The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 10, 1889, Image 6

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    FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1S89,
liete are (,79o,8SQ icm of vacant
tli land in Oreou. Flenty of room
r the overflow from the rut.
Ttie idea that fish vas brain food
md a run of ten years before any one
-kel why the Esquimaux, who eat
t he most fish, had uo mental smart
ness. Ileal estate still continues to change
hands, mostly now by uew routers to
this country, and is increasing very
nqiidly in value in Lebanon and sur
rounding country.
A man ia in Dcbuque, Ia.,buying
cats, which are shipped to Dakota,
here they are in great demand to des
troy the mil swarming around corn
and grain Una. lie has already ship-
eb two carloads.
The bicyclists of McMinnviUe are
jvtenuined fellows, says the Tele
jihoiKsBegigter. They think they can
bunt the machine, but to an outsider it
looks as if the machines were basting
t!eiii. We pee several machines every
day riding a good sized man around
the town.
Fa-President Cleveland's .horses and
rirriagcs are to be sold at auction in
Washington so lie time this week He
iistd at the White House and Oak View
atahlea quite a handsome equine estab
l!-,i n. itt. At first Mr. Cleveland
(h.xivut that he would keep the seal
brown, the bays and his favorite
horse, but a few weeks ag he
decided to sell them all
The ;Itizens of Baker City do not
j ropiiee to allow their town to be left
out in the cold by the tide of immigra
tion from the eaL They have raised
3,imto be spent in attracting the
attention of immigrants to the resourc
es (! that town and vicinity. Its im
migration committee lias also offered
three prizes for the best written essays
dtneriptive of the lesourcesof Baker
count v.
Washington' father died when the
future president was 12 Jefferson's
when he was 14, Jackson's before the
boy was born, Madison's when he was
a youth, Garfield's whtn he was a
mere babe, Harrison the elder's before
he had reached his majority, Tyler's
when he was 4 years old, and Hayes'
andfleveland's when they were young
boys. The characters of nearly all of
thee were moulded by their mothers.
A lienpecked husband determined to
gi with a party of friends against the
will of his wife. He M as resolved that
he would, and she that he should not
g-. He did not go. His friends miss
ed him, and, just for fun invaded his
residence, where they found him and
his wife sitting in their chairs fast
iiWp. He had given her an opiate
that he might dip away, and she had
jrfven him one "that he might not.
lio xl joke on both.
It takes but a short experience in k
uewijMiper work t ascvrlain who
eonupoe the generous portion f cow
iaanities. The men who take the
greatest liuaaber of newspapers and
read tlicm, are tiie most prosperous and
ititelHgeiit, and are sure to give the
publisher hearty encouragement.
Whenever a niau is found who is a ty
rant to his family, or an oppressor of
hired help, a fleeter ef renters, or a
"Marling fault Under, newspapermen
ui stand anide. for such men always
lairn to be takixg a large number of
.apt'j t and have no time to read any
This naming inquiry, breathing un
puted sigfis of impermtrable ver
lanee comes from the little village of
Full lUver, Wits: "Are there wild In
uarjH in the Willamette valiey, and are
f Key tnttblesome to settlers who take
!jor pun-base land in the ffiothdisor
ear the mountains?" That is a ttun
''vr. I'revious to this thne inouirus
Jmveeome akinif there were any
women here, if it would be safe to
britig a family to the wild west, if it
would pay to ship low grade cattle
here, if there was danger in being at
fjcked and dvour. on a lone road by
w ;iti lca!, jf there were any stttle-Ki-nts
or faroi houses between towns,
ifth-rmalhr were any towns, or if
the water wn mo full of fih you, could
f. ;y.i' it" 'br
-i-- .- . ..
April S7.I8S9.
The pack train has arrived and we
are once more happy. Weather ha
cleared ap and every one has gone to
work. A party from ft a ten came tip
last night, and like a great many oth
ers expected to find the root of all evil
hanging on every tree and bush in the
country. But they are no more, two
hour in the woods tcok all this energy
and longing for the precious metal out
of their bodies, they folded their tent,
dumped their flour and oats on the
ground, and departed, sadder but wiser
men. Rutteuberger miners had better
stay outside of Golden City district,
this 1b not the land of milk and honey.
To prospect la this heavy timber and
brushy country takes work, and lot of
it There is a larger and finer mineral
belt In the Cascade mountains than
in any country in the whole north
west But many a head, will turn
gray looking fur ledges and leads of
gold and silver before it will be all
found, hills so high and gulches so
dep and dark that the sun has never
shed its light since these big trees have
put forth their foliage. You have to
coon logs "over deep ravines that are
higher than a no limit game, and aa
dangerous. Nothing but grit and a
good constitution can ever prospect
these mountain, for It is not like Col
orado and the upper country, where
you can take your pack horse with
you. Here no horse can live, for there
is no grass for them to live on noth
ing but moss and brush. "otMug but
cougers can stay here, and they are
Dr. E. 0. Smith and party re camp
ed across the street from tw. The doc
tor i a hale fellow well met, and we
have on several occasions found him
generous to a fault
It was a big m Intake that there was
ever any dispute over the Red Bull
mining claim; the parties would have
made money if tbey had dropped the
suit, for by this time he wonid have
had a saw mill and a lot of men put
ting ia tramway, and by the first of
July would have seen a big stamp
mill running in full Mast, and that
would have added a hundred per cent,
to every mine in this milling district
As it is there will be no mill here this
summer. Nothing but men with plen
ty of money and experience can work
quartz. If there is a mill built her it
will be done by Portland or eastern
If any one coming to this catap have
any packing to do, they will find Jo.
Mitchell, at Jlr. Robinson's, Rock
Creek P. O., the most obliging and
gentlemanly packer in the county to
dobusiuess with; I commend him to
all coming to Golden City.
It will not be lung before one can
hear blasting on every side of the
mountain for miles around. The socie
ty of O-jlden city is very quiet and
orderly; no lounging around at night.
But you can hear the pounding of rock
late and early.
Lloyd Magruder is registered as the
Mayoi of eur city and all disputes are
left to his gord judgment, and every
one is satisfied with his decisions, ex
cept whea it comes to the ladies. He
is a con 3 mud old bachelor and a wom
an hater. Dr. E. O. Smith is the most
jovial and Campbell the most digni
fied of our partv. The couger tried to
get our dog Bob, last night, and he,
like a sensible dog, kept close to camp.
J. II. Bcott & Son, of Crawfordsville,
have employed an experienced tauner
to make and operate wane new im
provement in tanning, and they are
now turning out some very superior
qualities of leather. Hides are washed
and cleaned with one-third the lalwr
and time and are prepared for market
in a much more saleable condition.
Oregon must keep apace in this a well
as all other Improvement', or clue she
w ill fail to compete iu the market of
the world. Mr Hoil has moved his
cheese factory from below Brownsville
to Crawford vilie, w here lie is prepared
to fill all orders for his justly celebrated
brand of cheese. Mr. Hull has been in
this business for moie than three years
and fully understand the process smd
guarantees a flnst-i-luss line of goods.
You Cannot Afford
At this season of the year to be without
a good reliable diarrhoea ijalsaru In the
house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea and
!I Jaflammation of the stomach and
bowels are exceedingly clangorous if
not attended at once. One bottle of
4- -"-' uood ':: e-,. of this kind
lr,a-- f !::. rt '.H.t an f-h.
mimm count.
Montague's freight bills for
the past month have been un
usually heavy, owing to the
large quantities of
?(ew nd raHratt ffpvlntt and
Hummrr CiUMKt
Being received tlailv at his
the One Price Cash Store con
trolled by C. M. Talbott as
The stocks of these estab
lishments are full and com
plete, and an experience of
nearly twenty years in the
trade at Lebanon enables me
to select such goods as will
meet the wants of the people.
As I buy for cash, a careful
inspection will satisfy anyone
of ordinary intelligence that
the superior quality of his
goods fully merit the liberal
patronaee he is receiving, and
for which he returns his pro
found thanks.
In Montagues DRESS
GOODS department will be
iound many new and elegant
designs purchased at very low
figures of one of the largest
importing houses in America.
The goods will be sold corres
pondinglv low, and we res
pectfullv invite the ladies to
examine them before purchas
Montague has been selling
a great many wedding dresses
lately, and will take pleasure
in furnishing complete outfits
to parties contemplating
house keeping.
PARTMENT needs but little
advertising, as the goods sell
themselves. We keep native
Oregon manufactured cloth
ing as well as fine lines just
received from New York and
Chicago. A look through our
stock will convince vou that
we can fit vou in any kind of
suit you may desire at prices
lower than a good many mer
chants can buy their goods.
We'have good serviceable suits
at $5.75, $7, 8, $9 or $10.
These prices are 25 j?r cent
lower tnan the goods are usu
ally sold in any town in Ore
Boys, it will interest you to
know that in selecting his
mammoth stocks of clothing,
he has just laid in the largest
assortment of Boy's Clothing
ever brought to this city.
Have your Papa and Mama
bring you in for a new suit, so
you can attend camp meeting
and the May picnics, and we
will fit you out very nicely.
Always insist on having them
D tn Alnmnim a far ihfir
uxxls, as in his establishment
you will get 100 cts. worth for
every dollar expended.
In addition to a large stock
of Leather good3, Montague
has purchased an immense
stock of the celebrated Buck
ingham & Hecht make of
boot3 and shoes. Every pair
warranted. When you need
anything in that line drop in
and see us. The goods and
prices are all eight.-
Store is an immense success;
the sales are very large and
increasing rapidly. It'istrue
the profits are very small, but as we
can turn tho money many times dur
ing the year, I find that in the long
run it pays mucli bettw than the cred
it system. We all U ut come at last to
a cash basis in all our business trans
actions, and the sooner the iietter.
Come on with your money, make us
kaow when you are looking at goods
t .at your intended purchase MKAN
;A.-ii iny.;:, and vu v n find 1
Druggist and
Pure Drugs, Medicines,
Paints, Oils and Glass,
Fine Perfumery,Bruslies& Combs
Prescriptions Accurately Compounded.
Main Street, Lebanon, Oregon.
- ii i i
Vehicles, Implements,
Light and Heavy Machines,
Call in, Gentlemen, and we will Make You
To any person who is offering better inducements or
fairer prices than
Wagon and Machine work a
I wont dish your wheels to Quaker hats.
Tic "COMMON SENSE HARROW" Has Giieu Satisfaction,
and I will cndeaior to male ay other work
do tie same.
I am making a lot of new California racks; ihvy are the
best.- Don't forpet ray horse fhoeinj:, for I .guarantee fatis
faction. Call and see me at the Ked Front shop.
Joseph Harbin.
Call at ray (.hop, Main Slreet, Leba
non, Orrgou. laltK) boue razors and
Lave a
33A.xii koom
Connected to my nhop.
The Ann of Conhow & CaMe, having
by mutual consent diwtolved partner
ship on M'irch J, 1889, all ivnom
knowing tbt'inw-lve indebted by note
or account to wsid f.rru are reucM-d
to call at tne old tnd ana Kettle, J h
butiinew in tiie future IJ1 beeurried
on under lb firm name of Cable &
Ftunurd, ",'. E. iStanurd liM-lng pur-
. m. a ii
Tin and Stove Store.
Household Goods.
Than You Ever Saw.
Yog will be Astonished
-At the Rcck-EQttom Prlcw,
i'v f!fe w flwiihl hi