THE PACIFIC COAST. DOniNQ FOR WATER AND OAS IN CALIFORNIA. The Steamer Alaskan Goe to Pieces Off Cape BUinoo-The Rlghta of Sheriffs -Steamer Launched Silver Dlsooverte The Park hotel at Chieo is ready for yuets, Santa Rosa luis applied for a free mail delivery. The Eleventh District Fuir will be held j at Quint y. I The land-jumping trouble atFelton will j be amicably settled. The building of a cannery at Ontario will receive $;o00 1iiuh. Five saloons at SanU Ch-ux paid $1000 -eh for heeuae last week. The Glen Kllen, Sonoma county, iost otlicc is a mouey-order office. Tiie wheelmen have a tournament at Stockton on the Fourth of J uly . Fasadcna and Fresno will have free de livery postal service from July lBt. Noted oarsmen are collecting at Ta xmn, W. T., tor the coming regatta. Governor Waterman has len toUfciah to select a site for the insane asylum Helena, M. T.', sporting men won $10, 000 on tlie result ot the Kentucky Derby. J. M. Wallace, a mechanic at Seattle, was sandbagged and robbed at Tacoma last week.. The probabilities are that Kern county bus voted to issue $-'.j0,(XK) in bonds for improvements. 1 The saloon interest at Petuluma is to make a vigorous war against me uign i license ordinance. Four eowlwva killed four Zuni Indians ii" . FT . . . ... .1. Tl. ' near wingaw, a. a., utu wwi. . cowlsns are in prison. , A man supposed to be II. Lucas of Oswego, Or., was killed by the cars in South Portland last week. The Fsirhaven, a steamer to run le tween Tacoma and Bellingham Bay, has been launched at lacoma. 1). L. ILiekett. the missing editor of the Napa Kejiorter, is in Su Louis. His j The Roths-hilda have arranged for a mind is evidently uDHouui. Russian conversion losiu of $40,000,000 The steamer City of Salem at Portland; n conjunction with the Diseouto lm liech mulcted in the sum of $30 for i Gesellsclmtt. carrring too many passengers. i It cost the English government $170,- VUIard'e ol.jer in the Oregon Trans- J3 to keep the royal pidacw in order continental Railroad deal is to obtain! year, and $-Wa,0tH, for royal parks control of the Nortliern Pacific. :ana garaens. Attorney-General Johnsbn has decided j r.'Iof the taulwardiew Bre wearing that the Oregon steamers must pay the Et-l Tower wa.sU-oats. covered with quarantine tax at San Francisco. ! ' coui,!,s of ' j ujchoB high. Grain that was reported to be flat three . , 4 straighulne.! up under the H ! leo arranged that the young influence of the warm sunshine. I AkxanJer of Servia shall be i (tow ned at the monastery of Zissa in the A man named Coroles lost a team and ; month of June. load gofnis by trying to smuggle them into Mexico at Tia Juana, recently. Tho Nntliem Pacific will onen a road ! from Benton to Billing, M. T., wlncli wul open a rich section of the Territory. Seattle is excited over the discovery of iralena silver ledges on the line of the Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern railroad. Charles Shoemaker was killed by iuicnaei iuroona, uo """'J ji a I'imol t oitau".ui oka "week. The farmers are now surveying the i Wales never pays a tailor bill. The field after the deluge of rain, and they ; advertisement his 'patronage affords is all think the lieiietit is greatly in excess of the remuneration Poole wants. tl,e km-' ! In the British House of Commons a Boring for water and 'gas is to liegin motion in favor of the disestablishment very wwn on the asylum grounds at I of the Church of Wales was recently fWttnit, pniioaals for the work being j rejected by a vote of to 231. adveniscl. ' , .' Already a great deal of diplomacy and , .. , . I intrigue is said to (m3 on foot in order to AiKutoiie thounand song birds lfora(,(,tt,( f(0Ht0( pW!t laureate when Ten ths Hartr. Mountains are on tneir way to , m mm die8 Tlu m ls 72 a year Portland, Or., having letl ivew ork last j M we.-K i-y rai.. contain alnnit :,(MW,0!H) kkkIh, has Fruuk Codv, who was reported to have i been found at a place called pendshaknta, been killed' and roasted by Apache ; on the line of the Transeaspiun Railway. Indians in Arizona, it seems was knled bv three Mexhans. Miss Mau-gie (Minn was thrown from a buggy and dragged a block at hau Jose, j hi-t week. She was much bruised and - f i..- nti,r,.:Vv H is feared w as injured intcrnahy. Two biiflars were detected at work at J i;ntte M "t., last ween, and one was : k.illetl! r.efore death he stated he was knovMi iu the West as Pittsburg Jack. j , .,,.111 John Wilson, a stevedore at I ort and, j wants M't.issi uauiages "" y,rs" i Improvement Company for injuries re-, reived while in the company's employ. The schooner Rosie' Olsen, which left Astoria on a halibut cruise in February, should have ien beard from three weeks go, and fears are entertained of her loss. The contractors for building the big dam at the mouth of the San Felipe Ce.non, San Diego county, will have to go -4owu 110 feet to get a solid rock founda tion. Comity Clerk W. J. Henley, of Esmer alda, Ne'v., has been removed by the 'Commissioners for malfeasance in office, and S. D. Rosenthal appointed to fill the vacancy. The HUtte's Attorney-General says that jiheriffs have no right to retain the fees for escorting prisoners and insane patients prior to the passage of the law Iby the hue Legislature. It was discovered at Fresno last week Chat (he wife and child of J. M. Wilcox, n attorney formerly of San Francisco, were in a starving condition, having j tasted no iooct lor tiiree days. 'tint Kln Alexander to bs Crowned In June Empetor William O vm Audleooe to the CU nese Minister. Tho-Khahof Persia has started for St. Petersburg. The report of the capture of Khartoum by the Egyptians is tmtruo. The Greek Government is concluding a loan of 5,000,000 in Ixindon. The attendance at the Turin Exposition thus fur lias avcniged 71,000 daily. Tlie cash deficiency of the Mollxnirno Exposition is oyer a million dollars. There is no improvement in the mental condition of the Empress of Austria. The American delegates have arrived I at Iierlin to study the Gorman river system. j "William O'Brien, M. P., has obtained I a writ ntmitiHt lnl Siiliriltiirv nn a ciuiri'ft '0f iiV The newest word in liOndon is "omni bont." It describee the river steaniere and is a success. An enormous landslide occurred at Ppiesliaik, Switzerland, destroying cattle, villages and forests. Puomovo, Director of Charities, will succeed the late Count Tolstoi as Kussian Minister of the Interior. liOrd Lonsdale says that he saw in the A.tic country a cataract -00 ieet high and two and a half mile wide. At the York. England, spring meeting Ring-master won the great northern I Handicap and 500 sovereigns. Emperor William gave audience lant week to tlie Japanese Minister of the Interior who is making a tour of Eurojie. : 1 he Jone,. an at the head of the i EiiL'lish c erirv list with 4o0 representa- tives, while the Ninths follow with lilS. . . M.p Mnl hunderson apiml at the Puns Ojiera t-omique in Lsclarnionde ilBt week, and lier friends predict great ' gui-cess. Emperor Francis Joseph has paid Crown Prince Rudolph's debts. They only amounted to the trilling sum of 40,000. Housthohn, Jutland, has the world's biggest electric light. It is of 3,1X10,000 candle iower, and has a range of twenty six miles. Instead of encouraging emigration, as hitherto, the authorities of Ireland are discouraging it, the people are leaving tne country so last. The authorities in Holland have de creed that women cannot serve on a j School Bosrd. In Sweden it lias been I decided that they can. j TV. rliAiiaunfl a'ltavnM mr n1nTnl in tho tton factories at Thizy.'Di'partment of Rhone, are ou a strike. It is leared the ' , strise w ill extend to Lyons. T. P. O'Conuor savs that the Prince of Jloulanger, who has hitherto befjn I mostly ignored by Jxjndon society, dined I va....rtt Itr u-iii I'.'trr.rif.k.u P.nrlnt(.r(iiitta varioUH iakva aud duchees. niectiing j1jm " , , . ?eanv $0,000,000 have een nppro- . , f ' . . , , .. ' . I'gislatnro for the Paris Exposition, and the buildings and parks oc-mpy a space of nearly two hundred acres. Tlie death of Kihg John of Abyssinia and the assumption of the throiie'hv his rival Uil jteuehdc 0f Hhou, promise tt 1m; ol udvaiiuige to Italy in her eflorts to 8,.,.re a jirim;r foothold on the Red Sen littoral. The street-car drivers who have been on a strike in Vienna, and who have finally siiccuihImhI, average alxnit 00 ceiits in wages for a day beginning at 7 in the morning and ending at midnight or 1a.m. The London Times says : The Samonn Conference has come to an agreement in regard to the Land Commission question ; also, regarding restriction on the sale of fire-arms and spirits to4the natives. The election of a Kinf is to be left to the Samoans. I Prominent clubs were raided in Lon don hist week and several Earls and Lords and Barons were among those found at play and arrested. The Field and the Adelpbi Clubs were the principal placc raided, und the stakes played for were high. Young French prieats will before long le liable to military service in France if the new Military bill goes through, as it is thought it will. It is alleged that thousands of young men enter the seminaries everv vear in order to avoid army. 1 EASTERN ITEMS. AN AMERICN BREWERY SYNDICATE OROANI2KD. A Meeting of the Itemoc ratio National Committee Woman's Amateur Walking Matoh-Chlneee Tneater In Chicago. Secretary of War Proctor is in Chicago. A Denver Scandinavian Club bus 700 memliers. A Chinese theater opened In Chicago on the 13th. The protracted drought in Illinois . has Ihjou broken. ' Secretary Blaine's health has much improved lately. Cigarettes are wild to ladies in Erie confectionery stores. Buffalo Bill with his Wild West show has arrived at I'aris. Senator Brown of Georgia is recovering from a severe illness. Tho great cycling tournament liogan at Chicago on the 13th. Tlie Delaware pear and peach crop promises to be large. , A woman's walking match began in New York last week. General Simon Cameron had a slight hemorrhage last week. Savannah is said to be flooded with counterfeit silver dollars. Pat Killen draws tho color line on Peter Jackson, the slugger, Ex-Minister Phelps is to resume his duties as IWossor ut Yale. Edward J. Gay, a Lnuisana Congress- nian, is reputed to le dying An American Brewery Syndicate has lKK.n organize! in New York. Bank-wrecker Fish has len released from the Autmrn penitentiary. Cincinnati capitalists will erect a large cotton factory at Huntsville, Ala. The President and party had a cruise in the Cliesajieake Bay on the Lfth. Sixteen Congressional districts will le contested in the coming Congress. St. Louis nroj)os8 having a six-weeks' electrical exhibition in Septemlwr. Samuel C. Wright has leen apjwiinted superintendent of the mint at Carson. New York puid for California cherries, last week, $4 to $.r for ten-ound Isixes. Tlie new military post near Atlauta, Ga., will known as Fort Mcpherson. There are five banks and six news papers in operation in Uuthrie, Oklahoma. Amateur oresmnn will hold the annual regatta at Pullman, 111., August 8th and ytn The thirty-fourth ssion of the South - ern Baptist convention has Iwgun at Memphis. A paper nt Fort Myers, Fin., publishes fifteen solid columns of tax Bales for onfi county alone. J A meeting of the Democratic Rational Committee in New York has been called for June Pith. John Allen and E. II. Piatt are going to ride on horseback from New York to j Hun Francisco. The amount of wheal stored in Western evators is less by J3,000,0UO buahelt j , i., UU luHt ettf' I elevators than The Michigan Legislature has refused to pans a bill providing for the inspection of fteef on the hoof. The mystery attending tho disapjiear ance of Dr. Cronin, nt Chicago, has not yet Is-en cleared away. The eleven grain-elevators of St. Iiuis have formed a trust to put an end to comjietition in that city. Nathan Corwith, senior head of the lend house at Chicago, which failed last fall, is at the point of death. j . , . An explosion of fire-damp at the Toms Run coal mines, near I'ltlsburg, killed , four Hungarians on the Uth. Pittsburg, Penn., is enjoying a marriage lioom. Sixty persons took out marriage licenses in one day receutly. Legal means have bwn commenced to secure a receiver for the Electric Sugar' Refining Company at New Wk. It is estimated that fulk $7oO,000 was pjteut for drinks at the New York bars each day during the celebration. Colonel Robert II. Tavlor, one of the best known and oldest republicans of Texas, died near Bonham recently. E. II. Jertlterg. of the New York Olympic Club, ran a mile in 4:110:10 last week. Hub is the neat indoor record. A party of Eastern capitalists will expend $75,000 exploring for natural gas in Starke and Marshall counties, Ind. Morris J. Blaine killed his wife, 8-year-old daughter and himself at Cincinnati recently. Jealousy prompted the crime, Rolmonand Cune appeared together in New. York for the last time last week. Each had complimentary words for the, other. Judge Henry A. Foster, of New York, is dead, aged 110 years. He was the oldest living ex-Senator of the United States. The Italian government refuses to sur render two of its subjects accused of having committed a double murder in Pennsylvania. There is a stampede from Dead wood to new gold fields in the Black Hills, about forty miles from Dead wood, lue holds are said to be very rich. The revenue officers have captured some fifteen persons and destroyed several stills among the moonshiners in McDowell county, W, Va. IIONK ANII f'AKM, The Oare of Horsae-Feed for Breeding Sows-Fruit Oulture-Handsome Picture Frames Notes, April and May are the best months for hatching. Cooked rice, fed cold, is g)d for diar rhoea in chickens. Don't feed sulphur to young chickens it produces leg weakness. . The newer the butter the quicker the ale and the higher the price. The pis should be fed to secure as nearly all their droppings as possible to the manure heap or Ileitis, and not to the wash of the streams. A horse that is naturally courageous may bo made cowardly by abuse, if he often receives blows the" fear of thorn ie uppermost, and any unknown noise is imagined to be a coming hurt, to escape which is un uncontrollable impulse. The high winds shake young trees severely, and if the ground is very wet tho trees are liable to le blown over. A stake should Iks used lor holding young trees until the summer season opens, or until tlie trees become firmly rooted. Old pasture fields are usually full of weeds which have crowded the grass out. To utilise such pastures turn sheep on them. Tho sheep will out the young weeds as well as the grass, and greatly assist in dwtroying the pests. In the fall the sod can be turned under and reseeded with less danger of the weeds again apjearing. Handsome picture frame mny lie made at home, by gluing ears of rve or oats, tiny shells, lteatis or scorns, mxn a I simple wooden foundation. Then coat uie mime ana ornament witn wnite paint. When this is thoroughly dry, -over with metal paint, either gold or bronxe, and if well arranged the effect will be liumt satisfactory. Young bulls of the improved breeds are boiu at a very low ngure compare.! with their real value, and farmers w ho nuve dairy can graoe up trieir stfH'k at a very low cost by securing the males when they are young. Heifers are high, as they are in greater demand by those who do not object to jmying good prices for superior stocx. It is common practice with many farmers to delay seeding till the ground is settled and frosts are over, when, un less the season Ik? quite wet, the seJ will not germinate ; or, if it start, it is very liable to Is killed by drought in June, More the germ has sullicient strength to resist it, hence a failure, which curly seeding would have avoided. Guineas do not usually commence laying until late, but after they once Iwgin will lay very steadily. Like turkeys, they prefer to hide out their nests, and will need to Is? looked after if the eggs are secured fresh. As with turkeys, ducks and geese, the first eggs should be set under hens. M re egi;s and more iioultry will bf securwl if this 1 Ian is followed, j The Ik lawnre grajie succeeds In nearly j nil sections, but is not as hardy us the I Concord. The latter is the "favorite !,1rl"'t variety but its mdo m greatly 'nl""''1 1 ' lv; e,Hlhng, which is I sent to market Is-fore it is ripe, thus ; creating a distrust against the Concord, : whmh is really nn excellent grajK-, but i strongly res"mbling the Ives. The Wmton is an exeellent late mi, and ; produces well in this section. It has Ix-en found that a ton of bay W m it Prowt' thirty jKinnds of ni gen, worth $4 ,M; forty pound of otash, !, and fourteen tsmnds of phos- phoric acid, worth $1 12. Therefore each ton ot hay slopped Irom tlie innu takes with it $7 SYl worth of these three ele ments, which most lie replaced or the land wiil be weakened by just this sum. It does not pay to sell hay at $H per ton. Better feed where grown and sell in the form of beef, jiork, butter or milk. Plum cakes: Take one cup of butter, two cups of brown sugar, yolks of three eggH, white of two eggs, half a cup of milk, half a cup of dark molasMcs, half a tciiHjioonhil of soda, half a jHiund of raisins, stoned and chopped, half a tea- siKtonful of erenm of tartar, half a JHiund ()f nimme , wo tablesssmfiils of any fnlit vnip fonr ,.U,8 ot thmfi two t1,. HIKKJnf-uM f ,ix...d spices. If not dark enough, add a little melted chocolate. Bake in small tins, and frost part of thorn with the remaining white of egg. A correspondent makes inquiries re-1 "11 a 1 II . .... I parding millet and Hungarian grnsu, They are very similar m appearance, but the millet grows higher and affords but one cutting, while the Hungarian grans can 1m? cut every five weeks if the soil in rich. They are summer crops, und are not usually sown until May. The liny from millet and Hungarian grass is highly relished bv all classes of stock. and the yield is usually heavy. The ground should lie well manured, harrowed fine and ten quarts of seed per acre sown, or even more if a thick growth is desired. Food for breeding sows should lie care fully prepared. There is no better food for breeding sows than skim milk with wheat bran. There is very little fat in either, yet such is the appetite of a breeding sow that she will fatten rapidly if given all she can eat of either of these. But the pigs thus nourished before birth will bo strong and vigorous, and what fat the sow has will not he in any dan ger of making hor nervous or feverish. If a supply of beets and mangel wurtzels have been provided they w ill be worth more than grain to feed to breeding sow s tis to cooling diet for those disposed to lav on too much tat. No other kinds of root Is eaten by pigs of any age so greedily as arc beets and mangels. As a part of the supply even for the fattening animals they ure almost indispensable. The ex clusive grain feeding of fattening hogs is very had lor their digestion, and if the pig is made sick while preparing for the butcher it is hardly to be wondered at that this pork will give dyspepsia to those who eat it. ' PORTLAND MARKET. THE CHERRY AND STRAWBERRY CROP DAM AO HID BY RAINS. Wheat Remains Dull and Inactive Fruit and Vngotablea Meet With Ready Bala at Good Pr jea Wool Very Dub. The heavy rains during the week have proved detrimental to the abundant crop of strawlsirrios and cherries, but no com plaints are hoard from the farmers down the valley. The local merchandise markets are a trifle dull, and wheat makes no favorablo signs to holders. In gro caries, sugars have ndviinoerr e, while, coffees are very firm. Provisions are steady ut quotations. There Is no change in dairy produce And poultry. Tho wool and hop market continue dull and in active. The wheat market Is slightly lower. Formor quotation for feed and hay arc fairly maintained. We quote : OKOCKKfKH. Sugars, Golden 0 (i'c. extra C S,7-B'c. dry granulated K'a'c, culie, crushed and powdered H-'c. Coffee : C'-osta Rica 21 te' (JClKVc, Rio rJvUTc, Java Zrfi(l'7c, Mocha 231c, Arbnckle's roasted o?4c. I'KOVIHKINS. Oregon ham R'.fftlSt;, breakfast ba con Pic, sides lOtiftiotc'c. shoulders RS,' SjiK:. Eastern ham l.'twl.'tc, breakfast laicon VA4l34c sides H,,,C10c. Lard 10s II.HjC, rKCITS. Navel orang"S $."ift.50, Riversides $.'.-Ti, California lemniis S.,rs)ii:4 isr box. Oregon straw lierries $L'.7o jer crato. VKGKTAHI.ra. Potahs ftOc, onions $1.50, rheuharb 3:, tomatees tt'. lM-r bx. DKIKO mi ITS. Apples 4 rt'u; slice..! lie, apricots Pi Mc, pearlies Kfrfllk-, penrs Hi:, Italian, lie, , mi ver lc, ijerntau (untile, plums of 7c. ! California figs 8c, raisins $1.'.V -' Jst rwx. n.vinr raont'CB. Butter. Oregon fancy 'Jtki, dairy 1 Srtr'JOc, common, l"(4,ls15c, Eastern i'c, Califor nia lSijCl-Oo. BUUS. Eggs lso. pori.TsT. Chickens $, broilers $.'h',4, ducts $10 11 per dons., geese $!l, turkeys 20c per tt. WOOL. Valley KlftlTc, Eastern Oregon 10 15c noes. Hops lOtgltic. GRAIN. Wheat, Valley tl.L'-'t,', Eastern Oregon $1.15 OaU30e. ruT'H. Standard $4.25, other brands $3.1)0. rur.D. Hay $13rrl4 per ton. bran $13(314, chop $lh(.$2o. shorts $15(410, hurley $'.50 :-4. KKKSII lieef, live, :i.c, droseed, 7c; mutton, live, U'jC, dressed 7c j lamini 12.50 each, hogs live Oc, dressed, 7(i74c vt'al 0t$Sc. UGLY FASHION LEADERS. Tlire ranioun Wonm Mar Xlid fur In trllertl lmn Itmuljr. Isn't It a bit odd that the women, who more than any others have con trolod the fashions within the past twonty-fivo years have not been beau tiful women? There uro three of whom It may be said that they gave the cue to La Mode, and these are the Prlncesso do Meiternich, Sara Bern hardt and the Prinoefts of Wales I range them as they have cont rol. Mine, de Mcttemich had an upliness that, like a Japanese teapot of any value, was so ugly it was unique the ugli ness that has more of a cachet than more beauty, for merely beautiful women can bo found every day, while absolutely ugly ones, blessed with wonderful wit and n peculiar charm of manner, are noted when found. Sara Bernhardt was never a beautiful wom an, nt tho same time, even about her personal appearance, there was some thing fasciuatiiig, and wheu she U acting the (Ire of geulns makes her dull skin look warm and pink, her al mHt colorless eyes burn brightly and her rumpled hair seem an artistic ar- an. ... - . rnruromcnt. -The Princoss of Wales. with her sweet, lady-like, refined face, is chiu-ming, but that Is all. The Lon don papers can rave as they will about her bounty ait hour's walk la any large city in tho United Stales will dis cover a hundred girls bolter looking utid with equal refinement of face. The first one of these three women made black very chic; before line time It had boor, dedicated to the bourgeoise; the second mndo frills of luco, looso-lltting' flovos, picturesque hats and all styles spoclully suited to slendor women tho vogue, while the last gave to the hiffh military collar, tho dainty little bon net, and simple arrangement of the hair the seal of her approval. Each one of those women was ulevor enough to niako fnshiniiable exactly the be longings that hid her defects, and to know how to hide a dooct or bring: out a perfection ls the art of tho modiste to-day. -Philadelphia Times. About nine tenths of all the clay pipes manufactured in the United Stutes ace made in Brooklyn, N. Y., where three factories are located that turn out 16,000 gross annually. Tho claycomos from Woodbrldga," Jn. J., aud costs at Ue factory fire dollars per ton. .