3BAN0N EXPRE T Hi JUJ2J VOL. HI. LEBANON, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1880. NO. 7. BOCIKTV NOTIOKS. LKMANON LOIK1H NO. 44, A. V A. M.: Ml at thxlr iiiiw Imll hi IMiwiniln HIiMik, on Hnl uily raulns, OH or hsfur Hm lull union. J WAHHON, W, M, LEBANON I.OIMIIC, NO. 47, I. O. O. F.: Mwtn Hut iirdiijr availing of (null wwk, t Oilil Knll"' Hull, Main street; visiting htiithrnii oonllnlly InvHgil Is ttuid. . J.J. UHAKLTON, H. 0, HONOR IWOK NO. M. A. O. IT, W 1-nh.imii, Orvgon: Mwrts man flint mill tlilnl Tliumilav (mill ing Id the uioiitli. V. 11. KOHUOK. M. W . EELIOIOD8 NOTICES. M. K. IIUIU'II. Walton Hklpwnrth, pastor Horvlne ouch Hun day nt 11 a. m. hiuI 7 r. n. Hiimluy Hehool nt 10 A. m. eaeb Hiiiulity, PKKHMYTKHIAN l'IH!H(!ll. 0. W. fllbonv, pastor Hervlw each Hunrtiiy I 11 a. M. Hi'milHy Hehool 10 a. m. Hurvlee each Humliiy nlulit. CDMIIKHLANI) I'llKHHYTKRIAN I'llUHI II. J. U. Klrkpatrlek, pastor HnrVloes the 2nd ml 4th Hundnv hi 11 A. H. Mild 7 I'. M. Sunday Heboid CHCli Hiinduy ut 10 A. M. Orcpian Railway Co. ILiiiM! Line, O. M. BOOTT. Receiver. ToW Kftrt February IH, iHH, 1 O'clock, p. m. Between Portland and Ooburg 123Mllea. 11:80 u.m 4: Hi p. m fi-fJA p. in 7:2Up.m H:H7 li.m lll l.'p p.m lv. Portland (r.&W , V.) ar 4:41) p.m 11:0(1 a.m K:'2U.iii 7::il H.in :in H.in 4 W H ill Hllvurtuti.. West Hela HpllHT . . . llrnwiisvlllo ar t'nliunt.. lv HKTWBKN fllKTI.ANIl ANIl AlKI.IK, W H1I.KN. Foot (II Jellersoll Hlni'l. 11 :i am 2:41 p.m 4 fx. p. in 7:00 p.m 7:fc'p.ni H:.1Up.iii W. Portland (!'.& W. V.) Br l,afavtt Hhcrldan ... . HulluS ., Monmouth ar Atrllc. lv 4:40 p.m p.m 10:42(1.111 H:'4)d.m 7:f'2 h.iii :W. n in Commutation tleket Bt twii cunt per tulle ou sale at station havlnii bkciiU. Couiifetlim between Kay's nml Fultiart IjiiicIIiiks made with steamer " City of Salem. Tickets fur any point mi thin Hue for sale at the United Carrlairn ninl HiiKWiKe Transfer Coimmny's ofliee, Kceouil and Pine streets, anil 1'. it w. V. Ky. office and iluput, .foot of Jell'ur- tou street, Portland, Ori'Kim. C1IAS, N. HCOTT, lleceiver O. lly, Co. (Ld.) Lino, Portland, Oreiron. F. 1). MuCAIN, Train DUipiiteher. Dundie Junction, (JroKon. J. McOUIHK, Bupt. O. By. Co. (Ld.) Line, Dun dee Junction. General Olllee. N. W. Cornor First and Pine Btreuts, Portland, Oreiron. THE YAQUINA BOUTE, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. Oregon Development Company's Steamship Line. 3 Mhorter, 0 lloura l.ewa Time Tlian by any other Kuuio. 1 Flret-Olaes Throurh PaaBenger and Freight Line From Portland and all point In tli Willamette Valley to and from Kan KnincUco, Cal, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. TIMB HCHEIU'I.K, (Exropt Hundaya.) Alhiiuy 1:00 p.m. l.v Vuiiiliiu 0:41) a.m. l,v Corvnllii 10:!l( B.m. Ar Albany 11:10 it. in. Lv Carvnlllii 1:40 p.m. Ar Yniiiinu ;:) p.m t). i C, troltin conni-ot nt Allmny and CnrvallU. Thi bImiyi tralin (oinicdt at Ymiulna with the OrcKon DovMliipiiuMit t'liiiipiiny'a line of Htt'itm blp butwiHiii Yaiiilna and Sun KrannUiio, HAU.INM PATKH: aTKAMKKH. KIKIM H. K. ( Mil VAMl'lSA, WlllniiH'tlo ViilTcy DcconilMir j" iWomiier 12 Wlllaiiiftti' Valley i'niiilK?rl7 Dwicmbur 24 Wllhimett Valley lwtil r W J This company nwerveM tbo rlKlit to ehuiiKe callliiK diitc without notloe. I'awHMiKerN from I'orthuid and all W llliimnlte valley pointH enn make, clone eonneetlini with the train of the Yiiiiilnu route ut Albany or CorvalliH, and If ilenliiieii to Him KriineUco hould arruiiKe to arrive nt Ymiuiliu tbeeve nliiK before the iluto of kuIIIiiK fUHMCuu;er uiid Frrlclit Kuteti Alwuyntbi' Lowent, For Information apply to V. II. HAHWKI.L, (len'l Fr't & 1"bs. AKt. OrvKon Ixivel'piu'nl ()o :M MonlKoineryHt., hull Kriiiiclneo, Oul. (. V. IKXU'E, Act'K lien. K. A I'. AKt. O. P. li. K. K. Co., CorvalliH, liiegon. Willamette River Line of Steamers, Tbe"VM. M. 1I0A(I," tbu " N. 8. BENTLY," Tbc "THKKK BI8TEH8." Are In mirvlee for both pimHeimer and freight trutlle tM-tween Corvalll ami rortiann anu in- lurmulllulll lilllllta. ll'liVlllff COlllllHIl V' WllHff, Corvulll. and Mutuir. Ihiiiimn it Co.' wharf, Nob. 200 and 2ICJ Front utiet, Portland, Mon day, Wednenclny and Friday, milking three rouutt trijn eaen wee a ioiiowb ; NORTH HOt'ND. ' Leave Corvallls Monday, Wednesday, Friday, a. m.; leav Albany u. m. Arrive Hnloni, Monday, Yednedny, l-rlday, 8 p.m.! leave bulem, 'iuu(iuy, xniirHiiuy, ouuir iiuv.H a in. Arrive I'ortlund, Tuesday. Thursday, Satur day, 8:80 p. m. SOUTH BOUND. Leave Portland, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Arrive Halem, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7iKi p. lu.; leave Halem, Tuesday, Timrsnay, nut' unlnv. H a. m Leave. AlbuiiV 1:!10 D. III. Arrive Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday S:S0p.nt. ' W. L. CULBERTSON, NOTABY XU13JL1C MONEV J.OAIW Kl. All kind of leiiul nauor drawn aceurntoly nd neatly. Any work intrusted to my naro will receive prompt ana careiui attention, Colleetlon a specialty. Klelo, lilnn (Jeua SAW MILL . FOR SALE. A Double Circular Water Power Saw Mill. INTonr Lebanon, Or. Capacity about BOO'lTeet per flay. Alao, 41 acre 01 lunn on wnicn me mbwhiiu iu locaUid, PRICE, if2,000 AIho have a large stock of FIRST QUALITY LUMBER At loweat market rate for cabh. U. W. WHKRLKK, Lebanoa, Or. T. S. iriLLftlJUTl-Y, JEWlSLItV, BKOWXHVIM.K, OKM.ON BURKHART & BILYEU. Propriuton of the Livery, Sale ana FbbiI Staples JLKBAKOS, OK. Southeast Corner of Main and Sherman. Fine Buggies, Hacks.Har oessand COOD RELIABLE HORSES For parties going to Brownaville, Wa terloo, Hweet Jlonie, Hcio, and all parts of Linn County. All kinds of Teaming DONE AT REASONABLE RATES. BURKHART & BILYEU , Rectmt statistics show that the number of colleges and institutions in the country is the suiue as it was ten years ago, but the number of students has increased from 11,101 to 32,315 in the same period. A writer in the Congrogatlonalist says that the word deacon has fallen into disropute, because so many repu table writers have made deacons the butts of ridicule and satire. The re sult of this is seen in the re luctance of so many good men to ac cept this ottloe in the New England churches. jVn eigni-year-old boy whoso super abundant animal spirits require an oe. casioual check was looking at some of Dhotocruphs of his mother winch had just beeu sent home. There were two views, and the youngster was very de cided in his preference for one over the other. "Why do you prefer thatr' asked his mother. "Because," said he, "in the other one you look us if you meant It. Boston .transcript. -Whon the spring rains come do not allow any of the water to now into the well. Grade up around the well mi-vv f if.! -$V, - - ;.' I so as to turn the surface water off. AN INTELLIGENT DOG, V j Rome of the Very Itnmarkfthic Peat Per formed by a Clever Hotter. In the southern part of Sumner County, Ksn., close to the line of Indian Territory, lives an old pioneer by the name of I. I BurAict, who is known throughout all that section of country as "I. L," the rest of the name being considered superfluous or too formal to. accord with the character of the individual whom it adorns. I. L. is truly a character, kind-hearted and hospitable, but rough and uncouth, and given to blowing his own trumpet. But with all his notoriety he is not nearly so much of a character as his old setter, Frank. . Frank was a large, powerfully-huilt dog, with no extra lumber, but with bone and muscle enough to defend him self against all onslaughts from his canine acquaintances, and with a suffi cient quantity of that useful article commonly called "sand" to carry his idoas of right and justice to a success ful issue. The first dash of five miles would not be characterized by the high-headed raoe-horse speed of a Roderigo, Bob GateB, or Oath's Mark, but for a month's hunt in the heavy covering of the Territory prairies he would hold his own against the best in the land. He did not hunt on the quartering plan, but after surveying the country would select the most likely bird cover, and without any ex tra ceremonies or graceful wavings of the flag would "go for them" f a common-sense, business-like manner. When hunting for quails, chickens, turkeys or deer he would let all other game alone for the kind wanted, and he was equally good on alL On one occasion, after slow-trailing a buck with Frank for several hours, L L. came upon the deer, which was remarkable for its Bize, in a deep ravine, where it was browsing. Tak ing deliberate aim I. L. fired, and the stately old fellow dropped ntly dead, shot through the n I Ing down the steep side of th . L. proceeded to cut the tl- his prize, when at the first( s. ol the knife the buck sprang 'to his feet, throwing the hunter to one side luck ily near to where the discharged gun was lying and as soon as It partially recovered from its dazet condition caused by the bullet which had "creased" its neck, showed fight L L. had just time to work the lever of his Winchester when ttfe maddened beast was upon him. He fired, but at such close quarters that the bullet only suc ceeded in shearing a bunch of hair from the back of the animal, and the next moment he expected to feel the horns and hoofs piercing and tramp ling him to death. But assistance was at hand, and beforeyou could say "Jack Robinson" Frank had the buck by the ham. I. h. retreated up the side of the bank and attempted to throw in another cartridge, only to find the shell fast. Frank and the deer in the mean time were having a regular rough-and- tumble fight. He had to let go of his hold on the deer's ham to catch him by the throat, to which proceeding the buck entered his protest by a vigorous use of both hoofs and horns, for in a short time he was covered with dust and blood from his own and the deer's wounds. I. L., upon seeing the danger of his boon companion, became frantic in his efforts to eject the old shell, and. of course, made less headway than if he had kept his head. At last rrnnk secured a hold upon the throat of his antagonist, and, although severely fanned about, he held his hold until the refractory shell was thrown out replaced by another, when the combat was brought to a termination by a shot through the heart of the noble beast who had contendod so bravely for ex istence and revenge upon his assail ants. When the deer dropped the old dog at once came to his master for the praise he had so nobly earned, and for the dressing of his wounds, some of which were very deep and no doubt painful. American Meld. , A LUCKY CONSTABLE. View of a Man Wlio Can Sea Good Eveu In Adversity. While waiting at Decatur for the train to Huntsville a constable came in from the country with a neerro. It was late at night and they had a long walk. The officer wanted something to eat before walking his prisoner over to the walkup, and he handcuffod the man to the batrtraire truck. He then went over to the hotel, seeming to feel that all was safe and secure. The netrro was asked what he had been arrested for, and he explained that he had driven home and killed the wromr hoar, it was a mistake which any colored man was liable to rnttKeiu a country wtiere the nogs look so much alike, and he asserted that his conscience was resting perfectly quiet under the legal accusation. He was homesick, however, and sighed for the bosom f his family. "Then , why don't you go homeP" asked the Colonel. "Can't git away from dis yare truck," was the reply. Can't you carry the truck on your shoulder?" "Say, boss!" said the man as h leaned forward, "doan' tlk to me about de black man gittin' ahead! I'd hev sot yere a hull week an' nebbe? thought of that trick! Wid your kind permishun I will now take a walk." He shouldered the truck and disap peared in the darkness, and half an hour later; when the constable came around and discovered , what had occurred all he could say was: "Dog-gone it, but I'm in luck! If I'd fastened him to that freight car he'd hav gone off with it just the same, and the railroad would hev come on to me for $5.000!" Dfttroit. Free Press. LOWER CAUIFOTifllA. 1 Project on Foot to Add It to the Coma try by Purchase Many people in the southern part of the State of California are interested In a project to add to this Republic by friendly purchase from Mexico the territory of Lower California. Mr. Vandever, one of the Representatives af California in Congress, has sug- ?sted a plan for such an annexation. He is of the opinion that, for the sum af, say twenty million dollars, Mexico would be quite willing to part with Lower California, as it puts the 'region to very little use, and has already granted a large portion ot it to an American commercial and colonizing sompany. Lower California .has not, indeed. received any development worth men tion under the rule of either the Span lards or the Mexicans. It has always been regarded by them as almost val ueless. A great part of this peninsula, which extends for more than seven hundred miles along the western coast of Mexico, is mountainous, and other parts are arid and sterile. There is, however, on the other hand, much land that might be rendered product ive under enterprising development, and unquestionably a certain wealth in minerals exists. The climate of the greater part of Lower California is said to be quite as delightful and sa lubrious a9 that of Southern Cali fornia, and the occupation of so much of the land in the latter section by set tlement has attracted attention to the great peninsula to the southward. But Americans do not like to settle in a foreign land. They are excellent colonists, but only under their own flag. It is not at all likely that citi zens of the United States would settle in any large numbers in Lower Cali fornia unless that territory were made a part of this Republic. Our people have no disposition to possess them selves of this region, or of any other, for that matter, except with the friendly consent of the power to which it is now subject Having this fact in view, it is stated that the representa tive from California named above, Mr. Vandever, will, at the next ses sion of Congress, present a resolution looking to purchase. It appears strange, beyond a doubt, that so vast a country as Lower Cali fornia should have remained for cent uries undeveloped andalmostunsettled, if it is indeed a region capabhaof profit tble development; but it is to be re membered that nearly all the territory we have acquired from Mexico, in cluding California itself, was pVaoti cally an unde veloped wilderness until it came under the influence of American enterprise. It is not at all probable that Lower California would ever be a second California or Texas. It does uot appear to possess more than - a fraction of the natural resources of either of those great States. It might, possibly, make a promising new Territory if it could be acquired under advantageous circumstances; but the project will be far more inter esting to the people of California than to those of any other part of the coun try. Youth's Companion. Countess de Coetlogen, of Italy ; Miss Blake, of lirjston. Baroness de Rivjere, of Italy; Miss Blunt, of Mobile. Countess Amadei, of Italy; Miss Lewis, ti Connecticut. Countess Galli, of Italy; Miss Roberts, of Philadelphia. Baroness Quartorze, of Belgium; Miss Gor don, of Ohio. Princess de Lynar, of France; Miss Fax- sons, of Quw. ,, miu ucOHGE OF GHEECE. llloKraplilea and Historical Information Not Found In Knoyoiopmii". The information that Mr. George (no relation to Henry), the gentlemanly and affable King of Greece, contem plates retiring from the reigning in dustry, makes it desirable to cease from the maddening whirl of every-day life, and look up his record. George comes of a family wnicti nas had considerable experience in the monarch line. The old gentleman, George's father, Christian IX., is King of Denmark. His big sister, Alexandra, married the Prince of Wales, and has been in training for the position of Oueen of Kneland for a good many years; and another sister, Miss Dagmar, is now officiating as Czarina of Russia. The Kingdom of the Hellenes (as tne natives call 10 is not a very large country, as countries go, but it is really the biggest Greeeo spot on the map. Theoeonleuse. even on week days. a handsome alphabet of the Doric style of architecture, which Is, however, an Greek to those who have never stud ied it ' There Is a exeat deal of history at tached to Greece in one way and anoth er. Some of this history is quite old and shelf-worn. After the Western Roman Empire met with a backset at the polls, and gave way to a change of nlmlniutrntinn tlm KfLfltnm. Or riVZatl- tine F.mpire. struggled along lor aoom a thousand years in semi-comatose state. In 1493. however, the lurks secured the title to all the corner lots and some other real estate in Constantinople and several t adjoining counties, inducting . what is now Greece, and ruled the country with their own peculiar brand of tyranny for 360 years. ' This rule failed to give satisfaction. ana me irreeas yeurueu jui rauim 1 1 1 n f ..m an1 a tidal wave. It came at length. 1 ne leaders of the opposition were Marco Bozzaris, Esq., Mr. Michigan Ypsilantl and other influential gentlemen; but their efforts at reform were discouraged by a reprehensible habit the Turks had of massacreing patriots. Finally sev eral European nations took a hand in the game, and assisted the Greek's in throwing off the Turkish yoke. The selection of a monarch was the next thing to order. Princo Leopold, of Belgium, was nominated, and his pull was sufficient to secure his elec tion. He disliked the situation, how ever, and threw it up. The Greeks then tried an interregnum, but this did not suit Mr. Otho, of Bavaira, was then imported to officiate as monarch. He was seventeen years old when he began to reign, and held the situation thirty years. A revolution getting ripe about that time, he abdicated. . - The Greeks then offered the throne to Prince Alfred, an Englishman, promising to re-upholster it and white wash the palace; but Alfred was in the hands of his friends, who refused to let him go so far from homo. Anothor attempt to get some one to undertake the job resulted 1b the selection of Mr. George, the subject of this sketch. This was in 1863. Having been en gaged in the arduous and absorbing labor of ruling for twenty-five years, George now wishes to retire to secure a much needed rest. He has con tracted the abdication disease, which sooner or later attacks all Grecian kings, and it will soon carry him off.- W. H. Siviter, in Drake's Magaziue. The lftte Oliver Ditson lert 13, OOOfortho founding of a home for poor singers... ' But the sum is . ap pallingly inadequate. Fifteen mill ions wouldn'J, house half of them. Puck. Eastern Young Lady (to Western young man) "Is not cultivation ex tending very rapidly in the West Mr. Breezy P" Mr. Breezy "Oh, yes, ma'am; I have 200 acres under culti vation, agin about half that last year." Our happiness depends on little things, says a philosopher. This is true. A man who comes into posses sion of a plugged quarter can never know true happiness till he succeeds In passing it off on some one. Boston Courier. "A tribe in the palm region of the Amazon cradles the young in palm leaves." In this country a palm also enters largely into the work of bringing up the young, but it is used more in thrashing than in cradling. Norristown Herald. The man who always insists upon telling the exact truth, finds himself a sort of nine-spot, when he gels mixed up with a party of duck hunt ers, and the quicker he gets over the idea the sooner will he enjoy himself to the full extent of the law.