I V Tl Lebanon Express. FRIDAY, MAltCIl S, 1SS!. LOCAL AND GENLRAL. Ite active wul jmfrreisIvo. IXm't bo a clam! This bivalve never moves. t'hns. 'awri of London, Ontario, U In town. 1 Eighteen pounds of rice for fl at lYeMer & Uulil'. The only way to build a town these it s i to te alive. Kit court g new comers and jylvc them a hearty welcome, Vc have a nicely located town, aiil enterprise will make a big eity here. Awake to your interest, even If you have to sti.-k a pin in yourself to do it. Kcv. J. W. Snoderly will re.cli lit the Gore seljoot house Bunday at 11 A. M. Jake Bilyen and wife and little daughter paid a Hying visit to8eio this week. Coll Vn Cteve, of Ynquina tiny, was in town the first of the week, and made us a pleasant call. After Jan. 1, 18l0, the University at Kugene will be a free school to any one passing the required examliu-tloii. The ladies of the M. 15. church will Jifarch 14th. Further particulars next week. Kngine C. No. 1 will mot at the engine bowse next Monday evening, March 11, to elect officers for the ensu ing year. P. T. CiHirwy, of Kentneky, has been here several days looking at property with the Intention of locating, w hich we trust he will do. A. 11. Cynw sold to Chas. f'awrse last Tuesday, Jas. CofTctt's farm of i acres near Providence school house. Consideration, MOrt. Kngine t. X. 1 met at the hall last Friday, and a motion was passed that the engine should be repaired, which will be done as soon as possible. Call at Tiik F.xpkkss office when you vih to sulseribe for any leading paper in the t'nitcd States; we will make it to vHir advantage to do so. For rent, new house with five rooms, in the notth end of town, with about three-fourths of an acre of ground for garden. Apply at once at this office. The machinery of the saw mill which was burned last week hs tw-cn sent to Albauy for repairs. The mill will be removed to Lebanon and perated this mmnier. We now have all kindsef stationery, and are prepared to do ail job work as oheap a it can le done i I thi State. Call in and see our stx-k and gvt iriees on good work. Mrs. II. J. Trin? left on Tvd-v I for Springfield, Lane county, to join her husbatul, who now pastor of the M. K. church at that place. We re - iret having them leave Leimnon. Mrs. niggcra, of Sci . has bought the J.iirg'tt house, on Main street, adjs-I cnt to Mr. IVi'yeu's, al has nu;vc-1 j Into the s:xmc. We welcome this ex-i sTllent Christian woma:i among us. i llcv. J. It. Kirkpntrick g(Hs to Salem Ihis morning, and will preach in that tity on Sunday. Hev. II. V? Monly ; wiil ocenpy the pulpit of the C. P. church at this place Sabbath morntng. A great many immigrants In Lel-a-on this week from diflVrt-nt pat-t3 of thel'jtst. Several sales of real estate have heen effected both in town and ; country, and a general stir in all busi ness. If you want to buy a cheap lot on the installment plan call at The Express 1 offlec. The lots in the new addition to Tetanon are Kins rapidly taken, and if yon want a desirable lot now is your time. We have a nice free reading room fitted up in connection with this office, ihich all our friends and subscribers art cordially Invited. The latest news from all over the country. Come in and read. The. O. A. R- of Lebanon had a very pleasant open meeting on Monday vcning, and gave a nice supper to the W. XI- C. at the popular St. Charles hotel, where all w ent merry as a mar Tiage bell. The entertainment and supper given at the Presbyterian church last Friday night was a success both socially and financially. The attendance was good and the proceeds amounted to thirty Jive dollars. Wanted, two or three cords of wood from several good clever suliscriber? of The ExrREss, on subscription. Chick ens, egsrs and all kinds of country pro duce taken as current exchange for The Express. Mr. J. O. Gross, who has been in Al- bany rcultinB the bridge petition, j .taVe willo'ononlk rgVnthe made us a call Thursday. He was sue- grounds and making extensive im cessful in getting many signeis, and j provementa. This insntution will now tlunks SVatcrloo is sure to have tLis j start afresh on a career of usefulness, much needed bridge. and wc trust will he a blessing to the Tl, T-adi' Miionarx- Soeietv of voutliof cur state. Ve congratulate . . ... . .,, the First rresbyterian church will give a public meeting on next Sabbath evening at their church. An interest ing anil instructive prograir.me will be carried out. All are invited to b3 pres ent. Hon. AV. C. Ilindrnan, of Baker Mty, who hs been on a visit to his - "Mother in tliis town for the past three weeks, returned to his home on Tues day. He is quite an Intelligent gen tleman, and is thoroughly conversant with the history of this country, and is identified w ith ail that jjertains to her welfare, -jf Tiiere-was a miie unpleasantness ui the school meeting in the adjoining district north of town. The belliger- ents both left the marks of battle, but blcxKl. Ve unJeretand that there wa an attempt to use uwi.lly weapons, lut friends interfered and prevented whu. might have lcen a very serious m:it t. The difficulty tvas between Mr. leorire Iloss andJ.'Keeiler, and orig inated ntihe school meeting. Few tow ns in this valley, or any trhere else, have a lieUer class of mer chants than Lebanon. Geiierous, po lite, aiTiiMe and correct in their bui nes, thev justly merit ami are receiv ing a liU-ial -Mtronajre from all the fiurntindin' CMimtry. Their counters and1 elves -i-e well filled with the best lines of poods, which are soid at ns small a marprin as anywhere in the State. 3Sext week we will Aiveaeal uuin ou tie jie son'l vf our business lilen. TO Ol'H N KVT CHfltt'H BULL, v rattik carothrrs. IV I rwih, ye Pivs'ij-toriitii K-U! Till all ttit Mir tloih nwrll With im'lmly rich uml tier: full all to wnrl)lt here. To hour tlt -inl of etiwr. Ami Hie Hitbhnth tlHjrlo keep. IV1 arth. ye nuh-tun Iwll ! Thy Rrttrloti niB-ottin- tvll, f Unl fir tt ho dlotl; or our nmnj- nhm (iti-glvm, Of tint Mrtnsltm hrtuht m Ilinrn, Ami the jM-rtrl.v Rntf muiii whle, IVkI forth. ) e joyous hell Thy tulr ot rtinirv tfll That ounf rf ti'l 1 gtinnliHl; That Ji'u, from ou hlh, 1 iok Jo it tlh lux inn fVi- IKll 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b - lalltl tt-XXdl'li'ti. , IVal forth, yo hrtstlntt 1II ! Till nil iln nir itolh nxvi ll. In very Imut miri dime. With nttr Savior's womlnm love; Till. In tin ronrts tov We lu-nr tho honv.-lily iliitu AI'.tKKm' NUTKS. e were all glnd to see J.mifs llur- tcnslmw back in his accustomed place Wednesday morning. We are sorry to learn that Miss Lulu If illery is quite sick, but hope she will soon be ImJk to school. Our would-te teachers returned Frl duy front the examination, but evral of them have fIUtl to innkeuappr ance at m-houl thin week. The meeting of the K. 1. 8. this wek was devoted to the election of new of ficers. The report wan as follows : Pres., H. Welch; vlc-pns.. Miss May Hardy ; Sec., John Mope ; Trvaa., MIm lleuna Kirkpatrlck ; aergeaiit-at-anna, HenJ. Dovlge; critic, James Burten haw. Three solutions of last week's prwlw leia have Len rec-lvil, all of which give the answer approximately oorrvot: t?eo. ('. Wilstxn, tf Scio, s'ilves the problem by the use of logarithms, gvl ling the correct answei, tltough w think not strictly arithmetieal; "Farm er," of Hislaviile, eixva iuarlv the nme result, tut omits analysis ; M. K. lU'arn, of Iebiiuon, Kfvt-s correct arltli metieal analysis. (Jur solution is as follows : The pickets lning 2 in. wide and 4 in. apart, there will le 3.1 pickets to the rod. Hence : Mxt cquitl 132 rods equal tliameter ofthetieht Thesuare of l"i2x.7.'v"4xi'uals l:t,s. rods or the uuitilxer of pickets. l.t,S.j tf.iv. by 1J0 equals N5.,V acres. Answer. We now give the following: A, 11 and 0 are reniircl to niHiir at Y in the shortest time possible. A can walk 3 miles per hour, It can walk 4 ml Ira per hour, and C, accompanied bv either A or It, can drive 8 mi Ira por hour. All start at the same time. A and C ride a certain xlistaneo, when A proeevds on foot, while C returns to meet H. and t tking him in the trig aM arrive at Y at the same time, llequlred the distance awd tiin taken in going, each In-ing the lowest possible integral numbers; also the total number of miles. The sum of three sides of a right an gle triangle is 33 feet, the shortft side is SO feet ; renuiretl the hiicth of the other two sides wsxeellvery. Arithme tical solution and rule-requested. Another Fluh Story. They had lieen spinning yarns of fishing and hunting, when it came to ItaMey's turn. "Will, boys," oaiil Uahlcy,'the strangest experience I vcr had was when 1 was away last vaca tion. I had tricl every kind of fly. md it was no gxwyt. Did not see a fin. j 1 "en u around and got some j AL? 1 XVas fished out ami I might as well (have lunch. S I took out my paper j ','f sand wich. a and pit. licl In. When i k11 iiiumiii eiiiMi! i riii uj toe .wiper into a loose wad and jerked it nt into the water. As soon as the paper pt w-et through It began to un roll, and in a minute tlie place was dive willi fish swariping aisiut the pajx-r. I jumK-d up, threw out my line, hok-l the rsqH-r and drew it .e-hore. Then an idea t-truek me. I slipp-.sl the paper over the hook riglit up to the vhank and threw it out as if I was fishing. lp came the fish, jumping dear out of the water, ami 1 caught '.-m as fast as I could lake them - IF mv hook. I kept that up till dark. and then I had more fish than I could carry." What do x-mi simtvxso there ' was aliout the pacr that drew the risir?" asked an interested listener. "Well," said Itabley, slowly, as he edged toward the door, "the only thing alsmt that paper that could draw, in my judgment, was an advertisement of C. C. Hackleman." And Itabley vanished. " i... ! School MreliDK. The annual tchool meeting for the Lebanon district was held last Monday at 1 P. M. The meeting was called to order by AV. It. Donaca, and C. B. Montague, senior trustee, in the chair. The annual report of the clerk, C. H. Ralston, was read and on motion was ordered received and placed on file. Following is theaubetance of said report : Total number of votr, 85; total amount collected in school year, $1373 7t; paid out, $109C 50; balance, $277 26; total number students en rolled, 1G0, just about one-half of whom can lie comfortahlv seated in the old ' K.iii.- & ml mn, it must m ami t V. (n evitalilo new one come in. j. M. Rai ston was elected trustee for the ensn ing tliree years ami J. A. Roberts clerk for one year. Agricultural College. The Legislature has made ample ap propriation for the improvement and enlargement of this institution of the st-'.te, and the governor has signed the bill. The M. K. Church, South, will .1 1 J 1 il . 1. 1 T !.! ! Corralhs on tins valuable acquisition ( tn , itl i(,,.Ur tho to her people in particular and to the state at large. The governor has aj pointed F. A. Iiaily, of Hiltsboro, Washington county ; J. W. Grimm, of Aurora, Marion county, and Wallis Nash, of Corvallis, lion ton county, as the Jioaru of Itegents. That Idle Boy. If there is anything that is a blot on creation more than another, it is an Idle boy or man ; one that has nothing to do but hang around and watch other people at work. It makes us so tired and weary to have these ' ltliitsi" onmp nltout oca tlmf u-Anlu-nvit draw a long breath when they go j aVay. If these do-nothing kind of could see themselves as ot hers see , ' KOu.tllin(r tn So. Too nnr 1 oo poo to live without work, to proud or lazy to work, and so insensible to public opinion that they do not care, we know of no oilier name to call them by but ' blots on cjvilization." 1U9. These figures are very significant to the patrons, parents and teachers of Lebanon district. It simply means crowd in all you can of this numlier into the only two school rooms and let the balance stand out in the cold, but ! pay your tax all the eame. liaise the cry of more immigration, invite peo ple to cowie in and fettle anions us, ut tell them we have no room in our public school. "You will lc welcome t settle here, but we can give your children no accotijmt.diitit.u in our public school." SWEET 1IOMK, March 4, 1880. We expect our school to commence soon. Is'o teacher has been secured yet. There Is considerable sickness around Kxxwt Home. All seem to le getting along nicely. Mr. John Donaca has been prosjxect Ing for coal. He says Indications are good for a coal minw. H. and A. F. Hamilton hnve enlarged their store and are building nn addi tion for a warehouse. The Kinging school Mill Is truing on, and we understand will for some lime yet. Mr. K. ltuss Is the teacher. There Is a good nixcuinir tor a doctor at Sweet Home w ho could carry a drug store in eonuei'lioii with ills priiellec. I. F. I.etsiiiuer is milim lo l.nil.l I blacksmith shop nt the end of John' na is-camp siitHi, w here all kinds of I.X....I. ..... 1. 1 I.. It. ... oiHi-nsiuiMiiiig win i n unue. Jie Is a No. 1 blacksmith, and a good home slioer. tJlve him a call. Farmers are busy putting In their spring crops. Most of our town people are petting rendy to make gardening. Mr. Daniel Itumbaueh has sown peas, and they are tin and looking well. Dun Is an early bird, either making garden or tanning leather. Mr. Alonzo Ames Is very sick and Is lielng attended by Dr. Lamlierson of Lebanon. The doctor thinks he will le able to bring him through, with PmhI cire. Mr. Ames' store has bem closed, since his illness, and we hope to see him around soon. Mr. P. J. Foster and brother are talking alHHit building a saw mill. Ihey wish the people to guarantee them $."idO, and promise to repay each subscription In lumber at l less than th custom price. They are the pro prietors of the Sweet Home irrlsi mill.; Itevs. Yost and McKlmy held revival meeting about five weeks, resulting in 21) or 30 conversions, most of w hom Joined the Kvangx Ileal Methodist church. Iter. ost, of Sweet Home. went tin Into the Wilson helphliorhood lid held a two weeks' meet inir. with six or more converts as the result. Mr. lost is one of our vrcry-day C hris tians. Mr. H. lli-it w as in town Friday and Saturday surveying Mr. John Havis' tarn, iH.ught of S. and A. F. Hamil ton. They arecainixsl no above tlreeii Home Rome six or seven miles. Tliev are iroiiiir over on Hamilton creek hi about ten days. Juli js lioscoc hired out to them at $li per month. S. and A. F. Hamilton, our mer chants, sold their feed barn to Mr. John Davis, w ho has rented the St. John's hotel, formerly occupied by John Don sea. Mr Davis is a pood' hotel man. We are glad he Is coming back to Sweet Home, as any one who stops with hint once is sure to cnne back when out tills way. tilve him a call. Settlers are ernduallv comimr In. Two men, Mr. Whiteomu and another gentlemen, have settled alwxut III or 2i miles almve Sweet Home no tliD oano- slte side of the river, and have leen very much encouraged with tho coun try. Their intention Is to hring In Hoist fin cattle. May success attend him. Ffrn Leak. WATKM.OO. March 5, lWO. Soda water Is still aut. Mr. J. (J. Cirosa went to Albany to present the bridge petition for this place. We hope lie will succeed in getting the bridge, for this place un doubtedly needs a bridge almve all others, and Waterloo has labored long and hard for it. Mr. David Wynian, of Albauy, was here on Tuesday visiting at Mr J. 11. Oihhcnrd's. Mr. Courscy is the guest of Mr. I. Saltmarsh. Mr. Milton, the traveling agent of the (itTiiien paper of Portland, was here on Tuesday. Walter Wilklson has leen visiting at Mr. ttco. (Jross' several days this week. He left for Itrownsville on Tuesday. Ida DeVinc has lecn quite sick for several days past, tint is convalescing. On Monday nt our school meeting Mr. T. E. Ayers s as elected clerk, and Alfred Fielding, director. Mr. John Cams was called to Har risUurg on account of the illness of his fher, and n -turned on Monday. He , reisxrts his father as lstter. He is get ting rather old he is over 1V years ohl. MlSTI.KToK. ToorlU, Whether on pleasure lientor business, should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as It acts most pleasant ly and effectually on the kidneys, tivr ami bowels, preventing fevers, head aches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 60c and fl bottles by all leading druggists. 8end Tub Kxpres to your friends In the East. Fresh fish every Friday at Monta gue's cash store. The celebrated Norwegian and Jay-Eye-Sec steel plows at Cruson A Miller's. Cruson A Miller will furnish you with all kinds of plows or plow extras at Albany prices. Buy the Thompson A Overman brand of harness at Albany. They warrant all work. Don't buy garden tools till you see our stock and prices. Ckison A Mii.lkr. One price and cash at the new cash store, but everything sold cheap and delivered to any part of the city. Parties wishing luniU r w ill do well to give us a call. We have on hand over 15000 feet of fencing lumlier. Cosiiow A Cable, Brownsville. If you go to Albany to buy a stove call on (i. W. Smith, who has the larg est and host stock of stoves and tin ware and sells cheaper than anyone in Albany. IVrsons troubled with rheumatism should try Chanilierlain's Tain Balm. One appellation will e::sc the pain, ami its continued use has cured many cases of chronic and inflammatory rheuma tism, that had resisted other remedies and even the treatment of the best physicians. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by M. A. Miller. CLUBBING ARRANGEMENTS. The publisher of The Exmikss has made arrangements through the Gen eral News Agency, to club with all the leading papers in the United .States. You will save 15 per cent on this pa-1 per and abott th; same on any other of the leading papers of the U. S. ;r Canada. Ws will be glad to accommo date you and will be responsible for any failure in the matter. Kvery man- exerts some influence now and forever, for good or for evil, wh.'ther he designs it or not. A blank I f , .... - 1 nlust raciiate irom et ry one. "U-J" When angry count ten tefore you j speak; If very angry count a huudicd. KEKT I'OSTKD. do to Thompson !c Overman's for saddles. J. S. Courtney, M. 1)., physician and surgeon. (iarden ttsIs nt Wd-roek prices nt Cruson A Miller's. ('alllornia tH'lcry and cauliflower nt the new cash stoic lllsscll A Oliver Chilled plows, tho Isrst in the world, i Albany prices. Cki-no.v A Mi i.i.kii. .The Is'sl Is the cheaM'st; hence Thouqison A Ovciuitiu's hnrucsu is the cheajM'sl. Call on A. It. Cyrus for the celebrat ed Morrison Plows, and other agrieiil-j turnl implements. Jacob Arn, the boss harness maker, Invites every body to come in and ex amine his wfirk. He guarantee an honest Job. When you desire a pleasant physic, try St. Patrick's Pills. They can al ways lie depended upon, and do not nauseate the stomach nor gripe the bowels. For sale by M. A. Miller. Thre Is no danger In giving Cham berlain's Cough lU-medy to children as it eon tnlns no Injurious sulistanec; tie side it is unequalled for colds and croup. Children like It. For sale by M. A. Miller. All should remember that the most conveulent and cheapest way of aend Ing money Is by Wells, Fargo A Co.'a money orders. Sold at all empress effl ce at reasonable hour. in 22 Chamberlain's Cough Itemed y la ft, mous fr its prompt and ett.-ctuul cures of coughs and tsihis. The most severe cold may lie Usmoiicd and relieved by a few doses of thU valuable remedy. For sale by M. A. Miller. Headers of this pajier can save mon ey by calling on Dcyoe A Ilotmoti, f Albany, as they have the most com plete stock of all kinds of hardware and agricultural Implements on this coast. Call in at the free reading depart ment of Til k Lkiiaxox Kxthkhh when it', town and you will find all the latest papers conveniently arranged so that you can spend youi spare moments pleasantly. "I have used St. Patrick's P'lls," sayt Mr. J. Keynolds, of May Acid, Ky., "ami pronounce them sTlor to any I have ever before pnsluccd. I do not hesitate to recommend them, knowing them to Ix; reliuLlc." They nre thor ough, yet gentle in their action and leave the system In splendid condition. As a cathartic, or f-r disorders of the llv r, St. Patrick's Pills have no equal For sule by M. A. Miller. Exrness lion, or hoxor. The following is a correct list of all who paid their snliscrlptlons since the last Issue: I A iilpew.;.....i.. J lHxMim. ........... Men) I 'lenver w' H-Imt K K IHn i. ...M ll in . . 2 fht t I '. S lo ..... i ... . 1 in I 1 in I. M utl J V Ittm isnd J l Xsllfn Mr II J Trine I V llxile ' l-'unitsti T 1.111! IN SWKKT IMTV, It U related of a clergyman who wan the happy father of a charming and focantifurdHiiifhtcr that one day pre paring hla Salilmth diccnurwc he wan t, .l.l.ii.l . Mll.ul n -u mm. Ilia il.wlr .n i heart U filled w ith rapture and light." lii-t. daughter, hapcuing in the ftudv, wiw the -erinoii and rend the w onU. fitting down ehe wrote under neath : " Thcm'a my sentiment!, papu, ex acUyr LEBANON PROEUCE MARKET. CerrrctiM weekly by c. U. Monlacwv Flour Per oit-lti sack, $1 1; pur bar rel, H .VI. Bacon Sides, l'te per II,, Butter Fresh, ht 2-lh roll, 4c. . F.jrxrs Per dozen, lrl'.c. Chickens Per down, M 60 to $4 o0. Ducks Per down, common, $4 00 to $.; Pekin, fO. Occse Per dozen, $7. Turkeys Per tt, live weight, 10c, Hides Per lb, dry, be; green, 2c to 3c. Sheep pelts According to wool, 15 to 5tc. ' Deer skins Rummer, 30c; winter, 25c Nolle. The firm of Thompson A Waters having by mutral consent dissolved partnership on Feb. 1, 1KS9, all parties knowing themselves Indebted to them by note or account are notified to call at Waters Bios. corner store and settle either hy note or cash. J. M. Watkhs. What nn Enrtk Is tlic r.nsm jwfile w ill not, ran not, or An not lifl'orvin-c in t-lioap not rums )it p '"S t'hcnp John houaco r lm?insiblc rlli- nx 011- onnotis iinxltH. mtlHT thnn tnkc nitKlii-iuo of tvorl.t widp rvimti..n hikI one tlmt Is uivinif unl vcrsal sllfi ti'ili at t-.iii"! prii-i-T No luttlirlni' in the worM l. Kivhi) mic-Ii tmlventul MitLsrai-tion for imrifyniR the blomt . IlEtili'S 11UKU) I'l'RI FIKU A HUMID MAKER, and every nottlc that does not lo Its work will cost you nothing. M. A. MIIJ.KIt, DniCBist. i.i . ... . . LL .1- H NnJRESplliASANTlCATIVE A Pleasing Sense of Health and cfi, para,i of Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort l"80 of Syrup of Kidxeys, Liver and Bowels Effectual!-, Clean,W tho Rvstem when Costive or Bilioua, Pispellhig Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently curing HABinjAXi cokstipatioix outwea, For Sale In BOo and ftl.OO Bottle by Leading Druggist. JCAKrFACTTJ-tEO OXLT BT THH OALirOEHIA HO SYETJP 00. Ss Fkascik-o, C'al., tjMHTnj.1, Kr., 5kv Yokk. N. n ..lioii .i VuVrcy. o Imjrative Va ! "-V'n"- -M"",aPlp XmvVii the Mininton- tiia't he left tintlnikhcd j the sentiment of the lUCrcail- l!everI.Uyoung man of ,plen-! -nimiinity of Ix'hanoil did physhiue ami the promise of a glrwheil lie sa'S that he will sell rlous man iomI iilmst r.-aiizel, lut my ' ..... 1, ; ',r fi,t ...,, MONTAGUE'S COLUMN. Rrontaguo has tho Dlt-nsuro of announcing that Iiih mam nioth f-toclc is now hoing re plonishod with now piods weekly hi large. mi ml in creasing pales requiring a con stant supply "of new good. Hisprieen will Ik? ho low that for nelf preservation eltwe Imi v- j ers who pay on the spot for their purchases will necessa-j rily lo their hitving of him. .Montague kci'psi no old hih'k. Vtilien. a . Hie ease sonietiines, any arliele isxlow of sale, that -article is at once marked down, reganllesH of cost, and let go for anything it will hring. This method insures uh a nice fresh Mm-k at all times to select from. When you want any good look through Montague's mammoth utoek, price hii gotids and he convinced that this estahlishment is up with tho time. And here in Iie1 nnoii'yoit can get goods just as low as you can in any town in tho ?tate of Oregon. It is to the interent of every jK-rpon to jatronizo theiV lioine nien hants. Tho fact is, a town without merchants would Ih a very singular one iu anv countrv, and vet everv town is Messed (?) with a few people who always work against their own and their neighlioiV interests hy adv eating some other place as a hotter one than their own to tlo their trading in. Ix-hanon is not entirely exempt from thoe who ought to he loyal to and work for the uphuilding of their city, hut who are un fortunately quite the reverse. Much capital has already ln-en driven away from Ix-hanon hy this course, and many con templated enterprises that would have enhanced values in this vicinity have heen abandoned through tho ma lign influence of chronic cranks. It us all work to gether for our own homes ami our own eople, ami the dav is not distant when we wiil have as prosperous an inland town as there is in this State. Merchants hero in every line will sell you goods as low as they can lo sold anywhere. They are always with vou to help to assist in every puMic . . . Ue-i.'."" "V - j " In m Ins mammoth stock at the lowest living ratesVN His stxk is a very large one, and the goods must Ik.-sold. Drop in and Ikj convinced. There is no good logic in building up other cities at our own ex- KM1SC. The farming coni.r."uity understand their own interests well, and they know that to make their land valuable and sought after by buyers a good prosperous town in their vicinity is just the thing to attract newcomers, and they almost universally patronize their home towns. Our inter- ests are identical, let our motto be, "Home against the world." CLOTHING. We make mens', boys' and children's clothing a special ty. Our spring stock is now arriving ; call in and examine them. The low price of wool last year has so reduced the price of '.lothinjr that a cood suit is now within the reach 'of every one. Cyy If U'm Montague anyttinrfor 'lothing '"! ""' TO THOSE WHO OWE ME. I must insist on full pay ment being made by those in debted to me within the next thirty days, as I cannot wait longer. A word to the wise is sufficient ; I have no time send personal duns, and need the money now. liespectfully Yours, C. B. MONTAGUE. to I BOOTS Sc SHOES. Montague keeiis the best line of boots and shoes, as well as a very large assortment. ! UUF stes aro wnsurpasseu, (and no chromos or iMntraits I of ginilet-eved shoemakers are necessary to make our poems cakes. in leather co like hot ! When i you need anything in I that line which AVlll do VOU I good Service Ol' fit COnift l'ta- blv vour wife, vour son, - our ; I daughter Or the baby, CO into I the mammoth store of C. B. u j his well known low prices and i i n--"-3 rr !Ku in mho iiupiM. ifcre jowe iMontague anytnmg, now t. is a pod time to pay it. i i W. K. READ, THE LEADING Cash Dry Goods Store OF AL1IANV, Oil, M V HTOCK I S New and Complete, And I invite evetyonx when In All'iini 'fit COME AND SEE US, Kiiom Ing that we can suit vou Both in Goods and Prices. MAIL OIIDHHn Promptly attended. BLACKSMITH SHOP And Tools I will poll my f-hop nnl tKl. in Ix-lanoii on very ronsonaMo (ornis. Anyone "Aran ting a lino location for lnisineHH of lliii kintl will tlo woll to call at this ofj'uo or w tho iiinlor Kignotl. (i. 11. LKKjtKTT. St. Charles Hotel I.EBANOX, OltKGOX, A. R. CYRUS, Proprietor. Board, l to 2 per day. A. R. CYRUS, iH-mkT In All Kiixl- nf Agricultural Implements, l.vri.ciuxci TIIK Famous Morrison Plows, Asn Tiger Mowura, Ix'banon, Ongrni. T. J. IVolilor. end SJbdLJL fJMI AS Have lately added a line line of Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishing Goods, -Etc., Etc.. - We have a Complete Stock of Bools and Shoes of the latest styles. Call and inspect our stock. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. We do not want to carry Ladies' and Children's Shoes, and will sell out stock on hand at actual cost, for cash. Call and examine them.. A Mammoth Stock of Groceries, Provisions, Tobaccor Cigars. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc., which we sell cheaper than ever. Bolivovod j i TT7'Tr-TT THE GREATER SPRING GOODS ! hiring the wW-k atul are ' now p"cHli of Wo tl o. ire to mv that ottr spring imrfhaf-c-have I'oen Larger by Twenty-five per cent. Than any season Jefore, Spring or Hummer. Kmhrat e a full line of everything kept in a FIRST-GLASS DRY GOOD STORE. IN PHY OOODS WK IlAVK Hew Dress Goods in Black Alpacas, HENRIETTAS OF THE BEST OF YALOES, Kinds of Trimmings, Plashes and Mutt. Etc; All w AXI AX ENDLIMI VAUIKTV OK Buttons. Corsets. Embroideries, Laces, RIBBONS, ILNI)KERCIIIEFSf BUSTLES, GLOVES,. Parasols, Ruchlngs, Jerseys, And everything that goes with them.- In Cents' Famishing Goods We are Complete; ' " i Our line of -Neckwear, Hosiery, White and Colored Shirts,. 1 lj 1 1 ...! . 1 It 1 ru."penuers aim imerwear cannoi ue exceiieu. OUR BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT, j As ujnal, in complete, and our larger than Ciive Lebanon the trade that belongs to her She deserves" it. What does other jilaces care for you only for your trade? .Stick to Iz-banoir. You can find what you want here. It is all "clap trap" to think that any other place sells lower than Lebanon. Bring its your money, pay cash down for the lijoods!, like vou would anv other place away from home, and; every merchant in Ijebanon will give you the lowest prices, and they will be as low as any place in the valley. C. C. HACKLEMAN. PEEBLER & BUHL, I : t J Ail Q i w u ui :n mirrrtoranrrnTN n , to all narts of citv frc-3of chavirc. , . 1 liLiJJlJi -- PORTION OF OUIt HAVE ARRIVED nprn ah tli" pnMk, readr for the in- thU srasn' ' J sales in this department ar! ever. - Trr-- A ' n X