v iTfDAT, AUGUST 23, 1S80. WOK HHAIH'I vii ibere, boy, sUnul out of the way! Iion't you hear! I want you to know I iiui the editor this week, wbilet.be bo i.s poiw to the Press Association t newport. CuU ui? Mr. Dsivin, sir! I urn known a tUo "inky devil" when i ho ba i itt nt home, but now hold the rditoml chair and attend to the books, no pkaso cull la Mid pay yoursulwerip lioii. We will give tw greatest db count for cash that has ever been ollbred, Mid will do job printing almost at your own price, provided you pay cash In advance. We will not lake potatoes, wood nud such like on tlii.s proportion! Money U what we want nud ' must have at least enough to get some ice cream and put in the missionary box next Sunday. This Oiler will close to-morrow evening unlet wo git enough work to do us Sunday, lu which case it, will be geod until Sunday afternoon at one o'clock, but no longer, as we will have to be sobered up when the editor returns and have nil job work out, or he U liable to make more "pi" than we can digest in a week, and then liaise our wages, did you eay? Ko, no; not much! Ho will raise us, uud an the fireman stand In on all but the last and allowa us but a small per cent, of the profits you will please not mention tbw to tlieiMws when he returns, tut take advantage of tbiw grand oiler. If you anything like bam door. on the table, do not be alarmed ; It i.s only our feet, lie sure and call on ua. ltespectfully yours, The Emtok, Formerly the "Imp." The question of the grave yard seems to have died down again, and it ap pears that all that can bt said will not cause tomo kind of a move to settle thin matter. The question has been usked many times why the directors did net make the explanation which was asked, but we do not know. 'thU looks a little queer to us, but they may have some gowl reason which they ure keeping to themselves. You need not think we are going to let this matter die down, for v.e are not, and so long s that old grave yard stand as it does just so long will we continue to remind you of it and let the public know what an old, dilapidated, neglected grave yard h at our beautiful town, Lebanon. We may be wrong in thin, but thin that the people of this town and vicin ity would willingly turn out and help tlx it up and make a nice cemetery of it if they were only asked by the pub lie There are several nice monuments la this cemetery and it i a Hhame to let them stand in the midst of the weeds and bu.dies, which are higher than a man's head. Why it is that so many people go off to do their trading we do not under stand, but it la true liiey can get juntas good Lot-gains here as at any other place in the Willamette valley. Some men will g to our merchants for favors from time to time, and as soon as they are a dollar or two ahead, gooff to Al- baity or some other place to spend it. They will then come back and expect the home merchants to continue grant ing favors to them by taking their pn duce, and credit, and to be under the wniie obligations as before. Now dn't you feel mean -to come through town with a bundle under your arm which you paid the cash f r at Albany, while you are running an account with some increiiant here? rf you don't, may the Lor J have mercy on you! Anoth er class are those who live and do busi-1H-H.'i here and send away from home fur hands to do their work, when there are uteri ty in their town who are com petent to do the work laying idle. This js um way to do. YVe can never build tip our town in this way, and if we wish to sfo her prosper we must help to iniikc it better. Every dollar left here helps to Improve the town that much. liy helping each other we help our selves. Eastern capitalists are investing con siderable money in this state. If we will properly advertise Lebanon and vicinity considerable cash will be turn ed loose here before the year 1800 Is ushered into existence. If every citizen of Lebanon weuld allow himself to be assessed 20 per cent of what he Is worth and the amount api-lk'd to putting up a paper mill and canning factory he would find himself PK per cent Letter off in less than 12 mouths. WA'tTlU.OO. , August 21, IKSt). Attain Mistletoe- takes pencil in hand to till ft portion of our splendid i aper, Tin; Lkhanok Exi'imai, idthnu.h it isn't too late to hear from our 111 tut town, W'ntei loo, and the correspondent Isn't dead yet. The Waterloo bridge. Is completed, and a great many teams have passed over it during the past week, and very certain it Is the people of Waterloo and vicinity and In fact every one who has passed over it is well pleased with It. The honorable county board received the bridge on Tuesday week. There have been a lurgs number of visitors at the soda springs this weason seeking recreation. Miss Jennie Booth, of Balcin, who has been spending the Bunitner with her grand parents, Mr. und Mis. Ctve, of this place, returned home Tuesday. We regret her leaving us greatly, and hope uhe may soon return, but Water loo's loss is Salem's galu. There will bo preaching at this place on Sunday ut two o'clock in the after noon by Kevs. Skipworth and Case. Mr. J. G. Gross -and wife returned from the bay two weeks ago. Mr. B. A. Haildleson, wife and mother, went to Albany and Jefferson on Thursday. Mr. C. li. Montague, of Lebanon, has moved into his" house lu Concordia, just across the river. There lias been some talk ofthe moss growing on the bridge by not being used, but It doesn't look very much like it, r.s the fanners have commenced to haul grain across to the wan houses. There will be a grand ball given by J. G. Gross at this place in the Water loo hall on Friday, Aug. 30, 1S89. Ev ery one Is invited to take part lu the social. ' J. G. Dollnrhlile is running the dairy owned by It. A. Clark on the Illkin's ranch. Quite a number of the boys of this place and Sodaville started from here to the mountains, Saturday, for a good hunt and recreation. Uoat riding is a favorite enjoyment fni th v..nm fttlka nf pvplliim. M- TT IT Kim.. ,vMl mvnv lns. week. Korry to lose him from our midst. . Items are scarce this week, but will give a few more in the future. . MiSTurro::. Governor pemioyer, it appears, Is de termined not to allow the law forbid ding the taking of salmon from the rivers during certain month In the year to Ik violated, and should be up held in his el'brts t J have the law en forced. All parties knowing themseLvcs in debted to me will please call anil settle M. A. Miller. To Dispel Cold3, Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system cflechailjy, yet gently, when costive or billions, or when the blood is impure or idugglhh, to permanently cure habitual toiistipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy ac tivity, without irritating or weakening them, use Byrup of Figs. Special salo. The balance of our Straw Ilais, Cliunibrnya, Lawns, KecrKtickcrs, ISat t.vns, will be cloetrd out for est, as we don't want to carry anything over at cost, for ca.ih. C. C. llACJU.EXAJT. Timber Land, Act Jane 3, 1378. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Umtkd Btatks Land Okfick, 1 Oregon CUy, Or., August 2nd LSSl). Notice Is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the net of congress of June .3, 1H78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in theBtates of California, Oregon, Neva da, and SVasliington Territory," Dun can Hhaw, of Scaltler County of Kinj;, Washington Territory, has this day lii eil in this otnee his ttwnrn statemonl, No. l.'ltO, for the.purehnsc) of the S. W. i of edion N'o.4, in Township No. b! South, Jtangc No. 2 Kiwt.and wlllollcr proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claims to aid land before the Register and Receiver of tills olllce at Oregon City,()regon.on Tuesday, the mil day of October, 1880. Jle names as witness:; A. Davis und J. II. Mallcry, of Wiloek, (Jhehalis County, and A. H. FeniMtnd J, Ktanley, of Kent lie, King County, all of W. T. Any and all persons clidmlng adver sely tho above-described Mauds are re quested to file their claims 111 this office on or before said 20th day of October, 1830. . ' J. T. AITEItSON, Register. 'j D Montague's freight iiilte for the past nionth luivo been un usually heavy, owing to tho largo quantities of ; 5cing ra-oivod daily at his MAMMOTH STOItfc and at tho Oro Trice Cash Store , Tho Blocks of thee etah liahmontfl tiro full and com plete,', awl an experience of nearly twenty years in the trade' at Lebanon enables mo to select :;ueh goods as will moot tho vauta of the people. As I buy for cash, a careful inspection will antisfy anyone of ordinary, intellicenco that MONTAGUE'S DUCKS and the superior quality, of his food fiihv merit the liberal patronage he m receiving, and ior viuen ju! reiunts ao found thanks. In Montague's DIIKSS GOODS department will he lound many new and elegant designs purchased ut very low figures of one of the largest imoortimr houses in America. The good.: will bo sold corres pond i ugly low, und we res peetfuliy'invite tho ladies to examine them before purchas ing. Montague has been selling a great many wudding dresses lately, and will take pleasure in furnishing complete outfits to parties contemplating house keeping. Our CLOTHING DE PARTMENT needs but littlo advertising, as the goods sell themselves. We keep native Oregon manufactured cloth- U-g US WOll ilS flllO UllCS jllSt received irom ;nov loric ana Chicago. A look through our stock will convince you that we can fit you in any kind of suit you may desire at prices lower than a good many mer chants can buy their goods. We have good serviceable suits at $:,.75, $8, $0 or $10. These j trices are 25 per cent lower tl.sn the goods are usu ally sold in any 'town in Ore- 15 FOIL THE BOYS. Buys, it wilt interest you to know- that in selecting his mammoth stocks of clothing, he has just laid in the largest assortment of Boy'fl Clothing ever brought to this city. Have your Papa and Mama bring you in for a new suit, so you can attend cam) meeting and the picnics, and we will lit you out Very nicely. Always insist on having them go to Montague's for their goods, as in his establishment you will get 100 cts. worth for every dollar expended. BOOTS AND SHOES. In addition to a large stock of Leather goods, Montague has purchased an immense stock ofthe celebrated Buck ingham it. Ilecht make of boots and shoes. Every pair warranted. When you need anything in that line drop in and seo us. Tho goods and pncea arc all jtuan:. TIIJv ONE I'lUCE Cash fi., is nil imnmnKO fiWCCttKS! j , , n .i mu suie uiu i:iy iai increasing rajnuly. it is true the profits are very small, but as we can turn the money many times dur ing the year, I find that in the long run It pays much better than the cred it system. We all U ust come at last to a cash basis in nil bur business trans actions, uiid the sooner tho better. Come on with your money, mako uh know when you are looking at goods that vour intended purchases MEAN CASH DOWN, and you will find Montague ready to meet you with prices that defy bucccssful competition. BEARD Druggist a nd -DEALERS IN URE DKUGS, Paints, Oils and Glass-v . , STATIONERY, Fine Pcrf umery,Bruslies & Combs CrOAltS AND FANCV TOILKT AUTICLI. Prescriptions Accurately Compcunded. Main Street. Lebanon, Oregon. CRUSON & -DEALERS IN- WAGONS, BUGGIES, HACKS, AND ALL Vehicles, Implements, TOOLS OF jSSIJj SORTS, Light and Heavy Machines BARB AND SMOOTH WIRE, IISOIV, STEEL, COAL, GUNS AND AMMUNITION. Call in, Gentlemen, and we will Make Yo Happy. A. It. CVKUH. W.C.rKLKItMlX. A.R.Cyrus&Co., INSURANCE -AND- Real Estate Agents, IttfllcrH In All KIiiiIh of INf.MMilNO TUK Famous Morrison PIo s1 .VXD Tiger Mowom, Lebanon, Oregon. AT COST! To .'!nko IJ'Kiin f.ir Jly Fall anil Winter Stock el DRY GOODS, IIHG GOODS, AKD HOTIOBs, I V." ILL C'LOKF OUT MY Entire Stock of Boots 6c Shoes AT COST. Now 1h the Time to SECURE REAL BARGAINS. I Propose to Have . THE Leading Dry Goods Store In the Valley. MAIL ORDERS Promptly attended. W. F. READ, Allnuij', Orojroto. & HOLT, Apothecary, M12DICIN128, ; : MENZIES, .KINDS OF-, i C. Hawkins. V. Fakkki.i.. Albanv Furniture Co. Keep evcrytliin you want in the way of First-Class Furniture. Call und boo their stock f goods. jr.i-Ttvo cur ltf.lH of I'uenl- L'.lVi' JllMl V4fl 'l i'l'IMtl Mrd; ftnet, YVeshiiij;toii. lietwccu I'erry nml SENSATIOH AT- SWAN BXOS.' Tin mi Stove Store. A CI I HAP COUNTER OF ALL KINDS OF Household Goods. MORE GOODS FOR LESS K0NEY Than You Ever Sav. I; i! IF YOU AVILL' OMLY CALL, f, . V You will be Astonished i At the Rock-Bottom Prices. I A ' ' ;vuy nick . .in' Mays , )cen ..will fare 1 the j a fie: una' il,"il' 1 poo: p woi lidlai A 1 to 1 det her "di t ... Hi' II up rav: ?f be I (A da; po: l.rt '.VI im Hi 111 lu 111 i w ft V V, I 1