The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, June 14, 1889, Image 3

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tljc kbaijoij Express,
, w i,., iiiij'W.h. ' i WI..HI.WHWW mm
floclahU tonight.
Clrsuii next week.
When you go to IJrownsvllle call on
Mi-h. I'uttington nays tliut there will
.Imi wedding tu town aoon.
Willie Klepper has accepted a posi
tion In the St. Churlc Hotel.
Mr. T. V. redder left last Tuesday
morning fur Portland on business.
Mrs. J. 8. Courtney was In Albany
the first of the week visiting friends.
Mr. (leo. Teeliler lirw charge of the
truln this week, In the abseuoo of Mr.
Lut Hunday wus Children's Day,
and was observed by all the churches
in town.
Your Hweet-heart will bo pleased
with your photo every time If you have
it taken by Winter.
Mr. Henly has had considerable
work done on tho Rantlam bridge at
this place this week. ,
You can get all kinds of enlarging
dune by Winter, better and eheaper
than any agent can or will do.
f? There is to be several members of tho
Cumberland Presbyterian ehureli bap
tized near Whoeler'H saw mill next
nunday afternoon.
Mr. Wru. Jtoland, one of Lebanon's
ld boys, Ih In town thin week, lie
uid he was going toHpcnd theHUiunier
in the valley thin year.
More bugglea and vehicles panned
through town lnt Sunday on tho road
toHodavlllo and Waterloo than auy
two days before this year.
There will lie an excursion from Al
bany to Yaquina Uay Sunday. The
fare will be only 1 f0, including a trip
on a iHHit to Newport and back.
Mr. Win. Morrow was In town last
8undny. Ho Is now worklug for
Messrs. (Jill &. Bmith of Bclo. Dill haH
many friends ut thin place who are
glad to nim? him.
There wan a sociable last Friday ev
ening at the residence of Mr. J. M.
Marks. Several of Lebanon's young
people attended and all reported a niobt
cnjoyiible time.
Dr. O.ld! nude Albany a visit this
week and bought a Sine buggy, and we
understand has been buying some fur
i, it lire. Doctor, yon uiUHt not forget
that printers like cake awful well.
Messrs. F. M. Miller, II. 11 I-anish
and John Hoj).i got an Invitation,
winch they accepted, to go to Portland
Monday to attend the suit which Wat
kins wrought against the railroad.
. Mr. Henry I'urrish, wife niid daugh
ter and M!s.i Lizzie Dnnaca; II: v. J. It.
Kirkpatrlck, w:f... and two children
will start fu i'i-di Like and nerri the
mountains on Tuesday, the ISMi inst.,
to be gone for two weeks or more.
Mr. M. C. Sehoenhut hiu -closed out
bin bakery and 1 itn:ii room In Lclia
n iii. We ftrvMnrry t lose ho good a
ciihf'ii, and regret very much tho utis
in of this ontorpi'ise, fur it is in
d 'cda lotfg fi'lt. want.
tr. .Mow) Humphrey has taken a
coiilr.u't to funii.di all tho timber for
the Vaterlo' bridal) and to doliver on
1 tli', ground at ?J') vv tho:is:uid feot.
Work will commence on thL-i bridge In
u few day;).
H-'vr.d of our t-nvusmeii have gone
to Portland till week, somo t attend
cou.'t, Mom,! to th" Onuid Lodgo of A.
1 k A. M., and noiue to 'ulnd their
nu n business."
Mr. Hen 15 u'ker ret urned on Monday
from tho mines near Quart.ville,
bringing -with h'un some very lint
Hpee.inienH, which are on exhibition in
1 his cilice. The upeehnenH of the J. 15.
cluim are t he 11 neat of any thai we have
seen; uuh Indicutlona of the pmeioiia
metals will certainly attract the atten
t ion of miners and capitalists.
Preaching on tho Hlreets in Lebanon
was a new sensation for our denizens
lust Monday night. The Holiness del
egation, -who have been holding a
campmceting at Hodaville, discoursed
to quite a crowd in front of the tit.
CliarlcH on Monday evening.
The camp meeting ut Sodavllle clos
ed on InstHunday night. It was well
attended throughout, and tho crowd
on Sunday last was tho largest ever
seen at this celebrated watering place.
We learn that the meeting resulted In
much good, and that all who attended
were very much pleased. We under
atftiid that the tabernacle- tent and
moat of tho workers In this Holiness
organization will move to Jordan val
ley, Linn county.
W( It hot, though.
About three Inchm of dut.
F. M. French, Jeweler, Albany, Or
A copper mine hiu been found bear
Better get your mower and reapers
In ithapu.
Btrawberrlee are not m plentiful u
while back.
Oh, yen! I knew It'i hot; you need
not tell mo.
Next WedncHday Ih the day for the
clrcuH to be In Albany.
Remember there will be Ice cream at
tho Hoclable to-night. '
Mr. Kuff Hiatt Htartcd to Eugene to
day after a hunch of nhoep.
Mr, Clint Gordon took a car load of
cattle to Portland yesterday.
Mr. Grant Roberts Is clerking In Mr.
Ilftckleman'a Hlore this wH'k.
Tinware and hardware-of all kind nt
Deyne & Ilobwin, Albany Or.
Winter has had over thlity years
experience in the photo busi news.
There will lie n gnnnd haH at Boda
vllle on the night of the Fourth.
A fine line of btigKJ' dif-crand fly
nets nt Thompson and Overman's.
Call nnd aeo M. A. M'Her hf'rn von
luy yourniachiiiB oil; he defies compe
Fine line of guns nnd good stock of
ammunition at Dcyoe and Itolmon's
leeial bareainn,
Mr. J. W.Guy nnd wife returned
home yesterday from a visit to Mr
Guy's parents at Dallas.
Messrs. C. C. Haekleman and J. A.
Board went to Portland thla week to
attend the Masonic Grand Lodge, and
expect to go to Seattle Ijefore return
Readers of this paper will save mon
ey by going to Deyoo and Robson
whenever you want to buy anything
in his line.
The the contract for carrying the
mall from the depot to the postoffice
has lieen lot to Jlr. Aructt, his bid be
ing the lowest, f 125.
'Dcyoe A Robson are agent for the
new high arm Da via vertical-feed sew-
inur machine. Rest machine in the
market. Albany Oregon.
Mr. Ileal v, our road supervisor, and
the town marshal are both working on
tho road from town to the bridge
2Vv will get it in first-class order
now. .
Mrs.N. .1. .Rodparth, of Ft. Stella.
eooni, W. T., la visiting frlendH and
relatives at this place. Mrs. Jt. is a
daughter-in-law of Mrs.. Montague,
UIHI 1!" " V
Mr. Dei
' stable at
and is well known in our town.
mils Khun lu' sold his livery
Ko'laville and has rented the
(htger place at Waterloo, wheri' be in
tends running a hoard nnd lodging
house and feed stable through this
The ladies of the M. 32. church will
give a lawn sociable this (Friday) ev
ening on the academy grounds. Ice
emuu, lemonade end cake will bo
servod. The public cordially invited.
A good time is expected.
We heart ly r.-Htrn thr.uks to Dr.
IVtfrsoii for a hirgs branch of Royal
Land cherries. They were certainly
tine, and we tried to keep them, but
no sooner was our back turned than
they were gobbled up by the
Mr. J Io!t brought as tine a basket of
cherries as we ever saw to this ofli.'e,
last WYduesday. Tin: re were Pair dif
ferent kind of cherries in it, hut to save
our lives we could not name them now,
but they were real good and Mr. Holt
his our heartfelt . thanks.
Mr. W. W. Stalker and family, eon
Kistinst of hi-,1 wife, three children and
water, last Wednesday arrived from
Idaho. It wil. be remembered that.
Mr. Stalker has been here for a month
or so and has bought property. We
gladly welcome Mr. H. and family in
our midst, and hope they will be well
Mr. Oscar Iletdy, the road supervisor
of this precinct, is putting all his road
in good Bhnpo now, which certainly
needs it. He is ma king' all work
double time this year. JSone should
complain at this, for good roads are
certainly a great advantage to any
community, and he certainly deserves
credit for the interest he lins taken in
the roads!.
Mr. 0. lleins, an artist VltU years of
experience, will be in our town next
Thursday, Juno 20, for tho purpose of
taking photos In any style. Mr. lleins
has as good a photographing out-fit as
there la to bo found on this
coast, and Is prepared to do all kinds)
of work pertaining to his trado and all. He also carries a Btock
of albums au3 pict ure frames. He will
remain here for ten days. Do sure to
call and examine his work.
Haying teola at CraaoR Miller's.
Men's shoe tOc at Peebler A Buhl's,
Get yur naila at Cmsoo A Menria's,
$3 50 a keg.
Garden tools at bed-rock prices at
Crusoa A Menzles'.
Eighteen pounds of rice for a dollar
at Peebler A Buhl's.
A clean towel for every customer at
McClure's barbershop.
Thompson A Overman, the leading
harness dealers, Albany.
Call on '.,'ruson A Menzlea for screen
doors and Mire screens.
Goto AV Inter's gallery and scothe
photos of your neighbors.
Cruson A Menzles will furnish your
windows und doors cheap.
Ifyou want fine photos goto Browns
ville and patronize Winter.
Just received at Miller's drug store a
fine line of artist material.
All hand tnade harness or machine
made at Thompson A Overman's, Al
bany, v
J. A. Winter has worked at the pho
tograph business longer than any man
In Oregon.
, Thompson A Overman, Albany, can
furnish any style of harness on short
notice at the lowest prices.
One prjee and cash at the new cash
store, but everything sold cheap and
delivered to any part of the city.
Now is the time of year to paint your
buildings, and don't forget to buy your
material f M. A. Miller.
Thompson A Overman, at Albany,
hRve the largest stock of harness In the
valley south of Portland.
Cruson A Menzles are prepared to fur
nish you with doors and windows
cheaper than anyone else In Lebanon.
Jacob Arn, the boss harness maker,
Invites every body to come In and ex
amine his work. He guarantees an
honest job.
When yon desire a pleasant physic,
try St. Patrick's Pills. They cau al
ways lie depended upon, and do not
nauseate the stomach nor prlpe the
bowels. For sale by M. A. Miller.
Ifyou go to Albany to buy a stove
call oil . W. Smith, who has thelarg
ext and hest stock of stoves and tin
ware and sella cheaper than anyone in
J. A. Winter, rhotogrnpher, will 1e
in Brownsville on Monday, May 27, to
begin tho summer campaign. Iso
pains will he spared to jiiiike pictures
with the highest degree of excellence.
Pictures enlarged. t
When you go to Albany do not fail
to call oa F. II. Itoscoe, the polite and
popular manager of the mammoth
house of Knapp, Uurrell A Co. He has
a tine line of vehicles wagons a spec
ialty till at rock bottom prices.
Mr. Luth (Jiibert, has accepted' a
position tit the steam planer.
Beeure prices. Ko trouble to show
good nt i)ty.m & Kobsou's, Albany.
' Tliere is to he uu uticljon side nt the
bukery, to-morrow, ut one o,el ick.
Mr. W. Bltdker has leat the Kt.
Charles hotel nnd will take chargo of
it to-day.
C. A. Clauson, of ivansas, m in town
prosptvtlng witlMhe view of buying a
slock farm.
'Misses Florence and Maud I?a!lard
returned home last Wednesday from a
isit to Beiittle.
Mr. Win. Wntkins, who sued for
5U,0'.K) damagt's for injuries received at
the depot, has recovered $400.
(too, 'Wheelei, of Arliton, and W. II.
Whco'.er, of IIldependellC'. were in
town visiting their parents Mr. and
Urn. (I. Vv Wheeler.
Married, on Tuesday, June lith, 1SS9
nt the otilee of and by M. E. Brink,
Mr. G. R Philippi.of Millers, and
Miss C E. Uurnett, of Bweet Home.
Dr. linger, the donti-d, has met with
the btrt siiccess since he has been
here, and will remain as long as the
work will justify. If you want any
work in this line, call on him at once.
As the train pulled out from the de
pot thU morning, it ran over a Win
chester cartridge which had been plac
ed on thu truck by some one, but as
luck would have it no dutuage was
Married, at the residence of the brdie's
mother, near Lyons, Bunday morning
Juno 0th, by Justice Lyons, Mr. Syl
vester Pritehard and Mi.s Allie MeTim
mons, both f Linu county.
Married (- on Wednesday June 12th at
the residence of the bride's" parents,
Mr. Loui.h Boleuian, of Seattle, a and
Miss Esther Cohen, ot Albany. The
happy couple left for Seattle, where
they will make their future home.
Overflows the faces of our customers when
They Get A Taste
Of our method of doing business. At first they are nsUnmh
od and look on in amazement at the way we disptwo.
of bargains, but when they catch on the .
fact that Ave give
As well as the biggest quantity over offered for like low priirv,
well, then they Tsmile, and walk right up to tin
counter and call for their share, and spend
money until the purse is e mpty but
Of satisfaction with his bargains. Of course they smile; so'-i
do our clerks, so do
In a Good
When we stand on top of the
of the situation.
See, Spend and Smile
Grongfirg to the Krout.
Tke new and elegant grange hull on
Bund Kidge was imposingly dedicated
on last Balwrday, according to the ritu
alism of the order, and was conducted
by II. E. Hayes, Master of' the Btate
Orange. The patrons of husbandry set
a must sumptuous Ubb and about five
hundred feasted on the "ltd of the
bind." After dinner the immense
crowd was addressed by if. E. Hayes,
ltev. J. K. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Trine.
Among the invited guests preisetit we
notice "lions. It. A. irviiie, IX. C.-Mil-lor,
B. A. Dawson and John Bimpson
nnd very many of the heat citizens of
tho county. The ladies deserve great
credit for th success of thin entertain
ment, und iran.;o Kn. C7 has real
cause for self congratulations on the
outlook feir its future.
Tho cii-ftin. .
The first perfovm-iuw of Bells Jiros.'
enormous cnvv.u wtts gnvn :a.t vvm-1
ing, and the huge tent was crowded to j
sutlbeatlon. The etiterti in mentis tho
tiiient and niowt co:aplfte thov of its
kind ever seen in tlie city. The. ani-
! ..,.,1 ,l,,v..M(.iw.iie li.w Iioj.n fi i-d with
wild beasts of eery 'description that
can be successfully handled by a trav
cling show, and is at the same time -R
most attractive and instructive feat ro
of the circus. S. F.
tuerce, April 27.
Journal of C
To the farmers of Lebanon an- yidn
ity. I will sell you Machi Q Qils
of all kinds as low, if not, lo ,frj than
any firm in Linn countj'.' loor j)roof
of what f say I invito you i 0 come lnui
ww wii. Tf we don't trade I in,i.!
tfwedo I'll troat. and ho Wmv: SJ.
Mnvros a. MiLiiut.
Ths Ladloi Di! Ijhtad. j
The pleasant cit'ect jnd the perfoct
safety with which ,!uc' ica may uso the
liquid fruit laxative, ( Byrup of .'igs,
under all conditions v pake it tholr 'fa
vorite remedy. It is pleasing to the
eye and to the taste, gentle, yet ofr'ee
tual In acting'' on -t ;ie kidmrys, j '-'liver
and bowels.
we; and we feel like
our voices
Old Crow
pile and feel ourselves master;
Come along and ""'
Mr. I5.I'urt-.. i.v's new rcsidi ii
in east Lebanon will soon be ready f j
occupation and will iriiluiuce that '
of town very much. Everybody
to havo caught the spirit of h jMr,p.'i
nifut und each h vlelng with .t. 4
Ui build up our tow.i. f
The new steam planer i i ,l(lW ..j
elegant work and gilnr ctltlro RU-.
faction. ' i
Mr. J. D. Walton (M)1I111!,.l;
extfiisive improv-LP .lfa ;l ( ,s j,, .
several hands cvj Vl01 s
Mr.. Jonatlmr y-., -ul
plans and will j,,,,.,,.. ,.,,,.,...,,. v.
on a Hue new ( j., Ill(!.tj, ;
non near u n
ao null. Vi o umn rei
that this Is
to be a CMs-tly buil.l n;..
Jtu .jjerford haa hU hU 1'
J 'u" iber partly on the giMU.v.i
i house, vhk.h Wl l,o a.
as lur
iher can be hud.
4 i. H. C. Klspper bonj
t ;t 1 1
in street tiiis vee.i aiut m iv
(lie proposes tu or.ol a neui res hi
Three more lot j were sold this
in the Klrkp-Airlck udolliou for l
lij ldond.iy the Har.i!lin
Mii C(. will commciHO hauling
her ami will deliver lO.o.'O fit t u
lir. 0. W. Whciler Inn sold
JflO et of lumber this week t
Wfls of Lebanon. Let tho good
i ) on, for Lebanon come
front. :
j In cor sincere desire to prorr
I be?t illU'rest of LUm t01,,,l'
nihil this paper one year to an
in the l ast, when strictly pair'
,v.i imcie, for it SO. This is gi
)ei cei t of our labor to heip
'Lhiu c ounty. We sincerely
pro4 toteV the best Suteivst of ti
and; wo ; are ready to join ha
anvkif ni fi'llow citizens i;
nuce of tl lis object. The time ;
iwhea we i5annotal!'ord to be 1 1
indiffertii to the weal of our H
cotujtry. j
I "1 '
4 . .,
' -'4 .
- "- ' ' , '