The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 12, 1889, Image 5

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    FIGS AS FOtfD.
The Mont Nutritious of All Krults Eicept
the Olive.
l)ne of ihn PorHlun klnrs caused the
fcolubrutnd Attio fl(rs to be sot before
him wtittiiuvor ho dinod, for one reason,
to remind him that tho land where
thoy grow wan not yothls, and that. In
stead of wcolvirijr tho fruit as a tribute,
ho was obliged to buy It from abroad;
and, for anol lior, that It was not only
tho oniblom of health, but tho moH)
wholesome fruit grown. The llg Is
now pretty well known to be, especially
nl cnt'tnln houmous, almost the common
food of tho Italian people; and for
months thoy may be said to live en
tirely upon It. An Dr. Nichols Hays,
it Ih not only possible for a man to live
upon (Urn, but Hitting under his own
vino and fig tree, a man bun plenty ol
food and no landlord. When eaten
froHh the fig Ih a mediolno as well an
food; and they who eat freoly need no
fiotioiis and no aperlentH. Full of nu
trition and all thono. properties that
inako it valuable us an artlele ot diet,
we are confident that the fig will take
a prominent position In tho oHtlmation
of all who work for and believe in food
roform. For myHolf, I would simply
add that, again and again, without
liquid of any kind, the luscious .green
fig. oaten with whole-meal bread, haa
formed a dish at once simple but rich,
and like tho Spaniard's salad, lit for a
king. Tho fig Is uot only very popular,
but It Is the moHt antiltmt fruit we cul
tivate In many countries the failure
of thin crop alHo means starvation and
futnlno. Travelers in Asia Minor and
southern Europo provide thomHelves
with flgB and olivos as provisions for
long journeys, and not only livo, but
grow fat on the diet Tho lig has more
tnodlcinul proportion and more nutri
ment than any other fruit with the Bl
eep lion of the ollvo. Interior.
It is well for young married
couples on wedding tours to olmerva
certain rules, and ono good one is for
the husband to romain seated in a
crowded car while bis bride hangs on
to the strap. People will Imagine then
that they have been married a long,
long time. Yonkers fcUHomiiun.
An old physician, retired from praetleo, bav
ins hud plaeed iu hi bauds by an Kant India
nilMlouary the formula nl a simple vegetable
remedy fer the aiieedy and permanent euro f
Conniinijil.liiii, lirouehltls, Catarrh, Asthma,
and aU Throat and I.uiik AnVetlnns. also a posi
tive and radieal eure for Nervous Dehllity and
all Nervnua Complaints, after having tented its
wonderful rnrntlve powers hi thouwintls of
fane, haa (It It hln duty to make It. known to
hi auftVrliix follow. Antuated hr thia motive
aud a di-nlre to relievo human suftVrliiif, 1 will
Betid free of charge, to all who desire It. thin re
rlpe, In (tiTiimn, French or KligllHh, with full
direction for preparing and uninK. Sent hy
mail hy adUreMlng with lanip, naming thin
paiier, W. A. NoYKH, 1W VV-wrr Muck, Aueies
hr, A'. 1'.
Lot every man sweep the nnow from before Vila
own door, and not trouble hiumelf iihout the
front on bin uelghlior's lllei.
White Eli'phuttt of Slam, Lion of Eno
luud, llruirun of China, Crtma of .Switiscr,
land, Itiinner of l'omla, Creacent of Ktfvpl
Double, Unule of UiiNaia, Star of Chill, 'l'he
Circle of Japan, klurp of Krin.
To Kt tliea buy a boji of the genuine
Ph. C. McI.ank'h C'ki.kiikatkd LivtR
1'il.i.s, price Z. cciiu, and mail us the out
hIiIh wrepjHtr with your address, plainly
written, and 4 rents in stamps. We will
then mail you the above lint with an ele
gant package of oluegraphlc and chro
malic tarda.
Fleming linos., Fitthiicho, Pa.
A man In already of eoiueip-encc in the world
when it In known that we can implicitly depend
ou in in.
Ileliulile nnd Alwa) k the Name
ltUANDKKTH 8 l'll.l.s are the oldent, saf
eat and beat blood purifier and purgative
known. They are purely veritable, there
fore lmrmleHH. They are always the Maine
and always produce the saineelluct, Other
puriftttlves require Increased dosea and fi
nally cease hcUuk nl t ogether. A i:our
of one or two of 1(uaiiui:tii h f'lixs
taken each niilit la a poHitive cure forcmi
HlliJHlk), headache, and all bilious disor
der. 1( j can't lake them plain, get
tlieiu RUKur-cimled.
(Mir life Is abort; but to extend that npan
Vimt eternity In virtue' work.
A Wonderful Food and Medicine
Known and used hy Phynlclans ull over the
world. Kcolt'a I'.inulniou not only gives
flenh and strength by virtue of Itn own nutrl
tloiin propertied, bill creiilen ail itppltilo for food
thai bulldn up the wanted body. "I have been
lining Heott'a Kinulnloii (or nevoral yearn, mid
am pleased with Its iii'llou. My piitleuln nay it
In pleasant anil pnliiliilile, and all grow stronger
eaten ol vt anting iiiciihch, ami It in npeciuuy
and gain llenh from the iine of It. I line It In all
nnnful (or children when nutrient medicine in
needed, an In Marasmus."'!'. V. I'lNiit'K, M. 1).,
Mioxvilio, Ala.
"Know tk-yself," mild the old phllonophor.
"Improve thyself," wild the new.
for (ouirlis. Aatlinia, wild Throat
lino "llrown'$ Hronchical," IKi eta a box.
Home men are born fuoln, but the majority of
tin achieve loollnhlienH.
I wan taken nick while .at tho dinner table
with terrible tllntn-nn In mr nloinaeb. Ilnfore
thin I hail been hearty and ntronK. For fourteen
day I keptKcltliiK worne, denplle the etl'orln of
two doctoin. I lost forty poundn, and wan nutls
lled that 1 could live but a few dayn. My trou
ble wan Blouiali and Liver Oompbilnt, renult
iiiK In an attack of bilious colli). At thin time
I miw lr. iMivhl KeiilieiLv'n Kavorile Remedy, of
Kimdmit, N. V , advertlned, and nent for a bot
tle. I also nent for myphynlciau.and told lilin
that I wan goliiK to try the Kavorile Umnedy.
He examined It and told me to line it three days
and let. him know the renult. In the three days
I walked four tulles. Itr. Kennedy' Kavorile
Hemedv ban naved my life. W. H. Ill User, Hlate
Milln, Honk Co., Ohio.
kknnkdy's Kavoiutk Khhkdv, made at
lionndout, N. Y- II; 6 forf.
Send for book, how to euro Kidney, Liver ami
Mood dUordcrn.
Bo not simply good; be good for louiuthing.
1 iideaervedly jMUh'd At.
The nnthliiklnii are prone tn make ?nmeof
nervnunnenn. Yet thin in a very real hii'1 nerloun
allllctlon, tliebarranHlinrnviniitoiMniif which are
rendered all the more poiirmiiit by ridicule The
ntomach In unually renponnlhle for thene nomp
tomn ltn weaknenn and dlnordnr II nd a reflex In
the hralu, which In the )eadiiarlrn of the ner
volin nyntem. Ana nerve toule and tri)!,
we believe that not one can be pointed out no
effective an Hontetter'n Htomsoh lllttem. in re
newing vlKoroun (llneHllon, it ntrlken the key
note of recovery of ntreiiirlh and quietude by
the nerve, ilendaeben, tremorn In quiet nleep.
abnormal neunlflveiienn to unexpected uolnen
all thene modify and ultimately dlnappear an
the nyntem Kalnn ntrenirth from the ((real ton Id.
Iiynp'epnla, hllloimncHn, rheuiiallnm. eonntlpa
t Ion and kidney complaints are nuMued by the
ill I tern.
The ntool of repentance ban no nunblon.
'iiiiiHplnti Morel v 'ore1.
To Tim Kiutok: I'leane inform your readers
that J Iihvc a positive remedy (or the above
limned il incline. )iy Itn timely tine thoiiHniiihi
of lioiielens eanea liave been iieriiiiiiii'iitly cured.
I sliiill he bIihI to send two bottles of my reme
dy riiKR to liny of your readers who have coii
siiniplloii If ihey will send inn tbeli express
and pnntofnee address. Hespectfullv,
T. A. HLOCUM , M. C, i 1'i arl nu, New York.
Tti OsnttiKn for tirnHiffH.i,
lis superior rxaallnac prmw In mUllaos of homes for
mora U.ui uuwtor ot ft oeukury. It Is lined bf tin
United Htahsi Qniaruaiut. Kndiimrd tf th beads of
the Oroal UolronitlM as tlic Stitxismt, Purnand must
Hnalthf ul. lit. Frlm'n Oraun Baking l'owdar dean ool
euuuia Ammonia, Llnie or Alum, hold milf In om
Ravin sr for the put four or Ave yoars been troublod
with pimplus and blotches on my fuve and body, and
flnclimr no relief In any of the chemically prired
aoaps and nwdiclnaa prasorilwd for mo by pbysluians.
l conoiuunu so try your d. n. o. ruuiuoy, kiiu unvv
found Rrot ruliul in the same, four bottles clearing'
my skla entlruly. I cheerfully recommend your
modiolus loan who are in me posicum mat I navs
Iwn in. You oan use this letter and my name as a
testimonial to the nioriW of tho 8. 8. S. remedy.
Vory truly yours, Amr.a P. KonimoR,
3i0 Sansome Kt, San Francisco. Cal.
tUT Rend for our honks on lllood and tiklu Wie
aaaa aud advice to surTerern, mulled fne.
iJrawer 3, Atlanta, Ua.
Roll eves and cure
Sciatica, Lumbago.
Toothache, Sprains,
Burns and Scalds-
At rirniteiiiln and Dealers.
Diamond Vera-Cura
A roaiTiTt mmi ro iKDiomnoa as au
KaHMk TmblM Arlilaj tiuntnm.
Tmtr Druffffil or Uaurai OtaUr will f IW
Oum for fou if not alrrudy m tturk, or tl vnt M
rnnt bf mail on rawlpt a , ctt, (b bvart m
Mnmpt. HampU mi rm p j-tmU lamp
tn CHARLES a. VOGELC CO.. BilUasar. H4
a4 ffwnMan MS tinsmns
NO 8. 183 and 134 THIRD 8TKEKT,
Portland, Oregon.
Is tb only FHtiM Dlt
pensuT In f'ortland or on
the ftorthwest OosH,
where patient are nil a
tullvtrested ferallMKKV
Otik CHIMIN 10
young or old, singli or
married, such as
lost man noon,
Nervous debility, seminal
losses, failing mom ry,
syptnlltlo onmtlous, cf
lu. . u. Biuieury. kidnef
and bladder troables, gon
orrhea, gleet, stricture eto.
Seattle Dispensary, 8Snr,
aU t liLK. W. T.
MrnVrmiQ Dcoillty.I-oss nf VIbw. BemlnsJ
Ibri W WO Wuttk Alemory, Htnpoa-
dsncy. iio doetoexooHsesoraljuiw.oiu'ea.
YOIIMO tJt rW snrferte fyom the effertn
I WIIV inKfl of youlhiillliooi inilis
eretlon should avail themcl esof our treatment,
A positive cure iruarantecd ia every cane. Hyphilis,
Urinary and Vt'iisrcal l'iwaivs all nauatuxal dit-
cnarKes. promptly and naleiy cured.
ease of Kidneys or Blsddet. Weak Back. Nervous
Ilebillty, V. Bxtmir of hi-iiu.' fctrt'UlfUL, ete cured
and restored to heah hy vuror,
N. B. Person nnshle to visit us rear be treated
at their homes, by eorrenpondenoe. iiediemes an,1
instruction sent by mail or express. Consnltatiut
J-rw. Bend 4 cents In stamps lut 'iht Young Mau'l
brlaud or tulUo tu Vi xliuclt.
Jr AT norsf la ) s
f 1 TO I HATS. J
. 6rftatMS M isj
pa ltrdl;bytfca
I proscribe and tnlbr en.
I dome Wk ti ss the only
specific lorilie certain cure
of thin dlHeiine.
Amnlerduui, N. Y.
W have sold lilg J for
many yearn, and It hua
" I, elven thu bent of sails
OlnoinnatlJifTa L.-tion.
La li. H. DYCHK TO.,
' M Chieaa-o, ill.
isrtl S1.00. Bold by lirufb-ints.
OPIUM -"fiSSESli"6
Iir. Weatherby's Antidote, In use 17 yearn.
Special Morphine Habit Cure also. Corrcs-
Jondenee Conlldentliil. Cull on or address J.
. AIKKN, Mmmucr, HiHini M, tit. Ann's Htiild
luK, rian Kraneintio.
t fin nut niHiin nirrnly tt ntop them fur ft time and
thuii hitve tljMii H'tuiu niiiii. J wmu rmlical ourv.
I biive mdu tlio ili aK' v1 kith, i:rii.rl,.v urrAU.
IHU hiuk n tin it llttvluiLK htuily. Wrtrmiit uiy rmtMty
to cwru Uw wimt on. I(tcuue otin.Ta liitvj tuileiii
uo mtutm for uot no rocHiviiiK oi. Hrtu at uiioe
for tntitiw mi, n friw UtUu of my iuiullililu ivuitiiy.
U U. UO U M O. 83Penriat., IWYork.
Manufactured from FINE8T BPKI.VO PTEEL,
ltubbcr Couted, Hull no aud t-atiu Covered.
Not to Hunt. Break or Split Stitched to the
Heams, No pockets or hot irons required.
r A I TltMU BEVTARE of worth
jfJ I ILlMs less imitations, gee
that " EVER REAUY " is stamped on the back
of each 8' ay.
Are made of the name material, with elastic
end and Buck lex.
fVAsk for the EVKK-KEAUYS tays and Ex
tenders, aud take no other.
H'ja Market Mr--t, 8. F.
Kkwakii If )-otl have mi Old Bore that needs
hi allnif, and that other remedies have failed to
heal; or a hrcnkliiK out or itehlin; of the sculp
or body; or a iloll, Hum, Cut, or any ailment for
which a r-alve in suitable, buy a "ii-ceiit box ot
Mexican Waive, which is Warranted to
Cure when everything else falls. If not kept by
your aruKKlat send u cent m stamps to j. c,
liKMKNT, AKt., Astoria, Or., aud receive a box
by mail.
Because a gull it a very fooliah bird tbat will
swallow ftnythlug you offer it. Wien you ask
for "Seul of North Carolina Hug Cut''8uiok
ing Tobacco, and the dealer wants you to try
some cheap brand ou which he wakes a much
larger profit, ho in simply trying to "jrull" you.
lie knows as well as you do that "Seal of North
Carolina Plug Cut" is the luoat popular aud
the beat Smoking Tobaccoon the Pacific Coast
Smith's Gash Store, 418 Front St., 6. F Cal.
largest general dealers west of the Mississippi
River. Dry Goods, Motions, Hosiery, Under
wear; Wall Paper, Stationery, Blaukots, Bed-1
ding; Boots, aud Bhoes; C'auued Goods, Dry
fruits; Wooden, Tin, Crockery, Glass ,Grault.
and Hardware; Meat, Fish, Provisions, Honey,
Grain, Feed, Groceries, Pure Bplcoi, Beeds, Be
ans; Drugs, Medeclues; Clocks, Ammunition,
Rubber Goods, Tents, aud quantities of other
goods at lowest prloes for Cash only. Send S a
sump for full list by first mall, and learu bow
to live cheap and well at small cost; 82 years la
names; Customers In every County west of
the Rocky Mountains, and many elsewhere.
isaued Maroh and Sept.,
i each year. It is an euoy.
jolopodio of useful infor.
'mution for all who pur
ohoae the luxuries or the
nooosaitios of life. We
oan olothe you and furnish you with
nil the necessary and unneoesaory
appiiimooa to ride, walk, donee, sleep,
eat, fish, hunt, work, go to ohuroh,
or stay at homo, and in various sizes,
styles and quantities. Juat figure out
what Ih required to do all those things
COMFORTABLY, and you oan make a lair
estimate of the value of the BUYERS'
GUIDE, whioh will be sent upon
reoeipt of 10 cents to pay postage,
111-114 Miohigan Avenue, Chicago, 111.
C )
Sold on Trial!
-v nwiimciii, it i j, jironu
llatiro. H-nd Ski lir muiiinvr
Inrire tiluBiraifd C'aUil L'ue
Ijwith full pnt uuultui. iiau
il'uotuiyii by
J hirutf , 111.
1,1 erne MaiKiiiary, Minus, grips anil
'V Inori
irunn'sfutt! hy initil on reoli,t of Si
'eoila 1'iihUnhliia; Co.,
St. i'aul, iMIiin.
You will Save 25 per oent
And conaldorable Time by placing your
Ordrit-H for Type. I'roaao'j, Materi!, luku,
eto with .
Oornnr Front and Aldwr, Port and.
N. P. W. U. No. JS7U-S. Jf. N. U. No. 866
like to know, espiM'iallv
Markiko I.amks of dell
oale health, riind stami)
for full particulars of this (treat boon to women,
sent In securely sealed letter. UK. GKAKMli,
box 1M1, Sau Fraueiseo, Cal.
ItKrhiT J, ff
s e (
by return mall,
iuu aescnptive
circulars of
TV I-' fl
r i
i -A
Any lady of orM
nary intelligence
can easily and
quickly learn to
cut and make
any garment, la
any style to any
measure for lady
or child. Address
U003Y & CO.,
Cinoiooati, 0. '
to a day. Samples worth )i.l5
r ifKK. iiinesnot under norses unit.
Write Hreunter Safety Kelii
Holder t o.. Jlollv , Slleh.
9 1 CI n If H I BACH. Gblr, Koejiiah
Pianos; BnrdeM Orsaos, band liutninieuls. Laranst
sDook of Hheet Miuuo and Books. Bauds auppllea at
eastern Prions. UAIXHU8 OEAV Ot. IM Fust
Itraet, Haa Vraoataoo
finding his patient suffering from that most common of American maladies
Bilious Dyspepsia, or, in other words, from Torpid Liver, associated with indi
gestion, advised him to go to the drug store and get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery the world-famed remedy for such ailments -
Golden Medical Discovery acts powerfully upon the Liver, and through that
great blood-purifying organ, cleanses the system of all blood-taints and impuri
ties, from whatever cause arising. It is equally efficacious in acting upon the
Kidneys, and other excretory organs, cleansing and strengthening, them and
healing their diseases. As an appetizing restorative tonic, it promotes digestion
and nutrition, thereby building up both flesh and strength. It is the only
medicine of its class, guaranteed to benefit or cure, in all diseases for wbiclv,
it is recommended, or money paid for it will be promptly refunded. 1
Copyright, 1888, by World's Dispensart Medical Association, Proprietors.
C3 X ' Jb !Ej!Ct3EH for an incurable case of
"s""" Catarrh in the Heid by
the proprietors of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY.
Hl'MPTOMM OF ATAltKH.-Headache, obstruction of noso, disobarars
fallinar into tiiroat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick,
tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; eyes weak, ringing in ears,
deiiincsa. difficulty of cluarina; throat, expectoration of offensive matter;
breath offensive, smell and taste impaired, and frenernl debility. Only a
f.fw of thine symptoms likely to be present at onoe. Thousands of cases
result tn consumption, and end in the errnvc.
By its mild, soothing-, antiseptic, cleansing, and beullng properties. Dr. Sage's Remedy
cures tiie worst uwi Only ail cents. Sold by druggists everywhere. .
Paine's Celery Compound
Purifies the Blood, -Strengthens
the Nerves,
timulates the Liver,
Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels.
Gives Life and Vigor to every organ.
There's nothing like it
" Last spring, belnf? very much run down and
deblUtated, I procured some of Fame's Celery
Compound. The use of two bottles made me
feel like a new man. As a general toulc and
Bpruyr medicine, I do not know lta equaL"
... W. L. Okkkmlkap,
Brigadier General V. M. G., BiirhXton, Vt
H-W. 81x for $3.00. At Druggists.
Use It Now!
"Having used your Palne's Celery Compound
tnls spring, I can safely recouuni-nd it as the
most DOWerflll mid Hi. aamn tlmn nnut.'
gentle regulator. It is a wpleniild nei-ve toulo.. -
ana since uuang it I nave lelt lll;e a new man."'
fi. E. Knokb, Watertown, Dakota.
Weijs. TticHAHDsoy & Co. Props. Biu-lington, Vt
1 - . -i.?
I. AV,;v;. ' ' - , ; -
'v. f
Deliclous Biscuit
Ask your Grocer for
tJ Vfr 1 1L.. I..,.!.. B-
Ibsulutriy Far.
T23:E3' best
For Men and 33oys at
E mm
Lick House Block, San Francisco.
S7 Years in present location.