V. red HwlVt Robbed ttf - St Hi I'TKf. n -X in a small ca aumrou3 tributaries i looking for ducks Orth shooting, when behind me a fearful lashuig in the water, ser prevented ma seo- but thinking- it was t vpinchoa bathing, I ' n order to get a shot w a ftu-'ft snake hang---with his bodycurled . Inaes round an -ftnfovt- i water around them every now aol then Ve part of t'e snake elow tl3 surface t foi--veral sec mtn .the, snake into a sort of 'ft the seal right , ney would re- air, only sup a tail. ' At one seal jump out of ath nold of the snake, "emained in the air, roar f 'e&rfully for some .v,.. "sy -dtopped Into Q, the snake never loa the tree. e com bat ants seemed to I affected by my ajv v eauoe within some ds of them, so as to tjt at the snke nest W. and I bad scarcely Idle and caught up c""me up again. I iMtko where he had the seal, and gave The effect could S-The aiiiike let tth. the whole into the water, , and then again After about a up on the other in? at ne and the same way V come out of e breasts, and m was bleed TinV ho neck, but r ft.: from a bite of .?'kei L t enak-e , w. r- crawled up barranca" out of the water, as if g was the matter with him, so I him one shot more, "which made disappear in the bushes, where I, X alone In the canoe, thought it -; prudent not to follow him. He a very biff one, for from the branch lich he had his tail attached down lie water was a distance of some eefeet, agd when he fell his tail s' v. Idonotun ' ""jiild have ;als, each . ; an ordi- . , t tandard. '-FECTS sCREDX. ; nj- gnil If Ton A b-. tain from I Rnnnlnc; Bill, there are things about "topping trade of ours that now. Let me explain have two kinds of Vid credit. For the '" '- no risks and credit cus and every - fv eSort to .me houses ases are sent, Wldress ap fTUi'cs write the jut her .JSUko to force th&v wait until such a lady asks ft a day's or a week's accom .a to pay for a heavy purchase, comes and asks in plain terms 'owed to run a bill here. Then, does tiot know how eager j '"jump to accommodate her. . who has a bill at our store 11 ttway from 50 per cent to ms. more than If she hadn't, y does she buy every thing- Bhe at this store where she has a sing all the rest every day, but '-JrSTS she does not always .njsrxi ' not laugh; men . .We are glad to ills here as well as yesterday that at he had never essed until we with U3. He m with money for sibly do without, iressing gowns. cria-a plenty. what. He says ;eta our bill once a -&ys pushed into doing se of work he is an to get extra money to JnsTv He is different 4 because he says this y causevhim to make be is driven to earn a Ja than he spends each ir bill comes in. But the lo that, you say. -2fo; ht it out or coax it out da- N. Y. Herald. 3rs around Elberton, Ga., rth of persimmons, and it t point' never to tfee. In places ybeen left standing if like orchards; and persimmon orchards, h bear fine crops of -"valuable as corn for , The farmers say that-l K-f-cl r a wjjbut JAtle m rom tie soihland - e fjroirn even bo- of Jiis life, it is feade was iccustomec -i-"uoasi to a sece- m, suiting In "Love jcurs in the jtoAoii you: atist gave the o3 with sue! t gesture that hi -ived. Ht y I, the mown iry v lor del ook ir .tat THE FIRE-WORSHIPPERS. Prescription of on F.ntertainineut Given lJ I'lirHee MobleitMn. Perhaps no race of people is less known or more interesting to thevtu dent and traveler than the Pnrseos or Fire-Worshipers of India. Thoy are delightful hosts, aud. as it was my good fortune to form the acquaintance of Sir Framgeo Domshaw Petit, who was knighted for a gift of $."00,000 to an edncational institution, I will en deavor to describe an entertainment I attended at his palace. Sir Framge lives in patriarchal magnificence, and when his whole family is seated at ta ble they number fifty-five. We were received in the gmnd drawing-room, as largo as a fair-sized church, and presented to the ladies. We found them pretty, intelligent and vivacious, and it la no exaggeration to say that they compared quite favorably with thei. American sisters. The ladles were at tired i'i graceful native costumes. The dreis consisted of a waist, such s is worn by Europeans, with a long carf of embroidered silk, or crape, called a sarre, wrapied several time around the waist and falling in broad folds about the limbs in lieu of a skirt. One end of the sarre was brought over the head and dropped gracefully in front, constituting a very effective head dress. Their jewels were mag nificent. No crowned head of Europe possesses their equal, and suh an ar my of diamonds, pearls, sapphires, and emeralds can scarcely be imag ined. One of the guests wore eight strings of pearls, which far esceled the celebrated necklace of Queen Mar guerite of Italy. The state costume of the men is white, but on ordinary occasions they appeal- attired In the conventional evening dress. One pe culiarity of their costume is not, how ever, to be met in a London drawing room. They never uncover their heads, and a high, conical Persian hat, or, at meals, a skull cap, always completes their dress. On the occasion I am describing an orchestra played selections from Italian operas, and. after conversing awhile upon topics or universal inter est, our host made a sign to the serv ants, who brought lu baskets filled with large bouquets of Eastern Bowers. Each lady selected one, sprinkled it with rose-water from a tall silver vase, presented it to the gentleman who was to escort her to dinner, and then, tak ing his arm, she led the way to when a table was spread, overlooking the sea. There we were regaled with tea, coffee, cakes, fruiu and twenty-two kinds of delicious native sweets, which had beea collected in honor of our coming. It was an event not to be forgotten. The waving palms and tropical flowers, the splash tof the waves, mingling with the soft strains of music, the beautiful women with their flashing jewels and graceful dress, were typical of the languid, dreamy East, and carried one uncon sciously back to the days of Haroun al-Kashid. When tea was over we were taken for a delightful drive in handsome European turnouts, and then to dine at another Parsee house. The ceremony was long and stately, all the dishes were native, but the wines were Euro pean, and this dinner, with that excep tion, was representative of native j manners before they had received the rrjpean touch. The ladies whom we esoorteu 5 a a U3 ",-"'4ut"-a a" x- afternoon, ai! tne nost nung cnaplets of white jasaSpinea about our necks and wrists. The meuu cards bore gilded crests, and thjy gave us bon bons -"-VTed in gold leaf to carry away it was a areain or the tast, but e perfectly-appointed tble, sur rounded by Intelligent men and grace furwomen, made it hard to believe that the members of this reSned so ciety were the Fire-Worshipers we had been brought up to despise as heathen. W. B. Chatfleld, In America. An Ample Apoiogy. Through some, unaccountable care lessness in the composing-room of a rural journal, the obituary of one of the town's livest citizens crept into the paper one morning. It was not many hours after the issue of the edition that the "lamented" himself crept into the sanctum, and vigorously demanded a correction in the next morning's pa per. It appeared as follows: "Our yesterday's edition contained the announcement of the death of our esteemed fellow-townsman, Colonel Jones. It is with profound regret that we state that our announcement was premr-ture. The Colonel Btill lives, and we beg to assure him not only of our distinguished consideration, but that it shall be our constant effort to see that he shall not be annoyed in this manner again until the last dread hour has in very truth arrived. To this end we have ordered the standing obitu ary of Colonel Jones to be distributed. Harper's Magazine. Last year there were 5.315 di vorces granted in Franco. The de mands were largely made by the wives. ihose who bad been'married from tve to ten years were the most numer- bus in seeking release from matrimo nial bonds. There were two divorces granted of couples who had celebrated their golden weddings. In England the proper ratio of doctors to population is said to be ono to 1,200, but by this rule there are 1, 943 too many doctors in London, and wane tw aie every year, l.sou new ones are turned out. Competition is so great that in some parts of the city doctors will see a patient, prescribe and supply medicine far sixpence a visit. To test cake inlhe oven never in sert a broom 6plinter, but draw it gen lly forward and put the car close to the loaf; if it be not done there will be a little spluttering sound. When it is thoroughly baked there will be no sound. Malaria i due to microbes, which reach their victims either from the air, by inhalation, or from drinking water which has absorbed them. Boil the water, avoid the night air, sleep in the higher rooms of the house, and guard aiinst all excesses. A few pence will buy an ounce of saturated solutb m of permanganate of notash at a chemist's. If when a drop of this solution is added to a tumbler of water its color changes brown, it is :mfit to drink; if it remains clear, or slightly rose-colored after an hour, Uri p -Tcel ent remedy for a cough is seed tea, ,ade ss follows: i ounce of whole flaxseed a v - let the tea stand , 'ortwent- .- ' SOME SHORT SAWS. A Few With I'nuauully Long Teetb Tht Ititvn lli-rn Newljr Sharprnnl. "I love you for yourself alone," as the blaekbli-d said when he swallowed the gooseberry. This is the commonplace expression of false friimds, who, while they make the utmost use of us, even to abuse, profess the most unbounded admiration of and regard for us. "That's neither here nor there," as the crow said when an egg fell out of her nest. How many of us have to lament the spoiled life, the wasted opportunity for good, the lost time, the possibility that was In our life and went out of it, the wreck of this image God made! "I'll never do that again," as the monkey said when he fell from the top of the mango tree and broke his back in the fall. There are many people who take credit to themselves for abstention from evil when they are not able to commit the evil they renounce. The sick man says: "I tear myself away from the world;" the poor man, "I deny myself tho luxuries of life;" the old man, "I abstain from the follies of youth;" the blind man, "I take no pleasure in riot ous living;" the deaf man, "I make a point of nevor listening to the whis pers of scandal." "Oh, you swindler, you've a stone in side you!" as tha wasp said when he ale into the plum. Few people are more virtuously in dignant that the cheat when he finds him. If outw ittcd. "This is a thing that ought not to be permitted,' as the fox said when he found the henroost empty. The assumption of virtue ia common to mankind, but none assume it so lou-.lly as those who have the least r ght to it. By such people any short coming on the part of others is made a subji-ct of complaint., 'You've got a bee in your bonnet," is the hivo f aid when the old lady came to look at the honey. While it ia an Inherent weakness of human nature to love to find fault with out reason, in none is that weakness so fully developed as in those who arc most guilty of "little sins." Quiver. MILLIONS FOR CHARITY. The Knormom Brquwt of an Italian DucbnM to Vnrloiu CharlUe. The late lhiches.e de Galliera yr& as large-hearted and a ojien-handed as tho late Mine. Iloueicault, though per haps less judicious in the use she made of one of the largest fortunes of this aare. The late Duke of Galliera was one of the Continental railway klns and a keen and venturesome specula tor- He died leaving personalty in France alone amounting to t"5,000.0X, and in Italy over $15,000,000. The Unlvers gives tho following list of her well-known deeds of generosity: Two thousand dollars a year to the poor of the Seventh Arondissement; t-t-000 a year to the poor of Paris; for the Brig nole Galliera Museum, near the Troca- delo, $ 1,000,000; for the creation of an orphanage at Mendon. t"2,800,OiO; for the support of that institution, t2,000. 1J00; for the building of three working clas lodging-houses in Paris, f4-000. To deepen the port of Genoa she gave tLTOO.OOO. to the present Pope foOO.- 000. to build two hospitals $1,800,000. Besidt-s the above donations she gave Genoa the palace called the Palazzo Ross a, with its art furniture and pic tures, comprising a collection of ances tral portraits by Kit bens and Vandyke. The gift of a palace and state at Bo logna to the Hue de Montpenslor can hardly be called a charity. Her last great benefactions were the founding of two asylums, ono for 2"0 old men and 100 old women, and another for Chris tian Brothers too old or broken down in health to teach. ' It was Bt the opening of the former at which she caught cold. which, degenerating into Inflammation of the lungs, killed her. How she dis posed of the remnant of her vast for tune is not yet known. The Duchei had hn idea she was insulting the poor to ask them to live in meanly-construct ed alms-houses, khe therefore created palaces for them. Paris Letter. The Charge of the Ewes. I was sheep-herding then in North west Texas, and hnd about five hundred ewes and lambs tinder n.y care. Th day was warm, though the wind was blowing strongly, and when noon ap proach' d the flock traveled but s.owly toward the place where I wished them to make tneir midday camp, lo urge them on I took my long bandana hand kerchief and flicked the nearest to me with it as I walked behind. As I did so the wind blow it strongly, and it sud.- ienly occurred to mo to make a sort :lag of it in order to see If it would frighten them, i tooK hold of two corners and held it over her head so that it might blow out to Its full extent. Sow, whether it was due to the glaring color, or the 6trange attitude, or to the snapping of tho outer edge of the hand kerchief in the wind and I think it was this last I can not say, but the hindmost ewes suddenly stopped, turned round, eyed me wildly, and then half a dozen made a desierato charge, struck me on the legs, threw mo over, and fled precipitately as I foil. It w:is a rever sal of experience too unexpected! I lay a while and looked at things,- expecting to see the sun blue at the very least, and then I gathered myself togethei slowly. In all seriousness I was never so taken aback in all my life, and I was almost prepared for a ewe's biting me. Corahill Magazine An American may suffer from a lack of do'l:irs, but no Calcutta man ever went to the poor-house because ol a lack of rupees X. Y. Sun, It is faith In something and enthusi asm for something that make a life "rorth looking at. The evening of age is largely con ditioned upon the nights of youth. Washington Post. Good looks should not be despised. There have beea few heroes with turn up noses and bow legs. " There is in effect no virtue proper ly so-ca led, without victory over our lelves; and that which costs nothing is worth nothing. When a man's coat is threadbare, it is easy to pick a hole In it The existence of life is sometimes measured by the memory of its bur dens. you anluse a man he'n te kelv to fofgive you for cheating him after ward, -v WealthJiajmade more men covet ous than covetev'esi hasmade wealthy. Jt" " . we did bu' '- V " MAINE'S SOLID STONES. Thry Makf the C.rrat Unlltllng nil Itrtriff Half tli Country Over. . As long as there are post-offices. custom houses, big bridges and the like to, build, the State of Maine is sure to come in for a generous share of the money expended In their construction, for there la enough granite down here to build a bridge to Ireland, and it is of tliA very finest kind, too. Sections of Maine's geological makeup aro dis tributed all over the country In tho form of magnificent public and private edllloes, and many a ml!o of metropol itan pavement, as far west as St. Louis, is composed of granite blocks from the qi.arries of this State. lix Islnnd, Vinul Haven. Blue Hill, ML Waldo. Gouldi-loro and Sullivan, on the east ern coast, have long been f:imous for their quarries, and now Hollowell, on tho Kennebec, is Incoming a great p'aco for the Iv.ights of tho hammer and drill. Four hundred men are at work there now, and business Is boom ing. Grnnlto is lieing taken out for tha Metropolitan Museum of Art and American Bank building, New York, and for the ten-story Bank of Com merce building in Pittsburgh, Pa., and the contracts for monumental and tomb work now on hnnd amount to 1 100,000. The shaft of tho John Wentworth monument la Chicago was quarried and cut at Hollowell and shipped last week. The shaft is fiftv-two feet long. weighs sixty-live tons, and was shipped to Chicago on two cars fpecially built for the purpose. Some very creditable auilpturing is done at Hollowell, a lare building being devoted specially to such work. The sculptors are now at work upon eighteen life-sized figures for the Bible buildi ig in New lork City, and the last of the figures for the Plymouth monument has just been ex pressed. A life-sized plaster bust of the lato Governor Bod well has recently been completed, and Is pronounced a work of genuine art. It will be copied In marble, aud the reproduction placed on exhibition In tho State House this winter. A big granite quarry Is a handy thing to have around a town, for the quarrymen get good wages, and there are so manv of them that their patronage brings joy to the hearts of the shopkeepers. Bangor (Me.) Letter. AN HEROIC COURSE. Tha Strait to Whl h a Toting Married Man at Hoaton Wm Pvt. I henrd th other day an authentic story of something that hapened here in Boston, which recalls an Incident in one of Balzac's novcU and tends to sup port the old saying about truth and fic tion. It seems that the wife of a young man who has a little house of bis own some here ia the outlying districts, lut whose salary is very small, fell ill, and was unable to leave her room for sev eral months. The doctor, aa often happens, prescribed a great many rem edies, tonics and beverages, such as AKllinaris water and champagne. which, being very expensive, were far beyond the young hus'iand's means. What could be done? He was bound that his wife should have everything which the doctor ordered, and. his purse having beon emptied. h stole out one evening with the parlor clock tinder his arm and returned with a five-dollar bliL A large easy-chair was expended two days later for a few bottles of port wine. and, to cut the story short, by the time the young woman was able to go down stairs, the rooms on tho first floor had been stripped of their contents to pay the grocer and the ajwthecary. It must have been a bitter moment for tho poor young wife when she first saw what havoc had been wrought in her drawing-room, and I dare say that for a few minutes at least her good man felt that he had been too clever by half. Ik must bo acknowledged, however, that he acted prett wisely. Health Is more important than furniture, and in time the nousenoia goous win oo replaced. The plan which this enterprising fel low pursued was surely better than helping himself out of his master's cash-box. and perhaps it was preferable to the ordinary course of running in debt; certainly it was more original. Boston PosL Separate Municipal Election. Without venturing to decido which plan is the more desirable, we think there is no longer any doubt In any im partial mind as to the need of the pro posed separation. There can be no Im provement in our municipal govern ment no rciief from the extravagant and oftentimes corrupt expenditures which mnko life In our cities so enor mously expensive, until wo bring the mass qI voters to the comprehension of two points; First, that it is playing into tho hands of the men who make their living out of politics to allow National and State political considerations to enter into the choice of municipal offi cers; secondly, that the burden of taxa tion is not borne by the rich alone, but largely by the poor. The voters must think when they are deciding how they will vote, not as to what the effect of their ballot will bo on a candidate for Governor or President, but upon mu nicipal taxation, schools, police, pav ing, lighting, street-cleaning, sewerage. docks. Century. m m During the trial of a case in Kings ton, a Kiugstonian was examined aa a witness. After the lawyers hnd asked him all tho questions they could think of about the case one of them facetious ly inquired about the dry goods busi ness. "They are soiling oST at cost promptly answered tno witness; "yes. for less than cost. Then, i s he real' ized that he was still on the witness stand, he earnestly added: "But I want you to understand fm not under oath now!" Kingston 1 reeman. , "Hadn't you better wash tho dishes before we goP" said a man who vas taking a hired girl out for a walk "your missis will be sure to see them and scold you. "Ho, she 11 not," re plied the girl; "as soon as she learns I am going out for tho evening she'll spend all the time looking through my trunk. Puck. Young man (to servant) "Is Miss Clara eneaared?" Servant "Hiven rlst your sowl, orr, I hope she is. She s in the parlor now w id a young man's arm twict around her waist" v Very Unobtrusive Piety. "Spotcash, who is that gentleman that went out of the store just now?' Kev. Mr. Goodman. I thought you knew mm, Uneprice. lie is our pastor." v "Your pastor, Spotcash? Are you a member of a church?". " Of course I am. I've been a mem ber for twenty years." y ' Aud 1 have bw v. ., . - ' ft. line men eem never to grow old. Always aolivo In thought always ready to adopt, new Ideas, they are never chargeable with fogyism. Satisfied yet ever dissatisfied, settled yet ever un settled, thoy always enjoy the best ol what Is and are the first to find the best of what will be. Phlladelphla In quirer. Did you ever stop lo realize how hard It Is to down a mnn who has pluck, pride, enterprise and a modicum of common sense? You may get him un der the wheels and you may dance on his neck in fiendish glee, and think you have done him forever, but at tho first opportunity he will "bob up serenely," and live to make you ashamed of your cowardly conduct Ella Wheeler Wilcox says: "If I were asked to define tho meaning of a successful man, I should say a man who has made a happy home for h!8 wife and children. No matter what he has done In the way of achieving wealth or honor, if ho hits done that he is a grand success. If he has not done that and it Is his own fault though he is the highest In the land, he Is a most pitiful failure." We are apt to forget our duty toward our Immediate relatives and friends. Dean Stanley says that each one of us is bound to make the little cir cle In which we live better and happier; each of us is bound tc ee that out of that small cir cle the widest good may flow; each ol us may have fixed in bis mind the thought that out of a single household may flow influences that shall stimulate tho whole commonwealth and the whole civilized world. "Brother Dumley, do you suppose I can get your wife to give our loung Ladies' Domestic Economy Association an address on housekeeping or some thing of that sort? Her books and mairazine articles are so much ad mired that I think she must talk de lightfully." "Oh. laws! my wi'e can't talk." "Why, what's the matter with her?" "She's all write." Springfield Union. "Did any one in this car drop any money?"' called the conductor, as he opened the door. There was a painful silence for half a minute, and then man held tip his hand. "How much was it?'" asked the conductor. . "I dropped forty-five dollars at faro last night but I can't expect to get it all back. Give me thirty-five dollars and let the rest go to experience." De troit Free Press. " Have you done any thing for me?" asked the condemned man. In pitiful tones, as his lawyer entered the celL " Yes. Indeed." said the le gal gentleman, gleefully. "Oh. what Is It?" demanded the murderer, "a pardon?" "No." "A commutation of sentence?" "No." "Then, in meiHy's name, what?" " I have suc ceeded." said the lawyer, " in having the day of your execution changed from Friday to Monday. Friday is an unlucky day. you know."- An a ft the Kravett beast, the owl 1 tba grarrnt bird. Their Only TOealcltae Cheat. William W. 11. Miller, Deerlodgd, Mon tana, writes: "I have been lifting IlRAXDaETn's PlLU for the la-tt thirteen jeara, and though I have had nine children, I have never bad a doctor iu the house, escept three times when we had an euidemir of scarlet fever, which we soon haulslied by a vijrt rous use of Hhaxuketh's I iiav used them fur myself two or three a night for a mouth, for liver complaint, dyspeoxia, and constipation. Ia diarrlned, cramps, wlud colic, indigestion one or two I1H4N Iircth s Pitxs tiled the children at once. A box cf pills Is alt (he meiliclue chest we require in the house. We ue them for rheumatism, colds, catirrn, billiousnes and impure blood. They never have failed to cure all the above complaints in a very few days." ' An old bachelor I only the half of i scissor. lien Franklin. pair of CONSUMPTION t'l'HED. An old physician, retired from practice, hav Inif had pl ed In his hands by au Ksl India missionary the forainla nf a simple Testable remedy fr the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, I'atarth, Asthma, and all Throat and Lnnv; Affectiuu. also a posi tive and radical cure for Nervous I'ebllitv and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful earatlve powers in thtmsands of cases, has felt it his dtity to make it known to his snlTeriiiK fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve hmnnn unVriuK, I will send frc of chanre, to all who desirv ft. this re cipe. In German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and ulnir. rVnt by mail by addressing w ith stamp, naming; this paper, W. A. Noyes, lUt lwer Mock, Jiochet ter, A. r. There lives more fslth in honest donbt, believe me, than lu half the cruida. Tennyton. Pnbllshera vlsiUuit Potlland should call and aee the new quarter and immense stock of Type, Presses aud Material carried by I'almer Hey, corner Alder aud Front street. The short-etit does not always pay, and nn chewed food may bring a night of repeutauee. Consumption Nurely Cured. To thr Editob: Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease, lly its timely ose thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be clad to send two bottles of my reme dy FRRB to any of yonr readers who have con sumption if they will send me their express aud postofflce address. Respect fully, T. A. bLOCUM, M. C, 1S1 Pearl st., New York. Po good and throw it into the sea If the fish doe not know it, Uod doea. Turkish Suyojirs. REMOVAL. NOTICE. Palmer A Hey, Type Founders, who have bailt np an immense, trade by fair dealing, best good and lowest price, have moved to corner Front and Alder streets. There is not much future for a yonng man who has learned how to spend a fortuue before he kuow bow to make one. Lnni Troubles and Wasting Disease can be enred. If properly treated in time, as shown by the following statement from I). I". Fkkrmsn, Sydney : " Having been a great sufferer from pulmonary attaeks, aud gradually wanting away for the past two vears.lt aflor.ls me pleasure to testify that Scott'a t iuul. slnn of Cod Liver Oil with Lime and hoda has glvca tne great relief, aud I cheerfully recom mend it to all suffering in a slmllnr way to my elf. lu addition 1 would say that it is very plcusaut to tuke." The great art of llfo is to play for much and stake little. Johnxm. We notice that Palmer & Roy, tho only printers' warehouse, have moved iuto their clc Kant three-story building, corner Alder aud Front streets, Portland. lie that is much nattered soon learns to flatter himself. Cure for Cougti or Cold. As soon as there is the (lightest uneasiness of the chest, with difficulty of urcntuitiK, or indication of t'onirh. take durlnir the d.v a fiw "lirmua't Bronchial Trnchrt. ' ' 25 cts. a 'box. Asthma," Congha, Colds," Cronp, lata fluenza, Bronebitls, Catarrh, Whoop. ls;Coagt, Jess of Volee, Incipient Consumption, andjf all Throat and - -.onbleav wna A Terrible Ifllalartanc. It it a ralamltT of the dfrt-st kind to (eel that one'n ph 1 energies are falling in the prime of life lo li-el more DerreJesn, more dfipirlted, weaker every day. Yet this it the anbappylot of BBndred wbo snrronnd at. A aource of re newed Btrenirth which pcleuce approve, in be half of which multitude of the debilitated hare and are every day teitlfyiug, and which, In cnunth-f limlHuce, has built up comlltB tlon tapped by weakue and iunrmlty and Ioiik nnlienelltted bv other mean, (arelv eom- mends llwlf to all who ni-ed a tonic. Hontet ter' stomach Bitter la uch a medlrine pare, botanlr, aouthiue; to the nerve, pr-motlveof dlKeatiou and a fertilizer of the blood. I)y- tx pla and nerToiiRiieaa the first a t-auM. the act-ond a nmnvnun of lack of atatnlna de part when a rotinwof the bitter 1 tried. All . ..I ... 1 .. I I . ... .1..... LM... and bladder trouble, conatlpatlon and bill uea are annihilated by till atandard family mediclua. The hardect work that an Atheist bai to do if to keep himself convinced of hi own honeaty. f afflicted with Bora Erea. tuia Dr. laaaa Thompson's Eye Water, tlrnmiata Bell it 36c Printer I oka are sold at CS percent off by Palmer cV Rey eor. Front a ad Alder. Send for circular. Tut QKWarKA for hreakfas. M3 Mn7ln W- ih T 1 it g I W I'm npertur grcHtenoc proci tb militoaa of bumm tm ia asd by fce Coiled 8tab Unrfrnawut Endorsed b U tvT U.a quarter of ft oaotnry. it the Urea Voiers::it as ths Strrmca, Panataad kot Healthful. Dr. Price s Orsan Bfcm Powder Boss a eoafiaia Awm't, umc or Aiam. ryla octy lu F1UCK B A KINO POWDER CO. NICW YORK CH1CAOO. SAX rRASCIBCO. Having for the past fonr or Bre years been troubled with pimple and blotches ss my faca and body, and fcnaiog no relter in any or tea cnemicauy prepared fmp and msdkfaea prescribed for ana by pbraician, I concluded to trr yrmr 8. 8. S. remedy, and bare found great relief In tba same, four boUiee clearing my skin entirely. I cheerfully recommend ya median to all who are In the rwattioai that I have beea In. Ton can na this letter and my nam aa a testimonial to to merua or t h. b. h. remeoy. t cry tmy yoors, alfkis p. Konaaoa, t JO Sanson St. Baa Francisco. Cat AT" Fiend fur oar boot on Blond and Skin Bts- sanns and advice l-t snm-rers. mailer Ire. TH SWIFT PPECIFIOCO.. Prsrr t, Atlanta. Ot Sw t a day. Ban ril'HKR. Line not " W rite Hrewstrr Samples worth fpe.ls nnaer norses ieex safety Rein Udaert. llaltV. Hick. The Bui hHB" OTJTTJI ! leaned March and See Ieaeta year. Ik ia an ear etopodis of naefot info. mation for ail who jroxw chase the taxnriee or the neeeaaltiee of life. Wi an clothe Too end fnrniah 70a vita all the neeeaaary and tmaeueaaai y applianoea to ride, walk, danee, aleep eat, fish, hunt, work, go to oharcfa, or atay at home, and In various aiaea, atyle and quantities, Joat He-ore out what 1 required io do aU tbae thinge COMFORTABLY, end you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BUTXBS GUIDE, which will be eent upon receipt of 10 eenta to pay poetace, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO, W-U4 Miohicaa Avenue, Cbloao,ZU. PIANOS.1 vies, in use ia no other 1st Premimna xs,ooo m wsa, 90 vear F.Kahlwhed. Sew 1 catentad Steel Tuning D. tij,r PiaaoL bv which cats Ptaaae aland In ton SO yeara, good for loo ; bo a0ecee by climate. No wood to split, break, swell, shrink. rmr. riecaT. or wasr out : we cuarante tt. Ele gant Rosewood Cases, S string, doable re resting Z. ik km- tha Famoaa AUTlrl T. Call er write for Catalogue, free. T. H. ANTlSKUi PIANO CO., Manufacturers, Odd Feltow' Ball, Mas. kst and Seventh Streets, Saa rraaaeco. I CURE FITS! T do ik4 mema mBTei to atop tbfB for ft times sad theu hftTf thrm return ft -rain I irtetui ft radicftl ovare. I bT Di. tl.e of FITS, RJilfT or rLt iHii Hlt K N MM lif-kMka? mIimIv. twmrrftiit tnT rwfwdy io cure the vont awrt. HeeitUM others he fftiiettft bo reft! for not nur receiving s curt?, fterol ftt ono fur s tr-fttiice nd free KtU of mj IiifftllibAe ranedj. U U. KiXT, M J.. lS3Perl St.. Kew York. Help Wanted. AVe offer GOOD PAT to WOMKJf tar me- Hal work up to J I7ItT next. Beeidee good pay tor work CI tS afma will be given as an performed, DOUU EXTRA present to the agent doing the host work ; OO to the second, and so on. Men, boy and Kir Is can make hundreds of dollars between Dow end July 189. This Is a SPECIAL, chance, and holds good only until July. Addreea CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. r.'lit' ri.l.xt.KsVtrjils P RINTERS And PUBLISHERS You will Save 25 per cent Aud oonisideravblo Time by plsvclngr your Ordere for Typo. Presesoe, Ma tor 1.1, liika. 6tC- PALMER & KEY. Corner Front and Alder, fort. and. THE GREAT 0VEKLAJD BOUTS! Northern Pacific RAILROAD, The ONLY LINE Rnnr.ing Pullman Palace Sleeping Care, Magnificent Day Coaches, aud Klegant Kniitrrant Bleeping Car (with berth free of chargci FROM WASHINGTON AND OREGON 101NTS TO THK EAST via. St. Paul and Minneapolis. rnuiscotitinn a. Uue Tbe Only Htuin.nic PALACE DINING CARS. Meals75c Vastest Time Ever Made from tha Coast ever tbe ' NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. SIOUX CITY, COUNCIL BLUFFS, ATCHISON, KANSAS CITY. OUINCY. , V i v v-i-Aotm feiVSi rv-ViTi? iU 01. jue.rri, """V'V"V'" BT. LOUIS. CHICAGO, And all polnta throaghout the East and South east, via bu Paul and Minneapolis. THE ONLY USE RtTNITISO Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars ENTIRE LENGTH OF ROAD. And hauled on regular Express Trains ever the Kutire Length of the Northern Pacifio Kailroad. A. D. CHA RLTON. Gen. West n Pasa.AgU No. 2 WaahinKton street. P rtland. OPIUM aniNT1g5T,EHJ.NE Dr.. Weatherby's Antiilotes, in ase 17 year. Special Morphine Habit Cure also. Corres- nondence Connaentiai. .:aii on or auuiess J J. AIKEN, Manaser, Room 28, lug, San Francisco. St. Ann' Balld- COME TO HEW MEXICO-KIT HP IT s rsni tf'. " J MIRK r s r. j is If .. Ity Stablemen and Stockmen. CORES a, Byrtrat. esnt. ftrsia. I i IttSnMs, Cnk4l lali, craufcM, CoatrsstUS. TM Vhi4j. ItriBfBalt, or Thrt, DtStPr, CoUs. Whitlow, roll Evil, rissala, Tsktphau, King boa as Sps.'rie a las sarly Btsssrjsaeaa wtta sa txnti. At CaoouiaiBAaS CAALxas. -' IM CtURLfJ A. V00ELES C0 laiutfertj. Diamond Vera-Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. A lata. ii 1 1 ma raa nrDtaarrioe aa Att aaaaak fimia Artaiaa ttasMs. IW Brmcfm ar aarai iMcUrwOt. flra vAr fssa f mat ararf a Mark, ar at wa M awat swasoa aa rsersac ott eM. if naaj H.00j a bwl ssaiani ana sa rsmps 1-saM i mi ma a. nutu eo.i lata WELL DRILLS for eyeit ninth Sold on Trial ! iHTastawiil araaA, eroflta tsnr. Send SSe for auuti lares tllostratMl Cataiosroa nth roll paruoalara. atka atmccared by GOULDS s austih, 1T A lie Xatk Bt, CHICAQO. ILL. . M. riMAL.Aaoairrr ewol AaaiiieaJ Ckeailat. laboratory, KH Fi-st sL. Partlaad. Or. Anal j sea made of all rahetaaonst. 5 1 tiriTf at. irr,-H. ok: Roealai LuJe'aa larsaa Tilira s stoaa of Bbeat at'nie aaa Jtooaa. Baads sorrli CARHlAa OKAT '.. so A ii rrvv LU BmtiA "I know lis a sin to, Bat I'm bent on the notion, ni throw myself Into The deep, "brinjr ocean." Brown u Tie, fle, my good friend, don't give way to your ailments so easily, and settle down Into such gloom and despondency. There's no excuse for su h conduct, when It's a well-known fact that all your bad feelings, terrible head aches, poor appetite, senee of fatigue, and lassitude, low-pirits, and hypochon driacal condition are due to torpid liver and consequent indigestion, and'dcbilitv, which will all give way and disappear, as the dew before the morning son, if you but make use of that world-famed anti-bilious, tonic medicine known a Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It U gnaraatee to benefit or cure in all -diseases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it will be refunded. It cared me when I was in a mnch worse condition than you are, and if yon will only try it, you will soon be singing t ' "Bat my spirit shall wander Through gay coral bowers, 'And frisk with the mermaids It shall, by the Powers 1" Copyright. 1388. by WobidI DrsrEvsABT MzniCAi. Association, Propriotcrs. CATARRHS manently eared by OR. SAGE'S CATARRH A Perfect Laxative anoDJd be mDd, prompt, and pleasant, with no griping or purgative ef fects. It should also In cite toe liver to action, aid digestion, and re lieve tbe- kidneys. Like nothing else. Paine's Celery Compound is a perfect laxative, and enres consti pation where all other remedies fan. "As a gentle laxative," Paine's Celery Com pound is surely wltlioiit a peer. Ithlnkloagat to know, since I have tried remedy after reme dy for about five or six years and have found bothl njr tbat eqnals tt In my ease of ooetlTeneffS. " J. B. JzNKUta, Teacher. Cloy el's Creek. Tenn. For Men THE WW m V rw alje) ft-. I 'l tomake ) I DbIIcIubs Biseolt I ) C "" ' ,J Ask your Grocer for (if rv j " - t jTCOW BRAND I SODA H SALERATUS. " f i-ai x - 'V; ' , w-iTmm . ,,a.vv' "' F " '-5t-y&sa Lick House Block, Saji FrancLjaaiLU"1 i-6r 0,000,000 gJZiZZ' id ITia lamil " tnurt Kit-"- &msa,iMi ur Fcrrt'c Seeds D. M, FERRY iCO.ns ackiKwwcwsea to d torn fjirgest Seedsmen In the aorid. ?D M Fkkev Co s Olnstrated. liesenp. ! I tira and IhnMd i For I89 'WD1 be mailed Tttt to ail snoiicanta, szid So last rear's enstoaxwa dthnot nrderhw it. MJ. XarUsst CaaHaawsr Osrdea. Field or fiomw Kmls nil F.wrr fMnwai osrna ia shoo Id send for It. Address O.H.FERBTV CO., Detroit. Mich. THE VAN MONCISCAR JPRIVATB DISPENSARY MOS. 133 and 134 THIRD STKrJET. I Portland. Oregon. - the onlr Prlwte pnuary id t-oruarai er the orth wmv t rut ra;:y trearea tittxiu a?ed hx!yshi.V JHKltVX: A.VO TE ISKAM to PKIVATI -yoou or ojti. kus.i tnair;. mwn aa UUHT MXSHOTI. ycrtow d. tiiitj, ui.nal fcwa, f tni suery, fcyj-tiiirtic eruutftoos, ef- fn ta ttS m:cxirv I 'dneT (tiZ fi, a-jd WM.-r tru'i-s. rn w orrh-a. gl-et. sirietnreeta. COH8UI.TATIOI FEKE. taki so cHAircyav r.lEXICAH SALV2 THE CREAT HEALER. Cores Cats. Sore;. Sail Kh-nm, Boi!, Pimples, Felon. Skin IH-eaaea, and li ailments lor wnicn s s 1 ve v swiisox. r or taking oot aoreness a id beaiirK. it sfi like nuMEie. 25 cents box. a all dmtrartvth. BISTB1 sal satisfaction la the car of Qonorrtxga aad Gleet. I prescribe Haae feel safe la reeemmencV teC It to an anffercTS. a-J. 8T)sta, sjj Deestar, tU. FRJCE.Sl.va. Sold br Vtumx'-I TH5 EEAS, no matter of bow kmar standing. Is per REMEDY. SO cents, by 'Truer fe.'. "Paine's Celery Compound is prompt and pleasant. As a laxative tt leaves little tone de stred. I have great confidence in Its merits. AUKBT Lbohabo, Associate Editor, Journal of Pedagogy, Athens, Ohio. "For two or three years I suffered intensely every night with severe pains In my bowels, which were habitually constipated. My bowels are now regular, and I have had no return of thoee pains since ustng one bottle of Paine's Celery Compound F. O. Sncnrrr, Drngglst, Havana, Ala, If oral: Vas Paine's Celery Compound and stop ruining the intestinal t ract with harsh purga ttre pills. A1.00. six for S5.ee. Druggists. Wnxs, Richakdsoh A Co Burlington, Tt and Boys at .; k IS rHs 1 wm f .ershljV I I 0 USTl-XI , t mm 1 sjaijH 1 wrra HASTINGS,