The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 30, 1889, Image 4

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1 i
Horrible Railroad Aooldent Laying the
Coiner Stone Killed With a Beer
Glass Skipped to Canada
Arrested for Bigamy.
Wlioopup U the name of a Dakota town.
Washington, D. C, wants a big hotel.
Wymore, Neb., Iakirapay30 tax dally.
Minneapolis haa an Industrial Ex-
chancre. (
Alabama reports an "immense" corn
crop in sight.
The next Scotch-Irish Congress will
meet at Pittsburg.
A Pennvslvania colony wants to settle
near aloulton, Ala.
The wheat Yield in the Northwest is
beyond expectations.
A free bridge over the Savanah at An
guata, Ga., is talked of .
A Denver paiwr has been fined J300
for cri'icizing the court.
There were 218 deaths in Boston in the
week ending August 10.
Ex-Oonzresman William Milnes, of
Virginia, died on the loth.
New York's Mayor has resumed his
war on the over-head wires.
The Foresters will hold their next an
nual convention at Brooklyn.
New York Republicans will hold their
btate Convention beptember iota.
George Slater, a newspaper man, well
known at New York, died on the 10th.
The Indian Commissioners will soon
begin negotiations with the Chickasaws.
Cleveland is to have the best cable
road. It will make eleven miles per
A woman of Trenton, Kan., ized and
held four of her neighbor's children for
William Walter Phelps was the guest
of Secretary Blaine at Bar Harbor last
Elias Loomis, L.L.D., professor of na
tural philosophy and astronomy at Yale,
is dead.
The winnings of Ilaggin's stable to
date at New York are reported to be
Louis Demarest and Sumner Miller
were hanged at Lake Charles, La., on
the 16th.
The gun-boat Petrel lias made satisfac
tory trials and the tine will probably be
A gun, capable of discharging 1000
balls per minute have "been invented by
an Indiana nun.
William Heflling, the leader of a des
perate band of counterfeiters in Arkansas,
has been captured.
There is a proposition to make chiefs
of divisions subject to the operations of
the Civil Service law.
In a distance of Beven miles from
Pueblo, Col., seven bridges were carried
away by floods recently.
Professor Barrett, City Electrician of
Chicago, says that city will soon be the
best lighted in the world.
Three men were fatally and two ser
iously injured by falling walls at Fort
Wayne, Ind., on the 19th.
The republicans speak confidently of
electing the uccessor to Gay, deceased
Congressman ironi Louisiana.
A forty lutind prize fight between two
cadets, took place at West Point, N. Y.,
on the 2i'd, and ended in a draw.
It is understood that the friends of the
Atchison are ready to advance the money
to see it through its present difficulty.
Post Quartermaster-Sergeant Thomas
Griflin, now at Benicia Arsenal, Califor
nia, has been placed on the retired list.
Kate Baum, 16 years old, who myster
iously disappeared from Lebanon, 111.,
has been found in a hospital in St. Louis.
The West Virginia election investiga
tion has shown a singularly fair contest.
No genuine frauds have been discovered.
At Indianapolis on the 22d, President
Harrison received a large number of call
ers in the parlors of the Denison Hotel.
Mahone, it is believed, will accept ths
nomination for Govern or of Virginia, and
the administration will give him its sup
port, The Constitutional Convention at BiS'
marek, N. D., has indorsed the proiKwi-
tion to hold a world's fair in 181)2 in Chi
The Brazilian envoys to the Congress
of American States, to meet in Washing
ton next October, have arrived in New
Howe and James Pullen, under arrest
at Liberty, Mo., charged with the Wabash
train robbery, have practically established
an alibi.
The Kansas City Council has passed a
law iaising huckster's license to $."0.
Ihe grocers worked this through to kill
the business.
J. Frank Collom, the alleged forger of
$227,000 worth of notes, was released
from the Minneapolis jail on the loth,
on $100,000 bail.
Henry Terlan, a prominent young man
at Covington, Ky was killed by a blow
from a leer glass in the hands of a
woman at a dance-house.
The Newport cottagers, in their fight
against the street railway there, set up
the claim in their bill of equity tliat they
own to the middle ov the street.
Will Bend a RepresentativePassengers
Made Prisoners of War-Will
Marry a Prlnoe.
Artist Bolieman died at London.
London contains 1)0,000 paupers.
The Archbishop of Bordeaux is dead.
The American man-of-war Swatara is
at Zanzibar.
Max Strokosch has again been stricken
with paralysis.
At the Paris Exposition a casting
weighs ten tons.
The cost of Princess Louise's trous
seau was 4000.
The English potato crop is in danger of
being a poor one.
All Russian students are to le ex
pelled from Berlin.
Four son of the King of Siam are being
educated in England.
Dr. Carver's Wild West in Berln is
said to bo doing very well.
Ireland has a prospect cf the most
abundant harvests in years.
Greece has her cuirent crop, just as
New Jersey has her peach crop.
Pigeon-flying is grow ing to be an ab
sorbing amusement in England.
A Paris exhibition stage beauty is go
ing to enter the harem of a Turk.
After many years' neglect the English
now begin to appreciate tomatoes.
It is announced that the Paris Exposi
tion has more than paid expenses.
Mrs. Maybricks sentence has been
commuted to penal servitude for life.
A few Sundays ago the young Earl of
Dudley lost foO.OOO at cards in Paris.
The capital stock of the English brew
ery syndicate is said to be 1 100,000,000.
The English government will not in
troduce a new Tithes bill in Parliament.
A white kangaroo, the first ever known,
is on exhibition at the London Aquarium.
The first draft of Po's "The Bells,"
was lately sold in London for nearly f SO.
Admiral Kiniberly will reach San Fran
cisco on the steamer Honolulu next
Monsignor Fava, Bishop of Grenoble,
has accepted the Patriarchial See of Jer
usalem. The prize for short-hand writing at the
Vienna competition was taken by a
A Belfast firm has just made a vessel
582 feet long, 100 feet less than the Great
Crop reiwrts from Austria-Hungary,
indicate about three-fourths of the aver
age yield.
It is predicted the Conservatives will
carry the next elections in the Canadian
A Swedish butter extractor delivera
butter from fresh milk at the rate of a
pound a minute.
King Humbert has appointed Inventor
Edison a Grand Otlicer of the Order of
the Crown of Italy.
Kate Rorke, one of London's most
prominent actresses, married E. W.
Gardner on August Hth.
A Miss Dahl has passed the pliarma
ceutical examinations and will be first
pharmacist in Norway.
A Congress at Poeen, Germany, repre
senting 20,000 barbers, has declared
against Sunday shaving.
While a steamer was making a trial
trip at Shanghai, last week, tier boiler ex
ploded, killing thirty men.
Italy will probably not he represented
officially at the Monetary Congress,
which is to assemble at Paris.
At Lyons and other French cities the
cars are run by compressed air. They
cover eight to ten miles per hour.
Bismarck is endeavoring to persuade
Spain to enter the quadrouple alliance in
order to render to France power less.
London has a child barber, a girl 4
years old, who Bhaves five men in thirty
minutes. She is a wonderful little
It is estimated that the Paris exposi
tion this year has caused nearly floO,
000,000 of American money to be dropped
in Luroie.
Russia's finance appear to be in com
petent hands. For the first time in years
the reports show a balance in favor of the
During a public concert at Rome, last
week, a bomb was exploded near the
Austrian Embassy, and eight persons
were injured.
Fifty-two new war-ships are being built
in Great Britain additional preparations
for the maintenance of international
peace, oi course.
A dynamite cartridge exploded last
week in a coal mine at Gonon, Hungary.
Five persons were killed and a number
of others injured.
A wooden doll with jointed arms and
legs was found in a sarcophagus, con
taining the skeleton of a young girl, lately
unearthed in Rome.
The betrothal is announced at Berlin
of the Duke of Nassau to PrincefH Mar
garet, the youngest sister of Emperor
William of Germany.
The Pope has decided to send a repre
sentative of the Holy See to Washington
in November to attend the dedication of
the Catholic University.
The. Earl of Fife declines to permit bis
wife, Princess Louise of Wales, to ac
cept any share of the Parliamentary
grant to the royaliamily,
The Press Aaaociatton Another Stage
Hold Up Awarded Damagea A
Railroad From Portland to
Port Townsond.
Ogden is stampeding the gamblers.
A large whale haa been killed iu Mon
terey Bay.
The salmon run in AlasKii has mn
very successful.
Building associations are becoming
popular in Oregon.
A 30,0)0 hotel is to bo built at Han
ford, Tulare county.
A paper-mill is to be started at Toledo,
Lewis county, W. T.
The PostolHce at Rufus, Wasco county,
Or., has been burned.
The National Grange will meet at Sac
ramento November 18.
The Salvation Army has Invaded the
sacted presincts of Olympia.
Santa Ana, Cal., is thoroughly arouxed
over the beet sugar question.
Auburn, Flaeer county, is becoming
prominent as a snipping point.
O. E. Hunt, of Point Areua, Cal., has
been appointed a military cadet.
Forest tires destroyed .100 stands of
bees for Mrs. Riche, neur Colton.
San Luis Obispo county gives 4 cents
for each scalp of a ground squirrel,
Petroleum in large quantities has been
discovered in the State of Chiapas,
Helena, M. T., arrested and locked up
the Salvation Army, twenty strong., last
A Drush fire near the railroad depot ut
Olympia, on the 22d, created quite a
Imanuel Poor of Madera, is lielieved lo
have perished on the alkali flats while
The Revenue Cutter Rush seized thj
American schooner James G. rwan on
July 30th.
The Nevada State Board of Education
has ordered Greek and Latin studies to
be abandoned.
An English company contemplates
building extensive iron works near El
lensburg, W. T.
Latah county, Idaho, boasts of a gen
uine ice mine, wtth veins from one lo
four inches thick.
Karl Jerner, aged 4r) years, a tinner
from California, committed suicide at
Seattle last week.
Judge Pierce, who was shot at San
Diego by a dissatisfied litigant, is pro
nounced out of danger.
The third annual meeting of the Waah
ingtonTerritort Press Association was
held in Tacoma recently.
There is some talk of giving Joseph
Roda, a cruel wife-bear at Grass Valley,
a doe of tar and feathers.
An infuriated cow pierced with her
horns and tore the thigh of Mr. Wagoner,
i living near i resno, last week.
Abner Lee, near Woodland, had both
of his legs cut off by the cylinder of a
threshing machine last week.
Promising silver formations have been
found within four miles of Ogden, and
much excitement has followed.
An investigation of the proper authori
ties shows that Santa Rosa is entitled to
a carrier postal delivery system.
John Roland was shot by Timothy
Flanagan at Caliente, Cal., on the 20th.
Roland will die from his wounds.
A bridge is to be constructed across the
Columbia river near Vancouver, by a
company with a capital of $2,000,000.
Joshua Brown, a pioneer of Oregon,
died near Independence, Or., last week.
He leaves an estate valued at $100,000.
The stage between Canon City, Or.,
and Baker City was held up last week
and the entire mail captured and rifled.
The Constitutional Convention which
has been in session at Olympia for forty
two days, adjourned Bine die on the 22d.
A sailor was awarded $1,500 damages
against Captain Moore of the bark Citv
of Carlisle by Judge Sabin, at Portland,
on the 20th.
Mining operations of Americans in
Lower California are checked because of
the heavy duties exacted by the Mexican
Lieutenant Governor H. C. Davis, of
Nevada, fell dead in his garden on the
22d of heart disease. His family is visit
ing in the East.
The company building the railroad
from Bellingham Bay to the Columbia
river has largely increased its capital. It
is now $0,000,000.
In a collision on the Short Lino be
tween two freights near Meacham station,
on the 23d, Fireman Frank McConnell
was instantly killed.
Manfred Paine, the noted desperado of
Douglas county, W. T., who murdered
Constable Jack Hubbard three years ago,
was captured on the 23d.
Addison Darr hanged himself at Mo
Minnville, Or., on the 18th. He was an
old resident and ah aid that he would be
come a burden to his f fiends.
Alice, the 18-year-old daughter of Ed
ward Quintby, was attacked by bees on
her father's ranch, near- Cucamonga, on
the 22d and was nearly killed.
The Senate Committee on Arid Lands
reached Winnemucca on the il2d, and
were warmly welcomed. Senators Stew
art and Reagan delivered addresses.
A searching party hits boon organized
to unearth Confederate guns said to have
been burled in Now Mexico during the
retreat of General Sibloy's army of Tex
ana. Ed Smith, a stable employe at Port
land, was thrown from the third Btory of
a building, to the ground by a rival in
love all'uirs. Both urniB and one leg
were fractured. .
The hop crop of Oregon and Washing
ton will be only ubout two-thirds, but
good quality. Most of the pinking will
bo done by whites and Indians; but few
Chinese will bo employed.
Queen Victoria has sent Colonel Clour
and to Paris to preNont to Edison ono of
his phonograiihfl, into which she had
spoken, warmly congratulating the Amer
ican inventor.
The recent flood in Kansas was general
throughout the western part of the State.
Salt creek at Lincoln went over its banks
and over 000 cottages w ere submorged.
Elder William Spry, alius Franklin
Haymour, who bus lx'en working up the
Mormon converts in the Chattanooga,
Tenn., district, has been urrested on the
charge of bigamy.
William Jones, for twenty years a
truatod employe of I. H. Butler & Co.,
educational publishers at Philadelphia,
has disupHared. It is said he is $40,000
short iu his accounts.
The corner-stone of the Indianapolis
Soldiers' and Suilors' Monument w8
laid on the 22d iust. with imposing cere
monies in the presence of the President
of the United States.
A horrible wreck occurred alwut twenty
miles from Knoxville, Tenn., on the
Knoxvillo, Cumberland Gap & Louisville
railroad, at Flat (hip creek, in which
three were killed and forty more or less
A corporation with $.'),000,000 capital
has leen formed at Portland to construct
anil equip a railroad and telegraph lino
from Portland to Seattle, W. T., with
several branch lines, one of which is to
extend to Gray's Harbor and another to
Port TowiiHond.
It is gravely announced iu the dis
patches from the English fleet that it has
captured the White Star steamer Ger
manic and the American liner British
Prncess and made their passengers pris
oners of war. This is part of the mimic
warfare indulged in by the English fleet
which went to sea ufter the review of
Emperor William.
James Spencer, of Parke county, lnd.,
had his face accidentally bruised by the
head of a horse afflicted with glunders.
The disease was thus commiinKatcd to
Spencer and he died in three weeks,
Buttering meanwhile greatly from inlla
mation end sores.
UsriTKD Htatm Land Orrtcii, Oiucook Citv, ()m.
Aogllat 21, IvfJ.
ll compliance Willi tin- tirnvlaloiis nf thu act
of congress of June S, IH7, entitled "nil net fur
lilt- (HIM of tlmlH-r IhiiiIm In (lie Htatcs ill Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada ami Washington Terri
of PrrtUud, county of Mllltnoinnli, HlHfc of Ore
KOii, bat tills liny Hied In till oltlec lili
sworu statement No. III!), fur the purchase
of tin- n1, of w1. ami n4 of of section No.
i. In township No. 12 south, runue No. 1 east,
mill will oiler proof lo show that the Imiii
sought In more valuable for II tlmlwr or stone
tliun for airrli'iiltiiml purposes, mill to establish
bin claim to Mill luud before the ltegister and
Kecelver of tills ofln-eat Oregon City, OreKou,
on Wednesday, III" I3tli day of November, 1WJ.
Hi) tinmen an witnesses: (i. H, dull', I, ..
Traill, of Portland, Multnomah county: II.
Drown, (.'. lMickeraou, of Lebanon, I.iiin county,
all of Oreirnu.
Any nml all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are rciUeatetl to Hie their
cln I in b In thin otliet! on or before said i;)lli ilny
of November, Iiwj.
J, T. AI'I'KKHON, Keglltcr.
I'MTKb Htatkh La Kii Orrt(;s, Oiikoon ('ity, Oh.
Amtuat 21, rt
Xl compllaiii e with the provUloiia of the act
of cougreaaof Juneij, 17, entitled "an act for
the Mle of timber liiuda In the blaleaof Callfor-
n In, Oregon, .NevHila and Waalilngtou Turl
.TR. oi' a)l,.!''Rr; .... ,
" L ,l',r::tV,',t:r.r '.',y.n,' .a"'!.
nf lacoma, conn
Inglou, haa thia day filed In thla olllee hla aworn
Inteiiieiit No. Mil, for the piirehaiie of the
aw J4 of ectlou No. 1), in Imvnahlp No, 12
outh, range No. 2 eaat and will oiler proof
to aliov thin the laud nought la more valuable
for Ita tiiulM.-r or atone than for agricultural pur
pose, am! to establish lilaclaliil to raid liiml be
fore the lleglster and Kecelvcr of thia olllee at
Ori-gnu City, Oregon, on Wvdueaday, the IMI)
day of November, IKW.
He tiamea aa wltneaiiea: J. A. Hrown, C. Hett
man, of Oregon Cily, Claekamaa county, Ore
goti; W. Wheeler, L. A. Wheeler, of Tatoma,
1'ierce county, W'aahliigtoii Territory.
Any and nil pi-raona claiuiing Mdveraelv the
alaive-denerllK'd lauda arc rii)Ueatcd to llle'tliclr
chilma in Ihlaofliceou or before auld luth day
of November, INK).
J. T. AI'I'KKHON, Ueglitce.
Unitko Htatm Lanpoffick, ohkiion Citv, Or.
AllKIIt21. IKH'I.
coliipllauee wltli the provlalona of the act
of cougn-aa of June a, 178, entitled "an et for
the aale of timber lauila lu the Htalea of Califor
nia, Oregon, Ncvuda and Washington Terri
tory," .
of Portland, county of Multnomah, Willi- of Ore
gon, haa thla day tiled ill thia olllee IiIm aworn
atak-ment No, 1421, for the purchaae of the awU
of aectioii No. 2il, iu townahlp No. 12 aoutii,
range No. 1 eat, and will oll'er proof to ahow
that the land nought ia more valuable for Ita
timber or atone than for agricultural purpoaes,
and to ealubliah hla claim to aalil bind before
the Register and Kevelver of thla olllee at Ore
gon City, Oregon, ou Wednemiay, the 13th dav
of November, iW.'.
He names aa witneaaea: If. Huxley, J. Kitch
en, H. II Irsohlleld, of Aatoriu, Clatmiji county;
K. Miiciiinber, of l'ortlmnl, Miiltuouiuli county,
all of Oregon.
Any and all peraona claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are reiiiealed to tile their
claims In this olllee ou or before nld Wth day
of November, 1M.
J. T. AI'I'KKHON, Register.
Unitko 8tati8 Lano Ok
'KICK, !
OltUONN ClTV, Ok, Anunat III. 18811. I
compliance with the provisions of the act
of Congreas of Juno .'), 1878, entitled "An act for
the snle of Umbei IhikIh in the State of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada, and WuHhingtlon Terri
of Vancouver, county of Clark o, Woalngton
Terrllory, hua lliia day filed in this (illicit hla
aworn statement No. UU8, lor the purohuae of
the eel of nectiou No. 0, iu township No. 12
houIIi, range No. it east, and will oll'er pi-oof to
show thai the land nought la more valuable for
tin timber oi iilomi than for (ifrrloultilrul jmr-
Eow, and to enl'ihlUh III oluim to aalil laud
(iforotlio KoKlHtxr and IMcelvur of thla olllne
i Oregon Uty, Oregon, on Monday, the nth
day of Novumoor, 1HW.
ilo nainoH km wltnuHHiMi: It. Oliiinillor. J,
MoPIihu, (',. L. Oriiy, K. C'ormaii, all of Vancou
ver, Cltirko county, WaihliiKdm Territory,
Anyuiiilull pumnngi pluliuliifr uilviiMiily the
ahove-iloaerlheil IuiiiIh are reqiiuatod to II lo tholr
cliilniH In thla ofllooon or botoro attld 11th tluv
of November, mi.
J. T.Al'PKItHON. UeulHter.
Ukitkii Htatkh Land Okpkuc, )
N,.. ... Okmhw OlTV, Aiiuintt III, IHMtt. f
oomiillanuo with Ihn iiroviHloim of the not
of Oiiirieai ol Juno 3, 1H78. entitled "An act for
thoiHlii of lliulw IhiiiIk In Ihn Hluton of Califor
nia, Orenon, Nevada and Wun'ilniUiu Terri
tory." ItOMAN 'A. OlIANDIiKlt.
of Vancouver, county of Clarke, WaahlnKtou
Territory, Ima thla tiny tiled In thla olllne hi
aworn Hlutuinunt No. l.W. for Hie iuruliaaoof
the nwj of Hfutlon No. 8. In totviwhlu No. VI
with. raiiK No. H east, and will oiler proof Ui
show that llio hunt aotufht U inure valuable, for
Its tiiubdi'or alono than for aKrloultiirul pur
noai) and tovatahllah Ida elalin to aiilil Itind
before the KoHlator mid receiver of tlila olllee
at Oregon City Oregon, on Moucay, the 11th
dav of November, lhll
lie iihiiiwhh wltnuMtea: W. 8. Henna, J. Bio
riiee. (-'. H. Oruy. T. Cornuui, nil of Vancouver.
Clurke county. Woahimrtoii Territory.
Anyuiidall pemoim claiming ailvi raoly the
ulMive ileacrlbod lamia am retUitud to (lie
tlinlr clHlma In thin olllee on or before auld 11th
duy of November. Iv.i.
J- T- AITKUBON-. Jteglntor.
lNtTKM status I.anoOkkick, I
OltlCtlON ( irY, OH Allgliat !K. MM9. f
compliance with the provlaionn of the act
of Coiwreaa of June S, 1878, eullllen "An not for
the wi'e of Umber land In the Htatraof ullfor- "
nla. Oregon, Nevada and Wellington Terri
nf Lynns, comity of Ionia, olale of Michigan,
haa thla day lln-d in thla ollli-e lilt aworn aUtt
menl No. IU. for the purcliMeof the Iota I and
tS, ( of ni of aei'tinii No. 4, in township No. I'.'
noudi, range No. 1 eaaf, and will otter proof to
ahow that the land aotiglu ia mom valuable for
Ita Umber or atone than fur airricullural iinr
piea, and to miablUh hla claim to aalil fund
before the Iteglaler and Iteeviverof thla olllee
at Oregon I 'It v. umgon, on or befoie Saturday,
the liilli day of November, iumi,
lie naiuea tut wllneaa.a: II. Vrooni and J.
H'nion. of Imitation. Linn county; (i. U. (lutraud
I,. l Traak of I'orlluuir .Muitiiomrh county, ull
of Oregon.
Any and all pernna claiming adveraely the
ahovo deaerlbert lundaare rciiiealed to tile their
clnlniHin thia oltli-e oti or be torn aalil Irtth day
of November, lutu.
J.T. Al'l'EHHON. Heglater.
I.'nitkp Static Lano Orrn.K, Okkudn Citv, Or.
Auumt is. ptyj,
ll coiuilianee will) the provlnlnii of the ael
of (-oiigri-M of June .1, eiillllvil -an act fur
the mle ol tluiinr IiiiuIk ill tin Hluti-a of Califor
nia, Oregon, Nevada ami Waihlugtnu Terri
tory," JOHN A. MiTHKK,
of Vancouver, county of i'larke, Territory of
W iinlilimtoii, him till day IIIimI iu tbh olllee bin
aworn aliileineut No. Ull, fur the purehnne of
-mr iiiee'jiii aw ami loittimiu 01 m-etlon o. li.
lu tnwiiiihlp 12 aouth, ramie 2 eat, nml will ol
rfer prnuf tu aliow that the hunt animht ia more
aliiable for Ita timber nrilmie than for agrl
eulturiil iurpuea, ami to etnbllh hla ehilm to
aald liiiul Ix'fom Ihe Iti-giati-r hiiiI Heceivcrof
thin otllee at On-gou Citv, Orvgnu, 1 ueailnv, the
Utli day of November, itMl.
He naiuea aa wllueanea: K. ',, Clinuilter, W.
L. Ueee, Kriink Cormaii, I) McKarliuie, all of
Vancouver, Clurke county, Waililugtou Terri
tory. Any and ull M-raniia clalinliig adveraely the
above deai rlU'il lauila are iviiuinted to tlle'thel'
elaliua Iu thla otlii e on or before ulil 121U duy
of Novciiiber, IHW.
J. T. AI'l'KKH'IN', Iteglatu..
AiimiKt iv, iw.
l compliance with the provlalnna of the act
of enngreaa of June if, i7, entitled "all act for
the aale of tlinla-r liiuda In tin- Hlnlea of Califor
nia, orcgou, Nevada end Nahlugtou Terri
of Vancouver, county of Clarke, Territory of
Waahliiutoil, baa thla day llleil Iu thla olltee hla
aworn alalemeiit No. 1112, for the purelinaeof
Ihe liej j of nwtloii No. 6, III township No. 12
aouth, ruiiKi' No. 2eaat, and will oiler proof to
ahow that the laud aougut la mure valuable for
lla tiiiila-r or atone tliun for axrli-nliural pur
poaea, and to ealahllah hla claim In aiuil luiid
(wfoa- the Iteglaler and lleeelver at thla olliee Ml
Oregon City, on-gou, oil Tuemluy, the 12lli ilnv
of Noveuila-r, Jiw.i.
He naiuea ua wltueaaea: V. K. ltine, John A.
Mel'hee, It. Chandler ami Krauk Coruian, all
of Vancouver, Clurkecouiily, Wanhlugtoii Tor-
oi Vancouver, cmrKecouiiiy, namuugtoii Tor-
Any and all )ieron cliilmlug adveraely the
i.ove.,ie-.erlU-.l bunli. are rc.,nele.l to II le their
cliilinn in thia ollii-e on or before auld I2th day
oi fioveiuocr, i.vw.
J. T. AI'I'KKHON, iteglatcr.
OniiiioN cii v, ok., Angiiat III. m. i
X i compliaiiue with the provisions of tho act
ofcoiigroan of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "an act for
the auie of timber IhiiiU iu the slalca if Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington terri
tory," ,
of Gales Creek, county of Whaahinglon. Htato
of Oregon, has thia day tiled lu this olllco his
aworn aluLeiiienl. No, 1311.). for the puruitaae of
the nj of.nwj and Hi of mil of section No. II,
in townahlp No. 12 south, range No, 1 eaat,
and will oll'er proof to show that the Und
Miniglit ia more valuubie for its timber or slono
than for ugrieulliirul purposes, and to eslub
lish his claim to said land before tho register
and receiver of this olllee at Oregon City, Ore
gon, on WednoHltty the liih dav of November,
He names as witnesses: L. L. Trask and 0.
H. Uot-tr, of i'ortlnud, Multiiomuli county. Or.;
O. Dudley and 11. Vrooin, of Lebuuuu, Linn
county, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described luiuls are itiiiesld to lllu
their cuiiuiH in this olllee on or beloi-e the suid
Utli day of November, J88U.
J. T. Ai'l'KHHON, Iteglstor-
Unitkii Statics Land Okkiok.)
Oukoon ClTV. Olt August 21 I8CU. (
compliance with the provisions of tho act
of Congress of Juno ?., 1878. entitled "An act
for the sale of limber lunils in the Stales of
California, Oregon, Nevada and W'attblnglou
of Astoria, county of Clatsop, slato of Oregon,
has this duy Hied in this olllee his sworn state
ment No. 1120, lor tho purchase of tho c4 or nei
aiidej of e of section No. ill, in township No.
12 south, range 1 east and will oll'er proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
lis timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish Ills cluiui to suid laud
before the Healster and Hw-elver of this olllee
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday tho Wlh
day of November, 1880.
Ho iiaiuesuj) witnesses: John Ouet.niun and
K. Mttciimber, of l'ortlniid. Multnomah coiintv:
J. Kiloheu and II, Hirschlield, of Astoria, Out
op, county, ull of Oregon. ,,
Any und ail pei-sons claim nur adversely tho
above-described lands are reuiieslcd to tile their
claims lu this olllee on or before said 13th day
of November 18811.
J. T. Ai'l'KlWON, UeirlBtor.