The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 10, 1889, Image 5

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    MAMMOTH isNll'.HKftT.
The HIk Tralsi f .4 fairs I tat ral !
ideweata thai Arrived
Lt Week.
The lug trainload of ajtricultoral imple
ments, consigned to Messrs. Russell &
Co., which arrived over the Northern
Pacific in two sections, was consolidated
At Tacoma. Although the train on its
long journey lrom Mussillon, 0., to Tort
land tu ran on schedule patuwngcrtime,
the delays caused by the lonir stops alone
the line to enable the large crowds gath
ered t the principal pointa to soe it, and
from the fact that it waa only kpt mov
ing daring daylight, kept it ton days on
the road Ae well as enjoying the dis
tinction of being the first full tTainload
shipment of agricultural implementa that
waa ever made across the contineut, it ia
one of the largest fust express freighta
that ever came into Portland, and for this
reason it is of arterial interest to every
prominent resilient of the city .
This train imssc) over the Ilaltimore &
Ohio, Wisconsin Central and Northern
Pacific railroads, and when the extraor
dinary rists of running a heavy train of
twentv-eight cars on passenger timeia
ionsidered, its safe arrival here ahowa
ronculsively that the "special" haa been
the constant rare of the managers of
these several lines. It is learned from
Mr. Hughes, the manager of Russell A
O)., in this city, that most of the goods
included in this large shipment have al
ready been sold and he is of the opinion
that the firm will undoubtedly le forced
to duplicate even this large order before
the harvest season begins. The demand
lor Russell & Co. 'a machinery during '89
will exceed that of any previous year in
the history of the firm.
Chief Justice Fuller has purchased of
Jnde Andrew Wylie the latter' re.i-tU-tuf
urorxTtv on Fourteenth street.
fronting Thomas Circle, lift ween Ver
mont avenue and M streets, for $100,000.
Kaput the Hlad.
By Mfltie a tnticb a yon ran f the world, but
rrr yr.a wt ont efttur a tourint, commercial
tmveUf or cmlirraM whether joa pro bv rati,
t.rohlt or u-aro tot. provide your-) with
Hostettrr Stiimwh blttrrn, which hr truveiinij
public rwornlw a UieflDcatwdicaliuiirtrBara
.mid preventive of e ulrknmw wllh which auv
onemtrtvyln by land or water ran be. provid
ed, ft furaib to the wVru pioneer adeqnate
protection alnt malaria, rbcnmatiiim ud
those dlwirder of the bowel which miasm
titling water heart, it aedatlve fttucx upon tiie
stomach laTtirhew by the rockln; of hlj if
truly mimical, and tt la capital apettserand
neve toviirorator. Eieellent li it for bllllon
uw od kidnuy tnamton, and It counteract. In
remarkable degree, the eflWIa of fatieue. phy
sical or menial. After welting and rxpoattre in
inclement weather, it ahotiid be nucd u a preventive
One. rood mother ! worth a hundred schoolmasters.
Chlte Elephant of Siam, Don of Eng
land, Iraittm of China, Crwsa of SwtUer,
land. Banner of Per-la, Crescent of Egypu
Double Kale of Ruaaia. Star of Chili, The
Circle of Japan, Harp of Erin.
Te pet th-ne buy a box of the genuine
Da. C. McIank's Celebrated Livkb
1TU.S, price tit cent, and mail us the out
side wrapper with your addrewa, plainly
written and 4 eeuU in a tamp. will
then mail you the above lit with an ele
pant package of oleographic and chro
matic tarda.
fucvivo Bros.. PrrrsBCRa, Pa.
Grief con tit the seconds; happiness forget
the boom.
aadlta Rarely Care.
To THR KiMToa: Pieaae inform your reader!
that I have a positive remedy for the above
named CIm-iiw. hy ita timely e thonaaud
of bopeUwt eae have beu permanently cured.
I ball be alad to send two bottle of my reme
dv rare to aiiv of your reader who have con
sumption tf thev will aeud me tbelrexpress
and MNttofflre aldre. Ki-pN-tfnlly,
T. A. bLOCl'M. M. C, Ita Pearl it., New York.
Censure ii the Ui a man pay to the public
for being eminent.
G. C. Bartholomew. Kalkaika, Mich., says: "I
located in tbiiplaee Ave yeara ago, bavin for
merly realded in Troy, N. Y. I have been a great
Bttfferer from what the pbyalclanaof Troy called
irlxut'i dlaaaae. I ued Dr. David Kennedy'i
Favorite Kem(-dy, of Roudoat, N. Y. All the
twrlble avmptoim of the diwiuie are one. f
iiave uo tr'aeea of anv dinorder of the kiducya,
Jlver or bladder. Who would begrudge, the eot
of rhlB medicine (one dollar a bottle) for anch a
Miiwlu or reftwe thl almple thoiigh aiueere
token of rratltude for belli perfwtly eared: I
owe everytbln to fir. Kennedy' Favorite Rem
edy, and hope tbla will ludnou otliera to Be the
medicine who autref from any kidney, liver or
blood dlaorder."
Ha. Kinnbpy'ii Favorit Bimedv, made at
Koudont. N. Y. 11 : 6 for A.
Heud for iKxik. how to cure Kidney, Liver and
Blood diaordera.
Silence ia worth iu weight lu gold in many
crlaea of human experience.
Hr. J. H. Combk. Owenavllle, Ohio, aay: "I
have riven aweitt'ii Kaaalelva of CimJ Liver
Oil with llvKithophitei to four patient with
better leenlta Uiau emed powible with any
remedy. All were hereditary cane of Ian dl
eaae, and advanced to that ( when Couaha.
pain iu the cheat, frequent breathtu. frequent
pulae, fever and Emaciation. All tbeae caaey
have lncrvaaed in welht from 16 to ' llx., and
ud are not now needln any medicine."
A noble heart, like the an, ahoweth IU great
t coauteuauce iu Ita lowcat estate.
Henry B. Archer, Receiver of Taxea of
the City of Yonkera, N. Y., says of Bran-
dreth's Pills:
"For the paat ten yeara I have been
Busing rawurkth'b Pills for self and
family. We find them a sovereign remedy
for indigestion and constipation, taking
om or two every nigbt for ten days. Ihey
are alao admirable blood purtflrra, per
fectly iiarmleaa but exceedingly effective
a a cathartic. I Unit used them myaelf,
particularly for billiouneaa and dyapepaia.
They relieved ine in two weeks. I cheer
fully recommend thera."
Appetite, ia a rellah bentowed on the poor, that
that they may like what they eat, wlille it it
eldom en toyed ty the riA, becauae they may
at what they like.
Concha. "Brmtn't Browhtal JVitfWarea
anre rt u dy for Cough and 8ore Throat 1i CU
a box. "'
ft v t aay. Bamplo; worth M.1S
1 Z I'KCK. Lluu not ander horaca' feet
aielderCa. UeliV.Hlek. ,
An old phyntoiati, retired from practlee, bar
In had laced In hi hand by an Kaat I mil
miaiilonary the formula ft a almple vegetable
mnedy fnr the aeedy and permanent cure of
Consumption, Rronchltla, aiarrh, Aathma,
and all Throat and Lttti AtTcetlon. alao a poal
tive and radical enre for Nnrvou lability and
all Kervoua Complalnta, after bavin uwtcd it
Wonderful raratlvo power lu thousand of
ca', ha felt it hi duty to make it known to
hi HffVrln follow. Actnated by tht motive
and a dealre to relieve human nufTVrln, I will
Kiid free of rharve, to all who dealre it, thl re
ripe, In German, French or Knllh, with fall
direction for preparing and uln. Bent by
mall by addreaaln with aump, naming thl
jiaper.W. A.. Nova, ii Potter $ Block, Boehtf
The heart of the wlie teacheth hi mouth.
The country I floo 'ed with poor Imilationa of
"ea of North Carolina t'iu- Cot emoklng
Tat Oamanu for breaataa.
Ohl Time Hmokern
Who know a Rood thing when thev see It.
canuot be fooled by a poor immitation of
tne weu-xnown 'al ol Aortn Carolina
I'luir Cut Tohacro.
Bear in mind that the genuine "SwT
roar you no more than thr, manu trathy
plug euU that some dealer rarry.
St-e that vou get the S ai of North Caro
lina, and you will amoke no other tobacco.
Having for the paat four or five year been troubled
with pi u pie and Mutch oa my faoa and body, and
finding no relief in any of the chemically prepared
(cap and medicine pnecrihed fur m by physician,
1 concluded to try your 8. B. 8. re rood v, and have
found (real relief ia the aame, four bottle clearing
my akm entirely. 1 cheerfully recommend your
mwlicuia to all who an in the potitiua that I nave
been in. Yon can tue this letter and my name aa a
teetimonial to the merit of the 8. B. 8. remedy.
Very truly your, ALraao P. Koirooa,
820 Suuom St , San Franciaoo, Cat.
KW Stend fr our booka on Blood and bkln tit.
aau auvioe to mrTereni, mailed rree.
Drawer X, AUauU. Ua,
$700 Threshing Machi n
A SelBMl Hwter.
Farm and Road Wagons !
An Improved Drag Saw!
A Triumph Steam Generator!
Gaudy's Patent Endless Tliresber
Besides Guns, "Watches, Books,
Gaiden Plows, Washing Ma
chines, etc., in number limited
only by the demand for them.
Remember, all these things are
Absolutely Given Away.fM&
Every article offered is new,
first-class and useful.
These gifts are within the reach
of every farmer, for whom they
are specially intended.
For lull particulars of this un
paralleled offer, see the columns
it Dauoonrrs and DkALiaa,
Kit w an It you have an Old Sore that need
htaltn, and that other rented ic have failed to
beal; or a breaking out or ltchln of the aealp
or body; or a Boll, Burn. Cut, or any ailment for
which a Salve I auitabli, buy a 25-cent box ef
Mexican Waive, which 1 Warranted to
Cure when every th In clue fail. If not kept by
yoar drult (end ' cent la itampa to J. C.
Drmrnt, Aft, Atorla, Or., aud receive a box
by mall.
II1I37 rinPO I M- Orabam'i Depilatory
1 1
LI Alii I rnllLOi Pt i anranteed tore-
I I move bair and check It Krowth. by
mail. Send 2c ttatnp for book "How to be
Beautiful," Mas. Oaavat Gkaiiam, "Beauty
fnietor." 21 Powell St.. Pan Franciaoo.
OlClNnATi HACH. Oahlar. Hoenuh
Flacw; BmdaM Onaoa, band taaanuasna. Lanaat
took of Sheet M nabaiid Book. Band amelied at
laatara Friee. atATTHIAat OBLkY QQ M Paat
Smlth'a Cash Stora, 418 Front 8t, 6. F., Cat.
largest general dealer west of the MlHlsaippl
Elver. Dry Goods, Notions. Hosiery, Under
wear; Wall Taper, Stationery; Blankets, Bed
dint; Boots, and Shoes; Canned Goods, Dry
fruits; Wooden, Tin, Crockery, Glaus .Granite,
and Hardware. Meat, Fish, Provision, Honey,
Grain, Feed, Groceries, Pure Spice, Seed, Be
ans; Drugs, Medecinei; Clocks, Ammunition,
Bubber Goods, Tent, and quantities of other
goods at lowest price for Cash only. Send 2 c
stamp for lull hat by first mall, and learn how
to live cheap and well at small coat; 32 years in
boslnen; Customers In erery County west of
th Eoc&y Mountains, and many claewhei,
Manufactured from FIXEST SPRIXG STEEL,
Jtabber Coated, Satine and Satin Covered.
Kot to Rust, Break or Split Stitched to the
Seams, So pocket or hot irons required.
AAI IT"laT BEWARE of worta-
UHU I lUlli leu Imitation. Bee
that "EVER READY 1
of each Stay.
Is stamped on the back
Are made of the same material, with elastic
ends and Buckle.
T-Ak for the EVEK-KKADYS taysand Ex
tenders, and take no other.
535 Market Street, 8. F.
Dr, Spinney & Co. 18,0
M pptft IIO Heoltity. I.o of Yior. BoraW
" trl vVO I,ow. Wak ilemorf, Uupoa
dency. kt, due to ezueaaea or abuse, cored.
YQllNT MPM rnfferlns; from the effect
IWWHVm -(t 0( jrontiiiulfeHicaor india
ereMoa should avail themselves of onr treatment,
A poaitlve cur guaranteed in every caoe. Sybilia,
trlnarr and Venereal IHwaw' aU nanatural dia.
chaivea, promptly and aaiel cored.
of Kidney or Bladder. Weak Back. Kervou
Debllitr. atiii of bexnul Btmuglh, eto eared
and restored to brailhy virfor.
f . B. erauaa enable to vialt na may be treated
at their home, by oorreapondrnoe. Jledicitiea am
inatruc-tiena sent by mail or exiireea. Coniultatiol
1 ree. Bend 4 cants la stamp for 1 he Young Man 1
frlead or ouide tu adiock.
MOS. 133 and 134 THIKD STREET,
Portland. Oregon.
b the onlr Private DUv
peoiary in Pvrtlaod on on
the Northwest Uoaat,
where patients are lueceM.
PRIVATE bibKAfal-Ui m
youiif or old, aiosie or
married, niob a
Nervou debility, seminal
ioMea, (aihnf oieiuary,
sypbilitte eruatloua, ef
fecta of mercury, kidney
aud builder uoublea, gon
orrhea, fleet, stricture etc.
Sold on Trial !
InvMifmcnt umall, profit
Mt-nd 0t fur ituUtiny
&nc Illu0trt4d Cavtsai uum
with full liatrUtJlUjUTa. Ho
Iufucturvd !
J CktlfAS .111.
I do not mean merely to atop theta for s Um and
then have tbrnn -vturn aauin. I mean a raoiual eura.
1 have wade tb dlMiua of riT. ariLaeav or rix
IHU eirKMRM a llle-loua tudr. I warrant my retuwly
to eura the worst ouu. Koouuta other han falie4 i
no reaatn far not now reooWiug a oure. Hnd at one
a a treatise and a free bottia ( mi infallible reme-lr.
U tr
V qaetnaHir-!
I prescribe and fully en
dorse Big aa the only
peciflo (orthecertaiacura
of thl dleee.
Amsterdam, N. Y.
W have sold Rig O for
many year, and .t haa
f;iven tue neat oi aaiis-actlon.
D. H. DYCHE k CO..
Chlca-ro, 111.
1.00. BoldbyDrugglats.
issued Uaroh and Kept.,
I each year. It U an ency.
latonadia of useful lnfor.
i mation for all who par.
chue tna luxuries or ma
nanaaaltiea of Ufa. We
can olothe yoa and furnlah jou with
all the neoessary and unneoeaaary
appliances te ride, walk, danoe, aleep,
eat, flah, hunt, work, go to church,
or stay at home, and in varioua aiaea,
styles and quantities. Just figure out
what la required to do all theae thinga
COHf 8RTABLT. nd you can make a fair
estimate" the value of the BUYEBB'
GUIDE, whloh will be aent upon
reoeipt of 10 centa to pay postage,
Ul-114 aliohigan Avenue, Chicago, 111.
I wtUmt I !
. T t '
ftfTX ftlrtiKlfv -JT1. sWsjstssaasl-sts-aaa-
by return mall.
lull descriptive
circulars of
Any lady of ordi
nary in t;ilgence
can easily and
quickly lenrn to
cut and make
any garment, In
any style to any
measure for lady
or child. Address
Cineieaiti, 0.
A little child, tired of play, had pillowed his head on a rail and fallen
asleep. The traio was almost upon him when a passing stranger rushed forward
and saved him from a horrible death. Perhaps you are asleep on the track, too.
You are, If you are neglecting the hacking cough, the hectic flush, the loss of
appetite and growing weakness and lassitude, which have unconsciously crept
upon you. Wake up, or the train will he upon you ! Consumption, which thus
inslduously fastens Its hold upon its victims while they are unconscious of les
approach, must be taken in time, if it is to be overcome. Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery has cured thousands of coses of this most fatal of malndies.
If taken in time, and given a fair trial, It will cure, or all money paid for
it will be promptly refunded.
For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Asth
ma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient remedy.
Copyright, 1888, by World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors.
OFFBIUBS for an Incurable case of
wawaMwnwawaawa Catarrh in the Held by the
E7tTT01!3 OP BATA22B Hendanhn. nrwtnirtlon nf noon, rliarhnrma falllniv
i Into thront Bomotimcs profuse, watory, and acrid, at others, thick, tcnacioua,
mucous, miruicnt. bloodv and Diitrid : eves wor.k. rinsinir in euro, rlpafneaa.
difficulty of clearing: throat, expectoration of offensive. matter; breath
offensive; smell and tasto impaired, and general debility. Only a few of
theae symptoms likely to be prcccnt at onoe. Thousands of cases result
in consuiniition. and end in the srave.
By its mild, soothing;, anti-aeptir), cleannintr, and heallne properties. Dr. Sage's Remedy
cures tho worst cases. Only 5U centa. Bold by drumrista everywhere.
i . A Perfect Laxative
t . WJI J
s m if o"iv:j
should be mild, prompt,
and pleasant, with no
griping or purgative ef
fects. It should also in
cite the liver to action,
aid digestion, and re
lieve the kidneys, tike
nothing else,
Palne's Celery
Compound Is a
perfect laxative,
and cures consti
pation where an
other remedies
"As a gentle laxative," Palne's Celery Com
pound is sorely without a peer. I think I ought
to know, since I have tried remedy after reme
dy for about Ave or six years and have found
nothing that equals It In my case of costl venesa ','
i. B. Jkncinb, Teacher, Cloyd's Creek, Tenn.
"Palne's Celery Compound Is prompt and
pleasant Asa laxative It leaves little to be de
sired. I have great confidence In Its merits.''
Albert lkonabd, Auoeiate Editor,
Journal qf Pedagogy, Athens, Ohio.
"For two or three years I suffered Intensely
every night with severe pains In my bowels,
which were habitually constipated. My bowela
are now regular, and I have had no return of
those pains since using one bottle ot
Celery Compound
F. O. Sticinkt, Druggist, Havana, Ala.
Moral: Use Palne's Celery Compound and stop
ruining the Intestinal tract with harsh purga
Uve pills, fti.00. 8lx for 15.00. Druggists.
Wklls, Richardson k Co., Burlington, Vt
nilunun nvrt ArttheMmplniDyarmde. I n i pirn LMnQ upon Lariated Pood an Heallhy.
UIMmUHU UTt A child Canute than. Bam and Hearty. It it unequalcd.
ii' If IU I-. I -ear
c n7:'BRa; :
f. I- . -.3"T V .
Delicious Biscuit
Ask your Grocer for
-- i,l 4 M
For Men and Boys at
Lick House Block, San Francisco.
MM & BENEDICT, aaS2S5sM oo
27 Vears in present location.
Uir lUpre. wd Pt Ma, . .
at M. nwi m. v. wriwn, svw v,a.
N. P. V. U. No. 283 S K. N. U. Vo. 300