?ll!i.llllJLlli!J!!!!f".,'J'.'I.1.1 f 3jfc Lcbaijci? fixprcsst FRIDAY, JULY 1883. LOCAL AND GENERAL. A. I', t'yiusnmdc Hnkm n business vVit yct.rd.iy. 'S I:o Sun hern Pacific took enarge of (iie'Xtu'rMv Ginigo July V.. Ten in v su.iserlbers cine':' otir last i'f!i i : :'!;!! Tjik Ethi i wanted. Yia can bet your lire wr have heard tho smud ;,f i!w hammer and saw this llrv. C A. JIoDenaM ta;d wife, of !ii.r:!.-l.-!!-, nr.- in town Sunday to attend ttit? vcdJir.g. Tin p: , r;i Incroiss-' iii population !:i Oiegoii imd Washington is estimated tn le l i '0 j'i'r'tl. y. Y. F. Ji. u)miiki hau retired from th li ;-x uif I'inliiJi ale r, end iSKUccieded by .'. Y. I: 'jijuiniii. , 'rr. K-i.vf? and Frank Harris, of Al bany, ; i:i t-nvn .rfa unlay ami .il:lile US a pleasant call. Mr.. J. HTfciai:?-liter, Mrnrgie, w'lm have Ivii :m!ping at Waterloo, i lunu'-l It ;.. Monday. Mr. i.'lu-!'. !. Montague returned lust 'i'in'fuLiy l.'cm Portland. He v Kir.- l.'.i return. At'.lrtr ;i .r.'.y, tho by who rv. i.f .rii. !i : i"i to gvt cut , k ;.:: .;!!,'.', -ini .-.-cent. :;.''. -.. ?.I(.i,:i.-,M' tdwifelcrtl-c-t I'i.llV for ;;. moil'! t a! ;:?, Whel'C !.CV : v:!K lintc ruidk-at I j k If your !".'snr!r.iu-!e;u;!! hx- not your if'iii.es'r.'.od to if, H will Ih- nrc to :-:ich i:.e wnttf bl.tt, j. lease bear in ! s- "i i I f 1 . The nt w v.nrt l.w"-? at V.rva!!i will eift tin- ci,:!y i;.r!y and the city Ia i-AKivt'$.lJfi'.0 for a new tehwd b'U:-;. There :.re f;iil v. jrvent many jilea-nre fT'.l.oi - ;'''i"! 1 1 li'.e mountain, but it i.-a two way tt.tvel now- they cirjie .". Mr. T. r. IWiIer, wife and e!ii!d, and Mr, Heed TUum-d fr-ni the HionnuuiiH I:i4 Monday, and re port a ;i!e;;fant trip. Mr. Ja. I!ti!'.sim and Dr. Courtney ind their wiv.'n burled fur tie moiin !:t l;. Vv"edned:iy." They inte nd ,'"': over (u f ir an the Mat-dou. Jiuue- Dannid Ml 1 frvirii' a HeafloM while Wrtrkinj; en the roideiice of". Ji. (Jniham near Albany Saturday, in liicitd severe though uot dangerous injuries. l'rjf.t'. S. Hiiit li lis rfeepied the I ritn'i;al"h!i) of th-i jrrtiiU-d tehool at Oakland, iue l'rofHsor hn many Mil ,'? friend here who will be borry to ie Mat leave Will Morrow went to Urownrrilk on Thursday, b) be alnent two or 'J):ve weeks. Jfe will take a jiiti.'i' ir. (t'o. Dyson ' tinvlreeuipriun:.' (Jood luck to Wid.-Bcio I'res. Harry Lane, fuperi; t'tidcnt of the irsane a'-yluui id Haleiu, and George Downing, KUpeiinteiident of the jx.ni teutlary, were in Lebanon 'WedtKM day. Tii"y will rusticate in the moun tains for-.v few dyn. T. O. Hendricks jwrddent of the J'iawt National I!:iuk, Hint F. M. Wil kius, drupgift, of Hugone, n!ent Thursday in Lelmnon. Thiy have !i?e. 'pm3ing wveral days lit S kla vih. ; rith their fandlie. Mr. J.'C. ri!yi;u ha our thankn for n unc nice trout that he caught on the Matolotin lust year, and they were very nice. Juke i.i the jhtwhi we like to see gj to the mountains and we' are glad to (say that he 1m g'dng to htarf again H ion, and in no.v biwy ixuking all ar rangementa to get off. If o-oa wifh (;i hoc how Lebanon Is Improving Just watch the ne'build ings going up all around in Urn way of bushier iiouws dwellingx, barns; tli,n look at the new feiio iH-ing bulk; the new Mde walks and nl'reot erodings, and ak jf Lebanon k on the grow ! 1 ! 1 No Ixk.u, but n steady growth! Tiik J'lxi'tif.JS conlem plates making jniproveiiK via in the future provided the tn'-rchanis'keep i'p tlie patiomuro in advert irting, um we believe they will, and ail back siibwriplionH r.re paid in. Give uh u consilatit llc.v of advertising and we will be ab!ot' make 'fun F.x I'HMin potent factor in the advanee tneiit of lije city and mirrntindlngrouu trv. L'-'nnou bhould havea hwg:; and iniiuential pi.pi rona that the city 1'iel county would be pnnid of 'and de light t' sopport. SVc couteuipliiU; ' making The lixriimi u six column quarto when businofs o)K'Ti!5 up a little better, (iive u your patronage, your yourjrood will, p.nd soo-Tub Kxjf.HiiK ; iiic:id Helf kkws nuns. Haying tools at Cruson & Miller's. Men's shoes 00c ut Feebler & Buhl's, First-elatA work at McClure' barber ftllOp. If your buggy tires neel setting take them to Joseph Harbin. Hi!' guaran tees satisfaction. ' Garden tool at bed-rock 'prices nt CYusoii A Menzics'. Joe Harbin sets.wngon tiros' without cutting or welding. Jo Harbin sets wagon or bMggy tires without dishing the. wheels.- Call on -,'ruson fc Mruziis for screen doors and wire screens. Cru.Miin A: Mimics will futnkh your windows and doors cheap. Dr. Frank 11. Italian, Physician and Hurgeon. Oliiee at residence. Farm;?!' can save mney by buyi'J their iiaiehine oils of J5enrd A Holt. One ju ice and eah at the new cash Kt:iv. but everything fcold' cheap and deij ve ed to any jart of the city. Cnwoii k ?.!e!i?.k' are irej.irel to far tiish yuii v.'iih dimM aiul windoWM elu'iijA-r than anyone tl.w in Lebanon. Go ; Heard & Holt f r nurhiiu 4.11; they Jsitve th'j largiet Ktocfc' e.er brought ' tii Jid.aiion. They do not make the h-dtictioiis in !.e oils, but make the reduction in the jiricts to 1 f-uit' the t i nil s. J. A. Vjnh r, rhot r'tjihcr, v.'itl In j in lU'iivnsviii" :i Mdiiday, May U7, to ! I'";r::i tiie M:::;i.n r ea!tiii'4i:rn. No j i'.u.'','.A v, ill bo t ;.:.rui to iin.ke pi'.turos wiUi tie hiu! -t ! 'p.e vf exeeileiiee. i I It'tUU; 1 11 i'.J r ! The marnui"!!! furniture cMabIinh I merit of Fort miller A: Irving is one of the bigg. st ihing in Albany. Tliey w'Hi six m m've into the large new Ma j sonic building where tle.y 111 1e 1 p'.i-.isod to show their gooits and give j prices that will simply defy all compe- titi-.ii. j The Golden link- IJazaar, of AUany, j U the greatest variety store in Oregon. Fveryih'mg y6u can inisgine and a thousand thimrf: you never thought of can be seen here. Jfdius Gradwohl is i the man that deals honestly and j truly by his customers and sntiofy you i in price und qualities of all goods In iit line. Don't fail to give the Golden Ilule l-ifraar a call. ioc6itUKso.Nij;NTS. Some of our new 'correspondents have lxvn sending in tLeir communi cations without their resd'imme signed to them. Now it is a rule thst all com munications must have your' real name as well as 'your mini de plume. Specftal sala. The balance of c'tr Straw Hais, Clinmbriiys. Lawn;;, 'fH-t-rsuckers, Sat tcrns, will be closed nt f'r cost, as we don't want to carry anything over at t ft, for cash. C. C. Hackmcmax. Mr. Guy has erected a neat buildixg next toor to our cilice. MrsC. II. Kalston and her little dauIiUr, Jessie, left for Junction ('jty Tuesday morning to vkit her sister. The trial of W. II. Hawkins, charged with the mbrJer of F.' II. Ogle, who was shot down in the streets of Salem last spring, has leen in progress dur ing the week, but ut last account the jury had not brought In their verdict. Ogle was a young man and was well known in ibanou, having resided here for a number of years. There was considerable eve-itennnt in town last Monday mormr.r caused by the team o; W. 1. Donaca rufming oil'. No damage was done except to demolish the wagon '''which they were hitched. The council ntfheir last meeting or dered the marshal to mc that the side walk' which had been ordered put up by property holders, moKtly on JJack str'.ijt, was put up at once. At the council meeting last Tuesday evening J. M. Hai'-fon and John lh.u k hnrt scut in their. resignations which we're accepted, and A. P. Klackburn and J. J. sjwau were elected in their places. A corps of men will begin thes'jfvey of the Hiuslaw fc llast'irn railway to day or to-morrow. " The advance parly who went out a week or two ago ascer tained that a siiti-d'actory route 6xists, and the inteiUiOii of the company is to d o c v c ry t u i 1 1 g i . i its po wer t o sec u re the building of the rem! in the near rs 'turo. Ocr'ciiizejij Iiavo contribu'.ed about ?o00 to assist in the preliminary survey, and as the cost w!l! ho frot i Sd'JtK) to $lrAw they should esf?nd their 'snb.'W'i'iptiuiis, ns ft u an t-.i'tcrni-iso in 'which every vwnir cf -.ojv.'ry-l iu tcM t'lf.d.-Jlnijeiie Kfgk'er. Hen Donacalind wlfo returned from the mountulnsAVednesday. Lllo l'arker and wlfo returned homo from the Mountains Monday. Kev, I. Carlton will fill the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. Hoy. (. W. Giboney and wS left for Waterloo, yesterday, where they will sp.:nd tonic time camping out. The Hist new wheat of the season wii.i delivered nt the Lebanon mills by Unfold pioneer wdieat grower, J. Was- s.in. We received a handsome catalogue c.t fanning impU'iuents, vehicles, etc., from Stawr ii Walker, of Portland, yesteiday. There is to lo & race in Albany next Sunday between II. II. Odell of Soda ville, and Cameron of Corvallis, we understand, lor $100 aside. T. If. Jiarnes and wite, of Ilasfings, Neb., are in town this week visiting the family cf F. .M. Miller. Mr. Hamci is favorably impressed with this part of the valley, and will probably ieeate here. The quarterly conference of the M. F. church of this place n.tt last Friday evening. Kev. S. I'. Wilson, the pre-, siiling elder, Was present and pro-ached Friday evening,' but left next day, as be had another apoointmeat for Sun day. . The new and elegant roJdeiice of Mr. J. Wmhii, just north of aur city limits, it Hearing completion. It m mild f an ornnmeiit to any city, and we ton- nituiiUe this a;:ed couple on so charming a place to spend Ike even ing of their days. Kev. Charle.3 Fillingham, of Tulare, Cab, was is town last week, aud is just convalescing from a severe attack of malaria. He rejiorts all southern Cal ifornia as subject to iViiilariu and no crops without irrigation. The booty lias collapsed, property of every de scription declined, and many families ruined by the! tremendous crash in real estate. I to says tint hundreds and thousands f ould come to this valley if they could only get away. "One by one the roses fall'' and two 1 by two the youth and beauty of this valley are joining hands and setting fortli on the br;ud and busy highway of life as man and wife. This time it is Mr. 1). L. Amfdcr and Mi.-,s Welch. They were married at the residence of the bride's mot her by Kev. Crosier, of Portland, on Sunday, June 1!, ''1SS9. Mr. Ambler is well known in Lebanon as a ri.-i'ng and energetic young man, and has the confidence and respect of all who know him. The bride is a charming and accomplished young la dy; and they have our best wishes for a long and happy wedded life. LEUAKOX AS A CENTEK. We take the following from the Ak ba.iy Democrat, written' by a conca pont'ent of that paper who signed the Initials A. F., which is u;ry gcxnl, and sets forth some good ideas which we would like to see followed out. He should have put the population 1200 instead of GOO: Lebanon Is a neat, pleasant, prosper ous town of about six ljundred inhabi tants, situated near the heart of Linn county at the terminus of a branch of tho Southern Pacific, about thirteen miles from Albany, the present county seat of Linn county, Lebanon, al though only a small place, at present has the control of all of the trade in tho eastern part of the county on the South fork oftke Hflntiarn.'a country which w ill, in a very idiort time, have a hand some population, as immigrants are sure to come in (and are now. coming inland take homc:st"ids in this nature favor. d section of Linn comity, but one which is least favored by the county authoriti.s. About 4! miles south of here Is Hod'aville, where is one of the finest soda springs in the State, and six miles south of here, just east of S;i daville, over :i high hllf, is Waterloo,' which also has a tine soda spring. The places are destined to become the great summer resorts of the State But to Lebanon. There is nothing more apparent than that this will some day be a much more prosperous place than it now is, and will be the mort.and is now the most prosperous town in coun ty leaving out thecouniy scat, Albany. Lebanon is a nice pbee for the immi grants to come, for the people are gen- rous to ' a fault, and nhvayn try to make toe stranger fool at Ids oaf e, and j encourage, and help him s; 71 they can. It -ot'ld be well for I he residents of j this thriving and prosperous town to i endeavor to advertise ami. ot lierwisu fbring tho' good qualities of their btju j tiftil city ' before tho public, and. we ; think they are, each and all, ready end v Ul'r'g iw oo tketr part; v Tfte Finger Of FORTUNE Beckon? to vo 'alid directs vou'lo' THE MAN, THE STORE, Till: STOCK- ' that will moro than any other help you to lay the fuiiinhitiot ' of a fortune in money saved. i HACKLEM AN Is the Man ' i Of whom' every one says that ho HAS NO EQUAL' for prices ; ; relating to value of goods. Tt is a fact. V ; ; BUYERS CAN SAVE MONEY' 0X EVERY 'TRADE IF THE Y BUY OF HACKLEMAX. , VAT! 'PS FT? Tin? TIM And ret upon and you will find that you "never got such '; Hi?h Grade Good's and so nukh Cliangb' 'ji ou'tofvour dollar' r; A N Y VvT HE II E ' AS' AT I- THE HORSE THAT WINS THE RACE. If yi;u ever bo to nuvs I think t!:at you'll n(.rrte In tht following philo.'-ephy which oft warn to 'ih;. i:ui)ie horn-i start otMi.-wly, mrl others niuke tho pucp, Kut tho i!rt hor-w ut tliu wire Is the hone that wins the rare. It riwsii't tihvuys mDltcr which jos'Key hos yourmutiat, . . Whi'ii they ally lown the henvjlruteh, nio thhu: nlonc will count, loi'k oftt-n r.'.vu," ir.'Tit, and f-,rls-tter or for worn;, Tlie roar Iium; tU tft- la.shing iuul thu fnmt horso gets (he ptnru. When iWHn; n.r In okcr you i.ro liuhtti to II ml Tliut two )m!r m-luoSi rank as lil.h as three ennlH of s tjin J. ' Tin' kiae curd i. n high curd, hat it t'.o."n't lient the we, The first horse nt tli wire U the one that wlus the rua-. .... e Ju.il lw i. tae rvonrds over, and you'll sy with ine 1 (tucss That rially, f(,r Kucueedlnjr, tliereV nothini; like new; . . The world will surely Juile you hy tho thia-s that you Imvi- Coin" You'll ouly tret Its pity for viur buttlvs aeurly won. I'.fpiiiiition i n't nln-nyt what U'k latwled up to be. The nl.iiflow hrooki ure rmhiest, down flowlrg'to dnj'sea; (iri'Ht (jenian soaietliat's hides itself within u coajiaon.fuu', 1'iuk horse Uut the fuvoriiea ia ninny a Kitlluat ruec. Ilndeavor to Le nl le, hat the world don't, circ a plu' Fur an o"un of endi.i vorn, unlest they ehunec to win. , , J'mHi what you've undertaken, if you w ant to niakepniacr Succesi has tilled the alehes in the tin)'o wall of FuvW! Tlie nient rjwsffi'.t doctor h the on Unit wwt Is i!W, Tin.' ax fehnat who most jtiwpcr is fc'icf thtt getn the trade, Tbe im.st Kueeessful law yer Is the one thai wins the oh, ';he first hore at the wire Is the one that wins the race. t fcfVn think If 8 fretiy tivr 1, that tliiatrn shonld he Just fo, ,Mi .'ou have to huy your ticket it' you wnrtt to see Die nhow, I!' the front of (heprocwvijou where you always l.eur the hand; A:id the huy who tcets hot iunutA U the tlrt one at tlie stand, Ko make your taldeta ready, and Jot thiy"; AVfivivr.;' , It it the iieu -lint does the lmstlln?, ar.tt't'hekj,ng that ' efos t'lc'erown. The mint who xels the fox' bruii U foremost In il.e cha-, And li'.e fi'st litrs at the wire is tlw hor. tlwt wluVthe riu'f-. Inter-Ocean. Th Way of the Trtnniti'v'iiiiiir is Hard. A Jackson vllle dispatch says: At5:3Q o'clock Friday morniiig a tire was dis-cow-red in the county jail which hud made considerable headway -md filled the whole front room with flame and smoke. From ;!o'me eauiMt the doors' of the cells could not be readily opened, and it was necessary to open h'em with n sledge. Three prisoncers were confined In the'jail, to:wit: F. Warren for robbery in Ulount's grocery store In Ashland; Newt Cook for stealing an overcoat in the F. H. Hotel, Jackson ville, and Ileury Hoover for robbing a blind woman at Talent of in mon ey. Ik fore tho prisoners could bo lib erated they 'were suffocated and wero all lln'oe brought out dead, " JIfw the lire orig'n'at'ed is a mystery at present', but it is evident that, the jaii was not set on lire by the prisoners a- it caught in t. portion of the jail in acce'ssible to llicui. If you go to Albany 'to buy a stove call on V, Jriiiitli, who has thelarg est" and t;est stock of stoves and tin ware and sella evaper thn.h'iiiiyone hv Albany. " 0i VJ V VT s. You Cannot Afford At this season of the? year to be withe-ti' a good reliable diarrhoea bnlsam :e tb house, as t ramps, :olic, diariluvu :u. all Intluinniation of the stomach n:r! bowels tire excei'ilingly danger. -in it' not attended at once. One bo'tir of iUit.l'M DIAUl'IKEA lUi .; AM will '.V more good in eases of this V:tK than any other i iedlcliUKon i rji" We yaarantee it. M. A. .Miller, dnt;:! - gw: U there is on" Ubing 'above timdk. r 1 that a young mail s.ho ild be ns!.'u.t it ,1 of doing, It i'i loadng without aim, j u . ' pose or profit, on i ho street or I n 'b-. , stores, day after day, week tift-r w f. I f you have no'.ifinj' to do and cm ' t, nothing to do stay a koine, a p:ut"vr, the time nt any rati", Mo youwg ioh:; with any sclf-respoit will content l.inv, self with 'tu piikig to no higher n-.pe.nt tion tiiith that id' u chronic loafer i -v Ktore-box tiiagnut'. Nothing wll ', blunt the higher faculties as InnetO" and no liiactjvity is so baneful malevolent in its eli'ect us that v,; tary idleiiesk, termed loeting, , Get yntir nails at (.'rwiou $!1T)0 r fce'g."" i