Fi'i.i the i. lu'rrinjr activity ly which the timUr lumls vi the WillumotU are Mug claimed by a curtain of le;,b, it i.s very natural for the gen eral put -lie. to conclude that the land ii claimed purely for mercenary pur poses and for the benefit of capital- Ut, The attemion of tho proper wntiiorities at Washington should he called to this inethod of syndicates getting control of our valuable lands. At least an investigation should be instituted to lay open the incentive to this kind of work. The time in rapid ' 'Ty approaching w hen timber will he timber in Uncle HamV dominion. On the JKJth of September, the great est expmitlon ever held on the Pacific coast will be opeued in Portlund, auu , vill continue for a full month. The Association has expended $250,tK on the .'building atid the grounds and every available inch of the six and one half acres of floor space in the unun jnoth building has leen takeu by ex hibitors. Libcrati, the greatent living cornet kt, with a imnd of fifty of the beet nnisieimm of 2etr York, will fur '"ruwi the finest musk yet heard on the coast. A reduction of railnMid fares on nil lines has been Ht cured, and nodoubt thousands of people from all over the Northwest vrill take this opport unity i Portland and see it mammoth .'xpwitlon. The greatest live stock bliow, which will be held from Octolter 14th to 10th, will nLo attract a great many people. , JNo matter how exjertabuk teller may beeome in detecting bad money, there areeounterft-iu extant which will fctump the beit of them. I was for many years a United States treasure expert and have handled all the famous counterfeits ever made. I have in this roll of bills $5,000, alxiut one half of which is good and the rest worthies. I often test bank tellers by offering this money for deposit, and you would be astonished to learn how large a portion of the counterfeits are passed by some of tlnem as genuine. In fact I have never found one who re-j-cted every laid bill, some of them ac cepted as mueh as gl.COO of it, and from that down. I have been testing mmm Kansas City bank men to-duy, with varying results. Four hundred - dij'lars was the least counterfeit passed by any of theru, and one bank, if it had taken the teller's decision on the mon 'y, would have been stuck for more than n.M. Expert in Kansas City Journal. The Oregon delegation consisting of iif:y-6ve gentlemen and ladies, arrived at feuIO ytstU.-rday mornms over the Wisconsin Central rrnid, end their two -K'cial care were side-tracked at the id Union depot on Iteed street. The Oregon jteople bring with them an in ! resting exhibit of" their siate's pro-v-"ts, which will be placed in the Ex j .teitinn building, and will occupy a i'iMee of 1.0UO square feet. Two car i -ads are filled with fruit, wheat, rye, k-rley, corn and gru. The ; uln in put up in pint sacks, and will ; dijtributetl gratis at the Exposition, mmencing llontky arternoon. The ei. paiion haH peaches, pears and 'plums in abundance, and they will le I ven away during encampment week. . addition to the above 5,000 samples . ' wheat, outs, barley and grafts in - ill sheaves have been neatly ar . ..vrcd for'tlie inspection of visitor. 'i",." er.hibitisoiteof the largest ever -jiujhtto the East trom the Paeilie r and will prove a very interesting ,. ., lire of the Exposition. The del :ga .ii is headed by E. Ii. McElroy, eom-!:,u:id'-r of tke Oregon department, ; ud the exhibit L in charge of Ii. S. -Milwaukee Heutiiiel. :-.ncy to loan at a low rate rate of rest on good farm property in ,i County, or on l.-t c;ty proerty tVpp!y to lilaekbf.rn uiid ijht, Ailmiiv, Oregon. To Diercl Colas, : : u;he and Fevers, to cleanse the eileetually, yet yeutly, when ,.; .ve or billious, or when the blood is .Mvre or siuggih, to iei'umiient!y ''.tuul coimrpation, to awaken !.'di,.-ys and l.ver to a healthy ac- , ;, without IrritatinK or weakening a., u.-e Hyrupof Fig.. ' j.urticn knowing themselves in ; t to me will plex-te call and settle . M. A. Miller. jeJ.w- uut. ihf t ' ., j n ! ' iinio aii, the seem ofiuf-ov miliar crimes, la Just uow ngo ovor the per forniHnivs(if a thief, which are gener idly adndtedto surpass any thing on record. - A few days ago several men went to tho priest in charge of Santa Cruz Church iu this city, and asked pormiKwion to hold- funeral services over tho remains of a deceased friend ut 4 o'clock the next mortdng. There was nothing unusual iu the request, for many in this country bury their dead early Iu the morning before masa and the priest gave bin permission, agreeing to be present. The men then said they would like to leave the corpse iu the church over night, and to this the clergyman also assented. Some thno after dark the men appeared at the church bearing a coffin, which they carried up the mulu aisle and deposited in front of the alter. They then withdrew, promising to be there earlv the next morning. "About midnight the ttacrlstau was awakened by the barking of his dogs, and feeling that something must l wrong he dresed hastily and stepped from hi risun into tho chancel. A dim light was burning near the ulter, by means of widen he couul see a tigure moving slowly ou the other side of the chancel. Making up his mind that robbers were In the church, he rau tpulekly to his room for a pistol, anil then made a search of the church. No one was to lie seen. On the alter he fund everything safe, but when he came to examine the iutagts of the saints lie swn saw that the cutdly jewels with which they had been or namented were gone. He then re doubled his efl'ort to find the thief; but after half au hour pa.ed iu searching every imoU of tlie'great edifice, he was more mystified than ever, for he not only could not find the ofiender, but he could discover no place where he could have come in or gone out. Just before he determined to five the jdarui he thought of the corjwe lying down before the chancel rail in the shadow, and the idea cume to him that perhajw them might be something wrong about it. Lighting a cani'le he stepped softly to the bier, and peered into the face of the supposed dead man. As he looked he noticed that the eye lids of the 'corpwe1 twitched nervously under the light, and at the same instant his own eyes fell on some of the glitter ing jeweiB which lay beside the nmu iu the coffin. "Overjoyed ut finding the their, the sacristan thrust his revolver into the face of the 'corpse' and ordered him to get out. The cold steel on the man' forehead convinced him that the order must be o!eyed, and a must extraordi nary resurrection took place there and then. When the man had j allied his feet, the sacristan, still covering him with his pistol, gathered up the jewels, and then marched the cul rit to the priest's house, where lie was turned over to the police. Several soldiers were then stationed iu the church, and when the thief h confederates arrived in the morning they were taken iuto custody. At first they denied all knowledge of the conspiracy, but after a little while one or them confessed und told tlie whole story. He said they intended logo through the forms of a funeral ceremony, and then carry their friend out to the ecuietrry, and, after letting him out of the coffin, bury it, and leave the country as speudily as pisible. They will be severely pun ished. NOTICE. The public school at Lebanon will iM'jrin Monday morning, September 18, under the charge of J. (J. Hickman, principal, and Mi:s I annie Griggs, as sistant. It is a matter of much impor tance that every pupil, if possible, come the lirst day, an matters will then be considered which will Ik of value the whole scshIoii. Let every one I provided with the necessary text IsHiks, pens, ink and plenty of paper. Many of the exercises will be writien and a projs r supply of paj:r v. Ill be ivwntial. The ch-inj;e of text hooktf is as fid hi'.vsr For Widsoi.'o reader, A. H. j Wirtics ii; (Vs., but Watson's speller is retained; for Hill's grammar, Clink's; fur Uroak's arithmetic, Fish's, except the mental, this is retained and is us before Brook's scries. Two grades of Firdi's arithmetic, Xos. 1 i.nd 2, will be used. (Old books cun le exchanged or new ones purchased at either of the drug stores. . J. O. Hiaoux, Trbicipul. Cruson & Jlenziea w ill furuiuh your windows and doors cheap. IiOjIAClii'S COLUMN. Montague's fall stock is now complete in every de partment. The- Mammoth store is filled with as choice goods, adapted to this mar ket, as money will buy. DRESS GOODS. Our all wool Aldine suit ings, a full yard wide, which we are Helling at 50 cents per yard, is without doubt the best value for the money ever offered to the ladies of Leba non. Our stock of Henrietta cloths, cashmeres, tricots, camel hair goods, waterproofs, and advance styles of every thing wearable is simply im mense. The ladies are invit ed to call and take a iuok through the goods. They were bought at very low prices and will be sold correspondingly low. Montague's stock of fancy I work materials, as zephyrs, wools and ' varus, embroidery silks, in fact everything that goes. to make up a complete line of material for fancy work csn be found at Montague s. Our stock of boots and shoes was made expressly for us and every pair' we sell is fully warranted. When vou want anything in the foot wear line look over Montague's stock and get his prices. If you want to get good goods at living prices you will necessa rily buy your boots and shoes of Montague. CLOTHING. Montague is opening up the largest and best selected stock of Men's, Boys' and Chil dren's Clothing ever opened at this place. We can fit any one both in size and price. Montague carries Oregon City Clothiug, California Cawsi rnere Clothing, Eastern Worsteds, as well as a great variety of serviceable, low priced goods. The One Price Cash Store will continue to deliver Gro ceries and General Merchan dise to the citizens of this place and vicinity at a mere nominal advance over the original cost. MONEY! All persons indebted to me, either book, note or account, are requested to pay up NO W. It takes a very large amount of money to carry on my bus iness, and I must insist on prompt payment. CIIAS. B. MONTAGUE. ME W . STORE In Lebanon,' and wish to announce to the citizens of Linn County that we have taken a lease of our present beat ion for th rec vea r 8 . "NVe sh al 1 k ee pat , all times anelect Block of CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTS' FUR NISHING GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC. And Hope to Build up a LARGE TRADE. We respectfully ask an inspection of our goods md t Our aim will be to give Good Values hi Honey Receipt' We will duplicate Albany prices, in fact wo intend to sell our goods at Portland prices, freight added. We caiuo to stay and ask you, one and all, to call and see us, visitors and purchasers alike are welcome. Our latch string is now on the outer wall. If you have any Produce to sell bring it to us and we will give you the highest market price for it. We came to Lebanon to do business, AmllfYouWill SiiHlain Uk We Will lJonolit You and Ohi SoIvck -Alik. Talk is cheap, but come; Reliable (ioods at lieasonabK Prices talk louder and more to the point. "A Child Can Buy as Cheap as a Kan in Our Store." Remem bor tho Place, BAILEY F. BODWELL, Churchill.& Monteith's Old Stand. BEARD & HOLT, Druggist and Apothecary, DEALERS IN Puke Dkugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Glass, STATIONERY, Fine Perfumery, Brushes & Combs CIUAILS AND FANCY TOILET AIITK LEH. Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. Main Street, L,cl r.mon, Oregon. ulius GradwoM's Golden Rule Bazaar. The leading Crockery and Fancy Goods house of Albany, Oregon Roger Bros. Silverware, French China and Crystalware, Boys' Wagons, Baby and Doll Carriag Fancy Goods and a General Assortment of Crockery and Toys, lie tmj'H (lircift ntul nrrii the lurjjoHf. stock in the Willuiuntte valley. 22T lei od parle Francais. Hier wird dentch CRUSON & MENZIES, DEALERS IX WAGONS, BUGGIES, HACKS -AND ALL Vehicles, Implements, TOOLS OF ALL SOKTW, Light and Heavy Machines BARB AND SMOOTH WIRE, II103T, STI2EL, COAL, ( GUNS AND AMMUNITION. Call in, Gentlemen, and we will Make Yo Happy. KINDS OF