The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 03, 1889, Image 3

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- V.t:t . ' 1;.,.. ..::... . Y '
0. T. Owhow, 8r., on Wednesday
left for Albany,
fiitt Viirlcv flurlnor tho mat week
....... - fj
vMted town filolida.
Dr. I. W.Ftarr and family left for
Albany on ThurBdtiy.
J. I (ialbralth arid J. M. Moyer left
for Portland on Monday.
J. F. Vcniior returned homo on Hat
tirdny, und reports business flrnt-daiw
on the road.
On Tliurwlny C. N. Scott, Rocolvor
). Jly uecoinpank'd by Adjuster Mo
Kay, pawed over tbe road, remaining
In lirownwvlllo ono nlht. (
n-i... r...l.. w,..l,.n tl1U 1"V nf
. JJrownHvllIb during tbe past week
made their first purchase of wool, the
ujuotint dicing 20,0)0 pounds. .
(). P. Coahow, Jr., has opened a real
twtate ofllee, alno accidental life and
property Insurance. All those having
real estate to dlspcso of should glre "O.
Pled, Apr. 2T, 1889, 1). V. Bennett,
aged C4 years. The deceased, who was
brn hi Ohio In the year llir, und nr
nlved In HrowMvllle, Oregon, in 1870,
for 13 years has been a devnutChris
tlun and member of the church, and
leaves a family and many friends to
iiiouru his demise.
Attorney Geo. W. Wright, accompa
tilod by his wife and child, have for tho
pttHt week beeu vlHlting lirownsville
relatives, but will shortly remove to
Albany, at which place Mr. Wright
lias Invested in property, and ulo
formed a. partnership with I). It. N.
Jilackbum for the transaction of notary
public and legal buKinew.
The Eagle Woolen .Mills Co., of
lirownsville, are making all necessary
repairs to machinery and mill, prepar
atory to an arly start. 2Cew floors are
U'ing lnyed, tho under pinning and
foundation supports of the main build
ing are being strengthened and when
found necessaryj new timbers added.
A numls r of the hands are at work
overhauling tho machinery and put
ting tbe factory in thorough order.
On Friday Mrs. Julius Zluer receiv
ed a telegram requesting her immedi
ate departure for Kau Francisco to at
tend her husband who, siuco undergo
ing a third operation in couuection
with the removal of a tumor, was rap
idly failing in health. On the follow
ing Saturday, while Mrs. Ziner and
children were awaiting the departure
of the O. &C. train, another telegram
wus received announcing the death of
her husband which occurred on the
J!7th Inst. Julius Ziner was well
known and highly respected by this
community, having resided in
Brownsville for the past seven years,
during which time he tilled the pil
lion of head dyer for the B. W. M. Co.
lie was also a member of Calipooia
J.(slge Xw. 43., I. O. O. F., and served
with distinction during the Franco
Prussian war of I8T0, receiving' from
the German emperor a medal com
memorative of iecial bravery and ser
vices rendered. The deceased leaves a
wife and two children to mourn his
his death being greatly regretted
ly this entire community.
The I. O. O. J', celebration commem
orative of the seventieth anniversary
of Odd Fellowship in America, which
took place on the 2(th lest at this
place, was conducted under the most
favorable and cnjoyaMc conditions.
The early morning fog, which seemed
to indicate rain, was dispelled by a
bright, warm April suu, which arose
in its glory and assured a beautiful
spring day. At an early hour the un
usual bustle and travel onour streets
gave notice of preparations for the com
ing festivities. The 7:30 A. M. train
from Coburg brought many excursion
ists, but the "grand, rush" did not
take plaoe until the arrival of the 11 A.
M. train from the north which brought
the bulk of visiting lodges from Silver
ton and way potato, who were received
at the O. By. depot by the members
of Cullpooia Lodge N. 43, In full re
galia, headed by the Crawfordsvllle
ibrass band, escorted by the almost en
tire populate flf JUwwmville, their
"'aunts, iikAum,' numbering
.OMcr .WOjHJopk, wJw'tfejHn line" and
jrnauchedito ihlie picnic groe Ha South
jBrownsvltle, when the suli -comforts,
fl. c. well filled basket, ca,we into re
quisition. The address ,of welcome
llvered bv Bev. Joseph Ifoberg.
A well wordedJiud interesting address.
was also delivered by Prof. Li). HWyer,
principal of the Boutk Erowiwj&le
school . Excellent and lilg apjMWM
ated instrumental music was dlsewr.
ed by the Justly celebrated fMvwtoM
cornet band and the Crawfordsvllle
hrass band. The v-al imudo by the
choir -was well rendered and 'consisted
of musical goms, suitable to the occas
ion. Although the picnic grounds
were crowded fhe number prosAit not
falling much short of one thousand
poople the utmost good feeling and
order prevailed and all seemed
Intont on having a Jolly time.
During the evening the Sllverton band
at the North Brownsville city hall gave
an instrumental concert, which was
well attended, a full houso repeatedly
encoring tho choice musical selections ,
which, as per programme, were exe
cuted. Previous to tho concert the
Crawfonlsvillo brass band gavo an
open air concert, playing selections
that gave evidence of thorough train
ing and application. Tho entire cele
bration was a success that will long be
remembered by alf attending.
Bodavllle has no regalar correspon
dent, therefore "i take up my pen and
try to give you a few items, which I
hone will be of Interest to your readers.
Our town is quiet as Is usually the case
except when some from other localities
come in and create a disturbance, and
even then there is very little to com
plain of. The officers of our town look
after the matter of order, and with the
present force we look for things te move
abouht right.
Bodavllle, away from home, fcears a
much worse name than it deserves.
The very ones who often speak disrep
utably of the place are to sonic extent
the ones who exert themselves to create
usnftich disorder as possible, which
means a great deal.
Dennis Klutn's child has themumps
but is getting along very well under
the treatment of Dr. OdU.
Mrs. G. M. Wcstfall is improving,
also Mrs. W. A. McGbee.
Mr. T. II. McGhee, brother of W. A.
McGhec, was in town a few days ago.
Ho reports everything in good order
near Albany. He talks of locating in
School at this place is doing well.
Not a verx full attendance, but a very
good showing for tho spring term.
Mr. Hanvy, of the Fountain House,
has everything in running order, aud
is now ready to treat pleasure seekers
in a manner approving to the house
and satisfactory to them.
Mrs. Flory went to Albany a few
days ago to visit her father.
Mr. F has a forsaken appearance
owing to the absence of his wife.
' Dikudokff Loixik No. C4,
Hcio, Ok., April 24, 1889.
Whereas, It has pleased the Lord In
his infinite wisdom to call away from
our midst our beloved brother, Bev. B.
T. Miller, who was stricken by the
hand of death at Amity, Yamhill
county, Oregon, be it therefore
Jlcwlvud, That this Lodge has lost
an upright member and brother; oue
whose dally walk exHuplified those
virtues, friendship, love and truth.
JRemhril, That we do sincerely sym
pathize with his grief stricken family
in this hour of bereavement. In this
sad hour we would commend them to
our heavenly Father, believing that he
orders all things for the best.
JlcHolved, That these resolutions be
spread upon the records of the lodge,
a copy thereof transmitted to the fam
ily of our deceased brother and a copy
be scut to the papers for publication
B. Buei.tox.
M. C. Gij.i., Committee
J. 11. Dakiei
Best comes only to those who walk
in the path of obedience. The path
may be full of thorns; it may lead iuto
thickest darkness where suffering is
our lot, where innumerable duties of
an uncongenial kind are to be perform
ed; or it may be such a path as Abra
ham was called to take, going forth
not knowing whither. Be it so. As
it was with the patriarch, every step
of the way will prove a sweet rest.
This is the rest of faith. Going forth
thus the suu shall no more go down.
With unfaltering steps, mounting the
steis of life toward the final goal, we
shall at last enter that perfect rest
which "remaineth to the people of
God." But even in heaven there shall
not be Inactivity nor selfish enjoyment,
nor complete revelations. It shall be
onward, upward, iu the songs of those
who "rest not day nor night" in the
ceaseless disclosures of infinite love,
In the ever-Increasing glory of the
keautific vision.
Brand new tents at Cruson & Millers.
tSend Tub ExHBKStoyour friends la
T. C. Pecbler.
Have lately added a fine line of Men's and Boys'
Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc.
Boots and. Shoes.
We have a Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes of
the latest styles. Call and inspect our stock.
We do not want
Shoes, and will sell out stock on hand at actual
cost, for cash. Call and examine them.
A Mammoth Stock of Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco,
Cigars, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc., which
we sell cheaper than ever.
Goods Delivered to all parts of city free of charge.
W. F. EAD,
Cast Dry Goods Store
New and Complete,
And I Invite everyone when In
Albany t
Knowing that we can suit you
Both in Goods and Prices,
Promptly attended.
A. R. Cyrus.
A.R. Cyrus &Co.,
Real Estate Agents,
-"-Dealers iu All Klndi of-
Agricultural Implements,
FamoUs Morrison Plows,
PliANO l!imKIt
Tiger Mccvvfer(
Lebanon) Oregom
to carry Ladies'
At CostI Still
Having purchased tho stock
rushing Goods, lioots, bhoea, Lie, ot U. IS. llolanu
& Co.j is now prepared to offer
Better Bargains than Ever!
Havinc a comDlete assortment of General Merchandise!
bought at a big discount, which he still proposes to sell at
cost, purchasers will do well to call and get his prices boforo
buying elsewhere, as you can
f Tl l I m .l-it
kinds, either in cash ot goodl
Notice of Final Settlement.
drraigned admlnlntratof with th will nnnex
d of the t'vtute of Jutnet (jullowHy, decoiued, liiu
tiled In the County Court of Linn County, Ore
gon, hl fiiiHl account, nd raid flourt hiw Holiit
ed Monday; th Sd dy of June, lfW, for tho hour
lug of oljjectkmi therwto and th K'ttlomt nt
thtreof, mid www will be hoard at three o'clock
p. m. of raid day at the Court House In Albany,
Airll It, W. J. A. I.AMBF.RWOK,
Adtnitiiatrator with will anacktd.
Goorgfo Buhl.
and Children's
to the Front!
of Clothing, Gents' Fur
savo irom 20 to per cent.
hnwl -Tnl ftM1lil'ir 1 1 V J I -wi r p oil
iii. w. o ne6uh,
Graduate of the Royal Ooller e of London, tng
land, alio of the Bellevue Medical College.
Kturiyuntl pmcticv. iiml niuktw s'i lnlty i?
clironic dlH'ON'fi rvinuVi'ii cwiu-ith; MnAiliiiK tn;
lurKt'inciitH, tumors nwl wi'iis. lth(iut itli) or
th; knife. He nilso nmki' axpi'i'iiilty of trcaliuent
Kith cU'ftrloty. Hum prnrtlrvn In the ticrinnn,
Frpnt'h and KiikIHi ho..pltnl.. CnlU promptly
fettemU-d ilnv or niKht. His motto Is: "iUKia
n Ottlct- and rwMenoe, Forry itrtjct; htwi'0
Thinl and fvurthj Albany Orcoui