The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 13, 1889, Image 5

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F.vpry mtw !" bin role In Ufa, es
ficln(ly the man who t.ritw to ride ths
bucking mule at a circus. luHm:toii
Froc rres.
-An English doctor nays that of
1.S40 oiws of front only one was that
of a total ut)Htjdiiir, and bin nnoostors
wpro bnoi1 and wfuo drinkers.
An old lady maiding in Michigan
bus u very largo white cat over ton
yisnra old to which she has hocome ho
uttm-hod that nh has niwle proviti rri,
in en so hup riomiso occurs flint, that it
iw put to death and buriod with her.
-An Alahamu woman hoard a ghost
In the hoiiHn. Hor husband heard noth
ing but rat 'She stuck to "hosts and
hfi to niN, and they began a miit for
itlvorco the noxt day on tho ground of
incnmpntabilfty of temper,.
Tlie siwurtlity of applying'the title
'Mister'' to all sorts of men, on all
aortsof ((fusions, is well illustrated
In a recent Isstui of a South wentern
paper, in which it wan declared that
"the late Mr. Hank Ilrown was hanged
ychtordiiy in tho pvsineo of a large
atjd intro!)tcd audience."
A Questionable Suews. An ere -Una
"And now that you have visited
her school. Kdwtn, what in your decis
ion regarding Mme. l-'rarifulso .for our
children? An to discipline, does shti
give tha proper attention?" Edwin
"Indeed nhe does, my dear. I watt
there the whole morning, and Madame
m-em-'l to drrott the entire time to
preserving order." Harpor'a Maga
zine. It ft not ponorally known that the
vounir flat finh have an eye on each
side of the body, and it is only in tho
ndult Htiige that the eye are both on
rme idn. There ban been much diw
mission among scientific men us to tho
mode in which tho change takes place
I 'our Amerkan tourists arrested in
filwitwriand on the chAige of lxlnr pick
pock eta have been releaaed on the demand
of Minister Washbnrn but no apology
offered. Damage are claimed.
John Chinaman's latest move in New
York ia the formation of a Lattor Union,
into which 1,000 laundry men have
entered, "for mutual protection and
benefit." It coats faO to become a mem
ber, and the entry fee may be paid on
the installment plan.
The buildings of the Paris Exposition
will remain as iermanent exhibition
buildings, wherein will be founded an
annnal hnropenn fair after the pattern
oi thect'le)ratel annual tairsolovgorod
Mr. Gladstone's library at Ha warden
is one of the finest private libraries in
England. It lias more than 20,000
volumes. Mr. Gladstone loans his books
out to any one in the neighborhood who
wants to read them.
A prize fight at Port Elizabeth, Afrirca,
between Jack Couper and Wolf Bendoft"
for t-t'.SOO was won by the former in
twenty-seven rounds. The gate money
netted over $30,000. The stakes were the
largest ever fought for, and the receipts
the greatest ever known for such an
No man In no inslgnlfiocat as to bestirs hit
exaiapie ran do no hurt.
The ortlirrn'M Mew (Sleeper.
Railroader sjiesk in high praise of the
new vestibnled sleepers of the Northern
Pacific, saying they are without doubt
the finest sleeping cars ran upon any
road. Kurd ear has two state rooms-
one a sinule and the other a double room.
Earn has its own private toilet room.
The remainder of the car is altogether
different from die ordinary sleeper. The
toilet rooms are large and much more
private. In the old style of Tullman the
gentlemen's toilet room has no privacy
w hatever. In these they extend across
the car and are partitioned off so that one
passing through the car sees nothing of
the gentlemen making their toilet. Each
car is supplied with hot and cold water,
and ice w ater as well. Tle water is car
ried in tanks beneath the car, and by a
new arrangement the necessity oi pump
ing water for toilet purposes is done
away with. The w ater is forced into the
pipes by means of air pumps. Warm
water is obtained by imving the water
paasthronj;h a coil of pipe encircling the
iieater. The drinking water passes
through pipes upon which is placed a
larj?e quantity of ice. In the toilet room
is an air gauge carrving ihe same amount
of pressure in a tank beneath the car as
Wilt in the flounder it, has been ob- is in the drum under the engine. This
erved to travel over the ridge of tho
head, while in some other finh it parses
directly through the aoft tissue of the
younjr llh to the oilier side.
The history of the many attempt-
to mine American rotten in other parts
of the world is u series of failures.
Some yenrs ago England was at large
expense in njtempt to introduce this
cotton into India, or to engraft its good
ijualitie noon the Indian plant, but
the seed refused to grow into thrifty
plants, imd imported plants declined to
transmit their good iuu!itien to the
Indian nlunt. -Manufacturer's Hecord.
The death of Mrs. Tyler leaves
but four women living whose husbands
we-v at any time President of the
United Slates. These are Mrs. Polk,
Mr-. (Jrant. Mrs. (iartield and Mrs.
Cleveland. Tin-re are two othor
women still alive who also acted
as mistress- of the Presidential man
sion -Mr. Harriet l.une Johnson -md
Mrs. Mt.-Elrov. The former, who was
the niece of .lames Htifliuimn. did the
s(-il honors for our only bachelor
President, while Mrs. McElroy acted in
a similar rn parity for her widowed
brother. Chester A. Arthur, when he
was in the bite House. Only two ex
Presidents are living Hulle-i-ford B.
Hayes ami (irmer Cleveland.
A fashion paper Nays that hair
worlf is again fashionu'ile, and instead
of giving your autograph it is the
proper thing to give a loelc of hair,
'which is preserved in an iilbutn. When
a young man gives a young lady one
of his locks, idie knows whose hair she
is getting: but when a young lady pre
sents a young man with one of her
tresses, he doMsn't know to whom it
originally In-longed; mid this is calcu
lated to weaken his interest in the new
"fad." This fashion in hair-work, by
the way. was evidently originated by
the Indians. The red man has long
been engaged in the business of mak
ing n collection of locks of hair. Ituj.
he is not proud. He doesn't pivnervo
'em in an album. A cheap belt at the
waist is good enough for the untutored
child of the forest. N. Y. Ledger.
constantly has sufficient pressure to
kep running both hot 8nd cold water,
as well as ice water. The two water
tanks beneath the cars are sufficient to
supply the capacity of the car for sixty
hours. Miould the car be cnt off there is
attached an air pump, with which by the
manipulation oi an employe sufficient air
can la forced inio the tank to keep up a
stream of rumming watei for ten hours.
In case of tire the car is supplied with
luxe wluch, attached to the toilet room
faucets, will give a stream sufficiently
heavy to check any ordinary blaze. The
interior car is all hand finished, the trim
mings being in blue silk glace, making
altogether the finest cars yet turned out
by the Pullmad shops.
edv; PAIN
For Stablemen and Stockmen,
0t, SawlUaga, BralMa, tpralu. Sails, Strains,
ImMM. StllnMl, OrmckMl EnIi, Seratchsa,
OoalncUonj, flask Wmada. Btrincttlt, Son
Tnrot, DiitrapOT. Colic, Whitlow, FoU EvU,
rutuU, Tunorl, B pilau, aUnabonw ft ad Sparta
la lu luw. Olravtiou wltk uk bottU.
For the Family, School, or Professional Library.
' tlKinnmni-A
Enormous Waste in Smoke.
of tho enormous waste
escape of snioko into the
Home iib-a
caused by tin
atmosphere may be formed from some
recent estimate made by Prof. Chandler
Roberts. He calculated that the weight
of the smoke cloud which daily hangs
over London, Eng., amounts to about
fifty tons of solid carbon and i.'iO tons
of carbon in the form of hydro-earbou
and earbonic-o.-nde gases. From tho
actual result of tests made by the
Smoke-abatement Committee the value
of coal waste in smoke from domestic
grates amounts, upon the annual con
sumption of ii.OW.0!) of people, to
ll.'.'S-J,.')!)!). The cost of cartage on
this wasted coal is calculated to be $1,
8t:t.7;"i0, while the unnecessary passage
of about 1,.Vs.(hJM horses through the
streets in drawing it adds seriously to
the cost, of street, cleaning ami repair
ing. Then there is the cost of Inking
nwuy Liie extra ashes, $J1.,0I)I) per
year. Summing if all up, tho direct'
nnd indirect cost of waste coal may be
set down at $l:i,000,t)W, plus the addi
tional loss from tho damage done to
properly caused by the smoky atmos
phere, estimated lit $10,000,000, the
whole aggregating $-'3,000,090. -Chicago
M M lor mj years Standard
Authority lfl tie Gov't Printing
Office anl U.S. Supreme Court.
it isElimr EEcommenaEl 38 State
Sup'ts of Schools and tie leading
College Presidents.
Nearly all Hie School Books It5
liM In tils country are based upon
Webster, as attested by lie leading ScM
M PntHista
3000 more Words and nearly
2000 more Engravings tnan any
oilier American Dictionary.
tiold bf -11 Bookucllorii. Illustrated Pamphlet
spooinion pOKcs, etc., sent froe.
C. 4 t AR1AV 4C0., I'ub'r8,8priagfield,Mku.
Aiiyuu BlUlcusl. tH. T&l
A trial Uulue sunt F rev 10
i, TAKT BKO., KocluaiUjr, N.J(.
91 CiNnAI. haoH. oibter. Koenlah
PUoa; BnrdsM Onaui, tmoA lutnuuenU. IraMt
took of Shout If tub and Boob. Baooj tnimUad at
Kartara PrlnM. MATXUXAIi OBAV 00. IMFoH
94nwi, San rraoobgo
Core N Pay.
Tt la pretty severe tout of any rloctnr'i iktll
whfn th psyintnt of bin foe 1h made conrtl
tlonal npou bin rarlnt bin patibnt Yet aftor
havlnir, for many yean, ohnprved tlie tboanaada
of marvi-loua curca etft-rted In I.lver, Blood and
Lniift dlM-um-a, by Dr. Pieroe'a (tolden Medical
lilwovery, It maDnfaetiireni fii'l warranted In
nrlllni it. aa tbev are now dotnir throuirb all
drnKKlntii, the world over, sndt-r a pertlflpate of
pontine guarantee tbat tt will either benefit or
euro in every caw of dlaeam for wnlcn tney
reeommend ft, If taken In time and Riven a fair
trial, or money paid for H wltl be promptly re
faudi-d. Torpid liver, or 'blllonnonii," impure
blood, akla ernptlnna, aerofulona aorea and
awelllnfrH, oonnutuptlon (which la acrofula of
me mtiK,) aij yieia to tnia wonuerriu medicine,
Itlabnthtonicoratn-nfrth-reatorlng, and altar
alive or blooal-cjcanalng.
Chronic Naaal Catarrh ooaltlvelv cured br Dr.
PaKe't Kemedy. W cent, by drafrfrlftta.
One half of the world miurt sweat sod groan
that the other may dream.
Dr. William 'a Indian Pile Ointment la the only
anre enre for Blind. Bleedlnx or Itching Hlca
ever discovered. It never falls to care old
chronic cane of lotiff nun ding.
Jndae Coffin bury, Cleveland, 0., Baya:
"I have found t-y exnerienee that Dr. Wtl-
Uam'a Indian tile Ointment gives Immediate
Do not snfft-r an tnatant lonirer. Bold bv Wll-
Uamaon'a Manufactuiitut Co.. Prooa.. Cleveland.
Ohla. f0c and tl.
Hold by L. Blumaner 6l Co.. WboleaaJe Dros-
glHtt, Portland, Or.
Wit la fully. unleM a wine man hath the keep
ing of it.
Sure rnre for blind, bleeding and Itching Pitea.
One bo i baa cured the wont casea of ten yearn'
f.tandlng. No one need nllr ten mlnutea after
naing Klrk'a Uerman Pile Ointment. Itabnorba
tnmora, allaja the itchlug. a-u aa a poultice,
Elvea relief. Dr. Kh-k'a (iennan Pile Ointment
ia prepared only for Pllea and Itchlug of the
private parta, and nothing else. Every box la
Mold by DrtiKgiiita and sent by mall on receipt
of price, 11.00 per hoi. J. i. Mack k Co., Whole-
, , r i
sfrA.fri assay ofr-
CZl hsve analysed Dr. Prick's Crkam IUkino 1owkk, bought by me in open
market, and have found It free from Alum and A ruraoula and containing no deleter
ious ingredients of any kind. It makes fine, light bread, and I csn recommend it to
all wishing pure and whole-tome food. ' LOUIS FALKENAU.
San Franclxco. January 25, 1880, Formerly State A ssayer.
Mor lit Pacific Industrial Exposition
Opern at PORTLAND OH., Sept. 26, and Closes October 26, 1889.
which will be covered with Interesting disnlava of every description from every
oection of the -Northwest.
aale Agenta, ban Franclaeo.
A man mtiat atand erect, not be kept erect by
Mwept by the Tide or Popularity
To tlie tnpmnt pinnacle of auecefta, Hoatetter'a
Stomach Btth-m atanda a ahlnlng proof of wbat
genuine merit, backed by the living orceof
proven facta, can attain, the North and South
American routlueuta, Kurope, Auatralia, the
Weat Indiea, (iuatemala and Mexico have all
contributed wide patronage and teatlmony of
the moat favorable kind but unsolicited to
awell the reputation of thla at-rllng remedy.
Among the inaladlea for which the most con
vincing public aud prnft-Mional teatlmony
proven that It la a beulirn curative, are chllla
aud fever, billona remltu-nt, dumb ague and
amie cuke, dyan-paia, liver complaint, nervona
neiw, debility, kidney and bladder complaiblK.
It mltigatea tlie lufermltiea of age, bahtena cod-valeaeeui-e,
baa a tendency to prevent 111 con
aeqneueea from exiMwnre and exhanation. Per
aouaof w-demary habita and laboroua ocrupa
tioua will 11 n J It an ever UMi-ful Uiuic.
iArgeat and beat exhibit of mK I.1VK HTOCK ever brought together on the Pacific Coact will be
made in the ipacioua grounds adjacent to the Kxpositlou Bulldlug from Oct II to 19.
With Bfty of the bent niUHlclana of X.-w York, has bcon engaged at an enormoua expeui-e U) fur
nUbmnaic during the entire exwailion. There hen been nothing left undoue to mano thin tl.
grHndtexpltlon c.n the Pai-iflc Coast. K'duced ratea of fare have been aecured on ail trai ,
portatinn liuea. Portland extenda au iuvatlon to every rcldi-ntof the Xorthweat to atb-nd til i
magnllloentexpoaitlon and enjoy her hoaj-italitlea. Hotel accoinmodationa ample. For fiiil
thux Information addreiw 'j
He who but no allver in bla purse should have j
silver on his tongue. ;
"White Elephant of Slam, Lion of Eng
land, Draeon of China, Cress of Swttxer,
land. Banner of Persia, Crescent of Egypt
Double Eagle of Kimia, Star of Chili, The
Circle of Japan, Harp of Erin.
To get theae buy a box of the genuine
Dr. C. McLane'b Cklkbkateo Litkb
Piu.8, price to rents, and mail us the out
side wrapper with your address, plainly
written, aud 1 cents in stamps. V e will
then mail you the above list with an ele
gant package of oleographie and chro
matic cards.
Fleming Bros., PrrTSBtraa, Pa.
To kei-p good actions In memory refresh them
wiiu new.
My little girl, ten yeara of age, had Hrltrht's i
disease. Her ankles, f-t and eyes were terribly j
awolen. Pour of our best pbysiciuus attend-d j
her, but her life was despaired of. A mother's
love aunuouut all didlcultles, aud I determined
to try Ir. Havld Kenudy'a Knvorlte K-mdy,
maale at Koudout, N. V. Hricht'a disease! How
hiippy 1 ttiu that I determined upon loUconrse
for one by one the well-kuowu symptoms of
the disease left her. Words fall to express my i
gratitude, and 1 cannot too earnestly recom- j
mend the Favorite Kemedy. Her recovery was :
entirely due to tlie favorite remedy, which waa !
Ihe only uiedirine lauen alter uer ca
alwqid cured
One Dozen Assorted Handkerchiefs at
50c., 75c., $1.00 or $1.50. postage
paid for Men. Ladies and Child ran. '
OnW anything an! everything you want to
use, to wear, to eat or toaumsc yourself or others,
and it will be furnished at lowest price. Or
der a sample copy of the Uomt Cirtlt. containing
price list of over articles used in famillea
and It will Is- seut you free of cost. Order a few
samples of dry goods to compare price and qual
ity with orders. Orper at ouce It will pay you.
abandoned by the physicians Mrs.
ase was
Laura A.
Kemuton. West Kutland. Vermont,
lm. Kknnkuy's Favorite Kkmisdy, made at
Koudout, N. Y. 11; 6 for fc.
Send for book, how to cure Kidney, Liver and
Blood disorders.
Ijiv down a method for everything and stick
to It Inviolably.
He sure to read II. T. Hudson's advertisement
In this paper, lie carries the largest stork at
lowest prices.
For firouchinl aud Asithiuatie l orn
plaint', aud Coughs aud Colds, "Hrown't Brnn
rliint Trorlu:" have remarkable curative prop
erties. "." cents u box.
J. II. PlHk. t'hement and ANWiyer.
ftUj Waslilngton St., Portlaud, O. Packages by
mall or express promptly attended to.
IMik out for II. T. Hmikou's adrertlsemeut
uext wwk In this papej-.
True religion Is not merely a wintertime ex
perience; It is a perennial aud eternal life.
Taking italtogether there never was a
time when our country wsh enjoying
Kreater prosperity than at the present
ruoineul. aud yet there are thousands of
people in the land who are funning and
fuming about hard times. Ao d-mbl but
what mauv of them are honest in their
complaint, and it is often because they
have not found the right kind of work or j
the right way to do it. now if buMiuess
is not moving along with you Hati'ntac
torily. take our advice and write to 1J. F.
JohuHon & Co., itii-hmoud, Vs. It is more
than likely that they can help you, ut any
rate, it would cot you nothing but a pont
age stamp to apply to them.
There aremore people who can forget them
selves than goeru themselves.
Have you tried ' TauMill's Punch Cigar.
You don't have to take our word for tho
good quality of Dobbin's Electric Soap.
,!imt get one bar of your grocer, and let it
tell you its own story next Monday, and
be governed by that, good or bad, lte
member Dobbin's EUctric.
TktIQkkmea for breakfast.
SwiJVs Kpecllic curefl in-- it f'aru-er, which was
hereHtury, for my iHllier illeil il (anifr. Myer"
netted Mil oilier m-utnie I. in Iket rew worse all
the time, I left oll'ull other rcuu-dieH, and look
S.S.S. whli:h foreMl out th-- Hwofi niuil my systeiu
wascleuiHHl, vhei tl I'umrer heale!, not even
(eavui a syn. My heallli uln e Inw heeuexcelleiil,
MKS, f.VI'KA K. Okkoan,
lH'IHOIt,(,H., (S-pt. '.'(, 'HS.
Send fr Trent ise on f'dijrer and lilrxHt DIseuHet;
maliel free, tSWIKT HPKC'IKIt' t
flrawers, Atlanla, (la.
The Celebrated French Euro,
IS Soi.D (IN i
to eti re an y
loim of nervotia
liMMi-M, or auy
disorder of tha
Reiterative, or-
vnliK of fillii-
sex whether r- V SjZ2?'S
lklnir Itom Hie MP I CH
exclusive use of Stiniulmita, Tobacco or Opium.
ui hiiuiko yoiumiii luniseietioti, over iniliii);
eucc, Ac., audi aa Loss ol Ktaiu Power, Wakeful
ness, lleaiinr down Paina in the Back; Si-minii.
Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn
al Km lesions. U-ucorrlio-a, Ulaiuess, Weak Mem
ory, bwaof Power and lmiolency, which if ne-
f lected often lead to premstureolrl aie and iusaii
ty Price 11.00 n box. 6 boxes lor Ij.otf But by
mail on recnipt of price.
A WKIT1KN Ol All ANTKK foreven-S.OO
order, to refund tlie money if a I'nriiiiineiit
euro 1 not effected. Thoiisauda of testimonials
from oldaud youtiir, of both sexes, permanently
eiwdbyAeiiKODiTiNK. circular free. Address
803127 POKTI.AKD or
Sold by Streiblg & Lane, DnnKKistt, cor. Sec
ond Waahinictou m Portland, Or,
For btLsiness tMirsuIta at the Portland P.usineaa
CoIU')fC, Portiaud, Oregon, or at the Capital ll!i
ines Cotlcjff, Siik'iii, Oregon. Sloth schools are
under the iiiiiiUKetni-ntoi A, P. Ariu.sti-otur, have
same course of atudiea and same rates of tuttkm.
lliitfiucNM, Miorlliaiid,1
Typewrittii), Penmanship and lvngllsh Depart-
mlttrd at any time. KorjoiutCHUiloue.addrenS
furtland baiium Mitt, AD CsHtil Ra-xana CoHfge.1
I'ortland, (iregon. vfl Salem, Oregon.
Marufneriired front PIXKST SPItlSO STKEI
Uubber Couted, Hatine and Katl.: Covered.
Not to Hind, lireak or Split. Ptltclieo to the
Seams, No pockets or hot irons required.
f A I IXIlMJ HKWARE of worth- -.
VMU I IVII. less imitations. Beo
(hat "hV Kit HEADY " is stampi-d on the back
of tacn W ay.
Are made of the same material, with elastlo
end Rod Unci: ten
Ask for the KVKR-KEADY Btayi and Ex
tuudi -a, and take no other.
OC5 Market Htrvet, . V.
MvoiuUrirtugrrfim T.t VlarAr -Nrrvwua
laeblllly, fr
nature IHM'JIn', m,, n
siiiuoc from luli4rcutiii,iiMQi.
i art-d wllhuulAitoau
h rnatKinait j
Sealed book fnt iV-, AVlr-M,
liParkPiwa, Now York'
S-; to H a May. Bamplea worth Ke.iff
S l- KKK. Lines not under horsea' feet.
v Write Bi-eiWHter Hafety Jlelai
Holder - Mollv.Mleh.
iiWASD It you nave an Old Bore that needs
heallns, aud that other remeliea have failed to
heal-, or a breaking out or itching of the acaJp
or body; or a lioil, Burn, Cnt, or auy ailment for
which a Salve Is suitable, buy a -cent box of
Mexican Naive-, which Is Warranted to
Cure when evurythioKelse falls. If not kept by
your druggist send 26 cenla lu stamps to J. C.
Dkmknt, Agt., Astoria, Or., aud receive a box
by mail.
I WllklMt f
tv. .. I '7f f
Is Boat
f by ratorn mall,
1 foil descriptive
1 circular! of
iS Howrt tw
ii of MtsieuniKa.
Any utay oi ordi
nary Intulligeiica
can easily and
quickly learn to
out and moLo
any garment, In
anyityle to any
meaaurn for lady
or child. Address
....J Ciiwianill, 0.
Couiru Syrup, '1 khx1. Die f I
in time. Hold by druiadsts. f 1
N. P. N. U. No. 301-8
V. N. U. )Uo. Hi
l " :