The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 10, 1889, Image 7

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V.. Martin, of Hh Lake, wan In
town oil Wt'dnwduy.
Andy (m?w, of Cvntervlllc, Or., is
paying UrowiiRvillo friend a visit.
Dr. A. II. IMven of Balcm City,
iVim , U viltlns J. M. Long, of thin
Mr. Bar tic, of St-io, was In towti
luring llic past wwk lvkiig for an
liircBtHM'iit In real estate.
On Mouthy last Stephen III Icy, who
resides with V. T. t'whran on His
farm, received a kick from his home,
iwultiiig In a Irtroketo leg:.
Tliow dowirlng information in regard
to A 1 InvcMmciiHii real estate should
t-onnult the tuillctln of 0. P. Coahow,
who hn on Itnml at hi office nuuier
bargains la home sites and farms.
Oklahoma" meaus beautiful land,
hot whan you And a land that beats
Webfoot" for product, climate, good
looking babica and pretty women, you
muxt b3 very previous in your morning
One of th fine 't specimens of Juve
nile horse fleah can 1 seen at the farm
of JoM ph Hume. It is a yearling colt
weighing DIM pounds, is of a beautiful
dark Iwy color, and was sired by Ft sa
lt implied Perehcron, "Merlin."
Wednesday the postal depart
ment of t hi tfwn was removed from
its former nit.1 to the new office adjoin
Jug the store of 0. A. Dyson. The
building which was built for the pur
poH N neat and amply fitted with
glus front and lock boxes, and is quite
a credit to our town.
It. M. Moxley and James Mellargue
have formed a partnernhip in th bak
ing, confectionary and fancy grocery
line, Mr. Moxley having purchased
and removed to the City Unkery. This
w ill form a strong combination in the
vandy business, which fact should be
remembered by the young flks and
all thone desiring fresh bread, cakes,
The Hoath Brownsville school, I. D.
lloyer, principal, closed with appropri
ate exercises on Haturday last The at
tandaace for the past term under the
management of Prof. lloyer has been
over averaire, and the progress in stu
dies made by the pupils has been most
atlfactory alike to parent aud teach
er. The closing cxsrclses were of a
most cutertalning character and gave
evidence of close application to studies.
The amount of patronage bestowed
tipon Mrs. Banders and Howe at their
millinery store by the ladlea of
Brownsville, will convince Hit) most
kept leal that only the latest and moat
nobby atjlca of ladies' and mimes'
spring bonnets ant hits are kept m
stock, with a most complete line of
Tlbbans, feathers and trimmings.
Wild strawberries are abundant.
Mrs. Ely Itoby and children are "vis
iting relatives in Priiiesville, nurtern
On Friday evening at the North
Brownsville city hall the ladles of the
Baptist church gavo a "corn supper"
was well patronized and proved a per
fect success both financially and alaoaa
an epicurean feast. At 7:30 the public
were invited to be seated and partake
f the many palatable dlshea com
)oiindei from corn, embracing com
bread, corn hulled, corn starch, com
Johnny cake, corn gems, corn etarth
eake, corn meal mush and milk, wn
lef, corn popped, corn balls, corn cof
fe, com atarch custard, corn starch
pie, alao Whit "bread and coffee. For
the spare of two hours the table were
filled by a hungry crowd, keeping the
young ladle In attendance, who were
prettily addressed' for the occasion, ac
tively engaged attending to the want
of the larga number who enjoyed a
most palatable meal for the reasonable
charge of 25 cents, thereby increasing
the church funds by many dollars
and hefpiug a worthy cause At the
conclusion of the sapper a musical en
tertainment waa given by the young
folks, some choice vocal selections U1-,
lug rendered lu a moat creditable man
ner, which concluded the programme
for an evening, voted by all attending
a most enjoyable success, T. B. P.
Th Prtda of Woman.
A clear pearly and transparent akin
is alwayi a sign of pure blood, and all
persons troubled with dark, greasy,
or blotched skin can rest assured that
their blood is out ot rder. A few
EIli BLOOD MAKER will remove
the caune and the akin will become
clem.' and transparent. Try it, aud if
satisfaction is not given it will cost you
nothing. M. A. MIHer, Druggist.
Brand new tent at Crown A Miller.
Editor Kxpresh!
I am very glad that my friend
O'Connor noticed my article on "Chin
ese Labor," though ha considered nic
uot forth noticing, and I thought that
I would show my respect to him by a
short reply.
First He says that I vlatmed the
Chinese to Ihj superior t white labor.
If I did I did wrong, for wecan only
compare Chinese labor with whito la
bor, and not Chinese simply with
white labor. But I think that I know
what Mr. O'Connor meant, and I
would aay that the statement is false,
for I never claimed that Chinese labor
was superior to white labor. Nor do I
think that it Is, but the contrary. The
Idea that I tried to set forth was, that
the reason why the railroad employed
Chinese was thai they were more to be
depended upon than whito men.
This can be proven by the fact that the
railroad enilayi Chineso instead of
white men. We all know that whito
men would be more convenient to han
dle if, as a laboring class, they could be
depended upon.
Second My friend asked mo to an
swer a question, which I frankly ad
roit I could not have done if he had
not answered it for ma. For his infor
mation I am much obliged. But the
question with me is, why did they em
ploy Chinese when white men could
do so much more? You sav that ft was
because Andersonk had for his advis
ers such men as me. That is the first
time that I was ever compared to a
man holding suck an important posi
tion. But I think' Andersonk waa a
poor railroad man to have such men as
mi for hi advisers.
Third Mr. O'Connor charged me
with seeking for a soft anap or employ
ment on the railroad. As to that, I
would sav tbat I wouldn't exchange my
occupation for any, that I am compe
tent to fill, tbat the railroad masters
might give me. But holding to that
part of our constitution which says
that "all men are created equal," I am
opposed to this law, mean, underhand
ed way of opprwwing, or putting any
thing in the way of thowj who were
not so fortunate in their birth as I.
But there are many crank office seek
ers who have no merit in and of them
selves, and lacking moral worth, tbey
take advantage of anything that they
think will give them public recogni
tion, and I suppose that Mr. O'Connor
Is one of that stamp. He would not
sell hia soul to the devil for a loaf of
bread, but he would sell his soul and
all that he has to the devil for the
chance of holding public office, if it
wasu't more than to be rtad supervis
or. Huth men art fifty degree below
my aovervigu conteiapt.
F. W. Parker.
Prospecting going on up the Call poo
la aud the prospectors thinjt they havo
made some good finds and tbat there
will tie much gold and silver taken
from that section in the early future.
Copper haa also been found.
Major Smith left Halaey on Friday,
ult., for a trip to the saw mills, but
uot returning' for several days his
friends became uneasy and went ent to
look for him. He had gotten on the
wrong road and wandered up the river
to the logging camps, aud had remain
ed there without food for himself and
horses until he was found on Thurs
day, May 2. Both the Major and his
horses were badly used up. The Odd
Fellsws turned cot in foroe to look for
him. When found he waa quite badly
chilled, but was brought out safely,
furnished food and taken tolfahwy the
same day. We earnestly hope hia pri
vations for several days will not seri
ously affect him.
Colonel Alley, of Eugene, waa here
last week writing up this section of
Linn county for a pamphlet to be sent
east He la preparing a descriptive
history f the entitre county for distri
bution eaat aud elsewhere. Ho seems
to be the right man in the right place.
0. P, Coaliow, Jr., of the firm of O.
P, Coahow & Rons, real estate and in
surance agents, Brownsville, visited
the town- They are live men, aud
rustle for tholr patrons.
J. II. Scott, of the firm of J. H. Rcott
it Hon, haa gone on a trip to Ban Fran
cisco in the Interest of their business as
tanners and curriers. Their leather
ranks No. 1 In ttio California market.
More Anon. X. Y.
look Her.
JX. 8. Roberta pays cash for produce,
and don't you forget it.
Bend Tri EjVitfs to your ftietWa In
Have lately added a fine line of Men's and Boys
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc.
Boots and Shoes.
We have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes of
the latest styles. Call and inspect our stock.
We do not want to carry Ladies' and Children
Shoes, and vill sell out stock on hand at actual
cost, for cash; Call and examine them.
A Mammoth Stock of Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco,
Cigars, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc., which
we sell cheaper than ever.
Goods Delivered to all parts of city free of charge
O. P. Coshow & Sons,
Brownsville, - O retro n.
GoUfttloni mflt, ronrcyanclag and all Notarial
vera iun on toon notice.
D. R. N. Blackburn.
Gee, W. Wright
Blackburn & Wright
Attorneyn-ut-Iaw, '
Will practice lu all of the court of
the state. Prompt attention given to
all business entrusted to our care. Of
fice in Odd Fellows Temple,
AllMiny, Oregon,
L. H. Montanye,
At torneyntLaw
A limn y, - - Oregon,
Will practice in all Courts of the Btate.
List of letters remalniagin pontoffioe
at llock Creek, Or., Apr. 80, 1889.
Persons calling for them will please
say "advertised.'
Arfoock, Emily
Burnslde, L T
Olllman, Henry
O'ltollly, Pat (2)
Ileam, Emanuel
Wilson, Bain
Dodge, H
Nelson, II N
Wabeford, Geo
Brooks, II C
r.arge, E P
Powell, H T
Young, Robert E
Crabtree, Wm
Jones, John
Patterson, I C
W. B. IIohbutson,
Why la It
That people linger along always mm
plaining about tbat continual -tired
feeling? One bottle of BEGQ'8
MAKER will entirely remove this
feeling, give them a good appetite and
regulate digestion. M. A. Miller,
.'. "" 'M""":z:::: ". :".'."rir' ' r: t.: ' ' .' "tJ
Want First-Class Goods
At lower rate3 than ever offered bofore in Albany So, if
you are looking for
Any further, but come into my
store and you will be sure to be
pleased. It is to your own in
terest, so come.
Albany, - - Oregon.
Bwapwau. a-,lm-L'J'j-i..'j-liu'...1'- .".
Notice Of Final Settlement,
der1fTJod admlnixtrator with the will mmx
ti of th. enUte of Jumei Galloway, deeouwil, has
fllw) in rtio County Coort of Linn County, Or
goa, hi final acoaunt, and Mid Court huapirtut
d Monday, to. M day of June, VW, tot tba lww
iug ot ol)Jctlonf thamto and the settlement
thereof, ind earna will be hoard at threo o'clock
r.H, of Mid day at tli Ownrt Hob In Albany,
April 11, It. J. M. LAMBEBSOX,
Aotalniitrator with will mumxwI.
bargains you need not
Qraduat. of th. Royal Coll.'. of London, Eng
land, alao of th. M.dloal College.
mtidy iui'1 prwtip.. tind makes aain'itlulty o
chronic tUxon-wit, wbiuvm oiwerK, itfrofuloii til
largeiovutM, tuinorn and wtn, wlihimt aln ii.
the kntfe. II. aUn mukvii &ww.ialiy nl tntivicir.
with oloctiiotv. Huh praotlrt'd In the (h'Tjmi,
French and EnnlUh hospttaU. Calla prnmi'il
nttcndrd day or night, lit motto U: "jMN
9-0nvu and resiflchce, Ferry truot.
third and fwurthv Albany, Oregon