The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, July 05, 1889, Image 2

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    Lebanon is a thriving town
of about COO " inhabitants,
pleasantly situated in the
midst of the most favorable
portion of Linn county and
. also the "Willamette valley.
It is the terminus of the Leb
anon branch of the. 0. fc. CV
31. R., 13 miles from Albany,
overlooking the beautifal Al
bany prairie, and controls the
trade of a large section of
country, both prairie and hill
land being tributary to it,
giving a largo variety of pro
ducts. Borne of the finest
fruit lands of the valley are
near this place; there are also
great facilities for manufac
turing and stock raising.
It is about 4 h miles to the
famous mineral springs at
Sodavillc, and G miles to Wa
terloo, where there is a mag
nificent water power and als
a mineral twins. Altogeth
er, this is a most desirable lo
cation for settlers.
Linn county is flnel' situa
ted for commerce, beinj
crossed bv two railroads north
and south and one east and
west, and river on the west.
Lebanon is the seat of the
famous Santiam Academy,
one of the oldest educational
institutions of the state.
There is also a flourishii
public school tareo nice
churches, a bank, two hotels
( the St. Charles the principal
one), two general merchandise
stores, four groceries, one ba
kery, two drug stores, one
stove and tin store, one livery
stable, two barber shops, two
saloons, two shoe shops, two
blacksmith shops, one wagon
shop, one gunsmith, one sad
dte and harness maker, one
hardware and implement
store, one furniture store, one
book store, one meat market,
one real estate office, one
printing office, one newspa
per, two dentists, one photo
gallery, three doctors, one at
torney, three ministers, two
house and sign painters, one
jeweler, one millinery store,
three dress makers, one laun
dry, one, flouring mill, two
planing mills, one saw mill,
one large and well equipped
fire department, one telegraph
ofilce, jiostofliicc and Wells,
, Fargo Go's, express of lice.
A water ditch is projected
to bring water from the San
tiam to Lebanon. When
completed it will furnish ex
cellent water power for a pa
per mill, grist mill, woolen
mill, or other factory. This is
an enterprise that will well
'repay the cost of building.
This is also a good location
,fur a fruit cannery and a
$.-250. """ No. 200
200 acrt, 5 mil from Beio, nouth,
130 acres m cultivation, 25 botch Hlanheri
and in gran, 20 hcivh meadow, balance
ouk jrrubland, 1 ntory house of 5 roonw
barn 3Sx40 and cattle barn 30x40 fuel,
l ucren orchard, farm ull fenced and
well watered.
$1920. No. 211
80 aoreu,G miles south-west of Leba
non, ull In cultivation, box house,
miiall barn, 1 acre of orchard.
WOO!). No. 207
227 acres. 6 miles from Lebanon, east,
Warn in cultivation, 112 acres may
be cultivated, box house, barn, email
KaO. ' No. 209.
78 acres hill land, 12 mik south-east
of Lebanon, tfOaureu fenced, 4 acres
Hear, 2 acres plum orchard, 12 acres
tdutfbed and In grawr.
23 per acre, Ko. 223.
" 13 acres, 2 miles soth front Leba
non, 100 acres iu cultivation, 20 acres
)a?turc, etc., small house and barn, of
A. B. Cyrus & Co.
Look over thlw lUt oflmv
KiiImn mid coinfl nntl woe
un. Wo -will treat von
f-HOO. No. 100.
120 nor;H. S miles went of I.i',
ull in cultivation, good hard flushed
house, large burn and orchard.
$230. So. 20.
Lurge double store building In Leba
non, with ground ooxlof) feet.
f000. N. 22".
20 acres f rich boltoni land two
miles from Lebanon. Fine for peaches
or otlier fruit; good garden land. Can
easily bo put in cultivation. JJox
$5 per acre. No. 228.
(10 acres hill brush land, 1 miles
rom Bodaville. UixkI fruit land. o
ei mo No. IDS
Two lots and neat 1 story frame
house with barn. All in good shape.
cafih. No- 213
Ilk) acres of land 9 miles S. E. of Leb
anon, .i0 acres in cultivation, balance
pasture, timber and bnili. 2 story
hew n log house, large barn anil other
out buildings; 2 acres orchard, small
vineyard well watered by springs.
$1500, J cash. No. 217.
100 acres of rich bottom land, 0 mile
north of Lebanon, 2-" acres in cultiva
tion. 2o acres more may be grubbed at
reasonable cost. Dal. timber. 1 story-
box house, shed barn.
eSKD. No. 218.
10S acres, C miles N. E. of Lebanon,
40 acres in cultivation, 4S acres slushed
and in grass, 22 acres of Iwavor dam
land can easily Ik; put in cultivation.
Place nil under fence, 1 story frame
house, frame barn, 200 bearing fruit
reei. Will sell one-half at same rate .
SMIO. No. 219.
2UO acres, J mile from Houavillc, 4
acres in cultivation, bulance in pasture.
Larg frame house, large barn and
stock shed, large orchard.
$3000, j cash. No. 220.
200 acres of rolling land 1 mile from
Waterloo, 42 acres in cultivation, GO
acres pasture, house, barn and 4 acre
orchard. Water convenient.
$12 per uerc. No. 221.
lo'J acres, h miles N. E. of Lebanon,
fiOacrse iu cultivation, SOacrespusture,
balance tiuiU;r and lrusli. 1 story box
house, small barn, 1H fruit trt-.'i, water
convenieut, school und church J mile.
?2-"i ier ncre. No. 223.
120 acres prairie land 2 miles from
Lebanon; 100 acres in cultivation, 20
acres iu pasture, &c, 2 acres orchard,
poor house and bar a.
m. No 224.
bO acres of fine timber land 13 miles
from Lebanon.
$20 per acre. No. 22o.
C40 acres 8 miles from Lebanon, 180
acres in cultivation, 100 acres of timber
and brush, balance slashed and in
gni!tf, 70 acres of it in beaver dam,
place all fenced with good fence and
HUlslivided into fields, 2 good houses
and 2 hams, about 5 acres of orchard,
well watered, school and church han
dy, place will divide well into 4 or 0
$1800. " No. 86.
174 acres, situated 7 miles from Leba
non, 50 acres under cultivation, all un
der fence, and plenty living water;
two-story box house and good large
barn, S acres good orchard. This Is a
g(ssJ stock farm, having plenty of good
outside range. '
$.100. No. 13.").
334J acres, four miles f-om Lhbanon,
115 acres iu cultivation, 114 in pasture,
balance brush and pasture and some
timber, house, barn and 2 acres of or
chard, water convient. Terms, $3500
cash, balance one year.
$3750, Ne. 140.
320 acres, 0 miles from Lebanon, 80
acres In cultivation. 100 acres under
fence, a good house, barn 80 feet long,
nnd other outhouses, fiacres orchard
Terms, f 1900 cash, balanse one year.
No. 152.
80 acres, t) miles south-east of Leba
non, 40 acres in cultivationt, 80 acres
pasture, W acres of timber, all fenced
well watered, no building,
We invite y.ou to conic and look through om Mam
moth Stock of
Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars,
Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc.
Hides. Furs and all kinds
We Guarantee Fair Treatment to All.
Corner Brick Store, Main Street, Lebanon, Linn Comity, Or.
mm ti
Golden Rule Bazaar.'
The leading Crockery and Fancy
Goods house ol' Albany, Oregon,
Roger Bros. Silverware,
French China and Crystalware,
Boys Wagons, Baby and Doll Carriages,
Fancy Goods and a
General Assortment of Crockery and Toys.
Jle buys direct and carries the largest stock in the Willamette valley.
lei on parle Francois, Bur
?." per acre. So. 174.
171 acre, 7 milen north-cant of Leb
anon, IMaerca in cultivation, 40 ncre
Hhmhed and in grass, bmmI water In
three aprinpj the year round, nmull or
chard, log limine, bum etc., good out
muxv. -
S.-.4UO. o.l(3
200 aercH, 21 mile south-flint of Leb-;
-inon, 130 acres in cultivation, balance
pasture and brimli, neat frame houe,
bam and orchard; fine location.
$37.-A o.l82.
The St. Charles hotel and barber
shop in Lebanon. 1'uy H3 per month
rent. Furniture Included. Lot 80x151)
mm. Jf 100
M acres of fine graw or grain land,
3 miles from lhbanon, 450 acres in cul
tivation, balanco timlier and brush,
pasture, fair orchard, buildings aro
..ot good, school handy, place will di
vide well.
$26 per acre. No. KM.
Zl't acres, 6 miles from Lebanon, ISO
acres tn cultivation, balance pasture,
good house and two barns, school house
n) corner of furm, place well watered
by springs, well fenced,'!! miles to
station on railroad.
110,000. No. 107.
487 acres, 0 miles from Lebanon, 125
acres in cultivation. 25 acres meadow,
300 acres in grass for pasture, 50 head
of cattle 10 head or horses, hay, grain,
farm implements, wagon and hack, all
go with farm, house, large barn and
plenty of water. Easy terms.
$500. N. JM
40 acres hill land, 10 nllcs north-east
of Lebanon, 10 acres iu cultivation, 25
acres in grass, log house, 150 fruit trees,
small fruits, well watered.
$10 pdf acre. No. 199
05 acres, flhillesfrom ftcld, 4 acres
fenced ind In cultivation, 40 acres of
small fir, hazel and otlier brush.
of Country Produce taken in exchange for oroods.
(MW0I11 s
ilrfl flentcn gesproco.j
Flueai imallJ,
. it fartilm.1
ml lh OrHvliuHMMif u
rxuvil. in caiinrr
U ...... li.ll.l HIIIL.I.
d'mlilHMIIiin, bJei nnm
llHt uiikIUv wrought
alnol. curWullf liwiwcKU -
fi workmaiMiiipaiiiialiiPk. Unrioll for
lilllt.ll. liuritUilltr nun cnnrBcy. t , . ,. ...
ml l) ihiMll ly chni tnaUrahU mm imiliUuma
o(ln Klil f.r th genulu articlv. Tht-v nrn unr
lliihl and clnKT"i. TIib burnt Vi ewuw Hk
voi.TtHa urn uiiiixl H' lh ImfTfW wit" arm
liamc. ailtlmu Kiuidat'of luiu-nw. ami are trunr
milrcd urrfect. Inula! iin bnvlnir Ihcm, uuil u
v.iur tlrafer onmint anpply yon, an iitiIit acnt t 'l
ilrm b"lr will rlvr prompt uurttiy
u cuuilnni' "'! prloviiixm aiill'itiou.
hprlnuUuld. 3Iuaa.
Can and will Bell goods aa
cheap as the cheapest, and
buy all kinds of country pro
duce in exchange for goods at
the highest market price. To
be convinced of this fact just
A. F. Hamilton,
Hardware &
Pioneer Store
Sweet Home,
iir iPvA. i
t The Mt. Shasta Route.
Time Between Albany and San Fran
I Cisco, 35 Honrs.
i California Exprate Tralna Run Dally
i mil 'Til.
I i mi f. m"Lv
I'nrtliuiil .Kr. ..()': a. Jl.
j P. M....I.V
Mlmiiy ,v. a; ,i a. i.
7:1.1 A. M....Af..
...Sun -IHIirlcii....l,v... 7:11 f. M.
Local Paaavnger Tralna Dally (except Sunday;
i (w M ! I , v . . ."7TT. . I 'c irt 1 1 1 1 i i 1 .. '.. . . . A r .'.
U-.i'i t: M..l.y IImiiiv ..l,v, :i.".. x.
a:lill'. Mu..Ar...,...l';ii(Tcii(; ,v... HUM. M.
Local Pawencer Tralni Dally (except Sunday)
!n:. m.,.v ..I.'iiitiii(i.I..,..... Ar.. tii, v.'ti,
i:mx. m u uiuiiiy I.v ." i: u,
'.Hif. w....l.y Ij'lmimii Ar... U:ia", p. M.
VM-'' . s--f AllHiny I.v... nwv. y.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Tor aeei.mmodutlnii of Bceond-Cli;!
rabHeiigeri, attached to
JxprHH Tralna.
i Tito P. V. Cn'n Ii:rry icmkr cunncnihrn Willi
1 nil tin.- fibular Iruliia uu the hldu Div. Iruiu
hxjl Ol r ain.m, 1'urtliunl.
West Side Dlvlalcn.
Mall Train Dally (Except Sunday).
7:aft. in. ...I.v,.," i r 1 1 i m I. 7. . ,77a r..f :.'(! f m".
lHii,'..Plr,"-.,,n'',,!!y""-"'',v"'l::i2 !' "'
At Alliitnynnil('iirviillls(.uiiucct Willi Irnliin nf
(m-Riin l-ni'lllr hHllrnml.
Expreai Train Dally (Except Sunday..
P. m.,..Lv.....irtliiil.r..'T7Ar".'.00 n. VrT.
H:0flp. m.,..Ar McMlnvllli- I.v.....'. it. in,
To All I'olnt
ItfYnr flill Infonnntloii rpRiinlinvrntM, may,
elo,, rull on I'imipiiny'i ukuiiI nl Allmnv.
H. KOMUWt, K. V. ItiKililtS,
iluimuor AMt. (i. F. & 1'itm. A (font.
J. A. Lamberson,
Call Answered Promptly
Day or Night.
Office on Main Btrwt, oppoaltc Mm
kpuo'n VwU Sturo, Lt-bftiiui!, On im.