The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, September 13, 1889, Image 3

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il UJ
Fill DAY, BITTKMUKIl 13, 1880.
Head Hneklomaii'ii new ad.
Lebanon 1 tho plat to got goods
M. A. Miller made a trip to llalsey
thin week.
Fircnien'M tournumrnt ftt Tneoma
lii'Xt wed:.
Several of our peoplo ure on the ilok
lint thin week.
It has l'f n c.ulte frosty for tlio pant
few tnoiningH.
Hend the Hupplcment this week; It
conttdna niany itenmof Intcre-st.
Mint Zoo Murky han a felon on her
luijid w lileh cntmi her much put it.
AM, or nearly till, of the hops In this
vicinity huve heen picked.
Quite a ntunher of our citizens went
to Portland to attend the races thin
Lit eh field the humorM plnyed before
a fair nlz d audience ut IUnd Hull lant
evening. -
llv. F. II. ( -'alder will preach ut the
M. IS. church Sunday morning and
Help to hoom our town. X w 1h the
accepted time; htlpnow. Delay Is
doing errors.
The large mnoiint of goods helng re
ceived dully hy our merchants la nign
of prosperity.
Wm. Elered, of East 1'ortland, has
leuM'd the Fountain Uouhc of Soda
vlllc fir the coining year.
MiHsMnud RaMon on Saturday re
turned from rortlund, where hIic hud
lieeti visiting relatives.
r.i'V.Lee of the United JSrethern
church will preach In the First Prcs
hytcrlau church on next Sunday.
There will lie mint her wedding in
tow n hefnre ninny days, and prohuhly
two of them. Let the good work go
If. C. Kleppor Is having lumber
iiiiuled to liin lot In the Kirlqmtriek
addition, where he will l.uild a neut
Kokrt Montugue left on last Monday
for Albany, where he Intends entering
Nchool for the coming ttrm. We wish
Hob u pleasaut us well us u profitable
ltev. F. II. Cnlder, who has ts-en ap
pointed pastor of lite M. JS. church ut
this place for the ensuing year by the
conference of that church, arrived in
town with his family on Wednesday
Win. Ilethertord In having the store
room between (Jetton's and Feebler &
liuhl's lilted tip for a bar room, uud it
is rumored that another will be placed
in the one he is about to vacate, mak
ing three saloons in town. .
J. A. Heard, John Hope, Charles
McKnlght and Win. Klepper leave for
Tacoiua to-morrow, to join the Coi val
lis hose team, and will compete for the
different l risen which will be awarded
at the llremcn's tournament at Taco
iua. We wish them a success.
On la t Saturday afternoon while
Mrs.). Andrews and little children
were out driving the horse became un
ion linkable, breaking first in u trot and
then in a gallop, and as it turned to go
into the gate the buggy was over
thrown and they were precipitated
from it. Frank Miller and J. .Moss
holder ran to their assistance. Aside
from belli" considerably bruised they
sustained no serious Injury.
Horn to the wife of 1). JIarto yester
day, a s
Mr. Joj Harbin lias a new boarder
that arrived at his house lust Friday
after deliberate consideration lie decid
ed to keep him. He is seemingly a nice
young man and weighs about 8
Air. Jus. Sinter, of I'rinevilie, was in
town a lew days this week. He goes
from her" to Ohio.
If the bustle Ih being discarded all
over the country us It has been in C'or
vallis during the last month or so it
will soon be a rare curiosity. It is said
that in the country, however, it is
dying hard. An observer has noted
fact that tlvf miles from C'orvallls the
bustle of mammoth proportions is still
to Le met with, but from that distance
as the county scat Is mm red, the size
gradually diminishes and filially dis
appears entirely. -Times. Yes, we
have heard that the cream of society
ure discarding the appendages culled
bu.itles. J-'robably Mrs. Harrison made
the sturl, but we had no idea that your
town was so far advanced.
A peddler was on our streets thU
week selling soap and salve which ho
claims will do wonders. He calls him
self Dutch Undo. .
From our exchanges we note thnt
CorvalHs has discarded her bustle and
Albany her bustles, but from personal
observation we see thnt Lebanon is all
bustle aud excitement.
A case of smallpox has heen reported
In Albany this week. The people of
Lebanon should U' careful und not put
themselves In the May of contracting
this disease, Vaccinate.
Mr. fi. It. Claypool has our thanks
for a fine Jut of grapes, four varieties,
which were very nice. He had a large
paper sack full, but said "the boys" got
Into them, but very prudently with
held their names from us.
The weather Is very windy and very
dry, hence it Is the most dangerous
season of the year for fires. Every
person should be very careful about the
use of fire, mutches, cigars, cigarettes
etc. A stitch In time saves nine.
Bill Vandcrbllt, the railroad man,
has dsschurged his French cook; who
was receiving f 10,000 a year, because
he failed to cook a couple of partritges
to suit Bill. It takes' over . half a
column In most of the Xew Yorkpu
pers to tell about it.
At last a man lias been able to go
over the Niagara Fulls nnd survive to
give his ex pcrlenee. 1 1 is name is Steve
Brodlc. Stove says lie felt a little
shaky and felt like a tuuu going to
meet his death, aud was unconscious
until his friends hud him sufe on the
A law passed by the state leglslatute
makes it compulsory for children be
tween the ages of eight and fourteen to
attend school. JV. violation of this law
makes the parents or guardiuus liable
to u line of not less than 3 or more
than ? 'Si for the first offense, and not
less then $25 nor more thau SO for the
second and each subsequent offense.
Our council has ordered all the cross
walks fixed up which is lioing done.
Now every property owner should see
that their side walks are put in repair.
If you don't, pretty soon you will be
made do it and it looks like we ought
to do wuat we know is our duty with
out being made. And we would sugest
that you drive down the nails too
while vou are ut work.
y One year ago Mr. J. J. Swan had his
gold watch stoleu from his vest pocket
where he had hung it on the fence.
Last Tuesday cue of his daughters
hapnened to look out of the upicr
chamber window uud found the watch
lying ft few rods south of the house on
the bare ground. Tht- watch is in a
fine state of preservation tind Mr.
Swuu Is huppy. Who can solve the
All goods at cost at Feebler & Buhls.
Men's shoos HOe at Feebler & Buhl's,
First-class work at McClure's barber
The best job work Is done by the
Dr. Frank R. Ballard, Physician and
Surgeon. Office at residence.
Thompson & Overman eau furnish
any kind of harness on short notice at
the lowest prices.
Bring your butter and eggs to C. IS.
Browuell, Albany, Oregon.aud get the
highest ni'.rket price.
When you are tired of paying three
prices for groceries take a rest and
trade with C. IS. Browuell, Albany.
All the grocorics you can curry for a
Dollar at Bkownixl'f,
'Albany, Or.
Thompson & Overman of Albany
Invites the public to come into their
store and look at their fine line of hur
ness Thompson & Overman, of Albany
have the largest stock of harness and
suddles in the valley south of Port
land. Bedrock prices, new goods and stan
dard brands ut both tlieManiitioth and
One Price Cash Stores of O. B. Mouta
tagtie. All parties knowing themselves
Indebted to Swun Bros, will confer a
favor by calling und settling, as they
are in need of their money.
Do not buy any eastern trash when
you can gettliosespludid Buckingham
& Hecht goods ut Montague's Mam
moth store and also at his Ono Price
Cash Store.
See Montagues magnificent NEW
stock of Buckingham & Heehl's boots
and shoes manufucted expressly lor
Bound trip tickets will be sold to
Portland and return Sept. 10 to 14, In
clusive, on aeaouut of the races ut City
View Park.
O. B. Hoberg visited Albany or.
Wednesday, , s
lion. Jeff. Myers, of Scio, was in
town on Monday. ,
J. H. Waters departed for Salem on
Wednesday morning last. ,
Dr. Rowland arrived in Brownsville
from Albany on Thursday.
H. B. Moyer on Wednesday left for
Albany to transact business.
John Ii vino and sister on Wednes
day returned to Brownsville.
John Harrison and family on 'Mon
day started on their return trip to
A " Holiness" campmeetlng has for
the post week been in progress on Moy
er's Island.
On Wednesday lust Miss S. Dodson,
Mrs. S. P. Burger's ncice, depurted for
her home at Princville.
W. M. Sawyer on Wednesday left for
Mills City to make arrangements for
securing a logging contract.
Hop picking commenced In the vari
ous yards on Monduy morning. The
prospects are good for a fuir yield.
Fred Gross has finished his residence
on Kirk's addition, and is now resid
ing in a very pleasant and commodious
Bev. H. B. El worthy has, by the M.
E. Conference, been uppionted to the
South Brownsyillo M. E. Church for
the ensuing year.
Miss Eva Bel levue left for Portland
during the pust week, having lieen
summoned to uttend the bedside of her
brother, who is seriously ill.
On account of the departure of J.
Sender to Eugene, this place will lie
without a shoemaker. There is u good
business chance iu this town for a good
Mrs. F. F. Croft and family on Thurs
day returned from the Belknap hot
springs, where for the pust six weeks
they have been enjoying mountain air
and trout.
Mrs. Wm. Skiff and child, of Port
land, Mrs. (I. F. Tucker and family, of
McMinnville, and Mrs. E. F. Warren,
of Oregon City, are visiting their par
ents, Mr. und Mrs. Curpus Spcrry.
Stute of Oregon vs. Marion Martin,
assault with a dangerous weapon, was
tried before Justice Hume ut the city
hull, North Brownsville, on the after
noon and evening of Tuesday. For the
stute, Justice Brink of Albany; for the
d' fence, Attorney Wright of Albany.
Charge not sustained; case dismissed.
The new school house Is fast Hearing
completion. The outside is receiving a
finishing coat of paint and the celling
Ukhi the inside Is nearly complete.
The rooms for both primary and ad
vance grades are large und well venti
lated, aud the building when complete
will be an ornament in point of archi
tecture to our town.
Brownsville is becoming like unto
her sister cities in point of attractions
to puss a plvnsunt hour. On Friday
evening the time of our meandering
tux payer was divided bet ween a street
" fakir " who instantly extracted warts
aud simultaneously corralled quarters,
and the camp mscting on the river
front. It was hard to tell which had
the larger or more enthusiastic crowd.
On the evening of Septen.Cs at
the North Brownsville city hau. Mies
Henrietta Moore of New York city v U
deliver a lecture on the subject of Tern
pcrance. Miss Moore comes to us very
highly recommended as a most elo
quent and entertainingspeiiker, and all
those who desire a mental treat should
be In attendance ai d hear this subject
thoroughly and lucidly discussed, as it
is a question that ull should bd deeply
interested in. T. S. P.
Mr. C. C. Simmons, of Irving,
brought to this office last Tuesday
three ears of white flint corn, two of
which measured 12 inches and the
other 1U1 inches. Eaeli contains eight
rows of corn and the largest one con
tains 4ol Well developed kernels of
corn. How is that for Wcbfoot? Who
can beat it? Junction City Pilot. We
found in Rev. J. Jt. Kirkpatrick's corn
field one stalk of corn which had four
ears upon it, tint! each measured over
ten inches, Auit we didn't count the
grain or rows.
Why Is It
That people linger along always com
plaining about that continual tired
feeling? One ' bottle of HUGO'S
MAKEH will entirely remove this
feeling, give them a good nppvtlte and
regulate digestion. M. A. JUUer
neaci our
For endeavoring to dispose of our goods. Usually tlio
rcasou given in sucli cases are of tho stereotyped order.
These are new and original. We want to sell because
We Want Bread and
That is, we want to make a living, and we can't do it
you know, without making sales,
little and .
When it conies to town, and to pay the printer. Wo
can't carry water for the elephant like we used to, and , we
dassent crawl under the tent.
If not to sell goods and make the world happier? The
fishmonger trades for sell-fiish reasons; with us business is
latter of
The more custom we get the rviore business we do. We
must fall your attention to our elegant fall stock which ar
rived this week, complete in all details. Our Dress Good
department was never so complete, comprising Silk, Warp,
Henrietta?, Tricots, Berbers and Assabat Suitings, Ribbons,
Plushes, Buttons, etc. This is your invitation to imitate the
good custom of your neighbors and trade with .
Timber Land, Act Jane 3, i878.
Umtkd States Laxo Office, 1
Oregon C.ty, Or., August nd 1SS9. f
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provision!! of the act
of congress of June 3, ls"8, entitled
"An act for the side oftimher lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and Washington Territory," Dun
can Kh.nv, of Seattle, County of King,
Washington Territory, has this day fil
ed iu this oftjee his sworn statement
No. 1340, for the purchase of the S. W.
j of Section No. 4, in Township No. 13
South, Kange No. 2 East, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for it timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish hi claims to said land before
the lleglster and Receiver of this office
at Oregon Citv.Oregoii.on Tuesday, tho
ilDth day of October, 188!).
He names us witness: A. Davis and
J. H. f.lallery, of Winlook, Chehalis
Countv, and A. S. Feas anil J. Stanley,
of Seattle, King County, all of W. T.
Any ami all persons claiming adver
sely the nhove-descrihed lands are re
quested to Hie their claims in thisolllce
on or before said 20th dav of October,
J. T. APPEHSON, Register.
ML Angel College.
Elementary mill Pn'mnttory Clusses for Boys
from Six to Twelve Years,
Complete Commercial, Scientific and
Classical Courses
For larger hoys and young men. This
institution, only two years old, is al
ready one of the largest, most popular
and best patronized of the coast. The
highest authorities of the state recom
mend it on account of its healthy loca
tion, scientific advantages and strict
discipline For catalogues with pros
pectus, terms, etc., write to
Director Mt. Angel College.
If you want to adorn your home,
make your wife happy and feel real
good yourself, just go to Fortmillcr &
Irving, of Albany, and make a selec
tion from their immense stock of furni
ture. All classes, styles and variety of
suites, or separate pieces. No trouble
o show goods coma and see.
Three days is a very short, time in
which to cure a tad case of rheuma
tism; but it can be done, if the proper
treatment is adopted, as will be seen by
the following, from James Lambert, of
New Brunswick, 111: "I was badly af
flicted with rheumatism in the hips
and legs, when I bought a bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It cured
me lu three days. I am all right to
day; aud would Insist on every one
I feted with tha terrible dis
ease, to usa Chumberlaii),8 Paiu Balm
and get well at once." For sale by M.
A. Miller.
Then we want to save a
Timber and, Act June ;, 1878
United States Land Olliee,
Oregon City, Or. Aug. 3, 1S3!)
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act fori he sale of timber lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da and Washington Territory," F. M.
Milli it T.lMimn IVmitv if T.lnn
State of Oregon, hus this day filed in
this ofllce hisswom statement No. 13"3,
for the purchase of the N. E. J of Sec
tion No. 12, in Township No. 12outli
ltnngc No. 1 East, and will idler proof
to show that the laud sought is more,
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the
Register and receiver of this otlice at
Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday,
the 30t h day of October, 1889.
He names as witnesses: Jt. Finlev,
W. H. Reed, I. F. Settle and A. It.
Cyrus, all of Lebanon, Linn County,
Any and nil nersons claimimg ad
versely the uhove-deacrihed lands are
requested to file their claims in this
ofllce on or before said 30th day of
October, 1889.
J. T. APPERSON, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1 878.
t'nltwl Sink's Luwl Ofliw. 1
Oregon City, Oregon, August 8, 1889.)
Totlee is hereby given that lu compliance v.itli
I lie urovMeiisof the act of Conines uf'Jinie ;i.
878. entitled "An net for the Mile of tiini er
mint.- In the Mutes ot t'lililornla, Orogon, Nc i.Cu,
unit Wu.-hinxlon Territory," Albert i'olti n,(;f Se
attle, County of King, Territory of Wwliinirimt,
hiw ihisibiy Clert in this oltiee" liis worn Muto
inelit so. 1;17!, liirl lie ixirchose of the S. ,1-4 ( f
Section No. "0, in Township no. VI south l,iHi(.e No
t east, ami will oiler proof to show lloit tl,c h nil
sought is more valuable for its timberor slime ilian"
for agricultural puriwcs, and toestablii-h hiselniin
to suiil land before the Hegister and Htoclvirif
thisoliice at Oregon, City Oregon, onluetdiiv, tbt)
rah day oi November, 1889. .
lie names an witnesNw: N Felerwin, E, 1 hor
waldNin. W. 11, Vanwart and N. I!. Allen, nil cf
Seattle, Kingeouiny, Washington Tciriii.rv.
Any and all pcion.s claiming iidvcrwelv tho
above-described lauds are requested to tilsi' their
claims in thN oftiee on or belore mid ,ith dav of
November, 1883. J. T. AI'I'liliSON,
t'nited Mates Laud Ofiir'e, )
Oregon City, Oregon, August H, 1 SS:.
ATollceis hereby given that in eomplimine vlt!-.
the provisions of ttie net ol Congrot ofjiii.t .:,
i.V.s, entitled "An act for the mle f timber muds
in the Suites' of California, Oregon, Nevada, iu'id
Washington Territory,";i, uf Seat
tle, County of King, Territory of Washington, !.:
tbih day liled in this oifiee hit sworn statement No.
l:Wl, lor the purchase of the N. I. 1-4 of ticclioii
No. 'JD, in Tow nship Su. 13 south, Hani;e No. 'i
east, and will oiler proof to show that the lnul
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes. and tu establish hiselaim
to said land before the Hegister and Hteeiver of
this ofllce at Oregon City, Oregon, un Tuesday, the
5th day of November. im.
He names as wilnoms: A. Ilolton, W. B. Van
wart, n. l'eicixxi ami N. II. Allen, nil ofSeatllu.
Kingcoiuily, Wo.-hiiigtoii Territory.
Any and all jhtkoiis claiming udverselv the
above-described bind. are rnjueiled to tile. 'their
claims iu tlvis ofiiee on or beloro said Mi dav of
November, m'J. J, T. Al'J'KHrSON,
Hegister. ,
Dr. J. M. Taylor,
Will he in I.elmnon (lie first week of
every month, second week in t-'cio;
third week in Ktayton, and the fourth
week in Jefferson, to perform ail o pi-rations
appertaining to Dentistry in a
skillful manner.