V J ' JL r NSVIM.K. TlxnwtH Sr. on Monday loft for SiiK ui, . , V, 11. Kirk on Fi-hlay returned from J'ortland. J. r. (JalbriiUh on Monday left fur AHmiy. , Mik. K. II. Curl visited Kclo during llic past week. Mix. Jny A. JlMiop h vlnltlntf the fitinily of William Staiinrd. Mr. I. W. Ktarr, of Albany, U vlnU JiiKMw.T.KlMllMlmry. Mr. Win. Spcrry Is confined to the iiouwi ly an attack hf 111 lieall h. Dr. K. R, Jewup and wife, of Salem, mv visiting O. 1 Coshow nnd family. ('laud L. Mantel fell from a bicycle receiving h severe sprain of the wrist. Miw Annie Younper, nclcc of Hugh Fk-Idis i vMting friends at Lafayette. lUit Cable on Wednesday left for Coliur, returning home on tho follow ing Thursday. Joseph White and R. Uuatch are op. crating the praia ware houw at the Or egffiilan railway. I)r. I. W. Stai r, of Aihany, on Thurs day paid UrowiiKvillc a vi.-iton profes sional liUMtio. J!ev. A. La ltoy, pastor of the Hap-ti-t church, on .Monday left fur a short May hi Portland. (. 1'. Owhnvv and wife and lr. Jes mip and wifo on Thursday paid Water-looi-prlng a visit. 1!. X. ThomjHon, acoiimiiod !y i.ix wife and family, on Tuesday left fur the Findley soda springs On Wednesday, Thursday and Fri day the luiTinomcter marked 9S in the shade. "Jliphyou warm." Mrs. II. Meyer, who ltasltcrn vis iting ffieiid at Selo, on Monday re turned home via the Oregoniaii rail way. Mrs. Jilakeley, wife.f es-heriff Jo w ph DIakeley, of Gilliam county, U visiting friends and telutlve at this place. Mm. John II. Water, who for the p;tt wet k has Ueu sutlering from an attack of sickness, Is improving In health. Illicit Fields left fr Eastern Oregon on WeduodHy last. He will purchase wool for the Kugle woolen mill of thi place. 15. W. .'tone, of The Dalle, U visit lug his sinter Mm. Morris Jaeger, wife ofSupt. Jaeger of the Lagle woolen mill.-. Thoman Kay, of Knnww, late in the employ of the V. 1$. & . It. It. a en gineer, arrived In town during the past week. Dr. Jessup nnd wife accompanied by O. I. Coshow Sr. ou turil:ty. left for the Upper Sodu springs on the San tl'im. F. F. Croft on Tuesday returned from Pugct sound where for the past mouth he him been visiting the various points of interest.-'. Mrs. James wilson and son on Friday returned from CorvallU, where they for the past two week have been vis iting family friends. Married, Sunday, July 14, at the rehideiiw of the bride's parent, A. T. Vulgauiore and MUs Annie Kes llng, both of Brownsville. Mrs. Albert (entry, neeompanled by Miss Mam! Howe, on Thursday leftfr Waterloo. Tfiey will remain at the springs for the next month. Dr. Devln, who for the past month has lieen visiting the principal cities of Oregon, on Wednesday returned for a brief sojourn in Uruwusville. Itev. A. Le Itoy, pastor of the JSap tist (Jhureh, has, by his congregation, been granted a month's vacation dur ing the prevailing hot weather. Late reports from the "Hrownsvil llans" who are niHticating In tho mountains are to the effect that nil are well and having a pleasant time. W. L. Parker late of Forest (J rove, Or., ot present representing the State Board of Immigration, was in town on Tuesday last attending to business, etc. - "Kvery rose has a tnorn," so says our new postmaster, although the position is lucrative and everything Is running smooth. The original old time kicker will put in an upiearanee. Richard Breese formerly of Browns ville and at present residing at Piines ville, on his return to this place during the past week met with an accident, having sprained his ankle during the trip over tho mountains. The grain warehouses at Browns ville and ('oburg have been leased and will be opcruted by Messrs. White and Burteh, who will furnish sacks to furiuers disirina to store grain imd will also pay thehlghcNt market prlecsnud do cleaning and chopping. r The utmost satisfaction was express ed by the audience f hat greeted "Zam lock, the conjurer," in his picsentaMon festival at tne north Brownsville city hall on the evening of Haturday last. Tho iH i forinanee was first-class in ev ery way, and tho holders of the lucky numk-rs drawing prizes received many beautiful and useful gifts. T. S. P. mSTlUBVTIOX OP . WEALTH. The tendency of our country is tp build up a moneyed aristocracy. The power of money to beget money is like the ixcreaslng momentum of a stone us it falls to earth. The wealth of the country Is more and more rapidly get ting into tho hands of the few. An drew Carneglo one of our greatest money kings admits this fact. How to check this evil is the all absorbing top ic of the political economist of the day. It must be met and settled speedily or the consequences will be upon us. It Is the problem of tho age and it is ex citing tho Interest of all classes. One of the remedies suggested is shown in Andrew Carnegie's recent ar ticle in the North American Review. lie says wc should not cheek the causes that produce great fortunes but that we should make laws that will force these fortunes to le utilized for the public good. "There are three modes," says he, "in which surplus wealth can lie disposed of. It can lie left to the families of the decedents, or it can lc bequeathed for public purpos es; or, filially, it can bo administered during their lives by its possessors." He contends it is Injudicious to leave larefo!l unes to children. K.ierienee teaches that largo estates are more of ten ruinous than beneficial to the child. Only moderate sums shoulu be iie riueathed." IIo :ivs that irreat sums are not be-! queuthed to children localise it is for their good, but as a matter of pridj to advertise the large sum that persons accumulate. 1 le svys : Thr growing disposition to tax more Land more heavily large estates left at death is a cheering indication of the growth of a salutatory change In pub lie opinion. The state of Pennsylvan ia now takes subject ton few excep tions -one-tenth or the propi'rtp left by its citizens. The budget presented i:i the Britisli Parliament the other " I day propeses to increase the death-du ties; and most significant or all, the th; new tax is to bc.u graduated one. Of all forms of taxation, this seems the wlsi-st. Men who continue hoarding great sums all their lives, the proper use of which for public ends would work good to the community, in the form of the state, cannot thus lj de prived of its proper sh-.ire. By taxing estates heavily at death thestate marks its condemnation of the veltlsh million aire's unworthy life. J!e turned With II It TrUoner. Constable ('. (1. Burkhart returned Monday from Blair, Nebraska, having lu custody Sylvester Nieholls, the ab eo..dingstrcet railway sub-oui tract or, whom he had arrested there on the charge of the larceny of six horses, up on which he had given n chattel mort gage, afterwards skipping out with them to Nebraska. He had borrowed frliK) there upon the horses, giving an-' other mortgage. Nlcholl's says he was ; induced into running away by his j partner, W.J. Martin, who it seems is ; nearly as guilty as N ieholls. 1 he lat ter says this is ids first crime, and that he did not intend at first to take the horses away. He was examined before Justice Humphrey Tuesday morning. -Herald. If you goto Albany to buy a stove call on W. Smith, who has the larg est and best stock of stoves nnd tlu- I. ml tuA'i . 111 Albany. Special sale. The balance of our Straw Huts, ChambrayH, Lawns, Seersuckers, Kat teens, will be closed out for cost, as wc don't want to carry anything over at ! cost, for cash. C. C. JlACKLKSIAN. J. A. Winter, Photographer, will lie in Brownsville on Monday, May 27, to begin the summer campaign. No pains will be spared to make pictures with the highest degree of excellence, Pictures enlarged. The mammoth furniture establish ment of FortmillerA Irving is one of the biggest things in Albany. They will soon move Into the large new Ma sonic building where they will be pleased to show their goods and give prices that will simply defy all compe NOP ' Would yy lcixrn llm liruwl tlihitf Tliul man citiH'vrf ilti.' . Wimlil ye b iiininnMwiii,'t kluiri Aliwnluiu mat true? WmiM ye Heel; to eniulate Ally kw lartory, of i lie aoalv, Just iiml ttruit, Kirlt in Mil ifloryt .. Wniild yo lose mui'li littler mrc In the wnrlil lirlinv? llmvul; "ionk out when mid whom "Hi- rlwlit to utter 'No!'' tanrn tOKpcnk thl littlv word III Its iriiK'r Jiliiro ; Lot no lliulit iloullt he heard, Clothed with HkeptlcBnief. lA-t thy lis without (llKiiio, Iloldly pour It out; Though B tnoUHiud dulcet lies Keep howrlliK illxillt. Fr lie Mire our liven would loo future years of woe, If our rouni;e could refuse The present hour with "No." The nulhor of the uhove Is unknown to nr, we rmhlMi It by requeat of A friend. but (Jo to Heard it Holt for machine oils; they have tho largest stock ever brought to Lebanon. They do not make the reductions in t he oils, but make the reduction lu tho prices to suit the times. The parties who left Prinevillo Mon day to search for George Nutting have returned. They made a thorough search through the country where he was last seen, but no trace nf him could le found. They consider his disap pearance a mystery which may never be fathomed. Ochceo Review. An exchange truly remarks that "the ninn who grows up in his native village is frequently regarded as a boy by his elders until he is well started down the declivity that ends in a hole. The stranger who comes Into a place may or may not be an honest, upright man, but he is ofteiicr pushed to the front than the well-known, unostenta tious young man, who has grown from boyluKsl to man's estate without the transition lieing noticed by hi? every day companions. This is one reason why so many young men become dis satisfied with their home surroundings and loner to cast their lot in other quarters." Kvery line in a newspaper costs soniethtnir. If it is for the benefit of an Individual or firm it should be paid for. If a grocer was asked to donate groceries to those able to pay for them he would refuse. The proprietor of a newspaper must pay for tile free adver tising If the beneficiary does not. And yet it is one of the tardiest things to be learned by many Unit a newspaper has space in Its columns to rent, and must have it to live. To give It away or rent for anything less than living rate would certainly bo fatal as for a land lord to supply houses and rent them free. Board For Hale. The lest boards in Linn county can be had from me at .rjoc per hundred de livered at Lebanon. (J. ('. IlAl'KI.KMAX Haying tools at Cruson & Menzie's. E. J. McCaustland, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, Draughting and Blue Prints Office with Oregon Lund Co., Albany Sewerage Systems and Water Sup- nlicK a snecialty. Jv-tates Milxllvlded Maps made or copied on short notice O. P. Coshow & Sons, 1 1 12 A lu i : H T A r K AXI) INSURANCE ACENT8, 1Ii-wiiv!1U, - - ruii. OdlvPthiiiK nnidi'. eiitivi'yiiiK'Imr and all Notarial wm k done on hurl notice. D. n. a' W. Wright. m Blackburn Si Wright. ' A ttoriioyH-at-T-tiw, Will pructiceln nil of tho courts of the state. Prompt attention given to all biiHinesH entrusted to our care. Of fice In Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Oregon. Jos. Leonard & Son, Boot and Shoe Maken. Repairing a Specialty. Shop Mween jewelry utoro and Ulacksinlth shop, ' Lebanon, Oregon. Dr. Frank R. Ballard, I'liynlelnii mid Hiir'on, Oflico at Residence, Combine! the juice of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medtunal virtues ot plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on tho KIDNEYS. LIVER AND BOf ELS AND TO Cleansathe Systsm Effectually. so THAT PURS BLOOD, ' REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYKUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by tne CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Sam Francisco, Cal. Lomsvn.ii, Kv. NewYokk, N.Y. J. L. Cowan. J. M. Ralston. BANK OF LEBANON. Lebanon, Oregon, Transacts a General Banking Business. Account Kejpt Sulijcct to ( heck. Kxclmnge Solil on SfW York, Han Fran- cIhco, Portland and Albany, Oregon. Collection Made an Kayoralile Terma. FORTMILLER & IRVING, ALBANY, - - OltEGON. Munufactiirfrnof und Dealers In nil Kinds Furniture. Import all First-Class Goods DIRECT FROM THE EAST. A oompletc stock of Mf all Taper, Deco rations and AYindow HliadeH. UNDERTAKING A (SPECIALTY. SPBCIAL, NOTICE. lIt. W. C. Qraduate of th Royal College of London, Eng land, alto of th Bellevue Medical College. THE rwXTOtt HAS SPENT A I.II'tTIMK OF Ktmlyniid jirm-ltro. anil niHkoK n diii'iiilty chniiile disi-iw, rcnicivi-K rnniTrH. wnil'iilnii:; cr. litritt'iiii'iits, tnin.irM inul uciik. witlmul hiIii or lilt klill'e. flc uLhi iiinkfK h iui-inlly nl Iniiliiu'li! with eU'ctrfcty. Hui )nicll(i'd in tho Herman. French and KukIIkIi Ixwriilul. I 'alls iroiiinlly ntieiideil ilnv or niKhl. Hi" Inollo If: "(iwdl) Wll.l. TO A (.!.." Hlltco and residence, Kerry slrvet, between Third nnd Fourth, Alhmiv, oreKon. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY IF YOU Want First-Glass Goods At lower rates than ever offered beforo in Albany, you are looking for bargains you need not Any further, but come into uiv 17',, " ' store and you pleased. It is to your own in terest, so come. G. W. SIMPSON, Albany, Gun FOEraiups KTTIIIS PAPEE'd ' ' v;i7:i THE SAM FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL Price. f:i.!53 per Year, THE SAN FRANCISCO MORNING CALL Prleo, CC.CO per Vcar, 013 GQ-O' rpiIE SAN rUAXCISG WEEKLY CA'T. Ja ft handaono cIsM-pago paper. Kin auod cvory TMtndu.-, r.ud ccctdm; nil ' ' tho lcporiant now of Uic ".vctl;, ic::i-.e4 from every (jiwrtL-r of tho c-lots, '' iJ uptoduta of publication. It ci:t-i:i i.l tcrostlng (pcclul corrosponck-nco u v.i r.ll A tho prlucl;.al cities Of tho voild ( -1 1. . t araountof ttio best (elected tud ot)a!j:J general literature. . It fnrr.UiCS Co U ' nnd most rellublo Ca:ici::l !.cv;a i:::t'. ket quotiit-'cn;', End clvoa tr;KCl-l i ' - i to Uortlcultural and usrlcultur;.! n-jv;.;, ,m . lain every icqoetaflr:t-e!:;c.iIxajI; j. r, oppcultog lo tLio lnlere-t of vciy iza.iIm of tho liOUIJcUold. ... THE MORNING CALL. (iievex lasens a vt.is.) la a livo mctropolitnu dully. I: Ln n LAr.GETCinCULATiO:;ar!cll-rcc,;i 1; I 03 being the LEAPIIKf KEWSP.U TP. ft . I'acifle Ccast. EKlitr of t";o cboo i-xn wo will send poi.tpnld cs a i reiiu oa re ceipt of U;u folluwini; sulutiii-'Jou j .. for tho combination : This pnpermid MornliiB Cull, iT ye.ir - s This ;ui.'r nnd Wwkly Cull, pcryeur - - C E. Hawkins. F. Fakiik;.!,. Albany Furniture Co. Keep everything you want in tho Avay of Call and see their stcek wf UTwo cur loiidn f l-'uvnt-turc, JiiHt wcelved from tll' lJIHt.'fc . Urst Htreet, WashiiiLton. between Ferry niul Francis Pfeiffer, , l'HOI'l'.IKTOn OF THK Albany Soda Works, AND MANUFACTURER OF Plain and Fancy Candies. Agent for the Albany Ice Company, Albany, Oregon. So, it' rtlu will be sure to be 20: Oreiroi!. l: A. : t.' V "V t: J