The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, August 23, 1889, Image 3

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J 1
.1. M
, A woman Is diflVrcnl from it phono--niph.
The pliottojsruph only talks
' , 'luck iih much as you talk to lt.Ex.
JhUo KilriiTn was arrested ievcrnl
' ' ,hivi ago, NvhlUi unlaying lilnclf tit
yjeonti Vlotfj Vn. Ho unil Billtvim
'..will meet again In MUilssippI hit. t.hoy
' ,'uro hardly mm delimit ('flaw, iinclhlnlc
govciior I?; not such u Hinull potato
nf((ir nil. 1,
I I f llio puporH of Wtsh!ngton Tfnito
!' ry were printed on gold, and wltl Ink
'lunde of sliver, and the Kiilwcriftlou
i':uv Hit down ton cents it your, homo
i. pom' dflinlfl specimen of hmnanty
would kick li'c;ni.s3 Hu rt! was lift r.
fdlaiiioiul not In every corner of etch
I pago. Stato ltvfj'Ktcr.
An i'!':tor 1h a r.uiUV wIiomo Wan la
j to investigate ii n;ipapor. Ho wiXcn
f odUniluls, grinds out poetry, lixorts
C deths u ml weddings, sorts rrmnusHpts,
$ keep vast liusket, blows up the
k "devil," lUcs oiiti(h"rp"oilo'Hlm1lcH,
aiiln hiH impor for a dollar and fifty
r.'iU a yeivr, tukt-M while bcnn.'!and
'( apple run for v:y when Im can g.(. it,
runes a low family, worko nin teen
p hours out ot twenty-lour, now no.un
w day, g"ts dunicd by everybody, lives
port-, dyes mislillc-tigou, auu n'"
hrokcn-hoiirtcd, levin nouuiiuiy, 8 re
warded for n life of t-51 I'.V a short alt
nnry pti.Tili the nU!ip;ipers.-JMl Tel
lings. You Cannot Afford ',
At U.I ';'!iwon nftheycartobc wliioiit
n gund r.'Ik'.lile diarrhoea balsam lithe
limine, its ( nmip i, colic, die.rrhoii anil
lullammutinn of tie- stttmeel and
litiwels are exceedingly danger im If
not attended at once. One bo'.lo of
will do more pood in cases of tlyt kind
' titan f.nv other inedieine or cart ti.
We guarantee it. M. A. Jilllc, drug
gist. '
TiiulM.'rLand, Act June :,1S"H,
I'lillcil l'!.it(-i I.aml Ore. )
Wr.-'(!ti ilv, Oirrimi, AnjeiM V"-'.)
VTicK lii-r-hv t'lV'.l lh,!t in iiinii1iMV wt'i
, (!'! I r.,"!.m-i.l iin'C'l ni"('iiim'.iil.liiin'.;.
ru? "An m"' Uir !.': Nile if limlor
... i . 1 .J. ....
l,..-.iu Hi- oM a!ir.irii..(. '.re;;nj N"vmIh.
i.. ii! W. V. It. C Iivi.iiiiii'.'i',iin' nun-
ivi,r)lu!li.'):nn. Mite' .,i Or.v.".i, I-' !'!! Ml
liii ii:ri- m utti -iitl.' Nu. I:;?, Ii r tti'j
"i.n-i'h'ij' i if Un- M K l-i I'lK-'-llmi Nil.'.- i!i luivii-
N.i. 1.' Mtuth. ii'i'ijc S
, 1 i i"',, iitMlivill oiler
iin.iin.i '.i".! tmil lie-' I'"!'1 ""ii'nt !s
'ini'il! Is imv Viilii.i-
li., or Jlii!'' lmi'l "if iiffiilloiHI
IH'liirr ti1.'
ii.-.O iiit'stiil'ii'li leu elHiio lo'iii.i mini
, It'-irwt. ritri! Il'i- lvr il Hi' I'ImI'' nt
t.r. i!':i ' itv. Or"'oil. nil r.:iU'.y, tile l,n e. i) hi
Ni. en, Ui"-. 1 , , ,
II,' linn,!-, ii- w iiin'iwft: VV W I'rwle' ., A .1 I 10
I'h.l.'l. .1 t.'i;lit.'ll mi'l J, ill! ot 'iiie.liivtr, '!rrli.y. ' oil t-iimi eliiiinhir n.lTel the
,in.'. it.-.t rllrctl lmi'l). "-.' tri.u- '.'.".I I" Iili't their
rlniiin ill .In- .line". Hi or hetuii .Mill .U 01
Novc!;,ir.lww,. j ry Ac!' I.';?! in, V;;lKt'-'r.
lYmbJrLancI, Act June Sl78.
fn'.ifil flUvi I.eii'l "I " )
A u..
v-Koti t.'lly, iv':;e.. Aii;:.ii :. tr.-.)
',irnM: I- !i r.'hv (,! -.. iim in i'"!ii.!..i' " w i' i .ii" n"i oi i. lie;'..-!; juiif'i.
.lii;."l "An net for lli.' .mIo of"'i' Lii
ill tlie ,.lti""l ' ':ill!i''.m:l. "r. i:-". Ni'KlH. n'l"
Wii.-I.tirai 'i 'ii rvh. Alli o" C. I." t' r.M U Ln
non.t'oiiiiu ..: I. inn. ainn' o! O'.i 'i in. Ii.i'fcij 'Liv
il In tin- oiliiv lli- ( in. i n ..iiiti'iin'i.t th l-Oi.
Illl .IK Ml." ti.'.-'' ':'., ' ' " - -
In T..weIHi Tin. r':'iintli, R.ili.'e'J.'M.lll! will
i. Hi'. I'i""t t'l 'iiii tine Iim lmi'l wniMll inoic
ti.,1 iii it i' . i.i ... ' ii. tee " I I ... .-. I.."!""' .
. 1,1. f.,r il' lili'.lliT or 'i'lV- t .III! I'M' i: ."
,m !,..-. iiml nn"..',' ti l.'v i-'iutii to ii 'i mini
on- tie.- r.;,.-i,i,'rif,iil H vi-rol tills Hi e nt
null l.'i".. Ori'K.iii. I'll V. i.'iiii m1.iv, Ihf 11 ilny
of NVi.'liil."T, ".!. , ,
tl;i"lt'Mi wilne"!': ,1 .Mini-., ni .ii'i.iiiu,
A V U.
ii. Mini I. U Tr.ik, nil o. i..'i.,iiiii i.:iin
I'KlllUJ , ill"' I"!.. , ,
Ae iiiiO nil t-o:ik eliilnili'i! iniver. iln.
iii-.Hi'' .il. M'lii.i (! I'lii'lMiiT n !,!.'-n-'t lo lil.lneir
i'luliu- in tro oflLv i.:l ir la-lorn M'J'l 1111 ny ol
Nevei.ih.'r. I "139. . ,, ,
Timber Land, Act Jane 3, i&8.
rnllrtl I-lnliT- I ninl Oiiice,1)
r c ii. 1 1,-..,. ,1. An Mi-.t . IHll!
i "1
lire is'.it'iv i,i .'mi tiini in ".i.ieii.iiii'.' i ll
Hi.' i.kiv lMt.ui' ol Pie ii.'i ol iMiKf.'w o. Jin-i.
'u:itl' . "Aii.n't lor tin- -it ii-ii iin.tirr mi
Si itiMif I iiliiHi .iie., CT'-iu li. Nei-jnlit, jil
in tin-
Wii-lilii.'.i.m Ti'iri ,orv." Niel- I'e!; ,MI, oi Nii;.
,lv o'.'Killt.', fi'i' lt'ir, 01 M.i-iiiliei.iii, mi' i
lili'll in lit!. Ill ti.u lli f V.O'll SIRil-lll-Ilt k
, for the (.ii.rii.i-e oi lo:' M. v. l-i "-"V
",i in I .i. ii i'.nN'!. U! nn'll. K'lin;.' r'l't.'ll
IV 1
1:1 nil. t i, !...! n. tli.i.v thiit Hit! I.uul iHi:;l:
. . ..... i..r u tun i..r or -tn..i. til. Hi .ol ii
ii I'-
ill in i':...i.lili lils I'.iiuint
kiiid Jitti'l l.i'iori: l.i" n.'iKtriuitl Ki'i'inver n .
o.v.i'i' ni o-'it.mC'iv, Orexmi, m l in-.'ti:iy, en
.1 ... i ,, iiinn
"'Vi :;. .,: ;.,,;.. ....... m h n..ii. f. v
ii.. i ....... . , - : , - ' ,,
v.-tltl-iMi, A- Rolloli it.l'-l W. a. vimwiiii. nu ui
i'!'!,'. K in- r.iiinlv, W liinr.tuii 'I i-vrilniT. 1
, ii v mi l nil ...r-.oi'ii rlniiitinir iidvevi-Iy th
ili'.TlliiiU.iinl.-'.uv i-i.iin.'-ieil to l!i.' Hi".
i.,.i.i. '...ii. i Ii. .!or. Mihl M.i i' iv t.
iNoveiiil .T, J!S
T. Al'l'KI.SJN
Tiinbct Land Act Juno 187c;,
notick Koi: ri:n:.icA'i'i(iN. f
t'i!i(il.tR..'.O.nii'l office.) , f
0-.".inl'hy, 0.-i"r.)H, Anp. 5. lCll:i.) -3
rot ii... i
i!- lii'i'iHiv K"1'!' in. n ill einiipiiiiii"!.' y,
ii.iis of tiio net of t'onnriSMi ol .hnie,j
I .' l ii i.! I. .r .!if .ili f t iTnlli'l' li.r
I A iiio Miuei'iif i'lil'tfortiii', 6i i N 1 " '
t' .. I.l..... " 'I 'mini, ...... I' A llfll'il'l' .1 I'l ni'lflll'lff
i f. Cnuiilvol'cl.u'ke I I I A
iinituii, hie-
thlnluv lil.'il In Oil' oil ice .V,:
1 1
Ki'tiriiient No. liiM. lor the imivj
mi! ol iiie li'f
o!'h'i;Ioii'No. V.'J, In 'lownsiiii v i I
:n).iJe;ii.'.Hiiil "ill oiler iiiont to ion
i.l ml siitu'lit i 1 iiiiiio viiliriblr lovltstl:,.
than fin' inirleiiltii'.iil imrpiwoi, nnd nn
i.iniin !o te.1-1 Imid li'iio.e the b"itl'ti'i i
a I
1 1 1
iTol'thi.-i oi'llreiilori'i.'onClly. Oivinn,
(Inc. the '.'It. hil.'li ol Oeiolier. I Hull.
rir linnn." u ' l. mi':, '.-, .'. i nil
Y. UllknU'OlllllllUl. Fit.'.Llllllll.llll II
II,. miim.i n tv iiimh: .1. I i u l in 1 '
tfil..l iv
l.lll' IV. '-".f.M , . , .
A".'' nii'.l 'Il p'.vwitu I 1
i'.li.!v,-ili".i' i.i'.i -ii i" H ill I.' :i'iiie-
iinbii.'. in tliimiili -e on orhein i
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
Orcuoii City, Orwoa, AuiJtwt 2, lfiS'J. J
NTJCE tn hwiby lvcn Unit In comiilliinw tvlili
lh i!wftuiH ut tliu ncl of Confrrw of June f
1S7H, eutltffl "An act fur tlw wile of timber IiiiuIk
In tli HIiltuK of Citllfonilii, On-Rdti, N'dviuIh, and
WiiklihiKl'in IVrrllory," Jiw'i'h It. Miillury, of
V.'luloek. cauiily of Iaw1h, Territory of WiihIiIiik
ton, Iiiih thin tiny llli'il In thin oniii) lil Kworn
ptnti.'mi.'iil No. liSW, for Hit' iiure)iuno of Hit) N W
of Hci'tlon No. 4, in Toti-ilii No. IS fimili, ItmiKC
No. 'I linst, unit will HKr proof to Kho'v tliat the
luiiil Himnlit U more viiluulilo for Hh t!inl;r or
UiiiK' liiriwluitlluml iniriMiHCH, nml to Miib
Huh his I'luliu to Mild lunil ijofnru t!iu Jti'KlMer nml
lU'O'lvtir of UiIm ;ollie() t Orwm City, Orc;on, on
Tuo1uy, tin.' 2il titty or 0.',,ul)cr, 1 l"li.
lit! nttiuuK its A, Davl:;, DJ'Iiuv.-, A. H.
-'mw null Ci. U. Kiimrt, nil of ftcitUlo, Klsi comity,
Any uti'1 n'l iwrsmw cliilinlng nilvurMy tlio
iilmvo (Wwrlliwl liunln urn rmiia-ntH to lilt; tlwlr
i'ltiiii'. In thin tilVco on or Iwforc ml'l 2'Jlh tny of
October, l.HX
J, T. Ari'KJIHOX, Ilt'glJ'ti.'r.
Timljor Land, Act Juno 3, 1873.
fxrr:i Ktatm I.asd Oi'i ick, I
(rewm City, Oivrhii, Anprifl tut, W9.
NiiTICi: l.i hwuliy jslvon that lu (iniiilluiicc with
Ilia iMvi 4o!iii of Hit! ut or C'ontfn.w or June .1,
1K7S. cntltlcit "An wcl lor Hit' wile of tlmliur Ittii'JH
In llii; Uliiln or Ciul'iinilii, Oregon, Ncvu'ln, mi'l
Wielilirjlin Tt rrlloiy," John II. Dumoti, or Ca.
tri'.lln, I'liMiiiy of U'wlf. Territory of WitMiliiclon,
luir. (iil;i day !ih"l In this oBiiic lid wtirii mnti'iiuiiit
No, l;';i'i, fur tin' I'lirclm.' of the 8 K Jof N W
(Hid X K 4 olB W i mi'l I.i'l-i" no'l of Sect ton
I), Tow n .lill No IMiiitli, Bun:c XoL' Ix't, iiiri will
ii!!'i r iivoof tiinhmv llui'.tht) lmi'l wiiclit Is more
Viilimljie for Kit UiioVrorniiiiHf tlmn fi.i- M'.Tleultu
ral ;n:r;i,).',t'M, uiut to ehiulillih lili cluiin tomiitl
lim.l to-Um- the l:,r!"ter im-.l Itecelver of UjU
I'll'n-i' nt i)r.';:'Hi City, Or.'i'oii, on Moliilny, Uiu 2Si!i
!'i Hi U' tilliiT, 1 ';,
11.. ttiti.iv ,c v. It;..-'.".: C. 1.. (imy, J. Fltuilfun,
1 1.!:iiif iei'1 It. MitKarUiiu, nil of Vntieou
t.;r, Clni' fee comity, W.T,
Any te:'l i.'l I'lT iHis clnliiii!!;; (lilrwly the
iiliovi-i't (! IS.'.il li'.li'l "re rt ijiifMnl to file their
i'li:!m!' in t!.i( oflii-c on or he:ure nukt W.i ilay of
OftoUr, l..l,
J. T. AITEIWO.N", KuslKi-r.
Timbor Land, Act Juno 3, 1873.
tiri'ijiin i lly, ttti'.ii, An'iw lnt, 1RSD. j
TfiTI' K in lu n hy t;lven Hint iiKMimiiUiinei' w ith
i the !iinMil'tlie net cif oii:rfw t!'Ju:ie It
1K7, ete.ltlei! "An net Ur the isule of tiinher Imi'ls
in tiie Kiiili'!, of (Mliforniii, Oregon, Xevutlu, untl
Viilii!iKtim 'i erriler."
i .ut ri l'ii-'ili!iiiv. of Yiitit'otiver. ('oiinfy of
fc 'ivrrllurv or Viiliim;t(in. tin tlilmluy illril
' ' ..,,.. i...
Itt tliiMillii e lilsHinir.t tittiteinetit No. 1H.U, lor the
-ilireliu! or the K '4 ut Seetloti No IK 111 Town
kh! No. VJ So'.ttli llniiKi' No 'i tint, nn:l w 111 oiler
iminf to -how thul l!ic hml Mini;ht U more viihui
till' lor Iim liiiiher or iiloiio fur wleultiiriil
iitrin;, nail lo establish hlselnlin to mill luiiil
hefuri' tin' Ki'KMcr HitU ileeelvnr of thin nt
Oreiioii ( i:y, orison, o:i Mjn.luy, the "JsiU ilny uf
He tinmen nn ivitnewi's: J). Mrrurlitne, C. f Imy
W. wit;:e uiut J. Mi fit, till of Viini't.uver, Clarke
Coldly, W. T,
Any utnl u'l prmtm cl.iiir.lntr 'lvcrly tlie
nl'ove-.ii'ii'rilAtl lundi nro iT.j.ies'.eil to file their
cli'.litiK in thin ollireoii oi'liolore witJWh ilny of
(H'tohvr, i-;mi.
Timber Laml, Act Juno 3,18SS
Vniteil Utiiti's taint rfi'Je.
Ori'i'.in t!i!v. Or.. All';. 3, IM'J.
VOT1CF, is lii'i-i'l.y clven tlmt hi eoui.lin!irc
A with the )irvHo:m of the net or Conri'iis of
June 3, IKT.'i. enii'.led "An ne'. for the will! ol tim
h'T l e.i;li ill the I'.Hie'i of Ciiliforniil, Oregon,
Nevmiil nml Wa.liilU'ton Territory," Wlllimil H.
Kir!il, of Lehitiuin, e unity of Mini. Mnte of re
('in, Ims thU ilny lili"i I.l thii olVied hii hwoi'II
i;:;ti'liieiit No. llill, for tile -nrcliitu of tiie N. W.
1 1 of tHietion So. IL', in Tovvtisliip No. 12 Holith
llnlij;e No. 1 T'.iiM, unit will oiler proof to thoiv
tlnitthe!iiinl sniie!'.! 1" luorc vitUmlile for it llm
lier or Mono tlmn lor n,i;rl"U'.oii'iil pnrinK'.-.. nii-l lo
ivitnbliih lilMelnini lnuil lii-forethe UeKiiter
mill lirei'lver of thi- olViee, it; Oregon t'iiy, .,
on Wi'iiiieKl.iy, theHUih !ny of Oetoiier, WJ.
Ho iniiii".l lis w!lii'."-'L'i! It. Finley n:i'l h. I..
Tiv:.!;, of l'Drtl.tii'l, Miiltnomiiii emmly, and V. M.
Miller iuk! F. Seal, oj J.ehiti-.oii, i.iun county,
nil of 4Jrojron.
Any icul nil ).th:h c'.iitmiiij; iiflver.i ly the
nhnve-ili'M'i'l'i-'l l:i;''ls ie'c ren.iieiieit to tile their
el-vini.i In thi:'. oflVi! on or before lull 3u;h .uy
of, J.'''.
T. J. ArrsnsON", K"i'l-1t'r.
TinibqrLand Act Juno 3, 1878.
NOTICE VO'A rt'llI.lCATft'X.
. United Mates Land Otliee, 1
Oregon Oily, Oiv;yn, Anjr. f, liS!l J
NoUoei lieivby yivej- tliat In corn-p'.injA-,'
vV' r"''" .' the net
,. : ! '','iuieu
' -'da
Dd, Act June 3, 1878.
riilteilftiitesl-nnil Office, )
Orexon Ctly, Oreaon, AuRlist 2, 1W )
NOTICE in hmvl.y itWvn Unit In coni'illMice Willi
the iirovisioiw of the net of Cowirint! of June S,
187S, entitled "An net fur the talc of tlmhtu litmls
In the f-ltnlcM of Ciiliroriiln, Orejon, Ncvieln. and
Wie.hlii;rton Territory," A. R. CyniK,ol' Ix-lmnoii,
County or Linn, Htntc of Orc'KiMi, lum thin 'hiy Hied
In thlx olllee hi" tiwom Wiilemont No, VM2, for the
Tjurehi!.' of the 8. . M of Section No. i, lit Town
nhlplio. J2Soiith, Itnn.w -So. 1 K'it, nnd will oiler
prmirtohhow thni the hind noitjl.t l-tiiiore valua
ble for tin tl-..ih.-rof s'ojif' thnn for n;.Tlrti!lnral
imrpoitM, itii. 1 iot"iliibliiii lilrf.clr.ltn to mill lend
liufcra the llwiiltrmnd K'CeU-cr o!'tliH o.'llee fit
Ort.'ijon Cliy, Oroi;on, on T:ii;vl'.ty, the J.'J'h d.iv of
Oetoher, li'i!'.
JletiiiiaeHni'.vitniewKy 0. Bulil, W. 'II' Hood,
J. V, llidh'ip null 15. 1uniiiir.l, all of Iunnou,
Linn County, Oregon.
Any mid nil pein tlnimlint nlvcMely the
tihm't'-di.'H'rihed lmidy lire reijuexted to die their
eliihi'sln till oHiee in or before add Ltilh iniy Of
Oetoher, WW.
J. T. AI'l'JCIltifiN, Ki'srlrtcr.
Tiialisr Land, Act Jane 3, 1318.
ryniii'fTATfM r.AVPOtTirr:. )
Oreton City, Oa'i.n, Aifjint 2nd 11u! )
VTotlce Is hereby r:vun that In mmijillnne with
A the provision of the net of cnii;'ivs(if Juno ,
1S7H, tnlilli'il "An wt for the w.U' of timlwr IiwIh
In the tjtiilKiiif Cnlifornift, Oivson, Nei'inlii mid
Wushiiif:ton Terrilory," John 'Y. liislu.p, of 1-eba-iifin
Comity of l.!nn, Slide of (I'Tm, hmi thi d.;y
tiled In Cili. ol'lee hii nworn rttirciiirnt No. ISM,
for the piirehin.e of the H. W' M of Seetioii No. 21,
In Towni.hlp No. Vi Smith, Kanre No. I Knit, nml
willo.'lVr !i T, ,ft. how thni tlie lte.i'1 awitht in
more vnhinlile for it fimlurr or io:i.: than for
itKrleulliirnl ).nrpo:iei, end to c-4-i.iit.h Ins eliiim
to wild land before th llajitt'-r mid Iiwr'iver of
this office nt iri-pon City, Oregon, on Tdtisdny, tho
IMMli ih'.y orth'toiier. lsli.
lie niiini'i in wlliiewi-:0. Tie..'.!, V. II. Reed,
II. llnnstirit mid A. II. Cyrus, nil of U'h'.'.iwu, IJnu
t'ou::'y, Cifon.
Any nnd nil p-' clnliiilnj ndvcrcelr the
nlioif-diwriiH'il land' lire reiine'ti d to !ilr tin ir
r'.atiiixliithholtiee on or before wild ".i'.Ii day of
Dt'toUr, li-'H.
J. T. AlTKK.'CN. Ilerf 'I it.
Timber Land
Vmt.'ii Stci m I.ank (irmt, )
OvrKon City, Oregon, Auyul 2nd, IS'19. )
N'OTHTC i hi reby (,'lven that In eotnplinnec with
the provision); of the net of Coutm'M of June 3,
IW.entit'ed "An m t for the fciie ofthulier lniiilj
in the ShitiFof Cnlilornhi, Ori'ioii, Nevndn, an.l
Waililttftii Territirj ," Arilrar Iinvts of WhiJ-.ick,
Comity of I-cwis, Territory of Wa.!ii!i(.rton, bus
thin ilny liied In thU ofTice his MTorn ota'cnieut
No.FUl. for the pureluu' of Hie S. E. of Scctiou
No. i, In Township No K i!tth, Jia;i!;i' No. 2 Kit-1
nml will oll'i r ppioftoMiow t:iut the land comlit
is more vnliiabk: for itf timber or rtouc thtm for
nKrlcultiiriil (inr) OM!s, utnl lo c-tnblWi hijeliiim to
hitlil lmi'l befon'tlicK'Kirter icul Keeeiver of thb:
oRiee nt Or.-.jtou Cliy, On gon, on Tuewlny, tlw 2ii:h
day or Oetek-r,
lie ltnniet: un v. ittiei-iei: J. II. Muliery J. Slun
!ry. 0. M. imnr; nnd A. S. Fens all of K-iittle,
Kin rComitv. V. T.
Any nnd tiU periomi cliihiiinir nl.rtc-ly the
uliovi'-deserilKid lundi tire ivip.ii'f'e.l to hie their
c-lalnir. in this often en or before mid Wih de.y of
October, W.
J. T. AITKHRON, Iti'fdMiT.
TimterLand, Act Jane 3,1878.
Ortyon City, Oregon, .Ui;;tet 1:1. 19.
utOTU'K U lieivbv In tiiniptutni'C wi'.u
A the erovWon.i of the net of UKiKres of June I',
IH7S. entillid "An net for the Mile of timber hinds
in the Mules of Cnliforiiin, Oreioii, NevuiU nnd
Wiishlntaon Territory," John Stanley, of Sen'.tle
County of Territory of Viudiin;rt!i, bus tills
ihiv filed in Ibis oil'ice hii kwohi stutemeiit No. 13W
for tlie eiirelinse of the N". '.. yt of t:ii:ti.m No. 1,
I'lTownt-iilp No. 1:1 .South, Kunite No. 2 fin-!, nnd
will oifer proof SokIiow that the lmi'l ivnuj;l:t Is
more valuable for Un timber or stone lli.".:i for u;,'ri
euitiiral purposel. mid to establish hi.i elnitii to
tnii! hul l b Moiv the i:e,risUT nnd Keeeiver of this
otliee nt Ore'ron Cl'v. Oresott, en Tuesday, the I'Dih
dav of O 'tober, J vi.
lie nai.R'S as wiiiiess"5: A. lavii, J. II. Ma'liTy,
P. Hlmw nnd (.!, M. t:mr.rt, oil of Seattle, Kinj;
County, W. T.
Anv and nil persons cluhntiiR ndverscly the
above-ileseribed laii'l.i tire re'iusted to file their
laims hi tiiii otliee on or before laid 2:Ki day cf
October, W.
,T. T. AI'i'KiWON, Keiiisii r.
rsrvHISTA'.T.: I. AMI OH-'irK. 1
Oo i'.oii City, ciiKon. Atitaci -ml ISMO,
VOTH.'K is lieri by jrlvcn that in eomplle.nee with
1 ' ti.e nv.ivi-:iiiii of the net o' Con;riV.i of jiine ;i
ixvs. ."I'iih'.l "An act for the sale ot tiinbi r lum's
in theiilaliisof C.tlifoi'iila, Oregon, Nevn la, and I
Y,'ii..liiin,;o:i Territory, ' Alirr.m Vvi. of Seatiie
fount y of Kin;,', Territory of Vuishinycon, Iw-sflhis
dayiiled hi tliis ollii-e his sworn ntHtemeal XollJiH,
for ilie purehav of the N. JofS. K. Jj & H)i of X
''''io Seciioi! No. li, la Township Xo. 1:1 Soaili'
2, nut will oil-, r proof to show
soiii;h( is more valualile fur lu timber or
- " j,,nrl',tilinrnl pnn.u'es, mid to estub
' V.s.tiil land before the lii'jilsler Hitd
,-:'' - i at Ore;,'i m City, Oregtm, on
''"letober, I '.).
"'V fiiim-;, .1. Piiinloy
' Seattle, Kinir
.. niiove
Wuhlnrton' territory," George M. frnnrt, of
Hcnllle, County ol Klnir, Territory of WtmhlnRton,
hnnthlHiliiy Illed In thin ollieo hi worn untie
meat No. i::ri7, for the pmchfwo of the S of '6 W
H and H Vt of 8 K M of Scctton No. 0, in Towiivhip
No. Ill South, KixitgB N'o. t ICnst, und will offer
proof to dhow that the Intul In more vnhinble for
ltn timber or riono thnn for ft-rrJeulturttl pnfpoe,
nnd to cirtrtV.lnh bin claim to mid land before the
Kcslrfer nnd Keeeiver of thin olP.ce nt Oregon City,
OrcROti, on Tucwtny, the 2!thd(iy of Oetoher, VW.
He nnmc ni wltncw; J. Ptntiley, I). Klmw, A. H.
Fiw nnd 0. A. Bennett, nil of wenllle, King cmne
ty, W. T.
. Any icid nil pcrnon clnhnlnii ndveriely the
nbove dcrttlbed bindi, nre re'liiested to file their
clulm In this office on or hefow w.ld 2y.:hdiiyoi
Octolier, l'v'X .
J. T. An'FltSON, llenlvter.
Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878
Frilled Stiiteil.itnd Office, )
Oregon City; Orvgoti, Atw. 2, )
NOTICK ii hereby (riven that w ith
the provision.' of the net of ConKruw of .June 3,
1878, entitled "An net for tho mle of timber lnndi
In theWitttifl of Ciiliforniil, Orejton, Nevmhi nnd
YVushPiglon Terrilory," . 11. Hanwird, of l.eba
non, Coimly nf l.lnn, S'otlo orOreso!!, tuw (hii day
filed In thin office Ids nivorn statemenllNo, VM:,
for the purchase of the X, W. of feet Ion No. 2),
in Towiuhlp No. 12 South, Untice No. I J jut, nml
will oili'r proof to show tlmt the land wnitcht is
more vnhiablo for its timber or rtonc than for
agricultural purpose, and to esinblish lib elaii.i
to wild land before thalicftWer nnd Ilen-lver of
tills oitice nt O.-crtmi City, Orcjon. on Taewlay
the iiith day of Ortober, 1W.'.
He uii!iU'AH,i vitr.'sies. J. W. FWiop, A. K.
Cj-ms 0. Imhl and W. II. Reed, all of Lebanon
Linn County, Oregon.
Any md nil person claiming adversely the
iilioveileseribed ittiidiinre reipiesteil to iiie tiicir
rUlriiiinthiiiofll'eou or before said 2"Jth day of
October Ifsy.
J. T. AITEIISON, Keelster.
Timber Land, Act Juno 3,1878.
VnltKl s;c.t"i Lund Offic". )
( :efc'ou ( liy tr., Ac.?. :i, 1 . )
V0TIC1-: K heri liy given that in compliance with
a (he tmrMW! of the act of Cot.CTvwi of June 3,
1S73, entitled "An act for the wile of limber lands
in the Slales of California, Oreir-m, Nevada and
AYashin:,':on Territor;.'," I. F. Settle, of Lebanon,
comity of Lhm, State of Orepon, has this day
filed in hii olllee hi sworn rtaiemciit No. liiTw, for
the of the S. of 8. W. -; & S. y, of 8.
K. i of Section No. 14, in Township No. 12 tHinth,
JtctigeXo.'l lint. tt!id will offer proof to show
thut the lati l Kiught wmo.-e value.iiio lor u tan
l,.T or i nin. than for n'-riciilttirnl i.unioses. nnd to
estublSh bliehiim to mid h;id belore ths Kej'ir'.er
ond lteeeiver of thin oTice, nt Oregon Ity, Or., on
Weduesdny, Hie KOth 'y of October, l'J.
He iiiiine.1 ai witnessen; F. M- Miller, C, Buhl,
J. M. Taylor and ,R, Fiuley, till of Llnu County,
Any and nil penuin claimlnjr adversely the
above-de 'crititd hiids are rqnestoil to tile tiieir
eliihiiN I;i this on or before :i!d 30th day of
October, 1WJ,
J. T. AI'l'lll'-SOX. Register.
Timber Land, 'Act June 3, 1878
United Suites Lnx.l OHce, )
Orc'f.:i City, Or., A up. 3, 13. )
Notice l hereby given ll.nt in compllnneo with
tlie provisions of the net of Conj,Te' of June 3
1ST, enrj'.lefl "An iw t the sale of limlxT lands
l.i tlie States of California, Orojon, Nevada mid
Vnhin,:'.oii Territory," (ioirj.'e lit:hl, of U'bnnon,
eoimty of Linn, fifnte rf Oregon, lias tills day
filed iii tills offleo hi.i sworn stuti'tr.eut No. I;fi2,
for the purchase of the S. K. H of Section No. 2C,
iu 'i'owr.sblp i'.o. 12 south, l'au;.'e No. 1 Last, nnd
will offer proof to show 'hut the land Knight l
inure veliuibW for il- tl.'nber or sto:ie than for og.
rii'itltiuT.l imi'ii ises, und to itablish 1ms e'.uim to
i:aid laud before the Kegtoerotel keeeiver of this
olllee, at Oivgen City, Or., on Wednesday, the
Mh tiny of October, K'X.
He tininesi'.s M itnessei.: A. K. Cyrus, It. II'iu
ranl, J. Ji. Tcylur and V. . Sioeke r, nil of Leba
non, I. inn county, Oregon.
Any and all pernius claiming adversely the
above-described himLs are re.iuested lo file their
claims In thi office 0:1 or If lore Mild 8'Jth day of
."iober, l&.'J.
J. T. Al'I'K.'tSOX, Hegis'er.
Want First-Class Goods
At lower rates than ever offered before in Albany. So, if
you are looking for bargains you need not
l 1 MlM'
Any farther, but come into my
store and vou ' will be sure to be
pleased. It is to your own in
tercst, so come. ;
Timber, Land, Act Jaao 3, 1878.
United Stiito Land Olllee,
Oregon City Or., Antf. it, lflS'j.
TJrvrrcK n liereliv triven that ill (olii-
iliaitec with the provision of the net of
CniitfreM of Jtme it, 1S7S, entitled "An
net for tlie Btvio 01 unioer iitnun in vne
iStaten of California, Oregon, Nwada.
nnrl U'liMhlnittin Territory." Jaille!', I
Taylor, of Lehanon, County vt Linn,
tSliito of Drofroii, Dim tlil (lay iiit '.i in
ttilu il!W Inn Mwnrri I'tiitellielit Mo. 13-1!1
for tho jK'iThtm!; ef theN. E. of Hfc
lion No. l;!J,ln Townwliip No. 12 Jr'iuitSi, ,
Rung.? No. 1 East, and will oiler proof
tosnwwtnatuie miia ou;in. jiioiu
valuahlo Cor Its timber or stone than
for Agricultural purpose, ttinl to (flal.-
Ilsli iii.s claini to wild laini iiemni uiu
Koo-hifor nnd lieeeiver of thiH oiMce lit
Oivrou City, Oregon, on Wednesday, ;
tlie HOllHlay oi (Wtoiier mw. ,. ,t
Ite naities fi witnesses; W. V.
Ktocker, (ieo. Ruhl, A. R. Cyrus, and
V Ifaimard, all of Lebanon, Llnu
County, Oregon.
Any una all person (laiuiins an
woni'lv flirt nliove-ilMCritietl landiS tiro
reo nested to file tiieir claims In thin
oiUe!onor before said SOtli day of
Oetoher, IR80.
J. T. Al l ElliStJ, jcegisrer.
Timber Land Act June 3 1 878
United Mates Land Olllee,
Oregon City, Or. Aug. 8, ISrt). i
Kotlec in iiereliv iriven tliat in Coin
pliaiu with tho provision of the net
of ConureMS of June 3, 1873, entitled
"An act for tlie sale or u inner lauus m
the States of Ciiliforniil, Oregon, Neva
da, and Washington 'J'erritory," Whit
lield 13. Vanwart, of Seattle, Count v of
King, Territory of Washington has
this day tiled in this office his sworn
statement No. 1CS0, for the purchase of
the 8. E. J of Beet ion No. 2.) in Town
ship No. 12 South, Uange No. 2 Ent t,
ami will oiler proof to show that tho
land sought is more valuable for it:
timber or stone than for ngrieuIUin;
iiiirmw tiTwl to I'stiihlish bin claims to
said land before the Register and Ke
eeiver of this office at Oegon City Oi.
on Tuesday the 5th day of November,
lie names as witness: A. Bolton, E.
Therwaldson, N. Peterson, and N. i.
Allen, till of Seattle, King County,
Washington Terrtory.
Any and all person claiming adver
sely the above-described lands are re
quested to file theirclaims in thisorueo
on or before said 5th day of November,
mi). J. T. APPEIISON, Kegicter.
Timber Land, Act June 3,1878.
United States Land Ottiee, 1
Oregon City, Or., Aug. 8, mx (
Notice is hereby given that in coin
oliiiiii'e with tlie nrovisions of the act
I of Congress of June 8, 1S78, cntitleo,
for the sale of timber lands iu
the Mates ef California, Oregon, Neva
da, and Washington Territory," Norm
li. Allen, of Seattle, County of King,
Territory of Washington, has this day
tiled in this olllee his sworn statement
No 1377, for the purchase of the H. W.
J of Section No. 8i, in township No. 12
south, llange No. 2 cast, and will oiler
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office
at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday,
the 5th day of November, 18(-t).
lie names as witnesses: A. Bolton,
E. Thorwuldfion, W. B. Vaiwart ami
N. Peterson, all of Seattle, KI;ng coun
ty, Washington Territory.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to rile their claims in this of
lice on or before the said ot.h day of No
vernier, ISM).
J. T. Appcrson, Register.
ttzZi jsuu
J.'i'. AU'i