J - ! 1 FRIDAY, AUGUST 0, IKSII. THE FIItHT KTKP TAKKX. The Initiatory Htep luis been tnkon In the niareh of progreas that is to lead n to the future building up of more thtin one industry ut this pluee. Tlie incorporation of the Wirtshurg mid Lebanon Fluuie Company leads directly to the building up of paying manufacturing induKtrles at both places. i also brings Lebauou proral iwutly into the Held of competition for such enterprises with otiicr points, as it will furnish as ample water-power hs is.desired, In a nhnpe to admit of its being used many times over in its pas wigc through the city, thus multiply ing the facilities muny fold. Other conditions necessary forsuccess are not lacking even now. The location is naturally favorable and Is, also, capa ble of large Artificial improvement in various ways. Raw material is plenty and easily and cheaply procurable, for many kinds of production that would yield ft fair return for the capital in vested. Shipping facilities ore good, and were there a demnud for it, would be largely Improved. Jtealty is uot so high priced here as at many other points, and a sufficient amount of laud for auy fnetory grounds could - be obtained for a nominal sum. There cannot be a plnee found in the country whore the smaller manufactories could le started so chaaply as at Lebanon, or where there would be so sure a promise of growth and prosperity for them Paper mills would fiud the materials for their use iu the greatest profusion here, and obtainable at the lowest figures. This is only one Industry that we will mention, but it is an index for a dozen others that can I started here, and, pushed with cuergy, would prove largely profitable. The Initial movement made by the Flume Company should not be allowed to stop for any cause, and we do not think it will. The company is com posed of energetic and far-seeing men who have demonstrated the fuet that they can see their own !nterest in an enterprise that is destined to do more for this place than anything that has gono before it for many years. We are glad to be able to chronicle the or ganization of tills company at this time, and hope to see them succeed lH?yond their expectations, believing that every such enterprise that tends for the public weal, as well jib the pri vate success; that helps to tuild a city or turn a wheel in the furthering of enterprises which furnish emploj-mcnt far labor Is worthy of the best wishes nnd hearty support of every progres sive citizen. We Iwpe to se steps taken at an early date, which will 1ear good fruit In the establishment of some industry hero that will give steady employment to many hands, f r we know that others will quickly follow, and that it will be the dawn ing of such an era of proHjerity for Lebanon as has yet lieen deemed pos sible by but few. We hope soon to 1 able to tell of other steps taken in the Muue direction by others of our citizens who have the best interests of the p'.aee at heart. The way is open, who will make the next move ? The indications of growth and pros perity are seen on every hand. Iew business is talked of and new houses are springing up on every hand. The vacant houses are rapidly filling up and soon it will be a bard matter to find a house In the place for rent. There is a good prospect of another I.iverj' Stable beinjr started here at an early date, which added to the accom modations In that line already ' here, will fully meet the wants of the public f :?r a time There is perhaps more stir in the residence than in the business portion of town. In the northern part of town especially, there are a great many new dwellings cither in process of construc tion or projected nnd many of thern nrc quite pretentious structures. Lel a;;on Is now inline for the march of prosjenfy and vith the start already made should soon lx; in the van. .Every indication is favorable and there need now be nothing btitskady growth snd continued advancement. With I he improvement now under way and i i pnjH-ct the present season will be very busy one h ?re untiSl winter sels in. Even then the activity will liurd 1 y eeuse as the winter months arc the l"'"t in which to form plans for another j-f.MM of liiisv labor. All p irtics knowing thctnsclAes in Jebtep to me M ill please call and settle M. A. Miller. Iioi'..v Orf1y end the . Aigry Biitiwv.iiur Fir, I have come to stop my paper, said an irate subscriber to Horace Greely onee uion a time. Pont do that, said Mr. Orecly. Hut I tell you I will, sir, thundered the angry sub scriber. Then Mr. Greely culled to ids foreman and said: You can discharge all the hands; tell the printers that we don't need them any more; counter mand all orders for paper, correspond ence and telegraphic dispatches, and put nn 'ad' in all the other papers staling Hint the Tribune has been stop ped by this gentleman. The angry party soon .began to soo the absurd ity of the thing, and with ft good Ma tured oath said he didn't care to be made a tool of, and added that the Tribune could go on us usual. lie wound up by paying kls subscription for a year in advance, and it Is safe to say that he had the worth of his mon ey many times over before the close of the year. Those of us who complain of hard times, poor crojis, gardens not doing well, and no on, ought to take a trip cast of the mountains, where the sand mixes with your food, where hundreds of families are compelled to go 10 and 20 miles for water; and who drive their stock to the mountains at a risk of obtaining one-half the number when driven home. Where many are with out a pound of hay or grain and their crop prospects stand 4 to 18 Inches high. Notlrs. For any information regarding rates or fair to Easicrn cities and otiier in formation call on M. E. Heakx, Agt K. P. Co., Lebanon, Or. Special sale. The balance of our Htraw Hats, Chambrays, Law ns, SeerHuckers, Hat teens, will be closed out for cost, ns we don't want to carry anything over at cost, for cash. C. C. Hacklemax. To Dispel Colds, Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or billious, or when the blood is J impure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy ac tivity, without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of 8. & A. ('.Hamilton was dissolved on the first of May by matu al consent. All parties indebted to the above firm will settle with the under signed, who resumes all Hubilities of the old firm and respectfully solicits the patronage of all old friends and the public generally. A Jr. HAMILTON'. Why is It That people linger along always com plaining about that continual tired feeling? One Imttle of IJEGG'S BL00I) PURIFIER and BLOOD MAKER will entirely remove tills feeling, give them a good appetite and regulate digestion. M. A. Miller, druggist. You Cannot Afford At this season of the year to litf without a good reliable diarrhoea balsam in the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea and all inflammation of the stomach and bowels are exceedingly dangerous if not attended at once. One bottle of REGG'8 PIARKHCEA BALSAM will do more good iu cases of this kind than any other medicine on earth. We guarantee it. M, A. Miller, drug gist. ' Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878. 2TOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Unitkd States LAsnOmcE, 1 Oregon C;ty, Or., August 2nd 1889. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in thcHtittes of California, Oregon, Neva da, and Washington Territory," Pun can Shaw, of Seattle, County of Kino;, Washington Territory, 1ms this day til-; ed in tiiis oflice his sworn statement No. 1.141). for the mirehnse of the K. W. J of Section No. 4, in Township No. 13 South, Range No. 2 Etwt, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and to establish his claims to said land before the Register und Receiver of tin's office at Oregon Cily.Oregon.on Tuesday, the i::nh day of October, 18H0. lie names us witness: A. Davis and J. II. Mallery, of Winloclc, (Jhehulis County, and A. S. Fens and J. Stanley, of Seattle, King County, all of W. T. Any and all persons clidriiiug adver sely the a I iove-d escribed lands are re quested to lile their claims in tliisodice on or before said 29tli day of October, 1889. J. T. APPERSON, Register. MC;ilAGUE;SJOLUMK. Montague's freight bills for tho past month have boenun usually heavy, owing to the largo quantities of ow Miirt TSlojrniit Hpfliigimcl HlimKU't' (ilHHltll Being received daily at his MAMMOTH STOllf: and at tho One Price Cash Store con trolled by C. M. Tdbott as manager. The stocks of thene estab lishments are full and com plete, and an experience of nearly twenty years in the trade at Lebanon enables mo to select such goods as will inoet the wants of tho people. As I buy for cash, a careful inspection will satisfy anyone of ordinary., intelligence that MONTAGUE'S PRICES and tho superior quality of his goods fully merit tho liberal patronage he is receiving, and 7 a lor which, he returns his pro found thanks. , In ' Montague's DRESS GOODS department will be lound many new and elegant designs purchased at very low figures of one of the largest importing houses in America. The goods will be sold corres pondingly low, and- wo res pectfully invite the ladies to examine them before purchas inrr Sfontaguo has been selling a great many wedding dresses lately, and will tako pleasure in furnishing complete outfits to parties contemplatinj house- keeping. Our CLOTHING 1)E PARTMENT needs but little advertising, as the goods sell . themselves. We keep native Oregon manufactured cloth ing as well as fine lines just received from Tsew lork and Chicago. A look through our stock w ill convince you that we can lit you in any kind of suit you may desire at prices lower than a good many mer chants can buy their goods. We have good serviceable suits at $.1.75, $7, $8, $9 or $10. These prices are 25 per cent lower than the goods are usu ally sold in SiP.y town in Ore gon. " FOR THE BOYS. Boys, it will interest you to know that in selecting his mammoth stocks of clothing, he has just laid in the largest assortment of Boy's Clothing ever brought to this city. Have your Papa and Mama bring you in for a new suit, so you can attend camp meeting and the May picnics, and we will lit you out very nicely. Ah;ayg insist on having them go to Montague's for their goods, as in his establishment you will get 100 cts. worth for every dollar expended. BOOTS AND SHOES. In addition to a large stock of Leather goods, Montague has purchased an immense stock of the celebrated Buck ingham & Hecht make of boots and shoes. Every pair warranted. When you need anything in that line drop in and seo us. The goods and prices are all rioht. THE ONE PIUCE Cash Store is an immense success; the sales are very large and increasing rapidly. It is true the profits nre very small, but as we can turn the money muny times dur ing the year, I find that in the long run it pays much bftter than the cred it system. We all M ust come at last to ncash basis Iu all our business trans actions, nnd the sooner the better. Comean with your money, make vh know when you are looking at (roods that vour intended purchases MEAN CAS1:I DOWN, ami you will llud Montague ready to meet you with prices that defy tucceaat'ul competition. BEARD & HOLT, Druggist and Apothecary, DEALERS IN Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Glass, STATIONERY, Fine Perfumery, Brushes & Combs CIGARS AND FANCY TOILET AltTICLES. Prescriptions Accurately Compcunded. Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon. CRUSON & MENZIES, DEALERS IN WAGONS, BUGGIES, HACKS, -AND ALL KINDS OF Vehicles, Implements, TOOLS OF Light and Heavy Machines, BARB AND SMOOTH WIRE, IRO, STEEL, COAL, GUNS AND AMMUNITION. Call in, Gentlemen, and we will Make Yo Happy. A. It. (."vars. V. C. I'etljjnox. A. R. Cyrus & Co., INSURANCE -AND Real Estate Agents, t iH'uloni Iu All KiixIk of Agricultural Implements, iNci-uusa THK Famous Morrison PJo s I'LAIVO IJIKD12UH AND Tiger Mowers, Lebanon, Oregon. W. F. READ, THE LEADING Cash Dry Goods Store OF AJuIlANV, Oil Mr BTOCK IS New and Complete, And I Invite everyone when in Allnuiy U .COME AND SEE US, Knowing that we cun milt you Both la Goods and Prices, MAIL OItIKllH Promptly attended. L. H. Montanye, AOoriie,vtit.Lw AND NOTARY PUI.3LIC, Allnuiy, - - - Oi'f'Kii, Will pmetlee In nil Courts of the rkute. W. R. Bilyeu, Attorney-at- Law, A-tlu,v, rejjOtt AJIul SOIJTS, I6HS0RIA PARLOR. KOR A NICE .HAIR-CUT AXI) A CLEAN SHAVE Cull nt my uliop on Main utrcot. I nl hone razom. I hove iu connection with my bhtip, a fine HATH HOOM, where you enn get a biith at any time. TICKETS 9P.0,d.,f?r.P; Shav Each, iiva&ikj jiijT lor mi. on I. R. BORUM, Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon, NEW SENSATION AT SWAN BROS.' Tin and Stove Store. A CHEAP COUNTER OF ALL KINDS OF Household Goods. MORE GOODS FOR LESS MONEY Than You Ever Saw. IF YOU WILL 0LV CALL, You will be Astonished A the Rock Bottom Prices.