil
dren's Clothing ever opened
at this place. We can fit any
one both in size and price.
Montague carries Oregon City
Clothing, California Cassi
mere Clothing, Eastern
Worsteds, as well as a great
variety of serviceable, low
priced goods.
The One Price Cash Store
will continue to deliver Gro
ceries and General Merchan
dise to the citizens of thi3
place and vicinity at a mere
nominal advance over the
original cost.
Persong who owe me MOST
PAT UP 101.
I do not propose to Waste
much time in dunning. In
fact there are some who imag
ine they should not be dunn
ed at all, but it takes money
to do business. Do not be
surprised if you find the note
or account you may happen
to owe me in the hands of an
officer l"ur Very lPtutt
M vine t.
The long, weary credit bus
iness i3 a thing of the past in
We Have Opened a
In Lebanon, and wish to announco to the citizens of Linn
County that we have taken a lease of our present
location for three years. We shall keep at
all times a select stock of
And Hope to Build up a LARGE TRADE.
We respectfully ask an inaction of our goods and
Our aim will be to givo
Good Yalnes for Money RecewL
We will duplicate Albany prices, in fact we intend rb sell our
goods at Portland prices, freight added. We come
to stay and ask you, one and all, to call and
see us, visitors and purchasers
alike are welcome. Our
latch string is now on the outer
wall. Jf vou have Produce to sell
bring it to us and we will give you thd highest
market price for it. We come to Ix-banon to do business,
AndlfYouWill HiiHtain
XJh We Will BencfitYouniHl Oui
Selvew A.lik.
Talk is cheap, but Reliable Goods at Reasonable
Prices talk louder and more to the point.
"A Child Can Buy as Cheap as a Man at Our Store." Remem
ber the Place,
Churchill & Monteith's Old Stand.
Druggist and Apothecary,
-dealers in-
Pure Drugs, Medicines,
Paints, Oils and Glass,
Fine Perfumery, Brushes & Combs
Prescriptions Accurately Compounded.
Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon.
Julius Gradwohls
Golden Rule Bazaar.
The leading Crockery and Fancy
Goods house of Albany, Oregon,
Roger Bros. Silverware,
French China and Crystalware,
Boys' Wagons, Baby and Doll Carriag
Fancy Goods and a
General Assortment of Crockery and Toys.
He buyo direct niu! carri the largest utiick in the Willamette valley.
JUST lei on parle Francals. Hier tird dentcb gespMhen. J2
J... J . 'U
Vehicles, Implements,
Light and Heavy Machines
Call in, Gentlemen, and we will hs: Yo
renii'4 ".itiOH. i- A- .-U.i::f