The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, May 03, 1889, Image 1

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! W 1
-.J'--' ,
vol. in. ;
NO. 8.
LEBANON T,IT)IK, NO. 44, A, F A A. M ! Mwit.
t lliBlr now li.ll In MimoiiIo llliiuk, on rt.iiiruuy
.Miilug, on or Iw'ore Mi (nil moon
LEBANON LOIHIK. NO. 47, I. O. O, t. Miwtn Hut
lirdny .vmilnii n( tmoli wn. k, t Oilil Kullow'i Hull,
MhIh .limit; rlnllliitf hratlirm. minllnlly Invllwl io
timid. J. J. UHAlti.ToN, W. U.
HONOB LOltflK NO. !H, A. O tT, W., Irflaimn,
llrtscm: UntK nmry Unit .ml third Tliiinnlay emu
big. Ill til. uinutli. V, M. IIOMUOE. M. W.
Walton Hklpwnrth, pastor Hcrv Ice. each Him
day Hi 11 A. M. hi id 7 I'. M. ttmidiiy Behool ut 10
A, M. each Huuiliiy.
O. W. OIIhuiv, pintor Hcrvlci s each Sunday
at 11 A. M. HhihIhv School 10 A. i. Service,
each Hiintliiv lilifht.
J. It. KIrkiiiitrli-k, pastor Service. Mm 2nd
ml 4th Sunday, nt II a. u. uud 7 p.m. Sunday
Huhlllll I'HI'tl Sunday Hi 10 A. M,
Orcpian Railway Co. J Limited? Line,
O. M. BOOTT. Receiver.
O Tak WWt t'rbraary K 19.
HM'lwk, it. m.
Betwfttm Portland aud Coburg 123 Miles.
ll:.'l ..III
4 It; p.m
8:24 i.IU
7 :-a) . in
H:!7 p.m
lulfi p ill
lv.l'iirtlKinI W. V.) ar
W ent Hl-lM . .'
4 40 (l.lll
lltW ..III
7 :3I B in
6:13 B.m
4:W B in
ar CiiliurK.. .
Foot of Jefferson Street.
11:;) am
2:41 i in
7 :) p.m
lv.l'ortland(l'.A W. V.) ar
,r Alrlle Iv
4 40)i 111
1 ;IX p. Ill
h:m B.m
7 :f2 B.m
':V, H ilt
Commutation ticket, nt two cent. Jer mile ou
nil- Bt stations havliiK agent..
Connection lMttwwu Uiiy'i nd FtiUiiwrtt
I.MtKl ttlKM IIIHlIf with tBiiiT"l'ltyof Hiilcm."
Tlckfli for Hiiy point on till line lr ule Bt
the t'liltiti CBrrlHUe Bin! llHKitKe Tmn.fiT
4 fini ihiii y n iiBii:o, HWHiiil Htiil i'tntt Btrret., and
I'. & W. V. Ity. Ollii'f Bin! depot, fiMit of jKlli-r-
iin utrfi't, I'ortlund, (ironiin.
CH AH. N.BCOTT. Kmiolvor O. Hf, Co. (Ld )
Lino, I'ortlaiid, Urunnii.
F. I). MuCAIN, DUpHtcher. IJuiide
Junction, Oregon,
J, MttUUIItr, Bupt.0. Ky.Co. (Ld.l Line, Dun
due 4 unction.
Genera! OIlloeH, N. W, Corner Firat and Pine
Blruuuj, rurtlBuil, Uruituiu
Oregon Developmsat Conway's steamsbip Line.
S Muortrr. Sl llar lm TIih
TIihii by nuy othur Kuute.
Flret-Olaita Throurh Passenger and
Frelftnt Line
From I'nrtlnnd and all point" in the Willamette
Valley to and from Hau Fraiiciauo, Cat.
TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Buurfayi.)
,v Aliiaur l:uo
J7v V.iiiuiiB ti:4ti a.m.
l.v CiirvallU 10:Hf a.m.
Ar AtliHiiy 11:10 mil.
Lv Cnrvalllii 1 40 p.m.
Ar Yaiiilua b.m p.m.
O. A ('. train. eouniKit at Alhauy andOorvallln.
The fctiove train, ( iiiinwt at Yaiinlua with the
On-Koii Development CompHUy'. line of HteHin
htp. tnawueu VainliiH unci hau Krancl.uo.
BTKAMKBH."! fRoirM.r.
Willamette Valley-Deciemiair 6
WlllauiettK Valley Diieeinherl7
Wlllainett. Valley lH-eeiiilierilO
Kill YAtUNA.
Duceinlier 12
liueuuiuer 24
ThU cnmpHiiy reoerve. the right to chaiiKe
bbIIIuk dntim wltlmnt nullce.
t'lOMmiKem from I'orilninl and all Willamette
valley point, can make clone connection wtlli
the tnilm of the VaiUlna ronu-at Allmuyor
Corvalll., HUtl If dcHllned to Han Kranclm'O
ahould arraiiKe to arrive at Vaqitlna the eve
..i ,i..... ..i
UII1K IIVIOK U.IG 1', .musi
raHMvncrr and 'ieli;lit
Alwayi the LoweHt. .
For Information apply to
(ieu'l Kr't Si 1'hkh. Ai?t.
UrvKon Devel'imi'iit Co
1104 MoutKomeryHt.,
bau r'niuel.eo, Cal.
Aet'K lieu. K. i u. Agt.
O. . K. K. K. Co.,
Willamette River Line of Steamers,
The "WM: M. HOAli," the " N. 8. BENTLY,"
Are In nervlee forlmlh pHiwenmr and freight
trnllic betweeu Corvalll. Hud 1'ortlaud and in
termediate point., leavliiK company', wharf,
Corvalll., and Mown, llulmau d Co.'a wharf,
No.. 'M and Wi Front .tret, 1'ortlaud, Mon
day., WedueHdn.vB and Kriduy., uiakluK three
round trip, each week an follow. :
Leave Corvalll. Monday, Weduenday, Friday,
t a. in.; ieav Albany M a. in.
Arrive halem. Monday. WedncHiluy, Friday, 8
p.m.; loiivu bult'iii,, Thur.duy, Hutur
uay,8 a. m.
Arrive 1'ortlaud, Tuesday. Thursday, Satur
day, a.m p. m.
Leave 1'ortlaud, Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
6 a. in.
Arrive Calem, Mouday,, Friday,
7:10 p. in.; leave Halem, Tuesday, Thursday, Sat
urday, 6 a. in. Leave Albany 1 :H0 p. tn,
Arrive Corvalll. Tuesday, Thuntduy, Bnturday
8:3Up. m.
Col led i UN- t'vn vey a iit'in
All kind, of IokhI pannni drawn accurately
and neatly. Any work intriiHtcd to my care
will receive prompt and careful attention.
4;oUectioti. a Hpuuiulty. lritt, liiiin Ceun
tj, On-gou.
A Double Circular Water Power
Saw Mill,
Nenr Lebanon. Or.
Capacity about 6000 feet per day. AIho, 4J
Mcrea of laud on which the sawmill
i located,
Alao have a lartue Htock ot
At loweat market rates for rash.
U. V. WIIKEIEK. lbanoa. Or.
f.4Jf . ' - ' FAS
Proprietor, of the
LiTBir. Sale anfl Feed Staliles
Boutheaat Corner of Main and Sherman.
Fine Buggies, Hacks.Har
ness and
For parties going lo Brownsville, Wa
terloo, Sweet Home, Scio, and all
parts of Linn County.
All kinds of Teaming
Black hata and amall black mantlet are
worn with dressea of all color.
In iplte of all predictions to the contrary,
heliotrope if still a popular color.
It is becoming quite the thing with ultra
fashionable ladiea to carry a cane.
Wide collars and cuffs of embroidered
crepe lisse are worn with dressy toilets.
Mauve veiling and white moire is a stylish
as well as favorite summer combination. .
To be fashionable, the hosiery should
match the costume with which it is worn.
Advices from the French capital state that
short waists are again coming into vogue.
Ashes of roses and similar shades of pink
ish drab are In high favor for dressy wear.
Crepe lisso is a popular material for para
sol covers. It is gathnred or laid on in full
Black ribbon, over a color slightly broader.
Is the preferred sash for wear with black
lace gowns.
Moire under slips are considered the most
elTecti ve f omidution for lace draperies, either
black or white.
, Ribbons for bonnet strings are perceptibly
wider and havo plain edges, the picot being
hopelesHly passe.
A novel fan is made of herons' plumes and
ostrich foathors. The heron aigrette is used
with the plumes.
Be Was a. Mild a Mannered Man as Evet
8euttld Ship or Cat s Throat A PoV
Lhfld Gentleman In Society, and as
Burglar He Had Few. If Any, Equal.
During the months of February and
March. IS81. the city was stirred from th
center to the circumference by daily report
of burglaries committed of the most daring
nature. Forty bourns were entered on at
many nihta, and from each articles of more
or less value taken. Such a state of alarm
had nt existed in this usually peaceful com
munity Kince the advent of Wilson's ever
memorable raid in The streets were
patrolled at night by armed squads of citizens,
and the police force was increased by putting
on extra men. These burglaries were all of
the same nature, the entrance or breaking
being generally effected through the from
windows, which in this city almost invariably
.open on a veranda and often open down tc
the floor.
About this time a careful observer might
have noticed at one of our best hotels a mat
strikingly handsome and faultlessly dressed,
whose classic features pnd polished mannen
weuld have adorned any .circle of society
fie was about 30 years of age, remarkabl j
well proportioned, dark hair, large, full, dart
eyes full of intelligence, that seemed to look
you from bead to toot as soon as their owner
cast them upon you.
A complexion that w ould excite the envy
of a girl, long, dark mustache, slightly
turned up at the ends, covering lips of coral
redness, which, when parted by a smile.
Cften illuminated the owner's countenance,
disclosed teeth of great evenness and pearly
whiteness. TMt most enchanting smile, one
seen, can never be forgotten. The voice weli
modulated, each word and accent as clear at
the chime of a silver belL
I bad met this man, and he was Intro
duced to me as Mr. Joseph Sutton, of Texas
fie freely discussed the frequent burglariet
then nightly occurring, and even suggested
some plans by which the midnight marauder
might be apprehended. Button was passion
ately fond of card playing (poker), and fre
quently made considerable losings. At timet
he would excuse himself from the game in
which he was playing, saying be would take
a walk for exercise, leaving what mone and
checks hs bad before bun on the table. After
an absence of an hour or two he would re
turn, resume bis seat and play, apparently
very much exhilarated by his walk and th
fresh air.
Should any one of the players be In bad
luck, and, consequently, in bad humor, he
would smilingly recommend the same course
by a short walk and fresh air, stating that
be always was greatly benefited by so doing.
At other times, when bis finances were ap
parently low, be would absent himself from
the city for three or four days, always re
turning flush with money. These periodica
absences at first did not attract my attention,
until one day a stranger standing on the side
walk heard me introduce Button to a friend
of mine. After Button and my friend had
convened a while and then walked off to
gether the stranger called me to one side and
asked me what B.'s name was. I unhesitat
ingly told him "Sutton."
"You are mistaken," he said, "that ia
James Chustaiue, one of the most noted
thieves that ever lived. 1 know whereof J
epeak. "
I was so horrified and dumfounded that
I did not notice that the stranger had walked
away, aud from that day until this 1 have
never seen that stranger, nor. do I know hii
noma Recovering my wits I began to think
Can it be possible that the gentlemanly But
ton Is the thief that is causing so much alarm
in this city I My suspicion being thoroughly
aroused, from this time on I kept close watch
over Button aud his movements. 1 noticed
another important fact, that when Button
was absent from the city there were no burg
laries committed. He left one day to visit
Eufaula, Ala., and remained there on
night That night the residence of Mr.
Ouice, a wealthy citizen pf that place, was
burglarized aud a large quantity of valuable
jewelry stolen. Button returned the next
morning to Montgomery loaded with plun
der. Having in the meantime been busily
engaged in tracing up Sutton's antecedents,
1 found out that bis real name was Jamet
Chastaine, that be formerly lived in Memphis
and was the trusted bookkeeper of a large
mercantile firm of that city, and bod default
ed to them in a sum of several thousand
dollars; also, that he was an escaped convict
from the Missouri State prison, where he was
undergoing a seuteuce of twenty years for
burglary, and was also wanted in Texas.
1 was now thoroughly convinced that
Sutton was the man that was causing such
consteruatfou among the citizens. 1 commu
nicated the facts to Cupt John W. Martin,
and located Sutton in a room. Cupt. Ear
tin proceeded there and hod no ditliculty lb
placing Sutton, now Chastaine, under arrest
As be was on his way to police headquarters
Chastaine made a denperate break for liberty
and was fired .upon by Capt. Martin, strik
ing him tnico, both bullets padug entirely
through ins body, and either Would have
proved mortal. Chastaine lingered a few
hours and died, never revealing bis identity
or bis confederates, if be bad any.' His
politeness never forsook bira even when the
icy band of death was upon him. and the
misty film glazed bis eyes. Asking a by
stander for a drink of water, which was
given him, be faintly murmured, "Thank
you." Those were the last words of Chat
taiuo. The famous burglar was dead.
"He was as mild a mannered man M
ever scuttled ship or cut a throat."
Upou hi person was found Quantity of
ruit: "agMj to tax. Umee. ityaij
bis effects were articles of different valu
from almost every house that had been en
tered, it was when he excused himself fronl
the card table to take a walk and got fre&li
Air that be committed his burglaries. His
trips off were for the purpose of disposing of
his plunder, converting it into cash, gener
ally in New Orleans, from which place a con
iderable quantity was recovered.
This man was an anomaly of his class,
the very embodiment of gentility, liberality
and personal beauty. He neither smoked,
drank, swore, nor indulged in obeoenltj, and
had all of the modesty and reticence of a
woman. Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiier,
Remove stains from cups and saucers by
scouring with fine coal ashes.
Cant iron stoves and ironware should be
heated gradually the first time they are
A polished floor can be kept looking nice
by wiping it over with a cloth saturated with
Severe pains in the bowels and stomach are
often speedily relieved by the application of
i bag of hot salt.
Bent whalebones can be restored and used
again by simply soaking in water a few
hours and then drying them.
As a dentriflce, salt and water is very'
cleansing and also hardens the gums. It will
also prevent the hair from falling out.
A good substitute for buttermilk in cook
ing is a thin batter made of flour and tepid
water, and allowed to remain long enough to
A bread and water poultice is made by dip
ping a piece of bread, after the crust has been
removed, into warm water. - Lift it out at
Mice and apply hot.
f Not only should mattresses be turned and
i ed at least three times a week, but pillows
wd bolsters ought to be beaten, shaken and
ucposed to the fresh air.
Make starch with soapy water and you will
Slid it a pleasure to do up your starched
joods. It prevents the iron from sticking
ind makes a glossy surface.
When potter's ware is boiled the pur
pose of hardening it, a handful nr two of
bran should be thrown into the w er, and
the glazing will never be Injured by acids or
Ink stains are entirely removed by the im
mediate application of dry salt before the
ink has dried. When the salt becomes die
jolored by absorbing the ink, brush it off atid
tpply more; wet slightly. Continue this till
the ink is all removed.
For musquito or gnat bites an- experienced
traveler writes that be uses a solution of
Uum water as strong as it can be made, add
ing one-fourth of aromatio vinegar and one
fifth of glycerine. Shake well before using.
It will instantly cure the bite.
Infants' toys should be systematically
cleansed. The child beslavers the implement
several times a day, and leaves saliva in the
rattle or whatever, as a culture bed of bac
teria. This condition of things oes on till
the toy is a magazine of animal poisons to
contaminate and recontaminato the innocent
victim of thoughtless inattention.
A weak solution of salt and water Is recom-
'meudod by good physicians as a remedy for
imperfect digestion, and for a cold in the
bead it is a complete cure snuffed from the
hollow of the hand. We have known severe
chronio cases of catarrh entirely cured by
persistent use of this simple remedy every
night and morning for several months, when
the best efforts of the best physicians failed
to do any good. It should be used milk war in.
Let your face always be younger than
your bonnet," is advice from high authority,
that the passe contingent will do well to
A novel parasol is composed ef silk hand
kerchiefs, so arranged as to make eight
points, one being laid cornerwise over an
other. Many of the newest hats seem to aim at
the flower garden effect, so many various
and wonder stirring are the blossoms they
A thick band of shaded rose petals, held in
place by green leaves and ribbon loops, is a
new and favorite garniture for evening
. To the so long worn veils of spotted tulle
Just reaching to the nose, have succeeded
those of spider web that are even more be
coming. The frilled "bed gown" of the olden time
has been revived, and now gets much choice
ornamentation from makers of women's un
derwear. "Putty" is one of the season's fashionable
hades, and a very pretty tone of warm
gray, with fawn lights, despite its unattract
ive name.
Mixed flowers are styliuh if not artistic,
and upon laee head gear, which must be of
the lightest, should look as though they had
been merely dropped in place,
The Mlnlner Thanked Heaven.
An old sea captain sat in the lobby of tbfj
custom house yesterday afternoon. He was
in a talkative mood, mid related a number '
of funny experiences he had hod with minis
ters. There was one in particular which,
amused him very much as he recalled it,
"Once, whei we left London," he began,
"to make a trip to Baltimore, among the pas
sengers on board was a preacher. We had
hardly got out of tho river before the good
man became awfully sick, and bo felt sure
something was wrong with tho ship. He re
lated his fears to me, aud to allay them I
took him to the fore port of the vessel, where
a camber of sailors werS at work,
" 'Do you hear those men swearf I afik&i.
"Yes,1 he replied. 'Isn't it shocking!
Teat will become of themf
" 'Well, I dont know, I answered, 'but it
must be plain they are not worried about the
condition of the ship.' The reverend gentle
man saw the point and feltf much easier.
"The next day a terrible storm arose. The
vessel plunged in the trough of the waves,,
and the passengers were greatly frightened.
'I noticed the preacher going to the same .
part of the ship, and I followed him. Sud
denly he stopped and listened attentively. .
Then he exclaimed: 'Thank heaven, they are
(till swearing.' I need not add that the boat
didn't go down." Baltimore News,
The Natural Result.
am introducing a new kind of
hair brush which
Business Man (impatiently) I've no use
tor a hair brush. Can't you see I'm bold!
Peddler Yessir. Your lady, perhaps
Business Man She's bald, too, except when
the goes out. '
Peddler Yes, sir. Child at home, proba
bly . '
Business Man Only a month old. Bald
Peddler Yes, sir. Yon keep a pet dog,
maybe ' . '
Business Man We do; but' it's a hairless
dog. ;
Peddler (desperately) Cant I sell you a
fly trap, sir t Chicago Tribune.
Why She Kept It-
Jobson What kind of an animal is that
you've got there, Jepson!
Jepson A hedgehog. It is one of my
wife's pets. -Job.
Strange kind of a pet, I should say.
Why does she keep such a thing as that about
Jep. Well, I;suppose it is because he has
so many fine points about, him. Boston
. A Swell Affair. .
Mrs. Veneering (complacently lolling In
carriage) There, John, I told you our new
turnout would attract a great deal of atten
tion. Everybody seems to be looking at it ,
Mr, Veueering (suddenly discovering three
urchins seated on the back springs) Hey,
there, driver! Whip behind. New York
Bun. . '
Poor Fellow.
Bmlth What has become of Dr. Cureallt
Jones The man who advertised to cur
very complaint under the sun! f
8. Yes. - . ,
J. Oh I he died the' other day from a com
plication of diseases. Boston Courier.
Jumped at" the Invitation.
The little son of C E. Huntsberger, of Ly
ons, has a live frog in his stomach, and all
efforts to expel it have failed. The boy held
the frog in his band and opened his mouth.
The frog jumped at the invitation, Omaha
A Summer Luxury.
"What do you keep that shivering little
beggar of a dog for i"
" Why, dean boy, it makes ms cool to look
at him. "-Life.
Following the Una of Duty.
Postmaster (pointing triumphantly at rat
bole) Do you see that bole! That's where to
much of the missing mail matter has gone.
The cat cauebt the rat a little while ago and A
dragged out a peck of letters, all torn and
chewed into little bits. That vindicates me
completely. , It was the rat, sir it was
the rat
Citizen (dubiously) But dldnt yon know
mail matter was missing all the timet
Postmaster Of course.
Citiseu-Then why didn't you catch the rat
Postmaster (with dignity) I'm not paid to
catch rate, sir. My business is to Aiiteud to
the postoflice. Chicago Tribune.
A pair of branching antlers, in oxidized
tit hl'irrl.t uilt.ui. 1....;.,. - 1, j:.
mond set at the tip of each spur, is a unique .
pattern fort brooch. '
A silver crescent in mottled oxidized silver ;
finish, and having a spray of forget-me-nok
in enamel sunk into the surface, is a taste'
desig;i in brooches.