FROM THE CAPITOL FKKSIDENTIAL 'APPOINTMENTS IN DIAN AFFAIRS. Incease of Pensions-Admiral Klmber ly'a Report to the Department Easter Monday t the ' ",.',. ' " Whlte House, . Zach Montgomery will practice law at Washington. Alex 11. Morrison, of Mexico, will be appointed timber agent. Secretary Blaine is suffering from a alight attack of lunibagu. The Chinese minister at Washington is soon to give a farewell ball. E. W. Carson, of SjHikane Falls, W. T., has been granted a pension. John T. Lobaugh has been appointed postmaster at Pullman, W. T. Ex-Congressman B. J. Ellis, of Louis iana, died suddenly last Thursday. Julia A. L. Castro has been commis sioned postmistress at Ne w Era, Or. , Easter Monday is always children's day at the White" House and grounds. The president was overwhelmed with office-seekers and other callers last week. The appointment of W. C. Hunt has been recommended as statistical expert. First Comptroller Durham severe.! his connection with the treasury department on the 22 inst The senate committee on our relations with Canaday, will start for the Pacific Coast in a few days. Prominent republicans think an extra seion of confess will le convened by the president in Octolier. Tlie president has appointed Willis Sweet, of Idaho, attorney for the United States for that territory. President- and Mrs. Harrison enter tained vice-President and Mrs. Morton at dinner, last Wednesday. Charles J. doff has been appointed special agent of the treasury department for the fur sea islands in Alaska. At Rigbv, Bingham county, blaho, a new io8tofh-e has been .established, and John Parks appointed postmaster. J. L. Stoddard, peaent disbursing of ficer of the deartment of lalwr, has lieen recommended as disbursing officer of the census. No apprehension is felt at the navy department respecting the non-arrival of tlie Monongahela and Brooklyn at their destination. Too president has appointed the fol lowing iwHtmasters : Edward Anger, at Haiiev, Idaho, and George P. Cook, at ' Flagstaff, Arizona. Second Assistant Postmaster General Whitford lias under consideration the establishment of several Btar mail routes through Oklahoma. On the 21st inst.. President Harrison received a delegation of Southern repub licans, among the number being severs! welt known colored taec. The secrptarv of state is informed that Russia will send delegates to tlie Marine Conference, which meets at Washington -on the lath of October next.. Commissioner of Pensions Tanner last week rendered a decision by which the pension of Henry Demlietz will be in creased from $30 to $72 per month. The resignation of Nicholas M. Bell, miperintendentof the foreign mail service ot the iKwtomee department, na ikxu accepted by the postmaster-general. Admiral Kimlerly Las forwarded to the navv department a report from Chief Kterstedt, suiting that the engine of the Nipsic lias lieen tried and worked well. The naval board appointed to select a site for a navy yard on the Northwest coast, having completed its labors, have returned to their respective former duties. The president has appointed as the committee to negotiate with tlie Sioux Indians, Dakota, Hon. William Warner, -of Kansas City, and Hon. Charles Foster, of Oiiia. The acting comptroller of the currency has authorized the Washington National lUnk, of Tacoma, Washington territory, to lieain business with a capital of $100,000. The secretary of w ar has ordered the -commanding officers at all the military jiosts to lire a national salute oi imrty eiu'ht guns April 30, the Centenary of Washington. Consul General Walter, at London, in 'his his report to the department of state, savs tiiere has been a general revival of tni'ie and commerce throughout the United Kingdom. The following residents of the Pacific Coast have been granted pensions : Wash ington Territory Joel Bradley, La Cen ter. Idaho filexu-an survivor, John Green, Boise Barracks. Secretary Rusk has appointed Dr. G. E. Morrow, of Campaign, III., to repre sent the Agricultural Department at the .Jubilee show of the Royal Agricultural S'x-h'ty to be held in England this sum mer. Commissioner Klocksluger, of the gen eral land office, says that from present indications the contests over lund claims in Oklahoma would ultimately involve nearly every quarter section of land in tint teTitery. Corporal Tanner, commissioner of pen sions, rendered an important decision on tin- 2-J inst., in pausing upon the appli cution of John Webb late private of Com pany i), Indiana cavalry, for an increase ul pension from $24 to $10 per month. I HOMK ASD AKROAU. Hundreds of Boomers to th Oklahoma District Reurntng Hevy Hail storm in Georgia-Notes. Albert M. Frey the pool champion, died last week. Tho sanitary commission has reached Jacksonville, Fla. Tim Michigan legislator has passed the anti-dressed beef bill. , The old board of directors of the Union Pacific has been re-elected. Four murderers escaped from the Wichita, Kan., jail, last week. Hundreds or disappointed Oklahoma boomers are on the back track. The sleeping car interests ore to be united in one enormouB concern. Jackson, Miss., after being dry nearly two pd a half years, is again a wet town. For tlie fourth time in English history the title of the Duke of Buckingham has become extinct. The nionastry of Melk, in Austria, has just celebrated the 800th anniversary of its foundation. Signs of effort to establish a Whisky Trust have become manifest in tlie United Kingdom. The City of Mexico proposes to follow New York's example and clear the streets of wires and poles. Otto Falke has started in a small boat frem Bangor to New Orleans. The trip is made on a wager. The heaviest hail and rainstorm ever known in that section of country, fell in Atlanta, Ga., on the 24th. The fellows who crowd the White House to keep certain other fellows from getting office are called "spikers." Claim-junipers in Oklahoma are creat ing considerable trouble, and several of them have been killed in consequence. The Russian Czar is suffering from ex treme nervousness and excitement, being in constant dread of attempts on his life. A Swedish laborer who landed in New York a few days ago, was Bhipped back to Sweden under the contract iialior law. ' A remonstrance from leading property owners against an elevated - road in Bos ton, is published in the papers of that city. Lord Brownlow denies that be lias ac cepted the viireroyship of Ireland. He says that he lias never been otierva tne post. C. J. Smith has been appointed general manager of the Oregon Railway & Navi gation Company, with headquarters at Portland. It is officially announced that Prince Ferdinand, nephew of King Charles, has I teen selected a& heir to the throne of Roumaniz. The Farmer's Alliance of Miss'sBippi has obtained room in the peuitentiary building to operate a bagging factory of a capacity of doOU yards a day. A bill is pressed in the legislature of Michigan to establish the business of twine manufacturing in the state prisons. These movements are hostile to trusts. BoHlanger says he fled from Paris lie cause the government had formed a plot, to assassinate him, and failing in that, to sentence him to death by a one-sided court-martial. The French Ambassador at Rome has just discovered there a famous portrait of Voltaire that has been missing for more than half a century. It represents him in his youth. TojKika, Kan., lias the largest electric railway system in the world. There are sixteen and a half miles of track in okt ation, and a speed of fifteen miles an hour can be attained. The Mammoth hotel at Rockaway beach, which was built by the Rockaway Beach Improvement Company in 187i), lias lieen sold for $29,000. The building will be torn down. There were more than 17,000 saloons in Ohio. Under the policy of taxation by regulation this number has been reduced one-half and the revenue amounts to $-',500,000 a year to the btate. . The debtor who does not pay in Siam must become tlie slave of his creditor, who charges him from 15 to 30 tier cent a year, puts him in chains and takes his work as the interest of his debt. ' Applicants for country postoftlces are now sending their photographs to Wash ington to be filed with their paiiers of in dorsement. It is noticed that nearly all phote represent very good looking men. The Connecticut State Board of Chari ties has investigated charges made against officers of the state prison of Weathersneld, and a shameful state of immorality and lack of discipline was shown. The Texas Spring Palace at Fort Worth, Texas, will be opened on the 2l)th of May. Its object is to exhibit Texas to the peo ple from other states, and to induce men and women to see the South for them selves. Grand Old Man Gladstone is to lie hon ored with a great natural monument. The highest peak of the Finisterro range in New Guinea is to be christened Mount Gladstone. It is said no white man lias yet reached its summit. Count Papenheim, formerly adjutant to the late King Ludwig of Bavaria, is reported to have absconded to America with the funds he obtained by the sale of estates, leaving a large number of credi tors to bewail his flight. Governor Taylor, of Tennessee, has vetoed the bill providing for the removal of the state penitentiary. The measure was regarded as the first step toward the alnjlition of the convict lease system and the governor has raised a storm oi popu lar indignation, 1 THE PACIFIC COAST. HACKMEN OF PORTLAND ORGANIZE AN ASSOCIATION. Government Land Thrown Open Tor Set tlement Steamar SunkRailway NotesDisastrous Collision Items of Interest. Petroleum has been struck at Ukiah. Fresno has organized a Tally-ho club. San Diego complains of the price paid for ice. Pneumonia is plentiful In Hawthorne, Nevada. The plant for the creosote works at San Pedro has arrived. It has been so far a bad year for bar racouda in southern waters. The hackmen of Portland are to or ganize a protective association. The cutworms has appeared in some some of tlie California vineyards. Many Santa Rosa Indies have lieen vic tims of endowment associations. Konrad Frederick Wiemeyor, editor of the Sacramento Journal, died last week. San Diego county bee men say the prospects were never bettor than this year. There is a report that the oil wells at Sespe are not yielding as much oil as for merly. The mayor of Portland and city council are at outs respecting the location of a city hall. William Hamilton, a prominent ranch er of tirub Gulch, Fresno county, died recently. , Yoseniite was connected by telegraph with the outside world last week for tlie first time. Santa Cruz has fixed the liquor license at $200 per annum, and tlie circus license at $250 a day. Tan frmmlii trnmnR. who CBrTV their blankets and sleep in barns, are doing X oio county. Mulkv'e Tom Daly, Little Dock and Butcher Boy were the winners of tho races at Fresno on the 18th iust. Franks Joesink, a 10-year-old liov; fell under a moving freight train at Sacra mento, receutly, and was killed. Los Angeles last year shiped away 8005 tons of citrus fruits and imported from the East 7021 tons of beer. , Mrs. George Lovelock was drowned while fishing in a slough near her resi dence, on Humlwldt river, Nev., last week. The commission to fix a Bite for the insane asylum for Southern California voted for a locality last week, but as each voted for his own county, no result was obtained. At Victoria. B. C, on the 23d, the cor ner stone of the Provincial Royal Jubilee hospital was laid by Mrs. Nelson, wife of Lieutenant-Governor Nelson. Austin A. Bell, a prominent and very wealthy citizen of Seattle, W. T., com mitted suicide on the 24th inst., by shoot ing himself through the head. Corbett and Choynski, San Francisco Tin.riiuta have mum! articles to meet in a furht to a finish for a purse of $1000 a side, ijueensiHirry ruios w govern. A diHastrous collesion occurred at Thompson Falls, on the Northern Pacific on Monday last, in which the engineer, fireman and brakeman were injured. Charles Mint, an Italian fisherman at Seattle, W. T., was arrested last Tusiday for attempting to rape Mabel Giffbrd, the o-year-olu daughter oi a iaunurmau oi that city. Hon. John F. Swift, the newly ap pointed minister to Japan, accompanied l,v Ilia witi left San Francisco on the steamer Oceanic, last week, for his new field ot labor. rinvarnnr fttAvoiionn' cull for ft consti tutional convention, to lie held at Boise City, July 4, nas wen unanimously en dorsed by the republican territorial cen tral committee. Allsirt J. Cody, who bit oft a portion of Joseph Morin's lower lip, in a fight last month at J'ortiana, nas ien con victed of mayhem. The penalty is next to that for murder. N. Cooper was cut to pieces recently by a California hallhreed Indian named nen Jones, at Colony ranch, Harvy county, Or. They were apparently very friendly a few, minutes before the killing. The Oregon Railway & Navigation company is pushing its line through the the Cceur d'Alene reservation and CVeur d'Alene mountains to Mullen. About two thousand men are employed. , The steamer Alliance, owned by the Portland & Const Steamsliip Company, had a collision with the steamer Danube on Thursday last, near the Willamette slough, in which the Alliance was sunk. Frank Sanford who killed himself at San Rafael last week, was a son of Hon. Stephen Sanford, and a cousin of Con gressman Sanford of Amsterdam, N. Y., which place he left to avoid divorce pro ceedings. A now Tii!lrfi:id cnninfin v. known as the Rockford & Spikane Falls, has been or ganized to build from Rockford, twenty- five miles, to Sjwkane Falls. When com pleted it will ojen a new line to Portland via Farmington and Pendleton. At Seattle, W. T., on the 23d inst., the government authorities advertised two townships of valuable timber land to be thrown open for settlement. The rush for the land office almost equalled the frantic rush of the land-seekers to Okla iiomk ax rAitn. The !Uurl Tollet-The Oar of Poultry -The Pruning Season-Farm Improvements. Tlants require their food in a soluable condition. No matter bow much manure is added to tho soil, onlv the soluable jtor tioas are used. The solids can not Ik of benefit until they decompose and are dis solved by the moisture. Knitting silk has lieen found to wash bettor than embroidery silk, and so makes more serviceable outliningon dam ask cloths for the figure. Monograms on doylies are worked with yellow silk, in large letters, at the middle. Pnnltrv need a irood. dry dusting place. They like it better on a level with the floor of the poultry-house than to climb into a Ikix. Over-leeding or keeping on corn Bnd other fattening ood is quite as frequent a cause for hens failing to lay as lack of food. Farmers havo a much greater Hpbore of inttumice on the flavor of milk pro duced than they suppose, or they are willing to admit. The reason why a cer tain numlior of consumers in all large cities are willing to pay what, to a farmer or an average conBumer, may seem ex traordinarv prices is liecause they Ret butters of lilgh flavors which are always uniform. The makers of these butters nearly all use clover or meadow hay and corn meal, in varying proimrtiens with other coarse louder and meais. Lemon Shortcako: Make a shortcake dough exactly like a strawberry short cake. While that is linking grate the jieel of a lemon and squeeze every drop of juice from it into the lswl, then take half a cun of sugar and half a cup of mo lasses, a teueupful of water, a little lump of Initter and a taiilespoontui oi four. Let this Isiil until it is justalHitit as thick as a boiled custard. When the shortcake is Uised cut it in two parts, and pour the mixture over the lower one, then lay tl iiiK'rjMirt on this, Ixittnm side up, and cover that also wnn cusuiru. Brown bread, which msv lie also served as a pudding, is made by taking one cup of molasses, one teiiRpoonful of wxla dis solved in a half cuplul ol lioiiing water ; stir this in the molasses until it is thor oughly mixed with it, then add three parts of graham flour to one of corn meal in sufficient qtuintity to make a liatter, to this add a tablespoonful of melted lard. Steam this four hours. It yon wish to eat it hot in place of bread, dry it in the oven for fifteen minutes; if for puddingy servo it fresh from the steamer with a sour sauce. . Fresh salads: Fresh salads might to lie long in water; the withered only long enough to crisp them. The outside leaves are thrown away, the inner ones parted, well rinsed and examined, and, if neces sary, plunged into salt and water for a few' minutes, which will quickly free the leaves of nny insects that may cling to them. They may le thrown into a colander or salad basket to drain, and thence into a napkin held by its four corners and shakeu lightly until it ab sorbs the water hanging about the leaves. Handle the salad as little as iiotwible in cutting. Do not mix it with dressing until the moment of serving, ami then it is usual to put the liquids at the bottom of the bowl and stir it up just before serv ing. Salads of fish, meat or potatoes are lietter made half an hour la-fore they are used, except such as are mixed with leaf salad. Let chives or onions 1 bandied apart when used, not mixed in, as so many objttct to the flavor. The Nursery Toilet : Some one should make a protest against the sopping of children s hair wun water, or using a wet. brush in dressing their hair, to save the nurse or mother some trouble in ar ranging it. Water constantly evajiornt ing from tho surfj afb-eta the natural circulation, the color and oil of the hair; it should Is? used on the scalp only, to cleanse it, or at fixed times to wash the hair, and this preferably at night, when the head caa lie well covered up to avoid hiking wild. It will le found quite dry in the morning. The use of hot water, instead of cold, for cleansing the scalp and hair may be recommended. Hot water is a stimulant and should give the hair a good color. It is known that sul phur is a component twrtof the natural color of the hair, and some of the hot water hair dressrs avow that they can distinctly smell the sulphur deveiosd by this process in the hair with the hand rubbing that accompanies its use. Hair dries moro quickly also, after the hot water application than the cold.. But be sure to pin the bead up after rubbing in a towel, which can le removed and replaced, if it becomes wet. If salt le applied, it should lie in this way. Occa sionally this application will give a sound sleep to restless or fatigued heads. . The best and the shortest w ay to im prove a farm is to reduce the stock, plow your fallows in winter so that the soil will he warm and dry and the subnoil de eonqiosed early in the spring. Harrow wsll and then sow ten or twelve quarts of grass seed to the acre when you put in vour oats. If all take, your chance is good for obtaining from five to ten acres of oats and a field of grass. Then pre pare as many acres for rye-sowiig, pro vided your land is not good enough for wheat, ami tne two crops win give you all the straw you need, and the corn field, with usual good luck, will produce enough to futten stock. At the end of tho sea son you will have the produce from fif teen to twenty acres of land, represented in oats, corn and potatoes, and as many acres sown with rye and wheat. Keep just stock enough to eat up the produce in grain and hay, and after gathering your next year s crop ot hay and grain, covering say fifty acres of your farm of one hundred acres, you may think of adding as many head of cattle as your farm will sustain without purchasing neavuy oi ioreign supplies. By the end of tho fourth year you are ready to put in a crop of wheat and save plowing up your bottom meadow, you have ro-seaded your whole farm and are now ready to enlarge your dairyand at the end of ten years your land ouaht to Is) in a condition to double your crops and the number of your cuttle. This is in rotation. PORTLAND MARKET. THE OUTLOOK VERY PROMISING FOR THIS FARMER. Fresh Fruits ana Vegetables In Good " Demand-Sugars Have Advanced Wools In the Interior are Higher, : ( The condition of the local'merchandiso market continues to bo active, nnd shows that Portland is potting its fair share of the expanding trade of tho country trili utary to it, while the favorable spring weather gives every indication of another bountiful barvcHt. Sugars have advanced tB'c alljround. lVovisions are steady at former quotations.! Fresh fruits u'nd veg etables of all kinds find ready salo. Dried fruits are selling fairly well, Oregon prunes especially. In dairy produce and jioultry the market Is aliout steady, while wools in the interior are held too high by 3 or 4 cents kt pound. Tho grain mark et is rather quiet, but flour remains steady and in demand at quotations for standard brands. We quote : OHOTEKIKB. Sugars, Golden C 7,'ic, extra 0 7c, dry granulated 8?4c, eulie, crushed and powdered IK t8'. Coffee: Costa Rica 21 (?22Hi Rib 22a23c, Java 25a27c, Mocha 28i3lc, Arlmckle's rousted 2.r?4c. PHOV1SIONS. Oregon ham V2f4(a.1'.ki, breakfast ba con 12hjC, sides lOalO'tfC, shoulders 8,Sj (S (tc. Eastern ham li.'lS'y:, break fast bacon li''e. sides lOlOc, Lard 10s ,'sc, rariTS. Navel oranges N-"5, Riversides $3.25, California lemons $.1.50(8 4 per Ikix, VKdKTAUI.KB. Potatoes 30(-l0c,Kinions l?4u2c per rhcuburb 10c, tomatoes $2.50 js-r IkiX. DIUKI) FKCITH. Apples 5(k!, sliced Ce, apricots 13tf$ 14c, jieaches 8(4 10c, jiears fie, Italian, Ho, silver 7c, German tiigtic, plums 6(7c. California figs 8c. DMHr FROmif . Butter. Oregon fancy 25o, medium 20c, Eastern 22c, California I820c. BOOB. Eggs I4c. POn.TRT. Chickens $-i(W.50, ducks $10311 per doz., geeae $10(g 12, turkeys are 3c higher at 20 per B. WOOL. Valley MalTc, Eastern Oregon 1015o. uorB. Hops 10815c. ORA1K. Wheat, Valley $l.25al.27, Eastern $1.15ul.l7.','. Oats :Wte31c. flock. Standard $4.25, other brands $3.1)0. FKEIJ. Hay $1.1(314 per ton, bran $14al5, shorts $15alll, barley $22.5024, mill chop $18a20. fllKKIl MEATS. BHtf, live. Jt.'v.e, dressed 7c, mutton, live, 3'a;, dressed 7c, lambs $2.50 each, hogs live tic, dressed 77)jc, veal G&c. A new sort of coursing is com plained of in the English journals, be inff a regular hunt, by well-to-do younjf men. of cats with bull-dogs lu the met ropolitan streets. The temperature of Siberia was once much mildor than at prosout This change of climate is said to ac count fop the conversion of what were once secondary birds there into birds that migrate to South Africa and else where. Tho Emperor of China, a boy of seventeen, has a serious hesitation in his speech, and be speaks ith con siderable difficulty. lie is quiet in disposition, but Vory obstinate when once he has formed an opinion. Tlie nitrate Industry of Chili is rapidly developing; large wealth. An EnglisL company, organized In 1883, has re .irned $125 for every (100 paid in. Since that dute new companies have been organized, with an aggre gate capital of $10,550,000. At Cayenno when a convict dies the body Is borne to the sea and a grout bell Is tolled. And then is the vlsoous, glaucous sea surface furrowed i sutl donly by fins innumerable, swart, Bharp, triangular the legions of the sharks mulling to the hideous fuuoral They kno- the boll! Harper's. An ' Emperor William clock" has been m ide In Berlin. The ease repre sents t ie ol 1 Emperor's palace. When the hour strikes tho palace guard marches past, and William I. with his first great-grandson, now the little Crown Prince, appears at the historic corner window whore ho so often ehowea himself to his people A monumont is to be erected on the spot in the Forest Eplnuuse, where stood the oak treo in which Gambetta and M. Spullor alighted from thoir balloon, In tholr escape from Faris to Tours during tho Fninco-Germun war. The treo Itself was recently cut .down by Iho o vnor, who has no regard for relics. In 8 report made by a committee of the British Assooiation, It Is stated that the physique of the inhabitants of Great Britain "varies considerably ac cording to social standing and en vironments," tho profoHidonul classes being the highest in the scale, the artisans In the towns the lewest, while the intermediate position Is occupied by the country laborers, farmors, etci