The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 10, 1889, Image 4

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PreS 3 ant Harrison's R turn From New
York-The Apache Outbreak
Everything Quiet at
President Harrison returned from New
York feeling ninth refreshed. -
President Harrison followed the foot
steps of Washington in Lis journey to
JSew York.
At the interior department all reports
from Oklahoma indicate a quiet Btate of
affaire there.
The newly appointed comptroller of the
-rurre nrr has formally assumed the du
ties of that office.
C. J. Mulkev, of Oregon, baa been ap
pointed special agent of the treasury, for
duty at ban Francisco.
President Harrison's reeeiition in New
York on the 30th was the grandest ever
Iwfore tendered any official.
Aasswtant Postmaster Clarkson has
lout cleared np the business of appoint
ing fourth-class i ostniastera.
J. T. McMillan of California, has been
appointed nautical expert in hydrographic
tbee of the navy department.
It is said that Senators Sherman and
Quay have reconciled their differences in
regard to certain apointmnta.
No official information has been re
reived at the war department regarding
the Ajmche uprising in Arizona.
The United States ship Ossi nee arrived
at Kev Went last week from Haytian port
and Hawaii, and reorts au weu.
Bids were oiened at tike navy depart -
meet hist week for the construction of
the new armored battle-ship Texas.
The United States will make some re
turn to King Mataafa for bis kindness to
ward the shipwrecked men at Apia.
The acting comptroller of the currency
has autLoriaed the Iowa National banc,
-of Davenport, la., to begin business with
A t UfltEU U10(Ut AAA -IA AW V W ,VV ,
York, on the 3uta, was one of the grand-
uu aim ukuiuhiub, ucmu.u,ii. ,
The fight for the position of Public
Printer is becoming w arm. Helm, JJis-
trict Attorney of Columbia, is becoming ;
A crank walked into the office of the
secretary of war and assumed the duties
of that oflice. He was quickly taken in
dianre by the police.
Esjerimenta in the growing and man
uhieturing of sorghum will be continued
this year under the auspices of the agri--cultural
Tlie comptroller of the currency has
authorised the first National Bunk of Po
caieUo, I'laho territory to begin business
w ith a capital of fiO.OOO.
Ilerdiy had the news or Chairman Bar
BUin's deaUi le5ome known bore before
pollaciana were speculating as to who his
probable sacceasor would be.
T!ie department lias dedded that the
so-called ship planking imported for use
in the construction of united States ves
sels, is entitled to free entry.
Captain Bennett, chief of the revenue
marine service, had a conference with
tlie navy officials last week with reference
to the harbor of reiuge at Point Barrow.
Assistant Secretary Techenor has sus
tained the apjeal of tlie American Sugar
Kenning company from the decision of
the collector ol customs at San i rancisco.
Sacond Lieutenant James A. Pendleton,
United States marine, has been deta;hed
from the Marine Barracks at Brooklyn,
N. Y.f and ordered to the Mare Island
for duty.
The berdic coaches in general use in
many parts of this country, and especially
in Washington, have just been introduced
in London and are proving popular as a
eahetitute for the hansoms.
Commander Allen D. Brown has been
detached from the Kearsarge and placed
-on waiting orders. He will be succeeded
by Commander Edwin M. Hhepard, now
a! tlie Naval Home, Philadelphia.
Recent reports from Alaska to the de
partment of state, show tltat there is no
foundation whatever for tlie reported im
morality against tlie Alaska Commercial
Company and the white miners in
The statement prepared at the navy
department shows that there has been an
increase of f 7,70,W3 in circulation since
April 1, and a net increase of 4,03,039
in money and bullion in tlie treasury dur
ing tlie same period.
W. A Cuddy, chaplin of the Arizona
legislature, which has just adjourned, has
ent to the treasury dejwrtment, for
ieposit in the "conscience fund," the
Tuni of being a part of the salary
jpuid him as chaplin.
Msior-Generai Schefield has directed
that furloughs to non-eomniiHeiooed of
ficers of the staff, and enlist! men acting
as such, may le granted by the post com- j
iimnder for seven days in cases of em or- j
g?ncy only, and by the department com- j
mander fur one month. j
Acting Swretisry Chandler, of the in
terior department, has modified the deci
sion of the commissioner of the general
land ofhee, rejwting the pre-emption final
proof of John W. Kager for land in section
4, towDHhip40 north, range 1 east, west
Meridian, of the Seattle land district,
Vai!l)irigton territory'.
It has iKHjn deci'hid by the navy de
t -.rt 'si'-itt to hold the Thetis at Tacnma
ior furtiier orders, and she will jiroljably
take oh titaljer, coal, etc., for the pro-po-wd
h5Uiie of rwf uge at Point Barrow,
Work on to Eleventh Census Begun-
London to Have an Underground
Klectrio Railroad.
Italy has 13,000 licensed beggars.
Eiffel Tower landings hold S0.OOO men.
Six thousand Germans sailed for Amer
ica reoently.
Mexico has decided to give bounties to
sugar producers..
Ireparatory work has already liegun on
the eleventh census. '
The Welden Extradition bill has passed
the Canadian senate.
The crop reports from Minnesota and
Dakota are favorable.
Beautiful modern bouses near London
rent for $200 per year.
A rich gold discovery is reported ia
Franklin county, Va.
There was a $75,000 fire at Buena Vista,
Col., on the 28th inst.
Ilenri Roehefort's son committed sui
cide at Bona, Algeria.
Silk weavers to go to New York are
advertised for in Switzerland.
The American Sum nan Commissioners
are at London, on their way to Berlin.
A team from the Manhattan Atldetic
Club will be brought to the Pacific Coast.
Edinburgh has voted the freedom of
the city to Parnell by a vote of 14 to 13.
The Standard Oil company has come
into possession of the St Louis Gas Trust.
Burglars secured $23,000 from the post
office at La Ilarpe, 111-, on the 27th inst.
James, the deposed Long Branch
preacher, has been arrested on three
Tbere were 123 deaths from pneumonia
! in New "York city durin,
the week end-
ing April 13.
London is to have an underground elec
tric railroad that wiU do two niiies in
ia mmuien.
Yellow Jack swung southward from
Floriday and has killed 4000 people at Rio
since hurt fail.
Those who didn't get good claims I
the Oklahcma rush declare the whole
thing a swindle.
jexico over retorted filibustering in
Ijawez CaiUornia.
William lias been instru
the building of four new
L.ilUTl.heg m iv-j-Un.
mental in
A man died from sunstroke at Okla
homa City last week while sitting on his
claim unprotected.
Lady Lonsdale sailed on the Umbra on
the iTTth inst., to join her husband, w ho
is in San Franuisco.
A fire in the Lee-Peening Company's
establishment at M. Louis, on tlie i'Kth,
caused a loss of f 15,000.
Scott Bailey, the negro who assaulted a
young lady at Halifax court-house, Va.,
recently, was caught and lynched.
In Greenwood Cemeterv, Brooklvn,
which was opened in 140, tlie t.OUOth
interment took place there recently.
The City of Paris, the new steamer
which lias just completed its first trip,
eoHt $2,500,000 and can accommodate
2000 passengers.
George Francis Train has fasted eleven
days. He drinks only water, which he
thinks is sufficiently nourishing to any
one but a glutton.
At the Texas Spring Palace in Fort
Worth, 173 varieties of Texas grass will
lie exhibited. The exhibition will be
opened this month.
BiUy Wilson, of SL Paul, Minn., a
heavy weight, says that he is anxious to
meet Peter Jackssn in a fight to a finish.
Both are colored men.
Barron's amendment to the supply bill,
increasing the duty on saw-logs for ex
port from 'Canada, lias been rejected by
the Canadian parliament.
Tlie women of Paris now indulge in
cigarettes made of tea, and the effect on
the nerves is much more marked than
that exercised by tobacco. j
There is a bad show for wheat in Rus
sia as well as in Austria, but tbere is a
bright outlook in all the wneat-growing :
districts of the United States. j
Colonel D. B. Dver. of Kansas City,
has been elected mayor of Guthrie, Okla
homa, as a cannproruise candidate,
Gamblers are being driven away.
Trie Prussian Minister ol ar, at a re
cent reception to the Emperor, surprised
his guests with music lumishea by an
orchestra made np of army othcers.
An Englishman has made a toy con
tain ing 4U0 animals and men. They are
ail put in motion bv a windmill turned
ry tlie current from burning candles.
There is considerable excitement in
Saline county, Mo., over the discovery of
gold near Arrow Kock, a California ex
pert having pronounced it a rich find.
The Wk J. W. Bcammell, from St.
Johns, N. F.. for Rio Janeiro, ran into
New York, tier crew having mutined.
They say that the vessel is unsea worthy.
The managers of the Western roads
met at Chicago on the 27th to consider
the proposition of lessening the time be
tween Chicago and Ogden. It is claimed
fast trains are too expensive.
Lieutenant Dorr, who eloped from
West Point with the wife of Lieutenant
Tottten, about two years ago, is now
manager of the Barrios estate in Guate
mala and is living splendidly.
Postmaster Edward 8. Ash
borne, Penn., shot a burglar dead while
breaking into the postoflice, on the 27th.
Jimison, who was sick in bed with pneu
monia, was appointed only two weeks
A f 10OOO jJbQABY,
A Collision In the Bay at San Francisco
Fishermen Drowned-Beavy
Bains In the Northwest
-Newsy Items.
Yalta city is to have a plaining mill.
Real estate prices) Are improving in
Santa Rosa.
Santa Ana's Flower Festival ended on
the 23th inst ,
The next G. A. R. reunion will be held
at Bed Bluff.
The salmon tuck on the Columbia is
declared unsatisfactory.
D. L. Haekett of the Napa Reporter, is
still reported lo be misaing. ,
Susanville, Cal., experienced a sharp
earthquake shock last week.
Four fishermen were drowned in the
Cascade Falls, Or., hut weuk.
A Philadelphia firm will put np glace
fruit at Santa Crux this season.
The terracotta works at Elsinore are
daily turning out 3J0O feet of pijie.
Work on the Monterey and Pacific
Grove Railway is to begin at once.
Woodland has organised a Business
Men's Association and Board of Trade.
On the 28th inst.,
Minister Mizner with a
Benii'ia honored
public welcome.
In five years the Fresno raisin-growers
expect toharvest yearly 1,5(10,000 boxes.
Her Majesty's ship Ecniegwl, sailed
last week from Victoria, B. C, for Hono
lulu. San Bernardino county employs four
teen more school teachers this than last
Jacoma is making great preparations
j ior Uie rowing niatchee, to come ott this
Elsinor claims to be hatching chickens
Ibvaid of the hut water of the suhihar
D springB.
I David G. Harky was ran over by a
f street car last week at Man Jose, and died
j the next day.
Seven men have been arrested for
tarring Gus Brannan, a Swedish Lathario
of San Pedro.
A lodgin-house and a cottage adjoining,
were destroyed by fire, in San Bernar
dino, the 30th inst.
J. B. Hailstone, engineer at the Agnews
insane asylum, dropped dead on the iHth
from heart disease.
George Walt y, a Norwegian, committed
suicide a few days ago at San Diego by
blowing his brains out.
Willamette College will get a $16,000
legacy from the late Father Wilbur, a
noted Methodist missionary.
Two tramps brace into the station
house at Fountain, Col., killed the oj or
ator and roblied turn ol foo.
H. L. Storey denies publicly that he
has sold his interest in the Coronado
Beach Hotel to the Spreckels.
Francisco Martino, a cook at Gallup, N.
M., attacked his his inpu,;er last week
and was shot, probably fatally.
Rose Bennett has been sentenced to
twelve months' imprisonment for killing
Frank Graves at Ajaaconda, M. T.
The Mount Shasta Distrid Society will
hold a fair in Yreka, coouneneing Octo
ber -d and continuing four days.
Caterpillars are infesting fruit trees in
tlie viiinity of Santa Rosa. It is feared
that they will ravage the orchards.
Archbishop Goss, head of the Catholic
church of Oregon, has gone to Rome to
confer with Po Leo on church business.
A sandstorm blew along the river be
tween Arlington, Or., and The Dalles,
last week, blocking the railroad track
hear Wallace.
August Dietrich tried to sell beer at the
Odd Fellows' picnic at Lakeside, San
Diego county, last week, but was driven
away by force.
The Canadian Pacific steamer Sar-
donyk, loaded with cannery supplies, was
beached in the Skeena river, having
struck a rock.
At Seattle, W. T., last week, Wm, D.
Kelly was shot and mortaSh wounded
while attempting to rob the cabin of two
The recent heavy rains all through the
Northwest give promise of the largest
crops ever raised in Oregon and Wash
ington Territory. t
The band of hostile Indiana that was
reported a few days ago as having killed
a rancher at Deer Creek, near Deming,
N. M., is without foundation.
William Wohlfrom killed Matt Fiegle,
near Black's Statieu, Cal., on the 1'xth.
The quarrel originated in the smashing
of a buggy and the jmyiceut of damages.
Charles Schmidt, editor of Nord Cali
fornia Herald, in Ha:ramcnto, while run
ning in the fat men's race at a picnic, on
the 2Hth inst., bad oneof his legs broken.
At San Francisco on the 2th a colli
sion occurred in the bay between the
British ships Dunfallan and Queen Vic
toria, tn which both were considerably
The new temperance temple of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union,
recently erected at the corner of Fort and
Temple streets, Los Angeles, at a cost of
$40,000, was dedicated recently.
Grtvernnr Waterman mivs he thorough! v
concurs in the views taken by General
Vandever as to the acquisition ol lwer
California, and in fact is more favorably
impressed with the country than he is.
How to Feed Btock-Tbe Breeding
Fowls Foundation Walls for
Stables and Barns.
The simplest way to fumigate a room
is to heat an iron shovel verv hot, and
then pour vinegar njHtn it, drop by drop,
The steam arising from this is a dis'n
feetant Doors and windows should b
opened Uutt it may escape.
It has leen estimated that cattle disease
in the past forty-six years has cost Great
I.ritam $.nlu,000,0U0. Commissioner uol-
man recommends a cattle quarantine
against all Eurot. which has been the
hot bed ot diseases, which afterward
afllicted this country.
A handsome low serene is made by
painting a large cardtioard a sky-blue,
then paintings spray of daisies and clover
blossoms on it. Then set this in a f ra me
of plush atiout an inch and a half wide,
snd this is to be placed In a light ebony
frame with a standard.
Roots should not 1 fed with straw or
poor hav. as they are too much alike in
composition, t eed the roots with clover
or good hay, and give the more ooncen
trated food with the straw. It requires
more skill to l successful in feeding poor
than rich kinds of rood.
Foundation walls for Imnig and stables
should go down deep on low soils tltat
are not well drained. Many walls go to
rum by failure to go a little deeper for the
foundation. An exceptionally cold win
ter may cause damage from frost, and it
is alwaVs well to bank tip as much as
Unless the shocks of corn are made
firm in the field they will be blown down.
A little extra care in shocking will save
much loss in fallen shocks. Wherever
possible haul the shocks to the barn, as
corn fider is always injure! to a certain
extent, no matter' how well it may 1
To make a nice teacake, take one pound
of flour, half a iound of butter, one nut-
jmeg, one teasoouful of saleratus dis
; solved in a cup of sour twain. Rub to-
gether the butter and sugar sad flour.
i Roll out and cut into rounds, drediring
j sugar over them before baking. Bake in
a good oven.
Hie heavy breeds of ducks can be kept
within an inclosore, with a very low
lentT!, auu. u Kiveu imutu iur inuuut:
! Jwpo. tlmy will , timye and do well if
on K"18 m bulky food. Too much
grain is detrimental. The Pekin bnd
seems liest adapted on farms that have
no ponds or streams of water.
Tlie color of the hog seems to lie a mat
ter of importance. Exin;rimenu show
that, contrary to expectation, a black hog,
such as the Essex and Berkshire, thrives
beet in the, w hile the white breeds,
such as the Chester White, Yorkshire
and Cheshire, thrive best in the North.
The Poland-China, a spotted hog, and
tlie Jersey Red are preferred in the West
ern states.
A drink that is truly refreshing for one
suffering from sore throat or cold is made
by jwuring a quart of Iwiling water over
a carefully w ashed handiuil of Irish moss.
Let it stand until the water is cool, then
strain through a muslin bag, add sugar
and lemon juice, with a few thin slices of
lemon, untu it is alout like leuionade ; a
little cinnamon is considered an addition
by some people.
A good relish to take with a lunch is
made of ham. Pound some pieces of
hairy n a mortar, just as fine as you can.
Season it with peptier and spiee, and
moisten it with clarified butter. Put this
into a mold, or earthen howl, and press
it in very tightly. lut it into the oven
for half an hour. Let it get perfectly cold.
It can then be cut into thin slices. It is
nice if used for filling for sandwiches.
That plush may be "leaned is a fact of
interest ; children s plush coats that have
liecome so led on the front can be softly
and delicately sponged with a little borax
and water without injury : a teaspoonful
of powdered borax to nearly a quart of
water is the proper projKirtion ; use a very
soft sponge, and, by the way, a s;nge
may be softened by boding it in clear
water; then take it out and rinse it in
several waters, if not softened sufficiently
repeat the boiling and rinsing process.
A most excellent pudding is made by
stewing one pound of prunes until they
are so tender that the stones may be re
moved without difficulty. Take one
quart of sweet milk and subtract a tea
cupful ; into this stir enough flour to make
it like thick paste, then mix it with the
rest of the mdk ; leat four eggs very light
and add, and lastly stir in the prunes,
over which you have first sifted a little
flour. Boil or 8 team for two hsxtrs.
Serve hot, with some highly flavored
sauce; venilla or wine sauce is preferred.
A grape trellis is a permanent institu
tion, and the extra expense of making it
right pave big proQts yearly for a long
time. low much will it cost to put up
a few boards over a favorite vine that an
nually just barely misses ripening its
fruit? That by warding off cold rains
and dews and checking the passing off of
heat into space will probably make the
grapes one or two weeks earlier. This
semi-protection is also in many places a
preventative ol mildew. J he finest grapes
grow on vines trained to house walls un
der the projecting eaves and cornices.
Excellent ragout hickles arc made with
two gallons of sliced cabbage, one gallon
of green tomatoes, twelve large onions
chopped line, one gallon good vinegar, one
pound of brown sugar, one half ounce of
tumeric powder, one tablesiKxmful of
ground allspice, one tublesjwonful of cin
namon, one ounce of celery seed, one
teaspoonful of ground cloves, one quarter
of a pound of white mustard, suit to the
taste. Some persons like the addition of
three green peppers chopped fine, with
out the seeds. Boil all together three or
four hours, until quite tender, and to not
odd the spices until it is done. Ready to
use as soon as it is cold. I
The Salmon atch for Apr'l Better
Than at First Reported Veget
ables Becoming Prentful
A Decline In Poultry.
The general lioliday on Tuesday Inter
forred somewhat with all business tran
saction, but in all other respects tlie eon
ditioa of the local markets is eminently
sound. The heavy rains is making np
for the dry winter, and are welcomed by
the farming community. The salmon
catch for April is said to have turned out
better than was at first reported, and
those engaged la the trade are full of
hopes for a remunerative season. We
Sugars, Golden C 7.0. extra C 7c,
dry granulated 8te, cube, crushed ana
powdered Hi,, c. Coffee: Costa Rica 21 1
Kio r.'aXTc, Java 2Toi'7c, Mocha
23S3lc, Arbnckle's roasted 2i,c.
Oregon ham 12W13c, breakfast ba
con U'.S'c, "ides lOaiOVc, shoulders SWtS
Pet Eastern ham l.Ml.Tc, breakfast
bacon U'ClSc. sides (tlOc. Lard
10s IH,C,
Nsvel oranges $4.50. Riversides $3(9
8.25. California lemens $3.D04 per box.
Potatoes 30(3.1-, onions $2 rheubarb
10c, tomatoes $2.50 per box.
dried rariTs.
Apples 5(9ilc, sliced 6c, apricots 134
14c, peaches 8(gl0c, pears 8c, Italian, 8c,
silver 7c, German biaftiWc. plums 5(4 7c.
California figs Rc
n.vmr rsonrri.
Butter. Oregon fancv 2oc, medium 21 W
a!5, Eastern 22c, California 18(lDc,
Eggs lttc.
Chickens tftfCVsJ, ducks $10311 per
do., geese $:i, turkeys are steady tt 20c
per lb.
Valley lfialSc, Eastern Oregon 15c
Hops 103 15c.
Wheat, Valley $1.25. Eastern Oregon
$1.15 Oats 30( 31c
Standard $4.25, other brands $3.75.
Hay $13(314 per ton. bran $14al5.
shorts $15alb, Isirley $22.50(24, mill
chop $18a20.
Beef, L've. S.'ic. dressed 7c. mutton.
live, 3SC, dresst-d 7c, land $2.50 each,
bogs live be, dressed (?7c, veal bgSc.
Every student knows that in close rea
soning parallel lines of thought are laid
down and deductions eduml.
It is not our purpose at this time to en
ter into a learned discussion, and we
have drawn the above visible lines sim
ply to bring them prominently before
your eye and ask what they represent to
A railroad man to whom we showed
them said, "To me those four lines repre
sent a double-track railway."
A doctor repliid to the same interroga
tory, "The lines are to me the large ar
teries and veins lying alongside each
other in the human body."
As will le olwerved the same lines to
either gentleman suggested different lines
of thought, as both looked at them
through eyes accustomed to see only that
which for the most part occupied their at
tention. To the writer both answers put
an old truth in a fresh ond original light.
As every intelligent man or woman
knows, the blood of everv living jieraon
flows with almost railroad speed tlirougli
the arteries, forued by that wonderful en
gine, the heart. From the arteries it is
side-tracked through the capilliarie
and veins, and every drop of blood goes
through the kidneys for purification so
less than 2500 times every twenty-four
hours. If the kidneys lie diseased the im
purities of the blood containing the worn
oat tissues, and deleterious acids are not
drawn out or excreted as nature intended,
but continually pass and repans through
every fiber of the system, carryiag death
and deeav with every pulsation. Unless
remedied the heart becomes weakened,
thelungstrying todo double work break
down, the liver becomes congested, the
stomach refuses to digest food and the re
sult is a general breakdown.
Betiause the kidney's, the sewers of the
system, are foul and stopped up, and the
entire blood becomes nothing more nor
less than sewage.
Now is it not criminal, nay, suicidal,
to allow such astute of things to continue
when a simple remedy is within your
reach, known fora certainty to do as rep
resented, winch will ojien the closed pijies
of the kidneys, allow the effete matter to
escape, relieve the overworked heart,
lungs and liver, cause a healthy apatite,
put the bloom of health in your cheek,
the dove of hojie in your breast and the
light of life in your eye?
You already have divined the remedy
we have reference to ; its praise is univar
sal, its influence world-wide. Do not al
low prejudice to blind you to vour liest
interests, but to-day procure Wurner's
Safe Cure and be iut on the straight roud
to rude health and correct living.
Our parallel and closing lines to you are,
bike our advice and your experience will
justify you in thanking us for bringing
under your notice a remedy without a