The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 30, 1889, Image 7

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    si - & i ...
i . .
John L, Sullivan, Uii) notorous prI?.o
fighter, has been sentenced to one year's
itiirM'ist.iinioKt by the authorities of
Mississippi. This ought to give every
oltlste-n of tin; United States a thrill of
delight. Ho Mini his associates have
boon guilty of the. most daring Impu
dence. They dulled nil law and order,
Hiid in the fuec of warning oirrliid out
their brutal contest. Tlic governor of
Mississippi deserves tho liijjfhoHt com
lnciidallon for his coumgo nnd
determination. I'i'Izo lighting Ih a
beastly sport and h dciTiorullzhig iti the
extreme. The punishment of the
world's cliatnploii "bruiser" by a
Mississippi eourt Ih a trinmph worth of
special mention. The govet nor of Mis
tiiMHippI li determined to mala' the ac
complices feel the grip of the law, and
lie will be heartily sustained and up
jtlaiidcd by nil good citizens.
"Prisoner, have you any thing to say
before Hie sentence of thoeottrt in pass-
d upon yn?"
"I have, your honor." Turning to
hi lawyer: "You slick-lingered,
smooth-jawed pitddln -head! You bil-ly-hcdad-slammed
hunk of soap fat!
You Hald you would dear mo for twen
ty dollars, and took the money in ud
vaneo. You hain't got sense enough
to be assistant Janitor of u eorn crib,
you don't know as mueji law as a
Texan homed frog, and you havn't
the principle ofa blind owl! Goahead
You Cannot Afford
At this season of the yeur to be without
ii good reliuble diarrhoea balsam In t ho
house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea and
all inliamniation of the Htomech and
bowels are exceedingly dangerous if
not attended at one. One bottle of
will do more good in cases of thin kind
than any other medicine on earth.
We guarantee it. M. A. Miller, drug
gist. Titnlu'i'Laud, Act June 3,1 87H.
I'lllliil H!iich IjiiiiI Oniru. )
fmcoii i lly, on-Koii, Aiikum Hi,
Vnll'Tii. Iicn-hy ciM-n Unit In i oniillniM'i' with
A tl." iniviioii ol'tlic im'I of Coiihh'w nl.liiii-:i,
I87B, iMilitli'il "An m l lor i In Mile of iIiiiImt
li'.nii." Ill III"' SoiU'Koi Ciilliiinil'i. (Iri'uoii, Nt'vmlii,
mill W, T.," Jt. ('. llriiil:fi', oi I'orllaiitl, Ciiiin
iv ."iiilf ol Ori'Knn, hut lllfit in
(bitolhiv liif i-wn.-ii :i:ili'iiiri;t No. 1 for tiiu
IIIH'lllUI' Ol till' N K 1-1 111 N't'lioM .o. Ill TllH II-
"hip No. 1- mjii.Ii, Krtiiiii' No. I nml wlil nlli:r
Hl'lOl 'lOallllU 'lull till' liiml Milllillt In Hum' VIlllM-
l!r lor Iih or kiuiii' IIih.i foi j.t i 1 1 1 : 1 1 n t
put kim'k. ii -ii lo i'tnliili lili rh'.lm In Nilil laiiil
U'liu'i'lhr lii vi-'liTiiiiil Ili'M'ivi'r ol' tlii- olliri' ill
ii- 'i'!i ( nv. Ori'K'iii. on 1'rnl.iy, tl:i' fcili it.iv of
Hnvi'lllh'T. IU3B.
Hi' iiaiiii"- hi ini"i"i': V W rrni'lHtcl. A .1 lVo
i li-o'l. J ( hIiIhi'II nml J Swwt, nil ol aii' iiuvri',
Wii-hiiiKlnn Ti nliiiry.
Any nml i-ll im'iiiuii cliiiiiiiii),' inlvi'rrly the
nlMivt'-iU'WrlU'il iiiilil: nri' hMpii no il In lilr llirir
I'luliiu In tlil, nfhri'iin or lirlon' Milil Mill iliiy of
Novi'liibtT, kh:i.
.1. T. Arrr.iiHos, Kv;:Mi'r.
'J'imbcr LaiKl, Act.hine .',1"-
filili'il Willi IjiiiiI Ofli'-i'. )
Onffon City, on.pni, 1:1. Ihm'i.)
yoti'K In Ihti'Iiv itlvi'ii Hint li I'onipllniii'o with
, Uii' iirnvhiounol tin' m t of ('nnjrii'wi I'f.liinol!.
IXiK l:llllll''il "All inM for till' soli' of 1 1 in 1 . -r
In tin' Miili'HiifCiilllMriiirt. Orniton. Ni'Viuln, nml
Winihliifrti ii Territory," Allium l U.'ti'r, of U Im
invi.l oiinly of l.lnii, Siiilo o! Ori!i;oii, hii! thlMlny
lilril In till'! olliri' IiIm kivmii i lnli iui'ii: No. 1"0',
lor tin- piurliH-i' ol'tlic W 1-1 ul'.Sivll'rn. No. H.
in t on ii -lilp No. 1-unlit. tiuii,'c '.' oi'.-l, nml w ill
ulJi-r pruo! IomIhov thill Die I'linl roin.'lil in r.ioiv
, viiiiiiiMi for ll linilii'r or lorn' tlnin for ii'tliMiltii
ii I pin wr mill to t'liillisli lii- rluiin lo milil lnnil
lit loivtlii! n'i;luir nml Ri itHit ol iliimiilri' nt
on ifoii t.'ln-. Ori'imn. on Wi'dlifilnv. Ilif Dili iluy
or NoW'llllT, I WNII,
lii' imiiiinn v.'ltin'irt':': .1 Mayor. K II Slnri luiiil,
A P llfiii rimI 1. I, Triil;, nil of liOliHiion, l.iiin
rolinly. On'inii.
Any innl nil r.oiis cliilinlii' nflvi-rsoly I ho
iiliuvi-ili M-rliiwI linnls hit ri'iiuii'il In l!lr llii'ir
I'honiN In tlii ollii'i- on or huforu miid lit li ilay of
NoU'inliiT, 1K89,
' J. T. Ai'l'lilifoN, l(f,'lti'r.
Timter Land, Act June 3, 1878.
T'niii il sintof iiinl onii'c )
Orciroii Clly, Oii'iion. AiiuiinI 11, 1830.1
N'otlri' iHlii'ruliy Kivi'li Hull l-' liiiin-t? with
I hi' piiiviloiii of tin' im'I of ( on-ri'ss olMnni'il,
113713, 1'lilllli'il "Ann!t for till' will' of tiinlii'i- IuiiiIh
III tin' Hlnli x of CHllfornlu. Oiokiiii, Ni'Vtuin, nml
WiinhiliKlon TiTrlloiy," Nli'N IVtciVon, ol Si'iillli',
oiinly of Klnt.', Torrilory of WiihIiIiihioii, linn this
ilnv nluil in llils ollii'u IiIh Mt (irn Hliiluiiicnt No.
l:r,'., for tin' pno'lin."!' of tin- N. W. 1-1 of fVulion
No. :'.(). ill lott n.-ihip No, VI Ninth. Kamir -nut.iuiil
Mill olfcr proof lo llmw thai 1 1 if Innil mull! in
more viiliiiilik' for II liinhiT or nloiif thitn fnrwrr I
t'llituml pn. t Hi's, innl lo t'Htil.lij h 111 ' I'liiim to
mid html hisforo the lii'KMer iintl lli'i'i'lvur ol thii
ollici' nl Orcon IMiy, Oivoii, on Tlitwluy, tlit'ilth
(lay of Nntiiiiiht'r, 18119.
Hi- nimii'n in' ttilntwiw: N, 11. Alli'O, K, .Tlior-
hiiI.Imiii, A. Ilolion nml W. II. Vitnwinl. nil ol 'se
nnit', Kiiif county, WiMhlmtion Tcnllory.
Any nnd nil peiHoin cliiinilntr nrtvurnely the
iilioyt'-ili'Wi'llii'il luiKlf are ri'ipit-'KU'il to llle tlu-lr
rlHliiisliithlioflici' on or liufori- milil fith iluy uf
Nuveinlier, 1HH. ', T. AI'I'Klt.SON,
Tii nlior J,and Act June 3,1878.
CnllcdHtnlex Land oinee.)
Oit'Kon Clly, Oiepm, Aim. i. IHHii.)
Not Ire If herehf (liven tlml In eoinpllaiiee wllh
the provMoiw of the net of t.'oli;(i't'N of June 11,
1M7H, eiilllled "An net for the-wile of timber Inndx
In the Milieu or .'nllfoi liin, Oreiton, NVit iidn, mid
Washlnirton Terrllory," Andrety .1. l'rotjhslel.of
Vancouver, C'onnlyof riarke, Territory of Wnxli
tiiKlon, InintlilKilay liled in tills otlleo hU nworn
Unhimeiit No. i;W. for the piirehiic of tho nw l-l
tifwelloii No. so, In Totvnshit No. X'i nonth. HiiliRe
No. 'Jeiil,nnd will nlliT iniKif to hIkhvUiiiI Hie
hind boiikIiI Ih uiorevalnalile for llh tlnilieror ntone
lliiin for UKrielilliiml piirpoci. mid loetnhllh hl
viitlin lo wlil hunt liefo.e Hie Ke;,'lKlerauil lieeelv
crof IhlH oirieciil oi't'Kon City, Oi't-'Hon, On Moll
(luv, tlie JHIIidilv of Oeloher.
He nnmec un tvllneffen; J, I'liuilwin,.!.,
W. lioblnson Mid U. KltXKlliltm.all ol Vancouver,
Clarke oinniiy, W.T.
Any nnd nil persons elulnilnir ndvewdy tho
nhovc.dcnci'lbert lundn lire reiUCiled to.llle their
c.hiimnllitlil-inll'couii urbefore nnid '.'Hill tiny of
October, 1H81I, J. T, Al'l'liii-to.N, Itegliler,
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
'CtttTKi Htatk Lsi OrHc.,
OieiiiiiM'liy, Ori), AuRiixt 2, JS"!I. J
NWYUT, In liri'lty (riven tlmt In fomiilliincc wlih
lliu irovliliiiiiiol'llic iii'tiirC'iiiKri'wi of June it,
17H, onllllH "An ili't for lliu mile of Umbel- jitmlx
In I ho flluli'H of Oiilll'ornlii, Oregon, NovikIu, nii'l
Wiislilti(!trin Torrltory," Jnnipli II. Miillery, of
Wluliwk, comity of I.('Wl, Territory of WhkIiIiik
ton, Iiuh OiIh (lny In (IiIh ollli'c hi Ktvnrn
Kliili'iiii'iit No, IH), for thi' puri'luino of lliu N W X
of HeiiUmi No. 4, In TolTlinlilp No. IIISiiiuli, l!ii!i;;o
No. SKiihI, nml wilt onicr priinf toHliov llmt llm
kin) Kout;lit In lnoro vuliiiililv for Hn tlnilior or
xdiiic tli.m for iiRrlciillinul iiir0M'n, mifl to crtiib
tlxli Mk vliilm to huIiI IiiiiiI Hit' Ki'lHlur uni
lU'W'lvcr of tlild iw ut Oriipoii Clly, Or(;oii, on
Tiwuday, tlii'2'Jtli iliiy of IH'toUn', 1M,
Ho iihiiiom uh wltiicwi's: A. I'luvls, I). Slmw, A. S.
Ton mwl (I. M. Kuiiirt, ull of Sputtln, KIhk county,
W. T.
Any mid u'l iKirwm bIiiIhiIiik ulvcrMcly the
iiliovi! ilitKorlliud IuiiiIh aru rn(UcKli'l to llln tholr
(liiliim In tliitt oflli'u on or luiforp mlil fflth iluy of
Octobrr, 1HA9.
J. T. ArCKRHiX, ItcKMcr.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1378.
Ori'Knii City, Urenon, AiikuhI lut, 1W. j
NOTK'K Ih heri'lty Riven thai in cmnpllmico ttith
tliu provlHlonit of the net of CdiiKrcKti of June ii,
S7H, entitled "An net for tint mile of tlmher IuiiiIh
In the Kluten of Cullforiiln, UleK-ui, Nevada, mid
WMithlinjton Terrl'ory," John It, Inniion, of Cen.
tmlln, eninityof Ia'th, Terrllory of WnshliiKlon,
lin l hi iluy liled In Uii olliec hlKKtvorn Htuteiurnt
No. lifift, lor the piirclinw! of the K K of N W H
nnd N K '.4 of 8 W and I.'itn.t nnd fi. of Hectlon
Ii, Toivnxhtp So 111 Hunt h, Hiiiikc No'J l'.at, uud H ill
oiler proof timliow that the lund nought Is more
valuable foi' Itn thnlier or Mime limn for BKrienllii
nil purnme!, mid to eslnlillih IiIh elniin toMild
lmitl hefori! tho IteclKter mid Keeelvrr of this
otliee itt Orvtfuu Clly, Oregon, on Monday, thu '.'Hth
tiny of Oi'lolwr, IM!.
He lmnien 11 tvltitcf': C. 1,. (iruy, J. Huntsim,
Ii. Ftli'lhlKini nnd II. Mi Kiirlune, nil of Vhiicou
ver. Clarke entmty, W. T,
Any nml nil perwiiih rlnlmlnx ndvenely the
nhove-dewrllied Inndx un? rcqneMcd to tile llielr
eluliii" in thin ofliee on or before mid iih day of
Oetolicr, IKS.
i. T. AITEK-'iON. ni'i-iitter.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
r.N'iTini Htatw Kami Omei;,
(ii-euon Clly, i.'n-(on, Aumitt Inl. IS.1!. )
NOTK'K In hereby given that Incompliance w lili
tin- provi'liiiiH of the net of Conprenn of June r
lH, I'lititU'i) "An net for thn nale of tiinlter InniU
in the Suili's of Culilorniii, Orefjoii, Ncvudil, uud
Wiitliiiii;lnn Terrllory."
Havld l-'li!l,'!ioim, of Vanetmvcr, County of
l Ci.irfce, Terrllory of Viihlnlon, hat I IiIh duy tiled
in thin nllii'c hi." Mtorn nliileiiieut No. 1;!.;, for t lie
puri luiM' of the I; '4 of Section No IN, In Totvn
uliip No. UHoiilh K'j.ih" No 2 F.ail. nnd will oiler
proof tohli'itv I hat the hind mniclit in more vuhia
be' for 111. timber or finite thmi for usrletilluriil
I purw"!i, and lo c-tiniilMi Ism claim lo iili land
beln.v the llej;iiltfr n'.id llctviver of thin ofliee lit
On i;i.ii city, Ori'ou, ou Motidtiy, the 2i'.h day of
Oeloiicr, IWi.
II.' naint'Mi!; tvllnensen: II. Vrl'iirlinic, (Mirny,
W. Hitce nnd J. KHeet, nil of Vntieoi'.ver, Clurke
Comity, W. T,
Any anil nil t"'roiH rluimlntr ndveriely the
tilmve-iie-i-rllied littiiU am reijueitiid to lile their
einluis in thin ollii e on or before said " ilh day of
October, imt.
J. T. AI'I'KIISON, ItcKbter.
Timber Land, Act Juno 15,1888
Ctilled KtiUen l.nnd Ollli't', )
re(.-oii Clly, r Aiwr. :i. Iffl. )
N'OTItT. U hereby j;lvcn Unit In rouipliiini e
ttiili tlic piovWonn of the net of Comrrefn of
JuiieS, IHi, enilllc.l "All ne! fur the sale- of tim
ber l.-indn In the Hialt of California, Oregon,
Ncvmlititiul Winhinxlon Terrllory," William H.
Kecd, of I.'ban'iii, county of l.lnn, State of Ore
t;i:i, ha.1 thl.i duy liled in thH office hin Ktvorti
ndiieineiil No. Ud, for the ptuvline of tho N. W.
1-1 of Section No. IJ, In Tottnnhlp No, 12 South
Kiin;.'c No. 1 Kn-rt, ami will oiler proof to fhotv
Hint the lanil nought in more valuable for It." tim
ber or ntonv ihiiu for mjrlcultiiriil )iuris'.s, nnd to
iKtiiblinh bin claim lo Mild laud before the lie i;istir
nnd Kccelverof this office, nt Ori'son ('it;'. Or.,
on Wediiesdny, thcHOth day of October, IS-"'.!.
He intmen nt Mfitiien.'n- U. Kiul -y ft'id I.. I,.
Tnt'k.of I'ortlan 1. Mnltnonmh county, nnd K. M.
Miller mid 1''. Kettle, oj l.ebaiioii, I. inn county,
nil of revolt.
Any nnd nil pernonn ehihiilng ndvernely the
iibovc-dcwrlbed lauds re reiUeted to file their
claims in thin oilier on or before wild SOth dny
of Oeloher, IMlil.
T. J. AI'I'EnsON, llenlnler.
Timber Land Act.Iune 3, 1878.
notick von rrm.icATioN. .
I'liilcd States Jiitnti Otliee,
Orepon Cit y, Cregou, A up. 6, 1SH0 j
Notieeis hereby pi von that in com
I'linnee with the provisions i( the net
of Conpress of June 1), 1H78, entitled
"An act for the snlo of timber lands
in the stales of Call torn la, Oregon, Ne
vada and Washinpton Territory,"
James T, Murphy, of Sidney, County
of Kitsap, Territory of Washinpton,
lias this day tiled in this ofllco his
sworn statement No. 1S."9, for the pur
chase of the ne of flection No. J24, in
Township No. 12 south, fianpe No. 2
east, and will oiler proof to show that
the land soiipht is more valuable for
Its timber orstone than for uprleulturnl
purposes, and to establish his claim to
said land before tho Jiepister and He
eeiver of this ofliee at Oretron City,
Orepon, ou Wednesday the 80th day of
October ,1880.
He names as witnesses: J. Christy,
. F. Thomas, C. F. Stone nod A. IMf
er nil of Sidney, Kitsap County, V. T.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-tieserilied lands arc
requested to tile their claims in this of
lleo on or before said !l(Hh day of Octo
be r, im). J. T. AlTEKHOX, liegister,
Aujf.U lOw
. Tifflbsr Land, Aet June 3, 1878.
Vnlted Sliitcn Ijind Ofllco, 1
Ori'KOti City, Oreiion, Aunrunt 2, )
VOTICF. U hereby Riven tlmt lu oinpllfiico with
i-' thcprovlnliinM of tho net Of Conjrrenn of June 9,
I7H, entitled "An net Tor the mile of llinlwj Inndn
In the Stulcnof Cnlifornlii, Ore;fn, Neviidn nnd
Wiudilnphm Tcnitory," A. I!. Cyrun.of Ulinnon,
County of I.lnti, Pint of Orison, hits thin day filed
In tnin olliec hln ntvoru nlntmncut No, 1342, for the
purchunc of the H. U. of Section No. 21, In Town
nhlp No. Vi South, Itiint'e No. I Iliint, nnd will offer
proof to khotv tlmt the- hind noiifrht In nioro valua
ble for I In llinbcror Mono than for nfrrfoulturul
plirnifen, end torntabllnh hln clnlmto mild laud
licforo (he llwinternnd Ilecclvcr of thin oilier ut
OreRon City, OniRon, on Tucndny, the 21Uh dnv of
October, WO.
He iiiimeii nn wlttnc.ffCK' 0. Tluhl, W. II' Heed,
J. W, Ilihop nnd Tl. llnuttnrd, all of Ixjonnou,
l.lnn Couiily, Oretron.
Any anil nil pcrnonn chilmlnjr advemely the
nhovt'-denciibed lundn nrc requentcd to tlio their
cliilmn in thin olUcc ou or before wild 29lh day of
October, mt.
J. T. AI'I'IHiSON, licRlntcr.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
tlSI'I K STATI-X I.ANfl f)tTlf:K. )
Oregon City, OreRon, AiiRiint 2nd lS'O )
Notice U hereby pi von that In compliance with
the provision of the net of conprenn of June S,
1 S7 n, entitled "An net for the Kale of timber lundn
In the States of Ciilllonilii, Oregon, Nevudn and
Wut-hlupton Territory," John W. Bishop, of Iba
non County of Mini, Stnto of Orepon, hnn thin duy
tiled In thin ofliee hln nworn ntntcnient No. 1.114,
for the purchase of the S. W' M of faction No. 21,
in Totvnnhlp No. 12 South, Ilunpc No. 1 Kant, and
will oiler proof to nhotv tlml the lund noujht in
more valuable for lu timber or ntone than fur
iiprlcullunil purponen, and to entabllsh his claim
tonuld land before the llcplnu? and Receiver of
thin ofliee ut Orepon ('Ity, Oregon, on Tuesday, tho
iiuh duy or October.
lie iiuincn nn witiie.'.-cn: 0. ISuhl, Vi. II. Heed,
II. Ilitusard nnd A. K. Cyrun, nil of Lebanon, Linn
(.'oiinly, OreRon.
Any und ull pcrnonn clulmlnp advemdy the
nliove-dei-erllied luc.dn nre reiiiested to tile their
chilmn in this olhce on or before tu id 2!h day of
Oetolicr, ISSl).
J. T. AITKIiSON, RcpNer.
Orepon City, Orepon, Autusl 2nd, WX )
NOTK'K in her .'by plven that In coinpliuiice with
the provisions of the net of Conprenn of June 3,
l-'v. entitled "An net for the mile of timber lundn
in the Staienof Culiforn iu, Orrpnn, Nevada, and
Wuthinpton Territory," Arthur Davis of Winlock,
County of Ix'tvin, Territory of Wuvhinirlon, has
this duy liled In thin ofliee his nworn nli'teiuctit
No. HHI, lor tlie purchase of the S. 15. of Section
No. I, In Tinytishvp No IH South, Umipe No. 2
und will oiler proof to nhotv that lite hind soupht
Isr.iore vuliluble Sir Us limber or stone than for
up: leullural purpusen, und toe.-ilalillsh bin claim to
wild land before the Kejristcr und Receiver of tlii-i
ollicj Ht On-poll City, Orepon, on Tuesday, the 2!Ub
dny of October, lSJi'.'.
He tiaii'.cs a w ilr.eises: J. II. Jl'dlery. J. Slnn
lcy. 0. M. -imavl nnd A. S. Fenn, all of Seattle,
Kinp County. W. T,
Any nnd u!l ih'Mhh ehiitiilup nd,torsc!y the
nbuve deM'ribed lundn nre rcijiiesied to lile their
chiiiusiii this otliee on or before nuid 29th duy of
October, ISSU.
J. T. Al'ITISSON, Itepister.
TimberLand, Act June 3,1878 .
th-epjn Clly, O.'t-im, Aupust 1st, 1W.
VOTICE In hereby plven tied in compliance w ith
l the provisions of the net of Coupfe of June 8,
1S7K, entitled "An act for the mile of timber huuln
In the States of California, Orepon, Nevada und
Washington Terrllory," John tstutilcy, of Pcuttlv
County of Kin?, Territory of Washinpton, has thin
ilay liled In this ol'.ico hl.-i ntvoru ntutement No. 1X1.)
for the purchase of tlio N. K. i of Section No. 4.
lu Township No. 13 South, Kanpe No. 2 Kast.imd
will offer proof to show that the land Honpht i
more valuable for its timber or .Hone than for iipri
euliimil purposes, und to establish his claim to
said land before the Itepister and Receiver of this
ofliee at Orepon Cltv, Orepon, on Tuesday, t he 2!th
dny of October, 1K'J.
lie nnmen its witnesses: A, Iuvin, J. II. Ma'Ury,
I), b'hatv and 0. M. Smart, all of Scuttle, Kinp
County, W. T.
Any and nil person elaitnlnp iidversely the
nbove-de.M'.ribed lands an. requested to tile their
claims in thi.iollice on or before suid 2Wli day of
October, 1SSJ.
J.T. Al'I'KUSON, Itepister.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
rNiTrnHTiTF." Land oppick,
Orepon City, Urepon, Aupust 2nd 1-S80,
VOTICK in hereby plven that lu compliance with
tne provMon of the act of Conpress of June 3.
1873, entitled "An act for tlic stile of timber lands
In the States of California, Orepon, Nevada, and
Washinpton Tcnitory,'' Abrniu 8. Fobs, of Scuttle
County of Kinp, Territory of Wasliinpton, linx'this
duy tiled in thlsollice hlsstvorn statement N'ol33St
for the purchase of the N. )i uf y. K. 14 & S of N.
K. 14 0 Section No. C, in Township No. 13 South
lliuipe No. 2 Fast, nnd will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
atone than for agricultural )mrKiscn, and to estuh
lish Ids claim to said laud before the Repister and
Receiver of this otliee at Orepon City, Oregon, ou
Tuesday, the atlth dny of October, 1SS).
He names as witnesses: CI. II. Smart, J. Stanley
I). Shaw, and J. II. Mallery, ull of Seattle, Kinp
County, W. T,
Any and nil person claim hip ndvernely the uliove
dos(!rlbed lands are iviiiented to lile their duliim
In this ofliee on or before suld 2tith duy tl October
J. T. Al'l'EKSON, Repiskr.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Vnitkd Status Lank Oitick, )
orepon City, Orepon, Aupust 2, W).
NOTICK Is hereby plven that Incompliance with
the provisions of the net of Coiiricss of June 3,
17S, entitled "An act for the side of timber lands
lu the StaloH of California, Oregon, Jievftdiii uud
Wwilihiplon terrllory," Ocorpe M. Smart, of
Heattle, County o( Kinp, Territory of Washington,
hnn thin duy (lied In thin oflleo bin nworn ntale
ment No. I;;:i7, for tho purchase of the K of i W
X J S ! "f K X f Section No. , In Township
No. 13 Soulh, Rutipe No. 2 Kant, nnd will ofier
proof to show Unit the land In morn valuable for
lit timber or tiio than for aprlcullurnl purpusen,
and to establish hln claim to said hind before the
Repister and Receiver of thwofllccat Orcyon city,
Orepon, tm Tuesday, the 2lh (Jay of October, lnsn.
He nitm an wltnenn; J. Stanley, I). Shaw, A. S.
Fean and (!. A. Ronnctt, all of hcattln, Klup coun
ty, W. T.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
nbovc dcscrllicd lands are requested to rile their
claJnit In Ihln olneo on or before maid 29th luy of
OctolK-r, 1W0,
J. T. Al'I'KUSON, Repister.
Timber Land, Act Jane 3, i878
T'liltcdSUiten Lnart Office, t
Orepon City, orepon, Aup. 2, )
V()TI( 'li tn henby plven tiiat In compliance with
A ' the provisions of the act of Congress ofjJune 3,
1H78, entitled "An act for the nale of tlmlier lands
In thcKlaten of (California, Orepon, Novuda and
Washington Tcnitory," 0. li. Hansard, of Leba
non, County af Linn, Slate of Oregon, han thin day
liled In thin ofliee hln sworn ntatcmentfo, 1545,
for the iturclianc of the N, W. X of Section No. 21,
In Township No. 12 South, Range No. 1 East, and
will offer pnmf to show that the land nought Is
more vuluable for its timber or ntone thmi for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to nam land bcroro tho Register and Receiver of
thin olhce at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuemluyi
the'JWh duy of Oetolicr, lssu.
He nainenan wltnessen. J. W. Ulshon. A. I!.
Cyrun, . Ituhl and W. H. Reed, all of U'banon
Linn County, Oregon.
Any Mid all riernoin clalmlmr adversely thn
alovc-(lc(KTibed lauds are requested to lile their
claim in Ihln office on orbeforo raid 2Jthduv of
October 18"a.
J. T. AITEnsox, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3,1878.
I nitpd States ljnd Oftlce. )
Orepon City Or., Aug. S, m . )
VOTICK Is hereby piven that incompliance with
' the iirovislon of the uct of ConirresH of June S,
1S7H, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lunds
In the States of California, Orepon, Nevada and
Washinpton Territory," I. F. Settle, of Lebanon.
county of Linn, Ptute of Orepon, has thin dny
filed In his omec his sworn statement Xo. 13Ti5, for
the purchase of the . Y3 of . W. X X "f s-
I.. yt or Section No. 12, in Township No. 12 South,
RanpeKo.l East, and will offer nroof to nbom
that the land soupht is more valuable for lis tim
ber or stone than for apriculturul mirnos,. and to
establish hlselutin to said lund la'lore th Register
and Receiver of this ofliee, at Orepon City, Or., on
Wednesday, the UJth day of October, WX
He nnrnes as witncKses; V. M. Miller. (J. lluhl.
J. M. Tnylor and ;R, l-inley, all of Linn County,
Any und all ltcrsonn claiming atlverselv the
ubove-d escribed lundn arc rcijucnted to file their
claims i:i thin otliee ou or before suid 30th dny of
Octoli-r, lsvj.
J. T. APITRXOX. Repister.
Timl icr Land, Act June 3, 1.878
I'liited States Land Ofliee. )
Orepon City, or., A up. 11, IM. )
.Vol lee is hereby plven that In compliance w iih
the provisions of the act of Coupresa of June II
187S, entitled "An act for the sule of thiilicr lands
In thcStnlen of California, Orepou. Nevada nnd
Washinpton Territory," Georpe ltuhl. of Lcbattou,
county of Llun, State of Orepon, ban thin day
filed lu this onice his swum Mulcuicnt No. l'J.12,
for the purchase of the S. K. Section No. 20,
In Towi ship No. 12 South, Ruiipe No. 1 East, and
will offer pnxif to thow that the land soupht is
wore valuable for Itj timl?r or stone than for up.
rlculturitl purine's, and to cstubllsh bin claim to
suld land before the Repister ond Receiver of thin
ofliee, at Orepon City, Or., on Wednesday, the
20th dny or October, .
He names us w itnesses' A. R. Cyrus, H. Ilan
sunl, J. M. Taylor und W. W. Mocker, ull of liba
tion, l.lnn ("juuty, Orepon.
Any und u'd rsona eluimlnp adversely the I
uhove-descrlln-d hinds nre. reitiestcd to tile their i
claims in this ofliee on or bclore said tmth duy of j
Oeloher, lt.t.
J. T. API'I'JtSON. Repister.
Want First-Class Goods
At lower rates tlian ever offered before in Albany. So, i.'
you are looking for bargains you need not
Any further, but come into nr
store and vou will be sure to I
pleased. It is to your own i
terest, so come.
.Albany, - - - Oregv
Timber, Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United Stntos Lund Office, 1
Oregon City Or., Aiitf. 3, 18ftf).
Notice l hereby given tlmt in eoui
lilitmee with tht'iiPoviHioii of the net of
CongreHS of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
net for tho wile of timher JhiuIh in thi
HtuteH of't'nlifornia, Oregon, Nevada,
and Wnahliijito.i Territory," Jumes M
Tnylor, of Iiclwnoii, County of Llun,
Htnteof Orciroii, liiiB tliis day filed jn
thin office IiIh xwor'i stntonientJ-ro. I 'M!)
for the jHTt liMse f tlic N. K. of Bee
(ion No. 20, In Township No. 12 Houll),
IUnr, No. 1 Knot, and will oiler proof
to show that tho lund bought la lnoro
valuable for itn timber or stone thmi
for agricultural purpose, nnd to iwtnli
lish hiH cluiiu to said land before tho
Register and litHMtivcr of this ofik'c at
Oregon City, Oregon, on WednewJuy,
the SOth duy of October 1880,
Ho mimes n wltneRscH; W. W.
Blocker, (eo. Ihihl, A. It. Cyrut nml
15. llanmird, all of Lebanon, Linn
County, Oregon.
Any and ail peraonfl claiming ad
versely the ubove-tlwribed land.3 nre
requested to file their claims in thin
nftlco on or before wild 30tU dny of
October, 1889.
J. T. A PPE RSON, Pa-gisicr.
Timber Jand Act June .' 1878
United Ktatea Land Office, )
Oregon City, Or. Aug. 8, lrib!).
Notice Is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisiionn of the net
of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the tale of tinnier lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Neva
da, and Washington Territory," Whit
field Ii. Van wart, of Seattle, County of
King, Territory of Washington hu.8
this day filed in this oilke his pworn
statement No. 1380, for the purchase of
the S. K. of Section No. 20 In Town-
snip o. tanouin, itange ro. . ivtsc,
iiii.i n lit VUVI ivn,i ly nnuff ll.Ki
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone tlian for agriculture
purpose, and to establish his claims to
said land Itefore the Kegister and Re
ceiver of thisolhec ntOei'on City Oi.
on Tuesday the Cth day of November,
He names as witness: A. Bolton, 1
Thorwaldson, N. Peterson, and N. "ii.
Allen, all of Seattle, King County,
Washington Terrtory.
Any and all person claiming adver
sely the above-descri bed lands are re
quested to file their claims in this office
on or before said .rth dav of November,
1SS0. J. T. APl'KItSON, Register. -
Timber Land, Act June 3,1878.
United States Land OLMec,
Oregon City, Or., Aug. 8, l&SO.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the aet
of Congress of June 3, 1S78, untitled,
"An act for the sale of timber lands in
the Suites of California, Oregon, Ne"a
da, and Washington Territory," Norris
15. Allen, of Seattle, County of King,
Territory of Washington, hast hi day
filed in this otliee ills sworn statement
No- l."J77, for the purchase of the S. W.
of Section No. .'i0, in township Nu. 12
south, ltange No. 2 east, and will oiler
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable fur its timber or atone
than for agricultural purpose, and to
establish his claim to said land before
tlio Register and Receiver of thte ol'lico
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday,
the ft h day of November, WJ.
1 T - t.- A TA1..
ill: il,llllt.n no n n iivfv, ... j.ivi,
E. Thorwaldson, W. H. Va iwnrt and
N. Peterson, all of Seattle, King coun
ty, Washington Territory.
'Any and all persons claiming ad-
verse'ly the above-described lands nn.:
requested to file their claims in ihi-4 of
fice on or before tiie said .'h day of No
vember, lSSfl. . -
J. T. Apperson, Hegistf r.