!OI.I I I.. Asftiu I fir J myself at tbc task f Irvine to die ui items for your naner. KvervtMiig unlet, itb a steady drill lutturd inirov(inut e are on nxioaslr waitlnc fr the railroad make a move toward this place, which we believe will be diue in the not far nfr futures, awd then Sodavluians will ktl as though they were Inside the ' Hfttleiuont, and that the convenience f fettius out was nt coulloed to the rd wagon and private vehicle to Leb- !inii before dttvlizht, in order to cet ri,!i over the Iron rails to Albany or tlie outside world, or rather the inside world. tu nfini son of Dennis Klum was huried at the Nye eraveyard last Mon day, the 29 of April, it having leen hick only short time with spinal trouUe. Mr. Hancy, the Fountain House pro- m-fetor. is under the weather witn something like lung fever, but we hope he will fit through without any sert- and as Dr. Udell s fct the helm we feel almost assured that he will feet through all right Uncle John GiUUand is at the Foun tain House rm-lving treatment for a m,wr on his hand- Dr. Odcll says he will get that cancer in good tthape, and U it is to be got be will get it Mr. Jones and family left this moni- jr.j; for Louie after a sojourn of .several vetts. Dr Odellhaa moved into the house Man'glnga. M. Weatfall, Mr. W. nioviuewLowtra. vbere lie in" t-iid to put in the summer entertain j i.eni-ii and pleasure seekers as well a,"taLlui of what few travellers ul o find it convenient to Btop with him. Vrt-ll, Milt is good fellow, and we would like to see him de- well. There is to be preaching at this place next Sunday, May 12, by Eev. Yost Dr (Well was sworn in as council man .Saturday night In place of Mr. HTe, moved away. Also Jim Boyles as marshal in place of Eave Keen an. Frank Davis is doing a good business in the mercantile line here, and sells ut bedrock price. You can get most .miking you want, and he will smile all'orer his face to he permitted to wait :i you. Dy the wst, iWarfile is made up of a wholeWed lot of people, who do wA stoop to small things nor work n-amst their neighbors la order to ice a living and get something aWli but are always willing to abide W the adaee, "Live and kt hve." We l... our neighbor over the way will take note of this, and act accordingly iu the future. Tm tadiea Da. The feasant effct and the perfect s'ty with which ladies mayusttb , lioitid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, u-vVr all conditions make it their fa vorite remedy. It i pleasing to the i -ve and to the tate, gentle, yet effee-. , x'aA in acting on the kidDeys, livor and bowels. During the pt half-century the If!W of labor have about doubled, v 1 ;se f.Kd Bnd clothing cost little lew t-.an 50 per cent of what they cost fifty v.'rs 620. E- rittt-injrg man has devised a i vnhod of playing the piano by eleo tiU ify. Tbusdotws methods f tor- ' tttnt,"UMC by electricity and execo-ti-u by electricity, walk along the ror- I ;d.rt of the present with arms clasped. A special train passed through Albv rv lat fcuiidey morning from Ban rr&neiseo to Portland, bearing Dr. Vt. : Webb and party. Tbs train carries a rsrty of eleven, ail people of untold ualih. Dr. Webb married a daugli lr of the late William II. Vanderbilt ho had a dowry of ?2,000,000 and a suWjucnt inheritance of 10,000,000 more, they have traveled 6600 miles. il-j cxi-vt to be on the read another 'in-Mith and to cover 14,100 miles more. ;.j u esthnated that the trip will coat ,0M, and the New York World has - W'l the amount ftt f 1C7,000. It la sl.: i to be the longest continual rail r(,.,',l jiunt ever made, and the train la ..! I to In1 the bert appointed one of a -ivhte character ever seea In the SECURE PRICES. to Vm Goods ill UUt. -AT PI2Y0E & riOBSOK'S, Albaxt, Oe. MX THE rKJIITK XTIAHY. The present numlter of prisoners couiiued within the jeniteuUary walls is 281, and of this number something near 200 of them are employed in the stove foundry. J The number of sick pa ticnta k five, three of whom are tcry low with consumption, and will likely pass to that great beyond before the expiratiou of their sentences. The new cloth from the Brownsville wool en mills has arrived and is conceded to l of a better quality than that used before. The strifes are much wider. and if any. change is made in the looks U is really more pleasing to the eye than the former small stripes. How ard who chopped off his hand some time acn. Is sawine wood like a trooiier He is subdued and performs his labor gracefully. Salem Journal. Editor of The Express: riease announce in the columns of your pa per that we are wile acents for St. rat rick's Pills, the most ierfect cathartic and liver pills in the market They not only physic, but cleanse the whole system; purify the blood and regulate the liver and bowels; they are vigorous but gentle In their action and can al ways oe depended upon. For sale by 11. X. Miller. Advertise in The Expbess. Haying tools at Cruson & Miller's. Combines tit Juics of the Eios Fig of Calilornis, s laastiTt and eatxiuou, with the snedkiaal virtues of plasts kaowm to b asott beneficial ts the Bonta svttnn, fominf the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act (satl? 7t promptly oa the IEEIS, IMS 110 EQELS -11 T CIbisssui Systsia EffsstsiIIj, -WTUt- PURS BLOOD, REFRCSHtNO SLEEP. , HEALTH and 8TRENQTH KatmraSy follow. Ery est Is wing it sad all art delighted vita it. Ask yomr .dnifjut for SYKUP OF TICS. Maaa nurtured only by tht CAUFORHIA FIG SYRUP CO, Lot -La, Kt. Teas, K. T. J. L. Cowan. J. M. R&Utoa. BANK OF LEBAHOH. Lebanon, Oregon, Trusittx t Ccirallulisl Essiisss. Ksehaare S14 Ketr Trk. In T eiee, rrllsl u4 Alhaay, Onfti. Ca!etiB( Ma4 ravrbl Tt FOETIIILLER 4 IRTIHG, ALBAICT, - 0EE005. Itoaafcetni -m m ef and 11mi hi eJi Ktade Furniture. Import all First-Cliss Gods DIRECT FROM THE EAOT. A complete stock of Wall Paper, Deco ratiena and Window Bhadss. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. T18IAEE AHD HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS -AT-. BEYOE & EOBSOK'S, " Albiky, Oil THIS INTERESTS YOU ! We invito you to come and look through oui Mam moth Stock of Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc. PURE GOODS & Hides. Furs and all kinds of Countr Produce taken in exchange for coous. We Guarantee Fair Treatment to All. W. B. DONACA. Comer Brick Store, Main Street Lebanon, Linn County, Or. BUY THE BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS, They are the BEST. Ask for them TAKE NO OTHER. !B m EBBS-f TO THE FRONT With the largest and best stock of goods ever brought to BROWNSVILLE. 19RE GOODS for LESS HONE! Than can be found in Linn county. Call at the Id stand of Cooler and Washburn, where we will b glad to meet all tf our old friends, and remem ber it is no trouble for us to show goods. G. C. C00LEY & CO. -I .'..I Ji .... M Paints, Oils ni Bmhi AAT- DEYOE & KOBSON'S, FULL WEIGHTS OYERLAKD TO CALIFORNIA. VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC COM PAJtY'B LIXE. The Mt Shasta Route. Tint Eetrsei llfcisj ni Su Im eisei, 31 Inn. Callferala Trains Ryi OaJlf BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SAN TRANCISCO. fT. HOTS, .L..fwilii4 Ar.10 a a. . U r. M.L..AlbBy tt a. , Ki a. .Ar......n rrueiMo..X.- ?S r. u. Local PuhV Trains Oalif (eaceat aanay) iseT...l.. rortiaaduZ r t iTiH. HOr M l.T Alhny , I . l-At n 40 r. ,tf,..m.tiiiML, Ia. a. Lacat Paaaangar Tralne Daily (aaaaet tanae.,) li A. B...L J0a. r..., 3 1 r. h....Lt. a i r. s..Ar Jabaen. ..AIbo.... lbanou. ..Albaoy .4r I J r. a. I.iae r. a. ...Ar. r. a. Lt... I Mr. a. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. T0URI8T 8LEEPI50 CARS, For awpmmodaUsB of Becond-Clasa I'aaseatra, atUchfd U ill press Trains. Toe I. P. Co'i Ttnj aiakni aMnwWaa wit an in nfuiar trawa oa UM Can Side Int, fool .of 1 Mroet, fortUod. Wsst mam Division. 9T rWKZK P0TLA corvallis Mall Train Dally (tacea wa'ay). 7 30a. m.lj.T.......Porttand....Ar p m, 11 p. m Ar Corrallu p. m. At Albany and forralita tuooMt with waiiM ct Onrgon farlSt Railroad. praae Train Dally (Caaapl wnay. i&o v. n Lt Portlo(4 ... iT"i "T I tOp. m..Af MrMmrllW U 44 a! m THROUGH TICKETS rr ah Point SOUTH 1ID E1STJI1 CiLIFOEIII. -Fnr full Information Mfirdtnr ntlss, ntaaa, etc., aall on mmpany'i aceut at Albany. U. KAI.HI.KK, E. P. KOWKHS, Mauagor AaL (i. t. i"tm. Afent FINE LINE OF GUNS AKD fiosi Stock if kmnlM AT- PEYOK & ROBSOK'B, Albajtt, Oiu IS OUR. MOTTO. ..l-L G. E. HARDY CABBIES A STOCK CT Organs and Yiolins, Also Fixtures for the Sam ARD A OOOD ICPPXT" Of SHEET MUSia la eon licet loo witb my Jewelry cstab lishroout. I ksrs addd a SELECT TCII OF- FresS Ciaiics, Mats 4 Cigars. Tli candj is both hand and mabta.r made, and Is the Finest Assortment EVER BROUGHT TO TOWNv Uj ataat of w.1tt aomplete: bar toa) a niyod a rap!ljr of TiJUXT .CJLOCICI. Call and inirct ay foods. C. E. HARDY. Bakery -AKD LUNCH ROOM. Havinar opened up a Bak ery and Lunch Room be tween Peebler & Buhl's and G. T. Cottons, where will keep fresh pies, cakes and bread of all kinds, armers and nth ore can get hot coffee and lunch ax an nours at reasonabte prices . M. C. SCHOENHUT, DEYOE 6 ROBSON ARK AOOTTs FOR Th New HIgtt-Arm Davto Vorw tlcal-Feed SEWING MACHINE,