- r.r h:-s lie (!v!i -.1 Ktni.. . en th.N iia- A'l KM V t ! .n v. b. u to itw-di: ; rt.'r-j.onsiyk' tttr. ie cf the lo.nlini U SS;Ut., will Um MaUwsli !.ul-j(,f Fi ' mibMT-U-rs v have that ja Jt up thvir phIi. i.Mia. C:i!l in i I UESTION. ' '' that shall we ts:tved'.' Soon Bivn us, and Inquire what pon, to do to , .forest? Are on, expect-tioi-jin i:t . zjrood an gel , himself over if by magic, ..d vj-ried sounds ry? Are we still to that all the many rovements that we ,.r and talked of in - ; to - me unsolicited ftnet unakit f we have Ut n mirs Idj? this delusion iu our mind, if we are awaiting and espeetiuif to upeu in our lavor that are mt in aW.yt. f coraanee wun what has happened to j, other ioiiaui unities aroum! us in the ! ra,e. may as well now and forever I iifsenrd this faW hope, thU delasiv i ream mat lias lulled us so Ions int rieif blis-fut Inaelivity. A'l things re xsible to tlmsa who are mt wea- itv nM "I :Y:.r. " . " ' " : iiZL W : " u S r ' VU: " BS alone. determiae wtuthcr h.l be somethin'more tlia nittrt? ; 1 o . V I Nature has supplied us much mc lavishly than many other portions vrv. ! u-. i n I dV Hit; X. jIV ! me Ftate. Mie has held out to ns in fmany ways the hand of encourage "j mebVf Hhouah we have as ytt been elow to atxx pi it; but it is not too late to put id mi oar and try to acquire ?what ivemsslu.i have fc-asuod years eg-o. All that is necessary is a fetart, kut there is the rub, to stWt, to gain; ...... 'h..v.i. w . iui fit re a win more wi il soon le ! p--'uea up a way. All we want is to make up our minds just what we want to do, and g at it in a bushiest' like i-&y and ivfth it on to comph-tion. (Vhy net cail a meeting of tiu repre 4eminjr t!ie but-intss inuro-t cf the cny ana v . umy at once and formulute Hans and pp. .int committees. We ! wait with bated breath; we listen for V call to action . When that time tomes and thriving industries are ffted in our midst, then the question Viil be answered, what sdiall we, ns a jpmmunity, do to be saved. J. J. I We heartily e miai?:ij the above ar- vele by J. J., and sincerely hope that ted on at encr. ' c-nergv and J only consult IU ( Jt !g for the first a iiarcn at 7 o ciocK and let us do some cs and our town. C SCHOOL. j j lie school reveals ' - xut 110 pupils W of these are one room, and ' Xow just think young pupils of four or ne room, aud then de teacher Jhe Herculean ' all of them. We be- 'irisdoes all that any tr- ut no onekeacher can 5ow.r Prof. Hunt has i do ip lua room, and his work jgii, atid with till assistant he t Aanajo that, but what of the fu - us show tlie prosjierity of j Svii, all wh have at heart the j of our children, think, talk j Oil this nucbtiou. li.-G BUSINESS. orioc paid for produce iuTrmiics i 5 cents per omatocs" i-7 ir ton for 'rs per bushel for peas, .-"iindred bushels of tomatoes ts per jbusliel, J75, allowing i and tiie farmer clears c-re orvk all expenses per acre, d Jlt wasons i Jn j scarce. OICCU IWOj- 1 one S'i&f i P f .F l UJ - f says Ull I & to not lowing hor- f.;t Y1 111!'.. t . 4 i:. U. " m;- n !, a r r iiiM il :i H-.-iiUi-. JTvy re tirn :1 from Ws.l. in r M:;uy. O. 1 ' CVrdtow. Jr., ntiirr.ed from iV.: i!.i.i! -i MiM-..l:'y. J. M. Mey-r vturm-l from Pirllrtist ! VH'h.v !:, ttml on lue f;itv M iiuIhy l.-i't fnS.iU in. U-.-i, C. Wmisr.! nml wltV on ;ri l-ud.:y U-fl 1"o,- AUny, r hunuu-tn- hum? on Iho ft.lk-wiuac Thur-l:ty. O. P. Co.-;hov, Sr., h.-iS tinrirg tr.s. pa-t wp:k rnUUv hnyirnvrsil in lx-till!; tuitl U ft ct rt rovcring from his Lite at tack cf sis knr;-.s. ... f" t IT1!!'!..!- fnw Uil SmilM MfMinnvi:ie en Frklay nnhtri ; in n-Hn-tfflf tn a t li'iTim. in i 3. . i HUM . . ..- forming livr -f the hos hius iUis of hev On the fnumi Fmuuy m thin month . ... . "X- ..1. 1 . .1? t lie itiUSlst c II V 1. iitil ui-MM R- villo, liov. Carpus Spvrry will preach the fnuial s rnion of A. V. Thnm n tt .o..!t d. AU fi h'n.l-i of the f;un:l are ir.viud l he In ntumlnneo. The-nitny fui'ntla of Julius 7-iner left f r Pan Fran -i.-co t umlurjj the on. nUl;n of ItHvlnnr a tumor re moviM from Iiis neck, will hs happy to knovr that the cprrution hns IhhH flu1 ocsltlly p:'i fi)nnol hy Dr. McLnin. A 1 or rvivtitlv recievetl from Mm. Wner states tlr.it h r haslvmil K at tht prrn ent tim, rest ln easy, sufiorin; hut little pain, with fair priwpecU of recov ery. Tliomas Kay, r., furmor snpt. of the H. "V. M. Co., during the past wftl haa puuhi:sed :it 8:li ni, for the sum ot ?15,tK, t'ne property nrul watrr power formerly In-longing to the Salem oil mil!, at whieh phut he has in eon temptation the erection tf a woolen Armnpenients aw? pending for b tiO.nOO I itinuifrom the citizens of Sa lem, which txnu will, as pe r late ail vt.Hva l shoi-t'.v i-aise-1 nml tho llllll I completed ami operated prnvl. As will le seen by reference to the notice of dissolution appealing In this week's isue of The Extrr-.s the Ian firm of Thompson Wntin has dii- hvsu I the future bcin, cairied on hv II. Thsmpson, at th t Uate the entire Mmk tf goncral mer- It - handise an 1 is now prepared t give a I l lt.,L. t .f 1. ,, j u;c j uuiii; 111c tisK ut . 1 v v I iivl V 1 1 11 1 111 IM 3. It .H, III I II .III J V l . tiocs. l.arg-e qua!!tili8 of groods havt been r.rderrd fi t ni the well known firm of Marshal!, Fields &Co., t 'hicaaro, and CM. Iles-.derson, celebrated foi their excellent quality of Itoots and shoes and footwear, embracing a wel! sol-ctcil stoch ol" spring and summer go-Mis of the 01-st brand.-!, will be sold i:t ui ,st reaot.nhle prices. As before. eountrv produce will Us taken in ex- I change, and a discount ef five p?r ctn! will be allowed for cash. T. S. P. CLASS LEGISLATION. We hosrtUy ei. dorse Senate bill Io. 43, ,;l,owl1 s ti,t? ni"h license bill, that iias become a law, tut wny discrimi nate between town and county? I the erson in town b; ttr than the one 1:1 t'.u country? If either has the prev alence it is the one in the country. Then why make a law regulating the moral: of the county and letting the tow n take care of itself? Shame such inequality. We lisvi"rt-oiimion county whethave j;Ve in town or j "'iJt-nuT let us put no burdens on r eountrv friends that we do not on ,i.o denizens of ineorjiorated towns. PRODUCE MARKET. -"-ted weekly by C. B. Montague. -r 5'Vlb sack, ?I 15; ier bar- ICC pr 5b. l, per 2-ib roll, 4c. i!i 11, ItiVc vr dozen, 50 to $4 0. dozen, common, $4 50 to .'dozen, ?7. Per lb, live weight, 10c. ,ier lb, dry, tic; green, 3c to pelts According to wool, 15 K;. , Dter skins Summer, 30e; winter, 25e w v e had the pleasure of meeting S. A. Dawson, State Senator bom this county, last Friday evening, lie was visiting his home during th re-ess of the legislature. He is one of the pioneer settlers of Linn countty, and has long held the confidence and tstecm of his fellow citizens. Eight years ago he represented this county in the lower house, and two years ago he v as ei0f.ted Rate Senator. Xo t f-, v k x. u V- V v IV4 JI V'U'UIIVVM VII sen js a strong Republican, he was elected in a Democratic county. Mr. Dawson's record is above reproach, and he is noted for his energy and upright dealing. Persons troubled with rtn.umatism ilioald try ChamWrlain's Pain Balm. One appl. balion will e. se the pain, and its continued use has cured main- casts' of chronic and inflammatory rheuma- tism, that had resisted other remedies and even the treatment of the best physicians. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by M. A. Miller. "T " The average age of all the people of Franco is given as thirty-two years two months and twelve days ; the av erage in the United States is only twenty-four years ten months and twentv-four days. The Toronto lote says that Eng land spends 40,000,000 a year for fruit, fresh, dried and tinned. This is why I . . - . . . t n . 1 . . . . .. r. 4 -. - .. . I . nv ''' 3 inouuois in that line in Eondon. Our share rf IILJil v,JJ-l,l'7)l-Hf IS lllli KlVULJOll Ui llie Jru-.t it terest m tins state. . j During 18SS the total amount of rail way construction in the United States j was C430 miles, .which is only one-half of thf .amount huiit during-IS87, and twohuHiof that built for lSSfi. licw Can Parents Allow (heir children to eoueh and strain and ' eouK'i n-.d calm I- sar. "Oh: it is only a little ! col l," and keep giving them cheap arid dunger ; oils iiiedicincs nntil they are dow n with lung jt-ver or conn;iiption, when they can be M easily roK,vel l,y E EGG'S t HEHEY COl'GH SYItUF? M. A. MII.1.F.R. Inint'J-t. u. I y.vv WHATI WAN Urtllt TO li -rt.il, I r..u iiithrn-1 t Vac ; .1!! v.:ik;-,o-.vn, mill iV.i"i iiiiitcnt, .iV 'h'.r.i.llA- Ul h'.aiuiinritt. U I'.onr I ii;i:i, anl siiithiasr inorp. Win- 1!.- .i t'.r ! f-'u- t!::: :!o-' I m;ii; h n iv.n.J I huT's tmo, Wini wi!! j.ij r r.-M l;:nitly It ., Jail .-.y ., ii kai i'y :oi, Xvr Ci 'iut luv ia , or le-s ft jnna. x vi:t liuirr. 1 vnut h t' l'vt, !!'.'.;. on :i o hul , Wni n ; art? rtark, nn-l ih.-ii;4 mid erM: A . tt. m my fi.l.tri'i t fw! ! ,-t:iv, W.iiii' 11 -!v 1 fro;;.l Mfv'w uor.ry wuf. h'.i: h !uvo I rt iint, nu l even more, I 7v.t ftHH.iTo a light my home, A fcisi i jr,-ei me when I nm : A iscnn in.-i? swi-i't nml lii'.y (-!ilme Siiull willi my own kivp (.'Vi'ii time. S:if !; iV:;'i:.i I Hiul rvt-a iimrc. I ivnnt a kind wrl-.i-liil j.tnc?. In Mini :lim:p!i;- of ul! my m e ; I uaat llm! men u-.a'.il un ut of nie ta Kvnttc toap.i of thai ity ; Ami even more. I v. ant in r i-l 1ih p In my lu nrt I've hi teil wi-n my ImmliU- jvirt : A art when my I'lirtlily eiur 1 rial, I waal ihe Miiier'a kiml well ilot'.e. Ail lliis I v. a t. nml m n-.orj. A LETTER FOR THE EXPRESS. Mr. F.mtok: It has been my priv ilege to read your excellent paper al-nnw-t front its first Issue, and amoiijr other things I frequently notice items f Interest from the thriving town ot Brownsvillr, which call up aome pleas ing reminiscences of other days. once visited that highly favored vil lage aud had the pleasure of meeting several clergymen who then ministered 10 therpiritua! necessities of the vari ous churches of the town and vicinity. rht.8 minister I Khali never forget , specially the aptness of tteir names. First, there was a Hishop, Key. W. it, ef the C. V. Church, who appeared to lie a "bishop" without amiter or r. rolie! Hut there was a "IJoIt," however, among the clergy, not such as bishop wear, but a live, tqioakirig ltolc, Rev. It. of the Prtsbyw rian church. I also noticed a ".Sta'r" preachrr among them, Itev. Phil, of the M. E. church. I cannot say that he was a tar of the very first magnitude, never theless he was bv 110 nivalis a small or dickering thing, but thone with a pure, clour light in the darkest nights. Next, I saw two Pearls. 1 hey seem ed to he real pear's of considerable value, if net of great price." Audi lure was preacher " V.Vrth.'" Will, I cannot say just how vtduabl, he wtt, but he was highly le'wEswi by b's p.'cpie and the p.".-pIo generally . There was one "While" preacher, who did little preaching, however, yti he did good service otherwise. And, ?Ir. I-Mitor, singul.ir and trange as it may r.t'm to you, one ot lie preaoht is whom I saw was "Wool v," t!iL- Itev. C A., of Fugene City. I.astcf all cr.:ne a "I;ivcr," who seemed to dvssire to ho!d the line in "lis own hand?, srul to keep the whole team moving! With an urr.iy of preachers, why lead .mould not Brownsville take the u every good word and wnrk. A Visitor EMIHSIASM. Do mt he afi-.i!d of ent'iusiiisn; there is more lack of heart than brain. 1. The world is not starving fir need efi" U education half so m uejj. as - fiTTea rtiest iiueres! oi'j: r,,r s.m!. We agree tiU-KrttTi the Indian wli., when talked t - .i about having too much ztttl, raid, "I think it far better for the pot to boil over than not to boil at all." 15e Burt to muster on the right Mde. In churches there are two classes the positive and the past-ivo; or the pro gressive and do-nothings. Oneaggres Mtve, positive worker is worth fifty easy talking, don't-care members. If there is anything psiiive in you, show it. Put on the whole armor ofOod and stand your ground. WORD3 CF WISDOM, Who waits for dead men's shoes may have to go barefoot. ilonesty is the best policy, but policy is not always the best honesty. Balances on the credit side cf the ledger always look the best. lietter to begin the world without a dime than end it withsut a dollar. The man who lays his hand to the plow and doesn't look back is doubly blessed. JCo consciousness of rectitude will entirely take away the sting cf being cruelly misjudged. a rn.irosKii vnion. We understand that at a meeting of the Oregon Presbytery of the Omnlier land church at McMinnville in April, that the Congregational church, through Dr. Drown and Atkinson, will make a proposition for the union of the two churehen. We give this as a matter of news, knowing that it will be of interest to our readers, aud in or der that these interested may be de liberating on the matter. Tale lieariilg about follow workers is of the samu quality as possip alKiut one's neighli-s, and no better. Speak ing the truth in love in vhat a true Christian d'.X's. Iixnggeiations a'out Christian work cue is engafri-d in or interested in, is itc mueh to be1 avoided as corners on the Board of Trade or speculations in min ing stoeks. It is stated on ?:ood authority that Mrs. Harrison and her daughter re fuse wine at dinner parties, a faet that will not lie uninteresting nor unpleaa- ing to a large majority of the citizens of this country. The protracted meeting at the Meth odist church still continues, and a great interest is manifested. There have been several accessions to the elm reh. Preaching at the C. P. Church Feb. 17th at 11 a. in. and 7 r.m. by ll'v I. R. Snodder, Baptist minister. Friends and all invit; d. Rev.C. A. McDonald,' of Portland, is assisting V. ;v. W. S'.iipworth with the protracted meeting at the M. E. Church. Rev. J. It. Kirkpalriek went over to Scio on Tuesday to assis R?v. R. T. Moody two dry in a protr;.ctd niett-in-;, . .'Ttsy 1 -P '''. rs KURESpliASANT TAXATIVE A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follows tha a us of Syrup of Fig, as it act gently on tlio Kidneys, Liveh and Bowels Effectually CI e twin g tha System whea Costiv or Bilious, lHnplUng Colds, Headaches and Fevers and permanently coring HABITUAL CONST1PATTOW without weakeniutf on h: or irritating tli onnuui ich it acts. Tor Bl In SOo and SI.OO ItoHlel by U leading ttrosiBtats. SUlfrTAOICMEB OSI.T ST Iff! oiiiroRiiiA. na byeut oo. &l rSAJKISOO, OAL., tonsriLLS, Kt., Mr Toss. K. Y. OUR PREmiUl1S vriTii THE SAN FHANCISCa WEEKLY CALL Price, PtJl per Year, on THE SAN FRANCISCO MORNING CALL IrJee, 00.03 pr Vear, a" rsrurex i to 'piiE san rr.Axcisco wtixly C.VbL In n tiuaJoca.' c's":t-tog I ter. It lit . s-J'.-J cvtty Tlionie;-, r.ad coco'.ns t'l rf tho ir-:r:r::::t i-cs: f fso ral, .e:arl f-r-ia every tj-t;rif fi.- i'o'-. r;i.-:5 CJ t- Cm: ct ..:ti'.!'.a.:o:. It - :it; i i-l- n-3-.lsjr i pee eoraapeaJcarc f -x m c1 '-t tie j rir.t t;: ii;!cs cl t'.;o :!i i :-! u t Cii-ur.t i f t'o tc t !c'e; t .tl t.::'. :!;'.jsit I .:er'. Krcruttire It t : -a l -c l;-.t:.t ei-.l iacj; rc::tj:oC-ai i ttrt mi let iWtat.'C9 s CS1 cvea t-!" ci.'t ' - ' 11 t Lortlcu::uro' end i u'-iUra! u-r-.. t 1 li in every n. :Tti.t e,Cr:t-c".;j ti.Ta.l; pt-p-r, r.jpcslisj tJ Uio ialercit cf c .-c.-j" Lsiilcr t J lc toutcjo'.J. THE MORNING CALL. (scvcussvriA win) U r. live tietropoliiaa Oaily. 1: 1 n !': LVRCrSTC IKCl'LATiOS and l.-rcccjofeeU c J tclr.f; tic LE.VW::a NET.s;v.i Eitcf t ii I ac!e i cr.st. i:i;i;r cf tbe ebovc t sr-f vc xi-'tll send rotpcU cs a iireciluta oa nj ti.!;t ct C-e f !!?trhi cut&ciii-.:i?n i t it tUc ccmbinatioQ : This j i-r i:l More Irs vt year - - Si 5 T'li s I !i?r ntid We Wly t'!'. x-r year BOSS' OF THE ROAD OVERALLS, They are the BEST. Ask for them TAKE NO OTHER. If anydmlcr n M tie tins the IT. I. reMa wltiiout ntin and price Mampect os Ute bottots, pat talni dawn as a fraud. IV. L- DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR CENTLEMENa RKt In tKe worlH. K'anilaai hla SS.OO ORNCINF. ltAXr-S.W KP) fIIOK. 4.W H AMMf.lVF.K WMI KliOC. I'OLICK ANI rAllMt-.K? KIIOK, tti.HO MTKA VAI.I'B CALF KCOIS. te.8-1 WOK K I NGMAN'S SIIOK, . mt.OO and IS 1.75 HOTS' SI UOIH, KIIOES. Ail uuule In MoturreM, Pulton and Lw. VV. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE FOR LADIES. Krst Material. IWt Grlm. Host Ftttiac. It but bv vour rl.-alt-r, w-Vlte W. L. UOtiQl-AS. BKUeXTON, 9tASa C. C HACKLEHAH. St. Charles Hotel LEBANON, OREGON, X. W. Corner Jfain and Sherman Street, lilck.G Krt ot KailrtHid cpol. Two H. E. PARRISH, Pvlanager. Tables Supplied with the Rest the .Market Aflbrla. S.imfile Rooms and the Host Accouitaodationii for t'oinnitrciul Men. GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. SECURE PRICES. Ho Trouble to Show Goods AT DEYOE & ROBSOX S, Auuxy, On. V,. .J f I ' vliA t L " V-' " !".'. A. . Mucli the Newest Nobblect and Eargont Stwk of- CLOTHING In the County IsNowtobeSeen ON THK COUNTERS -OF- L. E. BLAIN, OF j Albany, Oregon. When vou want toJ 'fr"drcss up," we would fl)e glad to show you through and make the pi bright price, t FENCE MACHINE. ratrnled Pee. STlh. HJ7. tj- U H. Erans. The wl-.THtfjnctl having purchased 'he riyht of Linn raft Ilentort counties, now prvjxtrvl to build fence or 9;!l wt-shinr and ranch rijhf$, Parties purvha iinff aid fence mnching can "f jHd th'ir otcn f: n-:e for one-ha'f the os? of it shriHtr fence put up in roll, t::d ij.t ii bet t.T fence. Ort.-e at l)E YOi: & ROBSOXW, i!bay, .... Oregon. 'JTlioitinM l1 . 3Ittlillt Proprietor. ! OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA ! VIA SOUTH RRX PACiriCCOJIPAXY'if LINE. The Mt. Shasta Route. TlP3 Eetwica Albany and Saa Ym cisc5, 35 Eoars. Callforr.la Exprets Trains Run Dally BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SAN FRANCISCO. oo r. :U r. 7 i5 ji M....I.T rinlaud. Ar...l0-15 . M. Alk-anv I.r... :t5 . . x.....r 5an Kr'am-ico....l.v... 7 AH r. M. Local Ptiirnir Trains Dally (sxcept Sunday) x .TOa. SI....I.T t'onlnd IS -10 P. N....I.V Albany ... 2:40 f. ....Ar ..latene Ar... 8 r. . l.r...ll -K5 A. M. I.T... SOT. . Local Paner Trains Dally (except 8unda 5 -4R A 7m . i 7. F a nooTZ..T7A r 1S Y. M. 6 S . M Ar ..AIba!ir t.T...K':f0 r. . i0 r. X....I.T Lebanon Ar... .0S r. . 2 is r. M....Ar Alt-any... Pullman Buffet Sleepers. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation of Pecond-Claas Passengers, attached to Express Traius. Ths . A C. R. R. Femr makes connection with all the regular train oil the KaM Side fiv. from foot of F ktreet, Portland. West Side Division. BCTWEEX TO AT LAND and C0RVALL1S Mall Train Dally (rxcept Sunday). 7-TiOa. m..i.v Portland. 12:ift p. m. Ar CorTallj. Ar..:0O p. m. LT...1:) p. m. At Albany and CorralUs connect with trains ol Oregon I'aciiie Kailread. Express Train Dally (except Sunday). 4 no p. m. S.-00 . m. I.v ..Ar .Portlind ...McMinTille... ...Ar . .Lt. .9 :00 a. 1. ,i 5 a. ni. THROUGH TICKETS To All Point SOUTH 1KD EAST YIA CALIFORNIA. 9-For full laforaialioa regard tap rates, aaapr, etc.. call on company's agent at Allmny. K. KOI.UI.KR, K. P. KOOKRS, Manaser AarL G. F. A Pa. AffenL FDRTHILLER & IRYING, ALBANY, OREGON. Mnufactnrvrs of aud Dcr.lers in all Kinds Import all First-Class Goods DIRECT FROM THE EAST. A complete stock of Wall Paper, Doeo rations and Window Bhadea. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. TINYARE AND HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS AT DEYOE A EOBSON'S, Amjaxy, Ok. THIS Vrre invite you to come and look through our Mam- J moth Stock of GrocGries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Etc. TVXitwiii to QniHS unci Ti-otliy Seed. PURE GOODS & Hides. Furs and all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. We Guarantee Fair Treatment to All. W. B. DONACA. Corner Brick Store, Main Street, Lebanon, Linn County, Or. ALL FRESH. In connection with my Jewelry eatab lisUineut. 1 have addi-d a SlLlCCT H.TCOCIC OF FresH Candies, Hats ft Cigars. The candy i. loth hand and tuachin? made, and is the Finest Assortment EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN. My ttock of '.ry ii eompfele; hare Jut cesved s supply of JSIZS' CLOCKS. Call and ius.et sny good. G E. HARDY. THE YAQUINA ROUTE. OREOOX PACIFIC RAILROAD Orcgoa DeTelopseat Co's Stsamstip Line 92S SHOilTER. SO HOURS LESS TIME Thau by any other Route. First Class Throne Fan(r A Freight Line FROM From Portland and all Points la the WlUametl Valley to aud from &in Francisco, Lai. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays:) Lv. AiitanY. 1 00 cm. I Lt. TAQrtv. 6 45 a. m. Lv. Corvllis.1 4'J p. 1U. Aa. YAyl l.NA b.'tu p. so I Lt. CoavALLislO:35a. m. . ) As. Alsahy, 11:10 a. n. O A C Trains viuist at Albany and Corvallis. Th. sbore Trains oon?ct st Ysquina with the Oregon l;li'prunt ConiBaoy s Line of fcleauitiiin between la&uuiaana Fan 8AILIN9 DATKS BTriui saT I From . F. f rom Yaoiina. Willametle Valley Dec. 6 Dec. 17 tee. 30 I'ee. li Willamette Vallcr Willamellr Valley Dec. SI This Company rererres the rlrfht to ehaage "ail ing datss wiUio'ut notice. Pasaenjrer from Portland, and all Willamette Vallsv por.its, can make close connection itl Ihe Trams of the Yaui'ina Kocti at Albany or Con-allK and If destined to Han Traucisco. should arranire lo arrive at Yaquina ths eveuing be or. the date of sailing. Passenscr and Frlfflit Hates ALWAYS TIIE LOWEST. FOR INFORMATION APPLY TO C. II. HASWEJ.L. ! C. G. HOtiLTC, Geu'l Kr't A Paw Ajr't, Acfr Gen'l F. A P. Ag"t. Giviron DoTelopinent Co. S04 Montcotnery St., Sau Frant-lco, Cal'a. 0. 1' K. K. R. Co., Corvaliin, Orc'Rou. Willamette River Line of Steamers, THK-WM. it. netAC." THE "X. 8. BR.VTLY," TIIE 'TifREF. HSTKRa" Are In rerrlc. for both pawenRor and freight tratlic between Corvallis and Porllnnd and inter mediate points, lnHTinif company's wharf, Corval lis. and lrn. Hulinnn & Co.'r wharf, Kas. 200 and 202 Front street. Portland. Monday. We.lnes. iay and Fridays, making three round trips each week as follows. BORTIt Bocxn. Leave Corrallij Monday. Wednesday, Friday. 6 a. m.: lc.tve All!nv M:S0 n. m. Arrive Salem. Monday, Wedncwlay. Frictny. 3 p. m.: leave Salem, Tuesday, Thursday, ialurdy, 8 a. m. Arrive Portland, Tuesday, Thunday, Saturday, 3:M p. m. rts BOCNK. Leave Portland, Monday, Wednesday. Friday, 6 a. m. Arrive Sal'Mii. Monday, Wednesday. Friil.-ty, :15 p. m.; leave Salem, Tuesday. TlmrMtajr, Saturday, 6 a.m. Leave Alb'tny 1:1H p. tn. Arrive t'orvallis Tuesday, Thursday ana Satur day 3:30 j. m. Paints, Oils and Brisks AT DEYOE & ROBSON'S, ALh-.A:;Y, On. INTERESTS FULL WEIGHTS At Cost! Still G. W. SIMPSON, rlbniiy, Having: purchased the stock of Clothing. Gents' Fur- nishine Good?. Beets. Shoes, Etc.. of C. B. Roland . & Co. is now Better Bargains than Ever ! Having a complete assortment cf General Merchandise, bought at a I itr discount, which vs still proposes to sell at jcost, purchasers will dj well io call and get his prices before buying elsewhere, as ycu can save from 25 to SO per cent. Ihe higucst market j -rice kinds, cither in casii or goous. CRUvSON -DEALIOt3 IN WAGONS, BUGGIES, HACKS, A2fD ALL Vehicles, Implements, TOOLS OF Light and Heavy Machines, BARB AND SMOOTH WIRE, IRON, STEEL, OO-AL, GUNS AND AMMUNITION. Call in, Gentlemen, and we Happy. Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVrX THAT TIIE' co-partnership nereto'ore existing between! D. Andreas and e". C. Hackleman. partners doinf; business under the firm name of Andrews t Hack-' leman. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, j C. C. Hacklaraan will continue the business at the; oM stand, and will collect all claims duo and pay; all demands again -I the late &a. Lebanon, Or., Jan. 1, lSiS. TlianVing tlie public for their liberal patronasej in the past. I ak a continuance of the fame, andj will endeavor to so conduct my busiuess as to, merit the patronage and good wUI of all. Call; ar.d see my goods and learn prices. - C. C. HACKLEMAX. FINE LINE OF GUNS AND Good Stock of Amnmnition: AT DEYOE tv ROBSON'S, Alhany, Ok. YOU. IS OUR MOTTO. to the FrontI Orcgou, prepared to offer paid for country produce of all & MILLER, KINDS OF ALL SOIR.TS, will Make You J. L, Cowan. J. M. R&tston BAHK OF LEBAHOH, Lebanon, Oregon, i Transacts a Geseral Basting Basiaess Accounts Kept Sabjeet to Chwsk. Exchange Sold on w Tork.Saa Fran cisco, rortiand and Albaay, Oregca. Collections Made st FststsUs Terr.:. DEYOE & ROBSON AP.E AGEOT3 FOR The New High-Arm Davis Vertical-Feed SEWING MACHINE, Best Machine in the Market- l It K t-0S. .