Mat) flfcWMWRH'W 4 nnmnnutMi AN IK!: AttCIUVKIi. . The Cor vallitt Tunc bi ; " Tlw oM court house Uuualntf is uu n aown nnu the archive arc giving birth to many furiosities. It ia wonderful the vulue that in Meg placed on wmie worthless but ancuit .trlnkcta an they are torn from tluv'walla of the old sent of Justice. liVerytiihig of course of real value bus been moved into the new building, but there arc hundred of thing tbut are curiosities to the average Oorvallisltw of to-day. Files of old newspaper, that liavo been thrown Into the street, and in these many Items of Interest appear. ' The Baleni fcttatceman printed away ( buck In tho beginning of the sixties has iiuany curious paragraphs. Marriage Sotlces were read by the grown-up - Shildreu of the contracting parties and the columus are filled with war news. "In the Issue of June 23. 1862, tho oflie iat vote of tho state Is given for that year, at which time It seems they took a vote on where to establish the seat of state government. It resulted In the selection of Halem with 31 12 voles, Port land 1780 votes, Eugene City 1572 votes and Corvullis Oil votes. SEATTLE AKI TACOMA. . "They tell a pretty hard story on you over In Seattle," said Mr. E. E. Russell of Chicago, yesterday, on his return from that live and future great city. " A great man had a dream in which ho made a tour of sheol. Lucifer, there, was showing the visitor the sights, when they cauw upon a num ber of lamates pawing up the ground with both hand and feet, scraplug little heaps fcf earth together. Upou Inquir ing who they were, the old boy said they were Heattle real estate agents. Boon along row of cages w. reached in each of which a captive was chained so they could not see one auother. What are these?' asked the visitor. They are from Tacoma. We have to keep them chained up in that way in solitary confinement In order to keep them from getting together and nam ing the place Tiwoma.' "-Tacoma Globe. In a half page advertisement in one .if our exchanges, of a dry goods mer chant, is this sentence: 4Our newspa pers are the lives of our city and are bread winners for the merchants." There is a whole volume in this sen tence. A city or town without one or more live newspapers is not worth the epaoe it occupies. A newspaper, right ly conducted, is worth more to a town , cummunity than thousands of dol lars invested in any other enterprise. Why was Adam the happiest man In the world? lie had no mothcr-ln-;w to bother him. If you go to Albany to buy a stove cull on t- W. Smith, who has the larg est and best stock of stoves and tin ware and sells c-ci- ,n Albany. When you desire a pleasant physic, try rit. Patrick's Pills. They can al ways be depended upon, and do not nauseate the stomach nor gripe the bowels. For sale by M. A. Mllier. Timber and Act June 3 1878 HOT1CE FOR t'UUUCATIOX. Uuited Htates Land Office, ) Oregon City, Or. Aug. 3, 1889 i hnhv iriven that in com tlianee with the provision of the act An act for the sale ot tinlcr lands In the Htutes of California, Oregon, Neva da and Washington Territory," Wal lace W. Stalker, of Lebanon, County vf Linn, Htatc of Oregon, has this duy filed in this office his sworn statement No. 13T4, for the purchase of the A . V . i..tuti..n Kn m. in TownshlD No. 12 Houtb, ItangeNo. 1 East, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is lUorevaiuaDie ior IUIUIUUI.-J .imiititrulniiriMMM.&iid to establish his claim to said land before the Regis ter and Jteceivcr oi mis omee a ircgun City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 30th day of October, 1880. lie names as witnesws: J. M. Tay lor, O. Uuhl, B. Hansard and A. It. Cyrus, all of Lebanon, Linn County, Oregou, . . , j .... all nnninna Oiaiminir ad ....-.i.. ulww.wliwcrilted htiids are redueaWd to tile their claims in this otUoe on oi before said 30th day of October, . . . J. T. APPEIISON, Register. Timber Land, let June 3, 1878. NOTICE Wit FCBUCATIOK. TJxitkp State Land Opkick. Oregon City, Or., Aug. 2nd 1889. uliance with the provision of the act of r t i -i 1Uun ..nltli.4 "In WIlurOSS OI Juno a, aw, vmmvu . i. ...... I. ..f ti..tluii lutiHa in til. ax;i ior me HtaU f California, Oirgon, Nevada maw oi wiuiiimph, i..v. and Washington Territory." B.Finley itt j,,rlfL Cuuty of Multnomah, . , . t t ....... i,um tlld iUv t1!iil In . in . i.i.. u.h,i uf uln.aiif. Nn 1X4.1 fnt-tktf purchase of the K.L.J, of Heo Hon Ho. 2, tu Township No. 12 South Km1';.- W 1 ';'.'!, and will i:lir proof ti show Hint tlio luntl iiMu;lit in move v:k!u:iMo foi ltt timber in' Htmio tliiin for ucru'itlturul purposes, and .o eilil lUh his claim to said land before tint Register and Receiver of this ottlco at Oregon Citv, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 2ittli "day of' October, ism). lie names its' wltnwcs. W. H. Reed F. M. Miller, A. R. Cyrus and W. W. tStockcr, nil of Lebanon, Linn County, Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming ad versely the nbove-deKcriU'd binds are remifsW to file tlieir claims in tills office on or before said 21) th day of October, 18MV J. T. A1TERS0X, Register. Aug. 1)10 Tiimbo La:id Act June 3,178 MOTICK KOU rUllMCATION. United States Land Office, Ongnn City, Oregon, Aug. 5, 1880. j Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of t lie net of Congress of June 3, 1H78, entitled An net for the sale of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Neva da, and Washington Territory," JamcH Peters, of M in lor, County of Pierce, Territory ot Washington, has this day tiled .n this office his sworn statement No. 1:103, for tho pureluisc of the lav J of section No. "4, in Township No. 12 south, Range No. 2 ent, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for ncricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said laud before the Resistor and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Saturday the 2i day of November, 1880. lie names as witnesses: J. Christy, R. V. Thomas. F. Stone and A. Pifer, all of Tacoma, Pierce county, W. T. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the aliove-described lands are requested to Hie their claims in this of fice on or Itefore said 2nd day of No vember, 18vi). J.T. ArrKitsoN, ncgisier. Aug. 9 10 w Timber Land Act June 3,1878. .NOTICE KOH rt'BLlCATIOX. Unltwl States Iind Office, Oregon City, Oregon, Aug. 5, 1889. Notice Is hereby civen that In com pliance with the provisions of the net of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tinuer lands In the states of California, Oregon, Neva da, and Washington Territory," Wal ter J. Ross, of Vancouver, County of Clarke, Territory of Wellington, has this day nleu In tins otllce His sworn statement No. 1301, for the purchase of the ne j of section o. 30, In lownsnlp ro. I2Houtli. lane ro. Z east, and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purixwe. and to establish his claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wed nesday the 30tli day of Ortoler, lnno. He names as witness: l . C. 3Icrar- land, J). McFuriand, F. Cor man, and K. Chauuler, all of ancouvcr. Clarke County, W. T. 1 Anv and all persons claiming ad versely the ultove-descrllicd lands are renut-sted to file tlieir claims in this bftiee nn or Itefore said 30th day of October, 1K89. J. T. Aiterho.y, Register. Timber Land Act June 3,1878. NOTICK KOR rt'IJIJCATIOX. United States Und Offiw, Oregon City, Oregon, Aug. 0, 1HH9. Notice is hereoy given that In com liliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, eutltUsI "A tact for tho rale of Umber lands in the state of California, Oregon, Neva da and Washington Territory." Frank Cornmn, of Vancouver, County of Clurkc, Territory of Washington, lias this day filed in this ollicc his sworn statement No. 13U0, for the purchase of the lots 3 and 4 and e of sw of sec tion No. 18, in Township No. 12 south, range No. 2 east, and will ell'er proof to sliow that the laud nought Is more valuable for its timber or stone tliuu for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, ou Wednesday, the 30th day of Octolier, 1889. He names as witness: 1). McFar land, B. Wells, W. Hon and W. Wells, all of . Vancouver, Clarke County, Waslington Territory. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the abovc-duscribed lands are requested to tile their claims in this of fice on or before said 30 th day of Octo ber, 1889. J. T. ArmiKcx, Register. Aug. 0 10 w FORTMILLER & IRVING, ALBANY, - - ORKOOX. Mioufoctnrvn of and Dvalen la U Kind Furniture. Import all First-Glass Goods DIRECT FROM THE EAST. A eomplcte stock of Wall Paper, Deco rations and Window Bhades. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. TBG We invite you to come and look through oui Mam moth' Stock of ' Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc. PURE GOODS & Hides. Furs and all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for coods We Guarantee Fair Treatment tb AH. W. B. DON AC A. Corner Brick Store, Main Street, Lebanon, ! Linn County, Or. L00K!L00K!! CEO. W. WHEELER Is Sollins His Lumber at Betl-Rock Prices for . CASH. Finishing Lumber 14 (X Fencing 9 00 2x4 at 9 00 Boxing and Timber 8 00 AT COST! To Make Koom for Mjr . Fall and Winter Stock of DRY GOODS, FURNISHING GOODS, AND NOTIONS, I WILL CLOSF OUT MY Entire Htock of Boots & SHoes AT COST. KowUtheTiui to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Have THE Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. MAIL ORDERS Tromptly attended. W. F. READ, Albany, Orojjon. Timber Land, Act Jnne 8, 1878. MOTlOe POR PUBLICATION. 1,'nltwl HtntPK IJinrt Office, ) Oiwon City, Oreifuii, AiiRunt 0, 1880.) Votlce bi hereby kIvmi Unit l. compllum-i; with ' tlie pmvlMOl!" "ftlin wt of Onn'of June 3. IU78 nlUk-d "Aonot lor thwiIof tlmbt-r IuikIk n theHUUiiiof Culllornlii, OniKon, Hoviula, mid WhlnBt TurTllory." NI1; IVlrrHon, of futile. Cotjniv if Kfupf. Territory of Wililii((i.m. Iiu IliU ly llWrt In thU olllcu bin worn tAlmiit No, Ms. fortlMipurcha-teof I be H. W. 1-4 of Hc-cllon N(J. V), In lowiihlpNi.l2outli. I(H!IK 2 eiut. unit wllloffrr proof U Ihow HH th limd )iilit l more ruluablc for IU llmlr or uiotie Ihim f.anri. eilltilrol tmrp'wii. n'1 to ulil li liw clitlm to aid tanI before tb Ko)rftrunil Kocn cr of tbU 0ni-e l On'Kun City. Ori-Ron, on 1 uely, the 6th ilv of Novemfx-r, 1880. Hi? nttnifii ft wlowMMJui N. n. Allen, t. Thor wiilowD, A. riolifm (iml W. n. Vunwiirt. nil of 8o-ttli-, Klnir comity, WiwliOitflon Terrllory. tbovcMk-wTlljenliiwlKitn! r-iui Hll to lllf their cl.ilmi. In thin oflU o on or bcror..' Id Slh iluy of Novtmiwr.iHHU. i.t.mmn. ES INTERESTS YOU ! -:o:-- FULL WEIGHTS NEW SENSATION AT SWAN BROS.' Tin and Stove Store. A CHEAP COUNTER OF ALL KINDS OF Household Goods. MORE GOODS FOR LESS MONEY Than You Ever Saw. IF YOU WILL ONLY CALL, You wili be Astonished At the Rock-Bottom Prices. SWEET HOME Can and will sell good.s as cheap as the cheapest, and buy all kinds of country pro duct' in exchange for goods at tho highest market price. To bo convinced of this fact just CALL ON A. F. Hamilton, ' DEAI.KIt IN DRY GOODS) Notions, Groceries, Drugs, Hardware & GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Pioneer Store, Sweet Home, - - Oregon. Timber Land Act June 3,1878. NOTIUK FOR 1TIIWCATION. United Hlulen 1-biiiI office,) Ow-ffon City, Orexon, Auk. &, IstHu.) Notice In hereby Klvn thutln compllnncn w ith tha urovMonn of thuuctof t'ontm-m of JmiuS, lt!7H entttM "An iwt for the Nile of tlinlicr limrt IntlimlttU-iiof i allfonilH, Cm-iton. Ntivmlii, mid WnxhlnitWn Torrlloo," Amlruw J. Pwi'lwlel.of VniiiDiiver, County of Olnrte. Territory ol W wh InRton, hathlHily llleil In tliit oil'ic-o hl wvom nliUKmetit No. law, for thu pim-haM- of tlienw H of nectlon No. 20, In townnlilp No. 12 notilh. limine Ni).2eiul,nil "HI offer proof In hIhiw tlmt Ine lartil outht In more valuable for lu timber or nlono limn ftr wlciiltunilpiiriKwe'i.niiil totntiiblUlilita claim lowil'l luml befu,e tho ItepUter mid Iteeelv orofthlHort'iiDHtbrejronl'Hy, On-Kti. OnJion Uiiy,thM2HthiIayofOeUiber.lBHt. Ho nimiw an wltnewn; .1. KltttHjjim.J. Hweet.tJ. XV, ItobltiHon unci I), l'lllbboniiill of Vancouver, Cltirko eonniy, W. T, , Anynrni nil perm cUftnlhff wrlverwly the AlovtMl"'rll'l Innili re n'iiii'-ti;t'to nie their nlrtiui"llilblHOllc0norlM'for uuhl Sfllli iluy of October, 1H89. J. T. Atwiwls, UegWvr. IS OUR MOTTO. O. JENM!M, W. II.M'THKMnN, J. II. WT, JENNINGS & Co. Manufacturers and Dealer? in all kinds of Fir, Maple and Cedar Lumber. Mill located oh Hamilton creek, thirteen miles Kast of Lebanon. Prices at the Mill. Clear Fir, $11.00 Second Clear, 9.1)0 Hough Lumber, O.oO Prices of Cedar and Maple on application. Prices at the Company's Yard at Lebanon. Clear Fir, $ 15.00 Second Cear, 13,00 Rough Lumber, 10.00 C. K. IIawkinh. V. I'AUUKtX. Albany Furniture Co. Keep everything you want in the way of First-Class Furniture, Call and nee their stock of goods. irTiro oar loadi of Iurnl tir Jitut rwelv4 from Unit Mret't, bctweon Ferry and WuHhiiiKton. Timber Land Act June 3,1878. NOTICK KOIt ITJHMCATION. I.'NITKII PTATM UND OWCH. 1 Oregon City, Kreguii, aiiriwi , lw9.) Tollee b hereby (riven tlmt In compliance 1 with the provilium of the act of CoiiRTeM, of June , Wi eutitlvr! " An act for lite ialc ol timber lundi In the tnlvi of Cnlifornla, (in gon, Noviwla and Wuthinfrloti Territory," .hneph Mavor, ol Ixibanon, county of I.inn, itateofOrvKon, hax iIiIh day tiled in thin olllce, liinHorn nUtoinciU No. IliSl for the pur eluue of the 8. K. 14 ofm-otion No. 8, InTownthtp No. Vi loutli Khiiko No. 8 Kant, and will ollur proof to ehow that the hind aoinrht in mora valuable for ItN timber or atone lliun for aKrlenltural purpone, Hint toiMtahlliihhlHiilalintovalil land beforo tlw Koriiernnd Itcrelwr of title olllin at Orcon City, On-Kon, on Wednetihty thoWli Uar of November, 1J. lie immd an wllnewwN: A. C. Muter, 1". II. More In ml, A. It. Oyrttflalid L H. KriL.k, all of Ubanot, 1-liin cotnity, tiroK'in. Atiy and all ptirwtM clnlmiiiK adversely the aboVo-rtencribed lundi an n.iiietd to tile their eliiltiiHln thlminice ou or boforo wild lith duy of .November, im Ji T. Api-khmC,