M3. .' th Dear- ." -! .. -..Hit. .ort Hamilton, r Inquiry to the . ev i ortc, Ia H a cimt-of-arrus Ifneostor, there lino?' mid ior tlia replyi coat-of-arms of ou do not bear.' ,s are surprised I wrlto to a New '.mtion ujoa any alaliou. No, tha 1 V i'or'tc pa-ior fo . 4! i-.1 Vet t-xoort iti l;n answer is not correct, lou can use nay coHt-of-arms that your royal star- candle! American prida has set Us - Vourt'i of July heart upon. It you fancy the Queen's. you can and may u? that, just as fi-eely and indepeud enfty as though you sold soap for a living. If you prefer that of the Ira- I ptn-ial family of Germany, have it en graved on your stationery, painted on your panels and embroidered on your hi-i! ivhinkt-it-s. and If mt editor la . New York tells you that you can't do it, pin his sealo to the seam of your losing. If you can find no ready Ci.'ule co.it-of-arma to suit your fancy, any good stationer will have one flesigrnod for you. Can't wear any coat-of-arms you want to, indeed! That's a sweet idea to introduce in this free land! Why, lota of our society people wear clothes that beknijj to other people, eat food they haven't paid for, live in houses belonging to other men, and ia some instances subsist entirely on a v "female ancestor whose name they do ot bear,'1 and yet we are told that wa iaoot wear her coat-of-arma? Coma off. Ve can (and will) wear any thin we can gut Cra. And, Indeed, every American citizen should maintain a good three-ply coat-of-arms. It coats nothing:, and Is within the legitimate reach of the humblest. In a demo cratic nation it is a choice boon. It will keep a man warm, when his other coat t hoc sijno tri&alis. It will lend him dignity when his trouaera are fringed at the hem. It will keep last year's collar from chafing' his neck. To the wan who wants a ooat-of-erms it win oe sweet to tne soui ana oeaun cine to his brains, Jtie had any. Any " man in this country who can a3ord to f. . , . a oorrow a ounasy paper anu siuuy iu illustrated patent medicine advertise ments, and then goes hungTy for a coat-of-arms. wishing one, would perish of thirst if he fell into L-tke Michigan. Still, that's the kind of a man. usually. who pines for a coat-of-arms and hasn't the originality or courage to invent or teal one. Bless you, simple ones. thej-e's no copyright on a coat-of-arms, unless it s a soap trade mark or some- , thing of that sort. Ia that case, hands off. But if it only belongs to some Queen or Emperior, or that sort of I person, why take it and use it; it's yours. . . , "Who steals my eost-ot-arma, steals trash; lis something, nothing-, Ttm mine as much as it Is h!sn. Tint he Tht. av his tl.iA7.nn el&ws nnoa ' The trade mark ot my Prime Leaf Lard, f Which cost me twenty dollars to design. And two to copyright. Will smart tor it if there be any law tn all this land." , BurJetie. in Brooklyn EagU. INSECT-E ATI N Q BIRDS. Bos They Have Been Swept Away by the Destroying Hand of Man. '"" Fifty years ago every farm In tha Eastern. Middle and Southern States had from five to twenty acres of wood' land. These lands not only served 5 many other good purposes, but were uaiaral resting places for birds, and : served them aa safe shelter during the lie t of the dav. These rimitive for ests were the homec--niany eeclferNj birds. The wTur well remembers therV vSht &yrieiiced in going to tha fa the spring ot tho year and jing to the songs of the native -lers as they returned from their quarters at the South. Tha , whistle of the quail was as fa r ta the ears of the farmer as I hold words. The scream ot the ay rang through the forest clear Ud. . i many species ot woodpecker '"were watched with intense Interest aa t'aev fi-lided up and down tho trunks ol the trees, ever and anon rapping with ' irresistible force with their powerful beaks, and frequently drawing forth some hvge grub that had been sapping s the lite of some monarch ol tne loresx. While &. -'-'"'IndustHous ,-h tftanagerjike Vi other bright jnf M are Sty and beautif uL ami k r' i woodman's axe t-s and gun can tell the a "ds have gone no ,'piace. no safety any- tr at this sad picture. IS"-4axciaim. with the l! Curse on thy barbarons art, x thy murder-aiming eye ; ty soothe the with a sigh, asure glad thy cruel heart. Is that were so common fifty i were mostly insect-eating 1 destroyed millions of nox rts, and were of inestimable the farmer and tiller of the en the grain-eating birds con- ifge number of larvae. The t hirii., supposed by 2iany to sist wholly upon honey, consume aiy small beetles and thrips, and areby confer a benefit to the florist. Fici'a Magazine, A lawsuit in New York has de- '.oped the fact that 'after the owner a lot in Cypress Hills cemetery has ied a deceased-member of his own yftily in it he is absolutely forbidden. a law under which the cemetery is ' ora to ever transfer or sell - ide of his family." "TiSen's Pudding. fill appleswit up small; add its rt pudding one cup of eu- .-cr,'i!vi'ater, a pinch of salt, and ts jx r sonful of either cinnamon spt u srs,' Make a crust as for bis- cr.' ovfof the usual rule being - 11 it to the size of the pud- which should be buttere' 1 hake half an hour, or more This pudding of baked, and of one cup of itter, a table- vinegar, all tea CJifia chapping: ioroughly. id dry on w drops of rjair ? - f.A. ' RESTAURANT HOGS. Bow One of Then (Spoiled a Fair Lady and a Reporter's Appetite. Speaking of restaurrnts, bow they hold the mirror up to tha nature of one's breeding! Let a man be lifted never so high by the most skillful and artlstlo of tailors, he will find his level at the table. The failure of our res taurant keepers to provide a number vf small tables for two compels the troubling, and frequently the quadru pling up process, bo that oue has an ex cellent though ofttlmes uuoomfortabla opportunity ot studying hlf dining neighbor. I sat in such a position last night. Being in haste to reach tha theater, my lady and I entered the first restaurant we came to and It is called a good one for supper. Thero were no vacant tables, so I selected a table at which was seated a very nlee appearlng mortal, well dressed, and who gave the impression of being a gen tleman ot taste. Ills order was served sa we took our seats, and aa wa wait ed for ours wo were regaled by aa won derful an exhibition of gastronomic gymnastics as t had ever seen. This gentleman of taste began with soup. He evidently Is fond of soup. 1th one hand clasping the plate, to tilt it as tho compound grew less, and the other the spoon as Anson holds his bat when two men are out and three on bases, he got on the outside of that soup in five breaths, and with such a noise as comes from the waste-pipe of a nearly emptied bath-tub. He then gave his attention to his fish, and but for his opportune coughing would have certainly proved the worth of our fears that some of the bones would be the death of him. The fish dispatched, he devoted his energies to a nice-looking sirloin, some potatoes and turnips. am sure he likes bash, especially when prepared by himself; for, after care fully cutting the meat from the bone. he cut it in small pieces, dumped the potatoes and turnip on top, and, by deft manipulation, had in the twinkling of an eye tha three ingredients mixed with a thoroughness worthy of a better cause, lie has little use tor a fork when he eata hash, lie prefers, as he showed last evening, to get his knife nicely heaped, using a crust of bread for a pusher, llow be got through the dessert I dou't know. My companion complained of a sudden faiutnes, and I took her out in the air and wa went to the theater without supper. Chi ta go Journal. m a THE LADY REMEMBERED. Instructive Session of the Pompklo Hoi low Ladles' Literary Club. In a town not far from Detroit the ladies have organized a "Literary Club." There are eight members in the society, and by way of diversity they give a 'high tea" to eight favor ite gentlemen once a fortnight. The other night "Robert Elsmere' was brought up for discussion. No one had read the book, but each indi vidual had seen fragmentary reviews and all felt armed for the discussion. "Let me see." ventured Miss Wise, who is the author of 'Robert Els mere? I never can think." Nor I." I have forgotten "So have!-" "I never can remember a new author's name two minutes. " "Nor L" "Here comes Mrs. Almons; she will know." Mrs. Almons was the president one of those self-sufflcient people who know how to poise the head and look wise. "Yes. Mrs. Almons ia a walking cyclopaedia," offered young Mr. Bib lings. "Pray, tell us, madame presl dent, do, who wrote 'Robert Els mere r Why, Margaret Deland. of esourse, said the walking cyclopaedia. wfcta prompt decision. "Vyes." "Owes." Of coUscse," echoes e fburtb voice. "lhero nave been three of these re ligious novtiis within a year, 'John VV ard. lTeaher, written by " Mrs. HjUmphrey W ard." They av she named John after her father." prompted Mr. Billings. " O, br6w romantic." "SoT English." Iidedly,' continued Miss Wise, aad 'Love and Theology.' Who wrote that, Mrs. Almons? I never can remember." Mrs. Cardinal Woolsey," answered the president. - Then all fanned themselves and took sip of tea, while Mr. Billings as sured Miss Wise that he never knew a woman equal to Mrs. Almons to re member names. Ditroit Free Press. Marriage Not a Failure. ' Marriage a failure! I should say no" remarked an Oregon farmer, whose opinion was desired on one of tho great questions of the day. Why, the:-e's Lucindy gits up in the mornin, milks six cows, gits break fas', starts four children to skewl, Uxks arter the otLer three, feeds the hens, likewise the hogs, likewise some motherless sheep, skims twenty pans o' milk, washes the clothes, gits dinner, et cetery. et cetery. Think I could hire anybody to do it fur what she gits? Not much! Mar riage, sir, is a success, sir; a gret suc eas!" Yovth'1 Cmnvnnion. The electric liguts in Willows, Cah, can be seen by the naked eye from tha town of Orland eighteen miles distant. t irst dame "1 had four teeth ex tracted yesterday." Second dame "Indeed, I did not know you had so many left." Detroit Free Press. Gum chewers should take warning from the fate of a Newton, Conn., girl. aged sixteen. A piece of gum slipped down her throat, and, lodging at the entrance to the stomach, caused a fatal ulceration. Two citizens of Washington, Ga., started out in the early morn toward the outskirts of the town, where they were to fight a bloody duel. The way was long, and when they arrived at their destination one proposed a rest before they commenced hostilities. Wbile they rested their rage cooled off. and at last accounts they were still Cream Beets. Cut three or four boiled beets into pieces the size of a grain of corn. Place in stew pan; to one pint cut beets add one teacupful rich, sweet milk, piece of butter size of a butternut, or small egg. Salt and netroer to season. Stew ten minutes and serve hot. To whiten and preserve the teeth take one ounce of borax, and put it in h4 three pints of boiling water; before it is uite cold add to a teaspoon ml ol f spirits of camphor. When cold put in 1 a bottle, and cork tightly. A table- THE NEWSPAPEft LIAn." Bamorons Terk Telts ltow 11 Got Is Ills Work- at Ilia KspriMis Almost every dally paper of any pro- tensions to greatness or enterprls maintains a "humorist" on its staff, a funny fellow whose business it is tc make the readers laugh "ha! hal" The following item was written by one ol those alleged humorists! "Peoli, of rck't Sun, won M.OIX) on the eleo Von, but hU conse enee will not permit him tc krtp IU He proposes to dlspnnse it to need idows In sums of tx earn. Every widow It sera of cash thould rut In her claim at once.' U he laughable item was started the Lord only knows where, but it 1 going tho rounds, and I am be ginning to get tho benefit Of course if I knew who the fellow was that wrote the item I could kill him, and that would break him of sucking eggs, but he Is "incog." lie is like the fel low who wiltes an anonymous letter. One would think such an item could not do any harm. It does no harm to me, except to make my heart bleed about twice a day. Tho fellow who wrote it probably thought I would re ceive lots of letters from pretty widows. and that I would have a plcnlo answer ing them. The facta are that 1 never bet a cent on election, and never won a dollar, and while I may occasionally give a little money to the deserving poor, I have no thousands of dollars laid away for tha purpose ot aiding widows or any other deserving class. ish the fellow who wrote that item to be cunning could read soma of the letters 1 receive. It ho could sit here beside me, I could make him so ashamed of himself that ha would an swer these letters I am receiving, and acknowledge that ha was not only a star liar but a foolish ass. These let ters are not from beautiful and " fly " widows, with pearly teeth, red lips, beautiful complexion, soulful eyes, and fat little hands, but they come from old ladies seventy and eighty years of age, who have been left alone, and who are so poor and needy. They never knew any thing about news paper liars, and take it for granted that the above item ia God's truth, and they picture to me their sufferings and poverty and despair in such terms that it makes me feel as though, if I was able, I would support them all in luxury aa long aa tha precious old souls live. They tell ma how to send tha money, and how much good it will do them this winter. One poor, loving old creature, ignorant of tha ways of the wicked world, shivering from insuf ficient clothing, has bought some underclothes of warm wool from a kind merchant, to be paid for when she gets her twenty dollars from me. and she writes such a glad letter of thanks, and tells me that she believes I must be a perfect image of her dear boy who was so kind to her, but who was killed at Antletam, or at least she supposes he was, for she never heard fom him after that battle, and she says I am bo good she knows I will go to Heaven, and she will pray for me every day. What opinion will the in nocent old lady have of me when I tell her the story ia all a lie, and what opinion will she have of the liar who wrote it to bo funny. 1 think I will pay for those underclothes for luck. any way. Another letter comes from a woman eighty-four years old, who has been a widow for forty years, and supported herself for thirty years knit ting socks, until she became paralyzed. and tor ten years she has been in a poor-house, bed-ridden. She tells me what she is going to do with her twenty dollars. With ten dollars of it she is going to buy a blanket shawl and some warm underclothing, and some crab apple jelly, and a chicken to make some soup, and a little china concern which is used to pour liquid nourishment into the mouths of those who can not raise their heads, live dollars of it she is going to use to pay a debt, money she borrowed nine years ago to buy medicine, and with the rest she is going to buy a crutch for a poor girl whose limb is shriveled, and the rest she is going to put under her pil low to be used when she is dead, to paint tho poor-house coffin in which she will be buried, and buy a Bhroud and bouquet of flowers for that occa sion. ell, 1 can see that poor old woman cry when I write her that tha item is not true. I can see the tears run down her wasted, wrinkled cheek. and I wish the fellow that wrote that item, and thought he was smart, could see her as I do. But I guess I will send her the binkot shawl, and the china affair, and have the poor-house folks inform her that her coffin shall be painted all right, and that she shall have a good send-oft, with flowers. But, O. wouldn't I like to catch the fellow who wrote that smart Aleck lie about me. If he had a heart I could show him some of the results ot his work, and make him cry at a mark. How much trouble can be caused in nocent people by such a fellow, who draws a salary for being "funny." Peak's Sun. Mr. Ram bo's Mistake. TJ1 door of Mr. Ratnbo's office opened and a lady stood irresolutely on the threshold. "Thunder and lightning, Nancy! Shut the door!" exclaimed Mr. Ram bo, glancing hastily up from his account book. " Were you raised in a barn? Do you suppose 1 want to freeze to death on account of your confounded I beg your pardon, madam. I thought it was my wife. 1 was expecting her at the office about this time. Certain ly, certainly, madam. I'll Subscribe for the magazine with pleasure. Put me down for two copies." Chicago Tribune, A party of prospectors headed by McDonald, the half-breed, who Induced the Flathead Indians to divulge a long kept secret as to the location of some remarkably rich mines in the Blackfoot country, while clambering aver the deep mountain sides were horrified tc find the skeletons of two white men. One had a bullet hole through his fore head, and both had evidently been killed by hostile Indians. Beside the skeletons toy a small pile of quartz. It is supposed they were the first pros pectors and pioneers of the Blackfoot Hills, and for years had lain on the hills. Fissure of the lip, or chapped lips. is an annoying trouble, and unless it is properly treated is generally somewhat obstinate. Journal of Health advises. as the quickest way to cure it, to draw a stick of lunar caustio over the wound, slightly burning the same. The opera tion is painful only for a moment, and improvement commences at once. Af ter cauterizing, "camphor-ice" 6hould be frequently applied, and, as a rule, the wound will heal in three or four , THE FIRST ROTHSCHILDS. Unfavorable rireumttaneea Under Vfhlcl He Started In Lite. Few boys ever started In life undei tnora unfavorable circumstances, and with less prospect of fame and fortune, than Meyer Anslein, the founder of the great banking-bouse ot Rothschild, and the man of whom Wilhelm, Land grave of Hesse, exclaimed in his en thusiasm, "Such honesty never hal been known in this worldt" Not only was Meyer Anslem poor, but ha be longed to the then despised and per secuted race, the Jews. Living In thlt later day, when much of tho hatred and prejudice felt against the Jews hal given way to more just and liberal sen- tlmenls, we enn hardly understand with what extreme contempt and loathlnp, they were treated In young Anselm'i day. As a specimen of it, however, we read that, in rraukfort-on-the-Maln, the city where he was born, tha Jewi were so detested by the other inhabit ants that they were compelled to live in a certain quarter which was shut in by gates. During the day they mlghl go about, but at night they must all re tire to their own quarter, and there the gates were looked, so that they should not venture out agnln until morning. If by any chnnce a Jew was found out side the "Judengasse" after a certain hour he was put to death. Think what chanco a poor little lad Ilka this had of becoming one of tho wealthiest and most distinguished personages of hlf age! Yet ha did it, and that too by nc other moans than behaving with the utmost uprightness and honesty. To add to his other misfortunes. young Anselra found himself at tho age of eleven an orphan. Now his pros pect was darker than ever, for tht Jews are nearly always kind to theli children, and do all that they can tc give them a start In the world. In somt way or other, however, he secured some little education, and as a young man wn find him employed in a bank ing-house in the town of Hanover, lit was in no hurry to go into business foi himself, as so many young men are, at It ia not until ho la in his thirtieth year that we find him back in Hanover. established as a broker and a money lender, with a rod shield (Rothschild) as a sign hung over his shop. Hera hi did an excellent bodiless, establishing the reputation for honesty that led t his good fortune. So enormous Is the amount of bust ness done and the influence exerted bj the Rothschilds that it is currentlt said ol them that on two or three oc casions they have successfully exertec themselves to preserve the peace o Europe. Their house now has its estab lishments in London, Paris, Vienna and Frankfort, and its agencies in New York and other great cities in boll' hemispheres. Their name is a syn onym for wealth as in earlier days li stood and still stands for fair dealing. Uarper's Young lo(tle. m m UNNECESSARY WORK. It Can bo Avoided by System tilling Itoiase and Kltehen Dutle. The amount of unnecessary exertior given in this country to the accom plishment of nny task has long boen a subject of comment among wise men. Individuals so seldom choose the quiet, systematic way, allowing each detail of their task to follow the other In regular order till every thing is done. In no place is want of system so sorely felt as in the household. The erratic housekeeper is responsible for more than half the ills usu t'ly attributed to untrained servants. The fact that serv ants in this cj.tntry are sally un trained la a reflection against thcli mistresses. It requires a large amount of patience to take a green girl and train her to the work, of a refined household. The reason so many girls give up their work in anger aa a hop;le3 taV.t ia thai they are taught without system U go from one thing to another, and can never feel that the tasks oi the day have li.'oa rounded each to completeness. Tha worker who doot not feel soino pleasure In a success ful accomplishment of well-done work must have a low, brutish na ture. It is the unnecessary steps the girl tit'ces uiuallytli-.it weary her. and these the careful housekeeper alway seeks to save her from. Uneducated people are often very obstinate, but il they are once shown or made to com prchend a system by which all theli work can be done in order and titm saved for themselves, they will usually preterit. It is certain that vt method ical households the servants usualij remain longer and there Is less com plaint than in easy-going homes where rules and hours are scorned. In one house the servant knows every hour ol the day what is expected of her. There is but slight variation in tho work from week to week. Ihe servant' time to herself may bo limited, but she is always sure of that time. It is not taken from her on trivial pretexts, while she in her turn knows too well that any appeal to set aside the allotted tasks will be of no avail. 1 here are few honsakejpers who c;in not remem ber kitohens whsrs no largo amount of work was done, yet every one was for ever in a hurry, rushing "thither and yon," and the tasks of the day seemed to be forever undone; nnd others where an immense i amount of work was ac complished by the same number of hands, yet the kitchen was cleanly, and the quiet manners ot the workers hardly pavo sign of what was being done. If there was extra work, it was carefully planned out and ordered by the kitchen clock. Is there any reason that a girl trained to the easy way of a systematic household should not pretei it to the disorder and drudgery ot "go- easy homes. js. l. irtounc -In Kentucky " First Citizen 'No, sir; we can not account for tha sudden death of Colonel Gore. Sec ond Citizen Had he been drinking any thing?" First Citizen" Nothing to hurt. Let's see! I believe he did take a glass of milk yesterday." Sec ond Citizen "That explains It! Tha water in it killed him." Dr'k?s Maga zine. -"Well. William," said Mr. Hard head to his new confidential clerk. you are in a first-class position now at a good salary. I shall expect you to be faithful and diligent.; in fact, to make all my interests your own. It won't be necessary, however, for you to make love to the type-writer. I ll attend to her myself. - A much traveled goat ia aboard the United States sloop of war Galena. It is a pet of the sailors, and as such has journeyed up and down tha Atlantio coast and among the West Indies. It eats with the men, and goes around among the mess chests and mess tables as independently as would any officer, it unaerstanus the Doatswain s pipe as well as the sailors, and whether sway ing or squaring the yards, making sail or at drill, "Billy" is at the head. , USEFUL AND SUGGESTIVE. -Ilany plants have been nipped by frost, water very sparingly until fresh leaves have unfolded. Hoarseness may be relieved by eat ing freely of fresh raw egg beaten thick with flue white sugar. Grained woods should be washed with cold ten, and then, after being wiped dry, rubbed with linseed olL An egg for an invalid, to be pala table and digestible, should bo beaten very light, and then steamed two min utes. Whether a lamp explodes or la over turned, the only rational attempt to ex tinguish tho fire is by smothering. Water only spreads the oil and thus In- era ises the evil. Pried Preserves Any fruit which has been preserved in sirup may be drained from the sirup, dried slowly, sprinkled with powdered sugar, and packed neatly in boxes. For colic, a cold, a fever, convul sions Indeed, at the outsot of an at tack of most any infantile derange ment, a bath is Invaluable, and not In frequently the only remedy required. (heap Dinner Dish. To each pound ot beef minced fine add one-half pound of grated bread, season to taste, and mix with two beaten eggs. Put In a greased mold and steam two hours; serve turned out with mashed potatoes. Do not take either very hot or vory cold foods or drinks, they crack tha enamel of the teeth, and thus destroy them; they also weaken the salivary glands, enfeeble tha stomach, and Im pair digestion. Five cents worth of Tasellne, which Is tasteless and odorless, will cure all tha chapped bands, sunburned faces and cracked lips, heal all tha sores, burns and abrasions with which a family would ordinarily be afflicted. When the cork is taken from a full bottle ot ink, if you don't know where to put it, just stick a pin in the lower end and bend it into a hook, then hang the cork on the bottle. Bend the hook so as not to Interfere with using Ink, and then you have it always handy. Tk Chill Hlant That sets the naked brem-h'-s a oTilrerlnir, ia not frit by the wealthy vah-lt.dlnarian Indoors, but not all the rovrrlnr. thai ran be pllrd on his warm ln-d, nor all Ihe furnace hrat tnat anttire rlte ran furnish, will warm bts marrow wh-n rh Ills and lever runs lis Icy tiuevrs alone: his spinal column. Honlctler's rHomarh HiUcrs Is the thin to Infuse new warmth Into his rhllleil and aucuith frame, to remedy tha fierce fever and exhmi.tlos sweats which alternate with the cli 111. liHinhaKHe, ague rake, billions remit tent In short, every known form of malarial disease is sul)iieatetl by thlt potent, ami at Ihe pnme time, wnoiesome aui irenini menicuie. IIIUIoiianes.ronstliatlon, dvunensla. sick head aches, loss of appetite and sleep, kidney trou ble, rtienmatUni and debility are aloo remedied by it. I'm it with persistence to e fleet a thor- uku enre. He that sareth bis dinner will bare the more supper. White Elephant of Siam. Lion of Ens- land, Drajron of China, frees of Swltser, land, lianner of Perxla, Crettcent of Efrypt- Douhle Kettle of Itueida, Star of Chili. The Circle of Japan, Harp of Erin. la tret these boy a box cl the genuine Dr. C. Mt Lane's Cki.krratbu Liter IMi.l.s. price U.1 rent, and mail ua the out side wrapper with your address, plainly written, ana rente in stamp. a will nen mall you the atvove list witn an ele- frant package of oleofrraphic and chro matic tartls. Flesh wo Bros., Pittsbcro, Ta. Never bas-nle about the basket If you set the iraiu COtBl'MPriO!t HHEIl. An old physician, retired from prartiee. hav- lue had Placed in his hands by au East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy fer tbe speedy and permanent euro of Consumption, Hronchitls, t Starr h. Asthma, and all Throat and l.nni Affections, also a posi tive and radical rure for Nervous Iiebillty and all Nervous Complaints, after havlne tested its wonderfHl rnrative powers In thousands of esses, has ti lt It bis duty to make It known to bis sutTV-riiiK fellows. Actuated by this motive and a (leslre to relieve human tuncrlnc, I will send free of rharre, to all who desire ft, this re cipe. In iit-rman, r'rvurh or English, with fall oirections lor preparing ana us ins. Hent by mall by .!irvln with stamp, naminr this paper, W. A. .ovt,JW .fitter s Bluet, Koc bet ter, A. 1 . There Is winter euonuh for the snipe and the rouucuri too Hit Hint ef That n Taste. when vou wake nn In the moraine with a bad tent e In your mouth, with yaur throat and tonirne dry and a yellow roatius: on your teeth anu (ami, oon t imnvme it all eeusea tiy what you ale the nlulil before. f course every body does that and everybody "swears off" from atfsln eatiii-r such food. The trouble Is thai tour liver Is rloeired, roar kidneys are over worked ami your bowels are not dolus; their iuty. Take .from three lo'tcn of Rsskukkth's I'll.l.s and note the sudden and wonderful change In your system. Souceie not the oranire too bard, lest vots have a oilier juice. Why l.aairai Last Her neaat. Laura onee had an aflluent bean V bo called twice a fortnight, or so. Now she sits, Sunday eve. All louety to irrleve. Oh, where Is her recreant beau. And why did he leave Laura so? Why be saw that Laura was a lanraUhtm delicate irlrl, subject to sick headaches, sens: tlve nerves and uncertain tempers; and know- Ins; what a Hfe-loiiK trial Is a fretful, sickly wife, be transferred bis attectlons to her cheer ful healthy cousin, Elloo. The secret is that Laura s health and strvsnth are samied b chronic weaknesses, peculiar to her sex, whirl ciien averts auu avoios py tne use ol Dr. I'lerce's Favorite Prescription. This Is the only remedy, for womeu's peculiar weaknesses and ailments, sold by drumcii-ts, under a positive iruarantec from the manufacturers, that it will Kive satisfaction in every case or money will be refunded. Hee guarantee on b-ttle wrapper. They who have little butter must be content to spread tulu their bread. Children Mart ina; te Death On account of their Inability todl-rest food, will find a most msrvelous food and remedy In Meats' Kntulnlon of Pure i'od Liver OH with Hypophosphites. Very palatable and easily digested. Hr. 8. W. Oohicn, of Waco, Texas, says: "I have used your Kruulslon In In fantile wastlns: with rood results. It not only restores wasted tissues, but rives ttrvneth aud increases the appetite. I am glad to use such a rename article. Many a good dish Is spoiled by an IU sauce. Kor the Care of a t'tsth ar More Throat, "Brown's Bronchial Trochtt" are a Sim pie remedy. When the stomach chimes wait not for the clock. the dinner hour If afflicted with Sore Ryes, nae Dr. Isaao Thompson's Eye Water. DruKgista ell It. S60. TRY Orrmba tor breakfast. f f UUU VIEIQtjr PURE Its enpartor exoellenos proven In millions of homes fot more than a quarter of a century. It used by the United States Government Endorsed by the heads of the Ores Universities, ss tha 8troorest, Purest and most Healthful. Br. Price a Oreem Bakliia Powder doss not nontsia Ammonia, Lime or AJnm. Bold only in sans. FRIOIt BAKINO POWDSB OO. nw Toms. o-uoaoo. a-s. tools For IVoiifn.ltjto.. NSW, PERMANENT CURBS, ar Tears. rltlo., on., JTm tT, tll. SMrtMtlf lot mtotiI ymn wits bo tolgt: U mutui IkiiM; ri4 St. JiM U W . Mara U men tht. s. s. rrmuwur, f . at ever Apeln. at. biwtt, IU , suy it, it. sir ( u r.bi.4 vita ! ii, u4 iAe km hctue el St. .'.iwb. oil w. mmf shun RiMsr asuuaimrsa. After Alt. Btlu4, 111., May SI, IMS. avs fcanra mm mi b..,.!(1. (Iran a by eaMateat mm ky St oil, I. at. taW, Brafftas, AT DStTSOHTS ASS M1U1I. THI CHARLES L VOOCLEt CO., lattlatrs, ! Diamond Vera-Cura FOR DYSPEPSIA. Am tu svoMsoa vsooblu seoa Alt hUlMtn, Sw-tteaw., twUni, lliw, . simms, tniDuiln. IiiUm tiut mui, fo4 tat siosia ana iiufrtHW tests Biter mm eat lw-tirtta. Jt DrueaUl find Vrn rrt or ami ty maO am tit e ao ett. (5 6am f I oil) as staatpa, Sasay II enat en mipi a km Seme. TRI CNAILC4 A VOSELAS CO.. affiatere. VASELINE PREPARATIONS. On wHjit of )Ofttiis itnmitu w will fits vy man tiie miiowttin imini urticiei : On Horn of lur Nrlln, - - 10rti. On liott ff VM4I!ti 4 ttmphnr I, 15 rftst. On Ho of Viatsllttft 4 ot(t 4Jrm( 15 vtn, N Vwllne In neitultm mil- our uame I nu the label, nkHitBtf(iH MiMUr u Co., 24 Htte I., new Torn. S5E a a day. Hatntili-s worth SUC.IS RICK. I.lnrs not nti'li-r horses' fwt rllo Hrrnslrr atafelv Ht-ln elder .. Halls-. Mirk. navlnf tor the past fnor er Sre years been treubletl with ptmiJoe snd blotches en m tare and body, en-t flntllnr no rrllrf In any ol the rhcmlcallr prepared sia and nwdirines proscribe!! fr ms or physicians. i mnnuun so i r t our n. n. n. remear, ana Ol found Rieat relirl la the same, four boiuee clear tny sain entirely. I thaertullr recommend sour meaietne so ail who are in the position that I bave been In. Ton eaa w this letter and ray name as a testimonial to the merits ot the a & a remedy. sry truiy years, altsid r. Kosrssos, B20 Huisome PL. Han rranrisoe. 11, tr Send f ir our hnnks en Blood and fikla Ltts- eases and advice to so irvrirs, mailed free. TUB SWIFT MfKCIFlO CO., Drawer . Atlanta, l i. roa . Aatnaut, t'aagha, t'wlda, " Crsss, Ia flaeaaav, Braarttltla, Catarrh, Wfaaaa- sct'satli, Eaa mt Tleet laelplea Coaawanptloa, aasl-all Threat lit Liif Traablea. ' J. R. CATES & CO,' PROP'S. Sit ftaauwate Street. Saa Fraarlsee, Cat. DE. "llUCn HI W HIT AND lUSPtNSOKT. Pat. Oct. ll.'T)care all VrvnnRtltn(h route lltae ea-Mwnf both seies. Price'rV aa and upward. 4enl tn w,. I'T sealed t-aniphiet Nn. x. ' . IS--TIBK f rnintnrd 1 riLKM- new invention, i-tena so VM-, stamp ft. K. T. ,,T4rTmriieiitoit,,ian Francisee, rial. 1 am pn let -o. s. in :rww r "ttraCKsssest -sV-lV'as,V',W,- Fertbad, Ore. IVilet-t ei'tiipinent. Iin-iou-ill InM ruction, estab lished reput-tilon. growing popularltr. 0sesa, SAortAaec, Cestmee SrSee'ass fitnumuMlm Depart ment. Htudents admitted at any time, lata logue snd specimens ot penmnhtn sent free. J. A. KfclH O.Mee'i s. i.r. iHS-tlHUSN.rits. E O PS TUKATKII KItKE. Positively Cared with Veeetable Remedies. ffavseered msny thoeimed esses. Cere patients pronounced nteles by the bent physicians. ITro-n first dose ITmiiUiml rmptdly dtMftpesr, and In ten Say. at lesM twtvtbtrd. of atl .rmplonis are remov ed. Seed fitr fres bv.k of leattniontslsof ulrsealo-as enres. Ten dsrs treatment foml.hed f ree by nelL If yoa order trial, t-rd Hi rents In stamps to pay oatasa. DH. II. U.UHKRN A SONS. Atlanta. s. If yua order trial return tha edverUsemeBs lo aa 1st Premlurna. SS.OOO ta lata, O years EstaUisbed. MW a t-atented Steel TuAina De nse la no uver Piano, by whleh our pianos stand In tune SO years, -rood tor toe ; no affected by climate. Mo wood to split, break, swell, aorhia. crack, decay, or wsar out ; we guarantee U. Be gan Rosewood CasMa, S strings, double repeating action: Snest Ivory ken: the Famoas ANT1SELU Call er write Tor iaui-ue, ire. i.s.-iiisiu, PIANOCO., Msnutartniw, Old Fellows' lisll. Mar. as and Bevntli Streets, 8aa rrancstc. BUT TBI BEST. TARS MO CHANCES. MEXICAN SALVE THE CREAT HEALER. Cores Ctitt. Sores. Salt Rheum. Boila. Ptmplea, Felons. Skin lilwMei, and all ailments for which a salve is suitable. Fot takirm out sorvneaa and healinK it acta like niafric. 2A cent 1 box. at all rtrufzjitst"-. WELL DRILLS roa EVEIT PURPOH. Sold on Trial 1 nT. rVntl 0d fur BlsaJlInc 'vi-k lltustrmUKl Cmt4vi -ftu srith full pAiAimlavnk Mauiv GOULDS a AUSTIN, ItTAIM Lmk.a CHICAGO. ILL. S1EINWAY. M Kt 1 l II, PKAaK as IsAt II. Oahler, Koeniai rtanos; Bnrdett Orsana. band Instrnmeaav at Isim i euppllea a .. r.m took ot Sheet Music snd Hooks Rsnda sds HO. aitsra Prkws. MATTHIAS ORAV SAraet, Saa Pianna-ei A PUFF of SefU of North Carolina Ping Cut will convince any Smoker that it is the finest Smok ing Tobacco ever sold on this Coast Don't be fooled bj cheap imita tions. Always ask for "Seal," and see that yen get the genuine. Bif a na riven anivay sal aatlafacUoa la tha cur of OonorrhGra tat Gleet. I prescribe It ana feel safe In -recommend. tng It to all snfferaia. I strlsarykylas I arts QksalAtl 0. OteewaaoJCa a. J. STOKER, MJIU, "Lssvy PRICK Sl.ool Oscatur, III. -- ii'T" Ti )T Sold hy Drassiata Tha BTJTXBS' OTJTDE la leaned. March and Bept- (each. wear. It la an ency. olopedia of tiseftU tnfoxw mation for all who par. aha) tha loxnriea or the neoeiaitiei of life. Wa e&n olotha you and fnrniih you with aU tha necessary and unnecessary applianoes to rido, walk, danoa. Bleep, eat, flab, hunt, work, go to chaxofa, or stay at homo, and In various aiaea, tylaa and qnantitiea. Jnst Ugarm out what is required to do all these thing- COMFORTABLY, and yon can makes fair estimate of the value of the BDXEB8 GUIDE, which will be aent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay poataga, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. lil-lla Miohigan Avenue, Ohio ago, HI. SALESMEN: We wish a tew men to sell our KOods by sample to the wholsale and re tail tnulft- iATtmS mui. rrslaourllne. Enclose t-cent stamp. Wagesfctper Day. Permanent position. Ha postals answered. Money advancedfor wafres, advertising, etc On. teaalal MaaafSctarlaa Co., t'larlaaatl.Ohla. T. H. PIMR. Aaaayer aad Analytical Ck-eatlst, Laboratory, 104 First St., Portland, Or. Analyse made of all mbatsncea. x$ XX - bDQ . i rr-!-- I jrm 1 a AT I I W tTVA a, f 3s ' N. P. N. U. No. 271-S. F. N. TJ. No. 848 tar uvica t),OuG, OUU et .- -'-i i?"7Ti7' pl lx t ttir bm& ef the isnya-at &i BiAMt nU-Uin boaas, and Uk turn Ferry o Goods rf-vD. sf. fekkT m srs 1 scklloeleimed tu b tB -J Jargest Seedsmen in tn wonci. P M FrRsrACo's lilo.trnti-d. flesrlp. tire and Prised ror test Will hm m-id mrc it all eniiltrnnlsL tifid Hthiut tirfltnHnaT A. limit. tarlM ett I i'MmSSt - --- sQMiia ei.a i. r it Aimraes D. M. FER2fTeV CO., Dotrolt. Mich. JJS mmm i ' v v UJ? itaN' -.- - ... --"Wee. - S- JL PROMINENT MERCHANT IN TROUBLE, Old moneybair mopes tn his office all day. As snappish and cross as a bear ; Tho clerks know enotif h to keep out of his way, Lest the merchant should (Tumble and Even Tabby, tbe cat, is in fear of a cuff. fir a kick. If are ventures too near; Tbey all know tne master is spt to be roua-h. Anil bis freaks unespected and queer. To correct a sliiggfctf or disordered liver, and to cleanse and purify tbe blood and thereby sweeten the temper, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has no equal. It Improves digestion, builds up the flesh, Invigorates the system, dispells melancholy, and makes life worth living. IT IS GUARANTEED t0 beneftt or cure- lf taken in time and given a awaawaaaaSBawaaawaawaaeasasaawaaaBSB fair trial. In all (Usea.-eS for which it IS reCOHl- tnended, or the money paid for It will be refunded. Copyright, 1888, by World's Dupes-baby CATARRH11 TIIE IIEAD ta at at " no mattr of bow long standing, is per Bianently mired by DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. SO rent, bv driieriiwa. TBI COW BEAHO, TO DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE DviGims Govz-Drand Soda-Saleratus. ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. sar that thar I s ptctttr of s dm oa jvar pacUc and -m :U hare ihe bast Soda Bade. -raj ooW EBjLm There's Walla Walla. Moore Mfg. Co., Seattle, W.T. GtMitlen.en : Dating my 15 years experience in the drug bueiness 1 never handled a medicine that sold so re-ulily cr gave such universal tatia f act ion as Moore's Revealed Remedy. Never heard a complaint from those using it. H. E. Holmes. Purely Veeetahle; Contains no Alcohol; Rerniat-'S the Bowels; Aids Pises tiou: "'imnlates the Liver; P vveuis THE SPRING MEDICINE YOU WANT Paine's Celery Compound Purifies the Blood, Strengthens the Nerves, Stimulates the Liver, t Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels, "V Gives Life and Vigor to every organ. There's nothing like it "Last spTin-r, being very much ran down and debilitated. I procured some of Paine's Celery Compound. The use of two bottles made me feel like a new man. As a general tonic and spring medicine, I do not know its equal." W. L. Giimmp. Brigadier General V. N. G-, Burlington, Vt. ti.oo. six for $5.00. At Druggists. DIAMOND DYES , Z2,mlLZt, CLOTHIM! For HI EN AND BOYS at Iiick House Block, San Francisco, MANN & BENEDICT. 27 Years In THE VAN MOMCISCAH PRIVATE DISPEKSARY. KOS. 133 and 134 THIRD STIit ET, V Portland, Oregon. Is the only Pirte Ms pniary in I'nrf laf.'l or on th Worth sert , when- fitM-nt r mir.-.,-!. fully rrt-st-1 vnM hll V '1 M, iliUKM" AMI PRlVATlt IIHEAHI-J in v fonttt r -t'l, tni or f msrrud. cneh ss ' imht MAXHnnn. Jforyotis llblllfcy, strmisl mmm-s, isiuns mei-aery. rphilitlc emtitinfu,, ef fect of marc-iry. bulirf and M-Mirirr ItouMmi, gon-orriK-a, sleet, stttctun ate. t.ttl.l ATION rKICK. What makes the old fellow so surly and srftn. And behave so confoundedly mean 7 There' certainly aometbina; the matter with him Is It stomach, or liver, or gplwnf We've guessed it hi liver fa sluggish and bad. His blood is disordered sod for i. It's enough to make auy one hopeioasly mad. And greet bis bust friend with a growL Medical Association, Proprietors. MAKE DWIGHT'571 Money in It. W. T . June. 1888 Uisease. Use It Now! "Having used your Paine's Celery Compound Una spring. I can safely recommend It as tbe most powerful and at tbe same time most gentle regulator. It is a splendid nerve tonic, and since taking It I have felt like a new man." K. . Knokb, Watertovm, Dakota. I wnxs. Richakdson & On. Props. BuMin-rton, i Wnxs. KiCHAKneoN A Co. Props. Burttngton, Vt. I LACTATED FOOD "fj. RrCCUafSORS TO C.C- HASTINGS A CO, Present Leoatlon. T) -A n i