The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 30, 1889, Image 3

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I)r. linger left for Wim FnuielHeothiH
f Mr. Otiell, of California is vIhMmb in
on r town tills week.
What ubout tin; electric HfhtN?
"We liavo heard no more.
Ms, Ci'(imh, of Hi'owiihyIUc him moved
into IMr. E'!wurd'n limine.
Hon nicking I 11 the go now, near
ly every one v liot'iui gel off him gone
out to ilck.
it. I. Ileum went to JetlVvHon one
d y IhlM week to nee his mother, who
wiw (jiiile hick.
There Iiiih hceti quite a nnnilier of
J milium panning through town this
week to pick liojm.
yyir. Lutii (ililiert Iiiih accepted tt po
sition lti the hardware Htoro of Knnpp,
littircll t Co., of Alhivny,
Mrs. K. 11. Montague, wlio Iiiih been
visiting friend and relative here dur
ing tin.' week, returned lioniu ycnlcr"
Hoc Montiigues magnificent X'KW
Htoek of JUicUiiifjImin &, Jleelit's boots
and Hlioes muuufuelcd e.vprosnly lor
MirH Kfile Miller returned home
l:iKt WedncMtlay from I'ortland wliere
iilic litif been staying for the pant few
iTIio wareliouse is nearly full of grain
and the proHpeets are it will not hold
all the grain. It nl'l'him as though we
ne d aiioiher.
Kound trip tieketH will be Hold to
1'ortlaud and return Sept. ll to H, in
ehiHlve, on uc.iount of the nice at City
View l'urk.
itutr Jliatt, Jolin Bukrhiirt, (ieorge
Kulil and Morg Yhhoiii attended the
races at I.iigenc Saturday, returning
home. Monday morning.
Lust Saturday Mis. Ii. C. Miller was
called by u dispatch to the death led
of her sister Mrs. t'laggett, of Saleui,
Sin.' returned home on Monday.
Mtssis. J. (.'. Cilycti and Win. Uuv
returned the mountains with
their families. They caught many j
Ibih and report having iiad a pleasant
vacation. ,
The tjiietttioii of a water ditch i
greatly agitating the mind of our citi
zciiHiiglan. We hope that thin (pies
titiii will not drop agalu until we see
the water coiiiining.
Msrs J. A. and II, J. Singleton are
visiting in our town this week. They
wV they came for II. J. Singleton's
health but it looks as if ht hud mime
other object in view as well.
Vlr. (J. H. llucketi, of Wisconsin lias
rented the office above Mr. Haekle
luans tore, wliere lie Will locate a
dentist office. The Dr. has had years
experience as a dentist. I le is a brother-in-law
of 1 JSakeiiMto of Albany
Died, at her home in Salem, August
'22, Mrs. Charles C'laggett. Mrs. Clag
getl was well known in this county,
having many friends and relatives at
this place w ho deepiy regret her de
parture from thin life.
Mr. Dan Hhaw has accepted an ofl'er
to drive a team across the mountains
for a surveying party and will start
about Monday. They will lie gone as
long as tlie weather will permit, and
w ill spend most of their time in IRr
liey valley.
Our goods reach us direct from the
manufactory and every pair of our
liiiots and hIiocs are fully warranted.
Yv'hcn you need any boots or Hlioes look
over Montagues fine stock before buy
ing. Mr. I). Hickman returned from bis
mining claim at Hock Creek this week
and brought us several line specimens
of ore taken from his mine, which can
bo seen ut this office.
The council has employed P. S. Hit
ter to attend to the lamps and keep
tbein burning. They will be kept
burning until ten o'clock, when they
will be extinguished, tints giving those
opposed to them a better show.
Mru. II. K. I'arrish will open a res
taurant on next Monday next door to
Till': Exi'itKws ofllee, where she will
furnish meals at all hours at the custo
mary prices. The patronage of,h?r
frknds and of the general public Is
respectfully solicited.
Last Sunday morning the saw trull
of Jennings & Co. which is situated
on Hamilton creek, was dertroyed by
fire It Is supposed to be the work of un
incendiary. The loss will amount to
about $000, tho engine and boiler not
being damaged. There was no Inmir
The best job work Is done by the
Mr. Norman Smith is now clerking
for C. 11. Montague,
Dr. IHfcketthiw bought Prof. C. 8.
Hunt's property for 42").
Mrs. llilyeu has our thadks for a fine
mess of mountain trout.
Miss Allie Temple was in town this
week visiting friends.
Mr. Ritter him been appointed depu
ty marshal In the absenoo of City Mar
shal Cheshire,
The public examination of teachers
is in session at the court house, in Al
bany tills week. 1
Nick Zimmerman, who was hot by
Harney Wilson, lias sufficiently recov
ered to bo able to be out again.
Mr. T. C. pcoblor returned home
from Eugene yesterday wliere he had
been for the past few days.
Dr. L. Foley shipped from this place
this week over fMWO pounds of Cascara
Mugrada burk for San Francisco.
Mrs. Dullard, Mrs. Nacklenian and
Misses Florence and ffm Jialliud re
turned home from the mountain lust
''"Messrs Pcebler & P.ulil have bought
out a firm in Eugene wliere they M ill
move in side of the next thirty days,
we are very sorry to see this firm
Do not buy any eastern trash when
you can get those hplcndid Bucking
ham & Ilecht goods at Montague's
Mammoth store and also ut his One
Price Cusii Store.
An exchange says that a small pioee
of gum camphor burnt on a hot stove
two or three timws a day, will rid a
house of Hies and motuiuitoeH without
the use of screens, besides purifying
the air and making the building more
There lias been a wonderful discovery
made in Latham county, Idaho. At
an elevation of two thousand feet above
sea level on the homestead of George
Walker, attention wiih attracted by a
cold current ol air rushing from the
earth's surface. Beneath u moss bed,
throe or four inches deep, investigation
showed an ice vein four inches thick.
Further investigation disclosed alter
nate layers of ice und gravel. The dis
covery is puzzling to the people in that
neighborhood, and many think it is
the remains of wkat was once lurge
Haying tools at Cruson &,'s.
Men's shoes !K)c at Pcebler & Buhl's,
First -dans work at McClure's barber
Brand new tents at Cruson & Men-
Oct your nails at Cruson AMenzle's,
$:j 50 a keg.
(iarden tools at bed-rock prices at
Crtwon ec Menzies'.
Call on r.'rusoii & Menzies for screen
doors and wire screens.
Joe Harbin sets wagon or buggy tires
without dishing the wheels.
Dr. Frank It. Ballard, Physleiaw and
Surgeon. Office at residence.
Farmers can save nwncy by buying
their machiue oils of Beard & Holt.
If your buggy tires need settiug take
them to Joseph Harbin. Ho guaran
tees satisfaction.
One price and cash at the new cash
store, but everything sold cheap and
delivered to any part of the city.
The mammoth furniture establish
ment of Fortmlller & Irving is one of
the biggest things in Albany. They
will soon move into the large new Ma
sonic building where they will be
pleased to show their goods and give
prices that will simply defy all eomiie
titlon, Cruson & Menzies are prepared to fur
nish you with doors and windows
cheaper than unyone else in Lebanon.
If you want to ador;i your home,
make your wife happy and fed real
good yourself, Just go to Fortmlller &
Irving, of Albany, and make a selec
tion from their immense stock of furni
ture. All classes, styles and variety of
suites, or separate pieces. No trouble
o show goods come and see.
"Three days is a very short time in
which to cure a bad ease of rheuma
tism; but it can be done, if the proper
treatment is adopted, as will be seen by
the following, from James Lambert, of
New Brunswick, 111: "I was badly af
flicted with rheumatism in the hips
and legs, when I bought a bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It cured
me in three days. I am all right to
day; and would insist on every one
r ailllcted witli that terrible dis
ease, to use Chuinbcrhiin.s Pain Balm
ami get well at once." For pale by M.
A. Miller.
Mr. Percefull, wife and son, T. S.
Pillsbury, wife and on, and V. W.
Waters and party returned from the
Lower Soda springs on Saturday.
H. Jl. Moycr on Sunday left for the
During the past week Prior Smith,
Mr. Marquis, John Harrison and wife
and family, and Mr. Wilholt liavo ar
rived in Brownsville from Eastern
Itev. J. It. Kirkpntrlck on Sunday
Inst filled ills regular Sabbath appoint
ment at the C. P. church.
The slight rainfall of Tutusday night
was very beneficial, clearing the air of
moko and brightening up drooping
Pillslmry has just received one of the
most complete and beautifnl assort
ments of silverware, ever brought to
Brownsville, choice presents for birth
days, weddings, mementoes, etc.
Miss Laura Nance, of. Albany, Is
visiting Miss Lidtt Oalbraith, of this
J. M. Moycr and wife on Monday
left for the Findley soda springs.
On Monday Henry Wilhoit and fam
ly arrived from Prlnnville. They con
template settling in the valley.
O. P. Coshow & Son sold to S. It.
Percefull, in consideration of 175, the
vacant lot adjoining and east of the
livery stalile.
Mrs. M. E. Wilson during the past
week left for the eastern states, and
will visit relatives in Iowu, Minnesota
and Illinois.
Bert Cable and Frank Stanard re
turned from Coburg on Tuesday.
Distemper is very prevalent in this
section, great numbers of horses suflcr
ing from the copiplaint, but in a mild
H. J. C. Avrrill, who for a month
past has been visiting ids son in the
neighborhood of the Crotjuille river, is
expected borne this week.
Frank Jack lias commenced prepara
tions for hop picking at bis yard, fit
ting up the dryer and preparing for the
first of Septcmlier, when operations
will begin.
It. H. Curl and family returned from
a month's sojourn at the Belknap hot
aprings on Wednesday.
Dev. W. (i. Black, formerly of this
place, at. present located at Grants
Pass, arrived 1m town i n Thursday.
On Saturday there returned from
the Findley Soda Springs W. C. Coul
ey and wife and cli-ildren, Mrs. H. B.
Moycr and daughter, J. M. Moycr and
wife, Henry Bhtkley, wife and chil
dren, and Mrs. Joseph Bhtkley and
J)r. I. W. Starr, f Albany, on Tues
day visited Brownsville, returning
home on the following Friday.
Kobert Cochran, wife and family on
Thursday returned home from the
Kitson hot springs.
Lew Johnson's Black Baby Boy He
lloed Colored Minstrels will! give a
performance at Band Hull, Lebanon,
on Monday eve, Sept. 2. This compa
ny is without doubt the best am.' most
complete organization that ever appear
ed here 15 genuine colored artists of
recognized ability introducing negro
melodies and genuine plantation spec
ialties, including the renowned Black
Baby Boy quartette. The perform
ance, w idle being refined and strictly
moral, is of a character to leave the
audience in a roar of laughter and
applause. They will give a grand uni
form street parade, headed by tlio
distinguished drum major, Lew Hall.
They come unanimously endorsed by
the press and public, and we have no
doubt they will be able to sustain the
reputation they have gained elsewhere.
Sacramento Bee, Aug. 10: Lew
Johnson's colored minstrels opened
their engagement at the opera house
last night to a large and highly delight
ed audience, and merited the delight
that was manifested by freouent ap
plause and enthusiasm. The perform
ance kept the audience in a constant,
hilarious uproar of laughter.
Do not swear. There Is no occasion
for it outside of a printing office. It is
useful in proof-reading and indispensa
ble In getting forms to press, and also
has been known to assist in looking
over the paper after it is printed, but
otherwise it is a very disgusting habit.
Do not buy any eastern trash when
you can get thsc splendid Buckingham
& Heeht goods at Montague's Mam
moth store and also at his One Price
Cash Store. .
All panics knowing themselves in
debted to us will pleuse call and settle
by the Mb Sept. and save cost as we
are cleajng out our business.
Peebl.r & Buhl.
Is necessary to keep the. sole of our goods ; those who set ;uo
satisfied by sight and touch that they are, in all res
pects superior to competing lines. Our
stronghold is to get buyers to look
at our goods. Their own
judgment makes them purchase.
On prices is made by us. Wc don't put in all the price they
can carry on our goods, but right at the start make
the smallest prico possible. We point with
pride to our prices as phenomenal
in price, making for
their extreme reasonableness
(Joes with us. Good wine needs no blush. Honest trading
. needs no taffy. Ours is no soft soap establishment.
We don't talk customers into buying. We
don't have to. The goods talk
and the customers take
them on their own sound judg
ment, but remember to get our goods.
We Take the Stuff.
The theory of cure to which the
swunding title of "Christian Science"
has lecn given lias no especial relation
to the Christian religeon. The faith
cures, sa called, are generally admitted
to the effect of mind upon matter.
While there are discuses that do not
yield to the influence of mind there are
those which do. A fellow who thinks
himself sick is pretty certain to feel
U'tter when the hope is excited that a
certain remedy will restore him to
health. But a positive disease or dis
ability does uot yield to mental illusion.
From present information the benefits
resulting from the Brown-Scquard
treatment are on the faith-cure basis.
The patient is made to think that the
medicine will give him strength, and
the action of the mind on his body
really makes him feel better. The pa
tient who subjects himself to the
Brown-Sequard process and afterward
declares that lie feels better does not in
most cases intend to decievc. The
mind acting opon the body has given
him strength. This condition, how
ever, will not be long continued. Un
less there is positive merit in the treat
ment the ailments of the body will
assert themselves over any illusion
that may be created in the mind.
Dentil often comes while the patient is
in the full belief tint he is getting
We hear strange things from the
deep sea, but the strangest one is that
of the steamer Hawkhurst which sailed
300 miles in her last voyage to Brazil
with fire all the while smouldering in
her hold. Her cargo wis oil, tow and
tar. The crew very naturally wanted
to desert the ship but the captain in
the face of so much danger of a most
dreadful death kept his control over
the men alid kept them to the ship.
The ship landed at New York City,
July 22. Had they abandoned the
ship the probabilities are few if any
w ould have readied the shore. Ex.
All goods at cost at Feebler & Buhls.
Hop checks printed on short notice
and in the best style.
Mr. B. F. Bodwell has al out got his
store equipsed and ready to open.
The marshal is making considerable
improvement in the cross walks, which
Is much needed.
Bedrock prices, new goods and stan
dard brands at both the Mammoth and
Oae Price Cash Stores of C. B. Monta
tague. All parties knowing themselves
indebted to Swan Bros, will confer a
favor by calling and settling1 as they
are in need of their money.
Street cars began to run in Albany
last Monday for the first time. We
make our best bow to our enthusiastic
Timber Land, Act June 3,1878
United States Land Office,
Oregon City, Or. Aug. 3, I860 ' J
Notici; is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the net
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands in
tlie States of California, Oregon, Neva
da and Washington Territory," F. M.
Miller, of Lebanon, County of Linn,
State of Oregon, has this day filed in
this office his sworn statement No.
for the purchase of the N. E. of Sec
tion No. 12, in Township No. 12 South
Range No. 1 East, and will oiler proof
to show that the land sought is more,
valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish Ills claim to said land before the
Register and receiver of this office ut
Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday,
the aoth day of October. 1889.
He names as witnesses: 11. Finlev,
V. H. Iteed, I. F. Settle and A. Ii.
Cyrus, all of Lebanon, Linn County,
Any and nil persons claimimg ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 30th day of
October, 1880.
J. T. APPEBSON, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Un itel Stal e Lund O (''. )
OroRon City, Oivgim. August 8, 1339 )
AJotk'o Is lu-reby given that In I'oiupliiinco with
1 the iinirtKiuuit of the iul of Conjavm ot Jam; it.
1878, entitled "An act for the unle 01 timl; r
limil-s ni the Slates of C'ullforuiu, Onjon, Keviulii,
anil WBliiii(,'tuii Territory," Albert llolloii, of Sh
uttle, Comity of KilJB, 'territory of W ui-liiiinton,
liiia tlilstlav (Hed in this oflieo his sworn tute
iiient No. ;17, lor the luirehute of the S. W. 11 ( f
Section no. in Township no. V.' south, limine No
J east, and will oiler proof to show thut the. hind
sought is more valuable for It limherorsloii.' thn.
for agricultural purpose, and toostublih Lis claim
to mu land before the Kecister and liec?ier ci
this office ut Oregon, Citv Oregon, on Tuesday, the
Otli (lay ol November, 1889.
He names an wilnewa: N Peterson, E. Thur-.
wiildson, W. Ii. Vunwart and N. 1). Allen, all of
Seattle, King county, Washington Territory.
Any and all persons chiiintnir adversely th5
nbovo-descrlbcd imiils are requested to rile their
rliiim in this oftiee oil or before taid 3th dav of
November, 1889. J. T. Al'I'tikSON,
falted iltutes Uuid Oi'iiee, )
Oregon City, Oregon, August ii, lsy.)
VToiioe is hereby given that In compliance with
1 the provisions of the uct of Congress of June A,
14', entitled "An net for the Kale ef timber iaml.-i
in Ihe States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," Klis Thurwnklsoii, of Seal
tie, County of King, Territory of Washington, has
ihis day tiled in tins olfiee his aworn statement M.
i:, for the purchase of the N. Ii. 1-4 of Section
No. -u. ill Towiuhip No. ii south, Kaiie No. i
cast, and will oti'er proof to vhow that the land
sought is mure valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and tocstablisu hi-s vlaUi.
to said land before the itegister and Receiver of
tills oliice at Oregon City. Oivtfou, ou Tuesday, the
iith day of November, ltvS'j,
He names ai witnesses: A. IVilton, W, B. Van
wart, ti. Peterson and N. Ii. Allen, all of .Seattle,
King county, Washington Territory.
Any and all persons claiming adversely lhij lands are requested to tile their
claims in this ofiiee ou or bclore said nth iav of
November, 139. J. T. AWWtfOf,
Money To Loan.
Money to loan nt a low rate rate of
inleiwt, on good farm property in
Liiin County, or on best city property
in Albany. Apply to Blackburn and
Wiieht, Albany, Ore;ron.
Cruson it ? It i, iij :ii,.i .b v.v
windows und devr'a tbeup.