The Lebanon express. (Lebanon, Linn County, Or.) 1887-1898, April 12, 1889, Image 3

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life Lebanon Express.
Jill DAY, APRIL 12, 1880.
Ho sure nd mo llarbtnw new d.
thlH Isstio.
I)r. Dudley returned from Bwcet
Home Tuesday.
Miss I(1h Montague Is vlnitlng frlcnda
in Albuny this week.
Job. Davidson visited Vancouver,
W, T., last week, returning Sunday.
Win. Retherford In erecting ft neat
residence in tho northeastern part of
, Joe Harbin makes horseshoeing a
K)i)lKl(y and guarantees to make yur
rdioes ,
thanks .or twenty-nine
wr from Mill City and
rock Mil.
Mr.T. C. Peeblor made Albany ft
vlHlt last Tuesday.
Mr. Fred. Techier has rcHlgnod Ids
p Dillon at the hotel and loft last Mon-
duy tor Portland.
T. 0. Pecbler'H dwelling In noarlng
completion. When done it will be an
ornament to our town.
Mrs. J. F. Stubblefleld, of Walk
Wulla, W. T In visiting Lor fathers'
family and friends here.
Died, on Sunday, April 7, at fcwwt
Home, of consumption, Miss Rena
Morris, aged lxut 20 years.
J. I'. Huil, of Albany was on out
streets Wednesday working In the in
terest of the Columbia bicycle.
Mr M. M. Cleaver and Hon, of Mt.
Angel, were hero visiting Mr. Renjam
ln Cleaver tho first of the week.
Rev. J. It. Klrkpatrick and wife left
yesterday for McMlnnvlllc, to attend
tho Presbytery of the C. P. Church.
C. D. Montague sold two of his lots
In block 4. Cowun's addition to Leba
non to II. E. Parrlsh. Consideration,
When you want your tires shrunk bo
nuro and give Hurbin a call, for he
shrinks without outtinj or welding the
Mr. A. 12. Williams and wife left
WVilnesdav for McMlnnville. where
they will attend tho Oreguu Presby
tery. Messrs. Burkhnrt & Btlycu sent two
tennis no oil the O. P- 11 It. hint
Wednesday to take the surveyors and
Thos. Parker expects to leave here
next week to engage in the livery bus
iness at Albauy. Lebanon's loss Is Al
bany's gain.
Komo df our young boys(?) have con
cluded that It does not pay to take the
tM. imln to fiodavllle. so went in
hack last Sunday.
J. A. Denrd ha erected an eWgant
lirn: also It. L. MeClure has put up
one. All our business men should foi
low their example.
Rev. G. W. Olbony and C. D. Mon
tague have purchnsed a block in Rals
ton und Cowan's addition, where they
fxtwi-t. la erect residences in tho near
vlsltlne Sodavillo will do
well to call at 8. O. Haney's hotel,
which has been renovated and cleaned
up, and where yon can get first-class
A. 0. Eckleson, chief engineer of the
O. P.. with a party of surveyors, passed
through hero Wednesday bound for
the summit of the Caseadas, to survey
for the eastward extension of the 0. P.
Jt. It.
We are Informed there Is to be
wedding at the Methodist church next
Wednesday. We arc under promise
not to mention the lady's name, but
will say that she is a very estimable
vounir ladv of Lebanon. Particulars
pi - - - a - V
next week.
W. M. Morrow, having resigned his
position lu tho tin and stove store, left
Monday morning for fresh fields and
past u res new. I lo ex pcots to locate at
Hcnnncr. Billy will be missed in the
vlclnltv of Lebanon, as he has a host of
friends here.
The firm of Klepper, Son & Ambler,
'has been dissolved, Mr. J. M. Wiley
hnvlnir bought a half interest. Tho
business will be continued under the
ilrm name of Klepper & Wiley. They
have purchased the ware house engine
of Smith & Ilammack, and will soon
bo prepared to do first-class work.
Five more lots wero sold this week
in tho Klrkputrlok .addition. to Leba
' non, at an advance often per cent of
v what the lots sold for thirty days ago.
1 r von want cheftD lots on the install-
m.m if -i
iwnt plan, now Is your tlmo.
t'.itw Ms will soon bp irone,
All of
D. T. RIddler, of Portland, is visiting
At. E. Ilearn. '..'
ltev. B. F, Moody, of Sclo, is spend-
ng the week at Lebanon.
ltev. George Gillespie will preach in
Lt ho Presbyterian church in Lebanon
next Hunaay morning ana evening.
Dr. E. R. Barker has been appointed
doputy recorder of Llnu county, for
the North Bantlam and Quartzvllle dis
J. S. Courtney and Chas. D. Monta
gue on Tbursday,'purchred block 6, in
Cowan's addition to Lebauon. Con
sideration, ?0G0. ,
Mn. Jlorrle Davis A Co. of Albany,
dealers In millinery and fancy goods,
have Just received a large invoice of
goods, and will be in Lebanon next
There will be no preaching in the
Cumberland Presbyterian church Sun
day, as the pastor of that church goes
to McMlnnville to attend the meeting
of Oregon Presbytery.
Hon. R. C. jllller received a dls
patch lost Wednesday evening stating
that Rev. Hamuei Jilller had died at
Amity while he was going to 3cJWlnn-
vllle toattend the Oregon Preitbytery.
He is well known in this county and
has many warm friends In Lebanon,
who will be sorry to hear of his death.
Gardening Is all the go now. That's
right, plant all the vegetables you
need for yourselves and a good large
quantity for the emigrants; they are
coming, and don't you forget it, right
to Lebanon. The tide of enimigrution
Is beading right this way from all over
the east, and Linn county must and
will have her share.
We are reliably informed that there
were three gentlemen in Lebadon this
week, two of them among our most
substantial farmers, who said that they
would buy property and move here if
the town would only vote to build
school house sufficient to accommodate
the children, and one in which a good
graded school could be taught. The
demand is on us and we must meet it
"if we would arise and build the city."
Two weeks aco yesterday, which
was March 28, Mrs. N. J. BIppy, Mr
llearn's mother-in-law, fell from off
the sidewalk near the dvppt, about the
same place where Watkins fell a Hhort
tim ago. This makes three that have
falleu off at that place lately, but Mrs,
Hippy is probably worse than any of
them. Lebanon should see that such
plaoes are lixed if it Is the railroads'
business to fix it. The towu bhould
make a complalut.
Tchr'i Inatltute.
The Teacher's Institute held at Al
bany, Or., April 8, 4 and 6,wsatteud
ed by about one hundred teachers.
Btate Bupt, McElroy was present most
of the time, also Co. Bunt. Bryan of
Bouton. Prof. W. N. Hull, of fcitute
Agricultural college, took part in the
institute work and gave some, very sug
gestive and interesting illustrations in
drawing. The lectures during the in
stltute we re given by Prof. Van Scoy,
of Willamette University, Salem; Pres.
Btanley of Btate Normal School, Prof.
W. W. Hull and Prof. Condon of the
Btato University. The lectures were
very instructive and interesting and
wero well attended by the Albany peo
ple as well as the teachers. The mu
sic was excellent during the eveulng
sessions. Most of the teachers went
home well pleased with the work of
the institute, but there was of course
the usual number of croakers. Tho in
stltute was certainly a step In advance
of last year's, showing that the teach
crs of Linn county had not been sleep
ing at their posts. Co. Supt. Curl is a
man fully awake to the interest of the
teachers and patrons of the schools,
and does his work well. He Is at pres
ent interested in the subject school li
braries, and intends to work the matter
up. C. S. II.
1)1 KI.
KLUM.On Msuday, April 8, 1889,
Charlie Klum, in the !ud year of
his age.
It Is with sadness that we chronicle
the death of Charles Klum, of Boda
vllle. He had just entered upon man's
estate, and gave promise of a life of
honor to himself and profit to the com
munity in which he lived. . Ho speut
last summer in the Cascades and the
winter in eastern Washington in the
hope of restoring his shattered health,
but in vain." Consumption, that fell
destroyer, had lain his hand upon him
mui bo is urone. A larao coucoarso of
relatives and friends followed him on
Wt-dnesdav to his last restlnir place in
he Nye cemetery. A Fwiknd,
.Cruson & Miller will furnish you
with all kinds of plows or plow extras
at Albany prlecH,
J. S. Courtney, M. D, physician and
surgeon, , ,
Fresh fish every Fridav at Monta
gue's cash store.
Garden tools at bed-rock prices at
Cruson A Miller's.
The celebrated Norwegian and Jay-
Eye-Bee steel "plows at Cruson A
Call on A. R. Cyrus for the celebrat
ed Morrison Plows, and other agricul
tural implements.
Don't buy garden tools till you see
our stoek and prices.
CRUflow A Miller.
Oregon appropriated over $100,000 for
wagn roads and California has appro
priated over f 1,000,000.
Blsscll A Oliver Chilled plows, the
best in the world, at Albany prices.
Cruhon A Miller.
One price and cash at the new cash
store, but everything sold cheap and
delivered to any part of the city.
Now is the time of year to paint your
buildings, and don't forget to buy your
material of M. A. Miller.
Jacob Am, the boss harness maker,
Invites every body to come in and ex
amine his work. He guarantees an
honest Job. , ,
When you desire a pleasant physic,
try Bt. Patrick's Pills. They can al
ways be depended upon, and do not
nauseate the stomach nor gripe the
bowels. For sale by M. A. Miller.
If you go to Albany to buy a stove
call on G. W. Smith, who has the larg
est and bast stock of stoves and tin
ware and sells cheaper than anyone in
Hon. Jeff Myers and A. J". Johnson
are on a business trip to Seattle.
Mr. E. Goines spent a few days of
this week in Albany on business.
Bcio now has two barber shops. Ri
ley Bilyeu is the new tousorial artist.
Mr. E. Goines will put up a well fin
ished two story brick building on the
corner of Main and Mill streets during
the spring and summer.
The building which 8. M. Daniels
occupied as a general merchandise
store is being moved across the street
on the lot north of Frank Mack's bar
bel shop, in order to give room for the
new brick. Messrs. Johnson A John
son will occupy this building when re
moved, and until Mr. Goine's brick
building is completed.
Dr. Hyde has fitted up a neat office
in the upstairs part of his building,
now occupied us a furniture store,
where he can be found during business
hours except when professionally ab
sent. Joseph Cary leaves this week for an
extended trip through southern Oregon
in search of health.
E. Goines brick yard will soon be
running in full blast and he will make
all the brick needed for his building,
besides supplying all of Bclo's demand.
. It is reported that A. J. Houstiu is
going to put In a large stock of hard
ware and general merchandise at the
old stand of Johnson A Shelton.
S. M. Daniels lias removed his large
stock of general merchandise into the
building first door north of Townseud's
grocery store, whore lie is comfortably
situated and meets all of his customers
with a smile and a good bargain. The
way B. M. does business pleases his
customers and enables him to have a
large trade. A. Subsckibkr.
Paul soulon's Musical and Comedy
company played here oa the evening
ot the 4th Inst, to a good audience, and
all went away pleased with the per
formance. Mrs. E. Pontland has gone to visit
her daugdters, Mrs. Edith Baggley at
Salem, and Mrs. Brooks at The Dalles.
Our dramatic club, composed of home
talent, played played Saturday night
last to a full house. They acquitted
themselves creditably for ameteurs,
and general satisfaction is expressed.
It Is, hoped that they appear again
Mr. J. R. Culbertson, of Daytou, W.
T., came Tuesday of this week to make
his home with us. He will associate
himself in business with his brother,
the attorney, and together they will
handlo real estate, loan niouey, and do
a general agency business, In connec
tion with the work of W. L. Culbert
son as an attorney.
Mr. E. Goiues commenced Tuesday
of this week moulding brick on his
new yard, and is mooting with success
for tho beginning.
William Bronner is getting along
lcely with his new dwelling.
They are not common, they are unique, but they are founded
on strict business philosophy. Mot merchants take
care of No. One, and their care stops there.
And we make the interest of No. 2 of equal importance with
our own. With all this we aim to be leaders in
low prices, and we are ready to
Paint the Earth Red
With the statement that we will not bo undersold. We
shall continue to sell the best good3 at the best prices (best
for No. 2, remember)and we invite- you. to test us and see if
our word is not good right down to the dptlet on the I.
A Trarellns Man's Experience.
Mr. C. J. Smith, traveling sales-man
for Belford, Clark A Co., Chicago, had
the misfortune to sprain his wrist most
severely. "I was suffering great
pain," lie says, "and my wrist was
badly swollen; a few applications of
Chamberlain's Pain Halm relieved the
pain and reduced the swelling in one
night, and in consequenca my work
and business was not interrupted, for
which I am very grateful. I can rec
ommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm
from personal experience." Bold by
M. A. Miller.
Too Many Bweatineati.
Rich food, and lack of exercise, dur
ing the winter months, causes the sys
tem to become torpid and the blood im
pure. A dosu or two of Bt. Patrick's
Pills will cleanse and invigorate tho
system, purify the blood and do more
good than a dollar bottle of blood puri
fier. Bold by M. A. Miller.
How Can Farenti
Allow their children to cough and utralo aud
coiiKh aud calmly nay. "Oh! it in only a little
cold," and kop giving them cheap and dauxi-r-oiu
medicine, autil tkey are down wlru lunir
fever or onMUHption, vrhon they can be o enfily
It h&i uo euperior and few equal.
The gushing reporter who wrote,
with reference to a well known belle,
" Her dainty fcet were Incased In shoes
that might have been taken for fairy
boots," tied his ward robe up in his
handkerchief and left for parts un
known when it appeared the next
morning : " Hr dirty feet were incas
ed in shous that might have been tak
en for ferry-boats.",
It is very important in this age of
vast material progress that a remedy
be pleasing to the taste and to the eye,
easily taken, acceptable to the stomach
and healthy in its .nature and effects.
Possessing these qualities, Syrup of
Figs is the one perfect laxative and
most'gentle diuretic known.
Tnke Their Word for, It.
When a person tells you they never
had such a cold in their life take their
word for it and advise Ihem to uso
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
cure it. For coughs, colds and hoarse
ness it has no equal,. $old by M. A,
Tin and Stove Store.
Household Goods.
Than You Ever Saw.
You will be Astonished
At the Rock-Bottom Prices.
St. Charles Hotel
A. R, CYRUS, Proprietor.
BoarcP, $1 to. $2 par day.
J. U.Cowan.
J. M, Ralston.
Lebanon, Oregon,
Transact? a General Banking Business.
Account! Kept S abject to Check.
Exchange Sold on New York, San Frtt
tdnon, Portland and Aliouy, Oregon.
Collections Made on FTorub)e Term.