The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 10, 1889, Image 3

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    Lcbaijoi) Express.
Call on Oruscm A Stiller for acrcon
doors and wire screens.
Just received at MUler'i drug store a
flue line of artist material.
The c.intwrt of Linn countyjupirship
hnu again own dwlded In the favor of
Judge I). R. X. Blackburn. The opin
ion was rendered by Juntloo Lord.
S Mr. Kcarn, who recently bought Mr.
Montague's place near Bodavlllo, was
in town thin week. He is very much
pleased with thin part of the country.
Mr. It. 8. Rolicrts has rented the
Ktorv of C. B. Montague, formerly oc
cupied tiy A. R Cyrus, where he is en
Kagvvi in the business of buying produce.
A mutch game of baseball will be
played by the boys of Lebanon and
u country nine, Haturdsy, about two
miles northeast of town, for & ball
asd bat.
The boys of Lebanon and some coun
try boys played a match game of base
ball on the square last Sittirday even
lug, In which the country boys came
out victorious.
Horn, to the wife of Mr. Alex Fitz
v ater, on Monday, May 6, 1889, a pair
of twins, both boys. Weights eight
and eight and or.e-half pounds, mother
and bullies all doing veil.
Wllllo Kluru, of the Mountain
JIouso, was In town last Wednesday
laying In supplies for the com
ing season. He reports everything in
a flourishing condition up there.
A sign paiuter, who has lwen ia our
town for the pant week, was arrested
at.t Saturday evening for being irunk
and singing and dancing on the streets
by Nighlwatch 8haw, and was lodged
in the lock-up until Sunday morning,
when he was given his liberty.
Why not have a fourth of July cele
bration in Leba non this year? We can
do this by a little exertion on the part
of the business men and other good cit
izens of this place to raise funds for
this purpuse. Do not delay this mat
ter, but let us begin to rustle at ence.
If our people in Pennsylvania
could seethe wheat and other things
of Oregon that I have during the past
few days," remarked a prominent gen
tleman who islnokingoverthecountry
nurrouuding Lebanon, with a view of
loeating, "they would inuke a grand
rash for Oregon."
Mr. H. W. Hind man showed us a
twig from one of hi pluin trees, which
was only nine inches long, that had
llfty-foiir plurus oa it. He has nine
trees, ail of which are as full In propor
tion as this twig, and are In a good,
healthy condition. Where is the place
that can beat this section of country
for fruit raising?
Dr. Courtney and wife returned
botue last Thursday evening. A large
number of their friends met them at
the depot and accompanied them to
the residence ef Mr. C. B. Montague.
All arrangements were made to have
music on the occasion but, owing to
hoiiil' misunderstanding, the baud
fuIUd to arrive on time.
Mrs. A. R. Riggs, State President of
the W. C. T. V; delivered an earnest
and interesting lecture In the Presby
terian church on Wednesday eveuing,
wetting forth In a very modest way the
aims and objects of this organization.
She is a faithful Christian worker, and
present the cause of temerance from
u g'iel, arid Uot a political stand
point. Ilev. Le Roy, of Brownsville, will
deliver a lecture In the C. P. Church
in this place ou next Thursday, on the
Holy Land or Palestine. He has trav
eled for a long time in the Kant and
hns maps and charts for Illustrating
the country. Mr. Le Roy is a cultured
gentleman, a fine talker, and cannot
fail to interest and captivate an audi
ence. We bespeak for him a full
Dr. A. II. Dlven, of Bencca, Penn.,
near Oil City, has been spending sever
al days in our town this week, the
guest of Rev. J. R Kirkpatrlck. He is
representing several capitalists east,
nud is also eorrwpondent for several
l.aers. We are glad that the doctor Is
favorably Impressed with Linn county
and especlully with Lebanon, and we
entertain hopes that lie and his friends
will rind a home among us. We will
lx' glad to welcome him and his friends
among us, and assure them that they
will Had as good a il, as tine open
ings lit busln"f and as tin a elm of
dtlS '-H w therj l. -vi tiiHi western
J. L. Cowan, of Albany, waa In Ugrn
apart of two days lAst week.
Mr. Barnes, officio, was In town this
Week looking for a location.
Rov. J. Croenl, a Baptist minister of
Bethany, was In town this week.
West Fleetwood is very sick with
pneumonia at the Exchange hotel.
A. F. Hamilton, one of Bweet
Home's live merchants, waa In town
this week.
Our boys have been practicing this
week for the match gume of ball to be
played Saturday.
Mr. C. 11. Montague sold to Jacob
Am the store house lu which his har
ness shop Is situated.
Be sure and notice the new law cards
In this Issue, and go to them when
yoi need an attorney.
L. C. Washburn, of Newport, Yam
hill county, has been spending several
days with the Intention of buying
property near Lebanon.
Y Messrs. IHatt and Gordon have sold
two carloads of sheep to a firm In Port
land and will take them down there
Mr. Jos. Buhl bought one day this
week of Mrs. Ralston 10 acres of land
laying south of the road between town
and the river bridge.
J. T. AniM sold W.W. 8talker, cf
Idaho, his farm, consisting of 126
acres, in consideration of f 2700. A. R.
Cyrus A Co. made the sale.
A yoing lady called at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Miller, seeking
citizenship In this lovely valley and a
Home among our people. Suffice it to
say that fur the present the new comer
is permitted to stay in its pleasant
Our politeand efficient tax assessor,
Mr. Z. B. Mom, lain Lebanon this week
arranging for the future wants and
grabs of the office holder and greedy
politician. From the present indica
tions he will make ample arrange
ment to reather their nest
ft.- i. ..- .. ..
i ue Baeieioii or a man, evidently a
pioneer Indian fighter, was found the
other dsy In the middle of a log taken
to a Georgia saw mill. In the woods
that had grown over It was the Im
print of the clothes as well as the old
flintlock rifle that lay besides it
Mr W. W. Bretherton, the right of
way, tax, and claim agent of the Ore
gon 4 California railroad, was In town
yesterday seeing about the case of Mrs.
Sippy. who was hurt by falling off the
sidewalk at this place a short time
ago, for which she has put In a claim
for damages.
There was a sociable last Friday
evening at the residence of Mr. J. C.
Bilyeu. It w as given In honor of Dr.
and Mrs. Courtney. Quite a number
of their friends were present, and all
spent a pleasant evening, and the hos
tess, Mrs. Bilyeu, has the thanks of
the entire party for the hospitable
manner lit which they were entertain
ed, and hope they wiil have the pleas
ure of meeting there many times in
the future.
Prof. I. D. Boyer closed his school
In South Brownsville on last Saturday
amidst the hearty congratulations of
his patrons and pupils. He has cer
tainly a warm place in the hoarta of
these people, who showed their appre
ciation of his services by words and
deeds. The exercises on Saturday con
sisted of music, recitations, declama
atlons, and select readings. The good
ladies furnished a most mugulfloeut
dinner, to which the public were In
vited, and as only the good women
of South Brownsville could get up such
a dinner, the day was spent nit de
lightfully and pleasantly. Prof. Boyer
has been tendered this most excellent
school for another year by the unani
mous consent of all Interested, but we
learn that he has accepted a position
in the bank of Brownsville and also as
secretary of the Eagle Woolen Mills.
A Wife Boater.
Corvallis, It seems, is alllicted with
a wife beater, whom the Benton Lead
er has written up as follows: Mr.
Matthews Is a man who has infinite
rcsiect for his appetite and infinitesi
mal respect for his wife. lie came
home Saturday, found his dinner not
done and his wife engaged In doing up
the week's washing. She had leen
washing for other iMtople all the week
and was doing her own for Sunday.
But Mr. Matthews concluded to relieve
her of her work by throwing the Wash
ing out of doors. Then he emphasized
his action by beating her. She had
him arrested and he wa taken before
the recorder, tried and found guilty of
assault and battery and fined f 25. Not
paying the flno he was lodged In jail
to serve his fine out. At last account
of him he waa making inquiry about
the bondsmen of the officers who have
put nu him the indignity of putting
li 1m in J .11, with the HuppoHfid purpose
of coMectlfg a Jve amount of !ii:y-
J. C. Courtney, M. D, physician and
ssrgeen. '
Get your nails at Cruson A Miller's,
Fresh fish evory Frldav at Monta
gue's cash store.
Garden tool at bed-rock prices at
Cruson A Miller's.
A clean towel for every customer at
McClure's barborbhop.
Cruson & Mpier will furnish your
windows and doors cheap.
One price and eaeh at the new cash
store, -but everything sold cheap and
delivered to any part of the city.
Now Is the time of year to paint your i
buildings, and dort forget to buy your
material of M. A. Miller.
Cruson & Miller are prepared to fur
nish you with doors and windows
cheaper than anyone else in Lebanon.
Jacob Arn, the boss harness maker,
invites every body to come In and ex
amine his work. He guarantees an
honest job.
All should remember that the most
convenient and cheapest way of send
insr monev Is bv WelU rurirnA. r '
money orders. Sold at all express offl-
ces at reasonable hours. rn22
When you desire a pleasant physic.
try St. Patrick's Pills. They can al
ways be depended upon, and do not
nauseate the stomach nor gripe the
bowels. For sale by M. A. Miller.
If you go to Albany to buy a stove
call on U. W. Smith, who has the larg
est and bast stock of stoves and tin
ware and soils cheaper than auyone In
5 standing reward will be paid for
the arrest and conviction of any party
defacing any property of the Southern
Tacific Co. at Lebanon, Oregon.
M. E. Heasx.
There wu a young lady named Filch.
Slit iu fair and uncommonly rich.
But her fuel did not pair
Till our show the did wear,
Than you could Dot tell 'totker from which.
Try Hacklcman'a ahoei and be iiappjr.
When you go to Albany do not fall
to call on F. II. Roscoe, the polite and
popular manager of the mammoth
house of Knapp, Burrell & Co. He has
a fine line of vehicles wagons a spec
ialtyall at rock bottom prices.
Lebanon, Ob., May 8, '89.
Editor Express:
Having been running through your
state for a month, it gives me pleasure
to say that I am favorably impressed
with It. Have Deen the length of the
Willamette valley, and having studied
it for several years through books,
newspapers and by interviewing those
who had made its personal acquaint
ance I must say, the half has not been
told, and cannot bo told, of Its resourc
es and beauties.. The only way to get
a proper knowledge of It Is to come
here and 6tudy it. I expected to find a
great country; I have found it greater
than I expected.
Your briirht little town. Lebanon.
surely has a promising future, and an-
another ten years' progress may carry
It to a position that will surprise its
most sanguine friends. Oregon suits
me, and lam ready to do my humble
part to help develop its wonderful re
sources. Devin.
Aa Expression f Delight.
"About a week ago," says a Los An
geles, Cal., druggist, "a Chinaman
came iu with a lame shoulder. I sold
him a bottle of Chamberlain' Pain
Balm nnd guaranteed that it would
cure him. He came In atrntn last
night, and as soon as he got inside the
door, began swinging his arms over his
head like an Indian club swinger. I
thought the blamed fooFhad a lit, but
he finally stopped long enough to say:
"Medicine velly fine, velly fine; alio
same make mo feel plenty good."
Chamberlain's Tain Balm is without
an equal for sprains, rheumatism,
aches, pains or lame back. For sale by
Shot Himself.
Mr. William Dow, who lives about
12 miles south of Corvallis. shot three
fingers of his hand off and part of his
forefinger Sunday. He wis sitting on
a fence with his gun resting on the
ground and his hand over the muzzle.
when In moving the gun the hummer
was discharged. Dr. Charles went up
and amputated what was left of the
three fingers and the first Joint of the
fore finger. A irun is a successful
thing in getting up a surmise part v. or
a neat newspaper paragraph. Herald.
In an old farmhouse garret near Sha-
mokln, Pa., a clock hue stood for years
u amoved. One night recently, .with
outappareut cause, It Itruck seven
times. On the following night at 7
o'clock a number of the family met
Overflows the faces of our customers when
They Got A Taste
Of our method of doing business. At first they are astonish
ed and look on in amazement at the way we dispose
of bargains, but when they catch on the
fact that we give '
As well as the biggest quantity ever offered for like low prices,
well, then they smile, and walk right up to the
counter ajid all for their share, and spend
money until the purse is empty but
Of satisfaction with his bargains. Of course they smile; so
do our clerks, so do we; and we feel like
raising our voices
In a Good Old Crow
When we stand on top of the pile and feel ourselves master
of the situation. Come along and
See, Spend and Smile
Or ear on,
it the oldest and mnt popular scientific r4
mechanical paper published and haa the largest
Circulation of an; paper of lt class in 1 he world.
I'ully Illustrated. Itvst claaa of Wood Knvrav.
lues. 1'uDlished weekly, fend for specimen
"iit. Price 1.1 a year. Konr tnonlha' trial, tL
ULSS & CO.. 1'em.lgmuH. ll llroadwajr. K.i.
fl Edition of Scientific American. O
A a-reat tuceesn. Each Inane eontalna colored
lithographic plalcaof country and city residen
ce or public buiMlnua. Numerous entrravlnca
and full plant and mtoltlcatiuna for the use o(
nchua contemplate hulldlnir. 1'rU'e ifla year,
beta, a copy. JuUNN 4 CO., I'LBLisuKiu),
ed by apply
Ing to Ml'XH
& Co., who
have had over
4(1 yean1 exiierlence and have made otiit
1U0.U00 application! for American and for.
mn patents. 8end for Handbook. Correa
puadunce air telly coiiHdentlal.
In caaa your mark la not registered In the Pat.
em Oitlre, apply to Mckn a Co., and procure
luuuediate protection. Bund or Handbook.
f'OI'YRlCIITS for books, charts, maps,
etc quickly procured. Address
UUNN tfc CO., Patent Solicitor.
WCSEltAL Omen Kl fillOAimAr, N. 7
A lamb who lay down Initio a pond
for rest rnd Hleep.found it inipomible
to clow? Iih eyi's on account of tlie
croaking of a frog. Out of jmtienco at
)iKt with the ink-rruption, lie ttprimo;
up nnd demanded: "In heaveu'M iimne
why do you keep the iioIho poing? '
"It 8 the only noise I iRn n ake," wns
the humhlo reply, "Yes, lut why do
you muke it at all?" "If I ktpt quiet,
who would know that I was on earth?"
Moral men of blab are excused on the
same grounds, Kx
They wore pntwiiiff under the lova
ted railroad and the din overhead waa
iilmust deafening.
"TIiIh biiftle makes my head ache,"
she said.
'Trobultly," olwerved he, "If you
were to wear a smaller one "
"Hl"T' she indignantly cried, "I
mean the noise eon fuses me."
"I Im'k your pardon," tstanimcred he,
"I am confused too."
C lear leailedneaa of Youth.
Whilo the merits of the various blood
purifiers are being shown up to the
best advantage possible by their sever
al manufacturers, we would -suggest
to persons feeling the need of nich
a medicine, that they try u dose of St.
Patrick's Pills, and uasure them that
they would not only be surprised hut
delighted with the result. Those who
wish to feel the animation, buoyancy
mid clear h ended ness of youth rihould
tnke St. r.-tt-ick's l'il'a. r sale by
. it h ,. J
Cash Dry Goods Store
New and Complete,
And I Invite everyone- when In
Albany tt
Knowing that we can suit you
Both in Goods and Prices.
31 AIL OllDISltH
Promptly attended.
A. It. Cvbus. W. C. Petkrsox.
A.R. Cyrus &Co.,
Real Estate Agents,
Denlera in All Klutla of
AgricultEral Implements,
Famous Morrison Plows,
Tiar Mowers,
Lebanon, Oregon.
vU!!isutH.U (Uvt .