The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 17, 1889, Image 7

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A ftllKAK Ton I.lllKItTY.
About fi:S9 u'olnck loHt Monday even
lug FliorlfTKmullinon left kU rooms In
Hit? wi oi.'d story of tho county JmII,
whero family rvnlricfl, and went bo-
low to tlie rlMnirs In their cells
sm tisnul. On entering the corridor,
where Jamen Jtannon, the Lebanon
bank ro'.ilHT, nl Jolin Wilson, a petty
lmrlnr, were confined, they suddenly
seized inul overpowered the dhcrifl,
and locking lilni in tho cwrrldor, they
fwly nimle their escntie.
KherilTHmallnion eJlud to Ills fami
ly, and UN. little arlrl Wtcned down
tiirs and relenxed hp, lie lramedi
uldy xtarti d In nurtJuitof tho fugitives,
and saw them running wot n Fifth
street. He ml led to them to halt, hat
when they refused to atop ho fired
twice at the men, nd ftnfortunately
:iifsid hi mark, hut Wilson stopped
end ' rwaptured. I'.aimon contin
ued U!m Hurl I down Fifth Street, turn
ing down Fourth, nnd mude his cwape
l;V gaining tho timber on theCflllpooia
wfntof tne eity.
J mius Bunnon in eharged with on
attempt at robbing the bank hero last
MJinmtT. He ha the culture and ap
pearand of a gentleman, is quiet,
t-iiarp, fchrewd and dangerotiH. After
making giod lilx eenpe he mmo out
1 liree inile ooulh of here, catti'm break
fast and fupiK-r nt Mr. l'arrMi's,
wrote a note and writ it into Lebanon,
and quietly withdrew on Tmxlay
fver.lng to Home more congenial
elimw. Hi' lum doubtless mvivetl
niney fl)-l firearms In-fore this, and
would lie a dangerous fellow to take.
Tl:u hherid was badly duped and
outwitted by his prisoner, or el? he
was very caTle tn the management
f them. VigllaiKT withont cruelty
liquid eharaetrrte ull txorutive of
ficers. '
May 14.
Selio;.l is progress! nicely.
Cherrim ire g' ttlng ripe he r
More rain, but gardens look fine.
Dr. (idell vbikd Waterloo on Bun
'.y l:wt.
J. (J. (Jrcws vslitefl Albany n Mon
day. John Cams la fit Aiwa looking fur a
JLr. (ing'-r went to Corvallia the
t'.r.-tof l;wt week.
There i plenty of soda water and we
have a fine boat to cross in now.
HrawlM'rries art" plentiful and fine,
tto, oi account of the warm rams.
Mr. Washburn, real estate apent of
Newport, paid this place a visit lut
Camper! nave commence d to come.
Mr. Majder nnd a crowd camped here
la;t week.
Mrs. J. B. Iluddleson hns been quire
?dcl: for the week, but is again able
to be around. '
Mr. Andy (Jros, of ( "elite rville,
was liere viMting h'm,, brother, George
(ns, on Monday week.
('. M.Talbot t was here on Sunday,
nnil we learn, is g'llng to move to his
t'nrm near Nidaville, end hope he will
f!o si.
The 'nton bridge is nil fixed up
(mew, but as it fctlll continue to rain
the water 'floi-u not permit putting it
Hio pernde of Waterloo nre well
7lensed wild the prrpeetr of a tiridge.
We think It will come, and are very
thankful, too, by tho way.
Mr. ( 'ord's fat Iter and nmt her arrived
on lat Monday and will make this
their future home. They think this is
a fine place to live, and so it is.
Mr. L. M. Curl, county school super
intendent, made the school a very
pleasant call on Thursday. He ex
plained some very Interesting points to
the scholars. We need such calls as
this quile often.
Very well! There are some around
that are somewhat quarrelsemc, but
"never mind, we will Iry 'to build up
this place hereafter with better ones.
Some at this place are nlwnys kicking.
We think ns ftodavifle'doc alout that.
A man confined in the West Virgin
ia penitentiary under conviction of
grand larceny has been pardoned on
the ground that his Intelligence isln
KUlVielcnt to enable hlin to distinguish
between right and wrong. He Is in
united nt the Imputation upon his
'.brains and refuses his liberty.
Lnuk Here.
II. S. Roberts pays cash fr produce,
'nd don't yon forget it.
Bend Tmk 'JrSxritKS to your f)-ki1 in
Vhe East.
From our rcirultir com'sirtiulont.
Yesterday morning brought Presl
dent Ilnriisoa back to the White
House, tird and worn and paler than
ever, from tho tedious ceremonies at
New York. Ho did not appear at his
oftlee until later In tho day and the of
fice seekers and tourists who are usu
any numerous, being on their way
homo from the Washington con ton hi
nl, were unable to boo lnm. It is ex
por ted fliat to-morrow a number of ml
nor changes in tho departments will
be made and a eert of reign of terror be
Inaugurated. The rumor may not,
however, have any better basis of fact
than when Urst started a month ago
Apart from tho church services in
the morning there were no ceremonies
hero celebrating the centennial of
Washington's inauguration. Depart
ment business was, of course, absolute
ly suspended and a mad desire to go In
tho country seemed to take possession
of the people, a freak that left the city
streets deserted. The races at Ivy City
divided the palm of popularity with
two big excursions to Mt. Vernon, to
which hundreds of people made their
first pilgrimage. The sward at Mt,
Vernon was m tvenutifulas need be, the
trees all in leaf and most of the flowers
In bloom.
The white house was deserted ami not
even the noise of the type-writer was
heard in the land. Tfie footfall of a
solitary watchman vibrated lonely
through the deserted corridors, and not
even an F.aster bridal party bad the
hnrdidood to enter the portals. Secre
tary Ulainc was the only head of do
purtuu-iit in the city. Ho sat in
hi hotel reading, receiving his friends,
telling every inquirer in strong Eng
llsh that the newspapers that had said
that he had suffered a partial stroke of
paralysis were willful and malignant
The death of Chairman iJarnum
raises immediate conjecture as to his
losible successor. Among the older
democrats their curiosity gives way to
to '"enuine sorrow for hi death. To
that element in the party Mr. Iiarnuui
wan almost a political demigod, and no
Iioi of finding so whA a man for his
successor Is entertained. Senator l'ugh
and Kx-Attorncy General Garland say
the Senator Gorman of Maryland will
be m Jccted. The only objection to Sen
ator Gorman is that he is not a man of
first-class ability. Senator. Gormun
iiHUte Jus reputation originally by se
curing plan's for hwconstituentsin the
Washington navy yard and the gov
ernment printing cilice, and latterly
by his zealous adherence to the plan of
campaign which filled noithern pro
tection states with southern free trada
speaker. The diustrous rvsultx to the
democratic party all the world knows,
and the fully of sending such men as
Mills of Texas to sjteak in northern
cities shall never be repeated. It is
possible that Senator Gorman's hopes
will be dashed to the ground and a
wholesale and radical reorganization of
the national committee IsU'JIVcted, In
such an event, there will le enough
quarreling in the party to give a rest
to the next year.
The local panera nre ridging the
praises of a Dutch detective on theeity
force named ItatT. A week pgo the
body of a colored girl wav found several
miles from the city, bearing eideuce of
violence. A dozen detectives, ama
teurs and professional, were at once on
the trail. The Inimitable ItulT found a
colored man who had washed a wagon
h the creek near by on the iay the
murder was probably committed. He
Was arrested nnd the proud detective
assured the world that he had solved
tho mystrry. A day later an enter
prising reporter succeeds In securing a
picture of the body. It is printed in
the Evening 'Star. The next morning
a citizen reports to the police that the
picture resembles one Eliza Foster, the
mistress of a DJullatto named Thomas,
who had frequently quarreled with her
of late. The citizen has also discovered
that the Foster woman disappeared
about the time the murder was com
mitted and was heard quarreling on
the street with Thomas the night be
fore. The detectives go to Thomas'
bouse and finvt him serenely chewing
hog and hominy. They thrust the
photograph uv.der his nose. His hands
drop to his shle', the half-ehewcd food
drops from hie open mouth; the face is
contorted; he 1 In a palsy of fear. In a
day he breaks ilown and confesses, and
tho man who was wrongfully accused
is released. Still the detectives receive
all the credit. Ot course the newspa
per that had the sense to secure the
picture and the citizen who reported
his suspicion tire only humble instru
ments through which the astubj detec
tive worked. :
Brand new tenteM CrusoO & Millers.
X. C. Pcobler.
Have lately added a line line of Men's and Boys
Clothing;, -Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc.
We have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes of
the latest styles. Call and inspect our stock.
We do not want to cany Ladies' and Children's
fehoes, and will sell out stock on hand at actual
cost, for cash. Call and examine them.
xj&al ,43k astf isf xja Xis lfwy
a. Mammotn mock or uroccnes. rro visions, to unooiv
Cigars, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc., which
we sell cheaper than ever.
Goods Delivered to all parts of city free of charge.
O. P. Coshow & Sons,
1 13 A I I j H T A T 11
ltrowiiMVlllci -
- Oreixoii.
CoP.tcUouN mart, ponvcyntirl.iruiHt all Notfirial
work iluiic uu Blurt noiicc.
Class Goods
n. N. Blackburn. Geo. W. Wright.
Blackburn & Wright
A 1 1 o rn y M-n t -T. n w,
Will nmctico in oil of t he courts of
the tiit. l'romt attention piven to
all husiiH'KS entrusted to our euro. Of
fice in Odd Ffilows Temple,
A Until y, Orc-tton.
L. H. Montanye,
At toi'iic2'-it-lLii w
Altntiiy, ... Oregon,
Will practice in all Courts of the State.
TlteBunday Mercury nays: Milton'
Hale, one of the heaviest capitalists of
Linn county j won in tho city last
Wednesday. Mr. Hale wan the first
man who settled in Oregon south of
the Huntlaia river. He located on a
claim one mile belowi where Jefferson
is now situated, in the full of 18-15, with
his family. He now resides on a beau
tiful farm adjoining Alhany on the
south, wherti he enjoys the fruition of
lire of an honest and well-directed in
Clear lfeati(iui of Youtfi.
Wlille the merits of tho various blood
purifiers are being shown up to the
best advantage possible by their sever
al manufacturers, wo would suggest
to persons feeling the need of Fueh
a medicine, that they try a dose of St.
Put rick's tills, and Assure them that
they would not only be surprised but
delighted, with the result. Those M ho
wih to fool tho animation, buoyancy
and clear headednes of yoUth should
take Ht. Patrick' Pills. For sale bt
M. A. Mificr.
Atjpwer rates than ever' offered before in Albany. So, if
you arc looking for bargains you need not
H ,1 M ' ML
Any fiirther, but come into my
store and you will be sure to be
pleased. It is to your own in
terest, so come.
Albany, - - - Oregon.
Notice of Final Settlement.
deriigneil oduiiiilslmlir ilh the will iiimrx
fd of the estate of James (follnHiiy, (licensed, hiif
filed in tho County Court of I.lmi County, Ore
gon, hU fltnil Acrnimt, nnd mid t'oiirt lmitpoint
ffl Monday, Hw ill day of Juno, for lliu lieiir
Ing of otijcdloii thereto und the wtllemeiit
thereof, nl shuib will he hcnid lit three o'eloek
p. m, of wildduy ut the Curt Iloie lu Alhany,
6rei)n. '
April 17, 18SW. J. A. r.'AMKKJU'OK,
AdmlIttralor with will tinni XiM.
Dili W. C. IMHCiCTH,
graduate of the Royal Collate of Lj:id'.in,f ni;
land, alto bf th. B.llovua Medical Cullogn.
Ntudy.liiid iirncllce. and lniiki n i.iceiiilty o
rlmniiu disuses, removes cmieeis. si'rortiloiif i n
tiiryeineiuv, ' tumors mid wens, witlioui (min o
tlie knife; fie iilw makes nspeciiilly of iit'iiimen '
with eleetneiy. Jlus iiraeticed in tho tiennnii,
Kreneh nnd Klidltsh hoi-fiiliils. Culls hmiii.iI
ntfcniled hiv or niifht; His motto is: "tiw(?(
Wil l. T(l At,I,."
S-Olllee and reslilenee, IVrrv street, beltve'ti
Third uud Fwttrlli, Alhtiny; OMgo.'