The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 13, 1889, Image 7

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H LATKR LL"ART)-()n Wcdne
day Honing, Sept. 11, 1880, at the
rHdenee of the bride's parents in
this city by Walton Skip worth, min
ister of the giwp.-l, Mr. John 11. Sla
ter of Stevens county, Washington,
and Miss More-nee liullard of Linn
county, Oregon.
The bridegroom wa formerly a of Lebanon. He spent much
of hi.i early life hero and laid tlie
foundation (jf his education in our
nchools, lie now occupies the honor
able an1 responsible position of Judge
f Stevens eounty in the young and
thriving K'.uie of Washington, and ixu
young it in ; i of promise, with bright
prohjiwtH before him in lii ehosen
profession, the law. The hri.lo v,us
one f Lebanon's most excellent and
accomplished young' ladies, univer
sally respected and loved in all circles
of society. Slater in to he congratula
ted upon winning the heart and hand
of a lady of Mich rare qualified to he
to him an helpmeet through life, Mr.
and Mis, slater will make their home
in C'olvillo (Wellington), the county
neat of Steven eounty. May they he
prospermia and happy in their ne'.v
relation of life and have granted to
them nuiny years upon the earth.
The li'idert and heat wishes of THE
Kxi'KK.'K and of a multitude of friends
and acquaintances follow them.
The populal house of (J. W. Simjw
soti, i)f Albany, has recently been re
modeled and fitted up In t lejftint style.
FaritK-rx, mechanics and everybody
will find it to their interest to call ami
examine his goods before going else
where in Altiuny.
Thomson & Overman, the leading
huriifMH tlealerti, Albany, Or.
One price and cash ut the new cash
ptore, hut everything sold cheap and
delivered to any part of the city.
lo not huy any eastern trash when
you can get those splendid Bucking
ham & lleeht goods at Montague'
Mammoth store and also ut his One
I'rice Cash Htore.
Sriniewliere U tween Ijchnnon and
Waterloo on the cHt Hide of the Hanti
Diii river, n dtirk overcoat with a mnull
niieritHtHipc and eompiiHs in the pocket.
The finder will please leave the name at
liu ofllw.
Special sale.
The a!auce of our Straw JIiUh,
"iamhmy, IjRW tin, Ktrrsuckern, (Sat
tectiH, will lie closed mtYr coat, an we
don't want to carry anything over at
coat, for cash.
You Cannot Afford
At thin tMiHon of the year to he without
u Rood reliable diarrliiM-a haiwuii in tlie
hous1, an rrnmp, colic, diarrina-a and
u ln:iai:i!natio:i of the stoimtch nnd
howelH are exceetlinply dangcroua if
not attended r.t once. One bottle of
will do more gtHid in eases of thin kind
than any til her medicine on earth.
We guarantee it. M. A. Miller, drug-
yint. .
TimWrLaud, Act Juno 13,1878.
Cuited Htnte Ijind Otllee. )
Oregon i 'My, On-gon. August 1:1, Itfli.)
N'oTlet: is hereby jfiveil that in r ouiplmnec w ith
the provl'lons of the net of Congress of June :i,
1878, eullilerl "An net lor the wile of tliuher
hinds in Ihe Mate of 'aUftirnin, Oregon, Nevaihi.
and W. T.," R. C. ltraiKlnge.ol Portland, Crain
Iv of Mulinomah, Htnte of Oregon, lias tiled tit
this otliee his worii Rliiteinenl No. Uv2, tr the
piirehaie of the N K 1-1 ol fieetlon No, 21, in Town
Hhip No. Ii south, Kuiige No. 1 east, and will oiler
proof to show that the land sought is more valua
ble for it timber or atone tnan for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register ami Receiver of tills ottiee at
Oregon Cilv, Oregon, on Friday, the 8th day of
November. 1889.
lie names as w unease: V W Pincbvlcl, A J lro
ebstfl, J t aid well ainl J Sweet, all ol Vancouver,
Washington Territory.
Any and all person cluiinlng adversely tlie
nliove-deserlbed laud are reiUeb d to tile their
claims In this ollirr on or belore said Ktli iluy of
JN iveniUT, J HWt.
J, T. AlTF.nsoN, ReglsUsr.
Timber Land, Act June 3,1878.
I'nited States Land Office, )
Oregon City, Oregon, Augum la, J HHH.)
Jotick Is hi'reby given that In compliance with
1 the provision of the net of Congress of June!).
18, entitled "An net for tliusiile of tiinher land
in tln Htatesoft'alilorula. tiregou, Nevada, and
M nshlngb II Territory." Allison C. U;st'r. of Ij'ba
lion. County of Mini, State of Oregon, lui.'i this ihiv
tiled In this ftiec bi sworn Htiitemeut No. 11187,
for Hie purchase of the H V 1-4 of tteetioii No, H.
in Tow nshlp No. 12 south, Range 2 east, and will
offer pruof to show that the laud doiiglit i more
valuable for ll thither or alone than for agrleullu
nl piirpow, anil to etabllsh hi eliiliu to mild hind
before the Roister and Receiver o' lblsolllce at
Oreron cltv, Oreuon, on Wednesday, the. (th (lay
of November, Kt,
Hi' name as wilnessea: J Mayer, V H Moreland,
A 1 Hero and L L Tratik, all of ibnnou, Lluu
county, Oregon.
Any mid all person claiming adversely the
nbove-rleserlbed lands are requested to tile their
elutnisin thlsnfliee on or before, said Cth day of
November, 1W89.
Ji T, Arrtufr, Register.
Timbor Land, Act Juno 3, 1873.
T'MTi:t Htatks I. and Omen, 1
(m.'ijoii cuy, Oregon, August 2, 1HSD. J
Vf ftTICE Is hreby pi vert Unit In eomplltinee ivltli
i' the proi'lslomor ths net of Coherent offline it,
JXT.H, entitled "An act fur the dale of timber lands
In tli Slated of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," II. Mnllciy, of
Wlnlock. county of Lewi, Territory of Washing
ton, ha this (ley fllct in Hi in nfllco hi sworn
statement No. lIMi, fot tlie purchase of the N W i
of ScMInri No. 4, in Township No. 1.1 South, Range
No, 21'jet, and w ill oilier viHif to shov that the
land sought In more valuable for its Umber or
Hour th.tu for agricultural puriiose mill to estab
lish hln t'liilm tomitil lunil before the Register unit
Receiver of tills oltii'o ut Oregon (;ily, Oregon, on
Tnixflny, thesith tiny of Octolier, lhsji,
Jlo names ftK witnesses: A. 1 n v I:;, T. Slia-, A. H.
leas anil (i. M. fcmru-t, nil of Seattle, King county,
W. T.
Any ii :ut n't rmnmnii claiming adversely the
almu' (lenrribwl titmln nrc requcwleil in lllftlielr
cliilmn In thin onir'eonor 1 :fnv mlil :l'ih day of
Oi lie r, ItSK.
J. T. AITKKHON. Keffittr.
Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 137S.
t'.MTCn PT.ATK.1 tAMt Ol-'FICK.
(irwm City, )n i;on, AiiriI lut, KS).
NOTICE i Iiereby trivt-n tlmt In cnillHnee with
t tic irovlxioiiH of tlie nctof Conjrrvw of June H,
1K7K, chillier "Ail iiel for Ihu Mile of tlinlier luniln
hi lhi Which of California, On-Roii, Nevailii, imrt
Wutilii,tiii Terrliory," John II. Imnion, of Cen.
trnllii, county of U- K Territory of Wanliluirloti,
Inm thlx iluy lileil In this ofUee htioiu orn Hliitenn ut
No. l:r.l.'., for the purcliiwr of the " E KrtS W
Bint N p H of S W unit Iot!i bikI ll, of Section
0, Toviinhip No IllftiuOi, KitiiKcNo2 Kat, nml will
offer proof toMhow tlmt the lain nought I more
VHluuhle for it timber or shine tlmn for mrricultu
ml nirK)-?s uu t to CKtuhll.tti hix claim toMiIrl
lu'.ni hel'ore lliu Itepixtcr ami Uecelver of thi
niScc ut OfRoii City, Oregon, on Monday, the isth
di:y of th-toU-r, issti.
He ue.iiH n m vcxttivm: C. L. riray, J. Flimlean,
I. Fllzifllilxiti" nd I). Mi Farlauc, all of Vancou
ver, Clarke county. . T,
Any and ull person eliilmlnif mlvemdy the
alKni'-diwrilied lauds are rctiuosled to file their
claims lu thin oflicu ou or Ujfra-e sairl th day of
October, 1HSII.
J. T. AITEKSOX, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S78.
Oregon City, Oregon. August 1st, 1W. J
VOTW 'K i hereby given thai iu compliance with
i the Jirovislons of the act of Cotign-s of June
1ST, eutitlerl "An nc: for the alc of timber lands
in the State of California, Oregon, Kevuda, and
Washington Territory."
liavld Kltgiblxm, of Vancouver, County of
Clarke, Territory of Washington, has this r!uy liled
in tlds otllee hi sworn statement No. V.'-'A, for tlie
purchase of the hi K H of tiectlou No 1", lu Town
sliip So. 12 Houih Range No 2 ICast, and willolIVr
prtKif to show that the laud sraight is more valua
ble for it tniibiT or iitonu thau for agriculturul
purpoNe, ami to eslulilMi til claim to u! t laud
la-fore the Ib-gister and R 'celver of thl oftlee at
I Oregon city, Oregon, on Monday, the day of
October. 1Hji.
He names us w Itnew: D. MrTarlanc, C. Gray,
W. Kage uiirl i. (Sweet, all of Vancouver, Clurte
County, V. T,
Any and all pcrsoui eluiining adverwly the
alKve-ilesrTibui1 lands arc rei)iiwrted to tile their
claim in tin otiiee ou or before said 2stll day of
Octolier, )H'l.
J. T. AI'I'EKKOX, Heglstcr.
Timber Land.Act June 3,1888
t'niicd State Lain iriee. )
On-gon ity, Or., Aug. :i, IM'J. )
VOTIt'E Is hereby given that hi compliance
i' with the provisions uf the act of Congress of
June II, 17(1. entitled "An act for the sate of tim.
Ikt land In the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," William II.
Iteed.of Utbaiirin, uouulyof l.itin. Htate of Ore
gon, ha thl day tiled ill thin otrice iU worn
Htaiemcnt Nn. lilftl, for the purchase of the X. W.
M of Section No. 12, in Toivn .hlp No. 12 South
Range No. 1 Eiurt, and w ill otter proof to show
that tlie laud nought i more valuable fir it tim
ber or totu than for agricultural purjise, and to
establish hi claim to said land before Ihe Hegister
and Receiver of this olllce, at t regon City. r.,
on Wednesday, the :mth day of etolr, tKxti. ,
He names ( wltneine- It. Fuiley and L. L.
Tnisk, of I'orlhmd, Multnomah county, and F. M.
Jllllcr and K. bettle, oj .Lebanon, Limi county,
all of regoil.
Any fiiirt all persons clalmhig adversely tlie
nbovc-dewrlbed land are ee(iiesll t tile their
claim hi thl office on or before said Mil day
of October,
T. J. A1TEUKOX, Kcv'lster.
Timber Land Act June 3, 1878.
United SlntcH Land Otiiee,
OreRon City, Oregon, Aug. 5, IK8U
Notice lit hereby jriven that in com
plianee with the proviNionsof the act
of Congrewj of June 8, 1S7S, entitled
"An net for tlie sale of timber landn
lu tlie states of California, Oregon, Ne
vada and Washington Territory,"
James T, Murphy, of Sidney, County
of Kitaap, Territory of Washington,
has this day filed in tills otllee his
sworn statement No. 13-VJ, for the pur
chase of tlie ne of section No. 24, In
Township No. 12 south, Kunge No. 2
east, and will otter proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for
its timber orstone tlmn for agriculturul
purposes, and to establish ills claim to
said land beforo the Hegister and lle
eeiver of this otllee at Oreiron City,
Oregon, on Wwdnesduy the UOtU day of
October, 1889.
lie names as witnesses: J. Christy,
J). V. Tliomiw, C. F. Stone and A. Pif
er all of Sidney, Kitsap County, W. T.
Anv and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this of
fice on or before said 80th tiny of Octo
ber, 1880. J. T, Aitkkhon', Iterator.
Aug.? JOnv
TiJibsr land, Act Jans 3, 1S78.
I fnllcrl Plate l.ftti.l Ofllce, )
, Oia'Oil City. Oregon, AuKiist i, lRfft. ' )
VTOTK'K Ik hcreliy triven that in corepIlMico with
i ' theprorisloiiHof the ar t of CoriRrwm of June .1,
eulltled "An net for the nle of tlinUtf land
in the Hlates of Collforiiin, Oregon, Nevada and
Vrthlnjon Territory," A. !t. Cjw.of Ulianon,
County of I.lnu, State of Orejron, him thl day Hied
in IIiIh ofiice h'nworn RlHljineiit No. 1SI2, for the
purehitic of the S. .. yt of feetion No, 'ii, in Town
uhlpNo. l2HiHtth. Ilansu No. I East, and will offer
prrof toclioiv thin the land duurht is more valua
1'lc for It tlmlieror stone tlmn for tif?rleuliunil
purjiosc, and to cvtitlilisli hi claim to said land
licforc the Urjister and Keociver of thU oftlecnt
Onxou t'ity, Oregon, on Tuesday, the .K.itli rlav of
Octolier, 1sm;.
He names no wltmcuMea' O. null, W. II" Ri-ed,
J. W, Hi.-hop nnd 11. Haiisanl, all of Lcunuon,
Man County, Oregon.
Any nnd all persons claiming adversely the
almvi'-ds." lam'.f ar- n (jnet'd to file their
claim in ILIi uflleo on or before fuiM li'Jt ii (Ikj o!
Or lolier, l.W.I.
.1. T. AITljillN', Rf-rlster.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1378.
rs;TKii STATr.- La nii Office. )
Oregon City. Oregon, All-rust 2nd 1SS9 j
Votlr-e is hereby given thai in compliance with
i' the timvlsion of the act of conirress of June 3.
1ST".!, entitled "An art for the ale of timber land
in the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Wosliington Territory," John W. Bishop, of 1-ba-lion
County of Linn, Stale of Oregon, ha thi day
lilerl In this oRice his wom wateinent No. 1.H4,
for the purchase of the 8. V- i of Section No. 21,
In Township Xo. 12 (south, Haugo Xo. 1 Kast, and
will ofT-r protifto bovtliat tha land nought Is
mrc valiwlile for it timber or Wone than for
agricultural pui jioscii, and to establish his claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver of
tills office at 'iregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the
2IUU day of October, 1SS9.
Ho name as it news: 0, Buhl W. !L Beed.
11. Hansard ami A. K. (Vrus, all of Lebanon, Linn
County, On-gon.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
nlsrve-dcscritu'd lands are requested to tile their
claim in this o3iee on or before wiid 2Uth day of
October. 1S1.
J. T. APrEKfOX. Register.
I'NiTen Ht vtis Land OrncK, 1
Oregon City, Oregon, Angiu-l 2nd, 1SS9. )
VOTK'E is hereby given that In compliance with
i' the provision of t be act of Congress of June 3,
1M7. entitled "An act for the sale oftimlM-r lands
In the Statesof California, Oregon, Xevada, and
Washington Territorj-," Arthur Davi of vvinlock,
(kiunty of Lewis, Territorj" of Washington, bat
thl day filed in this oirice his sworn statement
No. i:ui, for the purchase of the S. E. 't of Section
No. 4, In Townshsp No 1:1 South, lUnge Xo. East
and will offer pnf to show that the land sought
Isnioro valuable for it tlnilier or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish hi claim to
said laud before the HegUler and Receiver of this
office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, the aith
day of October, Wx
He name as witnesses: J. II. Mallcry J- Stan
ley. (. M. "smart and A. S. Eeas, all of Beaf.le,
King County, W. T,
Any and all persons claiming ndAerwly the
aliove-deseriW-d land are requested to file their
claims in thisoQice on or before said 2tth day of
October, l'TO.
1. 1. AI'l'ERSOX, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3,1878.
Oregon City, On-gon, August 1st, 1SS9.
NOTICE U hereby given that incompliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of June
1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," John Stanley, of Scuttle
County of King, Territory of Washington, lias this
day filed in tills otiiac his sworn statement Xo. l:KJ
for the purchase of the X. E. of Section Xo. I,
in Township Xo. 13 South, Range Xo. East, and
will offer proof to show tlmt the land sought Is
more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purjises, and to establish his claim to
said land before the Register and Receiver of tills
oitiec at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, tliv'Jtitli
day of Octolier, 1Sj.
He names as wilucvses: A. Davis, J. II. MnUery,
1). Shaw and j. M. Smart, till of Seattle, King
County, W. T.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile their
claims in this ottiee ou or before said 2Uth day of
October, WX
3. T. AI'l'ERSOX, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
I'm iTi:r Status Land Office,
Oregon City, Oregon, August 2nd ISStl,
N OTICE is hereby given that In compliance w ith
tne provision of the act of Congress of June 3,
1K7S, entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands
In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory,'' Abriuu 8. Feas, of Seattle
County of King, Territory of Washington, bas'lhls
dtiy tiled In this office his sworn statement KolXis,
for the purchase of the X. of S. K. i & of X.
E. xt " Section Xo. 6, In Township Xo. 13 South
Range No. 2 East, aud will offer proof to show that
the laud sought is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the Register ami
Receiver of this otllee at Oregon City, Oregou, on
Tuesday, the 2Vth day of October, 1W.
He iiamits as witnesses: 0. M. Smart, J. Stanley
1). Shaw, and J. II. Mallery, all of Seattle, King
County, W. T.
Any aud all person claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to tile their claims
in this ollice on or before wiid ia'.li day ot October
J. T. AI'PERSOX, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United Status Land Omen, 1
Oregon City, Oregon, August 2, W1, I
N OTICE is hereby given (hat in compliance with
the provisions of tlie act of Congress of J line 8,
187?, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the Stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington territory," Ccorj,-o M. Smart of
Seattle, County ot Kin.',', Territory of Wii'-bington,
ha tills day filed In this rifilne hi sworn state
ment No. 11137, fur (lie piirel,aVif the U '4 V.'
K wit M of H K i of Section Xo. l, In Tow whin
No. 13 Botitli. liHiuro Xo. 2 East, and will oiler
prif to show that tho land is more valuable for
its duller or stonn thuii fir agrlcullitriil purjHise,
nnd to establish his ciahn to said land before tlie
Register and Receiver of (Ins office at Oreiron Citv.
,. , ..... -
. g.n.,onlne.ay..he2-.!hd,,yof()et,,ber,lH
Teas and . A, Ileuiiett, til of Senllle, Kl'ig coun
ty, W. T.
Any and nil person claiming adversely the
ftf'ovc described biudju-re requested to (ile their
claim in thin uiliec on or bcrore nld 2!i;hdryof
OctolK-r, ISs!).
J. T. AITKKSOX, Resistor.
Timisr land, Act June sTists"
I'liited Stales Lund Oillco, )
iregon ( Ity, Oregon, Aug. 2, 1WK. j
VOTICK Is hereby given tlmt iiieon;pllnncewitli
" tlie provi. luj's of ihc m l. of Crimrre or.Juue II,
17K, entitled "An act for the side of IIuiIkt lands
In Hie urate of California, On-gon, Nevada nnd
Washing'on Territory," o. It. lfai:irl, of Leba
non, County af Linn, Stale of Oregon, has this day
filed In thl office his sworn utatemeiirJXo. WIS,
for the purchase of tho N, W. nfHecilon No. 24.
In Township Xo. 12 South, Range No, 1 East, and
Will offer proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or Mono than for
agricultural purposeo, and to establish hi claim
to said land before Die Register and Receiver of
this oibce at Oregon city, Oregon, ou Tuesday,
the2!Hli day of October, 1881. ,.
lie Raines w wllnesses. J. W. ltishop, A. R.
Cyrus, (i. Huh and W. II. Reed, all of Lebanon
l-inn County, Oregon.
Any fnd all persons claiming adversely the
abovc-describtd land uro requested to tile their
claims in this ofliee on or before said 2Kth day of
October lssir.
J. T. AlTKRs'OX, Register.
Timber Land,Act June 3,1878.
Cnited States I.nn l Office,
Oregon City Or., Aug. 3, LS8
VOTICE is hereby given that incompliance with
tne provision of the act of Congress of June 3,
W entitled "An act for the sale of limber lauds
in the Suites of California, Oregon, Xevada and
Washington Territory," I. F. Settle, of Lebanon,
county of I.inn, State of Oregou, has this day
fllcd in his office his sworn statement Xo. 1355, for
the purchase of the S. of 8. W. yt & 8. y of 8.
E. )i of Section No. 12, in Township Xo. Y tsouth,
Range No. 1 East, and w 111 offer proof to show
that the laud sought is more valuable for Its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land belore the Register
and Receiver of this office, at Oregon City, Or., on
Wednesday, the 30th day of Octolier, lv.
ne names as witnesses; F. M. Miller, G. Buhl,
J. M. Taylor and .R, Flnley, all of Linn County!
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above-described lands ere requested to file their
claims In this office on or before said SOth duyf
October, lift-!).
J. T. APPERSON, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878
1'nffnrt Kfft. T nail ncrta
Oret'oa City, Or.; Mig. 3, lrik.
Notir-e is hereby given that in eompl'ianrx. iv'i.l,
the provisionn of the net nr inr... ,
1S7H, tm!tled "An aet for the sale of tlmb-r U,U
in the (stated of California, Oregon, Nevada and
. tur. u.u,..- ,j C..1II-.....I. . .
Washington Territory," George Buhl, of Lebanon,
county of Linn, State of Oregon, haa thin day
Hied lu thi olllee his kworn statement No. l:ft2,
for the purchase of the S. Ii. J of Section No. a
in Township No. 12 South, Range Xo. 1 Kant, and
will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is
Liore vuluable for it timber or stone than for ag
rieuliurul purjHjses, and to wtablWi hi cluim to
aald land before the Register oud Receiver of this
ofl"ice, at regon City, Or., on Wednesday, the
With day of )ctober, 1,-89.
He names as witnesses- A. R. Cyrus, B. Han
tard, J. 51. Taylor and W. W. Stocker, ull of Leba
non, Linn county, regon.
Any and all persona claiming adveiiody the
aljoTO-dcseribed laud are requested to file their
claims in this ollice ou or belore taid suth lay of
October, W).
. T. AITEUSOX, Rtt'ister.
0 o o 0 o o
o 0 0 00 0
Timber, Land, ActJaao3, 1878.
United KlrttcH Lmi.1 Olllop, i
Oregon City Or.j Auk. 8, 1380. (
NoxrcK l hereby given that lu coin
pllanco with the jirovisiioii of th net of
L'uilirrcfM of .Itllli! S. 1N7. "An
net lor tlicsiilo of tinilior lunflx in tlm
nil iwi Lio-niiiu in umiu'.i llllicis in vin
(J Nt'Vnilil
nintcH or ( nmomlit, Oregon, ISovrnJa.
nnd Viishlnt!ttiri Tt-rrltnrv .'' JamoH M
Tuylor, of JNelmnon, County of Linn,
Slate of Oregon, htm this day filed In
this ollice hi) mvoi'U Rtutciuciit No. 134!)
fir the j)rrchiim of the N. K J of Wec
tlon No. 2(),ln Township No. 12 Bouth,
Uang.t No. 1 linst, and will ofler proof
to Mhow that the land cough t in moro
vuluahle for itHliniher or r-tone than
for ugrlcn Mural puriuisc, and to estab
lish hist claim to wiid land beforo tho
ItogLster and liecciver of this) olSlco fat
Oregon City, Oregon, on Wedtienduy,
theJiOlh day of October 1S89.
He names as vitnessw; W. r,
Stocker, Geo. Buhl, A. R. Cyrusi, nnd
15. Haimard, nil of Lebanon, Linn
County, Oregon. ,
Any and all persons claiming j
vernely the nliove-d.seribed land? imp
reilllf'Nteil to f'.lc flicir clnlnm In tlii
otllee on or liefore suid SOth day of
October, JSN9.
J. T. A rrEUSON, Regihter.
Timber Land Act Juno 3 1878
United States Land Otllee, 1
Oregon City, Or. Aup;. 8, 1J:89.
Notice Is hereby given that in com
nlialice with the liriiviwinii nf tlm n.r
ofCongresH of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of tlmner lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and AVashington Territory," Vhit-
ii .i.i i. t ' . . ... v;
iieiu jj. v imvvari, oi euuie, county of
Kinir. Territory of Wnwliinirtrm "h-.-f
thiaday filed in this ollice hi swoj
Htatetuent No. 13.H0, for the purchase r
the 8. K. V of Section No. 2i) in 'i. i
fchip No. 12 South, Range No. F.
hiiii win oner prooi io biiow that
land sought is more valtiuble fo "?
timber or stone than for agricu, -mose.
anrl to efitablish hi .biii;i .
said land before the Register audit
eeiver of this office BtOr
on Tuesday the 6th day of Novtlnber
1 t ort
Hennnieaas witness: A. Bolton, E.
Tliorwaldson. N.! Peterson, nml v it
Allen, nil of Seattle, King County,'
Aliv nnd nil noi-ann r.Inlmln
sely the above-descnlied lands are re-
quesieu io nie tneircialmsin thisofriee
on or before said 5th day of November
loon t rn a - t
ioo:. j. i. Ax x HiiiSOJ, Itegister,
Timber Land, Act June 3,1 878.
United States Land Olllee, )
Oregon City, Or., Aug. 8, 1880.
Notice is hereby given that in com
plianee with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale ot timber lands In
the States of Cfillfnrnln n,A., a-
) dit, anil Washington Territory,"' Norriii '
lj. Allen, of Seattle, County of Kinjr.
f vr Ki ' f K,n'
iirriiory or w asnirgton, lias this thiv
"lt',1.'" ' " 8 .ce "Worn StatemClit
" oi i, nir ine ourcnaso or u -.
I Of Sect on No. 30. In tmer.uM
south, Range No. 2 east, and will oMrS'
proof to show that the land souirht
more valuable for its timlr or stone i
than for agrieul ural purposes, nnd to i
establish his claim to said land before '
mr iiiKioier mm iveceiver or tills office
at Oregon City v Oregon, on Tuesrlay,
t lie r,t h day of Novem ber, 1889
He names as witnesses: A.' Bolton,
h. l.orwaldson, W. B. nvrt and
N. IVterson, Hll ;f Seattle, King C0Un-
i, it uniiuiioii jerniory. -
Any and all person claiming nd- V
versely the above-described lands are
reriuet-ted to file their claima in this of. '
flee on or before the said 5th da v of No. I x
vera ber, 18.S9. J
J . T. Apperson, Regliiter . ,
) 0p
0 0 0 0 0 i
i :