The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 19, 1889, Image 2

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    -. - i i "MiiiiTiiiniiliiii rrmiiiimriniunifirnDifiiii n wi m mm m
..,r-w':u".'!: r,t ix.i tin o. t. j
For ei!'t".rc Jufy ix is-ssi. -. -
MarrlHtre ?iii n I'nilaro. j r.i Oi-to't f'.utii'i, f
' ' ft'HM' t.i" !H". ,1. l.-lfSi in i ',."' .rt'V.t
v" 'i kixnic ;(.
. ,' ".""""til dicsv cwHllMr.ns
, y ': .r to ruiumn tin-
' ' , tin' jw-il tG
j ; . ws- Uui m'Vflto
. ' , w.."! hail iirfti in JncV'itti suiify
-u. -I1 t til J.!t: ik "rhiiiri Iiit. i"iimit
'.I. -t- i cu'-m utjVio chuiwcu in ! ioa- of ll.s j
'u;Uy N;!iv'( CtTaai l'u AhUiut,
'. -n.-!i - -rk m.;k-5 hi n.. t ixjuj
i."--.! a' -t Talent prwin t t t.t"i-i it ui-J
-J. n-t J nrWt had rVirtruUii.JiiriJ
-! 1 iv:.iSiuU'. that tn "cloud hurst" muhhI
v"" H-1V J.J ,l
!. ii7stiilry t.irher has k u fiivoraMo to
j.i- ht-s. la.-VM luch fr now uixlur full ny
f r' r ) t- p !.n that (kit whrt ill ie
V" tlxw -' rmp, while cprin pmiii
i ik k i. s; i , p. on tho jg,;h the Bra wheat
t-rxfi v .1st a wsrvViuse in tvwitetmi; the
t ft'v' b nia j lrl .j stmt eliii mill thr whnt i ia
I rui; . r-i-t- pfmtinuc to bf cxiM'tont. h-
w . ! ' ' V a arkrt to bhi quantities
I s. uv up-jtu rorn and turaBtr-jiiiw rtry (Vn-'-
E E. VxtiVt, , '
fiow "itioT.
, . JuH-lS.
wnrot uta-r than I inti-ndo-l I ntuu of
f - ti Ji in r-i-s" ft fli, tiftuanimHiiiJin not:U
t -lt.s,wl Im,I-a n-tt to Waterloo .id find
" hrk!?wvi.s bm$ pushed ittf (wtsy.
i! "J .' :.M ii u an- wufkiug on ih hritiu
Nsiia it t ar. l m II. h.KLara . Biid
''"a .he it,n 'h. trv 1 1 abivv!y Jivi: -i
" ''u hs s, sum ih,'; aiw!ut ou-t.iin
i : itu'i -fiS Li"' n-i!r-;"iiri ha.- ?uIe
t 1 i. r r in u :! . uf'. tMtfvaVu: Is hi
t--0 "is u:n:n; rnna Mr. (inK Ac
- b i- if t.r h I Itam-d tlia! l.t l lo
1 fai.1 ui-j.o thi hriily.'. I will
. It Ja - th:it hi: U jiutt'.y
. i-r u t.i ii fal. j.r:i:.B.-- a:iif .;i:(- :!!; oj
t r i unj tii:lcr;lpihh; eSirts
.1 ii: "lit r ( f.
. - 1 II Bit,, ;b jv t tg with mvxem wish
r- J t' V " J L- Tj!; iirf of !lw
j,-. T -- i n fuf th'v.i.t-rlrA)
sntfiiir'p; jra.j.T n-wrf thp prerut
u y pj.Ui.uuir. a.1; vnicre to tt tjwid in
re tnu.!i of the tn'tpv dewnc etciatmn
jr t.', in r:ii;-iii: mostly um-c
ii - 'a na ! !! u ;h- f a :. ).ieryune if ;;ein
t ai.1 wilarc t-j ei ' wt, IwDnst morii. mid
... ;h i rj u ifhUorhwixl ImhiuL
' -s t. V a ''. u pf v.-b-t, Kansrj, nr.--I
'a-U pi 'h, p. ''-'J. ILLoveaU! Tht-y
.:j.iy j lt-in.- Vi:h li.s rwatrj", ;
T t unu'i'ro'u.'' afmuu:py in tUU dL-
gra. (lUi'stufJis of Uif 2siy.
"Why thTf'h Lue4ti,!y prt up in the
liioniMi', Milks ."tx cow, git l.rf-ikfjw',
K'ari? IVmr chlldroa to hkcwl, Iuuk
artor the other Ihw, JWds tbe hem,
Klit-wisc t!ie lioirs likcivisie wmtf i;j(Hh-crJ.-s
hlifop, k:itii Ue;:ty ptwia o' r.iilk.
w:Tn Hit; clothis.. gild tiuiuer, ft ctl
tinw, ct Cfteniw.
Tltial I cnuU Uro nnylnKly to do H
Jur hnt thegett? Nut cinch! llnr
riaa ii a tuctYi, ir; a grcut suewss!
"Is your note goot!?"' asked a mer
chant the otlter day cfa htjuih who
ofll-rt'd h "note for a lot of goods.
"Wt-21," replied the nurchnaer, "I
should think it ought to he, everybody
luuj got one."
. C.. V.. ("P,!..j -v j.r.'a'h-JiI r: of the Wst
' r 1 t r -;.; t...a-v
ii i uk ilijn i .7 rc; h: ii :un. It 1
: -t, Kirr i i. :y Ciiisf --T.-r in the
Ml 1 l ! . I " to J Prf'j f I f..t ta
i Tiv h t - f . . t aJ: v hy n. have
tt -'.I r. t ;i!-iiwis chji.l
v.u: i."r..'A Fjik vvvry ffuuiioy 'vUui ot 3
t. ut lo Jlr. ii. M-..;ucr a &w :.i'i;,rii' k-;o
. is 'i t ..i'i.oj i.f y, r.iii r:. (V i-
iS". t; i- .'! a:
cf A"w!y. in ur
vi-r. iiit Ki.--
An exchange says: "Soijc jieojdo
dou't jiwui to consider a newypnper fn
the light of a lusiness concent at till,
but Tuip!y a vehicle for the distribution
of news and information fur theiriniKH
iul benefit without pay. They expect
frt-c notices, and if they offer to pay
they want a teu doHar adv for half
price with fifteen dollars worth of lunik
free. We can't understand w Kvaomo
jK-o)le exiHHt a ten cent premium prize
on a live cent etn.i t car ticket. News
papem ett a greiit deal of uicney to
run and there is little fun in runtime
! them, and lesji glory. So whil we lay
ouralvi out to pieaw advertisers in
the matter of ppnee and rates, ye't the
line drawn must he drawn souicwhrte
and we draw it at the bread and butter
Kotjjjps .ucceeL like Bucctss, and
nothing eutipse like enthusiasm. ,We
are all aurally creatures of excite
ment and in many respect fearfully
and wonderfully made. A good old
clergyman once told the b-.iys of hi
liii'lu eln-i what hwni he iUendtd to
read at the morning orvi'. Tlo bovs
found the place and g'.uei towther the
connecting page. Tlie next morning
! tise preacher took up lii bwik and read
Jon the bottom." cf one jiage "when
-tK.n was quo liuudred and twenty
yeariojdhe took unto biaim.'ifa wiie
who Wtti-' -then turning to the next
; page "who was 14 ) cubit long, 4o cu
I bits ft-ide, built -f gopher wood and
covered with pitch inside and out."
; lie was very naturally ptittlud at this;
so he read it gaiu, vwififd it, tlu.-n
Haid: -My f.-ivnds this l the first time
I ever met thU in the liitdo, bnt I ac
cept it as an evidence of the acrtiou
tiiiit we are fearfully and wonderfully
Prop-Ably i.inetei'B-twcu tietbn of the
h!tfp':tii- ynu will ever have you will
get t.t home. The inde!titlne.' that
t 'n;w to a man when biw work j; over,
and he ft e!.-he hu run out of thfi'torm
i nto the fjuiet LiiHx.r of home wijr- he
ran rwt in jea? uiih fan.i:;-, u ;
We imite vou lo voim and loo?; ffmoli o.m
moth Slock of
Groceries, provisions, Tobacco, Cigars
Crockery, Glassware, Lamp3, Etc
Hides' Furs and .all kinds of Country Produce -taken inexchanpre for
We Guarantee Fair Treatment to All.
. .-
Corner Brick Store, Main Street, Lebanon. Linn fomifv. Or
iiilius Graflwolil's m
Golden Rule Bazaar.
The loading Crockorv ;nnl F:uwv
Goods housebf Albany, Oreffon," . e- Shasta Route,
Roger Bros. Silvenvare,
French China and Crystalware,
Boys' Wagons, Baby and Doll Carriages,
Fancy Goods and a
General Assortment of Crockery and Toys.
lie buys direct and carries the la-jr-nt Ktoc'i in the WiHatm-lt? vnl'.y.
" !rj Ptl Vr'-tr" V'.'V i!f-tf.ti (ti-nr'.V,i)f rty,
LJJ Ihl hJ jiutiS iiai!iij. tivf fiuil Ululiirt ;.pi JSIl.
: Ties Between Altaxy and 13 ffia
clsco, 35 Eesn
I '
"rKfi f'-!-' t.- rn-i-h r-ro
Wt-at-j Sf fiOliJlliiii .,. .,.,.,;
; Home
?g rer.l. It d
:trt tiuike
' 1 1 '
.'v f.v,- a r.." on
' 1 T' t-;ti.-
t ' 1- t ,tiMt 'A :ir; nlf t
i- i
n .
11 ji
iwve til :.t a I-
;-a-'i''y !' r .-,:.'.i' j
.ji, but n'.I Hi v.'.ir:. i
i cfSice h' ta;tCf i
..v .(: ti.'C t'au fi'ros- J
. :.,,!.- v: ok,., i
i-a; !'" ;- J !
. , : .- ..-. , !.. '. .-!; ;
iid t' o' :
(. .no ; :;r; u:.'i J
-t.- r j x , ''h -i.:.ii a !
much difilTenee whcUi' ryou o t: your
hotit; or wtietli-r yu have i:ttu
r'K.iii in that hoii-..-, y-ju cut i.u:ke that
Iiltlu room a true home toytai. You
can people it with such mi-id-, you can
turn to it with fuch t-wi-etfrttiekM, that
it will be fairly ItUitiaous wish thdr
prcM-nce, and wi'.l btloycu the vtrv
prtrfeciioji vt n home. Ai'aSHt this
Lome none of you thou! ! evrr tran-gr-;s-.
Yea fehot:!.! alway- trt er.vh
uth'T Vi'kh courucy. It In orte:i nut ho
difv.eait to live a jft-ron c it is to be
four.":! 'o hi:n. C'ourte-.v S. of eat
er v..iiue and a more royij grave llwn
Ham'.' p'plu Nt.!!i to think. If V(!'J
tvi'l hut be cturtefas to tach other you
will S4.;:ii l-arii t'j itvc e:.!-!i other Uitae
wi.-t !y, prni'oa:t'i!y, not to y kstiily
than you ev er did U-fore. Lj..
s S'J.liON A
Ji'j P''. : rn. i
'JT --7 CUArUi-ITt!
r Wlflllll b MLiiVUU w
O.ti. Or-
... M r. . .. s inHBT nil i i'
&l.iK.i' Cm'. ru'.i'f ..fuji
I'JJiril. !' W frPH
' MI HI. '
I .mii ;
. h... ;....,
' .1. M l!
or V
'' t-t " uii ! ...,:t ,. i
'.- "l.-l. It. i -r. ,1; ; ,
lft.nt: '. -i. ! I u, !,. :
V..':. !!!.-. !; ;,:. .. ..,.
t. f...l.v....,v l.n, .. I ;..-,. ..-. ..'..
Ii" I 'i. v.i- uml j ,..:. ;, . i
i:':"ii-.J rj :m! j.ii'isi;.;!,.-!..,; ?-
I.l-'i-' ! ;i (, i.,r.'.-.-. ' ( .in r. i.r .,i i . , ..
a v. t: I. 1 1 i t . r. : r.if iv-v " '
ft, V. fi...
a i;n. hiiicLV It i. nt
quality irou.ll
f i i , i . il n vii In ! it r ti .i . rim an u j.i- I 'i . "mMdir
in' t'r -ltA.fn.. ty f.itd,- sn.t4i'.f nf, tmi.'Jf u.i.e
i--jfH &tiil :-iirf"!-ti. Tut- Ur"H A V$ v
I- '.if.. !'Jf .iiM iit - if i ,v f '.I; ' &r. t'K:r
ti'C fiUu;'-;" n;i iir;! tUjo n tit-'--'Mi..
li-'-I iilL- lilt
. .u...:i.T,; j,
I v... i, ,, k
l-V... 1
J- iii.v.,, ;;;
' I. .
i ::ui,v: - . .
hc .,t' l'iini
. it.
.-l I I .
THE Affi.'.'O f.
i ,.;.t: ..:::. or.
Pullman Euffet Sleepers.
i'or J'.t.n:n.!i.a:J., (,f (0ll41,Kr
1 - r i.tii.iii. -i t ,
i:.xpiiw 'Prnitt.v.
Tt,., c. .
V liir ;: '. i,t;.,ii u .fj,
SoIl ry 11. A. 3ni!.r,
KoI Asriiiti'.r I?"oiiio ii. Or.
lM:hjM!i:: I). Mdiivun of New Yoi I;
V.'cst Side Dlvisicn. ' Train Daily Encrj.t tJnd.,)."
- ::.k f: v i:h'i - win. j
. i ji 'iiii V.'m ,?(
' v k:v:iii out
r V tl r Uli ty ml) IK.F fi.&ri
- . f i. '' f.-ir awt j:;it
1 1 n ii . ii fcott iinl- we jia.e J
(Cnwt'.'d VukV.k U? C. F-. if:ct5rv..
Flour J'cr&Ci-ti) back, fl j; pr bar
rel, i.
J i.i'--ii H:il, , ."; ptr K.
r.ult"rFr t. u rM') n-.!!, 40c.
Feu Per hr- "n, tl'h:
Li'. keiii i'or doztn, 2 W to ?j 00.
iJUchH l vrd'jz'!!,eommjn, i l oO to
lVnin, b'J.
;. i-.: per dozen, $7.
Turkt;yir-Por live weight. Mr.
Ilid.K Per H, dry, tk; green, 2c to
Muv!p pelts According to woI, 1,3
to ,i()e.
city KiVHthre were only e3 lawver: r, , . ' , riB 0aii, .Ecekt twnd,,).
la that'eily when he begi.n hi, p"ra-': ' yn and ?O0(i:: s ; :i':?J-;;; - - j "Kj-j-,;.
tic.-ixiy yar ngn, but that thoew ! tliCaj a. 4 the c!teaj.tvt, tU:J ' ,V aTiVlv',: 'ilT-'''rt''"' ''''
York barm now adon.t-1 vim i,;.;y ail khuU ol" couiilrv i irn- '""M"" .!'';"' '""i "
JiV'tit-ens, homeofwiiom have srrown 'ti,u-c. in rv.l..,,iri t,n - . ' t""s I'tJn 0iir.Ecot E!jn.u..
j ll V.V-.IUIl,.! 1 . II 1 1,1- U i , f - - '
11 .'. . 1 ...A
. -i flhf? Iiifln1 i:ijirk-pf tififp.
"I GhMiy look ontforuuinhero!c,',:,r convinc'd fif thi- fl'f't 1'ist '
t.r, i.l.r.1 ., ..lf UK . I! lw. I...I I.. . " . J ' i
' V 'i n i a il Im7 mui'jr jtjv
' t'i i' i. mr :-; ;,ri'ij, tfr-
..'t;.': VitCinr.,. tU J
t . i. 'i ' i - 'i n?pr It- u'iw i:t j
i 'in k -rt i ' it:i;iu;. i
i ii !.. f f ur n!.' '! !
it. - up in tripf line ijuift. Wi I
j;.'? li fir m tieiPi bf-dyi:. r.e. to ! ieiu up, : .htijt
The Pride of Woman.
A cles.r pei.rly mi'l tranparcut kin
i.s ahvay! nalgn of pure Hood, and all
pei-rioni; troubled with dark, greiiry,
or blotclied kkin oau rest anurt-d that
their blood in out ot ord r. A few
do of iu;GCS jiiiOoi yvmt i-
ULOOD 1 A v-ld mlie
ihe catjw and Uie km wll liecmne
clear and transparent. Try it, and if
BatbfucUon U not given it will cwtyo.ii
r'f hiwj. M. A. Millar. Dftigjrirt,
A. I:. Hamilton,
: i'i:.'.i.f:u is
rl' All j'olntM
; south wirEzsniA ummi
a. i-."I.Hi,i.k, c j. i:(A,i r.
j i-emtrked a He!Ch fellow who had jut
j liiarrird a red-headed wtuott. "Well, J
j you n'?dn't v.oiry younlf nlout it:
any Iwigor," eiie rej lied nigiit.'icanUy'
'A'y. I will Rvk out for you here
after' The greenback party is to meet In
Cincinnati, Ohio, Hept. 12 to n-orga-
n:.j the party.
H.iil Ii. Wilier, etwhiejr of the Malta I Notions
national bank of Ooio is mksicg and flrnrpnVc '
l;laccouiita$3J,wi0hhort. ' vjiuwciiCw, ,
; Drups,
If yoy want to adorn your home,! tJ3r, p.
gwd yoursedf, just go to Fortmiller & j CEN'ERAL JVJERCHAWPISE
IrviK, of Albany, and make a wiec-' j-..
tion from their immense tock of furni-l I lOnCCf btOrC
ture. All cho Hen, Dtyli-g and V'triety of j
nunc, r P'-. irouoic ; c n. - s n utrwt. opnonite Mm,
J. A. Lamberson,
Coll A imwcrp'J I'roinptJy
Day or Nisrht.
Office on Main utrwt, Tpcmite Monr